'serJes cnuouoxel ,{ueu re,to puerdsexrl3:o.reqrunu a8rul e sleel:edtd luerrnc sL\I Dlnutor ?olpelelersercedseqlJouorsrle.repcs-e8:e1eluesard1y,,n.rededSur,rolloJV.(166I 'o)unpar .reddoH? Ja{ooJg) sercadspotelal puu oopuo g srydlytcng 1o uorsrlare sB^\serpnls eseqt 'exej Jo ISJIJetLL llrlEqsnv uJelse.&\01 crurepue ur radudsql ur qctq,r Jo o/dl lnq llB sntd{pJng ,\\eu snoue^ ,{JrssEIcpu€ equf,sepe,^ qf,rqA\ur srededrofeur euqt Jo selres€ ur puotes eql st rededs[11 uollJnpoJlul '€llBJlsnv 'owsst171o qtnos Jo uor?aruasap erJt olur puelxe qcrq,r Jo qloq dsqns .papr,tord trlltwsquty g puuosotaruolSg to11decrc€rlpJtsnv uJelsed\ ol ctruepueelE EXet,reu eql 11y are sdeur uorlnqrrlsrq cnsou8rp ere ,{po srelcuruqcryBq qclq,{\ to1 oro\qtlousapo pue ptDpqc 'ddsqns suatfucap? puE srelceJEqcrnsouSurp eql eJesuorsueurp trn4 puE pnq Jeel pue sFlJ€JBqc 'lrqEq 'dsqrs 'g,sJslaBJtr.qx {JBq qcrq,r roJ DqtuDqJDp DdrDroeow A puEDllaluo?a\a'dsqnsotoulSrDw 'A cqsouSerpeql ere sso13;ee1pue rnoloa J€al qcrq,{.roJ D)lss?]i'qt'dsqns oeulStow psl- outtoqd 'dsqns 'petuJlsnllr stsuaouoqqa? .roJldacxe ere€xel ,{\eueqJ redvdeq1 lnoq8norql serceds1o sdno;3 luelelel eql .lo pueqoql l€ uelr8 eJesaues cruouoxvl rlcueuo selou crlsouStrc aDuDlsDJnTseues g v pet:oJes aouoatd?J sauasqns,,,reu y sercadsrqctr1 tuuthl Sururcureraqt sesuduoa aDqottq)O 'ar?sarJ 'a 'g 'aDxallul serJesa euq,/t\ serJes l^eu eql ur DlsaDJ sertesqns!r ,reu eql ur pale8elSassr 'apuala4Dg-s"rJssqns on1dtun3 serJesJo ralood-auq A pelceJgsr srsrr?uoppllDgse:ues Mev e pue ,rau aql epnlcur ol pepuudxes s s aDnqJuotJlry seuosaql 'sagardnaq pue aDwJlDd .sgrJesqns o,rl olur pepr^rppuc- pe]JeJ€ sr aDLo4pgseues ,reu eqJ ,{JEsseceulueruluer pelupdnue reptsuoca,Lr ueq,ti,{Iuo alrr,rep e^r qorq,r uro4 (8861)6l aurnlo^ €llEJlsnvJo rlJoH sqt Jo eJntElcuerxoupuu lepJo eql ur petee.qaj€ "xrl ,reN paqrJcsepo.re sn|df,loJn4 Jo seDedsqns,treu ,{1ue,t1 puE serJads ,,$au o,r\l -,{lue^\l'souasqns,reu xrs'seues,reueaJqJ (t66I) g9-I :(I) 6 €rst,(nN ertErsnvqlnos uroJ-+puu elP.qsnv ulelseld tuo4 (eEeJBu,{I) sfljd(/,rl'g 3o sercedsqnspue sercedsserJJsqns'sJrrJS ^\eN lrBJlsqY (S0O9grt?Isnv uetse,'\A'quedtseld'uaprgC aruulog puc {led s8ur) :sserppxtuernJ) 'oorouueA'I9 S909?llsllsnv tuetsolA xog Od lluauo8rueNput.I prl?uo!€^lesuo3 Jo tueuruudeoi 'errequeJ'0091 ./fttsnpq t09ZtrJV xog OdC lueldJo uorsr^rcOdISJT /eoooHd s puurre{oorg HII ellBJlsnY qlnos ruo{ puB e[BJ]snv uJelseM ruo4 .sauasqns,sag.ras (auaeegdtrX)snld{p)ng Jo selJedsqnspuu seJ)ads ,re1q (€66t)89-t :(I) 6 !rq{nN Nuyrsiavol. 9,No. I (1993) We are not satisfied that any published formal classifications of the genus EucaLyplrs adequately deal with many groups of specieswhich we treat herein. Hence, we have erectednew series and subserieswhere needed. Our initial data are derived largely from our extensivefield experience,the eucalyptcollections in the Westem Australian Herbarium (PERTH) and the CSIRO Division of Plant Industry (CANB) and frorndiscussions with colleagu€sand other collectors. In addition,we haverelied to a largeextent upon glasshousetrials to completethe comparativemorphological studies on seedlingmoryhology. Many of the new speciesoccur over a relatively wide mnge and are in sufficient abundanceor in protected areas that they are in no danger of extinction. Some arc of restricted distribution in agriculturalareas but their occurrenceon land unsuitablefor farming, e.g. lateritic breakaways,may save them and their associatedvegetation from being cleared. One of the speciesof restdcted distribution,E angularis, prodtces apparentlyhealthy buds and flowers but is not known to have set seed. Testsmay indicatethat the two populationsare actuallyprcliferations of singleindividuals, but its distinctivenessis worthy of taxonomic recognition. Most of the descriptiveterms used in the digestsfor speciesare explained and illustated in Brooker & Kleinig (1990). Itis ofpafticular valueto recognisethe tee/mallet distinction,the latterbeingahabit form peculiarto Westem Aushalia. For an accountof our taxonomicconcepts, materials and methods, and background information on studieson Westem Ausftalian eucalypts,see Brooker & Hopper (1991). Taxonomic treatment Eucalyptus ser. Ebbanoenses Chippendale,Fl. Ausbalia 19:497 (1988). Type: E. ebbanoensis Maiden. The monotypic E ser.Ebbanoenses belongs in the informal E. stbgen.Eudesmia (R. Br') Pryor & Johnson(1971).The seriesis diagnosedbythefollowing: smooth-barkedmallee, reniform cotyledons, hairyjuvenile leaves,adult leaves with prominentside veins and no tertiaryYeining and with numerous island oil glands,axillary, 3-flowered inflorescences,stamens in 4 bundles,fruits with a broad level disc, 3 valves to rim level and smooth or lacunoseblack seeds. Key to taxa ofE ser. Ebbqnoenses 1. Adult leavesdu1l.......................... ............E. ebbqnoensissubsp. ebbanoensis 1. Adult leavesglossy ..................... .. 1. E. ebbanoensisstbsp. photina 1. Eucalyptus ebbanoensissubsp. photina Brooker & Hopper, subsp.nov. A subspecietypica foliis nitentibusdiffert. Zypas.' NansonRoad,28'34'5, 114'43'E,12Mar. 1986,M.I.H. Brooker 9195 &5.D. Hopper (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW, MEL). 'seueseql ro; sercedsed,{1 eql go uorsr^rp€ ere selcedsqns,l.t.eu o,$l Bur,ro1lo;eqa serceds;odno:8,{rullrqfi 'e8]EI€ ot,{e{ e epr,rordol.ndud srqlJoosodrnd eql Surpeorxg eq plno.{\ tr puu dno:8 lernteu s tou e.reelepueddrq3 {q pue ,{1e1e1g^q peu+ep sE talpluaplJJo 'eJoJaJoqt'a,\erleq 'suorlcss 9q] lEqt ed\ lueJeJJlpuee,rleq pephlp are,,,rseLlads Jseqt (2861 'p n seBrpel) sadQDrouory lllrluJtsnv welsei& Jo uooucrJrsselcluurJoJur lueceJ u \I uaDls g pur- 'lluoeppt 'stl{Jsnarq (uesoqcereqt ad,(topal) DtoutS.otug g gr;o dn epuursr 1 (8861) elppueddrqJ 'wnqsatdnq 'sllDrclndas u1 olout8totu E pua uaD$ g A g pasrrdruocsarres aql (f[6I) {1ary19 u1 'uosuqof T .ro,{JdsntdtlDrouow snue8qnsg lEuJJoJuraql ut sBuopq saloluap?rro serJas? eq.L qllus xe uuoc DlDul8rDwg :(9961elupueddulS aptl) adK1o\cal 'Gt6i '6tr ILI ,,s1d,{1ecngoql ol .{e) y,,',{lerylg saptuaprrrg ressnld,{l?rng 'JsddoH d' le1ooJg DaDuqJDlD? qll'$ s'$ol' tI 'leeqcrt{ tI/{ pue ,{E,\\e{ley'do} qtnospue npe.rgpue e8urg ,{qseroyqeq1;o ,(1rurcr,reqt ur s,(e,tu1ue:q crtuet€l ol palf,rrlsersr oulpqd dsqr\se1q,{\ ueseq Euolcr1 lpel5 eqt ot sp:ll,{\tsc?uotpluJag JBeu ruo4 slueruuorrlueSuuseluoc ur uounqr4srpeprm ,{lqrryuruere seq sercedsqns1ecrdft eq1 saTolur 'uuo3 pcrd,{1 ',{urqs puerdsepr,reqt ot paruduoc se,\Eeleqt ro e^.ltducsapsE - sowato7dqea13- a'41rLrotg ,lSolotuKtg 'u,roulull pouad duua ol! '((0661) ?l,Ja reddoH ur S ,tuoud) 'se^reser Surrolruoru1o paauur pu? uortE^lesuoteulos ur ernceslnq uoulurocull suD$ uoliD^Jasuo) '( I arn?rC)ErlEllsnV 's,{E,r€{€erq 'uolppraD uratsal\ uo oAUEU,{qesrol eqt ur ,{FulncrtJ1?d Io tsoapup qlJoN uounqutsre '(HJUAd) LL|I t$. D,tAJJ!,i4A'tL6l tao 9Z'uorplereDlo lpu Aselru 9t:GJUgd uDtU dE,qlax V taldoN y'686t^tnf 6t E.4eltnt t-uolptureDtuo4 pU '6861 ' €uuEnsEJu,rop S uDt Z I I :(HJUgd) 0l E Q1a, y 4 otdrlrl y ,(lnl 6l seu retEd\ EueJaqrri[ 'gNVl) 'g,gt.tI alrsoddopg e,trel1nwuo trd Ie^ErC:(HJUAd 809ri lrt VT DIdDN V'6961,(lnf 8 t I 'S,9t"82'pU '0861 suloN,{qdrnl t uo uosulzNJo S ru) Z t:GJdgd) ggTEtuat13ray T, 8nV,Z 'uolpluJaCJo 'BrJpqtB,roH'uu€.] '.(u.{u11eL1go gN s,ec.{ou:G]JUAd) tESL a8nag g y'9961 deg y g 'e8ueu '(ureJ selrrrrtZ :(HIUAd'ANVJ) LE6Zna{uDtJ 1 y't86t 8nV gZ ,{qesror{tsea s,qcuureH 'ppod uotplDreg-uosusNruor.' Jlo-urnt €)oouoo,{uoo}{ .}o gN ru)t tt:(HJdAd'SNVJ) €Z€ '8urpr5 alopuad&43 IAtg'896I re1rtr11 npEJgJo E selru t t:(SNVJ) 10Z6plou7 H I W'986t .ru11 'fume11v16 ',^[SN "]A1,rtr'ggy3) 11 ot pporuo pEoUBurJnB.]o g ur) / / I :GJdgd raddog 6'5 '(A,8S"7II 'S,9S.82) T 6616nryoq H I W'9861 IEI I ZI leeqcU lW Jo AS ur 00S c :(aNVJ) 'H't'W '9861 'teeqcrtr^tr '.pvoU 9616i tootB rutr{Zt lhtr:(gNVJ) 96t6ra?ootg HI'N'986t r?I,^tZl uosu€N:(HJUgd'SNVJ) LlBSra?oorBH I n'9t6l qeCt'JeuIoH tr{Jo gSS ,{tr,aAvltrerq:GtlUAd 'gNvJ) ,V6L D)tootg HI'W'tB6I uEf9Z'e^reseU ernteN p€ou €ulrng :(HI)dAI) O9lLptDag St 'tL6I ta} 9Z'Sslpls np?.rgJo A selrurtI :VI'I!TISnV NUSJSAI& pauluDra suawDadsnqto 'se^eel tlnp€,{sso13{rer eqt ur sarcedsqns1ucrd,{1 aq1 u-ro.4 sJerlrp lI 'reddoH swdqnn4 qs T, reloorg HII{ NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1q93) FigureL Distributionof taxaNos I I 3 Key to subspecies of E. marginata l Adult leavesglossy, green to dark green 2. Adult leavesbroadly lanceolate, >10 x 2 cm ..............................8marginata subsp. marginata 2. Adult leaveslanceolate, <10 x 2 cm (often <1.5 cm wide).. 2. E. marginata s[bsp. elegantella 1. Adult leavesdull, grey to bluish.................................................3.E. marginata stlbsp. thalassica 2. Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Smith subsp.elegantella Brooker & Hopper, subsp.nov. A subspecietypica lbliis adultis parvioribusangustioribus et habitu paryiore compactodiffert. Typzs: Darling Scarp, ca. 3 km due west of Janahdale,Atkinson's property, 32'20'5, 116'01'8, 30 Mar. 1991,S.D. Hopper 7916 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW). It differs from the typical subspeciesby the smaller,narrower adult leaves(to 9 x 2 cm but often <1.5 cm wide) and srnallermore compacthabit. '.rauruns,{1rca - sercedsqnspcrd,{t eqt roJ sy pouad SulJa ol4 'p€eJosepr,t\puE uotuuroc snlD|suol|ollasuo) '(I eln8rg) ErlEl]snv uJetseft\'e8uug SutFuq uJequoueqJ uoq qltste '(SNVC) '826t 'eFpq€r]DI ll s arpltpA| a a qed 8 :(sNvJ) (zt98l Iuc) '0t61 '.{e.rq8rg plro\ g flnl 91 .(uuq1y3ed elru ZZ:(HJdgd'SNVJ) 9ZS0I tuaq7pY 7.9 '886I 'fefpooJJo '.aurllr€lC:(HJUAd) des6I iN rDI0Z ES86{-tat131aS1 g'1961 uelLZ,urCurojoN 'llert '8861 'a,/I"9I UDISZ s.lr?luufi:Gttuad'lAsN'gNV3)
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