Historical Records of the Forty-Third Regiment, Monmouthshire Light Infantry, with a Roll of the Officers and Their Services

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Historical Records of the Forty-Third Regiment, Monmouthshire Light Infantry, with a Roll of the Officers and Their Services This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. http://books.google.com . |\'. .13... .iumfifiofi 1.2mx~w?...m.4. 31. fl ‘ I i5§iti~€§guwh§ 3, “38331C3q, HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE FORTY-THIRD RÉGIMENT, MONMOUTHSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY, WITH A ROLL OF THE OFFICERS AND THEIR SERVICES FROM THE PERIOD OF EMBODIMENT TO THE CLOSE OF 1867. BY I, SIR RICHARD‘GEORGE AUGUSTUS LEVI‘NGE. BART. lM “La gloire de l'armée Britannique lui vient, avant. tout; de son excellente discipline et de la bravoure calme et franche de la nation.”—GEN. F07. LONDON: W. CLOWES & SONS, 14, CHARING CROSS. 1868. IDNDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CIDWEL‘S AND 8035, STAMFORD STREET, ‘ AND CIIARIXG CRO§. "i :2 7 FE ea \ ‘2 rs-E-‘lj/k. ' \. war»3: .~4 '4".; _ .(r,(-’ \ I 7‘ 'v . - ’~_. 0 Lyn ' "xi .M‘H HAVING passed many early happy years in H.M. 43rd Light Infantry, it was a matter of surprise to me as well as to others, that of so gallant and distin guished a Regiment no memoir existed. I have endea voured, however inadequately, to supply the deficiency. It has been with me a labour of love to compile the following records of “old corps ” from sources, both published and private—too varied and manifold to enu merate—in all points, I believe, authentic. They claim no literary merit, but the “plain, unvarnished tale” will, I trust, be received and read with interest by all who have served or may serve in the Regiment. RD- LEVIN GE. Knocxnnm CASTLE, November lat, 1867. ERRATL Page 45, line 20, for Trevor Hall read Hull. ,, 134, ,, 1, ,, Mason ,, Nason. ,, ib. ,, 2, ,, Hall ,, Hull. ,, 319, ,, insert Jonson, ROBERT, appointed Major on formation of Regiment. 337, SINGLETON, WILLIAM, for “Out 1843-4” read “Out 1743-4.” ‘1 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE 431w LIGHT INFANTRY. 1739. ll‘HE claim of the Spanish Government to the right of search, and the aggressions committed by that Power on the commerce of Great Britain, in the West Indies, by ‘ Guarda-Costas’ and other ships acting by authority of the King of Spain, contrary to existing treaties, led to a Convention between the two Crowns, which was concluded on the 14th of January, 1739. It stipulated that compensation should be made by Spain, in reparation of hostilities committed on British subjects in the American seas. The Court of Madrid violated the Convention, and consequently, on the 23rd of October, war was proclaimed. 1740. While the war was being carried on between Great Britain and Spain, on the 20th of October, Charles VL, Emperor of Germany, died; and the succession of his daughter, the Archduchess Maria Theresa, being disputed by the Electors of Bavaria and Saxony, a.C0ntinental war resulted. England and France, in the first instance, acting as auxiliaries, finally became principals in this contest, subsequently known as the “ War of the Austrian Succession.” Louis XV ., King of France, supported the Elector of Bavaria, while King George IL, adhering to B 2 Historical Records of the 1741. the Pragmatic Sanction, to which nearly all the potentates of Europe had been parties, espoused the claims of the Archduchess. 1741. Augmentations were accordingly made in the British army and navy. Ten regiments of marines were raised and embarked under Admirals Vernon and Sir Chaloner Ogle. To these were added seven regiments for the regular line, numbered from the 54th to the 60th, the first being the subject of the present Memoir. In the Commission Book of that period, in the War Oliice, appears the following entry :— “ Thomas Fowke, Esq. (Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Fowke had for many years commanded the 7th Dragoons) to be Colonel of a regiment of foot, to be raised forthwith for our service, and likewise to be Captain of a company in our said regiment. “ GEORGE R. “ HARRINGTON. “St. James’s, 3rd January, 1840-1." A On the 17th of the same month he received the 'following orders for raising the regiment :— ‘~ War Ofifice, 17th of January, 1741. “ Sm,—His Majesty having thought fit to order a regiment of foot to be forthwith raised under your command, which is to consist of ten companies, of three sergeants, two corporals, two drummers, and seventy effective private men in each company, besides commissioned ofiicers; and to grant a warrant for allowing two pounds for each private man as levy-money, and to authorise the Commissary-General of the Musters to make out muster-rolls complete, for two musters, from the 25th of December last, the commencement of your establishment, the better to enable your officers to raise good and able men; I am therefore commanded by Mr. Secretary-at-War to acquaint you with this, and that his Majesty expects you will take care to have your regiment complclc at the expiration of the two said musters. “I am further to acquaint you that the proper orders will be sent for issuing the necessary arms, as usual, out of his Majesty’s stores of ordnance ; as also to the Paymaster-General of the Forces to pay you fourteen hundred pounds, being two pounds per man, as levy-money for seven hundred effective private men, and likewise to issue to you two l74l. 4 3rd Lzlg/zt Infantry. 3 months’ subsistence for the whole regiment, from the 25th day of December last, inclusivei “I am, &c., (Signed) “ RD. ARNOLD.” In Hooker’s ‘ Weekly Miscellany’ of the 27th Decem ber, 1740, it states that “ a great number of brave old subaltern officers are arrived from Ireland and the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, &c., in expectation lof being provided for in the regiments which are ordered to be raised with all expedition. Some of the most experienced men are to be drafted out of each company in the three regiments of Foot Guards to serve as sergeants and corporals in the said regiments.” The following oflicers were appointed to commissions :— I/ieut.-Colonel, Charles Crosbie. Major, Robert Johnson. Captains. Edward Northall. William Singleton. William Pritchard. Demetrius James. John Sterling. James Haliburton. John Farie. Captain-Lieutenant, Sir William Boothby. Licutcnanlfl. Richard Temple. 1 Antony Mallet. James FitzPati-ick. 1 Robert Elliot. Hans Fowler. ‘ William Sansom. Charles Maitland. | John Lloyd. John Carter. Witherington Morris. Ensigm. John Charles Hay. John Moore. Hans Hamilton. Daniel Melville. James Preston. Patrick Campbell. Thomas Elliot. | John Symmes. Chaplain, John Bourne. Surgeon, Thomas Phillips. Adjutant, Patrick Campbell. Quarter-Mnsler, Thomas Thclkeld. 4 Hz'ston'cal Records of £110 1741-47. At that time the colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major were gazetted as captains of companies, and the captain’s lieutenant commanded the colonel’s company. Captain lieutenants were abolished in 1803. 1741. The business of recruiting progressed rapidly, and by the 24th of March the regiment was formed and occupied Ampthill, Hocklifi'e, Leighton Buzzard, and Woburn. On the 12th of August, Colonel Fowke was removed to the 2nd Foot, and on the same day \Villiam Graham was appointed to succeed him. 1742. In April, the head-quarters being at Winchester, Colonel Graham received the following official commu nication :— “It is His Majesty’s pleasure that you cause the regiment of foot under your command to march as soon as transports shall be ready to receive them, from their present quarters, in such divisions as you shall think proper, to Portsmouth, there to embark for the Island of Minorca, &c., &c.—Given at the War Office the 28th day of April, 1742.—By His Majesty's command. “WALTER Youmm. " To Win. GRAHAM, Eso., Colonel of II. M. 54th Regiment of Foot, 01' ofliver commanding lhe said regiment, at Winchester." 1742-47. During the whole war of the Austrian succession, the 54th was employed in the protection of ' the island of Minorca. It consisted of ten companies of seventy men each. On the 7th of February, 1746, Colonel James Kennedy succeeded William Graham as full colonel. 1748—49. 43rd Lzlg/zt Infantry. 5 1748. In this year the regiment numbered 815 men, including oflicers. On the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle of the 7th of October, and consequent conclusion of the war, several corps were disbanded, and the numerical title of the regi ment was changed from that of 54th to 43rd, by which it has ever since been distinguished. N 0 special records exist of the battalion while quartered in Minorca, but from private correspondence it is conjec tured their time passed agreeably. The necessaries of life were abundant and cheap, ladies fair and frank, sport good and plentiful. Oyster-fishing was a general amuse ment of the day, and breaking up huge masses of rock to dislodge a small species of fish called clatg/ls, reached by divers, who armed with hammers, fastened to the right arm, plunged into the deep, was another favourite pas time. These were esteemed a great delicacy and must have for centuries been embedded in the crevices. It is con jectured that they were originally worked into the natural orifices of the rock by the force of the water, which had ever since supplied the necessary sustenance. They were found in clusters, each encrusted in two shells somewhat in size and shape resembling a finger slightly bent. 1749. In July Colonel Kennedy’s regiment was relieved from Minorca, and being placed on the Irish establishment, landed on the 5th of October at Cork, under command of Major Sir William Boothby, Bart. The roll of officers then present and absent, exists in the record tower of Dublin Castle.
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