Upper Rissington’s Newsletter Despite the distractions of sunshine and summer activities, the ‘Breeze’ team has finally got its act together and produced the next newsletter. So far all the feedback from the first issue has been good, but please keep your comments and suggestions coming (
[email protected]), Summer/Autumn positive or otherwise! Also, do let us have any news 2014 items or announcements we might include. On which note, congratulations to Maisie Laughton for being Inside this issue: selected to attend an international guide camp next year, hopefully we’ll hear more in future Village news p2 issues. Albion news p3 UR history p4-5 This quarter we continue David Harrison’s series on Upper Rissington road names, I’m not sure how Sports Page p6 many issues we are from Wright Road! Also more Bus news p7 gardening tips from Polly, photos from the fete, The View from Here p10 and an insight into what it’s like to run the London Youth Page p11 Marathon (gulp!). Gardening on a Hill p12 Parish Plan Thanks again to our sponsors and advertisers for update p13 enabling us to stay in full colour for this edition. Development Don’t forget to let us know if you would like your news p14 copy electronically. CUR:ve news p15 Sue Handy Useful contacts p16 Upper Rissington Annual Fete—Third time lucky for the weather What a great day for a fete. The weather really helped us all get out there and have a wonderful time mixing with friends and neighbours, entertaining ourselves and being entertained.