Serving the Daemen College Community Since 1950 Volume 42, Number 2______Circulation 1,700 October, 1986 Wildlife Mural Goes To The Zoo Little Theatre celebrates grand began I his pasi March, and has continued right tip to lhe sixth of reopening October. The twenty-one foot by five1 and r | ’, he theatre department at one-half foot mural consists of 14 JL Daemen College is pleased to animals. “ It’s a very unconven­ announce the following activities tional design, all the animals art' in already taking place in the newly a running com posit ion heading renovated theatre building. toward the view er.’’ he said. The “ Little Theatre" will be Receiving no pay for his work. celebrating its grand reopening Czajkowski estimates he spent at with the student proseminar pro­ least sixt y hours a week working on duction of “ Vanities," by Jack the mural once the painting began. Hcifner. This project marks the He has been supporting himself by completion of Jonathan Ryan’s drawing portraits at local shopping course of study in theatre at the malls. college. Once work on the mural started. The cast, consisting of Cyrene Larry felt his artistic skills improv­ Esposito, Joanne Rich, and ed greatly. “ In the beginning my Theresa DiMuro, is hard at work drawing skills were pretty good, perfecting this tour-,de-force, a but my painting skills were not.” comedy, that deals with the growth he said. Since the painting of the of three South-western girls from mural began last spring, he their senior year in high school into believes his painting skills have im­ their late twenties. proved dramatically. Also involved in the production Larry is hoping that his countless are Stage Manager Troy Pepper. ^■■'••wo years ago Buffalo Zoo Ortolani then proposed that hours of labor on this project will Assistant to the Director, Lisa JL Director Minot H. Ortolani Larry design a mural to be per­ pay off in the form of recognition. “ I Czajkowski, ‘ and Faculty Advisor visited Daemen College in search of manently installed on the facade of eventually want to get into the field Rosalind Cramer. a student interested in designing a the zoo. Later it was decided that of illustration. But until then. I Show times are scheduled for mural for the side of a Metro bus to the mural would be displayed on a wouldn’t mind painting bill­ December 4 through 6 at 8:00 P.M. advertise the zoo. Designs for a wall in the lobby between the boards.” said Larry. Daemen Drama Club mural were considered from Gorilla Habitat and the Children’s So far his efforts were publicized Daemen College’s new drama certain Daemen art students and Resource Center just inside the in a front page article in the Satur­ club, the Image Makers, has U.B. students. The design chosen zoo’s main gate. Larry took advan­ day. October 4 edition of the Buf­ already had its first meeting to elect was done by a U.B. student. tage of this possible career oppor­ falo News. officers. The posts were filled as However, Ortolani saw much pro­ tunity and worked the project into The Buffalo Zoo had also arrang­ follows: President, Lisa mise in the mural proposal of his senior thesis. He then began ed for some companies who adver­ Czajkowski; Vice President, Chris Daemen student Larry Czajkowski. practicing painting techniques to tise on billboards and need il­ Nigro; Secretary, Troy Pepper; Larry’s design, however, was too be used on the mural on large panel lustrators to attend the unveiling of Treasurer, Jon Ryan. intricate and would take too long to mock-ups of his design. the “ Wildlife Mural" which took The club was formerly the execute for the bus project. Painting on the actual mural place on the evening of October 10. “ Daemen Creative Ensemble” ; the new name reflects the changes that have taken place in the theatre and When A Date Turns Into Rape... the change within the organization DEBATE: very six minutes, someone in rape refers to some form of un­ itself. Anyone with any interest at the U.S. is raped. The majority wanted sexual activity that occurs all in theatre is urged to attend the Eof these rapes go unreported. It ison a date or a party. Usually the meetings; For information on times Are the the fastest rising, violent crime in victim is the female. and dates, contact any of the above listed officers or call the theatre at the FBI’s major crime category. The primary problem that causes contras Rape is a sexually agressive ext. 278. this type of rape is that many males Any inquiries should be directed crime. In legal terms, it is defined believe that women are too shy or as forced sexual intercourse to Rosalind Cramer, Jonathan truly illogical. The male thinks when a Ryan, or Lisa Czajkowski at the without mutual consent. It is not woman says no, she means maybe, necessarily a sexual act, though. It theatre (ext. 278). Come. Join us. freedom and when she says maybe, she WE ARE THEATRE!! is rather an expression of violence, means yes. Thus, the male rejects fighters? anger, or power, according to her message about sex and inter­ Masters and Johnson. Its victims prets it in his own way rather than are male, female, old, young, rich, her literal meaning. See page 3 poor, mentally retarded, disabled, and ablebodied. The offenders or Another problem that may cause Alumni Update rapists fall into the same diverse the unwanted act is that the male may be under the influence of category. obert Macre, class of 1984, alcohol. This may lower his social The most common of all rapes is former English major and inhibition to make his advance. Daemen what is known as forcible rape. For­ R editor of The Ascent, has become a cible rape is intercourse achieved Other situations may occur on a reporter for the Dunkirk Evening Students: by force or threat of force. There are dinner date. Some men think that Observer. He has been assigned Get involved different subcategories that fall picking up the tab pays for sex. the Fredonia area and covers news under forcible rape; solo rape, car­ When a woman refuses, the male from City Hall, Town Hall, Town with your ried out by one individual; gang thinks she is backing down from and School Board meetings, and community, rape, carried out by several in­ the bargain. the Police and Fire Departments. dividuals; date rape, rape that oc­ Some advice to women when go­ Macre was with the Tonawanda join the curs on a date or at a party; and ing on a date is to be prepared to News for one and a half years, mate rape, occurs within the pay your own way and don’t drive covering general assignments marriage. anywhere with a man who has before he accepted his position with Ascent As mentioned previously, date been drinking. the Evening Observer. Macre received the Daemen Col­ staff today! lege Alumni Award at his gradua­ An Irish Adventure. . .See page 3. tion from Daemen in 1984. ______FEATURES /NEWS______Opposing Views: The Contra / Sandinista Question Michelle Costa, an American who for the past three years has lived and worked in Nicaragua, spoke on Sept. 15 at Daemen College. Costa lived and worked in Esteli, a city in northern Nicaragua near the Honduran border. In her presentation, Costa claimed that the U.S.-backed Contras do not represent the political feelings of the Nicaraguan people. The following two people have been invited to express in this issue their views on the Contra-Sandinista situation. Anyone in the Daemen community is invited to express an opi- * nion in the Ascent on any issue or any topic. America’s War in Nicaragua Fairy Tales from South of the Border by Edward Cuddy President Reagan has wrapped it in bv Sail dee McKinivan patrons. a bundle of falsehoods and half- The Soviets were responsible for o nobody’s surprise. Washing­ truths. ell the farm and pack up (he the "shoot first and ask questions T ton has ilatly denied any c on­ "Freedom-fighters!" That’s what babies. . .Utopia has arrived! later” - KAL flight 007 murder of nection with the Americans whose Reagan calls our proxy forces, the S It is a quaint and idyllic land where249 innocent people. Let us not cargo plane was shot down in contras. But, such claims run content peasants live a simple life, forget the brutal 1979 invasion of Nicaragua recently. They were Hy­ counter to a torrent of testimony toiling cheerfully under their belov­ sovereign Afghanistan, which ing military supplies to the from witnesses who have detailed ed leader. Indeed, this poor, but Daniel Ortega publicly applauded American-backed contras fighting the systematic brutality of proud kingdom would be heaven for his communists chiefs. in that country. America’s "freedom-fighters’’. on earth were it not for an evil The Soviets have been widely ac­ “ But God bless them, anyway." Michelle Costa, an American who emperor in a faraway land. This cused of using chemical and said an American official. "They worked for three years in powerful emperor hated the noble biological weapons, as well as the were fighting for freedom." Never Nicaragua, returned with tales of leader so much that he paid reprehensible, "Butterfly Bombs.” . mind that these men were paid butchered friends-of eyes poked criminals in gold to rob and murder These bombs are disguised as toys thousands of dollars for their out, testicles cut off, throats slit throughout the leader’s peaceful to purposely lure children. Why flights. In Washington, these days. open. Fr. Bernard Survil, an countryside. isn’t NICA, or any other neutral America’s paid killers are called American priest there, estimates he Welcome to Nicaragua 1986, as observed organization in “freedom-fighters” not can "plan around twenty-four presented to Daemen faculty and Afghanistan? mercenaries. funerals for the young men” in his students by Michelle Costa, partici­ The focus on the Sandinistas and Most animals kill out of fear or parish, thanks to the $100 million pant in the NICA program. NICA their 1983 “ Public Order Law,” has hunger. Man is the only animal Congress recently voted for the (Nuevo Institut o de Centro- resulted in the incommunicado who kills for abstractions. History contras. Sr. Arlene Woefel, a nun in america), is an independent tax- detention of at least 3000 political is littered with tales of bloody Managua, claims the experience in exempt Massachusetts organiza­ prisioners, according to two slaughter done in the name of noble the town of Waslala, April 3, 1985, tion that promotes educational and separate independent international I ideals--in the name of Christianity, was "typical” of what’s happening cultural exchange between the human rights groups. A special justice, democracy, Marxist in many rural areas. There, the peoples of Nicaragua and North court system for political crimes, humanism. For four decades, the contras killed several peasants, cut­ America, according to its pam­ the “ Popular Anti-Somocista noble vision of America as cham­ ting off their limbs in front of their phlet. Participants live and work Tribunals,” had a 1985 conviction pion of freedom in a world threaten­ wives, then shooting the children with a Nicaraguan host family for rate of 99 percent! When a trial is ed by Soviet communism has fuel­ and their mothers. several weeks. inconvenient, authorities can legal­ led our violent interventions into “ When President Reagan says A strong pro-Sandinista bias ly detain political prisioners in­ the internal conflicts of third world the contras are ‘bringing pressure quickly became obvious during the definitely without a trial at all. countries. to bear on the people of Nicaragua,' presentation, which included a Reports of appalling human rights American power has been pitted he really means they are killing arid short but gory film of an alleged violations inside state security against Cubans in Cuba, Angolans raping people,” claims Dr. Charles contra attack. Reports of atrocities facilities are numerous. in Angola, Vietnamese in Vietnam, Clements. Clements, a former air by U.S.-backed contras are disturb­ The Nicaraguan people are Cambodians in Cambodia, force pilot in Vietnam, spent ing and certainly merit investiga­ regularly told that U.S. economic Salvadorans in El Salvador, several months working as a doctor tion. We should also look at the sanctions are to blame for the Chileans in Chile. Governments in Central America. Even the World other side of the coin. many shortages of consumer items. undermined by our CIA in Iran Court has condemned the U.S. for Daniel Ortega, leader of the San­ Without a free press, they may (1953), Guatemala (1954) and Chile its blatant violation of international dinista Government, has met and never know that because of graft (1973) gave way to brutal regimes law in Nicaragua, a decision sup­ embraced the avowed terrorist, and inherent inefficiencies of cen­ which terrorized their own people. ported by judges from countries Yassir Arafat. There was no men­ trally controlled economics, Soviet- Across the globe, the U.S. has prop­ like France, Italy, Brazil, Argen­ tion of this in Costa’s presentation. bloc nations rarely feed them- ped up such dictators as Marcos in tina, Norway and India. There were no films of the Achille Fairy Tales ... the 'Philippines, Somoza in To justify his assault on Lauro or Rome Airport Terrorist (con’t. on pg. 5) Nicaragua, Diem in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Reagan has portrayed attacks. Batista in Cuba. And through it all, the Sandinista government as a On the day that Congress voted the myth of American devotion to violent Marxist dictatorship which $27 million aid to the contras, On health. . . freedom in a world threated by has betrayed its democratic pro­ Ortega was in Moscow asking for, communism persists. mises. It’s a curious scene-an (and getting), $200 million in ast month, Dr. David Dean Today, this sordid scenario is American President shedding military aid. Apparently the San- was on campus to speak about repeating itself in Nicaragua. To crocodile tears over Nicaragua’s dinistas intend to assume the L “Your Health.” This was an activi­ make this bloody enterprise moral legacy of their communist ty of Campus Ministry. Dr. Dean is palatable to the American people, Nicaragua ...(con’t on pg. 5) a well-known cardiologist who fre­ quently makes presentations on Faculty "Preventive Medicine” and what Cramer Stresses you can do to help yourself stay healthy. We can take better care of A rt Show ourselves by exercising daily, not Importance of by John R. Norris smoking, being careful to get a Oral Communication he annual faculty art show balanced diet and not eating a lot of opened on October 16. In the junk foods. Getting enough rest ozalind Cramer said in àn tools fbr courses.” T past years, the traditional potluck and sleep is important. interview on September 29, dinner was held during the two Drugs can be a disaster to your R that she can never stop expressingObjectives... hours preceeding the opening of life. Often the results are a loss of the importance of oral communica­ Thebbjectives of communication the show. motivation, paying less attention in tion. She views Theatre Arts through speech are, "to gain This year’s potluck featured class, a reduction in study time, understanding of the nature of courses as essential_to individual’s almost an hour worth of musical and lowering of grades. education. communication. To gain skills and entertainment performed by Chris One of the biggest causes of death Asked whether speech should be have practice in communicating Gaiser and Matt McGrath, both are in college aged people is auto a required course, Cramer replied one’s ideas. To gain practice com­ excellent guitarists and sing well. accidents, so wear your seat belts "Absolutely. Without denying the prehending the ideas of others. As usual the food and drink con­ and drive defensively--and, no driv­ importance of writing, speech is Also, to gain understanding in the sumed was well above par. For ing while drinking. equally as important. Two reasons way people influence each other those who live on campus and nor­ Long term smoking is a disaster are: you learn to listen carefully through verbal and non-verbal mally eat at the cafeteria, the and so is eating a lot of cholesterol. and you are able to hold both infor­ speech.” potluck dinner was an extremely Dr. Dean suggests a maximum of According to Cramer, oral and mal and formal discussions.” welcomed dining experience. three eggs per week and to cut Cramer went on to say, “ Two practical communication are im­ If you missed the opening and down on butter, and other dairy values of speech and communica­ portant in student’s education. She couldn’t make it to the potluck din­ products, and red meats. tion are to develop imagination and stressed that she would like to see ner, make sure to stop by the And, don’t forget to keep a help with group problems and in­ those courses required for all gallery and see what our talented positive attitude. You can do a lot to teraction. Those can be helpful students. art faculty does best. increase your quality of life. 2 ■ AS C E N T « 10/86 FEATURES/NEWS Dennis Miller Performs at Wick Center An Irish n Saturday. September 20, comedian Dennis Miller, who Adventure O is best known for his routine as the newsman on “Saturday Night by Karen Swallow Prior Live,” performed for a small shroud of darkness. Death and audience of 250 in the Wick Dining doom. Continual rain and hab­ Hall. itualA liars. These arc some of the Jim Morris, an up and coming things I was told I would encounter B m comic from Pittsburg, opened for when I travelled to Ireland to attend Miller. “ Morris was.dressed like an international summer school, President Reagan and imper­ m thanks to the St. Patrick's Scholar­ sonated him to a tee,” said Greg ship Society. Romeo, Student Activities Director. My instincts told me that it Morris made brief remarks and couldn’t be that bad. After all, answered questions from the Ireland is a country, just like any audience. When one student asked other. Or is it? I silently prayed that Morris about the intelligence of my instincts would be right as I Daemen’s Students, Morris Hew out of Kennedy airport on an retorted, a’la Don Rickies. Aer Lingus 747 -- alone and “ Daemen students represent the travelling abroad for the first time. educational systems failure.” I slept as we Hew hour after hour, Morris’ routine was clean and used jumping ahead in time five hours. no profanity. Finally the bright light of the sun At 10:15 PM, Miller came on peeped through my closed eyelids stage and discussed current events as we rode into morning. and daily life. He wore a two piece Shortly, the pilot announced that baggy purple suit and yellow shoes. SNL’s own Dennis Miller we would begin our descent from One of his remarks concerned the 5,000 feet and would soon be land­ Star of David and the crucifix hang­ ing in Dublin. We left the ing on the opposite ends of the din­ brightness of the sun and descend­ ing hall. “ It represents an ed into watery gray clouds that ecclesiastical high noon,” he seemed to cling to the tiny airplane stated. windows. When we broke through, Morris and Miller were well iwtxum« iMRiy the sky beneath the clouds was received by the audience. After the aglow with sunlight. I peered down show, both comedians signed until I could finally see the Irish Si Eia landscape. My eyes met an endless autographs and answered ques­ umm tions. crazy-quilt pattern of greens. Romeo was disappointed by the (There must have been 64 shades!) turn out, which may cause pro­ These odd shapes of land were dot­ blems in getting entertainment at ted with black and white miniature Daemen in the future. He also men­ cows and even tinier white flecks of tioned that Miller is only one of the sheep that grazed below. 3 regulars from this past season re­ Darkness? Death? Why, I had to tained for the 1986-87 season. squint my eyes against the sunlight On a positive note, Romeo would streaming in. And as the ground like to thank Booga Booga Beta, got closer the cattle and sheep look­ who assisted in the preparations for ed more alive than ever. the evening’s performance, and the The wheels of the plane scraped Student Association, who spon­ the surface of the runway and then sored the show. grabbed hold. About half of the Romeo predicts that both comics passengers aboard applauded at will become big stars and we were that moment of contact. I later fortunate to have had them appear learned that this is a cultural tradi­ at Daemen. Reagan impersonator Jim Morris tion of expressing the feeling of be­ ing back on “ Terra Firma.” In a delightful Irish lilt, the stewardess thanked us for flying Back to School Delta Mu Delta A er Lingus and wished us a pleas­ by Dennis Covert ant stay. She then repeated her message in Gaelic, a word of which FEAR. That word “ fun” itself is subjec­ aemen College has on its cam­ ear. Cold, delicious I could not understand; but the tive anyway. Fun is what you make pus a chapter of Delta Mu That is what I felt last D music of the ancient language September when the first day of of anything presented to you. Com­ Delta, a national honor society in pared to standing in an unemploy­ Business Administration. didn’t escape me. classes rolled around. You see, I am When I got off the plane, I put on ment line for three hours, Beowulf If you have 60 credit hours, are of a “ returning student” , so named my sunglasses and removed my has me doing handsprings. I am junior status, and have a current by the Admissions, Registrar, and jacket, as the morning sun was glad to see the kind of “ fun” GPA of 3.25 or better, you are eligi­ Financial Aid offices. I don’t mind growing bright and warm. Friendly the title because there are so few of popular ten years ago is less ble to become a member. popular, thanks to the 21 drinking Students interested in becoming Irish voices and faces surrounded us it is unique. With that in mind me. In the distance rolled the most let me relate some thoughts about age I guess. Don’t get me wrong. members should contact Shirley at beautiful green carpets of land I school in general and returning to When it came to pounding down a the Business Administration Dept, pint of Pabsts, I did it with the best at 18 East-ext. 329./'Those already had ever seen. this school in particular. It seemed that my instincts had Five years is a long time to be of them. I have the empty bottles of members, please contact Shirley Visine to prove it. However, on a also, for there is a need to update been right, and a feeling of relief away from the books and the pat­ shuddered through me. At last I terns of learning that become campus such as this, there is a files. was here in Ireland -- a land of an­ tendency toward stress and almost second nature. That is cient history, deeply-rooted con­ where part of my fear came from; boredom and the bottles were an troversy and wonderful mystery. easy solution. My advice to anyone the other part comes from the age Ascending Now would start my adventure. difference between me and my reading this is to take it easy, look NEXT ISSUE: Hitchhiking to the fellow learners. I sometimes think for things to do and enjoy your Daemen College’s academic to myself as I observed people on learning. College offers oppor­ journal, A Step Ascending, is Curragh. campus - “ Did I act like that?” Pro­ tunities to grow and mature. One looking for material for the bably. Hindsight is always a bit can do that by not fermenting in 1987 edition, Daemen College A ptepff Ascending is an scary. Scary or not I have a job to the process. students are encouraged to sub­ academic journal. It is impor­ do and that is to absorb enough Those who enter college and con­ mit their artistic, creative, and tant fo r all fields of study to be learning and actually remember it tinue have an advantage over ones academic work for publication. represented. Faculty members in order to get the degree we all like me. They are never out of the Representative work from all H all departments are asked to need to get ahead in this world. One “ habit” of study. Summer vaca­ - areas of study is sought: art­ encourage students to submit of the differences this time around tions don’t count, that is only an in­ work, photography; essays in exceptional pieces of work. is that I’m having fun. Yes one can termission. Years away from text­ the fields of science, education, Submissions will be taken by have fun learning such things as books are hard to recover from. business, languages, literature, Dr. O’Neil in room Ds. 243 or by synapse chemistry, iambic pen­ Thanks to my wife, my teachers etc; as well as works of prose Karen Prior in the Publications tameters, component parts and and the bullwhip, it is all coming and poetry. office. Beowulf. back to me. 3 ■ ASCENT ■ 10/86 NEWS Zinnerstrom, Appointed Acting Director Lois Herrington of Co-op Education addresses Ascent irector of Academic Advise­ Daemen Forum Daemen College D ment, Eric Zinnerstrom. has B o x 4 1 9 accepted the position of “ acting” he Assistant Attorney General 4380 Main Street^ Director of Cooperative Education, of the United States, Lois replacing Maire Courtney who Am herst, N.Y. 14226 Haight Herrington, addressed the vacated the directorship. Daemen College Forum October 7. 839-3600 ext, 327 Dean Rusin confirmed the ap­ » Her topic was “ The Victims of Editor and Chief: pointment, but stated that the Crime, Their Plight and Our move is only temporary. Rusin is Matthew McGrath Response.” seeking a permanent replacement She stated that the justice system with high qualifications and wide is now going through a major Managing Editor: experience in order to upgrade the change. Since the system’s begin­ James Penharlow COOP program. She added that she nings, the victim of a crime has is looking for someone who will be always been treated terribly. It has able to refocus the objectives of the alway ignored the rights of the vic­ Feature Editor: program. Karen Prior tim and protected the rights of the “ I care for the students and their Zinnerstrom will handle all criminal. Even medical treatments development because I know what Cooperative Education sections un­ for the victim had been a disgrace. Copy Editor: students have to deal with from my til the new director takes over Cities have always blamed the Diana Coleman own personal experience,” said on October 22. Meanwhile, victim for the crime. Zinnerstrom who is in his fifth year Zinnerstrom can be reached at ext. In the past, once bail was made, with Academic Advisement. 267. Layout Editor: there was no protection for the Michael A. DeFrancesco victim from the criminal. The main concern was directed towards mak­ Humanities ing sure the criminal would return Sports Editor: ost students go directly to English Club to court. Tony Valvo college from high school. In Herrington went on to say that M doing so, they decide to major in Officers changes are being made and will Photography Editor: one specific area of study, such as continue to be made. There will be more attention to the “ plight” of Anastasius Krestos physical therapy, medical Elected the victim. For example, a tremen­ technology, or business ad­ ^T^he English Club officers for the dous amount of emphasis on the ministration. However, in the A 1986-87 school year are: Pres­ Photography Editor: training of prosecuters to deal with 1980’s the liberal arts degree is of ident, Linda Wildson; Vice Presi­ the situation of the victim has been John Norris increasing importance to the cor­ dent, Michele Krowiak; Secretary, taking place. Also, Federal money porate world. Carla Smith; Treasurer, Kathy is being spent for medical facilities B u s in e s s M a n a g e r: Lynne V. Cheney wrote in Spain. for the victim. Newsweek: “ Given the difficulty of At the first meeting, on Christopher C. Gaiser Herrington heads the Office of predicting which skills will be in dè- September 23, the John T. Master- Justice Programs (OJP) in the mand even five years from now, let son Scholarship was announced. A Photographers: Department of Justice. alone over a lifetime, a student’s $1,000 academic scholarship will Through the OJP, the Federal Karen Sharp best career prepartion is one that be awarded to an upper division Sue Miracle emphasizes general understanding English major chosen by the Government supports the improve­ and intellectual curiosity: a English faculty. ment of state and local criminal knowledge to learn and the desire justice agencies and operations. S t e f W riters: Also discussed at the meeting to do it.” (Sept. 1, 1986) were fund raising ideas and club Herrington coordinates the Dennis Covert activities and provides support Most students in more technical sponsored presentations. In the services for four bureaus: The Alexandria Alfred courses of study tend to avoid the making, are plans for a forum on National Institute of Justice, the Angela Printup courses that are traditionally poetics with special guests, in­ Steve Field believed to develop habits of the cluding Robert Creely; trips to local Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Office of Juvenile Justice and the mind: literature, history, English, plays and other events; and the sale philosophy and the social sciences Bureau of Justice Assistance. She Faculty Advisor: of original limericks -- made-to- are such courses of study. order for all occasions. manages state and local block and Dr. Elizabeth O’Neil It is a fact that the majority of the discretionary grant progrartis. President’s cabinet were students Other programs under her super­ of the liberal arts. Secretary of State way through the library, for heated vision are Public Safety Officers The editorial comments which appear George Shultz, for example, ma­ debate with those who see the Benefits, Mariel Cubans, local in the ASCENT are not necessarily the jored in economics. Secretary of world differently. College should be prison construction, emergency views of the entire staff. Any comments assistance to the states, surplus contrary to these opinions are welcom­ Education William Bennet studied a time for learning to enjoy the life ed. Letters to the Editor may be sent to philosophy, and Secretary of the of the mind rather than for learning Federal Government property, the the ASCENT, Box 419, Campus Mail. Treasury James Baker studied to tolerate what one doesn’t find National Citizens Crime Prevention Names will be withheld upon request history. The President himself was interesting.” Campaign, and the Office for Vic­ and the authorship will be kept confiden­ tims of Crime and Family Violence. tial. BUT THE AUTHOR MUST SIGN a student of the liberal arts. Of course, there are students who THE ORIGINAL LETTER. Cheney wrote in the sarqe article truly enjoy the field of study they Republication of any material herein, in Newsweek: “. . .students have chosen. But for those who do without the written consent of the shouldn’t force themselves down not, the liberal arts degree may be Editor-in-Chief, is strictly forbidden. any single one (path) if their true in­ for them. The ASCENT is serviced by United Syndicate, Inc. and is a member of the terests lie elsewhere. College The next edition of the Ascent Inter-Collegiate Press. should be a time for intellectual en­ will feature the liberal arts program thusiasm, for trying to read one’s here at Daemen College. Prominent Members of the Community Speak at Daemen Adams also referred to a robot in gone. He added that we can expect U.A.W. San Diego, California, called the Republican an energy crisis in the near future if “ Dancing Robot” which has six drastic changes are not made. Representative legs, can move as fast as a human, S en ato r______Volker said that the public seems to and can carry up to nine hundred look only at the short-term results. illiam S. Adams, the inter­ pounds at full gait. Robots can also enator Dale Volker, Chairman He says in order to have adequate W national representative of safely handle hazardous chemicals of the State Energy Committee, energy reserves the situation must the United Automobile Aerospaceand radiation, according to Adams. gaveS an informative presentation be looked at from a long-term point and Agricultural Workers of On the negative side of robotics, entitled “ The Energy Situation of of view. America, spoke at Daemen College Adams stated that an average of our Nation” at Daemen College on on September 22. two workers per 8 hour shift are September 29. He advocates nuclear power Adams’ topic was "Robotics from replaced by every robot used in the Volker, who referred to himself as plants that produce electrical energy. a Union Point of View.” Adams work force. Adams told the an “ iconoclast,” (one who does not stated that the potential for audience that on July 21, 1985, the always go along with the generally Volker, a former policeman for robotics in 1986 is unlimited. He first UAW member was killed by a accepted beliefs) made a point that six years, holds two law degrees claimed that robots are now equip­ malfunctioning robot. the public should be wary of the and is currently sitting on the ped with lasers and perform the Adams has been assigned to the way the media presents its infor­ alcohol, criminal justice, mental tasks of metal cutting and welding. skilled trades department, working mation. Volker stated that, at the hygiene and ageing subcommit­ Other jobs done by robots include out of the Buffalo UAW office since present rate of consumption, by the tees. The senator is a Republican painting and assembly of parts. 1982. year 2100 the oil supply will be from Alden, New York. 4 1 ASCENT ■ 10/86 NEWS Cuddy (continued) Historical Society Dental Hygiene “ undemocratic” ways. For 43 holds Annual Footrace years, the United States backed the he Denial Hygiene Depart­ he Buffalo and Eric County Somoza regime in Nicaragua and ment at Erie Community Col­ Historical Society, 25 armed and trained its National legeT is presently accepting new pa­ NottinghamT Court, will hold the Guard, producing one of the most tients for treatment in the dental third annual RUN BACK IN TIME, a brutal and corrupt dictatorships in clinic located at the North Campus. 5 K- foot race on Saturday, November Latin America. Now that “ our dic­ Main Street and Youngs Road. The 8. 1986. beginning at 10 AM. tator” has been overthrown. Wash­ services offered include dental ex­ The route is TAC-sanctioned. and ington is suddenly getting amination. cleaning of teeth, ap­ begins and ends at the Historical sentimental over democracy in plication of sealants and fluorides, Society. Applications arc available Nicaragua. preventive and nutritional counsel­ at the Historical Society, and Jack In neighboring El Salvador, ing, and dental radiographs. There Stevens Buick-Cadillac-GMC Truck. American weapons and military ad­ is no cost lor the services with the visors are now supporting a regime 5110 Camp Road. Hamburg, the exception of certain dental run’s official sponsor. whose death squads murdered an radiographs which have a nominal Registration is $9, and all runners estimated 40,000 Salvadoran fee. Radiographs will be sent to the will receive a long-sleeved running citizens between 1980 and 1985. patient’s dentist on request. shirt. Runners who become The murder of Archbishop Romero, All treatment is provided by den­ an outspoken critic of the ruling Historical Society members when tal hygiene students under the registering for the run will be per­ cheque and of American military aid direct supervision of licensed den­ mitted to run free, with the $20 to it, was the most shocking case. tal hygienists and dentists. For American aggression. A classified membership fee. Day of race To this day, not one of the further information or to schedule U.S. intelligence report, according registration is $11, and begins at 8 murderers has been prosecuted. to the WALL STREET JOURNAL, an examination appointment, AM. call 634-0822. Too many political and military concludes that Nicaragua’s leaders were involved in the crimes. Following the run, a post-race par­ “military build-up is primarily ty will be held on the Museum America's “hit list’’. .. defense-oriented.” grounds for the run participants Several scholars have concluded Chocolate Fest... America has repeatedly sup­ with refreshments, awards and that Reagan’s policies are injuring ported dictatorships so long as they doorprizes. For more information on he YWCA of Buffalo and Erie America by driving Nicaragua into are friendly to American corpora­ the RUN BACK IN TIME, call the County will present the the Soviet orbit. His belligerent tac­ T tions and unfriendly to com­ Historical Society at 873-9644. second annual “Chocolate Lovers’ tics, argues Richard M. Ullman, is munists. Only regimes we cannot Festival" at the Buffalo Convention producing a Nicaragua “more control get on our hit list. President Center Friday, November 14 and stridently anti-American, more Volunteer Program Franklin Roosevelt was quite blunt Saturday, November 15 from 12 dependent on the Soviet Union and Supports Rape about it when he once admitted: noon to 8 pm. An admission fee of Cuba, and, therefore, more willing “ Somoza may be an s.o.b., but at Victims $2.00 buys your ticket into a world to do their bidding.” least he’s our s.o.b.’’ of chocolate fantasy. You may tease Most Americans are too decent to he Volunteer Supportive Ad­ The Sandinista government, to be your palate with a variety of temp­ support a bullying superpower at­ vocate Program for Victims of sure is flawed. Reliable sources ting samples and visit our dessert tacking a small country-whether it T Rape and Sexual Assault needs report press censorship and undue boutique in order to take some be the Soviet invasion of new volunteers. Advocates provide harassment of political opponents. goodies home for your very own. Afghanistan or the American crisis intervention and emotional Even the Sandinistas admit their Also featured at this year’s assault on Nicaragua. That’s why, support to victims and their own misguided oppression of festival are three competitions. Reagan supporters will continue to families in area hospital Emergen­ Miskito Indians a few years ago. But Local professionals, amateurs and package his policies in a set of cy Departments. The volunteers of­ their level of violence pales in com­ students will compete in their divi­ falsehoods, pretending that our nak­ fer procedural information and parison to the rampant violence of sions to see who makes the best ed aggression against the linkage to other available services. American-backed regimes in Hon­ • chocolate delight; Nicaraguan people is somehow a Men and women interested in duras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Proceeds from the “ Chocolate defensive war against Soviet aggres­ volunteering should be 18 years or Human rights violations by the Lovers’ Festival” benefit the sion. older and have their own transpor­ Nicaraguan military are isolated YWCA, a community service As former UN Secretary General, tation. episodes, often punished by civilian organization which responds to U Thant once observed, “ In war, Applicants selected are required authorities, reports A m e ric a s urgent human needs of our com­ truth is the first casualty.” to attend 6 evening training ses­ W atch. “ The most violent abuses,” munity, and seeks to improve the sions conducted through Crisis Ser­ claims this respected human rights quality of life in Buffalo and Erie vices, 3258 Main Street. Trained group, “ have been committed by County. volunteers are on call for 2 night the contras. . .who systematically In addition to special events like Dr. J. Edward Cuddy is the Chairper­ shifts (6 PM - 6AM, with a partner) murder the unarmed.” Many the “ Chocolate Lovers’ Festival,” son of the History and Government or 3 day shifts (6 AM - 6 PM, alone) observers claim that the Sandinista the YWCA offers programs in: per­ Department and Social Science Sub- each month. The commitment government has made much head­ sonal development, crafts, health Division. He is currently teaching a after training is for a 6 month way in land reform, education, and fitness, group travel, selected course on contemporary foreign af­ period. health programs, and democracy, topics for discussion, and fa ir s . Those interested in applying to since taking power in 1979. childrens’ programs. Membership the program may contact the Coor­ fees and prices for activities are dinator at 834-3131 during busi­ moderate to enable most people to Challenging the ness hours. participate. For more information You can make a difference to the about the YW, its’ programs, or the Administration victims of sexual assault. “Chocolate Lovers’ Festival,” con­ Washington also claims that the tact: Nancy Wilkins at 852-6120. Sandinistas are pawns of the Soviet Union, spreading revolution in El Salvador. Here, too, many analysts Articles challenge the Administration, he Ascent is accepting for claiming that El Salvador’s revolu­ Fairy Tales (continued) publication, newsworthy arti­ tionary upheaval has sprung from T cles and features written by its own grinding poverty and students. Students need not be political oppression. selves, let alone provide consumer has dire consequences, and return members of the newspaper staff to David MacMichael was a CIA goods. to America, her homeland of so submit material. Anyone interested analyst assigned to prove that It is a fact that there is a civil war many freedom, so dearly won, so in covering a current Daemen, com­ Nicaragua was arming rebels in El in Nicaragua. What we don’t know often taken for granted, and assert munity, or world issue or event is Salvador. In June, 1984, he resign­ is why the contras are fighting. Are that the press here is “ being used” encouraged to do so. Any articles of ed, claiming there had been no they all outlaws, enduring the by the government. The claim ig­ interest to the college community evidence of such arms shipments hardships of life on the run and the nores one country’s strict control of will be welcome. since April, 1981. “ The Administra­ dangers of war for the sheer thrill of all media and the other country’s Manuscripts may be handed in tion and the CIA have systematical­ it? Could they be true patriots, powerful free press which had completed, or the “ reporter” may ly misrepresented Nicaraguan in­ fighting to regain the promises of recently toppled a popular leader. simply contain the “ who. what, volvement,” MacMichael protested, the revolution which were stolen Charitably, I prefer to believe that where, when, why, and how” to be “ to justify efforts to overthrow the from them? this young lady has been spoon-fed written up by a staff member. Nicaraguan government.” In our democratic society, with a rather large helping of Fairy Tale The Ascent is here to serve the President Reagan has pounced on real elections involving real pablum. needs of the campus community. It the weapons Nicaragua has obtain­ citizens, we rely on a free press to is your voice. Take this opportunity ed from the Soviet Union and Cuba give us the facts in order to decide Sandee McKinivan is currently to let your story be heard. as clear proof that the Sandinistas for ourselves the truth. working on his second B.S. He is a The Ascent office is located in are spearheading a communist The final, painful ironic point is student in Daemen’s Medical Wick center. Submissions andVir assault on the Western Hemisphere. that a young lady may visit a vir­ Record Administration Depart­ any questions may be taken there. But many scholars contend that tually totolitarian state, where ment. He spent several years in Your story could make a dif­ these arms are for defense against unauthorized speaking or writing the United States Army. ference. 5 ■ ASCENT ■ 10/86 ROCK MUSIC REVIEW

RECORD UPBEAT NeilYoung:“Rock-and'Roll Will Never Die” By Steve Field by Mail McGrath FALCO “THREE” (A & M RECORDS eil Young, who has been one of This is the third record by Austria’s the most popular and influ­ FALC O , who first hit the American Nential American pop figures since charts with “Der Komissar” in the late 1960’s, has returned to the 1983. “ FALCO” is unique in the rock and roll scene after an eight fact that he sings in both Austrian year span in which he pursued and English. His vocals are nothing other musical interests. special, but the upbeat tunes and In a two hour-plus concert aft Buf­ the record’s sense of fun make it a falo’s Memorial Auditorium, on pleasure to listen to. The top track is October 4. Young’s repertoire was “Jeanny,” an exquisite ballad on dominated by unsettling rock the end of side 1. music as he awkwardly danced, THE MOODY BLUES “ THE hopped, skipped and squirmed on OTHER SIDE OF LIFE” the stage in an animated effort to (POLYGRAM RECORDS) express his anthem that “ Rock- Veteran progressive rockers, THE and-Roll will never die.” MOODY BLUES return with their Billing his act as the “ Third best latest effort, the first'in three years. Garage Band in the World,” Young “Your Wildest Dreams” is a plea­ and his old buddies in the band. sant, ethereal single, while “ Rock N Crazy Horse, acted a scenario of a Roll Over You” is an uptempo group of kids practicing, hoping to number with a folkish, driving feel­ make it big. ing to it. Both songs were hits this Drawn across the stage was a summer. “ I Just Don’t Care” -uses curtain resembling a garage door. string instruments, saxophone and Added affects included broken win­ chorus to give it a majestic feel. The dows, graffiti, and two seven foot problem with this album is that its tall rats who handled the lyrics are too syrupy. The musician- microphones and guitars. The rats ship is good, a trademark of this An animated Neil Young performs at Buffalo's Memorial Auditor­ band. Had they written songs in the also helped out by toweling down ium. Photo by Ron Moscotti of the Buffalo News. vein of “ Nights in White Satin,” or the players and answering phone (USED WITH PERMISSION). calls from an enraged neighbor “Gemini Dream,” both group complaining about the noise. Following a ten minute intermis­ ment on his former bandmate, classics, this effort would be more The curtain was lifted, and the sion, Young returned, wearing sun David Crosby’s cocaine depen­ enjoyable. band began cranking Young’s 1967 glasses to render a few songs from dence. THE D E A D KENNEDYS anthem, “ Mr. Soul,” marking the his Trans album - “ Sample and Young demonstrated more of his ‘ ‘ FRANKENCHRIST’ ’ (ALTER­ beginning of the jam session. The Hold,” and “ Computer Age,” in lead guitar riffs on crowd favorite, NATIVE TENTACLES) band was situated among a collec­ which Young altered his voice with “ Powderfinger” from his Rust THE DEAD KENNEDYS are one tion of old lawn furniture, oversized a vocorder to represent the sounds Never Sleeps album. Next, the ir- of the forefathers of the punk rock tools, spare tires and old license of computer age music. rate neighbor who “ could not movement. On their latest l.p., they plates. When Young was done playing sleep,” arrived on the set to warn incorporate a rockabilly feel with Young kept the practice session robot music he continued the bom­ Young to keep the noise down. humorous lyrics to express a rele- going with powerful selections - bardment with more noise-filled Young burst into anger with vent criticism of society. “ Soup Is “Cinnamon Girl,” "W h en You rock including ” Control” from his "Control," a new release, and Good Food” deals with the plight of D an ce," and new release, “ Touch new album. preceeded to blow his neighbor out workers who have lost their jobs to The Night.” The intensity rose to Young did take some breaks from of the “ garage.” Young was inter­ automation. “ Stars and Stripes Of set the stage for “ Down By The his practice session to oblige the rupted by the neighbor one more Corruption” is about government River,” a 1969 selection that crowd with some of his old raves, time during the anthem-like “ Rock corruption and suggests that the ly­ reminded fans of Young’s gloomy like ”Heart Of Gold, ” “The Needle -And-Roll Will never die” sen­ ing stops and demands people and dark period. And The Damage Done,” and timents of “ Hey Hey, My My.” The should be treated with respect. Next came a succession of “After The Goldrush.” All three appearance of two police officers did Punk rock has been treated with unreleased numbers in which songs brought the crowed to their not phase Young and Crazy Horse disdain in the past, but when Young ran roughshod over the feet and “The Needle And The as they wound up the show in a groups like THE DEAD KEN> stage in an attempt to overpower Damage Done” added some tears violent rage of overamplified guitar NED YS combine social concerns the crowd. The set was interrupted in the beer. The song was written and bass leads. ' with humor and in a realistic man­ by a group of men wearing white for deceased Crazy Horse guitar The police officers chased the ner, punk music may receive the ac­ coats and gas masks - the exter­ player, Danny Witten, who over­ band from the stage, and, just like colades that has long escaped it. minators - who proceeded to rid the dosed in the early 1970’s. Young kids, they returned for a one-song garage of household pests such as touched the same nerve on encore. the high-tech radio controlled cock “Hippie Dream,” which follows Recent history suggests Young’s roaches that zipped and squirted “Needle.. Young wrote the song return to rock and roll is just a Cooper Humor,.. about the stage. last Christmas, in part as a com- phase: over the past couple of years, everything with his own unique Young. . .con’t pg. 7 sense of humor, Take the tune “,” as Alice describes his protagonist as having a head made of rock and a brain a la : Back on Top? carte.. .women faint at the sight... by Dennis Covert is his head screwed on too tight? Alice may be in his late 30’s, but he et’s see if we can spot anyone His real name is Vincent Fernier, to rest in the $1.98 budget bin. The knows what it’s like to be a kid in over 25 in the audience. Who but we know him as Alice Cooper. same fate befell his next three the 80’s. I’m sure that many guys knows about Alice Cooper? If you His first real fame came with a song albums: Special Forces, a con­ feel like people treat them as asked “ Who is she?” then you called “Eighteen,” a song about tinuation of the punk theme; Zip­ “ monsters” if they don’t fit in with show how young you are. If you being young and the problems that per Catches Skin, a pseudo-sexual the trendy people. The government said “great music, great go with it. This theme shows up in marathon of sarcasm; and in 1983 takes a few shots as well in the song performer,” then you know who he many of his songs including his came DaDa, a strange album that “Simple Disobedience,” a biting is. Alice Cooper was, and still is, a most well known song, “School’s explored everything from sibling riot of scolds and sneers at our premier performer in the history of Out.” His fame ended in the early rivalry to dyslexia. DaDa also elected officials: “ Looks like all rock music. His eighteen albums 80’s as young music fans were showed life as a source of disillu­ your laws are broken. . .All your are always fresh and timely and spoon-fed a vapid diet of enforced sionment and pain, perhaps what lines are down. . .All your officers they show his sharp wit, lucid trends and bad taste - Michael Alice was feeling as his records are shook up. . .Babbling like satire and his seriousness about Jackson, Culture Club and the new never sold as well as his early 70’s clowns.” Tough stuff from a guy rock ’n roll. Headbanger Metalists. This led to efforts. who has nothing to lose. Alice Cooper was perhaps the narrow, fad-oriented radio play The new album, Constrictor, is The music itself is loud and very first in a series of musical stage per- with no room for artists such as ghoulish in presentation but con­ well done. Guitarist , sonalities to employ bizarre Alice. tains his trademark sense of who also handles keyboard and costumes, props and theatrical He persisted though, 1980 saw humor. Alice satirizes modern life some vocal duties, follows Alice stage shows. His ghoulish de­ the rise of the Punks. Alice released with songs about teenage trenoids, from start to finish in high gear. meanor attracted legions of fans to an album called F lu sh The benign rebellion, money-making as This album is very listenable and concerts throughout the 70’s. Even Fashion - a clever satire on the an obsession and how we should might get Alice Cooper out of the today, in the bland 80’s, he main­ punk musical philosophy. Sadly, not listen to people who try to tell $1.98 budget bin. I hope so. tains a devoted core of listeners. His with no single from the album and us what we need. This album is still Although getting good albums at new album, out this month, is right no radio stations willing to play it, only Rock ’n Roll with things to such prices is great, I’d rather see in style. the album, and Alice himself came say, however, Alice instills him back on top. 6 M ASCENT M10/86 "...not with ---- 19 Political disorder ACROSS H i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 but a whimper." 20 —— tit. (footnote Women’s Soccer 1 Where one might 43 Return on invest­ abbreviation) study Andy Warhol’s ment (abbr.) 21 Traveled on a works (3 wds.) 44 Pondered Flexible Flyer 12 13 m 12 Enrollment into 45 Belonging to Mr. 24 Glorify he Daemon College women's 14 15 soccer team defeated Division college Starr 25 Prospero's servant T 14 "Calculus Made S.im- 47 Part of the classi­ in "The Tempest" II Mercy hurst 4-1 at home on 16 17 pie," e.g. (2 wds.) fieds (2 wd s .) 28 Well-known govern­ 16 Evaluate 48 Possible place to ment agency September 30. Daemen was led by 18 19 20 21 22 17 Extremely small study abroad (2 wds) 29 American league 18 Follows a recipe . 52 Small school in Can­ team (abbr.) Kristine Flanagan, who scored two direction ton, Ohio (2 wds.) 23 24 25 26 30.Fictional hypnotist goals and had two assists, and 19 Belonging to Mr. 53 Orson Welles film 32 Style exemplified Pacino classic (2 wds.) by Picasso Jeannette Goldvack. who scored 27 28 29 22 Of 1 and measure 33 "She's ----..." 23 Meets a poker bet DOWN (from "Flashdance") two goals and had one assist. Mary ■ 24 -a*. Gay (WW II 30 .34 Be unwell Beth Wehfritz performed well in plane) 1 Those who are duped 35 Visible trace ■31 26 Capri, e.g. 2 32 33 34 36 37 "Do unto ----..." 36 Think goal, allowing only the one goal. 27 Belonging to Mayor 3 Fourth estate 37 Woman's under­ “ We played well together as a m 35 Koch 4 Goals garment 38 39 40 28 Irritate or 5 We 11 -k nown record 38 Commit — — -kiri team,” said coach Dave Koba. “ We Ü ■ embitter label 40 — burner hustled back on defense and we 41 42 44 30 Train for a boxing 6 Well-known king 42 "... for i f I — H43 m match 7 151 to Caesar away..." capitalized on our scoring 45 46 31 ---- and the 8 Prefix meaning milk 44 Actress Gibbs Belmonts 9 Confused (2 wds.) 46 African antelope chances.” 32 Processions 10 ---- husky 48 49 50 51 47 Well-known TV band­ With losses to Alfred Tech., 35 Diet supplement 11 Most immediate leader (abbr.) 12 Like a sailboat 49 Pi nee- ■ 1 Keuka, Canisius, and Genesee 38 Scottish historian 13 Cash register key (eyeglass type) Community College, the team’s 52 and philosopher (2 wds.) 50 1968 film, "---- I ■ 5 3 39 College in Green- 14 E n --- (as a whole) Station Zebra" record stands at 1-4. ville, Pa. 15' Auto racing son of 51 1965 film, "---- ■a 40 The Venerable ---- Richard Petty Ryan's Express" Injuries and poor weather condi­ (Q tawdru ju i rub tions have plagued the team so far this year. However, Flanigan, and Mime Theater was one of many per­ Yass, in “ Surgeon” , alter careful­ Goldback, along with Sue Ayers forming arts presentations and ly scrubbing and getting into and Mary Beaudin have played well demonstrations in Buffalo during gloves, seemingly appeared as a Thoughts to get you through despite the bad weather. Japan Week, September 27- butcher, though quite adept with the day. Hopefully, the team will be able October 4. As mentioned in the his scalpel. Digging into the sliced brochure on Japan Week: opening, he pulled out long, smelly, * l don 't believe in sex over 65. I to turn things around for the rest of think they should slowdown and the season^ “Japanese and Western techni­ “ stuff" from file patient. Not find­ ques (were) blended into a new ing the “ heart” of the problem, he pull off the road first. personalized realism and abstrac­ literally drove into the incision, * Did you hear about the guy ivlio Men’s Soccer tive and surrealistic intepretation apparently lost, trapped, and worked in a bubble gum factory? of Mime, Japanese influence (was) desperate, as he swam through the He fell into one of the vats and his ary Carter scored on a break­ seen in the pervasive use of music body systems. But. ah! He wasn't boss chewed him out. away from mid-field with one and concentrated themes rather about to leave without a successful * I came from a real small town. G minute and ten seconds left in than situations. ” operation. The most fashionable store sold regulation time to give the Daemen There were six themes: “ Tug Of The child had no one to play fertilizer. College men’s club soccer team its War’’, “Surgeon” , “ Mobiles” , with: he played alone, bored. A first victory in two years with a 3-2 * I come from a real small town. “Balloon” , “ Puppet” , and “ Eagle” . giant, red “ Balloon” fell from the The other week my High School win over visiting Utica Tech. Each was introduced by a colorful­ sky. Excited, he had a friend. It Daemen came back from a 2-0 had to drop Driver Ed. The horse ly painted banner. Incredibly, Yass bounced, and he eould have much died. deficit as Mike McMahon came Hakoshima was the sole performer. fun. Suddenly, it was a lead weight: through in goal. The Warriors were His teacher was the great master he couldn’t push, pull or lift his relentless in their attack and were Etienne De Croux, who also taught friend. The balloon even pushed able to tie the game at 2-2 while Marcel Marceau. him. Back and forth, he had a Y o u n g . . .con’t McMahon blanked Utica at the In “ Tug Of War” , Yass played friend: he didn’t have a friend. Young blithely skipped from one other end to keep his team close both ends of the rope, a dual role, Then,' Balloon became helium- style (o another. It seems that (he setting the stage for Carter’s game employing a male mask on his face, filled: he could dance with Baloon. more commitment Young makes, winner. and, cleverly, a female mask atop and even balance balloon on his the more apt he is to change. Last Daemen followed up with a 3-2 his head. The male, because of his nose. Balloon was his true friend in year. Young was on a country music victory at home against Elmira. inherent strength, did not take the the end. kick and was adamant about stick­ The game see-sawed back and forth contest seriously: he was non­ A “ Puppet” got up in the morn­ ing lo it. “Country music is but Daemen came out on top. chalant and show-offish. The ing, went here, went there, did ten something I feel very comfortable Holdover players Kenny “ the down-shod face of the female tug­ push-ups, and got dressed in per­ with.” he told Rolling Stone hammer’’ Harmer and Vinny ged diligently, looking only right to formance clothes. Music played reporter, Steve Pond, “ and it's what Prospero have helped in balancing left. Her diligence and consistant and armstrings yanked and pulled I’m gonna be doing from now on.” the attack and the defense this effort won the war. which certainly and tugged they got “ all warmed In the same vein Young stated: “ It year, resulting in the two victories. recalls the Western story of “ The up.” A puppet can be manipulated seems like rock and roll has gotten Both the men’s and the women’s Tortoise and The Hare.” to do anything but even puppets more concerned with fashion and club soccer teams could use more In “ Mobile” , Yass’ body became “ break” . This puppet cnuld cut his image lately. I miss the feeling of support. Home field for both teams a visual art form as he traveled own strings. community that rock had in the is at Erie Community College, through space at a velocity of Finally, “ Eagle” , with “ eagle- sixties. . ." North Campus. 66,000 MPH. He was perhaps, a eyes” , was master of the skies. He More recently, however. Young planet, represented by a large, flew through winds with comman­ has found inspiration from rocker, Mime Review white circle pressed flat against his ding authority and control. Bruce Springsteen. “This guy’s by Louise DiPalma face. As he came into contact with Perhaps his eyes were not so sharp, doing A he right thing. . .he plays a n Sunday, September 28, other planets, wire attached bright- for he was shot down. No! This long time, he gives the people what O 1986 the Albright-Knox Art colored circles to his arms and legs. master could even feign death. they want and leaves them feeling Gallery was host to the Yass“ Mobile” achieved a oneness with The audience cheered, and Yass good. . said Young to a UPI Hokoshima Mime Theater. The spatial environment. Hakoshima gave us his heart. reporter. Whether Young is giving the peo­ ple what they want or not is ques­ Opening Reception: tionable. I think he is giving the peo­ ple a dose of what he wants to give. Thursday, October 16, 1986. 7:00 p.m. It was aparant that he played “ at” Exhibition Dates: the crowd in Buffalo rather than “ to and for” the crowd. On the last three October 16 - November 7, 1986 visits Young made to Buffalo prior Daemen A rt Gallery to Oct. 4, he took time to chat with the crowed. let 'them know they Duns Scotus Building were there. This kind of personal 4380 Main Street, Amherst, N.Y. touch is what the crowd often looks for when they go to see a legend like Gallery Hours: Neil Young. Young’s new album. Landing on Weekdays 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Water, is the result of his battle to Inquiries regarding exhibition call find one specific identity as an artist. One of the top songs from this Dennis Barraclough Fine & Performing A rts Division - album characterizes Young's never Janies Allen A rt Office, 839-3600 Ext. 241. ending search: Carol Townsend I'm just a drifter. Elizabeth Bauer-Simon I'll stay until you try and tie me Janies Kuo DAEMEN COLLEGE down. . . Young’s drifting is something his Bruce Marzahn* [Associate Dean for Student Affairs] 4380 Main Street, Amherst, New York 14226 fans have had to accept and in some respects have loved him more for. 7 1 AS C E N T ! 10/86 * I heard on the news today that a track loaded with wigs overturn­ CLASSIFIED ed on the thruway. The radio said that police are still combing NEED A the area. FOR SALE: Purebred Arabian Horses. Cross Egyptian and Straight Egyptian, for PART-TIME pleasure, show, breeding stock, or invest­ ment. Ail price ranges - terms available. For more info, eon tael Karen Prior. 741-2291 or GOT A JOB ?? leave' message at the Publications Office. WANTED: Behind the walls college student COLD? THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER HAS INFORMATION FOR OUR seeking correspondence from people that STUDENTS ON 250 PART-TIME JOBS AVAILABLE LOCALLY IN THE care. I'm Irish. 26. brown hair, blue eves. FOLLOWING AREAS: 6’ 1.'\ 180 lbs. I enjoy camping, swimming, ... We’ll Make You motorcycling. and meeting new people. I'm serving 3 years for burglary. Will be out in Feel Better. 1 .* Babysitting 13. Hos/Hostess 1987. All response welcome and answered. 2 .* Busboy 14. Housèkeeping Your photo gets mine. 3 .* Cashier 1 5 .* Send to: Chuck Nichols. *79B1610. Box Kitchen Help 149. Attica NY 14011 4. Christmas Help 16. Kitchen Production NEED A 5. Cleaning 17. Maintenance 6 .* Clerk 18. Phone Receptionist GREETING 7. Clerical Assistant 1 9 .* Sales The Latin Newsleader is look­ 8 .* Cook 2Q. S ecretary ing for writers interested in 9. Deli 2 1. Service Assistant developing stories, feature ar­ CARD? 10. Deliveries 2 2. Stock Person ticles, essays, poetry, entertain­ 11. Dishwasher 2 3. Switchboard Operator ment coverage, and other articles ... We’ve Got 12. Foodserver 2 4 .* WaiterAA/aitress of interest to the New York State Hispanic Community. Thousands. * Several openings If you have what it takes, give us a call. Begin developing your SOME APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION ARE ON FILE IN THE CENTER - portfolio as a writer. Start with GOT A DS 3 3 5 the Latin Newsleader. And. . .if you want to make HEAD­ Daemen College announces the newly remodeled snack bar hours. some money, you can represent Hours have been expanded to better suit the commuter and evening the Latin Newsleader on campus, class students. Specials are featured daily. selling ads, subscription and cir­ ACHE? culation. The Latin Newsleader Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. will pay 20% commission on ...We’ve Got The 4:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. advertisement, and 10% on subscription. Remedy. Saturday - Sunday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Give us a call today. . . 718-849-9211 Garie Negron, Publisher & Discount coupons available at snack bar. Editor NEED A All staff, commuters and guests of Daemen College are also welcome to use the The Latin Newsleader Wick Center Dining Room. Discount meal plans are also available. 100-05 Atlantic Avenue LAST Richmond Hill, NY 11418 MINUTE entertainment and art political issues community issues GIFT? sports education poetry ... We Have The ÏJVICTIMH campus news people profile Selection. health issues current events feature articles NEED A etc, etc, etc, etc SMILE? DRINKING NEED MONEY? ... Just Stop In. CAN YOU TYPE? DRIVER? Career Development Who Are We? Center D.S. 335 lists available PETERSON TYPISTS WÊÊÊÊÊÊ for Term Papers DRUGS REGISTER NOW! LOVE OF PETE Let’s hire our own! for Information and Referral TO REGISTER: GIFT SHOP Assisted by a special grant from 4498 MAIN ST. UNITED WAY OF BUFFALO & ERIE COUNTY Call EXT. 234 Crossword Key... (Comer of Harlem) IP 0 P ART CL A S s H Our Town Donati as Mrs. Soames, Allison ■ ATR I CULATI 0 i n Miller as Emily Webb, Dan Doran M A T H E M A T I CSB 0 0 K asting Hall and the Performing as George Gibbs and Terra Lynch A SS ESS TEE N s Y Arts Department are pre­ 839-0031 as Rebecca Gibbs. STIR S L ■ a R EA L Csenting Thornton Wilder’s “Our 1 9 The show will run October 16, SEE SEN 0 L A I SLE Town” as their season’s opening 17, 18, and the following weekend E DSE X A CE R AT E production. This classic story of of October 23, 24 and 25 at 8:00 S P A I 0 N Mon-Fri 9 9 life, death and love set at the turn of p.m. in the Upton Hall Theatre. R ■ D A VA the century will be directed by Tickets will be $5.00 General Ad­ LCAD ES V I T Sun 9-5 Terence McDonald. The large cast mission, $3.00 for students, and U M E l THI ELIB EDE M features Peter-Michael Marino as ADS vouchers will be accepted. AB AN G ■ Ü LD U SED Metroteller Service the Stage Manager, Michelle Berke For more information call R IN G 0 S i A N T A D as Mrs. Gibbs, Janet Turner as Mrs. 878-6432, or contact Laura A SIAN u N I V E R S I TY Is Available Webb, Kevin Kosik as Mr. Webb, deBlasi, Public Relations Director, lilhiqiuummiiiìlìguì Gilbert Neal as Doc Gibbs, Patti Casting Hall. CITITI 11 ZI LINI KIAIN IE 8 B A S C E N T B 10/86