Restorative practice

Svastikasana Sit stable and comfortable in . Lift the spine and the sides of the chest. Observe the movement of the chest with inhalation and exhalation and focus the attention in the region behind the chest bone.

You can chant the OM if you so wish

Parsva Svastikasana & Baddhangulyiasana Repeat the twist twice changing the crossing of the legs.

Practice Baddhangulyiasana changing the intelocking of the fingers

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Teacher

Supta 3-5 Min Support all the ribs with a bolster but leave the lumbar area exteded toward the buttocks.

Hold the elbows and exted the sides of the chest. Repeat with the other crossing.

After a while relax the arms near the body as in Savasana

Here is how to make a bolster out of 3 blankets or towels

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Supta 3-5 Min

The pose is always a bit of a challenge... find out the height that is needed (under the pelvis and along the spine) to be able to enjoy a nice stretch of the quadriceps and groins.

Keep the thighs parallel (you can use a strap)

If you have knee problems and the pose is not possible, practice Supta Svastikasana

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Adho Mukha Svanasana 3-5 Min

If possible, practice with a strap on the groins to facilitate the extention of the chest. Support the head

Prasarita Padottanasana 3 Min

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Supta Padangusthasana I & II 1 Min per side and pose

Start in Supta with both feet firmly grounded on the wall.

Start with the right leg up.

Keep both knee straight and extend the inner leg toward the inner heel. Make the sole of the feet broad and long

When the leg goes to the side, maintain the abdomen turning in the opposite direction and pull the femur head into the hip socket

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Adho Mukha Upavista Konasana 2-3 Min

Keep the legs straight and the toes pointing perpendicularly up. Sit higher if you cannot keep the sacrum in. Maintain the sitting bones grounded and bend forward from the rim of the pelvis. Support the head (a chair

is also a good support)

Supta Baddha Konasana 3 Min

Keep the buttocks on the floor and support the thoracic spine with the bolster. Allow you head to tilt backwards but support it so that the neck can relax

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Dwi Pada Viparita 3-5 Min

This is a central pose in the restorative practice.

It supports and strenghten the immun system, the cardio-vascular system , the respiratory, digestive and endocrin systems... try and practice it as often as possible!

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Sirsasana 3-5 Min

This version of Sirsasana is particularly good if you have shoulder problems or if you cannot yet practice the pose but nevertheless like to be upsidedown and see the world from a different perspective :-)

You can obviously practice the classical pose or with the head supported

Chair 5 Min

Move the tailbone toward the heels and press the shoulderblades against the rib cage. If the legs get tired, you can place the feet on the backrest and/or do Baddha Konasana

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Viparita Karani on the chair 3-5 Min

Bring the sacrum flat on the chair and the legs perpendicular

Halasana 2-3 Min

Bend the legs and bring the knees toward the chest. Stretch the legs and bring the toes on the floor (or to another chair).

Keep the thighs away from the face

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

If you don’t have a stable yoga chair, practice Sarvangasana (also with the toes on the wall if necessary) and

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Setu Sarvangasana 5 Min

Bring the top of the shoulders on the floor, roll the upper arms out and press the shoulder blades into the body

You can also use a bolster or the blocks, mat and blanket as shown in the pictures laying alongside the support

Viparita Karani 5 Min

Whatever support you use, make sure that the abdomen is flat so that the abdominal organs sink toward the back and you can breath freely.

Make sure that the top of the shoulders are on the floor

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Pranayama in Salamba Savasana Give yourself time to relax completely in Savasana.

Ujjayi I - 3 Min (Observe the breath, make it deeper, even, soft)

Ujjayi II – 3 min (inhale deeply, then slowly exhale)

Ujjaiy III - 3 Min (Inhale slowly and exhale normally)

Ujjayi IV - 2 Min (Slow inhalation and exhalation)

Stay then for a while in Savasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher