Rybalsky Quarry - Territory for Multi-Field Zoological Research
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Rybalsky Quarry - territory for multi-field zoological research (Rybalsky Qarry, Ukraine) Final report The head of the group: Petro Chehorka The research group: Volodymyr Kolesnyk, Volodymyr Sizhko, Viacheslav Kaistro, Myhailo Lystopadsky, Oksana Lystopadska, Paul Bradbeer Heidelberg Cement ukraine Dnipropetrovsk branch of the Ukrainian society for the protection of birds Dnipro – 2018 Contestant profile Contestant name: Petro Chegorka Contestant occupation: Chairman University / Organisation Dnipropetrovsk Branch of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds Number of people in your team: 7 Project overview Title: Rybalsky Quarry - territory for multi-field zoological research Contest: (Research/Community) Research Quarry name: Rybalsky Overview The animal population of the Rybalsky Quarry was formed spontaneously as a result of the inhabiting of the Quarry`s territory by the animals from the neighbouring areas (flood-plain forest, farm lands, the Samara Bay, synanthropic landscape) and their further adaptation. Direct and inderect effects on this process were caused by the biological peculiarities of the animals, weather conditions, and in retrospect - the dynamic of the formation of biogeocenosis cover, etc. As a result of the integrated zoological studies orientated towards inventory and assessement of the fauna of some groups of invertebrates, first of all - insects, and also of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, we obtained the data on their species composition, number and pattern of distribution in the Quarry. We conducted a monitoring of bird boxes and ornithological zoning. During the work of the project, an inventory method of photo traps was used in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast for the first time. The results are presented in the scientific publications (Chehorka et al., 2018) and the developed reccommendations (Havryliuk, Lystopadsky, 2018). The results of the inventory of the fauna is availible in the electronic catalogue "Animals of the Rybalsky Quarry", which was the basis for the book. For improving the Quarry for animals, we fed the animals in winter, set water ponds, and made 20 additional bird boxes of 3 types. As a result, the nature potential of the Quarry increased and its esthetic attractieness, animals` living conditions improved, as well as the image of the HeidelbergCement Ukraine Company. 2 Фінальний звіт Content 1. Introduction 3 2. The goals of the project 3 3. Methods 3 4. Results 3 4.1. Invertebrates of the Rybalsky Quarry 3 4.1.1. A short review on the fauna of invertebrates in the Rybalsky Quarry 4 4.2. The current state of the Batracho- and Herpetofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry 6 4.3. The current state of the ornitofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry . 6 4.3.1. Ornithological zoning 7 4.3.2. Hole-nesting birds of the Rybalsky Quarry 7 4.4. The current state of the theriofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry 9 5. Improving the living conditions 10 6. Ecological education of the population 10 7. Discussion 10 8. Conclusions 11 9. Literature 12 10. Attachments 13 1. Introduction "The Rybalsky Quarry - a ground for integrated zoological studies" Project is a logic sequence of the Project "Improving the ornithological fauna diversity of the Rybalsky Quarry" (2016), which resulted in the assessement of the condition of the birds in the Quarry, obtaining data on their numbers, distribution, ecological peculiarities, and drawing a conclusion that using artificial bird boxes of different sizes is the most appropriate method for increasing the ornithological diversity. 2. The goals of the project The integrated zoological studies orientated towards inventory and assessement of the condition of the fauna, obtaining parameters of animals` density and the patterns of their distribution in relatio n to the environmental factors, and integrated study of ornithological fauna. 3. Methods The main source for the comparative analysis of the faunistic complexes of the Rybalsky Quarry was the series of monographs of the scientists of the DNU Zoology Department on the biodiversity in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (Bulahov, Pahomov, 2006, Bulahov, Hasso, Pahomov, 2007, Holoborodko, Pahomov, 2010, Holoborodko, Plushch, Pahomov, 2010, Klochko, Holoborodko, Pahomov, Afanasieva, 2011). The invertebrates were studied by monitoring on the routes; taking photos for further analysis; collecting and determininng the inhabitants of the litter. For the assessement of the insects, we used methods of sweeping, Barber pitfall traps and catching flying insects. The inventory of the amphibians and reptiles was made using the method of route counting during the period of their highest activity (Shliahtyn, Holykova, 1986). To study the condition of theriofauna, we were searching tracks in winter, set photo traps, recorded micromammals caught in live traps, found burrows and shelters, and analyzed feces. For the integrated study of the birds, we conducted route-point counts and route counts (Ravkin, 1967, Ravkin, Dobrohotov, 1963) and proving the nestings of some birds using GPS-technologies. Similar inventores were performed in the neighbouring areas. 4. Results 4.1. Invertebrates of the Rybalsky Quarry Over the study of the Rybalsky Quarry, there were found 240 species of invertebrates which taxonomically belong to three types: ringed worms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) – 1 species; molluscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) – 4 species; arthropods (Arthropoda: Crustacea – 1 species, Arachnida – 8 species, Myriapoda – 4 species, Insecta – 222 species). The richest and the most diverse group was insects (Insecta) represented by 9 orders (Fig. 1). The highest number of species was observed for beetles (Coleoptera) – 54 species, and 3 true bugs (Hemiptera) – 53 species. A significant share in the species diversity also belongs to lepidopterans (Lepidoptera) and hymenopterans (Hymenoptera) – 30 species of each order. An insignificant number of species was recorded for net-winged insects (Neuroptera) and scorpionflies (Mecoptera). Figure 1. Taxonomic division of the entofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry, % 4.1.1. A short review on the fauna of invertebrates in the Rybalsy Quarry Snails (Gastropoda) mostly live in shadowed places under the bushes, trees, often in the upper layer of soil. Practically in the entire territory of the Quarry, the Roman snail (Helix pomatia) occurs commonly and in large numbers. Also, there were found white-lipped snail (Cepaea hortensis), Cochlodina laminate and Cochlicopa lubrica. The two latter species occur much rarer than the previous. A subject of a great interest was the finding of a large centipede - Tanzanian blue ringleg (Scolopendra morsitans). It was rarely found under the rocks. In wet weather, or under the shelters, other representatives of Myriapoda were sometimes found: Sarmatoiulus kessleri and Geophilus longicornis. The common woodlouse (Oniscus asellus), a representative of crustaceans (Crustacea) is a typical species in humid places. The fauna of invertebrates in the open areas with thinned-out vegetation is represented by a low number of species. Mostly, there occur jumping spiders, ants, and some species of beetles. The latter include 2 species of Cicindella (the Carabidae family), Dorkadion carinatum of the Cerambicidae family, Meloe proscarabaeus of the Meloidae family, Hister quadrinotatus of the Histeridae family, and Staphilinus caesareus of the Staphilinidae family. The true bugs of the open areas are represented mostly by the common species, typical for the steppe zone of Ukraine. These bugs include firebug - 1 species, Cydnidae – 2 species, Lygaeidae – 3 species. In the area, there were found few specimens of the representatives of jewel bugs (Scutelleridae) – Odontoscelis fuliginosa. Rarely, larvae of ant-like larve of Alydus calcaratus from the family of leaf-footed bugs (Coreidae) were found on the open grounds. Predatory heteropterans of the open grounds are represented by the Nabidae family - 3 species. The prey of these active predators almost totally consists of larvae and imagoes of Lygaeidae bugs. Orthoptera on the open areas are represented by Acridsdae - locust of two species. More rarely, Gryllus campestris and Melanogryllus desertus occur. The Hymenoptera in the open areas are represented by ants (Formicidae). The most distributed of them is black garden ant (Lasius niger), blood-red ant (Formica sanguinea), erratic ant (Tapinoma erraticum). At some places, there were seen Mutilla europaea and spider wasps (Pompilidae): Ceropales maculata and Anoplius fuscus. The community of the litter slightly reminds the species composition of the open grounds. It`s impossible not to notice a variety of molluscs with the domination of young individuals of the Roman snail. One`s attention can be also attracted by the ground beetles (Carabidae), the commonest of which are crucifix ground beetle (Panagaeus crus-major), Harpalus aeneus, rarer are Broscus cephalotes. Seldom, Staphilinus caesareus of the Staphilinidae family. Common insects of the litter are large carrion beetles (Silphidae): Silpha carinata and Thanatophilus rugosus, and sometimes, there were also found some chitinous remains of Lucanus cervus and Oryctes nasicornis, though they are not herpetobionts. 4 The Hemiptera in the litter are represented by the species of the Lygaeidae family, which feed on the plants. The dominating species in the area are Rhyparochromus vulgaris and Raglius alboacuminatus, sometimes the species of Emblethis and Geocoris genera occur. The Lygaeidae, both adults and larvae are nutrient food for predatory hemipterans of the Nabidae family,