Rybalsky Quarry - territory for multi-field zoological research

(Rybalsky Qarry, Ukraine)

Final report

The head of the group: Petro Chehorka

The research group: Volodymyr Kolesnyk, Volodymyr Sizhko, Viacheslav Kaistro, Myhailo Lystopadsky, Oksana Lystopadska, Paul Bradbeer

Heidelberg Cement ukraine

Dnipropetrovsk branch of the Ukrainian society for the protection of birds

Dnipro – 2018

Contestant profile Contestant name: Petro Chegorka Contestant occupation: Chairman University / Organisation Dnipropetrovsk Branch of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds Number of people in your team: 7

Project overview Title: Rybalsky Quarry - territory for multi-field zoological research Contest: (Research/Community) Research Quarry name: Rybalsky

Overview The population of the Rybalsky Quarry was formed spontaneously as a result of the inhabiting of the Quarry`s territory by the from the neighbouring areas (flood-plain forest, farm lands, the Samara Bay, synanthropic landscape) and their further adaptation. Direct and inderect effects on this process were caused by the biological peculiarities of the animals, weather conditions, and in retrospect - the dynamic of the formation of biogeocenosis cover, etc. As a result of the integrated zoological studies orientated towards inventory and assessement of the fauna of some groups of invertebrates, first of all - , and also of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, we obtained the data on their species composition, number and pattern of distribution in the Quarry. We conducted a monitoring of bird boxes and ornithological zoning. During the work of the project, an inventory method of photo traps was used in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast for the first time. The results are presented in the scientific publications (Chehorka et al., 2018) and the developed reccommendations (Havryliuk, Lystopadsky, 2018). The results of the inventory of the fauna is availible in the electronic catalogue "Animals of the Rybalsky Quarry", which was the basis for the book. For improving the Quarry for animals, we fed the animals in winter, set water ponds, and made 20 additional bird boxes of 3 types. As a result, the nature potential of the Quarry increased and its esthetic attractieness, animals` living conditions improved, as well as the image of the HeidelbergCement Ukraine Company.


Фінальний звіт

Content 1. Introduction 3 2. The goals of the project 3 3. Methods 3 4. Results 3 4.1. Invertebrates of the Rybalsky Quarry 3 4.1.1. A short review on the fauna of invertebrates in the Rybalsky Quarry 4 4.2. The current state of the Batracho- and Herpetofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry 6 4.3. The current state of the ornitofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry . 6 4.3.1. Ornithological zoning 7 4.3.2. Hole-nesting birds of the Rybalsky Quarry 7 4.4. The current state of the theriofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry 9 5. Improving the living conditions 10 6. Ecological education of the population 10 7. Discussion 10 8. Conclusions 11 9. Literature 12 10. Attachments 13

1. Introduction "The Rybalsky Quarry - a ground for integrated zoological studies" Project is a logic sequence of the Project "Improving the ornithological fauna diversity of the Rybalsky Quarry" (2016), which resulted in the assessement of the condition of the birds in the Quarry, obtaining data on their numbers, distribution, ecological peculiarities, and drawing a conclusion that using artificial bird boxes of different sizes is the most appropriate method for increasing the ornithological diversity.

2. The goals of the project The integrated zoological studies orientated towards inventory and assessement of the condition of the fauna, obtaining parameters of animals` density and the patterns of their distribution in relatio n to the environmental factors, and integrated study of ornithological fauna.

3. Methods The main source for the comparative analysis of the faunistic complexes of the Rybalsky Quarry was the series of monographs of the scientists of the DNU Zoology Department on the biodiversity in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (Bulahov, Pahomov, 2006, Bulahov, Hasso, Pahomov, 2007, Holoborodko, Pahomov, 2010, Holoborodko, Plushch, Pahomov, 2010, Klochko, Holoborodko, Pahomov, Afanasieva, 2011). The invertebrates were studied by monitoring on the routes; taking photos for further analysis; collecting and determininng the inhabitants of the litter. For the assessement of the insects, we used methods of sweeping, Barber pitfall traps and catching flying insects. The inventory of the amphibians and reptiles was made using the method of route counting during the period of their highest activity (Shliahtyn, Holykova, 1986). To study the condition of theriofauna, we were searching tracks in winter, set photo traps, recorded micromammals caught in live traps, found burrows and shelters, and analyzed feces. For the integrated study of the birds, we conducted route-point counts and route counts (Ravkin, 1967, Ravkin, Dobrohotov, 1963) and proving the nestings of some birds using GPS-technologies. Similar inventores were performed in the neighbouring areas.

4. Results 4.1. Invertebrates of the Rybalsky Quarry Over the study of the Rybalsky Quarry, there were found 240 species of invertebrates which taxonomically belong to three types: ringed worms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) – 1 species; molluscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) – 4 species; (Arthropoda: Crustacea – 1 species, Arachnida – 8 species, Myriapoda – 4 species, Insecta – 222 species). The richest and the most diverse group was insects (Insecta) represented by 9 orders (Fig. 1). The highest number of species was observed for (Coleoptera) – 54 species, and 3 true bugs () – 53 species. A significant share in the species diversity also belongs to lepidopterans (Lepidoptera) and hymenopterans (Hymenoptera) – 30 species of each order. An insignificant number of species was recorded for net-winged insects (Neuroptera) and scorpionflies (Mecoptera).

Figure 1. Taxonomic division of the entofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry, %

4.1.1. A short review on the fauna of invertebrates in the Rybalsy Quarry Snails (Gastropoda) mostly live in shadowed places under the bushes, trees, often in the upper layer of soil. Practically in the entire territory of the Quarry, the Roman snail (Helix pomatia) occurs commonly and in large numbers. Also, there were found white-lipped snail (Cepaea hortensis), Cochlodina laminate and Cochlicopa lubrica. The two latter species occur much rarer than the previous. A subject of a great interest was the finding of a large centipede - Tanzanian blue ringleg (Scolopendra morsitans). It was rarely found under the rocks. In wet weather, or under the shelters, other representatives of Myriapoda were sometimes found: Sarmatoiulus kessleri and Geophilus longicornis. The common woodlouse (Oniscus asellus), a representative of crustaceans (Crustacea) is a typical species in humid places. The fauna of invertebrates in the open areas with thinned-out vegetation is represented by a low number of species. Mostly, there occur jumping spiders, ants, and some species of beetles. The latter include 2 species of Cicindella (the Carabidae family), Dorkadion carinatum of the Cerambicidae family, Meloe proscarabaeus of the Meloidae family, Hister quadrinotatus of the Histeridae family, and Staphilinus caesareus of the Staphilinidae family. The true bugs of the open areas are represented mostly by the common species, typical for the steppe zone of Ukraine. These bugs include firebug - 1 species, Cydnidae – 2 species, Lygaeidae – 3 species. In the area, there were found few specimens of the representatives of jewel bugs (Scutelleridae) – Odontoscelis fuliginosa. Rarely, larvae of ant-like larve of Alydus calcaratus from the family of leaf-footed bugs (Coreidae) were found on the open grounds. Predatory heteropterans of the open grounds are represented by the Nabidae family - 3 species. The prey of these active predators almost totally consists of larvae and imagoes of Lygaeidae bugs. Orthoptera on the open areas are represented by Acridsdae - locust of two species. More rarely, Gryllus campestris and Melanogryllus desertus occur. The Hymenoptera in the open areas are represented by ants (Formicidae). The most distributed of them is black garden ant (Lasius niger), blood-red ant (Formica sanguinea), erratic ant (Tapinoma erraticum). At some places, there were seen Mutilla europaea and spider wasps (Pompilidae): Ceropales maculata and Anoplius fuscus. The community of the litter slightly reminds the species composition of the open grounds. It`s impossible not to notice a variety of molluscs with the domination of young individuals of the Roman snail. One`s attention can be also attracted by the ground beetles (Carabidae), the commonest of which are crucifix ground (Panagaeus crus-major), Harpalus aeneus, rarer are Broscus cephalotes. Seldom, Staphilinus caesareus of the Staphilinidae family. Common insects of the litter are large carrion beetles (Silphidae): Silpha carinata and Thanatophilus rugosus, and sometimes, there were also found some chitinous remains of Lucanus cervus and Oryctes nasicornis, though they are not herpetobionts. 4

The Hemiptera in the litter are represented by the species of the Lygaeidae family, which feed on the plants. The dominating species in the area are Rhyparochromus vulgaris and Raglius alboacuminatus, sometimes the species of Emblethis and Geocoris genera occur. The Lygaeidae, both adults and larvae are nutrient food for predatory hemipterans of the Nabidae family, which in the area are represented by three species: Prostemma aeneicolle, Pr. sanguineum and Alloeorynchus flavipes. Of the shield bugs (Cydnidae), there was found only a low number of Legnotus picipes. The litter had very few representatives of the leaf- footed bugs (Coreidae): only one individual of Ceraleptus lividus was found. In the late summer, an increase was observed in the population of Alydus calcaratus, adult bugs of this species live mostly in the forbs. Rarely, there were found firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) of the Pyrrhocoridae family, and rarer - P. marginatus. In the middle august, under the litter, there occurred a representative of the jewel bugs (Scutelleridae) – sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps) which during that period usually hides for the wintering, having found the conditions there perfect. Grassy areas of the Rybalsky Quarry are inhabited the most diversely. Of the invertebrates, there dominate xero- and thermorphilic phytophages, first of all - representatives of the Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera orders Of the Orthopterans, the dominating are the insects of Acrididae: Oedipoda coerulescens and Bryodema tuberculatum, Chrysochraon dispar. Much rarer occured the representatives of the Tettigoniidae family: wart-biter (Decticus verrucivorus), Tettigonia caudate, great green bush-cricket (Tettigonia viridissima), sickle-bearing bush-cricket (Phaneroptera falcata); and even rarer - Italian tree cricket (Oecanthus pellucens) of the Oecanthidae family. Of the Lepidopterans, the most notable group was butterflies. The total of 30 species was found, belonging to 6 families. Two species: the Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon) and the scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. The most common in the area were the representatives of the brush-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae) – 8 species; Pieridae – 7 species; gossamer- winged butterflies (Lycaenidae) – 7 species. The Hymenoptera order in the Rybalsky Quarry is quite diverse. It consists of pollinators, parasites and predators. The numerous insects are ants (Formicidae). Of the Apidae, the brightest are the bumblebees. We found only 2 species - buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) and red-tailed bumblebee (B. lapidarius), the first is quite abundant. Single individuals of Scolia hirta occurred, and a couple of times we met the carpenter bee (Xylocopa sp.). The flowers, especially of the umbellifers, attract many different bees, wasps, Tenthredinidae and other hymenopterans. Also, many parasitoid wasps (Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, Chalcididae) were found in the area. Of the recorded species, the most common were: Vespula media, European wasp (Vespa germanica) and common wasp (Vespa vulgaris). Much rarer, there were found Eumenes spp., Odynerus spp., and single individuals of Sceliphron destillatorium and the European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum). The beetles in the Rybalsky Quarry are a diverse and numerous group. In the steppe vegetation, the dominating were the species of the scarabs (Scarabaeidae) and the leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), more rarely - of the , longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae), ladybugs (Coccinellidae). Mostly these representatives are species with a broad range: Anisoplia austriaca, rose chafer (Cetonia aurata), Epicometis hirta, sluggish (Cleonus piger), green dock beetle Gastrophysa viridula), seven-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata), two-spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata), 24-spot ladybird (Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata), Cantharis rufa, malachite beetle (Malachius bipustulatus), Zabrus tenebrioides. Sometimes, on the flowers (mostly of the Achillea group of flowering plants), we could see grape wood borer (Chlorophorus varius), and in the thickets of Ballota plants, we could notice the colors of dead-nettle leaf beetle (Chrysolina fastuosa). The Hemipterans on the terraces of the Rybalsky Quarry are represented by the following families: stink bugs (), mirid bugs (Miridae), scentless plant bugs (Rhopalidae); rarer by the leaf-footed bugs (Coreidae), burrowing bugs (Cydnidae) and jewel bugs (Scutelleridae). The most numeous in the forbs were Lucerne bugs and different shield bugs. The dominating in the area are Orthotylus flavosparsus, Lygus pratensis, Adelphocoris lineolatus, small species of the Polymerus (Miridae) genus. Aelia rostrata, sloe bug (Dolycoris baccarum), Carpocoris pudicus (Pentatomidae); dock bug (Coreus marginatus) (Coreidae). Much rarer are: Odontogaster purpureolineatus), sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps) (Scutelleridae); Holcostethus vernalis, cabbage bug (Eurydema oleracea), green shield bug ( prasina), gorse shield bug () (Pentatomidae); Syromantus rhombeus; broad-headed bug (Camptopus lateralis) (Coreidae); Tritomegas sexmaculatus (Cydnidae). Single individuals of Dyroderes umbraculatus and Codophila varia occured – the species more typical for southern territories. Of the predatory hemipterans, in the forbs, only 2 species of the Nabidae family lived: Nabis pseudoferus and N. punctatus. Compared to the biocenoses of the steppe ravines, the fauna of the hemipterans is poor. A significant part in the natural processes belongs to the representatives of the Diptera order. We recorded the species from the families Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, Asilidae, Syrphidae, Tachinidae, Calliphoridae. Hoverflies are diverse, the imagoes of which are the pollinators of the plants, and the larvae of many species are predators. The tachinids are parasites to a number of groups of insects, and the whole 5

Phasinae subfamily is specialized parasitic group of hemipterans. Of them, in the thinned-out herbs of the Rybalsky Quarry, rarely occurred active Cylindromyia bicolor and Phasia crassipennis. The robber flies (Asilidae) are active predators which attack other insects in flight. We found Asilus picipes and A. albiceps. The flesh flies (Sarcophagidae), Muscidae, blow flies (Calliphoridae) mostly develop in dead animals, feces and wastes. In the studied area, common flies were the common flesh fly (Sarcophaga carnaria), spotted flesh fly (Wohlfahrtia magnifica), housefly (Musca domestica), Muscina stabulans, stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans), Calliphora vicina and some other species. Blood sucking insects consisted of the representatives of the Tabanidae family. The most abundant in the studied area were Common Horse Fly (Haematopota pluvialis) and Chrysops pictus; rarer occurred pale giant horse-fly (Tabanus bovinus) and Hybomitra ucrainica, and in the second half of August - large marsh horseflies (T. autumnalis) appeared. It is impossible not mention the Odonata order. It is represented by the broadly distributed species. The most numerous are the representatives of the skimmers (Libellulidae): yellow-winged darter (Sympetru flaveolum), ruddy darter (S. sanguineum), vagrant darter (S. vulgatum). Rarer were broad-bodied chaser (Libellula depressa) and scarce chaser (L. fulva). On open grounds, the insects are predated by Aeschua cyanea of the Aeschnidae family, and the places between the trees and shrubs are monitored by the flights of Sympycna fusca of the Lestidae family. Typical species for such places are the representatives of the Coenagrionidae family or the narrow-winged damselflies – variable damselfly (Coenagrion pulchellum) and C. concinnum.

4.2. The current state of the Batracho- and Herpetofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry Table 1. Taxonomic and ecological characteristics of the batracho- and herpetofauna of the Rybalsky quarry

№ Common name Latin name Distribution and living


ic type



Protection Protection


Ecological Ecological

Class Amphibians – Amphibia 1 Marsh frog Pelophylаx European Aq-Pal Appendix 10-30 A small population lives in a ridibundus ІІІ BC individ reservoir, which was formed Pallas, 1771 uals due to pumping water in the granite production zone Class Reptiles – Reptilia 2 Spit lizard Lacerta agilis East St Appendix Over In insignificant quantities it is Linnaeus, 1758 steppe ІІ BC 100 found in lighted white-acacia individ plantations, on stone plots and uals in areas with formed phytocenoses of steppe type 3 Grass snake Natrix natrix Broad- Aq-Pal Appendix 3-5 Penetrates into a quarry, Linnaeus, 1758 widesprea ІІ BC individ settling on the side of Samara d uals Bay Notes: Aq-Pal - wetland ecological complex, St - steppe, BC - Berne convention

The activity of the quarries leads to the destruction of the habitat of most species of amphibians and reptiles as a result of the removal of the soil layer, the appearance of waste heaps and dumps, building and pollution. Formation of complexes of terrestrial animals in different types of disturbed lands is slow (Kotenko, 1992). For these reasons, according to the species composition and quantitative characteristics, the complex of the botanical and herpetofauna of the fishing quarry is very depleted and significantly loses to regional indicators. (Bulakhov and others, 2007). Here (Table 1) there is a residence of 1 species of amphibians and 2 species of reptiles, which totals 13.04% of the species biodiversity of these animals in the Dnipropetrovsk region. In addition to the negative influence of factors of anthropogenic origin, the press which remains sufficiently significant in the current careers, it is necessary to note the essential role of grouping dogs in the containment of the growth of the population of the spit lizard (Kotenko, 1987), as evidenced by direct observations and the analysis of their excrement.


4.3. The current state of the ornithofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry ру The species composition of the birds was studied in all seasons of the year. This allowed us to increase the list of the Quarry’s avifauna to 80 species. which belong to 12 systematic groups (orders). Only the order Passeriformes has a fairly large representation with 49 species. 8 species in the order Accipitriformes have been observed , the remaining groups are represented by 1-5 species each.

4.3.1. Ornithological zoning Zone of active extraction of granite The territory is the bottom of the Quarry is the place of greatest concentration of people and technology. It is the most polluted part and has a high level of noise pollution. Structurally, it consists of a direct mining site (12,7 hectares) and an "island" forest (0.9 hectares) - the territory of spontaneous forest formation around a temporary water body. It represents a unique floodplain-type forest ecosystem, which has created and formed certain stages of the organization of classical ecosystems. The woodland is white and black poplar with admixture of representatives of willows and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia ). In the herbaceous layer, reeds and wormwood prevail. Birds of this zone belong to two main evolutionary and ecological groups: sclerophylls – derivative of representatives of the fauna of coastal and continental ravines and specialised dendrophilous birds that have a temporary functional relationship with woody vegetation. The most numerous part of the ornithofauna of this zone is composed of 3-4 nesting species, another 7-10 occur here during feeding forays or as casual visitors.

The zone of spontaneous growth of woody vegetation This area (15,6 hectares) is the area of the most active formation of the ornithofauna. It allows one to retrospectively trace this process. Natural overgrowth occurs on the upper terrace of the quarry. These tree stands form a solid "ring" around the mining zone. Due to different levels of insolation, the width of this zone, density and species composition of the stands varies. On the slopes which are the most warmed by the sun and deprived of sufficient moisture, predominantly stands of black locust with xerophytic herbs are formed. There is almost no understorey here. The shrub layer predominates on the lowest, but not functioning terraces. This is due to the undemanding and flexible ecological requirements of black locust as regards moisture and soil type. On the upper terraces of the northern and eastern slopes woodlands of the ferruginous- perennial stage dominate , with the predominance of white poplar, black poplar in the first tier, ash, black locust and isolated oaks - in the second. Shrubs are represented by black elder, mountain ash, wild rose. Closer to the edges sea buckthorn grows. . In the grass layer there are Tussilago, mesophilic grasses, celandine. In the most moisturized edaphotopes-horsetails. This zone is the center for the formation of forest ornithocenoses within the limits of the Quarry and is one of the richest in composition of bird species relative to other zones. Here 22-24 species have been observed nesting.

Zone of floodplain forest on the shore of Samara Bay These sites serve as natural "donors" to enhance the ornithological diversity of the Quarry. In particular, these fragments of an ancient ecosystem have a significant number of species of birds (42 species) capable of colonising new, "adjacent" ecotopes, including spontaneous forest groups in the studied territory. It is the richest region of the Quarry in terms of bird species diversity.

The zone of loess debris The territory (5.6 hectares) has the highest density of birds. At the same time, its taxonomic diversity is rather low, which is explained by the low diversity of the habitat. This is where colonial species of birds nest, notably European Bee-eater and Sand Martin. Among the colonies of these species, two active nests of Rollers (Red Book of Ukraine, 2009) were found . Pied Wheatears and Northern Wheatears also nest here . This zone is constantly visited by Ravens , Kestrels , Hobbies and Little Owls.

4.3.2. Hole-nesting birds of the Rybalsky Quarry Фауна птахів-дуплогніздників кар’єру продовжує активно формуватися. Поштовхом для активізації цього процесу було встановлення 65 штучних гніздівель 3-х типорозмірів у 2016 р. (Чегорка та інші, 2018). В перший рік птахами було заселено 13 гніздівель (20 % від загальної кількості). Наступного, 2017 р. вже більше половини штучних гніздівель використовувалися птахами в той чи інший спосіб. За результатами моніторингу заселеності штучних гніздівель у 2018 р. встановлено, що 35,4% з них використовувалися птахами з метою гніздування. Відносно типу штучних гніздівель відсоток заселеності коливався в межах 30-40 (табл.2).


The hole-nesting bird fauna of the Quarry continues to be actively formed. The impetus for the intensification of this process was the installation of 65 artificial nests of 3 sizes in 2016 (Chegorko and others, 2018). In the first year, 13 nest boxes were occupied (20% of the total number of nest boxes). Next, in 2017, more than half of the artificial nests were used by birds in one way or another. According to the results of monitoring of the population of the nest boxes in 2018, it was found that 35.4% of them were used for nesting by birds . In relation to the type of artificial nest, the occupation varied within 30-40 % (Table 2).

Table 2 . Occupancy by Birds of Nest Boxes in the Rybalsky Quarry in 2018 in relation to Type of Box Type of Nest Box/ Total number of boxes Number occupied in % of boxes occupied 2018 . Tit box 50 18 36,0 Starling box 10 3 30,0 Little Owl box 5 2 40.0

In total, in one way or another in 2018, 41 artificial nests (63.1%) were used. The analysis of the data, carried out at the end of the breeding period, showed that 23 pairs of birds of 4 species nested in the hollows (Fig. 3). The dominant species was the Great Tit. This species is not very picky in the selection of nesting places and, in the absence of hollow trees, nests in various cavities, both natural and anthropogenic. In addition to the nests in which the chicks were brought out, or the eggs were buried (nesting was confirmed), traces of the birds were detected in part of the doves. Probably they were used for recreation or as a shelter from predators. In 5 cases, in the dumplings, they made their home the forest walks (Dryomys nitedula), yet one settled wild bees-sherstrobits (Anthidium sp.) (Fig. 2). In general, in one way or another in 2018, 41 artificial nest (63.1%) was used. The analysis of the data, carried out at the end of the breeding period, showed that 23 pairs of birds of 4 species were nesting in the hollows (Fig. 3). Dominant was a big tits. This species is not very picky in the selection of nesting places and, in the absence of hollow trees, nests in various cavities, both natural and anthropogenic.

Figure 2. Total occupancy of the nest boxes at the Rybalsky Quarry in 2018

Birds for nesting 22 23 Birds are otherwise Forest dormouse 14 Insects Not used 1 5

Since 2016, most of the hole-nesting bird population occupied the artificial nests and the number of nesting pairs has increased significantly. Wrynecks , which were completely absent from the in Rybalsky Quarry a few years ago have appeared as a breeding species,. Their nesting density has reached the maximum possible values. Another very interesting species of birds included in the Red Book of Ukraine, is the Scops Owl. Until 2018, this species was only a rare casual visitor to the Quarry. Its songs could be heard from the shore area of Samara Bay, where the tract of mature floodplain forest is located. In this year, in 2 out of 5 installed Little Owl boxes, we observed nesting by Scops Owls. Admittedly, only one nesting attempt was successful. In addition to the four species confirmed to be nesting in the artificial nests installed at the Rybalsky Quarry, it is possible that in future years other species such as Starling and Hoopoe will occupy these boxes.

Figure 3. Occupation of nest boxes by nesting birds by species

Tit boxes Starling boxes Little Owl boxes 8

4.4. Theriofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry Theriofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry has its own peculiarities. It includes 15 species which belong to 7 orders and 10 families. A comparative analysis of the theriofaunistic diversity with "The control list of the theriofauna of Ukraine" (Zahorodniuk, 1999) and Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (Bulahov, Pahomov, 2006) indicates the following: the species composition of the theriofauna is poor and in relation to Ukraine equals - 12.1%, and in relation to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – 23,8%. Low number of species of mammals is typical for the quarries located in different natural zones (Cherniakov et al., 2001, Shchehovsky, 2018).

Table 3. Taxonomic and ecologic characteristic of the theriofauna of the Rybalsky Quarry

Common № Latin name Distribution and living name


c type



Protection Protection

Ecological Ecological

Geographi Erinaceiformes 1 Northern Erinaceus E Er - 3-5 Was seen in the areas with remains of the steppe white- concolor individ vagetation and in humid tree stands on the breasted Martin, 1838 uals western slope. hedgehog Soriciformes 2 common Sorex araneus W F Appendi 5-10 Lives in a humid area on the western slope of the shrew Linnaeus, 1758 xІІІ BC individ Quarry uals Vespertilioniformes 3 Daubenton' Myotis E Л RBDO, 3-5 Flies in the Quarry during hunting. s bat daubentonii RBU, individ Kuhl, 1819 Appendi uals xІІІ BC 4 common Nyctalus E F RBDO, 5-10 Flies in the territory of the Quarry during hunting. noctule noctula RBU, individ In the flood plain forest on the shore of the Schreber, 1774 Appendi uals Samara Bay, we found a colony in a hollow of a xІІІ BC silver poplar. Caniformes 5 red fox Vulpes vulpes W Er - 1-2 Uses the territory of the Quarry for hunting. Linnaeus, 1758 individ There are several burrows which are periodically uals used by foxes as shelters. 6 beech Martes foina E Er Appendi 1 Tracks were found in Quarry in winter. marten Erxleben, 1777 xІІІ BC individ uals. 7 weasel Mustela nivalis W F Appendi 2-3 Live in the Quarry in the forests on the slopes. Linnaeus, 1758 xІІІ BC individ uals 8 badger Meles meles W F RBDO, 1 Tracks were found, but no settlements. Linnaeus, 1758 Appendi individ xІІІ BC uals Leporiformes 9 European Lepus E Er Appendi 3-5 Lives in the Quarry. Most often is seen in the hare europaeus xІІІ BC individ areas which neighbour with farming lands. Pallas, 1778 uals Muriformes 10 edible Dryomys E F RBDO, 30-50 Lives on east and south slopes covered with dormouse nitedula Appendi individ forests. The increase in the number occured Pallas, 1779 xІІІ BC uals mostly due to installing bird boxes.

11 red squirrel Sciurus W F Appendi 1-2 Lives in the Quarry and the flood plain forest on vulgaris xІІІ BC individ the shore of the Samara Bay. From there, it Linnaeus, 1758 uals distributed around the Dnipro after its introduction to the city parks in the mid 1970s. 12 house Mus musculus W Сн 10-15 Lives in the structures build in the Quarry. mouse Linnaeus, 1758 individ uals 13 Ural field Sylvaemus W F 30-50 Lives in the forests on the slopes. mouse uralensis individ Pallas, 1811 uals


14 brown rat Rattus W Er 1-3 Travels to the Quarry from the shore of the norvegicus individ Samara Bay, where it is common. Berkenhout, uals 1769 Cerviformes 15 European Capreolus E F Appendi 1 The territory of the Quarry is a part of individual roe deer capreolus x ІІІ BC individ area of an adult in summer. All the territory Linnaeus, 1766 uals covers the neighbouring territories of the flood plain forest and farming lands. In the Quarry, it prefers the southern and western slopes covered with forest. Visits the water pond on the western slope of the Quarry. Notes: Geographic type of fauna: E – European; W – widely distributed; Ecological complexes: F – forest, Er - eurytopic, Sn - synanthropic; Protection status: RBDO - The Red Book of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (2011); RBU - The Red Book of Ukraine (2009), BC – the Berne Convention.

The described community of mammals consists of two geographic types of fauna: widely distributed (53.3%) and European (46.7%). The representatives of the European category are northern white-breasted hedgehog, common noctule, beech marten, European hare, European roe deer, and the representatives of the widely distributed type - common shrew, red fox, weasel, and brown rat. The ecological structure of the theriofauna is represented by the forest complex - 60.0 %, eurytopic complex – 33.3%, synanthropic complex – 6.7 %. Four species of mammals, which live in the Quarry are included in the Red Books of Ukraine and Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. An important component of the theriocomplex is a group of free-ranging dogs, the ecology and behavior of which should be studied separately.

5. Improving the living conditions Feeding in the winter period was made using mixtures of grains (corn, sunflower, wheat, barley) in the amount of 50 kg. The fodder was put on the open areas of the Quarry and was consumed by the wintering birds, hairs, and squirrels. Installing nestboxes. We continued the tradition of the "Improving the ornithological fauna diversity of the Rybalsky Quarry" project in 2016, and in September of 2018, we installed 18 nestboxes (10 for great tits, 4 for starlings and 4 for owls) on the southern and western slopes of the Quarry. Arranging water ponds. There is a lack of open water bodies in the Quarry. Only in the spring and after heavy rains, small puddles can be found, which disappear in a couple of days. The project`s crew set two water ponds on the south-east and west slopes of the Quarry. The installed photo-traps proved that the ponds are often used by the birds for drinking and washing.

6. Ecological education of the population Information on the status of the biodiversity of the the Ribalsky quarry, methods of its studying and enrichment is set forth in the scientific publications (Chehorka and others, 2018) and methodological recommendations (Gavrilyuk, Lystopadsky, 2018) (Addition A) The information also was taught at meetings with young people: a conference on the territory of the Children's ecological center (m. Kamyantske), meeting with schoolchildren of Verkhintsevsky school, regional competitions of young naturalists, regional ecological- natural studying camp-expedition "Boryviter-2018". The results of the inventory of fauna are presented in the form of an electronic catalog "Animal World of the Ribalsky quarry " - the basis for the publication of a book- album (Addition B). To discover the current state of biodiversity, an excursion route has been developed. The route includes acquaintance with the geological structure and paleontological "cherry on the cake", the technological process. The zoological component of the route includes an overview of the nesting colonies of birds, familiarization with the methods of birdwatching and methods of animal photography, checking of artificial nests, observation of birds near the watering places.

7. Discussion The animal population of the Ribalsky quarry is in the process of formation. The settlement process is carried out for account of residents of adjoining territories. In retrospect, the first-settlers of the Ribalsky quarry were species capable of active movement - birds, flying insects, spiders, capable of using air currents. The zoological "cherry on the cake" of the Ribalsky quarry are powerful colonial settlements of sand martins and bee-eater, nesting of rare birds – roller and scops owl, a steadily growing micro-population of forest dream, the facts of the residence of badger and roe deer.


In holding back of the growth of the population of the sand lizard, microamammals and birds that nest on the land, a significant role belongs to the group of half- stray dogs. The evidences are: direct observations and the analysis of their excrements. In the Ribalsky quarry, the use of artificial nests is the most suitable way to increase the diversity of manure. It can be used in other quarries. As a remedy to increase biodiversity, it is possible to consider the introduction of gray and green toads at the early and imagoal stages, when they massively die on highways when relocating from places of reproduction to land biotopes. Toads, in addition, plays a significant role in enviromental creating (Bulakhov, 2001).The best way for this event is to be carried out in mid-June 2019. The estimated cost of the event will be 6000 UAH. In order to restore and maintain populations, first of all, the intestines, in the Rybalsky career, the installation of spring nest of wood and reeds as possible refigments is recommended in the spring of 2019. Estimated cost of the event will be UAH 2000.

8. Conclusions 1. In the Ribalsky quarry area were identified 240 species of invertebrate animals which, according to taxonomic affiliation, belong to the three types: Annelid, Mollusks, Arthropods. The most reach diversified is the class of the Insects, represented by 9 rows. The fauna of amphibians and reptiles are impoverished and there are 1 and 2 species, respectively. The ornithofauna of the Ribalsky quarry through the year consists of 80 species (27.2% of the total amount of birds in the Dnipropetrovsk region). Theriofaune is impoverished and has 15 species. 2. 4 species of insects, 4 species of birds and 2 species of mammalian inhabiting the Ribalsky quarry are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. 3. The team's work results obtained during the project realisation can be used in the educational process of schools, universities and out-of-school educational institutions. The Ribalsky quarry by itself can be used as a training ground for conducting of excursions, realising studens course and diploma works on environmental issues. 4. The results of the project's implementation are: improvement of the animals living conditions, increasing of the environmental potential and the aesthetic prettiness of the Ribalsky quarry, significant increasing of the positive image of HeidelbergCement Ukraine.


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10. Attachments Attachments А Exploration of lands in the 1-kilometer zone of the Rybalsky quarry

Name of the land Area, ha

Arable land 239 Forest bands 3 Іnhabited locality 126 Coastal swamps 33 Islands (grassy) 7 Septic tank 6 Forest is coastal 110 Steppe areas 18 The water of Samara Bay 188 Total 730

Attachments B Bibliography of publications about Rybalsky quarry 1. Коненкова І.Д.,.Богданович Є.М,.Коралова В.В, Манюк В.В. Палеонтологическая характеристика верхнеэоценовых отложений Среднего Приднепровья. Депон. В ДНТБ. України, №1950, 1995, Ук. 95.,-18 с. 2. Манюк В.В. Геологічні пам’ятки природи Дніпропетровщини. Дніпропетровськ, ж-л. “Бористен”, лютий, 1998. № 2. С.2-4. 3. Манюк В.В. До проблеми відновлення фізико-географічних умов седиментогенезу в палеогенових басейнах Середнього Придніпров’я. / Вісник Дніпропетровського університету, геологія, географія, вип. 2, Дніпропетровськ, ДДУ, 1998.-С.57-62. 4. Манюк В.В. Зберегти скарби геологічної спадщини Дніпропетровщини. //журн. “Свята справа”, №3, Дніпропетровськ, 1999.-С.19-25. 5. Манюк В.В. Особливості геологічної будови Рибальського кар’єру. //Науковий вісник НГАУ. Дніпропетровськ, 2001.-С.62-63. 6. Quaternary geology of Dnepropetrovsk region. // Volum of Abstracts “The Ukraine Quaternary Explored. Kyiv, 2001.-C.54. 7. Манюк В.В. Туристичні аспекти використання геологічних пам’яток природи. // Зб. ”Сталий розвиток туризму на узбережжі Чорного моря.” Одеса, 2001.-С.50-59. 8. Манюк В.В. Геологічна спадщина Дніпропетровщини. //Зб. «Актуальні проблеми геології, географії та екології. Дніпропетровськ, Навч.книга, 1999,т.3.-С.81-90. 9. Манюк В.В. Про таємниці природи, які нам відкрив Рибальський кар’єр.//Інформац.-публіцистичн. бюлл. “Свята справа.” вип.1(5), 2002.-С.15-17. 10. Geological Heritage of the Dnipropetrovsk region. // Natural and Cultural landscapes: the geological foundation. Dublin, Ireland, 2002.-P.25-26. 11. Манюк В.В. Геологічні пам’ятки Дніпропетровщини у природному середовищі та житті людини. // Краєзнавчий альманах “Січеславщина”, вип.4 – “Скарби Придніпровського степу.” – Дніпропетровськ, 2002.-С.5-31. 12. Манюк В.В. Геологічні відкриття Василя Зуєва та Валеріана Домгера на Катеринославщині.// Гуманітарний журнал, РВК НГАУ, №2(14), Дніпропетровськ, 2002.-С.107-108. 13. Манюк В.В. Палеонтологические памятники природы Среднего Приднепровья . // Палеонтология и природопользование – Тезисы докл. XLIX сессии палеонт. об-ва, Москва-Санкт-Петербург, 2003.-222с. (С.127-128). 14. Манюк В.В. Деякі проблемні питання біостратиграфії пізнього еоцену Середнього Придніпров’я . //Теоретичні та прикладні аспекти сучасної біостратигрфії фанерозою України. – Київ, 2003.-228с. (С.132-135). 15. Манюк В.В. Перелік геологічних пам’яток природи Дніпропетровської області. //Зб. „Проблеми розвитку природно-заповідного фонду Дніпропетровської області та шляхи залучення молоді до її вирішення.” – Дніпропетровськ, 2003.-С.90-92. 16. Манюк В.В. Наукове підґрунтя та практичний досвід в дослідженні стратиграфічних та палеонтологічних пам’яток природи південних і східних регіонів України. \\ Проблеми стратиграфії фанерозоя.-Зб.наукових праць ІГН.-Київ, 2004, С.253-259. 13

17. Манюк В.В. Деякі зауваження до статі А.А.Петренко „Кінцева морена та стратиграфічне положення мандриківських шарів.” \\ Проблеми стратиграфії фанерозоя.-Зб.наукових праць ІГН.-Київ, 2004, С.260-261. 18. Geological heritage of a southern part of Ukraine.//Natural and Cultural landscapes. – Proceedings of a conference, Dublin castel, 2002.- p.93-98. Edited by Matthew Parkes, 2004. 19. New strategy for conservation of geosites in Ukraine. //Geology-marker of cultural and geological heritage geosites under threat.- Proceeding 32 th , International geological congress Florence, 2004. 20. Preservation of the geological heritage of Ukraine: new steps towards the creation of a database of geosites.// Uppsala, Sweden, ProGEO NEWS, 2005, №2.-p.1-8. 21. Манюк В.В. Стратотипические и опорные разрезы Украинского щита, Причерноморской и Днепровско-Донецкой впадин: проблемы инвентаризации и сохранения.// Материалы 2-ой научно- практической конференции, Саратов, 2004.-С.71-72. 22. Peculiarity of Geoconservation in Ukraine.// IV International Symposium ProGeo on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage. – Braga, Portugal, University of Minho, 2005.-Page 26. 23. Манюк В.В. Проблема створення і вдосконалення мережі об’єктів геологічної спадщини: Європейський досвід.//Проблеми природокористування, сталого розвитку та техногенної безпеки регіонів.- Матеріали Третьої Міжнар. практичної конференції, м.Дніпропетровськ, 2005.-С.110-112. 24. Манюк В.В. О стратиграфическом положении и палеонтологических особенностях эоценових отложений Днепропетровской области (карьер Визирка).// Проблеми палеонтології та біостратиграфії протерозою і фанерозою України.-Київ: 2006.-С.188-192. Співавтори: Є.М.Богданович, І.Д.Коненкова, Т.А.Іванова, О.В.Бондар. 25. Inventory and cataloguing of a geological heritage of Southern and East Ukraine.//ProGEO WG-1 subregional meeting and field trip.-Tirana, Albania, 2005.-P.20-21. 26. Манюк В.В. Історичні аспекти приєднання України до Європейської Асоціації зі збереження геологічної спадщини (ПроГЕО). //Мінеральні ресурси України, №4, 2006.-С.8-11. 27. Манюк В.В. Исторична роль палеонтологічних досліджень Валеріана Домгера.// Палеонтологічні дослідження в Україні: історія, сучасний стан та перспективи., - Київ: ІГН НАНУ, 2007.-С.470-474. 28. Манюк В.В. Валеріан Домгер: історія видатних геологічних відкрить на Катеринославщині. //Журн. «Свята справа – XXI», Дніпропетровськ, №2, 2007.- С.7-10. 29. Геологічні пам’ятки України. Geological landmarks of Ukraine. Колектив авторів, у трьох томах, укр. та англ. мовами, Київ:, 2007.-том ІІ.-320с. 30. Шапар А.Г., Скрипник О.О., Сметана С.М., Манюкк В.В. Каталог унікальних природних об’єктів Дніпропетровщини. Catalogue of Unique Nature Objects of Dnipropetrovsk Region./Дніпропетровськ: ІППЕ НАНУ, 2008.-56с. (Укр. і англ.). 31. Манюк Вад.В., Манюк В.В. Природна спадщина Дніпропетровщини./Дніпропетровськ: Версия, ПП «Оберемок»,2008.- 20с. 32. Манюк В.В. Проблема збереження геологічних пам’яток природи Дніпропетровщини для краєзнавства та потреб туризму.//Туристично-краєзнавчі дослідження.-Зб. наук. праць, вип.2.- Федерація профспілок України, інститут туризму.- К.: ЧП Кармаліта, 1999.- С. 354-367. 33. Манюк Вад.В., Манюк В.В. О необходимости сохранения техногенных объектов геологического наследия в Среднем Приднепровье.// Вісник ДНУ, серія: геология, география. 2009.-Т.17.-вип.11.- №3/2. – С.28-32. 34. Манюк В.В., Барг І.М. Стратиграфія палеогенових відкладів південного схилу Українського щита (Нікопольсько-Марганецький район).// Вісник ДНУ, серія: геология, география. 2009.-Т.17.-вип.11.- №3/2. – С.3-12. (Співавтор І.М. Барг). 35. Манюк В.В. Палеонтологічні пам’ятки природи Дніпропетровської та Запорізької областей: сучасний стан та проблема збереження.//Палеонтологічний збірник, №41, 2009. Частина 1 - С. 109 – 118. 36. Манюк Вад.В., Манюк В.В. Природно-заповідний фонд України та об’єкти загальнодержавного значення. - К.: ТОВ «Центр економічної освіти та інформації. – 2009. – 332 с. (С. 60 – 73). 37. Манюк В.В. Палеонтологічні пам’ятки природи Дніпропетровської та Запорізької областей: сучасний стан та проблема збереження.//Палеонтологічний збірник, №42, 2010. Частина 2 - С. 108 – 117. 38. Манюк Вад.В., Манюк В.В. Пам’ятки природи Дніпропетровської області: навчальний довідник.- Дніпропетровськ: 2011, - 60с. 39. Манюк Вад.В., Манюк В.В. Природно-заповідний фонд Дніпропетровщини (станом на 1 грудня 2010 року). [навчальний довідник] /Дніпропетровськ, 2010. – 116с. 40. Мусатова А.Я. Микрофлора Рыбальского карьера //Записки Дніпропетровського Інституту народної освіти, Дніпропетровськ, 1928 – С.53-60


Attachments C

Results of chemical analysis of water samples from the source of the Rybalsky Quarry, conducted in Laboratory of Geology, Hydrogeology and Geoinformatics of the Research Institute of Geology DNU im. Olesya Gonchara

Physical indicators: – color – colorless; – transparency – < 0,3; – turmoil – <1 мг/л; – smell – missing

Content of components

Ion мг/екв мг/дм3 ГДК, мг/дм3 Oxidation 1,30

СО2 2,20 2- СО3 0 0 - НСО3 7,12 434,53 Сl- 1,34 47,50 350 2- SO4 2,79 133,92 500 + NH4 3 - NO2 0,02 0,02 - NO3 0,23 14,26 45 Fе (general) <0,02 Мq2+ 4,50 54,72 40,0 Са2+ 2,00 40,08 180 Na++К+ 4,98 114,54 200 Rigidity is common 6,50 7 мг/eкв Mineralization 839,73 1000 Dry residue 632 1000 pH of the sample 7,45 7,0-8,0


Attachments D Collection of scientific works Ptahi stepovogo PridnIprov'ya: minule, suchasne, maybutne

Attachments E Methodical recommendations Naukovi doslidzhennya v prirodi: zima


Attachments F Photobook Tvarinniy svit Ribalskogo kar'eru



Project tags (select all appropriate): This will be use to classify your project in the project archive (that is also available online)

Project focus: Habitat: ☐Beyond quarry borders ☒Biodiversity management ☐Artificial / cultivated land ☐Cooperation programmes ☐Cave ☐Connecting with local communities ☐Coastal ☐Education and Raising awareness ☐Grassland ☐Invasive species ☐Human settlement ☐Landscape management ☐Open areas of rocky grounds ☐Pollination ☐Recreational areas ☐Rehabilitation & habitat research ☐Sandy and rocky habitat ☒Scientific research ☐Screes ☐Soil management ☐Shrub & groves ☒Species research ☐Soil ☐Student class project ☐Wander biotopes ☐Urban ecology ☐Water bodies (flowing, standing) ☐Water management ☐Wetland ☐Woodland Flora: ☐Trees & shrubs

☐Ferns ☐Flowering plants Stakeholders: ☐Fungi ☐Authorities ☐Mosses and liverworts ☐Local community

☐NGOs Fauna: ☒Schools ☒Amphibians ☒Universities ☒Birds ☒Insects ☐Fish ☒Mammals ☒Reptiles ☒Other invertebrates ☐Other insects ☐Other species