Richard J. Tully, Violet J. Stark, Paul B. Hoffer, and Alexander Gottschalk University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics, and the A rgonne Cancer Research Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

Palpation, percussion, and auscultation are the a generally lower radiation dose to the patient than classical methods of determining organ localization the radiographie procedures. One such technique— by external nontraumatic means. With the need for renal localization prior to renal biopsy—has become more specific information about smaller organs, espe routine at our institution in the last 6 years. cially for needle or aspiration techniques, more definitive localization of these organs has be METHODS come necessary. The anatomic landmarks used in In our method (7) the patient is given an injection most biopsy techniques are simply not specific of 1.0 mCi of Tc-Fe-ascorbic acid complex and enough to cover individual variation. This has led about 1 hr later is positioned under the gamma cam- to the development of many radiographie procedures and more recently to the use of radionuclide dis Received Oct. 28, 1971; revision accepted Mar. 2, 1972. tribution or ultrasonography for localization. The For reprints contact: Richard J. Tully, University of Chicago, Dept. of Radiology, 950 E. 59 St., Chicago, 111. latter procedures are desirable because they deliver 60637.

FIG. 1. A shows patient positioned under camera 1 hr after injection of 0.1 mCi Tc-Fe-ascorbic acid complex in "bi opsy position". B shows small point sources ("Co) positioned on patient's back until they coincide with scan image of renal out line by trial and error method or with use of persistence oscilloscope. C shows renal outline drawn with indelible ink on back of patient between four points marked for each . D shows per sistence oscilloscope with renal image "stored" and renal outline drawn in on face of oscilloscope with wax pencil. E shows persistence oscilloscope with eight point sources defining two kidneys posi tioned on "wax pencil" outline of renal scan previously collected. F shows per sistence oscilloscope with composite of points and renal scan to recheck accuracy of renal localization. G shows renal scinti- photograph and two points positioned by triol and error. H shows final renal scinti photograph without markers to detect gross renal abnormalities. This becomes part of patient's record. I shows final renal scinti photograph with markers to document renal localization. This too becomes part of patient's record. Patient then returns to his room where biopsy is performed ot convenience of referring physician.

544 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE TABLEAuthorKork, PROCEDURESAccuracy*47401162114930ofofofofofof505002431501037AllACCURACY OF RENAL LOCALIZATION

(1954)Kork,Muehrcke 94%)( (1958)Brun,et al 80%)67%)76%)90%)81%)87%)biopsies2368Survey( (1958)Lindhom,Raaschou statedPyelogram (1967)Lusted,Hagstam, Kjellstrand filmImage or plain abdominal

(1958)Ginsburg,Mortimore, Hopper visionImageamplifier and pyelography —direct progressnormalneedle (1962)Kork, Durant, Mendex pyelographyTVamplifier and (1966)Haddad,Buengcr work12257500ofof( roomillu-TVinminationimage intensifier and infusion IVP—done hilumTV —specificity of cortex vs (1967)Junghagen,Mani 96%)( image intensifier and infusion IVPof (1968)Kark et al. 84%)( uremiaTVimage intensifier and arteriography —not limited by (1968) —appendix by Welt1. 89.9%)TechniquePyelogramPyelogramNotdatarepresentingimage intensifier and infusion IVP—21 centers — fluoroscopicFajers, 8,081 —1,398 done under

(1970)Kaplan,Holm, lindqvist 82%)( uremiaTVimage intensifier and arteriography —not limited by (1970)Telfer,et al 97%)( needle10image intensifier and pyelography —use of adisposable counter200juCi of ^"Hg-chlormerodrin with portable scintillation (1964)Bourn,Achroyd, Stock 82%)( scanner1pC'i of "7Hg-chlormerodrin with rectilinear (1966)Forland,Rabinowitz, Malloy 86%)( mCiscanner-dren-applicable""Tc-Fe-ascorbate with rectilinear (1967)Reese,et al 94%)(100%)( tochil-100

scanner3.5MCi of :"3Hg-chlormerodrm with rectilinear (1968)Zimacek,Joshi gammacameraUltrasoundCi/kg ""Hg-chlormerodrin with rectilinear scanner or (1970)Berlyneet al 92%)(

(1961)* 90%)diagnostic detectoras flaw

Accuracy defined as recovery of54319616303718tissueofofofofofofofofof663211717304020(valuetrolcon-TVdefined previously. era, prone with a small pillow under the midabdomen, This is particularly advantageous in small children i.e., in biopsy position. Following the localization (Fig. 1G-I). procedure the patient returns to his room where the Rectilinear scanner. An additional procedure using biopsy is performed at the convenience of the refer a rectilinear scanner has been previously described ring physician. The low-energy parallel-hole colli- mator is used, and two techniques are used to local ize the kidneys (Fig. 1A). RESULTS Trial and error. Scintiphotographs are accumulated The ability to localize the kidney outlines in this for 20-30 sec with 57Co microsources placed on the manner was compared with the histologie findings skin of the back and moved after each scintiphoto- over the 6-year period of our experience with this graph until they coincide with the margin of the procedure. underlying kidney. At least four marker positions are Of 478 patients referred for prebiopsy scan, biop used to define the two poles and width of each kid sies were not attempted on 101 for a variety of ney. A composite picture of the entire kidney is reasons. These reasons included (A) poor kidney then drawn around these points on the skin of the function with no renal localization of nuclide (36 back (Fig. 1B-F). patients), (B) biopsy either relatively or absolutely Persistence oscilloscopy. With the oscilloscope in contraindicated by subsequent clinical course or diag the "store" mode, counts are accumulated until the nostic evaluation (42 patients), and (c) patient kidneys are clearly delineated. The outline of the refusal and other miscellaneous reasons (23 pa kidneys is then drawn on the oscilloscope face in tients). The clinical contraindications (relative or wax pencil and the image "erased" electronically. absolute) included , dyspnea in biopsy posi Marker microsources (57Co) are placed on the pa tion, , single kidney, infection (renal tient's back and moved until they coincide with the or systemic), age and recent myocardial infarction, outline of the kidneys on the oscilloscope face. This severe agitation, technical difficulty in reaching the approach decreases the time required for the pro kidney with the needle, and moribund patient. cedure from approximately 30 min by trial and Of the 377 patients on whom percutaneous renal error to 5-10 min with the persistence oscilloscope. biopsy was attempted, renal tissue was obtained in


343 (91%) and tissue of diagnostic value* in 310 for biopsy. The method, however, has the disadvan (82%). In the last 100 patients biopsied, renal tis tages of requiring a fluoroscopic suite, the involve sue was obtained in 99 (99%) and tissue of diag ment of multiple physicians, a relatively high dose nostic value* in 94 (94%). These latter figures are of patient irradiation with large dose of pyelographic of significance in demonstrating the need for some contrast material, and cumbersome technical ^pera- familiarity with the techniques of scanning and bi tion around the intensifier-television chain. In con opsy, but are also a tribute to the various individual trast, the radionuclide procedure outlined above residents, internists, and pediatricians who actually requires a lower patient irradiation, is easily per performed the biopsies with such consistency. formed by technicians, and has competitive if not In addition, the renal scan gave some information better accuracy (Table 1). In the future ultrasonog- on relative renal size and areas of nonuniform uptake raphy may be as good or better since no dose of which might suggest renal mass or . ionizing radiation is given. Ultrasonography shows The most common abnormal finding was uniformly promise for renal localization (28), but the ultimate decreased or absent renal uptake suggesting poor role of this method remains to be evaluated. renal function; this finding did not seem to be cor related with the ultimate success or failure of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT biopsy attempt if the kidneys could be localized at all. The authors gratefully acknowledge the continued sup port and records of Benjamin Spargo and his associates for DOSE the histologie correlation of this study. The Argonne Cancer The absorbed radiation dose for this technique is Research Hospital is operated by the University of Chicago for the USAEC. 0.336 rads to the kidneys, < 10 mrads to the gonads, Paul B. Hoffer is a Scholar in Radiological Research of and <10 mrads to the total body (2-4). This is the James Picker Foundation. small compared with the dose which seems to be obtained in all patients with renal dis REFERENCES ease, although not necessarily before each biopsy. 1. FORLAND M, GOTTSCHALKA, SPARGOB, et al: Renal The dose from a pyelogram is 0.468 rads/film or 4.4 localization for percutaneous biopsy by scanning with rads/examination at our institution (5). The fluoro- technicium 99m iron complex. Pediatrics 39: 872-875, 1967 2. HARPER PV, LATHROPKA, GOTTSCHALKA: Pharm- scopic dose with image intensifier is less than 3 rads acodynamics of some technetium-99m preparations. In Ra for 90 sec of fluoroscopy time (6). 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546 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE RENAL SCAN PRIOR TO RENAL BIOPSY nique for percutaneous renal biopsy. Acia Med Scand 181: 20. LUSTED LB, MORTIMORE GE, HOPPER J: Needle 245-246, 1967 renal biopsy under image amplifier control. Amer J Roent 12. FAJERS CM, HOLM J, LINDQVIST B: Percutaneous gen 75: 953-955, 1956 renal biopsy in the diagnosis of renal disease in uraemia. 21. GINSBURGIW, DURANT JR, MÉNDEZL: Percutaneous Scand J Uro! Neplirol 4: 153-154, 1970 renal biopsy under direct radiologie control. JAMA 181: 13. ALLEN TD, RILEV FW: The renal scan: A clinical 211-213, 1962 evaluation of its ability to localize functioning renal tissue. 22. KARK RM, BUENCER RE: Television-monitored J Urol 90: 617-630, 1963 fluoroscopy in percutaneous renal biopsy. Lancet \ : 904- 14. TELFER N, ACKROYD AE, STOCK SL: Radioisotope 905, 1966 localization for renal biopsy. Lancet 1: 132-133, 1964 23. LINDQUIST B: Vasopressin as an aid in locating the 15. KELLER HI, MALLOY JP, SAUER GF: The renal scan. kidney in roentgen television for renal biopsy. Acta M cd JAMA 188: 1085-1086, 1964 Scand 181: 97-99, 1967 16. BAUM S, RABINOWITZ P, MALLOY WA: The renal 24. JuNGHAOEN P, LINDQVIST B, MiCHAELSON G, et al: scan as an aid in percutaneous renal biopsy. JAMA 195: Percutaneous renal biopsy on uremie patients aided by 913-915, 1966 selective arterial angiography and roentgen television. Acta 17. REESE L, JOSHI D: Localization of kidney for renal Med Scand 184: 141-144, 1968 biopsy using chlormerodin """Hg. Cañad Med Ass J 99: 25. KARK RM: Renal biopsy. JA MA 205: 220-226, 245-247, 1968 1968 (also Welt L, appendix) 18. ZIMACEK J, MYDLIK M, POKORNAI, et al: Lokalisa- 26. BUCHT H, BERGSTRANDA, NORDLANDERS: The tech tionsszintigraphie fürdie perkutane Nierenbiopsie. Nuclear- nique of renal biopsy. Scand J Urol Nephrol 3: 41-44, 1969 medezin 9: 317-326, 1970 27. KARK RM: Renal biopsy and prognosis. Ann Rev 19. KAPLAN BS, DIP. PAED,THOMPSON PD, et al: Percu Med 18: 269-298, 1967 taneous renal biopsy in children: The use of a disposable 28. BERLYNE CM: Ultrasonics in renal biopsy. Lancet 2: needle. S Afr Med J 44: 1153-1155, 1970 750-751, 1961

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