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Gastropoda:Ovulidae VENUS 62 (1-2): 11-18, 2003 A New species of Aperiovula (Gastropoda: Ovulidae) Collected near the the Boso Peninsula, Japan Yoshihiro Yoshihiro Omi 4-20-8 4-20-8 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku ,あわ 10 151 0051, Japan Abstract: Abstract: An ovulid gastropod collected from off the Boso P巴ninsula in Honshu, Japan, is is described as a new species Aperiovul α aurora. It is morphologically most similar to Aperiovula Aperiovula jeanae Cate, 1973, from which it can be distinguished by its thinner and transluc 巴nt shell and callously produced posterior terminal; the sharper and stronger denticles on on the n紅 rower outer lip; the wider aperture, and the lack of both a yellowish marginal line and and a funiculum. Keywords: Keywords: Ovulidae, new speci 巴s, Aperiovula aurora, Boso P巴ninsula Introduction A considerable numb 巴r of ovulid species have been described and recorded in Japan. The ovulid ovulid fauna of southern Kii Peninsula has been examined by Cate (1970, 1973, 1978a, 1978b), Cate Cate & Azuma (1971), and Azuma (1974a, 1974b, 1974c, 1975, 1976a, 1976b). The Boso and Miura Peninsulae are considered to be the northern distribution limits of many ovulids. Their ovulid ovulid fauna was well investigated by Mase (1989), who emphasized the importance of mantle color color pattern and sculpture in recognizing species. The present author has had a chance to examine examine two ovulid specimens collected at 200-300 m depth off the Boso Peninsula that do not re re pres 巴nt any species hitherto known from Japan. Further comparison with worldwide ovulid species species led to the conclusion that th 巴y represent a new speci 巳s. In terms of external features, this new species is considered to be most closely r巴lated to Aperiovula jeanae Cate, 1973, and is described described here. Taxonomy Family Family Ovulidae Fleming, 1828 Genus Aperiovula Cate, 1973 Type species by original designation: Ovulum adriaticum Sow 巳rby, 1828. Aperiovula Aperiovula aurora n. sp. (Fig. (Fig. 2A 』 F) 乃•pe material: Holotype (NSMT-Mo 73529) from rocky sloping bottom at 200-250 m, off Namuya, Boso Peninsula, Chiba, Japan (35°03.9'N, 139°46.?'E), December 7, 2001, collected by T. Osato together with alycyonacean host in gill net set for Japanese lobster Metanephorops japonicus japonicus (Tapparone - Canefri); paratype (Omi collection) from sandy mud bottom at 250-300 m, off Hota, Boso Peninsula, Chiba, Japan (35 。08.l'N, 139 。47.0'E), April, 1998, collected by T. Osato Osato with pennatulacean host in gill net set for M. japonicus (Fig. 1). 12 12 Y. Omi 132 ・ 136° 140 ・ 144 ・E 42 ・N (/ ~~ 百9 !<. () !<. ψ !l> 38 ・ .‘九、 ‘。 ~:正j、 凡 匂 ’b -<S' -<S' a‘ ぜ? ~ ・oli ・oli 30 ・ 35 ・ 26 ・ む Fig. Fig. 1. Localities of Aperiovula aurora n.sp . Description: Description: Shell moderately l紅 ge, pyriform, inflated in middle , attenuate anteriorly. Four wide reddish transverse bands crossing entire dorsum on slightly translucent pinkish ground color . Anterior and posterior ends yellow in color . Anterior terminal with well-developed whitish callus callus on left margin extending onto fossula through below terminal ridge on ventral side , but not not reflected dorsally. Right margin weakly angulated. Dorsum weakly incised at anterior and posterior posterior 1/8, but smooth in middle, except numerous delicate growth striations. Ventral side convex, convex, smooth, slightly thickened. Columellar lip straight with two weak columellar folds. Fossula Fossula edentate, weakly concave in middle, connected to terminal ridge. Labrum narrow, bearing bearing 27 sha 中, strong denticles . Aperture wide, almost equal in with throughout. Anterior siphonal siphonal canal slightly widened anteriorly. Posterior extremity well produced and slightly twisted. Funiculum Funiculum absent. Posterior canal thickened and completely closed by thick callus. Animal. Animal. Mantle grayish to beige scatter 巴d by numerous black spots. Radula Radula (Fig. 3A-F) . Taenioglossate with formula 2:1 :1 :1:2. Rachidian tooth sectorial in shape with with large central cusp and 9 lateral denticles on both sides, 4th and 5th larger 出an others; mid- basal basal margin convex. Lateral teeth triangular, leaf-shaped, with elongate shaft; basal margin New Species of Aperiovula from Japan 13 Fig. Fig. 2. Aperiovula spp. A-C, F. Aperiovula aurora n. sp. , holotype (NSMT-Mo 73529) , length 21.2 mm, width width 11.3 mm , height 9.5 mm. D, E. Aperiovula aurora n. sp. , paratype (Omi collection), length 20.2 20.2 mm, width 11.8 mm , height 9.5 mm. G. Aperiovula shikamai Cate , 1973, length 9.5 mm, width width 5.8 mm, height 4.3 mm. H-J. Aperiovula jeanae Cate , 1973, length 14 .8 mm, width 7.9 mm, height 6.4 mm . 14 14 Y.Omi Fig. Fig. 3. Radula of Aperiovula auror αn, . sp. A. Dorsal vi 巴w of radular ribbon towards frontal end. B. B. Marginal teeth. C. Rachidian teeth and lateral teeth . D. Rachidian t巴巴 th ,enlarged . E. Lat 巴ral teeth , enlarg 巴d. F. Lateral teeth . New Species of Aperiovula from Japan 15 slender slender and projecting backward ; m 句or cusps remarkably large , slightly curved inwardly ; outer cusps cusps minute 5-6 in number, partly split on top. Inner marginal teeth narrow, triangul 紅 in shape , rake-like rake-like in appear 組問, wi 出 19 -23 denticles; partly split approximately 1/3 distally to 24 on top . Outer Outer m 紅 ginal teeth na 町 ow triangular in shape, rake- like in app 巴arance, with 23-25 denticles extending extending approximately 115 distally, sometimes subdivided into 2-4 tiny denticles; outermost denticles denticles 3-4 times broader than others and split on top, overlapping inner marginal teeth. Dimensions: Dimensions: Holotype: Length 21.2 mm , width 11.3 mm , height 9.5 mm. Paratype: Length 20 .2 mm, width 11.8 mm, height 9.5 mm. Type Type locali 砂: Off Namuya, Boso Peninsula ,Japan , 200-300 m deep . E 砂mology :aurora ,“daybreak ” in Latin , for the rosy pink color of the shell . Discussion: Discussion: The holotype of new species is an adult female, c紅 rying a fully developed ov 訂 y and and albumen gland . Therefore , it is evident that new species does not form distinct funiculum even even at maturity. There is great intraspecific variability in shell color in ovulids. The shell shape and the structures surrounding the aperture are thus more significant for identification. The dorsal dorsal striation and funiculum are considered to be the most important features in this family. The lack of these features is a peculi む ity of this new species. Cate (1973) created the genus Aperiovula Aperiovula with Ovulum adriati cum Sowerby, 1828 as the type species , citing shells that are often often translucent, fairly large and thin , and that have broad of apertures, and minimal thickening of of the outer lip. This new species is here placed in Ap eriovula based on the presence of all these these features. Ten species (A. all ynsmithi Cate , 1978 , A. jeana e Cate , 1973 , A. m の1eri αna Cate , 1973 , A. pontia Cate , 1975 , A . robertsoni Cate , 1973, A . shikamai Cat 巴, 1973, A. taka e Cat 巴, 1973, 1973, A. takaeopsis Cate, 1978, A. testudiana Cate , 1978 A. yukitai Azuma, 1985) have been recorded recorded in the genus Aperiovula in Japan. Aperiovula aurora is over 20 mm and relatively large Fig. Fig. 4. Comparison of posterior ( A, B) and ant 巴rior (C, D) extremities of Aperiovula spp . A, C. Aperiovula Aperiovula jeanae , shell length 14 .8 mm . B, D. Ap eriov ula aurora , holotype, shell length 21.2 21.2 mm . 16 16 Y. Omi among allied ovulids (exc 巴pt for Ovula and Phenacovolva spp.) of Japan. Mo 叩hologically the most similar species in the same genus may be Aperiovula jeanae Cate, 1973 (Fig. 2H-J) and Aperiovula Aperiovula shikamai Cate, 1973 (Fig. 2G). In A. shikamai Cate, 1973, shell is spherical, similar to A. A. aurora; however A. shikamai di 首位s in having a prominent funiculum and distinct transverse striations striations on the columella. There are also di 百erences in radula mo 中hology, i.e. A. shikamai has only only two outer cusps on the lateral teeth (Azuma, 1976: text-fig. 5), wh 巴reas A. aurora possesses five five to six smaller outer cusps. A. jeanae is similar in shape and distributed at almost the same vertical vertical range as A. aurora, but the latter can be distinguished from A. jeanae by the following features: features: (1) (1) The shell of A. jeanae is thicker, only slightly translucent, and purplish pink to white in color tinged tinged with yellowish orange at the marginal rim on dorsum. On the other hand, the shell of A. α urora is more inflated, thinner and translucent, and bears indistinct transverse red bands on reddish reddish pink ground color. (2) (2) A. aurora has a more pronounced and twisted posterior terminal than A. jeanae. (3) (3) A. jeanae has distinct funiculum callosity at the posterior end on ventral side (Fig. 4A). However, However, funiculum of A. aurora is almost absence (holotype; Fig. 4B) or exists only as a trace trace (paratype). 4) (4) In A. jeanae (Fig. 21), the labrum is thicker and more broadly developed, and the apert ぽ e is narrower. narrower. A. aurora (Fig. 2B, E) has very wide aperture and a narrower labrum. (5) (5) The columellar folds and labral denticles of A. jeanae are weak (Fig. 2J, Fig. 4C). However, A. aurora aurora has distinct columellar folds and sharp labral denticles (Fig. 2F, Fig. 4D). (6) (6) A. jeanae (Fig. 4C) has a prominent and convex fossula, whereas the same feature is weak and concave concave in A. aurora (Fig. 4D). Among the similar-looking ovulids hitherto known from Japanese waters, Crenavolva (SerratovuL α )imitabilis Cate, 1973 also resembles A.
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