DEB ATE PAPERS DECEMBER 2006 no15 Losing Ground T Drug Control and War in N Afghanistan I Drugs and Democracy Programme TRANSNATIONAL TNI Briefing Series No 2006/5 C O N T E N T S Authors • Editorial 3 Martin Jelsma Tom Kramer • Sending Warning Shots. Opium Bans Cristian Rivier and Eradication in Afghanistan 4 Editor - The Afghan National Drug Control Strategy 15 Oscar Reyes - Afghan Counter-narcotics Law 19 Design Jan Abrahim Vos • NATO Forces and Counter-narcotics 20 Printing - The Regional Context: A New Great Game? 25 Drukkerij Raddraaier - Afghanistan in the Global Opiates Market 26 Amsterdam Financial Contributions • Conclusion: Changing Course 30 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands) • Reference Texts 35 T Contact: This publication makes use of the many informal talks TNI has had Transnational Institute with officials involved in policy making around Afghanistan and drug N De Wittenstraat 25 control. Given the highly politicised nature of the issues, we chose open 1052 AK Amsterdam conversations over formal interviews in the interests of gaining a deeper I Netherlands understanding of the policy dilemmas at stake. We do not publically Tel: 31-20-6626608 credit by name, therefore, many of those officials cited in this briefing. Fax: 31-20-6757176
[email protected] No. 1 Europe and Plan Colombia, April 2001 No. 2 In the Heat of the Debate. Fumigation and Conflict in Colombia, September 2001 No. 3 Merging Wars. Afghanistan. Drugs and Terrorism, December The contents of this 2001 document can be quoted or No. 4 A Failed Balance. Alternative Development and Eradication, March 2002 reproduced as long as the No.