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Le premier journal etudiant de I'V niversite York Glendon's Student Weekly

College • Glendon. College Ie 16 novembre 1987 Volume 27, No.9


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! Glendon: York Campus Look-Alike? by John Sullivan proved by Glendon and the Lawrence and Bayview inter: it will then pass. If Glendon unless Glendon takes the lead Glendon College could soon York Development Corp. section. The impression re­ students are opposed then once role because residents have no have a new face as a result of (YUDC) or else the entire pro­ ceived was that Mr. Aubin­ an objection is made to city plans to pursue this issue." two condominium buildings ject cannot proceed. We do Roy thought the GCSU would council the matter will be for­ Do Glendon students ap­ scheduled to be built on the have the power to block this." not object to the development. warded to the Munici­ prove or disapprove of these immediate North side of the When contacted on Thursday However, when Eliza Cic­ pal Board (OMB) for an appeal condominiums? The following front gate entrance. The North Nov. 12, Mr. Aubin-Roy re­ cone, Director of External hearing. Representing Glendon is a complete list of contacts Affairs, was contacted she felt York city council has accepted quired time to refresh his at the 0 MB could cost upwards related to this issue: 0 a proposal by Cheddington memory, "I know very little that the student body was of $2000 in legal counsel but Eliza Ciccone, Holdings Ltd. to build a ten about this." It is appalling against the development. She this cost could feasibly be GCSU Director of External and eight storey luxury con­ that this issue has almost was going to contact the stu­ incurred by the administration. Affairs 487-6720 dominim complex. The Ched­ passed by the Glendon com­ dents via a meeting this Thurs­ The area residents and four Jacques Aubin-Roy, dington Mansion will remain munity unnoticed. day, November 19, at 1:00 in City representatives are op­ Executive Officer 487-6708 intact but will be renovated When Mr. Aubin-Roy con­ the GCSU office. The GCSU posed to the development and used as the front lobby to tacted Pro Tern on Friday, wishes to get a clear picture of because they fear the devel­ Glendon College Dean's Office the condos. In addition, the Nov. 13, he informed us that the student view before put­ opment will set a poor prece­ 487-6708 accepted proposal indicates re­ the university is neither for ting forth a stand. dent. Should Glendon run into Development commendations to move the nor against the development The status of this issue is financial difficulties the temp­ Corp. 736-5341 Glendon gates inwards as to ~f the Cheddington properties. that the proposal has been tation would be great to trade City representatives Salmon, allow the only access point of He also indicated that they accepted by city council and is prime real estate for Moscoe, Summer and Labatte the condos to join the now would not be skyscrapers but presently being drafted by the cash. By the turn of the cen­ (all ofwhom are also opposed) Glendon private road. he had not seen the final plans planning department into a tury Glendon could win the 224-6017 The Glendon administration (the proposal allows for a by-law in order that it return "York Campus Look-Alike" Ifopposed, the student body is being represented by Jacques maximum height of 144m). to council for final vote. Inter­ contest. must make its views known Aubin-Roy, Executive Officer He seems to think that if the ested parties only have 35 days Councillor Salmon, the area both to the GCSU and the at Glendon, who said,"...the entrance is moved back it will to object before the vote and if representative, said "...there administration, otherwise SI­ driveway issue must be ap- ease the congestion at the no objections are articulated will be no objection made lence means acceptance. , •

'Pro Tem2 November 16,1987 EDITORIAL Already Too Many! Letters/ Lettres I'm sure we all agree: the natural opulence of to be misleading, and his Mr. Sullivan, for treating Glendon is unsurpassed in Canada. We are blessed Forum point-of-view seems to be us like children. with overwhelming natural, beauty and peaceful sur­ disturbingly in favour of Sincerely roundings. Even when you failed all of your mid­ To the Editor: curbing the freedom of Stefan Caunter terms, a walk in the quad will brighten your heart Re: Forum Nov. 5, 1987 students, apparently be­ again. . Regarding the Forum cause of a Parliamentary Restricted page of5 November 1987, report which states that Have you ever seen a visitor to our glorious abode I think that the peripa­ "1,5 million Canadians Dear Editor: who has not been impressed by the luxuriance of our tetic prose of Messrs. Sul­ seriously abuse alcohol." campus. livan and Den Tandtcould Mr. Sullivan errs in Re: "I don't know what it Alas, all could change if the Cheddington Condom­ stand some examination. stating that it is the "Uni­ is..." by Mike DenTandt inium Complex is constructed. With all respect to my versity" which has "ex­ (Nov.5, 1987) But enough pomposity; notwithstanding the good friend Mr. Den tended" pub hours. Rather change in the beautiful scenery that the two concrete Tandt, it unfortunately it was Glendon's own I would like to say that Yuppie towers will cause to the entrance of the col­ appears that he has been administration which res­ I always enjoy reading lege, automobile congestion cannot but become attending the Kenn Ross tricted student access to Mike DenTandt's empas­ worse. School of Art Criticism our pub; all pubs at the sioned essays. They are Hoards of BMW's and Mercedes that will congre­ for Enthusiastic Under­ Downsview campus are highly personal, yet well gate to the new condos will unavoidably cause major graduates. Generaliza­ open until 1 a.m., i.e. as thought out and written. I traffic problems to Glendon and Atkinson students tions, vague assertions, the province permits. don't want to rebut his that will try to enter the campus in the evening, even and meaningless bravado The issue of responsi­ latest diatribeon the sculp- if the gates are moved back to accommodate our new do not make for effective ble drinking is not, con­ I tural piece in the quad. I neighbours. criticism, nor do they trary to the assertion of would, however, wish to Another possible problem is that the Yuppie towers make interesting prose. Mr. Sullivan, "only begin- . express disappointment might restrict, and even halt, events at Glendon such This "unfocused" ap­ ning to be addressed here that DenTandt took time as the Carnaval because they would be deemed too proach to art and social at Glendon." The issue to view only one third of noisy. This has already happened. The St. -Jean Bap­ criticism, whereby any was prominent in the early the work by Ron Sandor tiste celebration had to be cancelled because of com­ semblance of premise is 1970's when the Pipe that Glendon Gallery has plaints from the present neighbours. The new ones sacrificed on the altar of Room Board incorporated in the show Twinkle, could make it even more difficult for us. polemic, is not only ener­ and made its initial appli­ twinkle, little bat: The vating and irritating, it is cation for a liquor licence. House Project, the Nur­ Condominiums have already destroyed the view of counter-productive. There has been a seminar sery. Yes, war is a terrible .Harbourfront, they should not do this to Glendon. To denounce with con­ presentation to residence thing. You asked what you We, the students, should protect our campus' siderable vitriol the work students on alcoholism for were missing? You were scenic beauty and, at any rate, who wants more Yup­ of an artist's work into a number of years, and missing the other two sites pies in the neighbourhood? the context ofcontempor­ the GCSU Council is res­ of the piece. The outdoor ary and past art move­ ponsible for the security piece is meant to be sim­ Un petit mot en passant ments removes the would­ at any dance or event ple and direct to work be critic's credibility, and where there is a bar. with the other two parts in IIUn bulletin mal foutu!" reduces his commentary Incredibly, after critici­ order to try to examine Avez-vous regarde dans votre bOlte aux lettres dimanche to malicious doggerel. I zing the "University" for how images of war and soir dernier? Avez-vous vu Ie bulletin de rAECG? Avez­ quote: "The result is flac­ "extending" pub hours to conflict manifest them­ vous'eu envie de ... en lisant ce texte ecrit en cid, lifeless garbage." where they shouldbe, and selves in the nursery as a pseudo-francais? Mr. Sullivan's premise are for the other 9 million context for socialization. II est comprehensible qu'une erreur ou deux se glissent is, to some extent, clearer Ontario residents, Mr. Yes, war is terrible. But, dans un texte. Par contre, il est inadmissible qu'un texte and, to a minor extent, Sullivan declares it a this is by no means the comme celui de rAECG soit distribue sans avoir ete cor­ supported by some degree "non-issue". To further bottom line in this exhibi­ rige (et meme refait) par un francophone!!! of evidence. But I find confound the argument, tion. It is disappointing Mr. Sullivan's assertions he advocates a paternal­ that DenTandt restricted istic policy whereby the his vision ofthe total work, Volume 27, No.9 University is held respon­ by viewing only this one Typesetters sible for educating and part and in such simplis­ Pro Tern November 16, 1987 Mike Loop teaching students how to tic terms. Glendon College 2275 Baview Ave. Toronto, Ont. M4N 3M6 Shirley Bryant consume alcohol "respon­ The show will be on in Beth Hiscoke Redacteur en chef Office Manager sibly". the Gallery until Novem­ Collaborateur(trice)s 1would take the point­ ber 29 for those interested Patrick Banville Raymond Cheng John Sullivan of-view that (a) alcoho­ Assistant Editor Agents it la publicite C.E. Loewen in seeing the complete George Browne Nathalie Tousignant Jas Ahmad lism is a disease, and yes it show. Assistante it la redaction Paul Flint Chris Wroe is preventable, but that Claudia Damecour Dark Room Supervisor Nanette Lanau (b) allowing Glendon Yours sincerely Entertainment Editor Jeff Broadbent Robert Bodrog students access to the Adam Becker Ernie Vlasics Reviseur Darryl Singer student-run pub inasmuch Gallery Co-ordinator Redactrice des divertissements , Danielle Cliche Carey Nieuwhof as proviriciallaw provides Jeanne Corriveau Editorial Staff Dominique Millette neither encourages "even Kenn Ross Bilinguisme Sports Editor Marlene Bouchard more drinking", nor is it a Scott Parsonson Afsun Qureshi Rob Hawthorn detriment to alcohol edu­ To the Editor: Photography Editors Mike DenTandt Cathy da Costa Chris Reed. Kristen Dolenko cation programs. M.K. Piatkowski There are several points Ramoni,l Maged Caroline Kjellberg Bill Myers Mr. Sullivan ignored Administrative Assistant L'equipe du montage Steph Hueller some basic points in the in Claudia Damecour's Ross Slater Shirley Bryant Lajos Anrendas Glendon pub access de­ editorial "Bilinguisme it Directeur du montage Rose Gorden Stefan Caunter bate, and I do not think Glendon?", (Volume 27, Neal Stephenson Diana Spremo he has done his fellow No.6) to which I would like to reply. Although 1 Pro Tern est I'hebdomadaire bilingue et independant du College Glendon. Lorsque fonde en 1962, il etait Ie journal etudiant de students a service by ques­ I'Universite York. Taus les textes sont la responsabilite de la redaction, sauf indication contraire. Toutes les lettres signees sont tioning the lifting of res­ am an English-speaking acceptees par la redaction. Le nom de I'auteur sera confidentiel s'il (elle) en fait la demande. Les lettres sont suceptibles trictions to the student Translation major in my d'etres condensees. Pro Tern est distribue sur Ie campus York, au College Ryerson, a la librairie Champlain, au Centre pub, Prohibition-type laws fourth year, I choose to francophone (C.O.F.T.M.) et au College Glendon. La date limite pour les soumissions est Ie vendredi a 17 h 00. Nos bureaux sont situes dans Ie Manoir Glendon, salle 117. Telephone: 487-6736. Tirage : 4000. usually have opposite ef­ write solely in English, fects to those which are using neither French . Pro Tern is the weekly bilingual and independent newspaper of Glendon College, founded in 1962 as the student weekly quotes nor gallicisms, publiceuion of York University. All copy is the sole ·reponsiblity of the editorial staff unless otherwise indicated. Letters to the desired. Bravo Glendon Editorare welcome for publication provided that authorshipcan be verified. Names may be withheld upon request. The Editor administration for treat­ because it is precisely thus reserves the right to condense letters. Pro Tern is distributed to York Campus, Ryerson Institute, Champlain Bookstore, ing us like adults; shame, that I define a bilingual .C.O.F.T.M. and Glendon College. The deadline for submissions is Friday at 5:00 p.m. Our offices are located in Glendon Hall, Room 117. Telephone: 487-6736. Circulation: 4000. • Voir pA

.,.:-0.------' Ie 16 novembre 1987 Pro Tem3

La paRe Forum a pour ohjecti/ de jaire connaitre di/terentes The purpose a/the Forum paRe is to elicit various viewpoints on a opinions sur des sujets varies. Vos reponses et commentaires sont variety a/topics. We encouraRe controversy and responses to the plus que les hienvenu,l', Veuillez prendre note que les opinions articles. Also. the views expressed in the section are those 0/the exprimees dans cette ruhrique representent Ie point de vue de contrihutor and not necessarill' those o/Pro Tern. I'auteur et non pas necessairement celui de Pro Tern FORUM A Threat The Vacuum To Democracy The Thanksgiving Day trash­ that have instead have become . The same studies show that by Darryl Singer be censured, censored, or other­ ing of Barry Callaghan's home Mersault. the main reason for suicide It was my original intention wise is the first step towards a by three young men graphi­ Today there is a tremendous attempts or strong contempla­ to utilize this space to present state controlled media. You cally illustrates one of humani­ pressure to conform, and that tion on suicide by young adults the faithful readers of Pro Tem may not agree with my views, ty's greatest problems. In fact, this is not surprising. The in higher education is the afore­ with an article ofserious politi­ but that is no reason why they it may be the problem facing all increased size of the popula­ mentioned seeming uselessness cal analysis. Certain individuals should not be entitled a plat­ of us today; as ominous as the tion, with all of its diverse in living. This fact figures highly would have rumours circulating form. Free speech and free slumbering nuclear behemoths needs immediately creates the among normal, middle-class that Darryl Singer cannot pro­ press are two ofthe more funda­ in their silos and as pervasive forces of conformity. To be an students who ought to feel as if duce honest, "quality" journa­ mental rights granted to Cana­ across the globe as the deple­ individual in the most authen­ they've got everything to look lism. This is indeed a misguided dians. Those of you who love tion of the ozone layer. The tic sense ofthat word is becom­ forward to, yet feel like nothing. view. Certainly my two recent Canada as a democracy will culprit? Boredom. ing harder as this century moves How does this tie into what tidbits were as forthright and certainly agree that all views, Boredom may seem too com­ on. happened to Barry Callaghan's honest as possible. It is this regardless ofhow preposterous, monplace a thing to rank as a Furthermore, since the exis­ home, you might wonder. No, honesty that seems to have are entitled to be heard. You major threat against Western tential vacuum translates into I haven'tstrayed from the topic caused the problem. And it is may not agree with them, but society, but the boredom I want boredom in the most profound, I started out with. This bore­ the undue criticism ofthis hon­ you agree with the fundamental to discuss isn't the three o'clock cancerous way, this boredom dom doesn't always lead one to esty that propels me to use this freedoms of any good demo­ on a Sunday afternoon variety becomes synonymous with a lie down and wish he were space to respond to the attitude cracy. of boredom, rather it has been crises in meaning, the lack of it dead; it can often translate into that I am an insensitive, arro­ I have never once suggested termed the "existential vacuum". prevalant in the population. violence. Again, evidence shows gant creep who doesn't deserve that the views of the vocal' Now, the term may seem Studies have proven that that a person is most likely to an inch of print in this paper. minority should be censored. intimidating, butthe concept is among university and college commit acts of violence, even As a result of my recent As much as I believe them to be quite accessible. The existen­ students throughout Western kill, when life seems pointless. journalistictirades I have in the misguided, I believe in principle tial vacuum points to the fact society the main concern is not If a person doesn't care about past weeks had insults hurled that they are entitled to their that people, more by default about making money or being himself, why should he care at me, the likes of which I have opinions. than hard philosophical thought, an unqualified success in life, about you? never before heard. And by I guess that is what really have ceased to believe in a God it's an anxiety over what life is (There's proofenough ofthis whom? By those very bane of scares me (and should scare who rewards us for doing good about. We're all asking: What in psychology texts, orthe more my existence, socialists and you) about socialism. Forget and who has prepared a heaven am I doing here? Is there mean­ readable essays ofpsychoana- bleeding heart liberals. No dis­ what it will do to our economy, for us after death. Religion has ing to life or is life simplv • See Nothing p.10 tinction between the two is what will it do to our basic become passe to most young pointless? really necessary. After all, a sense ofdemocracy? Do not let adults at university and a good bleeding heart liberal is really the socialists convince you that number of people in general. Acid Dazedto Acid Wash just an upper class socialist. socialism is merely an eco­ Today, the individual gives the But I do not wish to enter into a nomic system. Their attitudes same lazy nod to a belief that by Robert Bodrog superfluous in terms ofachiev­ name calling contest, nor to toward all views contradictory there is no God or heaven as Something is happening out ing sartorial elegance. First of hyperbolize on the many cate­ to theirs proves that this is not that individual's forebearers there. You may not notice it at all, let's take a look at the term gories of socialism. It is tempt­ the case. Socialism will be the acknowledged God and heaven. first, as you breeze leisurely "social equalizers." Here it ing, but I must return to topic. greatest attack on our demo­ One "given" has been replaced through your new issue of seems that an attempt is being My views have been called cracy. The same democratic with another. Vogue by the fireplace, but its made at a balancing and col­ stupid,idiotic, ridiculous, close­ principles that they rely on for Groundbreaking existential­ happening. Subtly, almost im­ lectivization of some sort, minded, and ignorant. They their freedom will be abolished ist writers and thinkers like perceptably, the fashion ad is based upon a widely accepted have also been referred to as a should they ever attain power. Camus, Sartre and lonesco changing. No longer is a pretty and popular garment - jeans. host' of other adjectives not fit It is okay to have freedom of weren't attempting to create girl in a pretty dress with a Nearly everyone wears jeans, for print. In addition, numerous the press and freedom ofspeech, this vacuum in some plot to great smile, or even a great and by virtue of that fact, this letters to the editor have called as long as what you say and make us all miserable. It was body enough. No, these days somehow serves as a form of for my antisocialist views to be print is in agreement with just that a structured beliefsys­ fashion has to appeal to one's common binding or bonding denied publication. Let us begin THEM. But beware anyone tem as held up by a church, for intellectual sensibility or even element among today's polity. the anger at this point. who dares to speak against example, seemed absurd if you one's political stature. In fact, . As a result of these social The views expressed by a THEM, for he shall be censured, really thought about it. They some of today's ads have got­ equalizers a new order whether writer may very well warrant censored, excommunicated, and wanted men and women to ten downright philosophical • See Elegance pA being called all ofthe expletives, exiled. Just who are really the think for themselves and act in rnd rhetorical in context. For but to suggest that those views closeminded ones? life rather than letting an organ­ example, consider the latest ization tell you what to think ad for Esprit denim and jeans­ and what to do, that people wear. It reads: shouldn't sit, waiting for some­ Pressing Peterson thing to happen. As far as this Because denim and jeans­ Carel' Nieuwhol political types simply because promise to pursue these ideas existentialist process is con­ wear are such social equal­ W'hat the m~dia giveth, the it failed to raise any eyebrows with vigour. The issue here is cerned, a significant number of izers today you don't neces­ media taketh away. And as of amongst the public. He essen- not whether that is true, because people seemed to have come sarily need silks and satins last week, it seems the media tially ran a campaign that in Peterson's commitment to half way, stopping dead. to be elegant. Elegance is has taken the benefit of the wasn't, avoiding concrete issues reform and active government The motto for this dilemma now, curiously enough, doubt away from David in favour of vague slogans... was only 65 seats deep, then he may well be found in Camus' anti~lashion and anti-lux­ Peterson's government. After a 'better quality education,"no should start worrying about The Outsider. The main char­ ury. This new elegance has week ofgovernment at Queen's free trade if Mulroney's respon- winning the next election now. acter, Mersault, commits a become a 'de-c1ass[lication' Park, it appears the honeymoon sible.' Saleable, but substan- It is a horrible thing to have' murder and does nothing to process that puts what you is over. tively lacking. It made the media the media turn on you in this explain himself. What he keeps can do - your style and David Peterson has probably take a closer look. Thought country. Consider Joe Clark. repeating in words anp atti­ abilities far ahead ql what grown accustomed to receiving they; if Peterson's cruising to By 1980, his image was so tudes is, "It doesn't matter." you can a.fford. Now you favourable to only mildly criti- an election victory on a highway soiled one wondered whether Camus never held up the list­ don't have to be rich to be cal coverage ofhis government made of fluff, there's a chance Clark had to have his shoes less, empty Mersault as a way a elegant. over the past two years. When he may try to continue into his tied for him every morning. If person ought to be. Ifanything criticism has been harsh, it has second term with a somewhat Joe Clark had had an easier the character, more representa­ Indeed, in this one brief para­ come from predictable sources less energetic agenda. ride in the media, there is no tive of abstract ideas than any­ graph there is so much going or has been fully justified. Even That's precisely what report- telling whether Trudeau would one real, serves as a warning. on, it's necessary to evaluate David Peterson, entering the ers believe could be happening have been able to pull off his Mersault's problem was that its assertions premise by pre­ Premier's office wide eyed two right now. While throne speech- second coming. he saw no meaning in life. This mise beginning with the claim and a half years ago, realized es are not supposed to be laden History will probably show feeling ofbeing nothing allowed that today denims and jeans­ that he would be lashed when with specifics and details, re- us that the media has tradition- him to kill senselessly. It seems wear are "social equalizers" he deserved it. porters felt that last weeks ally struck its fatal blows when that people haven't learned from and that traditional fashion Peterson's election campaign speech was little more that • See An 4 what Mersault represents, but materials are now somehow raised a few eyebrows amoungst sloganism with not a lot of p. Pro Tem4 November 16,1987

? Elegance • An Active (not)Elegance =Fashion and classification process that puts posable incomes: the so-called • From p.3 Luxury what you can do ~ your style yuppies. This certainly seems political, sartorial or otherwise and abilities far ahead ofwhat to be the case since the tone of Policy is established, thus negating The equation now reveals you can afford." Here we have the ad is quite reminiscent of • From p.3 that traditional materials and what the ad really wants to the idea of an individual's the pre-yuppie revolutionary they have turned their back on established norms of fashion say; that today, luxury and potential creativity and talent anti-establishment rhetoric a politician who has no real elegance which have com­ fashion are manifesting them­ elevated and given precedence which has become synonym­ vision. It is at that point when monly taken the form of silks selves by taking the form of over one's finite financial lim­ ous with essence of hippie­ the politician in question has and satins, which are consi­ what one would traditionally its. Or, in other words, one's dom. Today's Esprit ads are little to fall back on except his dered for the most part flashy call anti-elegance. And after societal value over one's fis­ nostalgia for yesterday's image. That is the danger that expensive fabrics of the haute all, isn't this what we are see­ cal worth. The end result of hippies. David Peterson faces if he bourgeoisie. However, the few ing to a wide degree on the this as the ad concludes is that So what does this leave us doesn't back up his huge ma­ who could afford them in the streets oftoday's North Amer­ "now you don't have to be rich with in the final analysis? If jority with an active policy past to make a statement have ican cities. Denim may not be to be elegant." Sartorically nothing else it certainly show agenda. As it stands right now, now seen their order usurped pretty, but it is relatively inex­ speaking, the bourgeoisie has that the typical fashion ad has David Peterson is more popular by the advent of this new pensive and therefore widely been overthrown, and proleta­ now evolved to the point where than was at his .approach to, and definition of available to most people. riat denim has graduated to the sales pitch assumes a more heyday. It would be a shame style. Or so we are told. Denim is fashion for the masses the reigning position of ele­ rhetorical, almost quasi-revo­ for his party if that reality was As the ad continues, "Ele­ of people who have found gance and in the process has lutionary tone. Today's Madi­ allowed to slip beyond the point gance in now, curiously their fabric, made it king, and put the means of production son Avenue is not only selling of return. enough, anti-fashion and anti­ consequently now base the new of style in the hands of every jeans, they're appealing to the As reporters have pointed luxury." If we take this state­ evaluation of style and ele­ man, woman and child. revolutionary sensibility of out, when Bill Davis won his ment as a given and represent gance around it with some­ Furthermore it's as if a ral­ young and old alike; and giv­ majority in March 1981, he it as follows: thing which is at once comfor­ lying call were being directed ing the consumer much more: was fond of pointing out to his table, widely available, but at to those ancient social 'revolu­ for some it's a revival of critics that the "realities of Elegance =«not)Fashion and the same time can serve fOT tionaries' of the sixties, who memories from a more youth­ March 19th" had given him a (not) Luxury) some as a type of pop status now compose the largest de­ ful idealistic time; for others mandate to do as he wished. symbol. mographic base of the con­ hope for transformation ofthe Reporters perceived Bill Davis would this not imply that The ad continues: "This new sumer market and also pos­ status quo; and above all, the to be doing little. In the end, elegance has become a DE- sess some of the highest dis- chance to make a chic politi­ that is what helped wreck the' cal statement each time they provincial Conservative Party. put on their favorite pair of The popular David Peterson acid wash denims. Abbie Hoff­ had better hope that is not mann would laugh his ass off. what ruins his government. PROTEM BALANCE SHEET AS AT APRIL 30,1987 Encore des lettres • From p.2 in social and cultural do something about it! 1987 1986 campus - one in which exchange, but these solu­ Find some uninformed ASSETS translations are not tions work only for those anglophone and show Cash in bank $3,656. $12,584. needed. who make the effort to him the beauty and I have nothing but seek out such organi­ sophistication of LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS sympathy for the newly sations and individuals. French. The six hours a Uncashed cheques $6,611. $8,103. arrivedfrancophone who, For the rest... Hmmm. week he spends in FRSL Surplus, beginning of year 4,481. 72. seeking help with a loan Perhaps Stefan Moly­ 1520 may well be by far Net income (loss) for year (7,436.) 4,409. or a bursary, cannot find neux' "Marksist" party, the most active interac­ Surplus (deficit) end of year (2,995.) (4,481.) it in his or her native can provide some solu tion he gets with his language. The editorial tions. $3,656. $12,584. second language. If a goes on, howeve~ to Mlle Damecour also student associates only NOTES: reveal that all materials asks "What language with those who speak his from the York campus must we use to be under­ mother tongue, he need I. The statements have been prepared on a cash basis. come to us only in stood in this college?" If not blame others who do English. Did anyone ex­ we are a bilingual cam­ the same, and certainly 2. The capital equipment purchased, a new typesetter, was funded by pect differently? Toronto pus, then the answer is not the grounds of 2275 a grant from York University. is primarily an English obvious. Bayview Avenue. environment, and the Finally, Our Claudia 3. The 1986 accounts have been amended to show uncashed cheques York campus makes no finds incomprehensible While I have your as liability rather than as a deduction from cash in bank. claims of bilingualism. the idea that a third-year attention (or so I hope), Indeed, I would imagine anglophone student at I would also like to make that the reason many Glendon should speak a brief reply to Darryl PROTEM students come so many French with a Parisian Singer. In your article, STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS kilometres is to be im­ accent. Here I must agree. "Right to Strike," I some­ FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30,1987 mersed (more or less) in Glendon's affinity for times found it difficult to English. Is a bilingual professors from France be sure if you were being campus, then, to be de­ rather than Quebec (at 1987 1986 ironic. You didn't really RECEIPTS fined as one in which least in the FRSL and mean it when you said, each student has the right Translation courses 1have Glendon College Students Union $12,240. $21,923. "do not be so gullible as not to read in any but his taken) is one I have long York University Grants 22,000. to even consider the own language? Or is it found annoying. Yet we Advertising and subscriptions 4,981. 7,206. teachers' arguments." perhaps that Glendonites can't fault the professors ...did you? 39,221. 29,129. make a habit or reading for their accents -besides DISBURSEMENTS the same material twice? being monstrously diffi­ Sincerely Then there is the pro­ Capital equipment cult to discard, an accent Mike Loop 28,180. blem that "anglophones Printing and delivery is part of one's identity. 10,261. stick with anglophone's, Salaries and commissions If you were sent across 4,363. 3,649 and francophones act Office expenses the ocean to some long­ Dans les paroles 2,786. 4,970 similarly..." True. Supplies abandoned colony to 874. 1,371. Somebody should do immorte/les du Cpt. Bank charges teach the Mother 193. 165. somethinga bout it. There Language, would you see Fluke -"Laseparation 46,657. 24,720. is always Trait d' Union any advantage in chang­ n'est jamais pour tou­ and L'Entr'acte, of ing your way ofspeaking? jours mais la pension NET INCOME (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR $(7,436.) $4,409. course, and there are If the analogy offends alimentaire y est" always some students of any of our francophone each language interested students, then let them Ie 16 novembre 1987 Pro TemS NEWS Que Tal?? What's Happening at Keele by Cathy da Costa and also the research achieve­ by M.K. Piatkowski tration would not be so under­ course the prevailing rumour is Last Monday (November 9, ment of the Spanish Faculty, This is the first of many (I standing. that the president will resign. I 1987), the Board of Governors suggest that the programme hope) articles in which I can As you are reading this, the personally think this is a dan­ of York University, put their has now matured to the point inform you about the wild and Multicultural festival is under­ gerous precedent that all colleges seal ofapproval on the Depart­ where it merits departmental wacky things happening at the way. It is a week-long party in should take a note of. ment of Hispanic Studies here status"; and "It will have the Keele campus. Central Square with 20 or so Over at Vanier, the council at Glendon. In 1971, hispanic secondary benefit of taking The big news is that your cultural groups showing off there is attempting to muzzle studies commenced through co­ some administrative pressure buddies, those wild and crazy their culture. Then on Friday the editor of its paper, the operation with the French De­ off of the French Department, group at CYSF, passed their night there is a big bash where Vandoo, after he made certain partment. It was possible only which is the largest in the budget last Monday night. you can taste ethnic food (real critical remarks about council. to minor in Spanish until June College." The French Depart­ Normally this is no big deal food!) and party the night away. The council has tried to trip 1986, when the Board of Go­ ment also expects to grow, due except that this time their audit Lots of fun on the co-lIege him up on a technicality and is vernors approved of it as a to the phasing out of the uni­ was (and still is) not completed. scene. McLaughlin college coun­ now prepared to wave their major. Although majoring in lingual stream and the chang The general procedure is that cil is in a great deal oftrouble. own Board ofPublications rules Spanish had been approved by ing nature of Ontarian society, no organization receives money Using the reason of financial (which state that an editor can Faculty Council in 1981, it was such as the introduction of Bill until the great group in the mismanagement, the master of only be removed for financial impossible to implement until 8. administration get a chance to the college has created an mismanagement) and tempor­ they had approval for tenure Creating the Department of look at the audit from the advisory council to oversee the arily remove him. Nothing has appointments. Previously, many Hispanic Studies only requires previous year. This is part of student couocil. It's as if the happened yet, pending the next students minoring in Spanish two changes. Firstly, a new what is known as fiscally re­ principal decided that the issue of the Vandoo. demanded to major in it; some secretary and secondly, a $2,000 sponsible student government. GCSU was not doing its job Freedom of the press must of them even left Glendon to chairperson's stipend instead Yet CYSF was assured that and created a board that could be maintained as long as the major in Spanish elsewhere. of a $500 director's stipend. they will receive money once render any decision the union press gives the opposite side Now, there are thirteen and a The administration is willing to they passed the budget. If the made null and void if they equal time to explain them­ half courses offered over a pay the additional cost. As of GCSU tried this (or any other decided it was not "in the best selves, as the Vandoo did. The three-year period. The enrol­ yet, a new secretary has not student government, for that interests." This is what is hap­ editor must be able to state his ment of students has averaged been hired. It is expected that matter), I'm sure the Adminis- pening at McLaughlin and of own opinion. at 160 for the past five years there will be one in January. and has fluctuated only to the Until matters are functioning extent that the College's enrol­ properly, Myriam Obadia-· ment has. Hazan, the Administrative Assistant Invitation it la communaute Why the interest in Spanish? of the French Department will It is one ofthe 'big four' langua­ be helping out. par Bill Myers pendant la session automne­ l'homelie du pretre. ges in the world presently and In the nearfuture, Portuguese Le christianisme est une fal;on hiver, dans la salle de reunion Que vous soyez un(e) catho­ is spoken in most countries in studies will be offered through de vivre qui necessite la com­ de la Maison "D," Residence lique devoue(e) ou que vous North and South America. It this new department. Right now munaute. Quelquefois, on a Hilliard. Ces catholiques sont soyez sceptique ou incertain(e) is also widely spoken in Toroo­ there is an introductory course besoin de quelqu'un avec qui des etudiants, du personnel de notre foi (Bien sur les to, therefore students taking offered under the Humanities on peut parler en confidence, pedagogique et du personnel "devoue(e)s sont des sceptiques French, English, Translation, Department. The Portuguese meme s'il ne peut pas garantir de soutien. lei, dans cette et des incertain(e)s assez sou­ Linguistics, International Stu­ community has shown strong qu'il comprendra complete­ atmosphere plutot intime, nous vent), ou encore que vous soyez dies, Political Science and Socio­ support for Portuguese studies ment; quelquefois, nous de­ celebrons la messe et parIons interesse(e) simplement it ob­ logy could find it a useful lang­ at Glendon. Further on in the vons savoir que nous ne sommes de tout ce qui nous vient it l'es­ server de catholiques et leur uage for their future careers. future, the department might pas seuls dans nos croyances prit, que cela semble etre spiri­ messe - peut-etre par interet This interest derives from add Italian; thus becoming a qui peuvent sembler uniques tuel ou non. L'absence relative anthropologique - venez voir two facts found on page fifteen department of all Romance bizarres ou meme, quelquefois, de ceremonie et la maniere qui sont ces catholiques de la ofthe Glendon College Acade­ languages aside from French. detestees par la societe. familiere du Pere Michael se communaute Glendon/ York. mic Plan: "The steady growth Things are developing well ling­ Avec ces sentiments, des pretent bien aux discussions Vous pourriez etre surpris(e). in enrolment, as well as an uistically at Glendon, further catholiques s'assemblent avec des Ecritures et de la spiritu­ Tous ceux et celles qui veulent increasing number of students asserting our academic leader­ leur aumonier, Ie Pere Michael alite pendant la partie de la Ie faire sont encourages it parti­ who wish to major in Spanish, ship in Ontario. Brosnan, Ie mardi apres-midi messe reservee d'habitude pour ciper it la liturgie de la messe'et les catholiques qui ont rel;u leur premiere communion Hidden Microphones peuvent aussi recevoir Ie pain et/ ou Ie vin (Ie corps et Ie sang MONTREAL (CUP)-- The RCMP. We're doing an inves- set up a meeting with RCMP transferred to the new agency. du Christ) it la communion de discovery of a hidden micro- . tigation and I'd like to meet officials. Gerry Cummings, a CSIS la messe. phone in the offices of the stu- you'," she said. According to a Montreal civil spokesperson, refused to com­ Ceux parmi nous qui assis- dent council has raised fears of She said he knew internal rights lawyer, student associa.,. ment on individual surveillance • Voir CatholiQue p.l 0 illegal police surveillance at details of a Concordia group tions are often watched because operations but said there is a Concordia University. she was working with and pro- they are likely to be in the mid- possibility some campus groups The microphone - a small ceeded to mention facts that dIe ofcampus political activities. are being investigated. McNally metal receiver - had already only had been exchanged by "I don't think these people in "Nobody in this country is been disconnected when it was word ofmouth within the group. the· secret police understand exempt from investigation if Threatened found in the ceiling ofa student' She told the caller she wanted what legitimate political dissent they're involved in certain acts, VANCOUVER (CUP) -A vis­ executive office. An electronics to find out what her rights were is or what democratic values whether they be in labour, uni­ iting speaker at Capilano Col­ expert on the university faculty before being interviewed by the are," said Stewart Istvanffy, an versity, or whatever," he said. lege continued his lecture in the confirmed that the object was RCMP. attomeyforthe League ofRights "There is an understanding campus parking lot when the an illegal listening device. "He said 'Oh! You don't and Liberties. however that the free flow of second of two bomb threats The discovery came"less than wantto cooperate with me...this In 1983, a Carleton Univer- ideas on campus is not to be interrupted classes recently. six weeks after two Concordia is non-cooperation and it's sity student named Andy Mox- infringed upon." David McNally, Associate students were questioned by going in your file." I said 'OK, ley admitted he had been paid Earlier last week, the Con­ Professor in Political Science at agents claiming they were from if you want to play this game, by the RCMP to spy on cam- cordia student council began a Glendon and editor of Socialist the RCMP. The students were why don't you call me back pus peace groups. Despite search of its' offices to locate Worker newspaper, was origi­ asked about their political later then". He said 'I'm com- denials by the agency, Solicitor other listening devices. So far, nally scheduled to speak Octo­ activities with different campus ing to pick you up right now'. General Robert Kaplan, a week none have been found. ber 28, but the campus was groups. "I left immediately. I was later, told the House of Com- "It's pretty scary to know evacuated, and his lecture can­ One of the students said an terrified," she said. mons that Moxley had been a that anything we say or do celled due to a bomb threat aggressive man, claiming he The student asked not to be paid informant. might end up in some file in McNally rescheduled for the worked for the RCMP, called named until an investigation is Since the creation of the Ottawa," said council co-presi­ following Wednesday, but again her at work one week after she completed into the identity of Canadian Security and Intelli- dent Robert Douglas. "Itshows the college was evacuated after attended a peace march. the questioner. She has enlisted gence Service (CSIS) in 1984, that somebody thinks students a second bomb threat "This fellow said 'Hello, this the help of a Concordia legal domestic spying was taken out are a threat. • See Bomb p.1 0 is Corporal Duchesne from the advisor who is attempting to ofthe RCMP'sjurisdiction and Pro Tem6 November 16,1987 ENTERTAINMENT Royal Tour at Bamboo by Steph Hueller accomplished soloist on his more particulary the audience through an unbelievable stage Trouble Funk overcame their Prince Charles andthe Inner connected clarinet which means plays a c'rucial role. The band set-up including costumes, light audiences through sometimes City Band played at a packed that his all the sounds his key­ plays off the vibe as much as shows and work Extraterres- playing 8 hour sets consisting BamBoo Club on the 30th for board is capable of creating they do each other-- a complete trial encounters. The psyche- of only a few songs. what was the second of a three (electronically generated steel antithesis of, let's say Classical, delic nature oftheir show, bor- Prince Charles, in order to night gig at Toronto's most drums to finger picked classical where pieces are seen as un­ rowed heavily from Jimi make it beyond the R&B interesting bar. The Friday night guitar) is at his disposal on his changable, uncorrupted and Hendrix, forced everyone to market, will have to find a way show was flawlessly executed, wind instrument. He and his above all, permanently trans­ relinquish control oftheir body of getting to feel less self- aside from slight technical dif­ equally talented guitarist ex­ fixed. Being is stress as is con­ from their consciousness. concious and participate in the ficulties with the guitarists' changed extended solos over cious individuation. I am lis­ Aside from massive drug use, groove of the music. equipment between sets, and the solid funk groove, ranging tening to them playa compo­ adds to the legend of Prince from new to old, instrumentals sition. Perfection exists in Musique au prix de gros Charles at the BamBoo. to slow sexual ballads. The striving for the Ideal, the com­ The rarity of live funk in new material from their latest poser's conception. Funk is par La;os Arendas concerts organises par des cen­ Toronto aside from the dismal album sounded fresh and slick about jamming. Groove is nat­ Si vous aimez la musique tres communautaires ou autres. efforts of many large, and all­ while their familiar favourites ural rhythm that flows onto the classique mais ne pouvez as­ Le moins que j'en puisse dire, too-shallow performers makes like Big Chested Girls and oth­ dance floor and sets the au­ sister aux concerts a cause des c'est queje n'en ai pas garde un the Boston-based band's ap­ ers, with their feet firmly planted dience free from individuation billets ayant un prix exhorbi­ souvenir tres agreable. Le ni­ pearance in Toronto all the in Parliament Funkadelic, and distinction. Through dance tant, consolez-vous! La solu­ veau de qualite musicale de ces more welcome. This time as the Prince still sounded as good as and bodily movement the band tion est maintenant a portee concerts etait proportionnel au last ofhis almost regular appear­ the last time they appeared. and the audience not only de la main (et de la bourse!) prix du billet d'entree : tres bas. ances at the club showed how This time a 'board bass player' communicate, but edge toward­ Je m'explique. Je prefere de loin ecouter mes the 35 year old musician and was added instead of their old -and rarely meet at-unity. Funk Le vendredi 23 octobre oer­ disques rayes sur mon vieux his band can rock the house 'slap' player. rarely discusses issues, there nier, j'ai assiste au concert de Panasonic 'a la maison' plutot even in Toronto. However, the show could are an astonishing lack of musique classique de I'Orches­ qu'assister ala cacophonie creee The band itself is centered have been better, and it didn't flowery images. It is direct, it is tre Philarmonique d'Etobicoke. par ces orchestres amateurs, around a multi-talented singer come down to the band as simple. It is the repetitive beat. J'avais pris la decision d'y aller souvent diriges par un chef whose Rick James-influenced much as it did to the nature of The body comes to anticipate avec une certaine reticence. En d'orchestre dont les gestes gra­ songs form the groove from the music they were playing. the next hit. The mind forgets 'effet, j'adore la musique clas­ cieux ne font que renforcer Ie which the rest of the band and Funk is interactive. It is rhy­ to discern amid the onslaught. sique (au moins autant que ridicule du spectacle. the audience bounce off. Prince Parliament Funkadelic in its Pink Floyd) et j'avais deja thmic rather than harmonically • Voir Agreable p,8 Charles, the man, is also an based. The environment and heyday overcame its audiences assiste auparavant a un ou deux

consistent tribal sound, broken into this band, the sooner you'll for three nights at Massey Hall. and complemented by interest­ start feeling great! The most The album is a soundtrack to ing variations, somejazzy, some accomplished American band the stage play of the same very harsh, others quite avant­ today in its prime and sound­ name, and it features Waits' garde. Musically sound and ing tremendous. smokey rasp at its pseudo­ interesting. Their lyrics paint Public Image Limited. Happy? alcoholic best. The lyrics are some pretty grim pictures in Virgin Records. marvellous; as Norbert Lepage songs like "Safety Seat" and Ex-Sex Pistol, arch-cynic, of Radio Glendon's "Chansans they make some very interest­ and perpetual angry young man Franl;aises" saids after the ing contrasts in "Township John Lydon leads P.LL. in its second Massey Hall gig, "Just Beat." Speeches ofleading poli­ decidedly uncommercial alter­ when you think he's come out ticians are often dubbed over native anthem rock for the nih­ with his best line, he comes RADIO GLENDON'S NEW thing like 54.40 or even Lou and into the songs, giving the ilistic 1987 consumer. This is back with two more incredible RELEASES Reed a little. Some standard "official" view. The last song on big, heavy sound; instruments verses." Sponsored by the Record Pedlar and some funny lyrics. the album is a cover of "Bad are driven, especially Lydon's Waits plays a soused lounge Artist: The Fentons Artist: The Proclaimers Moon Rising," which after lis­ anarchic bray, which arches singer from the 1940's perfectly Album: Whatever it Takes -E. P. Album: This is the Story tening to the rest of the album, and swoops up the scale like a here, and the production values Label:/ndependant (Ottawa) Label: Chyrsalis takes on a whole new meaning. demented swallow. This is are perfect. It's aNew York An energetic four track E. P. The Proclaimers are a Scot­ - Blair O'Connor classic P.LL.: non-conforming, rise, decline and fall through a of modern rock and roll. The tish folk duo who rrreally rrroll The Smiths. Strangeways, sneering, loud and always pol­ gramophone; this disc chugs Fentons show a fair amount of their r's. It is a good album with Here We Come. Sire Records itical. along to the captivating lyrics. diversity on this small record, comical sides like "Throw the 'r' This is the last album from Marianne Faithful. Strange A good introduction to this the A side is pretty fast, raunchy Away" a light song about hav­ the kings of British angst-rock Weather. Island Records. artist if he is unfamiliar to you. pop. "Shadow Play" is the least ing a heavy Scottish brogue. The Smiths and it is true to Marianne Faithful's latest record The Housemartins. The Peo­ interesting of the four, main­ "Letter to America" on the form. Morrisey snidely sings is a collection of standards ple Who Grinned Themselves stream and a little whiny. But other hand is quite sad, express­ some of the darkest, death­ froni the past, including songs To Death. Chrysalis Records. wait! The rest are good and ing how they feel about Scot­ ridden lyrics ever written about by Leadbelly, Billie Holiday, The Housemartins are a sort particularly"I'm Never Leav'in'" tish emigrants, probably both Margaret Thatcher's England. and Bob Dylan. The title track, ofjolly version of The Smiths; and "Down So Long." past and present. This is as folk By turns insightful, critical, "Strange Weather", was writ­ they come across as nice boys Artist: The Sisters of Mercy music should be, in touch with depressing and satiric, this is a ten by Tom Waits and Kath­ with nice voices who happen to Album: This Corrosion-E.P. one's history, present and en­ . sardonically satjsfying disc for leen Brennan specifically for live in the England of 1987, but Label: WEA vironment. the cynical young quasi-intel­ the album, and it fits in per­ are making the best of it. This The latest from the Sisters, Artist: Kalahari Surfers lectual set. Fans will love this fectly with the rest ofthe mate­ is a pleasant sounding, if some­ do you like them? If you do, Album: Living in the Heart of ,one, though it's strong stufffor rial. Thearrangements are spare what uninspiring effort; the best you'll like this, if you don't, you the Beast the uninitiated. on most ofthe songs, the musi­ tracks are the ones sans embel­ won't. Yes, not a lot of devel­ Label: Recommended Records R.E.M. Document I.R.S Rec­ cianship excellent, and the lishment; they have some kick opment here, but definitely as The Kalahari Surfers are a ords. immaculate production com­ to them. Too many keyboards good as their other singles. "This white South African duo, very One would quickly exhaust bined with Faithfull's mature, and horns added to this kind of Corrosion" is a good dance political and very covert. They the supply ofavailable superla­ throaty voice make for excel­ material tends to impart a track with a choir singing as do all their recordings in South tives discussing R.E.M.. Doc­ lent headphone listening. This dreary "white SOUl," pasteurized background, it suits their gothic Africa in a mobile studio, named ument is everything one would superb sounding record includes feel to otherwise bouncy songs; 'style. Shifty, Studios, the tapes are expect as a follow-up to Life's a new version of"As Tears Go the use of a boy's choir, that Artist: Thirteen Engines then smuggled out to Britain Rich Pageant, itself an incredi­ By," first recorded by the artist irritatingly English cliche, is Album: Before Our Time where they are pressed. Natu­ ble album. The singing and when she was 17; it's beauti­ unnecessarily passe: these fel­ Label: Nocturnal Records rally it is all done very secretly guitar playing is even more fully melancholy. lows sing too well to make such Thirteen Engines is a Toronto to the point of voice distortion accomplished, and the audible Tom Waits. Frank's Wild redundancy appropriate. Too band who went to the States to (their own) and first names lyrics (a fact which disappoints Years. Island Records much production time and tin­ record their first album (Noc­ only. The album itself despite some fans) are wittily obscure, This extraordinary album is kering reduces this likeable turnal is a Detroit indie label). the obvious hindrances is excel- as usual. This is their fifth typical ofAmerican Tom Waits, product's appeal. A good bandthat sounds some- , lent. The music has a strong album, and the sooner you get who was in town last month - Stefan Callnter Ie 16 novembre 1987 Pro Tem 7 DIVERTISSEMENTS L'art en tete-it-tete But Hey!! OLloyd Cole and The Commotions have released par Jeanne Corriveau cette technique est difficile c'est techniques et materiaux et qui Mainstream, their third album in the U.K., and the press is Des centaines d'images, de en partie parce qu'elle tient n'ont rien de la fraicheur et de quite good. Music Week said, "Mainstream is a solid guitar visages et de sourires espiegles, beaucoup du hasard; les plaques I'originalite des precedents, des workout." Melody Maker said, "L1oyd Cole remains part of a voila ce que propose La Mai­ chauffees a haute temperature tableaux comme «L'lnfini de rare group of people willing to perform pop intelligently." I'll . son de la Culture jusqu'au 19 ont tendance a gondoler ou a se nos errances)) et «A la Grandeur say, "Mainstream is brilliant. This is the album of 1987, and if novembre avec I'exposition de deteriorer. L'agencement des du temps)) ou il est difficile the current trend in the U.K. charts continues, of 1988 also.,j Therese Tourigny-des Aulniers. couleurs est une operation d'associer ces mots au sens Avec un gout pourla peinture delicate mais que l'artiste la creux a des paysages presque 01 saw part of The Peace Concert featuring Sri Chimnoy qui remonte a I'adolescence, maitrise bien. lunaires. Pour sa part, «La last Saturday. Remember seeing the poster, "feel the Magic''? Therese Tourigny-des Aulniers L'une des pieces les plus Dune d'on) est particulierement I didn't. The man is full of himself. a poursuivi ses etudes en Arts remarquables est sans doute repoussante. OGroovy Religion was at The Rivoli last Friday evening and plastiques et en Arts visuels a «Toute la "gang" y est!» ou I'ar­ Mais l'artiste ne manque pas played a groovy set. They are rapidly approaching a definitive I'U niversite du Quebec a Trois­ tiste a place une quarantaine de d'humourcomme elle Ie prouve mythology. Groovy reflects many of the less glamorous Rivleres et a I'Universite Laval. personnages derriere un longue avec «La Graduatiofi)), un characteristics of Toronto's sub-culture. I like that. I think it's Ses travaux et recherches lui cloture blanche. Elle repete ce tableau regroupant des portraits important. No one wants another band of posers. The firent decouvrir la technique de theme avec «Vive la Cana­ de diplomes de I'Universite foundations for a distinct Toronto House Sound are being put I.email sur cuivre qui compose dienne!», «Femmes de toujourS)) York; ironiquement, elle a mis down. la majeure partie de I'ensemble et «Anne, Sophie, Melisandre, les femmes en plus grand de ses reuvres presentees a la Luce, Caroline... )). Ce dernier nombre connaissant les sta­ ODepeche Mode tickets promptly sold out five minutes Maison de la Culture. tableau presente plus de 170 tistiques de Glendon... before they went on sale last week. They're playing at The Son passe en dit long sur ses visages de femmes de tous ages, L'exposition de Therese Gardens -in December. Their new album Music for the talents d'artiste: de nombreuses comme une serie de portraits, Tourigny-des Aulniers se ter­ Masses, was released a couple of weeks ago and has already expositions non seulement au ou I'observateur pourrait y mine Ie 19 novembre a La sold over five million copies in Downsview alone. Actually it's Canada mais aux Etats-Unis et reconnaitre une voisine, une Maison de la Culture. not all bad, but someone else can say good things about it. en France, Ie Prix de l'Annee amie ou une cousine car I'ar­ dans Ie domaine des Arts de la tiste prend plaisir a leur donner * * * ville d'Outremont en 1984 et des styles et des expressions Bananarama-WOW! bien d'autres realisations. diversifiees. L'utilisation de La Maison de la Culture La technique des multi-media couleurs vives et la simplicite presente «MUSIQUE by Catharine Loewen No surprises--oh wait,just one: I'amene a utiliser divers mate­ des lignes ne sont pas sans rap­ D'ANTAN)) avec Jane Couch­ Well it's like everything's so I thought I was listening to an riaux tels que les diluants, vernis peler les images de livres pour man, Irene Kyle, Peter Newton bitchin'--my boyfriend got this E. P. or several different mixes et pigments qui lui permettent enfants. et Peter Noy et les etudiants du gnarley new like skateboard of the same song--suddenly I de donner a ses reuvres des Beaucoup de femmes dans cours Humanites 301 I, La y'know and like, I've been lis­ realized "Hey, this is an album! effets riches et iIlimites : de I'reuvre de Therese Tourigny­ Femme a la Renaissance Ie tening to this like totally tubu­ With, what? Ten whole difJer­ peux ainsi tirer de la Nature, ce des Aulniers, beaucoup d'en­ dimanche 22 novembre a 15hOO. lar album by like, Bananarama. entsongs on it!" Well, all I theme eternel, un langage nou­ fants aussi; des regards espiegles, Le vernissage de la prochaine Way rad, way rad, y'know, like could say is "WOW!" which veau et different.» Ce theme, des expressions fraiches et exposition a la Maison de la it's called like WOW! y'know, must be how the girls arrived at elle Ie traite en se servant de jeunes, des portraits minuscules Culture aura lieu Ie mercredi and like, ohmygod, it's like the title for the album. So y'know like, well I dunno, paysages, d'animaux rnais sur­ surtout, avec : «Vingt-cinq 25 novembre de 18 h 00 a what more can I like say, tout de visages auxquels elle enfants sages)) et «Enfants nos 21 h 30. II s'agit du «PARA­ y'know, it's like WOW! like you might like really like it associe la fantaisie. amours)) entre autres. DIGME CIRCULAIRE)) de Yeah, well hey, in a world y'know, 'cause like I'm like so L'exposition de Therese Plusieurs autres pieces de Micheline Montgom~ry et de where all these exciting, unex­ laid back y'know and I like Tourigny-des Aulniers com­ des Aulniers sont moins per­ Jean-Marc Blondeau. L'expo­ pected things keep happening, think this is really like a record porte un grand nombre de cutantes, dont quatre tableaux sition se poursuivra jusqu'au 4 it's nice to know there are you can like, I dunno, really pieces d.email surcuivre.Si ou I'artiste a utilise de multiples decembre inclusivement. Bananarama albums around. think deep to, y'know? Cross My Heart by Tim Inkpen King ofthe Gypsies andFoolin' My Heart refused to open up When one examines art of Around) we are presented with and allow us to see how these the 80's the one thing that a typical 80's film. The situa­ "characters" work. The co­ becomes clear is the complete tion: David (Martin Short) on writer/ director Armyan Bern­ absence of substance. From the the day of his all important stein seems to be afraid to say pathetic cut and paste images third date (why it's important is anything even mundane. Suf­ of the atrocity currently defac­ never explained, but then again fice to say he appears to view ing our quad to the pretentious that's the case with a lot of sex as the high point in a rela­ modern pop writers there seems things in this movie)'is fired tionship. But even the sex is to be almost a concious attempt from his job instead of getting boring. There's no intimacy, to articulate something ofvalue. that big promotion that he told there's no tenderness, just a Nowhere is this more evident his date Kathy (Annette O'Toole) concern about venereal disease than in the movies. .they were supposed to celebrate. and birth control. In the end As a barometer of social cli­ Dave's friend Bruce (Paul that's what makes this film a mate, movies are invaluable. Reiser) offers to loan Dave his true 80's picture: It's concerned This holds especially true with new car and apartment for the only with mechanics, not about American films. In America, night soDave can really impress the soul. movies are treated as a product Kathy. Kathy meanwhile is all rather than an art form thus uptight because she hasn't told they are made with the ideal of Dave about her seven year old appealing to as many people as daughter. I won't bore you with possible. One of the ways of the rest of the details. This film doing this is to make a film "rele­ isn't worth the.effort Suffice to vant" (or what the film makers say complications arise thatare perceive to be relevant) to a all neatly resolved by the end of large audience. That being the the film. case it is no surprise to find, the Cross My Heart keeps the 80's being a decade without viewer at a distance. Everything s\.Jbstance we find that the we learn about the characters is movies reflect this. given in the first five minutes of In Cross My Heart a new the film leaving no room. for film starring Martin Short and character development. This is Annette O'Toole ( a star ofsuch not helped by the wooden "act­ great classics as One on One, ing" ofShortand O'Toole. Cross Pro Tem8 November 16,1987 FEATURES Le sexe a son genre Les Vieux au Pub par Marlene Bouchard mort, "masculin." II est inte­ role est de preciser Ie genre du par Claudia Damecour (qui d'ailleurs est arrivee deu­ Le 14 octobre dernier se tenait ressant de noter que certaines sujet). C'est lors de "Rendez-vous" xiemeau Ontario Talent Search), au College de Glendon une langues ne font pas de dis­ De plus, Ie franc;:ais possede que les Anciens de Glendon se ainsi qu'un assortiment de conference tres interessante, tinction entre "masculin" et certains mots qui, meme s'ils rencontrent une fois de temps chansons plus ou moins mais malheureusement trop "feminin." sont du genre feminin, peuvent en temps, plus ou moins. Un d'epoque. Les Beatles, par courte, intitulee "GENRE ET Ensuite Madame Yaguello, designer un homme ou une certain vendredi de ce mois exemples, ont soutenu leur part SEXEen anglais et en fran~ais". reprenant l'idee de Jacobson, femme. Madame Yaguello a d'octobre, les "vieux" sont dans Ie repertoire. A cela La conferenciere invitee etait nous a rappele que les langues cite entreautres les mots vedette, revenus au Pub, evidemment, s'ajoutaient quelques chansons Madame Marina Yaguello, pro different entre elles par les sym­ sentinel/e, ordonnance (ces deux se raconter, comme en mai 86, quebecoises etquelquesvieilles fesseur de linguistique it PARIS boles ou representations qu'elles derniers designant surtout des des histoires de leur passe rengaines irlandaises. Les musi­ VII. nous obligent it exprimer gram­ hommes), et personne. En commun et de leur present ciens jouaient comme de vieux Madame Yaguello a d'abord maticalement. Dans les phrases anglais, "person" est un mot accompli. amis, puisqu'ils Ie sont, avec commence par expliquer la dif­ "/'etudiant(e) travaille pourson neutre qui permet d'echapper Cette annee a connu Ie retour harmonieet joie. Leur voix ference entre genre et sexe, examen" et "the student is au probleme du "masculin" et de "Black Slacks" sous Ie nom representent sans doute leur masculin et male, feminin et working (works) jor his (her) du "feminin." de "Smooth Pearlman and the meilleur atout, et I'absence d'une femelle. Le genre est utilise en exam," Ie franc;:ais et l'anglais En conclusion, Ie franc;:ais ne Mellow D's." Ce petit groupe, batterie non syntetisee leur plus linguistique et Ie ~exe en bio­ doivent faire un choi'x it des favorise pas Ie "masculin" par compose d'anciens Glendon­ gros obstacle. logie. "Masculin" n'est pas ..equi­ niveaux differents. Dans ces rapport au "feminin." On ne niens, joue de toutes sortes de A ce qu'on dit, Ie Pub valent de "male" qui est sy­ exemples, Ie franc;:ais doit in­ peut gouverner la langue: elle musiques et s'amuse bien en Ie brassait encore it une heure du nonyme de ·"viril". Quant it diquer au niveau du sujet (ou evolue sous la pression de causes faisant. Le Cafe de la Terrasse matin. Tout Ie monde s'est bien "feminin", il est different de pronom personnel) si celui-ci externes. Et comme Ie soulignait se mit bientot it fourmiller amuse, y compris les Glendon­ "femelle" quiest pejoratifquand est "masculin" ou "feminin," Madame Yaguello: "La langue d'Anciens qui, malgre leur age, niens actuels qui se sont rendu il est utilise pour une femme. tandis que l'anglais doit effectuer n'est pas sexiste. C'est l'utili­ savent encore s'amuser. compte que leur College en Pour mieux nous faire com­ des choix aux niveaux du verbe. sation qu'en font les locuteurs Le "band" a interprek des avait vu d'autres avant leur prendre son expose, Madame et de l'adjectifpossessif(dont Ie qui est sexiste." chansons originales du groupe arrivee. Yaguello a ensuite trace au tableau Ie schema suivant qui, Agreable surprise d'apres la semantique, reflete Remebrance Day les distinctions universelles et • Suite de p.6 sell, Reinecke et Francke. Que les oppositions que I'on retro­ by Rob Hawthorn It is our world to inherit. It is Je ne cacherai pas quej'avais ces noms ne vous disent pas uve dans beaucoup de langues: A day off work, and then at our world to share. We must quelques solides prejuges au grand'chose ne doit pas vous 11:00 a. m. we stand silent and look at our historical back­ moment de l'extinction des effrayer car les pieces jouees reflect. We are too young to ground and realize that guns lumieres, marquant Ie debut etaient, elles, des plus connues. know the world wars, many of and anger accomplish so little. du concert. En effet, l'audi­ Le concert suivant aura lieu anime inanime . us are too young to remember An open hand, and a quiet toire lui-meme etait sembla­ Ie vendredi II decembre et Ie Viet Nam, the war that came truth will accomplish so much ble it celui des cacophonies repertoire comprendra du into our living rooms. All they more. I saw the story of a man mentionnees plus haut : la Strauss, Rachmaninoff, ~ mean to many of us are film named Ghandi who freed plupart des gens etaient des per­ Corelli, MacMillan et Greig. humain non-humain footages of past events left to nation without uttering an angry sonnes agees (et souvent tres Les dates des concerts sui­ the interpretations ofhistorians. word. Can we learn from this agees!) vantes : Ie 19 fevrier 1988 (Eh, This generation sees a new kind man, or must we live forever Que l'on me comprenne oui!) et Ie 22 avril. Les 3 con­ of war, a new battle, and above with everything from car bombs bien! Je n'ai rien contre les certs it venir cofitent 14 $ lin all, a very real challenge. personnes du troisieme age. 3 male femelie male femelle. to nuclear weapons, while half (pour les ensemble!) Since 3500 B.c. there are 297 the population starves? We Mais l'experience me dit que A ce prix, vous serez d'ac­ A partir de ce scnema, years where no recorded wars cannot live in such a world l'auditoire de concerts de troi­ cord que c'est I'affaire de I'annee. Madame Yaguello a donne de have been fought. Our track much longer. sieme ordre est constitue sou­ nombreux exemples des dif­ record is not very good. At We must begin by learning vent de personnes agees car ce Les concerts ont lieu aI'au­ ferences qui existent entre l'an­ present the Middle East is love, tolerance, understanding sont les seuls concerts qu'elles ditoire de Martin Grove Col­ glais et Ie franc;:ais qui, quoique exploding, South America is and compassion. We must cease peuvent se permettre. legiate (coin de Martin Grove genetiquement semblables, se exploding and cowards, who teaching our children anger and Mon apprehension n'etait et d'Eglinton) a 20 heures. comportent differemment. call themselves terrorists kill hatred. The former qualities pas justifiee. En effet, Ie chef Tel: 239-5665. J'di afflche Tout ce qui est "anime" en innocent people in the name of are those we must look for in d'orchestre avait la situation quelquesfeuillets sur les tab­ anglais peut etre masculin ou .their causes. our leaders. We, as a people bien en main et la qualite musi­ leaux d'information dans les feminin, et ce qui est "inanime" Thus, on a day such as this must join together and make a cale etait une agreable surprise. couloirs. Ceci n'esl pas une est neutre. Mais Ie mot anglais we must ask a question. After a world that we can live in. There Le repertoire comprenait de publicite payee;je n'ai aucun "it" peut etre utilise pour un major war, that included geno­ can be no future in the world we la musique de Wagner, Bis- interet dans cette aflaire. animal ("anime" et "non­ cide, mass firebombing and the live in now. I appeal to all who humain") ou pour un objet implementation ofnuclear wea­ can listen. Open your eyes before ("inanime"). Pour "l'humain", pons, what have we learned? we lose it all, no effort can go la langue anglaise emploie "he" What was W. W. II, an atro­ unnoticed. ou "she". city? No, an obscenity. What What have we learned? So RESERVE ENTRY En franc;:ais, la distinction happened since? A total lack of far, nothing. Today of all days, SCHEME OFFICER entre"humain"et"non-humain" peace. A complete lack of reflect. Reflect on what we have, est vague au niveau gramma­ understanding. Mankind has and what we can gain. Then (RESO) tical. Elle se clarifie par Ie biais still not learned to share its own ask the question, what can we d'exclusions lexicales : on dira planet with its own kind, and learn? We can learn so much. Summer and part-time employment is available to fUll-time post-secondary entre autres "mourir" pour un we still rally behind fanatic If we are ever to exist as a "humain" et "crever" pour un leaders and listen to them in the stUdents looking for a physical and race, we must radically change mental Challenge. DO you have what "non-humain.'" Le mot"crever'" name of our countries and our way of thinking. I quote it takes? est parfois utilise pour un respective gods. Gods who lead David Foster in closing. "If we "humain," mais son utilisation us into battle against our com­ can pull together we can change It's your choice, your future. est alors argotique. pletely evil enemy. I'm positive the world forever." For more InfOrmatIon, visit your Dans la categorie "inanime," that God gave up being an Peace be with you. nearest Canadian Forces Recruiting Ie franc;:ais comporte des oppo­ unwillingly appointed war mon­ Center or call collect. We're In the sitions arbitraires : la vie et la ger and left us to our own Yellow pages under "RecrUiting". mort sont opposees mais elles devices some time ago.

sont toutes deux du genre fe­ But even as I write, someone GROW YOUR OWN INDOORS:

minin, contrairement it la lune is dying in a battle somewhere. Hassle - free high-tech growing systems .. et au soleH, it la.terre et au ciel, Where is the solution to this World I s finest halides and hydroponics qui s'opposent l'un au feminin stupidity? Somewhere, in this Free catalogue or send $2 for info package BRITE LITE et l'autre au masculin. Par con­ world, a seed of peace must be 2215-U Walkley Montreal Quebec tre en allemand, Ie genre de la planted. We, the young, the H4B 2J9 vie sera "feminin" et celui de la blind, must plant this seed. (514) 489-3803 Ie 16 novembre 1987 Pro Tem9 REPORTAGE Chomsky and Cockburn by Dominique Millette M. CockburI1 used the exam­ challenged on this count by a Far from being the advo­ ple of troop counts to belittle member of the audience, who cates and mongerers ofwarfare the reliability of CIA reports. pointed out that for every job they are depicted as, the decision­ The 2.2 million to 5 million created by military spending, makers of the dreaded and ratio in favour of the Soviets at least three times that many seemingly ubiquitous Central make us look grossly outnum­ could be had through build-up Intelligence Agency are appar­ bered. But wait! Half a million of civilian industry, M. Cock­ ently rather helpless minions of these are actually guarding burn retorted that military sycophantically telling the the Chinese border. Whew. In spending had a "corrupting Defense Department boys only that case, what are we worried effect" on the economy. His what the latter want to hear... about, right? They certainly last point was the most effec­ .. at least, that's how author­ won't invade Europe, since tive; the problem posed by journalist Andrew Cockburn they've been specially ear­ conversion from military in­ would have us see things. The marked for China. A place for dustry to peace-time factories. Oxford-educated producerand everything...? The 0.9 million Noam Chomsky, who' fol­ writer has published in the who are actually construction lowed M. Cockburn, is a lingu­ Economist, the New Statesman, troops and the half-million ist who likes to dabble in politi­ Harper's and Defense Week, being KGB and internal armed cal analysis. Taking an oft­ and is currently focusing on forces personnel do bring down reiterated (read "worn-out") intelligence reports and military the total, but still give the stand on American interven­ build-up in the . Soviets a 1.4 million man tion in Central America, the In his Sunday afternoon lec­ advantage, over 50% of the erstwhile social revolutionary ture at the University of American total. But hey, that's clearly showed his colors as he Toronto's Convocation hall, the line the alarmists take. The mechanically denounced the Cockburn offered his insights threat, states Cockburn over "business elites" ruining the on how even America's top . and over again, is "over­ peasants in the region in ques­ intelligence gatherers are caught inflated." tion and encouraging military up in the monstrous web ofthe Outdated and waiting-to-be­ confrontation to prevent what American "militaro-industrial cannibalized tanks are counted was repetitively referred to as complex," which, in line with as part ofready equipment, the "the danger of democracy" (to the best Marxist.tradition of range of airplanes is exagger­ the American imperialist ty­ historical determinism, has a ated, and non-existent or inef­ rants, of course.) will of its own, driven by the fectual equipment supposedly M: Chomsky's definition of inexorable forces of destiny, churned out by the Soviets is democracy apparently cannot not to be hindered by mere brandished by the Defense boys be separated from "social re­ mortal individualism. The dic­ as a great excuse to squeeze form", whatever form this may tated imperatives of Defense more money out of hapless take. He further defended his Department budgets, in turn American citizens, Cockburn thesis with the well-known mere cogs in the wheel of the continued. High-resolution, charge that America is not really Noam Chomsky corrupt American economy, are higher quality commercial sat­ a democracy, but some sort of the force behind a terrible plot ellite photographs produced by industrial complex run by a today), studiously avoids the All in all, however, M. to cover up the actual size of the Russians worry the Ameri­ group of devil-may-care inves­ notion of apathy or natural Chomsky's spiel, like his pre­ The Enemy's military capabili­ can forces, but because they tors who only want a good leadership abilities, of course. decessor's lacked an original ties, which, as we all know, are might debunk the myth of return on their money, and the It further describes the equili­ insight into what have sadly always horrendously exagger­ Russian conventional superior­ public be damned. This kind of brium consensus platforms become tired and banal sub­ ated. Easy money being a nice ity - they'll see "thejig is up"; no interpretation of Western de­ stemming from inter-party jects. Rhetoric tends to dull the thing to have around, the more billions for new equip­ mocracy, strongly reminiscent competition as giving results senses, and the Sunday lecture American army is single­ ment. of Marx's description of de­ identical to the one-party state, gave no exception. We all know handedly responsible for sys­ Cockburn concluded his lec­ mocracy as the"tool ofthe cap­ completely forgetting that the that Americans engage in quite tematically inflating figures on ture by stating that military italist ruling class" (which at very idea of democracy is to a bit of propaganda. That . Soviet military capacity just to build-up was the surest and the time it was, with corruption cater to the majority ofpeople, doesn't prevent the Soviets from build more of those great mis­ most "traditional" way out ofa rampant and what not, but thus creating policy sameness engaging in it also. And it siles. Status symbols, ofcourse. recession in America. When which is clearly not the case on both sides. This is the very doesn't prevent mutual accusa­ token of the responsiveness of tion of conspiracy and foul the party system to the needs of play to acquire the sound of a the people. meaningless echo over time. M. Chomsky did describe, as doubtless thousands have done before him, the atrocities BETTER committed by American in- fluence in Central America; GRADES NOW support of corrupt regimes, Straight 'A' student, Niki Rebin, fomenting ofmilitary coups, et and her father Communications al. He also introduced an inter­ Professor & International Speaker, Norm Rebin, offer you: esting piece ofnews: La Presna, the right-wing opposition paper • Over 50 tips for better grades in Nicaragua's c'apital, is actu­ • Quick-paced Easy Listening ally backed, funded and de­ • Life-long Habits for Easier Learning fended by the financial and military might of American Get this Two Casette Audio moneybags. The paper is there­ Programme for just $19.95 fore not ~icaraguan and it's ... And receive a FREE Add. n • .. okay to shut it down. He then Stac Unit for storage. Send cheque, money ordel or accused the Americans ofturn­ charge card no. _ ing a blind eye, as they have _ expiry date indeed done, to the repression l.·- Pinehurst Institute ofthe media in other countries , P.O. Box 1240 Almonte, Ontario,~~ • such as Guatemala and El Sal­ KOAIAO ~ vador. As the speaker quipped, , (613) 256-10803 "they don't censor radio sta­ A ndrew Cockburn tions, they just blow them up."

.. Pro Tem10 November 16, 1987 POT-POURRI Lady Gators ELECTION RESULTS Fi rst-year Representatives by Nanette Lanou Votes %of total votes This year's women's flag­ MA, David 33 21.2 football team (Gators) has only PICARD, Frank 58 37.2 the second such team to repre­ SPROGIS, Blair 40 25.6 sent Glendon in the history of SPOILED o the league. This year's team did ABSTENTIONS 25 our college proud. TOTAL 156 With an official .500 record Councillor the team's spirit was the best in Votes %of total votes the league. How so you ask? BANKS, Marjorie 104 36.5 Well this squad was continu­ CASSIDY, Brian 64 22.5 ally being applauded for their DENT, Lisa 131 46 .. fair play and high spirit. This HUOT, Chantal 115 40.4 extended to the request of the LABRECHE, Stephane 148 51.9 opposing teams to play "fun LANE, Valerie 81 28.4 LONG, Tobi games" after the season - one 112 39.3 MARSHALL, Carey 57 20 such request from the Grads! POTYOK, Nancy 87 30.5 This squad of players had ...;- -- RADO, William 135 47.4 Bugs? Headed by their able some crazy games ahd stories this team (many first-timers) ROBERTS, Steven 152 53.3 to' tell. Talk about dedication went out for every game. They coach Biff this team showed SCHAEFERS, Dietmar 80 28.1 these girls played in pouring all piled in the Gatormobile for York the Glendon spirit. Their BETTCHER, Todd 5 write-in rain, cold winds (up North at the long trek north. Some sat nicknames can only express ALMEIDA, Denis 1 write-in York), lightning and muddy on the car floor, many piled the high talent of this auspi­ PARE, FranGois 1 write-in fields. horizontally across laps and cious squad. Well done Gators. SPOILED 48 (8x6 positions) One game saw Glendon's others three to a knee. These Biff the Boss Simpson and ABSTENTIONS 386 team of five against a full gals all belting away in perfect Captain Chicken Finger Alaimo TOTAL 1707 opposition often. Another time harmony across Steeles Avenue. would like to express great (divided 'by 6 equals 284.5 ballots) Jane "Crazy Legs" Cascagnette This type ofexuberance gen­ thanks to this squad made up N.B.: The odd number of ballots cast means that 3 votes are unac­ ran an 80-yard touchdown on erated many onlookers to shake of the following players: counted for. Most likely these were three abstentions that were a return kick. Then the game their heads in disbelief. Re­ Tammy "Hands" Wollman missed. against Osgoode was more like Anne-Marie "Zebra" Smith member the time you were ten Director of Bilingual Affairs tackle and not flag football. Yes girls with Brad (the Chiro-acting Valerie "Jo-the-throw" Lane Isabelle "Bugs" Laurence Votes %of total votes these girls have the sprained ref) and the Chinese man kept BARIL, Francois 184 64.6 Michelle "Dogbreath" Cole ankles ("Zebra"), fractured fin­ waving ten fingers across from MANGER, Deborah 89 31.2 gers, bruised legs, scratched his empty Cadillac to Brad in a Heather "Mouse" Howse BANVILLE, Patrick 1 write-in limbs and body fatigue of wide smile? Heather "Steady Eddy" SPOILED 5 proven dedication. Well these girls do like to Hodgson ABSTENTIONS 6 Yet despite these hardships "walk on the wild side" right Jany "Crazy.Legs" TOTAL 285 Director of Communications Nothing Good on TV Sandra Rayner acclaimed • From p.3 out of their way to slash paint­ probably a former student of Councillor (full-year term) lysts such as Dr. Viktor E. ings and tapestries, or set fire to his. The reason for the vandal­ Frankl, but I also recommend a grand piano. You can replace ism may be for very petty rea­ Larry Romagnulo acclaimed sons. I can just see City TV the movie River's Edge to illus- a t. v_ set easily enough, but Faculty Council trate this point.) imagine the pain you would interviewing the friends of the The intent of these vandals feel if someone destroyed an culprits when it all comes out Jeff Broadbent acclaimed wasn't robbery, I believe. Items object into which you placed a and the friends saying: "Gee, Lisa Ker acclaimed were taken to make it look like great deal of identification and they seemed like normal guys. Sharon Lowry acclaimed a robbery, in the way some value. Okay, y'know. I never thought Brent Smith acclaimed murders are arranged so as to Just how sick is the average they'd do a thing like this." look like accidents. These three person becoming simply as a And comments in this vein young men wanted to destroy matter of course? m(iy be more accurate than the Callaghan's residence to hurt At the time of this article it events would lead you to believe. Classifieds him in the most personal way still hasn't been made clearjust The fact is that the average per­ possible. A professional gang why these three did what they son is becoming'more and more Professional Typing and Word Pro­ Women's Studies major wants to be capable ofthe acts once thought cessing Services. Essays, Resumes, Daddy's little girl. Looking for Domi­ of thieves wouldn't have gone did. I speculate that at least one Thesis, Assignments, Manuscripts. , nant male with old World Ideals. You of thethre~ knew Callaghan, is the sole province of the crimi­ Low Rates, High Quality Prompt, be Feudal Lord, I'll be submissive nally insane. George Orwell, in accurate service. Call 446-1300, serf. Reply to Pro Tem .... Bomb Catholique his essay "The Decline of the Mon.-Fri. 9-9; Sat & Sun. 10-4. • From p.5 English Murder," a macabre, Club de Curling. Bienvenue a taus The first bomb threat came • Suite de p.5 satiric piece, noted how the Part-Time Help required for children's from an anonymous caller who tent aux messes Glendon apparel store. Able to work evenings a most ordinary people were and Saturday. The Glendon Debating Society meets said the bomb was set to explode aimeraient vous y voir. Nous committing the most unima­ Call Manager 789-1841 in the Garigue Room every Wed­ at the same time McNally was esperons recevoir vos sugges­ ginative, but brutal murders in nesday at 5:30 PM then moves to B to speak. Lost: one (1) gator. Last seen in the wing at 600 P.M. All are welcome; tions pour des activites autres the U.K. ofthe 1940's. It's now no experience necessary. Travel, Some students and staff sus­ que notre messe (peut-etre panned out, obviously, to cover company of a small green frog named Napoleon. If found, please contact insanity and fun could be yours. For pect the threats may be linked qu'elles peuvent meme etre all manner of crimes, done Biff the Boss or Captain Chicken Fin­ further information, contact Cathy to McNally's controversial topic, amusantes!) ou pour que notre with. little motivation or plan­ gers. Hilliard E226 da Costa at 485-4684 or Steven "The Global Economic Prices messe fasse une partie plus ning. It's the opportunityand Roberts at 487-6763. and the Prospects for World grande de notre vie commu­ convenience to commit cf.ime Coco, I would like to thank all who ran in Revolution." nautaire dans Ie Christ, a that rules now. I love you, I love you, I love you La fille de Neudorf the fall elections for their energy and Others suspect it may have Glendon. Imagine it: The preppy next enthusiasm. Without their impetus, been a prank to avoid midterms. • On peut contacter Ie Pere door from North Toronto Col­ I'm away from home and looking for a nothing would be done around here. • No bombs were found on Michael au 661-5668 ou legiate is seemingly more likely fellow friendly Nova Scotian - Tara We all did win in the election~Once either occasion, and college 736-5369 to take a chainsaw to your 487-0810 again my sincerest thanks l Steven Roberts, Councillor, GCSU. officials and the local RCMP • Le Pere Michael est-dispo­ house when you're away than. nible la salle 120, York Time to type your essay? Rent an still have no solid leads. a having a bad sort from the IBM / Apple Macintosh. Special wee­ McNally continued his lec­ Hall, Ie mardi 15 h - 16 h 30 wrong side ofthe suburbs come tchelle duSquash fiche d'inscription kend rates available from $58.00. Avoid sur Ie tableau d'affichage de recrea­ • ture to less than a dozen stu- ­ • Nous nous assemblons pour in to nick the silverware. His line-ups; work at home; share cost. tion au contactez Jonathan dents, instructors and staff out­ la messe a 17 h Ie mardi dans motivation, perhaps? There was CALL 366-9199 Qualia Wood E1 09, 487-7560 side. The lecture was sponsored la salle de reunion de la Mai­ nothing good on t.v. by the college's Leftism Club. son "D", Residence Hilliard. Ie 16 novembre 1987 Pro Tem 11 BACK PAGE

The Back Page is back, now that you have been missing you'refavourite sectio he newspaper. So, we added an extra ha({pagejustfor y e Back Back Page. Keep the contribu- tions coming in. CAMELS ARE NOT LIKE RAINCOATS Thank You

When Claudine falls in love her lovers fall in heaps like wet raincoats shrugged off Spokes spinning b .. ouod the wheel elegant shoulders Red roses that cl'appily among the vine Mountains me·· and ablaze, withering She picks them up seductively Me staring in the tendrils of this design. performing deliberate ceremonies with her crafty fingers Chris Wroe .. carefully erasing wrinkles before she hangs them up to ..

Because Claudine like r she liked the image and found it cute w to be her all-seas

Not kno. as much about camels she Ie foaming and groaning to a azed bazaar a ft me

fter all a natural place for a camel which is not like a raincoat

So what's the use of seasons? Hell... What's weather? Whether or not we give a damn about this or that What's the point of a name? What's the point, for that matter, of nouns? What is the use of going to all the trouble of putting WORDS on PAPER If our ideas are condemned our point of view is misunderstood our motives are deemed inadequate By someone who really isn't that's ISn't an AUTHORITY on ANYTHING So what's the use of this poem? Hell... Why do I bother with it? Without a motive Without a point of view Without an idea We won't be deemed inadequate misunderstood • condemned trouble matter bother use We won't be

C. E. Loewen 2Feb87 Pro Tem 12 November 16, 1987 BACK BACK PAGE


York University recently experienced the latest in a series of strikes involving the three largest unions on campus. At a Spe­ cial General Meeting held on the last day of the York University Staff Association ... (YUSA) strike, October 15,1987, members ,of the Faculty Association voted their unanimous support for YUSA in its conflict with the York Administration and expressed their recognition of the central role that staff members play i,n the functioning of our University. It is YUFA's view that the YUSA position in these negotiations represented an essential and legitimate desire to create conditions at the University that would permit staff to carry out their jobs more successfully and fairly. In particular, YUFA supports YUSA's arguments for improved Life in the Fast Lane staff training in new technology; for im­

Short of malingering, provements to the York environment, which She has always lived her life affects not only the working conditions of On the sickly side staff, but the working, teaching, and learn­ In her room, cheap statues of Jesus ing conditions of all members of the York With moving eyes That roll upward as she folds community; and for a meaningful process Down of job classification and review, so that the Smile gently. job descriptions and renumeration of staff Moulded two-part Forgiveness members can more realistically reflect the For life. work that they perform. These questions, She dreams of seeing together with the issue of employment The curved vaults of St. Paul's equity, are of special concern to a staff Or the fabulous tomb Where Napoleon numbered himself composed primarily of women. Among the saints whose names Dripped in curses from sweaty mouths It is the view of the York University From those men who were more akin Faculty Association that the Administration To her Than to those they hoped would reside within. of York has consistently undervalued the contribution of the staff to the operation of If she had lived a thousand years ago She'd have bled her mind out the University. This tendency - together Among the ice with the minute bargaining - is in large part Carrying food to the torpid beast And begging a sign of the dying stone responsible for the recent YUSA strike. We urge the Administration to break the patt­ But now she just sits at home While the neighbours hammer on the wall ern that it has established in past nego­ And the sound of God bursts in her ears tiations and to act more responsibly in its As she caresses the speaker future dealings with YUSA and with other • Of the Zenith. campus unions. S. Molyneux

Paid and provided by York University Faculty Association