Monotype Display Fonts – Updated Dec 8Th, 2014

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Monotype Display Fonts – Updated Dec 8Th, 2014 Don Black Linecasting – Monotype Display Fonts – Updated Dec 8th, 2014 Monotype Display Mats ID Point Size Description 20 18 Century Expanded 37‐1 18 Caslon Old Style Italic 38 18 Goudy Old Style Light 38‐1 14‐18 Goudy Old Style Light Italic 51 18‐18H4‐24‐30‐30H4‐36H4 Alternate Gothic #1 64 14‐18 Cheltenham Old Style 64‐1 18‐24 Cheltenham Old Style Italic 65 24‐36 Craw Clarendon 66 14‐18‐24 Lining Gothic 545 68 14 MacFarland 78‐1 36 Caslon Old Roman Italic 79 14(x2)‐18(x2)‐30(x2)‐36(x2) Caslon Bold 79 14‐18 Caslon Bold 79‐1 18‐24‐36 Caslon Bold Italic 79‐1 14‐18 Caslon Bold Italic 86 14‐18(x2)‐24(x3)‐30(x2)‐36‐80 Cheltenham Bold 86‐1 18‐24‐36 Cheltenham Bold Italic 88 14‐18(x2)‐24‐36 Cheltenham Bold Condensed 88 14‐18‐24‐30‐36 Cheltenham Bold Condensed 95 18 Cloister Black 98 14‐18 Bookman Old Style 107 14‐18‐24 Franklin Gothic 118 18 Century Bold 119 18 Winchell Condensed 140 30 Modern Gothic Cond. (Tourist Gothic) 141 14(x3)‐18‐24(x2)‐36 Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 141 48 Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 157 14‐18‐30 Century Old Style 168 14‐18‐18H4‐24‐24H4 Copperplate Gothic Heavy 169 18 Copperplate Gothic Heavy Condensed 187 18 Copperplate Gothic Light 189 14‐18(no LC)‐24‐36 Rockwell Antique 189‐1 14 Rockwell Antique Italic 193 12 Rockwell Antique Shaded 206 30 News Gothic 227 30 News Gothic Extra Cond (Jefferson Gothic) 227 18‐24‐30‐36‐36H4 (accents) News Gothic Extra Cond (Jefferson Gothic) 227S 18‐24‐30‐36 News Gothic Extra Cond (Jefferson Gothic) 236 14 Glamour Medium 248 30 Garamont 248 18 (no Figs) Garamont Don Black Linecasting – Monotype Display Fonts – Updated Dec 8th, 2014 262 36 (Caps) Cochin Open 268 [18‐2]‐14B(small caps) Kennerly Old Style 268‐1 [18‐2] Kennerly Old Style Italic 268‐1S 14‐18‐24‐30‐36 Kennerly Old Style Italic 275 14‐18 Bodoni Bold 275‐1 18‐36‐48M Bodoni Bold Italic 282 12‐14‐18‐36 Cooper Black 294‐1 18 Goudy Bold Italic 306 36 Broadway 306 12‐14‐18‐24 Broadway 315‐1 24 Deepdene 330 24‐24H4‐‐30 Sans Serif Bold 330‐1 30 Sans Serif Bold Italic 330H [14‐2] Sans Serif Bold 331 18‐24‐30 Sans Serif Medium 373 14 Flash 375 18‐24‐30 Bodoni 375‐1 14‐24 Bodoni Italic 380 14‐24 (no L.C. k) Goudy Heavyface 383 14‐18 Goudy Handtooled 383‐1 24‐36 Goudy Handtooled Italic 404‐1 24‐36 Onyx Italic 575 30‐36H4 Bodoni Bold Panelled 603 14 (no CAP H)‐18‐36 20th Century Extra Bold 604 14‐18 (no L.C.) 20th Century Bold 605 14‐18‐24 20th Century Medium 605‐1 14‐18‐30 20th Century Medium Italic 606 18‐36 20th Century Light 607 14 20th Century Extra Bold Cond 608 18 20th Century Medium Cond .
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