Fonts New Fonts New Fonts New Fonts New Fonts New Fonts Abadi MT Condensed Light MS Estrangelo Edessa Arial Bold Bold Comic Sans MS Bold Medium Print Arial Bold Italic Arial Black Franklin Gothic Med. Italic Segoe Print Bold Georgia Bold Arial Italic Book Antiqua Segoe Script Georgia Bold Italic Calisto MT Kartika Constantina Segoe Script Bold Georgia Italic Courier New Latha Segoe UI Light Courier New Bold Century Gothic Bold Mangal Console Segoe UI Semibold Courier New Bold Italic Century Gothic Bold Italic Sans Lucida Sans Demibold Segoe UI Segoe UI Courier New Italic Century Gothic Italic Linotype Lucida Sans Demibold Italic Modern Comic San MS Palatino Linotype Bold Lucida Sans MS Sans Serif Comic San MS Bold Palatino Linotype Bld Italic Modern MS Serif Bold Palatino Linotype Italic Mv Boli Roman Small Fonts Copperplate Gothic Light Plantagenet Cherokee Script Symbol Impact Raavi NOTE: Trebuchet MS The new Vista fonts are the Lucida Console Trebuchet MS Bold Script newer format Times New Roman Bold Lucida Handwriting Italic Trebuchet MS Bold Italic Shruti designed for the new Vista Times New Roman Italic Lucida Sans Italic Trebuchet MS Italic display technology. Microsoft Times New Roman Bld Italic Tunga designed these to become Wingdings replacements for: Matisse ITC WST_Czec MT WST_Engl Cambria = Georga and News Gothic MT Bold WST_Fren Times New Roman News Gothic MT Italic WST_Germ Calibri = Arial OCR A Extended WST_Ital Candara = Trebuchet MS and WST_Span Tahoma Bold WST_Swed Tempus Sans ITC Consolas = Lucidia Console and Courier New Verdana Bold = Georga and Verdana Bold Italic Palatino Verdana Italic Corbel = Verdana Provided by: