[Life Sciences Location RWK O-H-V ] Innovation and expertise in the capital region www.rwk-ohv.de [Preface] Imprint: Publisher: RWK O-H-V Contact: RWK O-H-V c/o BBG Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Eduard-Maurer-Straße 13 | 16761 Hennigsdorf tel. + 49 3302 200330 | fax 03302.200231
[email protected] | www.rwk-ohv.de Editing and implementation: Projekt Standortmanagement und -profilierung im RWK O-H-V (Location Management and Profiling) c/o LOKATION:S Neuendorfstraße 20 b | 16761 Hennigsdorf tel. + 49 3302.2022200 | fax + 49 30 69815881
[email protected] Layout: MITPROJEKT GmbH | www.mit-projekt.de Translation: Kay Hattwig | www.kayhattwig.de All images: own representation, own survey Photos: All photos by Florian Büttner; except: Jens Dauterstedt (Cover) | Ministry for Economic Albrecht Gerber The Oberhavel district ranks among the most eco- The life sciences have developed since the turn Affairs and Energy of the State of Brandenburg (Page 3) | nomically strong regions in the east of Germany. of the century into a promising and increasingly DiagnostikNet | BB (Page 9/2) | Minister for Economic FINISH / Oranienburg (Page 10/1) | Hennigsdorf, Frank Affairs and Energy of the It is shaped by a powerful industry and an efficient important building block in the diverse economic Liebke (Page 10/2) | Velten (Page 11/1) | State of Brandenburg mid-sized sector. With its numerous businesses structure of the regional growth centre Oranien- Oberhavel district (Page 11/2) | in future-industries such as biotechnology or medi- burg-Hennigsdorf-Velten. Besides established and Hennigsdorf, Frank Liebke (Page 11/3) cal technology the district is one of the most impor- internationally-active large-scale businesses, such As of June 2016 tant life sciences locations in the capital region of as Takeda Pharma or Thermo Fisher Scientific Berlin-Brandenburg.