Kant's Attitude Toward Luther's Theology from the Principles Of
_full_alt_author_running_head (neem stramien B2 voor dit chapter en dubbelklik nul hierna en zet 2 auteursnamen neer op die plek met and): 0 _full_articletitle_deel (kopregel rechts, vul hierna in): Kant’s Attitude toward Luther’s Theology _full_article_language: en indien anders: engelse articletitle: 0 Kant’s Attitude toward Luther’s Theology 19 Chapter 1 Kant’s Attitude toward Luther’s Theology from the Principles of Scriptural Exegesis Qiuling Li In 1517, Martin Luther set off a wave of Reformation on German soil with his Ninety-five Theses.1 Luther’s unique theological thought quickly gained wide- spread support. After the German civil war and the Thirty Years’ War after- wards, the legal status of Lutheranism was finally established, which, together with the Swiss Reformation and the English Reformation, greatly changed the religious situation and ideology in Europe. Later, Lutheranism mainly spread to and developed in Northern Europe. In 1525, the Teutonic Knights, en- trenched in Prussia, converted to Lutheranism and established the secular Duchy of Prussia, with Königsberg as its capital. In 1701, the duchy was up- graded to a kingdom, and the ruler of the duchy, Friedrich III, was crowned Friedrich I, king in Prussia, at Königsberg. In 1724, in the city of Königsberg the greatest philosopher in German history, Emmanuel Kant, was born. Lutheranism, as the state religion of Prussia, was naturally deep-rooted and flourishing in the city of Königsberg. Kant was born into a family heavily influ- enced by Lutheran Pietism. In such a situation, although representing the En- lightenment spirit of reason and freedom, the philosopher Kant did not dare to comment freely on the religion in the milieu of which he lived.
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