South Sudan Consolidated Appeal 2013 | Mid-Year Review
SOUTH SUDAN CONSOLIDATED APPEAL 2013 | MID-YEAR REVIEW United Nations Clusters Assess and analyse needs Clusters and OCHA Humanitarian Country Monitor, review Team and Coordinator and report Set strategy and priorities HUMANITARIAN PLANNING PROCESS Organizations Clusters Mobilize resources Develop objectives, indicators, and implement response plans and projects HC/HCT and OCHA Compile strategy and plans into consolidated appeal (CAP) 2013 CONSOLIDATED APPEAL FOR SOUTH SUDAN A. ACF-USA, ACROSS, ACTED, ADESO, ADRA, AMURT International, ARC, ARDI, ASMP, AVSI, AWODA, B. BRAC, C. CAD, CAFOD, CARE International, CARITAS, CASI, CCC, CCM, CDAS, CDoT, CESVI, CHF International, CMA, CMD, COSV, CRADA, CRS, CRWRC/World Renew, CUAMM, CW, D. DAI, DCA, DDG, DORD, DRC, F. FAO, FAR, FH, FLDA, G. GOAL, H. HCO, HELP e.V., HI, I. IAS, IBIS, IMC UK, Intermon Oxfam, INTERSOS, IOM, IRC, IRW, J. JEN, Johanniter, K. KHI, L. LCEDA, LWF, M. MaCDA, MAG, MaGNA, Malaria Consortium, Mani Tese, MEDAIR, Mercy corps, Merlin, MI, Mulrany International, N. NCA, NHDF, NPP, NPA, NPC, NRC, O. Oxfam GB, P. PACODES, PAH, PCO, Plan International, R. RedR, RI, RUWASSA, S. SALF, Samaritan's Purse, SC, SCA, Sign of Hope, SMC, Solidarités, SPEDP, SSUDA, T. TEARFUND, THESO, U. UNDSS, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHABITAT, UNHAS, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNKEA, UNMAS, UNOCHA, UNOPS, UNWWA, UNYMPDA, V. VSF- Belgium, VSF-Germany, VSF-Suisse, W. WFP, WHO, World Relief, WV South Sudan. Please note that appeals are revised regularly. The latest version of this document is available on and Full project details, continually updated, can be viewed, downloaded and printed from
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