Color Video Display Controller for Multi-Player Gaming Systems

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Color Video Display Controller for Multi-Player Gaming Systems Europaisches Patentamt European Patent Office © Publication number: 0 525 363 A2 Office europeen des brevets EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION © Application number: 92110189.5 int. Ci.5; G06F 3/14, G09G 5/02 (§) Date of filing: 17.06.92 ® Priority: 28.06.91 US 722918 @ Inventor: Wasti, Hamid A. 200 Heroux Boulevard, No.2205 @ Date of publication of application: Cumberland, Rl 02864(US) 03.02.93 Bulletin 93/05 |nventor: Meyers Kr|st|n R 27 Old Carriage Road, No.28 ^ Designated Contracting States: WeSt WarWICk' Rl _ „ AT BE CH DE DK ES FR GB GR .T L. LU MC 02893<US> NL PT SE © Applicant: GTECH CORPORATION © Representative: Bauer, Wulf, Dr. 55 Technology Way Wolfgang-Muller-Strasse 12 West Greenwich, Rhode Island 0281 7(US) W-5000 Koln 51 (DE) © Color video display controller for multi-player gaming systems. © A display controller includes a digital processor the respective agent terminals, thereby displaying adapted for data communication with a central com- game data to numerous players at retail locations. puter, for controllably downloading alphanumeric data and one or both of image attribute data and ADDRESS BUS J complete or partial screen images to be displayed ,-DATA BUS on unmodified standard commercial television re- ceivers. Data memory and program memory are coupled to the digital processor, which stores image formatting data or complete images. Programmable logic circuits are coupled to the data output of the digital processor, and in conjunction with the digital processor convert the attributes presented on the data output of the digital processor into a pixel data field wherein each pixel is encoded to one of a number of available color combinations. A color pal- ette converts the pixel field into RGB data. A video encoder takes the RGB data and modulates sub- CM a < carrier signal to provide a composite video output. The display controller is preferably part of a net- 00 worked with central CO gaming system a computer sys- 00 tem managing entry validation and/or selection or crediting of winning entries in a wagering game m CM having numerous players. Distributed agent termi- nals in data communication with the central com- puter system manage input of player data and issue of player entries as point of sale terminals under SUBCARRIER supervisory control of the central computer. A plural- ity of standard commercial television receivers are FIG. coupled respectively to the video buffers, and si- multaneously display the image in conjunction with Rank Xerox (UK) Business Services 1 EP 0 525 363 A2 2 Background of the Invention display may require the viewer to turn his or her head. It is known, however, to provide a composite 1 . Field of the Invention video output, and optionally a radio frequency modulator, for coupling the display output of a The invention relates to the field of video dis- 5 computer to a commercial television receiver. This plays, especially those included in wagering game arrangement is typically for low end home comput- systems associated with retail lottery agent termi- ers, wherein the computer controls the display for nals. The invention provides a display system operating a video game or the like on a home wherein a data processor controls the generation of television. Such devices are arranged to drive a a composite video signal from image data and/or io single commercial television with a pre-formatted, image attribute data coupled to modify a signal stored display field, often including the display of transmitted to a plurality of standard commercial movable elements (sometimes called sprites) under television receivers which need not be modified. control of the computer and its operator. Although Means are included for formatting and displaying given sufficient data capacity the video game can changeable graphic screens, and alphanumeric 75 store a plurality of images such as the individual data and graphical image segments such as logos playing backgrounds through which the player ad- and messages over backgrounds, enabling a whole vances in the video game, the display fields them- or partial image or series of images to be dis- selves are not changeable and simply form a back- played on a number of large screen television ground for the movable elements. Furthermore, receiver displays at a fraction of the cost of a 20 there is no need to employ more than one display computer video monitor. device because the operator of the computer (e.g., player of the video game) can only look at one 2. Prior Art display at a time. A different form of display system is known in Computer systems adapted to display data on 25 connection with data displays to be viewed simulta- one or more video monitors are known. Typical neously by a number of viewers at various loca- video monitors for computer systems are relatively tions. Such systems are well known, for example, high performance devices as compared to com- in connection with display of flight information in mercial televisions. High speed or high capacity airport terminals. The data displayed is limited to interfaces for converting high resolution binary 30 columnar displays of alphanumeric characters ac- pixel data to RGB or composite video signals are cording to digital data received from a central com- needed, and the deflection circuits are generally puter system. Characters are displayed by each adapted for a higher degree of resolution and con- display monitor according to the data which is vergence than is necessary for display of moving transmitted to the display terminal. There is no scenes of the type broadcast by commercial televi- 35 capability of variably formatting a video signal for a sion stations. plurality of commercial television receivers coupled Resolution and convergence demands are rela- to a local controller which generates a composite tively greater for larger displays, and video moni- video signal in a changeable manner. tors for computer systems therefore are normally Certain games, such as keno, are played using small. Although it is possible to provide a large 40 some form of display sign or the like for keeping a format video monitor for a computer system, the number of viewers apprised of the progress of the added complexity of the circuitry is such that the game. In keno, players choose a predetermined display is prohibitively expensive for many uses. number of play entry numbers from a series of For example, the cost of a sixteen inch video available entries in a lot, and then a series of monitor may be approximately equal to the cost of 45 numbers are drawn one at a time to determine a sixteen inch commercial television receiver. How- winners. Players whose entries match a certain ever, a nineteen inch video monitor may cost three number of those drawn are winners. Similarly, in times as much as a nineteen inch commercial lotto games, winning is determined by matching a television receiver, and a twenty-five inch video predetermined number of successively drawn num- monitor may cost as much as ten times as much 50 bers. Prompt and wide display of the numbers as the same size of commercial television receiver. drawn to determine the winners is an important A typical video monitor for computer data is aspect of these and other games, is exciting for the coupled to a workstation, and displays information players, and encourages players to enter. It is to the operator of the workstation. In such an envi- known to provide an electronic sign having lights to ronment there is no need for a large format display, 55 designate numbers drawn in a keno game, and and in fact a large display can be less comfortable lottery agencies frequently televise the drawing of for viewing by the operator sitting in front of the lotto numbers. Of course a fixed sign is not at all display than a smaller one because the larger variable in format, and a television program is not 2 3 EP 0 525 363 A2 4 variable in format under control of a local video It is a further object of the invention to provide controller. a terminal device for coupling in data communica- Another example of a display system used in tion with a central lottery computer system, and connection with games involves display of bowling with a lottery agent terminal, operable under control information on overhead displays. The display in 5 of the central computer system and the agent this case is also unchangeably formatted in the terminal to format and generate in composite video form of a background grid delineating the players a mixed display of data at the initiation of one of and frames. Each lane or pair of lanes has inter- the central computer system and the agent termi- active input means for its single display terminal, nal, for displaying to a plurality of lottery players located above the respective bowling lane. io information of interest to the players in connection It would be advantageous to provide a display with at least one lottery game in progress. system which can truly be formatted under com- These and other objects are characterized by a puter control for display of data to a plurality of display controller including a digital processor viewers. For use by lottery agents, a video control- adapted for data communication with a central ler for this purpose should be controllable at least is computer, for controllably downloading alphanu- partly by the lottery central computer and in order meric data and one or both of image attribute data to be cost effective as well as accessible to nu- and complete or partial screen images to be dis- merous players the controller must be arranged to played on unmodified standard commercial televi- operate a plurality of commercial television receiv- sion receivers.
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