Symmetrical Transistor Logic A
switching circuits by a substantially- age requirements. The total cost using 2. HIGH SPEED TRANSISTOR COMPUTER CIR CUITS, S. Y. Wong;, A. K. Rapp. IRE-AIEE smaller number of components and con DCTL is comparable with other tech Transistor Circuits Conference, Phila., Pa., Feb. nections, and by extremely-low power niques, because the tightly specified 1956. (Not published.) consumption. Circuit simplicity and low 3. HIGH-TEMPERATURE SILICON-TRANSISTOR COM transistor eliminates considerable com PUTER CIRCUITS, James B. Angell. Proceed dissipation are obtained at the price of plexity in system design and manufac ings of the Eastern • Joint Computer Conference, AIEE Special Publication T-92, Dec. 10-12, 1956, limited gain, small voltage swings, and a ture. pp. 54-57. comparatively low upper limit on in 4. LARGE-SIGNAL BEHAVIOR OP JUNCTION TRAN ternal temperature. Rather severe re SISTORS, J. J. Ebeijs, J. L. Moll. Proceedings, References Institute of Radio Engineers, New York, N. Y., quirements on transistor parameters, vol. 42, Dec. 1954, ij>p. 1761-72. 1. SURFACE-BARRIER TRANSISTOR SWITCHING CIR particularly input impedance and satura CUITS, R. H. Beter, W. E. Bradley, R. B. Brown, 5. TWO-COLLECTOR TRANSISTOR FOR BINARY tion voltage, are compensated by almost M. Rubinoff. Convention Record, Institute of FULL ADDER, R. F. Rtitz. IBM Journal of Research Radio Engineers, New York, N. Y., pt. IV, 1955, and Development, N^w York, N. Y., vol. 1, July negligible dissipation and maximum volt p. 139. 1957, pp. 212-22. I. Basic System Requirements Symmetrical Transistor Logic A. INITIAL The initial specific system for which the R.
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