OSAC Country Security Report

Last update: July 27, 2021 Travel Advisory

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Algeria at Level 4, indicating that travelers should not travel to Algeria due to COVID-19. Exercise increased caution in Algeria due to terrorism. Review OSAC’s report, Understanding the Consular Travel Advisory System.

The Institute for Economics & Peace Global Peace Index 2021 ranks Algeria 120 out of 163 worldwide, rating the country as being at a Medium state of peace. Crime Environment

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Algiers as being a MEDIUM-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests.

The U.S. Department of State has not included a Crime “C” Indicator on the Travel Advisory for Algeria.

The crime emergency line in Algeria are 1548 and 17; for gendarmes, call 1055. Review the State Department’s Crime Victims Assistance brochure.

Crime: General Threat

The government publishes periodic criminal statistics from both the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) and the National Gendarmerie. Crime records showed an overall increase of criminality of 3% in 2020 compared to 2019. The DGSN reported an increase in cybercrime, likely attributable to confinement measures and curfews during 2020 that kept people off the streets.

The most common crimes tend to be crimes of opportunity (e.g., pickpocketing, purse snatching, burglary, and similar crimes) involving criminals operating primarily in high-traffic and high-density areas. However, statistics show criminals tend to focus on those who appear unfamiliar with their surroundings or have otherwise drawn attention to themselves. Areas foreigners frequent are generally less vulnerable, since they enjoy more robust police presence, though crime still does occur. Algiers and many of the larger coastal cities are safer due to the significant deployment of security forces. In addition to police personnel, Algiers province employs an extensive camera network for monitoring general safety and fighting crime. Algeria uses video surveillance in at least seven major cities and expects to expand the program.

General theft and residential burglaries are more common in low-income neighborhoods but do occur occasionally in more affluent areas. Because burglaries are often crimes of opportunity, a well-secured home is often enough to deter criminals. Many middle-class Algerian families improve their residential security by installing grilles over windows and doors. Assume that criminals prepare for confrontation, though most avoid violence. In mid-2020, the government increased penalties for gang activity to include heavier sentencing. This was in response to increases in neighborhood gang violence, armed robberies, drug trafficking, and other activities that posed threats to civilians.


Crime: Areas of Concern

Some neighborhoods in Algiers experience more crime than others, but none are off-limits to U.S. embassy personnel. Crime in urban environments outside of Algiers is worse than in Algiers. However, these areas aren’t generally places travelers from outside Algeria have a reason to visit, so is generally a non-issue for OSAC members.

Review OSAC’s reports, All That You Should Leave Behind, Hotels: The Inns and Outs, Considerations for Hotel Security, and Taking Credit.

Kidnapping Threat

The U.S. Department of State has included a Kidnapping “K” Indicator on the Travel Advisory for Algeria, indicating that criminal or terrorist individuals or groups have threatened to and/or have seized or detained and threatened to kill, injure, or continue to detain individuals in order to compel a third party (including a governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing something as a condition of release. Review OSAC’s reports, Kidnapping: The Basics and Active Shooter and Kidnapping Response Tips.

In past years, al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has kidnapped foreign nationals in the Sahel to obtain ransom. Another terrorist group known to kidnap for ransom is Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM), though that group operates primarily in Northern and along the border region with Algeria, prompting foreign governments and international organizations to warn against living, traveling, or working in that region. However, kidnappings of foreigners by terrorist organizations or armed criminal groups have not happened in Algeria since 2014.

Drug Crime

Authorities reported a 39% increase in drug-related crimes in 2020. Reports show that authorities arrested more than 56,000 people for drug trafficking or possession, to include cannabis, heroin, cocaine, and most significantly, psychotropic drugs. Algerian law enforcement agencies continue to highlight the battle against drug-related crime in local media, particularly drugs coming from across the border with .

Consult with the CIA World Factbook’s section on Illicit Drugs for country-specific information. Terrorism Environment

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Algiers as being a MEDIUM-threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests.

The U.S. Department of State has included a Terrorism “T” Indicator on the Travel Advisory for Algeria, indicating that terrorist attacks have occurred and/or specific threats against civilians, groups, or other targets may exist. Review the latest State Department Country Report on Terrorism for Algeria.

The Institute for Economics & Peace Global Terrorism Index 2020 ranks Algeria 65 out of 163 worldwide, rating the country as having a Low impact from terrorism.

Terrorism: General Threat

Terrorist groups remain active throughout Algeria, though Algerian military operations over the past several years have been very successful in countering terrorist activity. Over the past five years, the government reported a total of 24 major attacks. While these groups typically target Algerian security services and local government targets, they still aspire to target Western interests. AQIM, AQIM-allied


groups and ISIS elements, including the Algerian affiliate locally known as Jund al-Khilafah in Algeria (JAK-A, now calling itself ISIS-Algeria), remain present, though they are assessed to have limited capabilities as a result of successful Algerian counterterrorism operations.

Three major attacks occurred throughout 2020. In February, assailants targeted an army outpost in Bordj Badji Mokhtar, near the border with Mali, with a suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED). ISIS-Algeria claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed one Algerian soldier. In June, assailants ambushed an army patrol in Ain Defla, killing one, and an IED attack in Medea killed two soldiers one week later; AQIM claimed both attacks. Government sources reported nearly 250 counter- terrorism operations throughout the year which resulted in over 120 terrorists arrested or captured and over 200 hideouts discovered and destroyed. Almost all reported terrorist attacks in the past five years have targeted Algerian security forces and involved IEDs or ambush tactics as suspects actively fled through rural mountainous regions.

Government media occasionally reports on successful disruption of terrorist plots. In 2021, authorities claimed they had disrupted a cell that intended to target peaceful demonstrations in several cities throughout the country. Political Violence and Civil Unrest Environment

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Algiers as being a MEDIUM-threat location for political violence directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests.

Elections/Political Stability

Algeria witnessed increased social unrest in 2018. A grassroots protest movement known as the Hirak broke out across the country in late February 2019 against President Bouteflika’s decision to seek a fifth term. Bouteflika resigned in April 2019, and an interim government remained in place until presidential elections in December 2019. While social unrest continued throughout the period, demonstrations were largely peaceful. Protests came to a halt at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 but resumed in February 2021. No violence was reported during the 2019 presidential elections or the 2020 constitutional referendum, but many Hirakists and opposition political parties boycotted the votes, resulting in low voter participation. Legislative elections were held in June 2021, with the Hirak movement again calling for a boycott.

Protest & Demonstration Activity

Since February 2019, Algeria has witnessed weekly anti-government demonstrations in major urban centers across the country, with protestors demanding changes to what they perceive as a corrupt government. While the pandemic and restrictive social gathering measures prevented the weekly protests from occurring for most of 2020, weekly demonstrations and marches restarted again in February 2021. While these events are largely peaceful, there are reports of arbitrary arrests, detainment of journalists and media, and the use of tear gas and other anti-riot control measures. In May, the Interior Ministry imposed restrictions on street protests, mandating that organizers identify themselves and obtain permits.

For more information, review OSAC’s report, Surviving a Protest. Law Enforcement Concerns: Security Agencies

The Directorate General for National Security (DGSN) is the civilian police force largely responsible for cities and larger urban areas. The DGSN falls under the Interior Ministry and is responsible for police activities such as maintaining law and order, conducting criminal investigations, combating terrorism and


organized crime, and routine police functions such as traffic control. The National Gendarmerie force falls under the National Defense Ministry and is responsible for maintaining law and order and providing police services in more rural areas, highways, and inter-wilaya transit zones. It plays an important role in internal security efforts in combating terrorism and organized crime.

The army is responsible for external security, guarding the country’s borders, and has some domestic security responsibilities. Civilian authorities generally maintained effective control over the security forces.

The Algerian Civil Protection works as firefighters, EMT, and medical first responders. Algerian Customs works closely with the police and gendarme at border points enforcing import laws and regulations.

Police Response

Security services are prevalent in urban areas. Police checkpoints, stations, and patrols are easily recognizable and widely deployed, particularly in Algiers. While emergency telephone lines do exist, reliability and response time for non-emergency services varies, and are not up to U.S. standards. Emergency operations generally speak Arabic and French, but normally do not speak English. The DGSN has also established web-based applications for reporting crime or contacting authorities. Police can be slow to notify embassies or consulates following the arrest of a foreign national. U.S. citizens may request permission to communicate with the Consular Section at the U.S. Embassy in Algiers, but should not expect Algerian police to contact the Embassy proactively.

Law Enforcement Concerns: Emergency Contact/Information

The police emergency lines in Algeria are 1548 and 17; for gendarmes, call 1055. For local first responders, refer to the Embassy’s Emergency Assistance page. Transportation Security

Road Safety

Road infrastructure remains insufficient for the growing number of vehicles on the roads. Traffic management resources are somewhat inadequate, and there is limited ability to expand or create new roads to alleviate congestion in large cities. The government continues to expand the number of paved roads between major urban areas.

The National Center for Prevention and Road Accidents (CNPSR) reported 18,949 road accidents nationwide in 2020, including 2,800 deaths and 25,836 injuries. This marked a decrease of approximately 15% in deaths and injuries alike. Most traffic fatalities occurred on highways, where the main factors are reckless or unskilled drivers, lack of respect for traffic laws, lack of enforcement, and lack of sufficient lighting.

Police and military checkpoints are common on major roads in large cities and throughout the countryside. Law enforcement personnel routinely stop and inspect vehicles for security purposes and traffic law compliance. During times of heightened security, the number of vehicle checkpoints and police often increases.

For detailed, country-specific road and vehicle safety information, read the World Health Organization’s Global Status Report on Road Safety.

For more information, review OSAC’s reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Department’s webpage on driving and road safety abroad.


Public Transportation Safety

There are numerous taxi services in major cities, to include several radio-dispatch taxis and digital app services such as Yassir in Algiers. Traditional taxi services are of questionable reliability and exhibit inconsistent service. Avoid hailing taxis on the street, as driver accountability is difficult and picking up multiple passengers is common. Due to concerns about crime and mechanical safety, carefully consider the risks of using buses.

Trains operate between cities in the coastal regions of Algeria (although not internationally) and are generally safe and reliable. The urban railway in Algiers runs along the coast and is clean and well- policed. A well-maintained urban metro rail line in Algiers has limited usefulness, as it only passes through coastal neighborhoods.

For more information, review OSAC’s Report, Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights; and consider the European Union Air Safety List.

Aviation Concerns

Houari Boumediene Airport (ALG), which provides international and national flights, is located in Dar el Beïda, east of Algiers. The airport adheres to international air safety standards and management of flight operations. While security procedures and resources are not on par with U.S. airports, security personnel are present and active. The government has taken steps to improve airport security in recent years, to include building a more modern international terminal, which opened in 2019.

Maritime Security

Consult with the Stable Seas Maritime Security Index for detailed information and ratings regarding rule of law, law enforcement, piracy, and other maritime security indicators. Personal Identity & Human Rights Concerns

Safety Concerns for Women Travelers

Women walking along the streets in Algeria may experience sexual harassment from passing motorists and pedestrians. Additionally, women that appear to be alone, especially in areas such as forests or parks, may experience unwanted male attention, sexual harassment, flashing, or sexual assault. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for female travelers.

Domestic violence remains a societal problem. The law states that a person claiming domestic abuse must visit a “forensic physician” for an examination to document injuries and that the physician must determine the injuries suffered “incapacitated” the victim for 15 days. The law prescribes up to a 20-year imprisonment for the accused, depending on the severity of injuries. If domestic violence results in death, a judge may impose a life sentence.

Femicides Algeria, an advocacy group that tracks and publicizes femicides, reported 38 women have been killed because of their gender in the country since the start of the year.

In April, media reported several femicides. In Bouzareah, a police officer shot and killed his wife in front of their four children. In Zahana, a man threw his wife from the window of their second-floor apartment. In Relizane, a 25-year-old man stabbed his mother. The women died in these three cases and police arrested the perpetrators. Their cases are still pending.


In October a man kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 19-year-old woman, then burned her remains beyond recognition. Authorities arrested a suspect, who confessed to the killing. The suspect had previously served three years in prison after authorities convicted him for sexually assaulting and stalking the victim when she was 15 years old.

The punishment for sexual harassment is one to two years’ imprisonment and a fine; the punishment doubles for a second offense. Women’s groups said that most reported cases of harassment occur in the workplace.

Women may own businesses, enter into contracts, and pursue careers similar to those of men. Women enjoy rights equal to those of men concerning property ownership.

Consider composite scores given to Algeria by the UN Development Program (UNDP) in its Gender Development Index, measuring the difference between average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development, and Gender Inequality Index, measuring inequality in achievement in reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market. For more information on gender statistics in Algeria, see the World Bank's Gender Data Portal.

Review the State Department’s webpage for female travelers.

Safety Concerns for LGBTI+ Travelers

The law criminalizes public indecency and consensual same-sex sexual relations between adult men and women, with penalties that include imprisonment of six months to three years and a fine of DZD 1,000 to DZD 10,000 ($7.69 to $76). The law also stipulates penalties that include imprisonment of two months to two years and fines of DZD 500 to DZD 2,000 ($3.84 to $15.38) for anyone convicted of having committed a “homosexual act.” If a minor is involved, the adult may face up to three years’ imprisonment and a fine of DZD 10,000 ($76). LGBTI+ activists reported that the vague wording of laws criminalizing “homosexual acts” and “acts against nature” permitted sweeping accusations that resulted in multiple arrests for consensual same-sex sexual relations. LGBTI+ status is not illegal, but LGBTI+ persons may face criminal prosecution under legal provisions concerning prostitution, public indecency, and “associating with bad characters.” NGOs report that judges give harsher sentences to LGBTI+ persons for the above crimes compared to non-LGBTI+ persons. An NGO reported that authorities targeted LGBTI+ men more often than women.

In July 2020, gendarmerie in Constantine arrested 44 individuals for supporting a same-sex marriage. In September, authorities convicted 44 individuals of having same-sex sexual relations, public indecency, and subjecting others to harm by breaking COVID-19-related quarantine measures. Two men received three years in prison and a fine, and the others received one-year suspended sentences.

In February, two men shared their wedding ceremony on social media. Following the post, authorities in Tebessa arrested the two men, charging them with “displaying shameful images to the public, committing an act of homosexuality in public, and possession of drugs.”

Review OSAC’s report, Supporting LGBT+ Employee Security Abroad, and the State Department’s webpage on security for LGBTI travelers.

Safety Concerns for Travelers with Disabilities

Physical accessibility and accommodations tend to be lacking. The condition of sidewalks and streets is often poor, and there are almost no curb cuts or other modifications made for wheelchairs. Street curbs in Algeria may stand much higher than those in the U.S.; a person in a wheelchair would require significant assistance in negotiating curbs. Hotels, restaurants, and most government buildings are not accessible to persons with physical disabilities. Restrooms and elevators rarely can accommodate wheelchairs. Very few


vehicles, including buses and taxis, are accessible for persons with physical disabilities. The law prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities, although the government does not always effectively enforce these provisions.

Many persons with disabilities struggle to acquire assistive devices, and note the National Office of Apparatus and Accessories for the Handicapped does not have a presence in all provinces.

Review the State Department’s webpage on security for travelers with disabilities.

Safety Concerns for Travelers Based on Race, Religion, & Ethnicity

Islam is the state religion of Algeria. The Algerian government allows non-Muslim religious worship only in structures exclusively intended and approved for such purpose. Activities such as proselytizing and encouraging conversion to a faith other than Islam are illegal. Penalties may include fines and imprisonment. Certain religious groups, including members of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) and Ahmadi Muslim community have claimed they face persecution because of their faith. The new constitution, which the government approved in December 2020, no longer includes language permitting freedom of conscience.

Religious and ethnic violence in Algeria is rare. An exception was in the Ghardaia valley in southern Algeria, where conflict between the minority Mozabite Ibadi Muslims and the majority-Arab Malikite Muslims flared in 2015; street clashes between the two communities resulted in substantial material damage and human casualties in Ghardaia province. There have been only minor issues in the region since 2017, although law enforcement maintains a heavy presence in Ghardaia to monitor for instability.

Review the latest U.S Department of State Report on International Religious Freedom for country-specific information.

Review OSAC’s report, Freedom to Practice, and the State Department’s webpage on security for faith- based travelers.

Anti-U.S./Anti-Western Sentiment

Although reporting continues to identify terrorists aspiring to attack Western targets in Algeria, there have not been any terror attacks against foreign nationals in Algeria since the 2014 abduction and beheading of a French citizen in a remote area of the Kabylie region by an ISIS-affiliated group. One year prior, an al-Qa’ida-linked organization attacked a gas production facility at In Amenas, near the Libyan border, holding foreign and Algerian workers hostage. Dozens died during that large attack, including three U.S. citizens. U.S. policy decisions concerning Israel, as well as the U.S. recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, resulted in negative commentary against the U.S. in Algerian media in late 2020.

Concerns involving the Rule of Law, Arbitrary Detention, Official Harassment, Corruption &/or Transparency

The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention; however, overuse of pretrial detention remains a problem. Following the outbreak of mass demonstrations in 2019, security forces have exercised search, detention, and arrest authorities to control demonstrations. Authorities used vaguely worded provisions such as “inciting an unarmed gathering” and “insulting a government body” to arrest and detain individuals considered to be disturbing public order or criticizing the government. According to an Algerian organization that tracks arrests, between February 2019 and February 2021, the government detained at least 2,500 protesters, of which at least 350 were in pre-trial detention for at least a week. The government launched a wide-ranging anti-corruption campaign in 2019 that resulted in the arrest and sentencing of numerous prominent businessmen and politicians, including two former prime ministers.


The Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index ranks Algeria 104 out of 180 worldwide, where 1 means most transparent.

Communication Issues

Some major news outlets faced direct and indirect retaliation for criticism of the government. Press outlets report taking extra caution before publishing articles critical of the government or government officials due to fear of losing revenue from the National Agency for Publishing and Advertising (ANEP), which controls public advertising for print media and represents approximately 60% of the total advertising market. Many civil society organizations, government opponents, and political parties nonetheless have access to independent print and broadcast media and used them to express their views. The law prohibits Algerian media from receiving direct or indirect material support from foreign sources. The government blocks Algerian internet users from accessing some online anti-government media outlets.

Internet users regularly exercise their right to free expression and association online, including through online forums, social media, and email. Activists have reported that some postings on social media could result in arrest and questioning; observers widely understand that the intelligence services closely monitor the activities of political and human rights activists on social media sites, including Facebook. There are sometimes communication disruptions prior to planned anti-government demonstrations, namely internet shutdowns, the blocking of access to certain online news sites and social media platforms, and the restricting or censorship of content. By law, internet service providers face criminal penalties for the material and websites they host, especially if subject matters are “incompatible with morality or public opinion.”

While public debate and criticism of the government are widespread, journalists and activists are limited in their ability to criticize the government on topics crossing unwritten “red lines.” Authorities have arrested and detained citizens for expressing views deemed damaging to state officials and institutions, including the use of the Berber flag during protests, and citizens often practice self-restraint in expressing public criticism. The law provides for up to three years’ imprisonment for publications that “may harm the national interest” or up to one year for defaming or insulting the president, parliament, army, or state institutions.

The Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index ranks Algeria 146 out of 180 worldwide, where 1 means most freedom. The Freedom House Freedom in the World report ranks Algeria 32 out of 210 worldwide, rating the country’s freedom of speech as Not Free.

Review OSAC’s report, Lèse Majesté: Watching what you say (and type) abroad. Health Concerns

Emergency Health Services

The emergency lines in Algeria are 1548 and 17; for gendarmes, call 1055.

The U.S. Department of State has included a Health “H” Indicator on the Travel Advisory for Algeria, indicating that Health risks, including current disease outbreaks or a crisis that temporarily disrupts a country’s medical infrastructure, are present. Review the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) country-specific Travel Health Notices for current health issues that impact traveler health, like disease outbreaks, special events or gatherings, and natural disasters.

In Algiers, inform the police first in the event of an emergency. The police will advise the local hospital to send an ambulance. Medical expertise and resources vary. The best hospitals are military-run, but these are not often open to the public. If a visitor does not have contacts or established medical resources, an


ambulance will likely take them to the closest medical facility. For medical assistance, refer to the Embassy’s Medical Assistance page.

The Algerian government restricts the importation of certain pharmaceuticals for commercial resale. In addition, medicines may have different brand names with different dosages from those sold in the United States. Some newer medications may not yet be available in Algeria.

Tuberculosis occurs regularly, but does not reach endemic levels. Every summer, public health authorities report limited occurrences of water-borne diseases, such as typhoid. In February 2021, the Health Ministry announced an avian influenza outbreak in southern parts of the country.

Find contact information for available medical services and available air ambulance services on the U.S. Embassy website. The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling internationally. Review the State Department’s webpage on health insurance overseas.

See OSAC’s Guide to U.S. Government-Assisted Evacuations; review OSAC’s reports, The Healthy Way, Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad, Health 101: How to Prepare for Travel, and Fire Safety Abroad; and visit the State Department’s webpage on Your Health Abroad for more information.


The CDC recommends that travelers to Algeria are up to date on routine vaccinations such as chickenpox, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, influenza, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), and polio. Other strongly recommended vaccinations include rabies, typhoid, and hepatitis A and B. Yellow fever and malaria are generally not a concern in Algeria.

Review the CDC Travelers’ Health site for country-specific vaccine recommendations.

Issues Traveling with Medications

The Algerian government restricts the importation of certain pharmaceuticals for commercial resale. In addition, medicines may have different brand names with different dosages from those sold in the United States. Some newer medications may not yet be available in Algeria.

Review OSAC’s report, Traveling with Medication.

Water Quality

Drinking water is normally chlorinated and while relatively safe, may cause mild abdominal upset. Drinking water outside main cities and towns may be contaminated and sterilization is essential. Bottled water is available; use it for at least the first few weeks of stay.

Review OSAC’s report, I’m Drinking What in My Water?

Environmental Hazards

Algeria, and particularly Algiers, is located in an earthquake zone. The country experiences dozens of earthquakes each year registering magnitudes of between 2.5 and 5.0 on the Richter scale. Algeria experiences air pollution in major cities, soil erosion from overgrazing and other poor farming practices, desertification, and inadequate supplies of potable water. The dumping of raw sewage, petroleum-refining wastes, and other industrial effluents is leading to the pollution of rivers and coastal waters; the Mediterranean Sea in particular is becoming polluted from oil wastes, soil erosion, and fertilizer runoff.


Cybersecurity Concerns

As in most parts of the world, cybersecurity incidents continue to be a concern in Algeria. A national police statement identified 5,163 cybercrime cases reported in 2020, compared to 4,210 cases in 2019. The increase in cases is attributed to the vulnerabilities presented in social media. Businesses (especially banks) and social networks appear to be the top targets for fraud, blackmail, and radicalization. Of particular concern are child exploitation-related cases, of which the police reported a 115% increase from 2019.

Review OSAC’s reports, Cybersecurity Basics, Best Practices for Maximizing Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling Abroad with Mobile Devices , and Guide for Overseas Satellite Phone Usage. Counterintelligence Issues

The Government of Algeria regards its national sovereignty with tremendous significance. As a result, government authorities can be weary of suspicious of foreigners and their activities in country. Some travelers have faced additional scrutiny, particularly those working as journalists or in media-related fields. Other Security Concerns


Security forces still uncover unexploded ordnance (UXO) and home-made devices, particularly in mountainous areas where civil war and terrorist acts of the 1990s were frequent.

Import/Export Restrictions

A country-specific listing of items goods prohibited from being exported to the country or that are otherwise restricted is available from the U.S. International Trade Agency website.


Photography of official government buildings and other sensitive sites is strictly forbidden.

Review OSAC’s report, Picture This: Dos and Don’ts for Photography.

ID Requirements

Authorities may ask travelers to show work or residential permits, in addition to international travel documentation.

Critical Infrastructure Concerns

The media does not report industrial accidents regularly. The ability of local authorities to deal with industrial accidents appears limited. In the oil sector, the government depends heavily upon resources imported by foreign oil companies and private organizations. OSAC Country Chapters

The Algeria Country Chapter maintains a Google Group for communications. Chapter meetings did not occur throughout 2020, largely due to the pandemic. Additionally, many private-sector security managers


are not permanently based in Algeria. Interactions and meetings with Embassy Regional Security Office typically occur in small-group or individual sessions.

Contact OSAC’s Middle East and North team with any questions. Embassy Contact Information

U.S. Embassy in Algeria

5 Chemin Cheikh Bachir El-Ibrahimi, El Biar district of Algiers

Phone number (including after hours): +213 (0) 770-08-2000

Regional Security Office: +213 (0) 770-08-2168

Hours of Operation: Sunday-Thursday, 0800-1700, with services for U.S. citizens by appointment. A duty officer is available for after-hours emergencies. Trustworthy News Sources

• Algerie Press Service (APS) • Echourouk El Youmi • El Moudjahid • El Watan • Ennahar El Djadid • Le Quotidien d'Oran • Le Soir d'Algérie • L'Expression • Liberté • TSA • Algérie 360 • Radio M Other Helpful Info

• State Department Country Information • OSAC Risk Matrix • OSAC Travelers Toolkit • State Department Travelers Checklist • Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) • How OSAC Analysts Can Benefit Your Global Security Operations