1616 JournalJournal of ofSpirituality Spirituality ServiceService to to Neighbour Neighbour asas a a Testimony Testimony of of Faith Faith Service to Neighbour as a Testimony of Faith Service to Neighbour as a Testimony of Faith 1616 Journal of Spirituality Journal of Spirituality SOVEREIGNSOVEREIGN MILITARY MILITARY HOSPITALLER HOSPITALLER ORDER ORDER OF OF SAINTSAINT JOHN JOHN OF OF JERUSALEM JERUSALEM OF OF RHODES RHODES AND AND OF OF MALTA MALTA 20172017 Journal of Spirituality 16 Director of the Series ✠ Jean Laffitte Translations Sarah Jane Nodes Cover Graphics Vertigo Design Printer Co.Art srl Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta Magistral Palace Via dei Condotti, 68 I – 00187 ROME E-mail:
[email protected] www.orderofmalta.int © Office of the Prelate Cover Image “Blessed Gerard” Founder and First Grand Master of the Order, XI° Century Fresco in the chapel of the Magistral Palace, Rome Service to Neighbour as a Testimony of Faith SOVEREIGN MILITARY HOSPITALLER ORDER OF SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM OF RHODES AND OF MALTA INDEX 1. Foreword (H.E. Fra’ Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein) .... 7 2. Introduction ..................................................11 3. The Role of Chaplains in the Priories and Associations (H.E. Msgr. Jean Laffitte) ........15 4. Tuitio Fidei in the Order of Malta (Msgr. Natale Loda) .......................................31 5. The Spirituality of the Order of Saint John (Msgr. Luigi Michele de Palma) .......................59 6. Regulations and Commentary: Instrument of Formation and Path of Spiritual Progress (Fr. Bruno Martin) ......................................101 7. Chaplains and the Liturgical Life of the Order (H.Em.ce Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke) .....129 8.