THE VOICE P.O. Box 52-684, 52, Flo. Return Postage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South

Volume 1, No. 29 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy October 2, 1959 w Major Seminary To Be Built In Diocese Vincentsans 's First P!csn Boynton Anniversary Institution

Is Observed Supplementing the minor seminary which One year ago, Bish- opened just a month ago, op Coleman F. Carroll Bishop Coleman F. Car- assumed his duties as roll today revealed that the spiritual head of the a new major seminary '?* "feated Diocese of will be built in the Dio- M i i^Ji, embracing 16 cese of Miami. counties of South Flor- ida recognized as the It will be constructed and fastest - growing section operated by the Vincentian of the . Fathers who now staff the St. John Vianney Minor Semin- On Wednesday of next week, ary in Southwest Miami. Its )ct. 7, Bishop Carroll will ob- location will be at Boynton serve the first anniversary of 1 Beach on South Florida's East lis installation. Coast, in Palm Beach Coun- On that day, the Feast of ty. The site is a tract of 80 the Most Holy Rosary, Bishop acres. Carroll will celebrate a Mass MINOR SEMINARY ADDITION <>f Thanksgiving at 9 a.m. in St. Mary's Cathedral. Boys The new major seminary is and girls who attend the St. expected to be ready for occu- Mary school will be present pancy in 1961. to assist at the Mass. CHURCH'S Bishop Carroll also announc- ed today that an addition to GREATEST PROBLEM the new St. John Vianney Min- When Bishop Carroll arrived or Seminary will be built. n Miami, he declared that the It will be opened in Septem- eatest problem facing the ber, I960. urch today in South Florida as the shortage of priests. Out- As a result, young men study- tanding among the accomplish- ing for the diocesan priesthood lents of the Diocese during the will be able to complete their iast 12 months have been the entire course of studies leading activities directed toward solv- to their ordination without leav- ing that problem. These in- ing South Florida. They will re- clude: ceive four years of high school work and two years of college ** Construction of the new in the enlarged minor seminary St. John Vianney Minor Semi- and then move on to the new nary ir "-"Uthwest Miami which major seminary at Boynton was dj4| £ed Sept. 7 and open- Beach for their final six years ed Sept. &. Plans also have been of preparation, consisting of announced for a new Faculty Building to house the Vincen- Continued On Page 2 tian Fathers who staff the sem- Continued On Page 15 Pray Rosary, Papal. Delegate Encyclical Asks (NC) — A Visits President new encyclical urging all | Catholics to say the Rosary WASHINGTON (NO — during October has been is- Egidio Vagnozzi, sued by Pope John XXIII. Apostolic Delegate to the 1 United States, formally met The encyclical is the third President Eisenhower for the thus far written by fhe Pon- first *e at the White tiff and lists five specific in- Housr '" tne 'w0 c'la"e^ tentions for which the faith- for 25 minutes. ful should pray, including world peace, his own guid- The seventh representative ance and the success of the of the to the Unit- ' ecumenical council. ed States Hierarchy was the if first caller received by the (A news story on the ency- President since the Chief clical appears on Page 3. Executive bade good-bye to I The full text of fhe docu- Soviet Premier Nikita Bishop Coleman F. Carroll < ment will be published soon Khrushchev. { by The Voice.) Marks First Anniversary Of Installation As First Bishop Of Miami On Oct. 7 Page 2 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 New Bishop PRINTING Of Worcester • LETTERHEADS • ENVELOPES • BULLETINS WEDDING INVITATIONS - SCHOOL PAPERS ANNOUNCEMENTS — BROCHURES — FOLDERS Is Enthroned SERVICE OFFSET PRINTERS 4015 Aurora Street HI 5-2419 Coral Gables, Florida WORCESTER, Mass. (NO —Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan, formerly of Norwich, Conn, has been formally enthroned as the second Bishop of the nine-year- -old Diocese of Worcester, Mass., which embraces some 300,000 Catholics in one county. 3705 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, MIAMI 37, FLORIDA THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHTING FIXTURES Richard Cardinal Cashing, AND LAMPS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND Archbishop of Boston, who INSTITUTIONAL USE gave the sermon when the new Worcester leader .was FR 4-8161 consecrated in 1953, was the installing prelate and the speaker during the ceremonies in St. Paul's Cathedral. Cardinal Cashing told the con- gregation and the thousands Construction ot the new Catholic Student Center asko, O.P., assistant, inspect the partially com- watching the service on tele- at the University of Miami, Coral Gabies, was pleted building accompanied by Newman Club vision or hearing it by radio begun-in June. Father John F. Monroe, O.P., president Sal Vecchio. that Catholics should rejoice left, chaplain, and Father Stephen B. Jur- that Pope John XXIII has sent them a Bishop "who brings to MEANS BOATING PKIOE his new See a wealth of ex- Bishop Chides Vincentian Fathers To Build . AND FUN IN EVERY RIDE. perience and power, of spiritual leadership." 'Soft' Citizens Bishop Flanagan headed the Major Seminary In Diocese Norwich, Conn., diocese from ALBUQUERQUE, NM. — A its founding in 1953 until his Catholic bishop has stigmatized Continued From Page 1 ginning of construction will be transfer to Worcester. the "new softness" of Ameri- two years of philosophy and announced later. •. . • •. t four years of theology. can society and called for a "re- ST. VINCE The Cardinal also paid tribute INVITATION ACCEPTED DE PAUL HONORED to Bishop Flanagan's predeces- bellion" against it on the part • of young people. Acceptance of Bishop Carroll's The Vincentians began this sor, Bishop John J. Wright, who invitation to build and staff a week a year of celebration became spiritual leader of the Bishop Paul J. Hallinan of major seminary on the 80-acre honoring the tercentenary anni- Diocese of in Jan- Boynton Beach tract was made versary of the death of St. uary, 1959. Charleston, S.C., asserted that already there are many young by the Very Rev. Sylvester A. Vincent de Paul, the founder Taggart, CM., Visitor of the of modern-day seminaries and SEETHE people who are "quietly H>ut firmly in rebellion against ,all Eastern Province of the Congre- patron of charity for the Uni- THUNDERB1RD this softness." gation of the Mission, with head- versal Church. LINE quarters at Philadelphia. Bishop Hallinan was keynote They already conduct eight FROM 14' TO 24'-... speaker at the national conven- Father Taggart, who deliver- major seminaries and 10 minor SLEEK, SMOOTH, FIT. tion of the National Newman ed the sermon at the dedication seminaries, including St. John Club Federation at the Univer- of St. John Vianney Minor Vianney here, in various cities ALL FIBERGLAS sity of New Mexico. Seminary Sept. 7, said that throughout the United States. In addition, the congregation also • (NO WOOD) Bishop Carroll's invitation was Bishop Hallinan listed a num- "wholeheartedly approved" by directs three universities, four HULLS ARE ber of examples of the "new •the Provincial Council, after high schools, 12 mission houses PRACTICALLY softness" in U.S. society. which it was sent to the Council and a house Of studies at Wash- MAINTENANCE Among them: General of the Congregation in ington, D.C. FREE. • The so-called "beatniks," Paris, who granted permission Members also do work alleged rebels who in reality, for the Vincentian Fathers to and carry on other activities, he said, "are in a delayed stage proceed with the project. including care of the sick, aged of adolescence." Preparation of architects' and infirm, of prisoners, orph- • The apparent readiness of plans for both the new iriajor ans and the insane in many this country to "fall for a shab-" seminary and the addition to institutions. by sales pitch from one of our the minor seminary is expect- In Panama they care for lep- more unpleasant lobbies, the or- ed to start soon. Dates for the ers at Palo Seco and they also ganized birth-controllers." groundbreakings and the be- serve 13 missions in Mississip- pi, Missouri, Texas, Alabama, TIMES North Carolina and the Canal President Proclaims Zone. LUXURY 3 BEDROOM ._ 2/2 *,,,, Other Vincentis devote Screened Pool and Patio Overlooking themselves exchishrajr-fo pro- Coral Ridge Country Club. $49,500 National Day Of Prayer moting novenas in honor of OPEN 2 to 5 — 4408 KLE. 22nd ROAD President Dwight D. Eisenhower has set aside Oct. 7 Our Lady Of the Miraculous as a National Day of Prayer and called upon fellow Ameri- Medal, a perpetual novena cans to join in prayer on that day. In his proclamation, the established in 3,000 churches President said: and chapels in this country EXECUTIVE MANSION 4 B-~». 4*-.«. Elizabeth Kormendy, an ar- and in 17 foreign countries. MARBLE LIVING ROOM, TRI-LEVEL tist of Washington, • D.C., Let us. give thanks for the bounty of Providence which Plus POOL • PATIO • MAJD'S QUARTERS made this ceramic entitled has made possible the growth and promise of our land. Mrs. Baker Attends WATERFRONT • DOCK • "Kitchen Madonna." Mary Let us give thanks for the heritage of free inquiry, wears an apron and holds a sound industry, and boundless vision which have enabled Polish Alliance Meeting EXQUISITELY FURNISHED $100,000 loaf of homebaked bread in us to advance the general welfare of our people to un- COEiAL GABLES — Mrs. Al- Truiy Designed for Luxurious Entertainment one hand, -while her other precedented heights. of Top Level Executives. hand rests on the head of the bert Baker of Little Flower par- BY APPOINTMENT hungry Christ-Child. Let us remember that our God is the God of all men, ish attended the national con- that only as all men are free can liberty be secure for vention in Baltimore of the Pol- any, and that only as all prosper can any be content in ish Women's Alliance of Amer- ADELPHI BUSINESS their good fortune. NEW OFFICE BUILDING and ica, Sept. 27-Oct. 2. TUTORING SCHOOL Let us join in vigorous concern for those who now en- Finest of Broward County Locations. dure suffering of body, mind or spirit, and let us seek to WILL SHOW 30% RETLTRN ON CASH "Miami's Finest Finishing school" THE VO*. 37th Yeor—NEW YORK, MIAMI: relieve their distress and to assist them in their way to- The Diocese of Miami INVESTMENT OF $110,000 ward health, well-being, and enlightenment. Weekly Publication , v Attendance Accepted Editorial: PLaza 8-0543 Dade Co. Bd. of Public Instruction Advertising and Circulation: APPROVED FOR: Finally, let us rededicate ourselves and our Nation to ' PLaza 4-2561 THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO. INC. - Veterans and Foreign Students - the highest loyalties which we know; and let us breathe The Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll. Mr. George Sattler Bishop of Miami President Please Consult Yellow Page 620 deeply of the clean air of courage, preparing ourselves to Phone Directory — Send for Literature meet the obligations of our day in trust, in gratitude, and Second-class postage paid *at Miami, Florida. Subscription rates: TIMES REALTY, INC I1MESs«uA« in the supreme confidence of men who have accomplished S5 a year: single copy 15 -eents. 79th Street and Biscayne Blvd. Published every Thursday at 6301 much united under God. Biscayne Boulevard, Miami 38, Fla. FT. LAUDERDALE LO 4-9603 Address all mail to P.O. Box 52-684, — PL 1-7948 — Miami 52, Florida. i .• The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 3 Pope In Encyclical Asks All To Recite The Rosary VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope John XXIII has issued an to the Father' are intertwined with meditation on the great- "We therefore pray the Lord that they may endeavor to encyclical letter calling on the world's Catholics to pray the est mysteries of the Faith." know thoroughly the causes that give rise to differences and Rosary during October. Pope John's encyclical is the third he has issued since his that they may overcome them with good will and that they They should pray, the Pope said, for five special intentions: election to the papacy nearly a year ago. may above all assess the sad tally of ruin and harm wrought • Guidance of the Pope. by armed conflicts — from which the Lord preserve us — and m WORLD PEACE DISCUSSED • Success of missionaries and the apostolate. not place any trust in them. The longest section of the encyclical is devoted to world • Peace and concord among nations. peace. "We pray that they may adapt civil and social legislation . • Success of the Roman diocesan synod. to the real needs of men, not forgetting eternal laws . . . and • Success of the forthcoming ecumenical council. The Pope urges Catholics to pray the Rosary in October so that they may always bear in mind the heavenly destiny of that world leaders will understand today's problems and "atten- every single soul, created by God to "achieve it and enjoy it The encyclical, dated September 26, will be known as "Grata tively assess the serious duty of the present hour." one day." RecordaUo" (Grateful Memory) from its opening words. * ^ jit the Pope hailed the Kosary as a "mystical crown in wfafch the prayers 'Our Father,' 'Hail Mary' and 'Glory be

Main facade of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con- ception, with scaffolding removed, is being prepared for dedi- cation on Nov. 20, in Washington, D.C. On that nationwide Day of Dedication Catholics throughout the country will be conse- crated to the Mother of God in their parishes. The Blessed Virgin Mary is patroness of the United States under the title of her Immaculate Conception and the National Shrine has been built by all the Catholics of the country under the leadership of their . (NC Photos) Parishes To Mark 2-piece knit dresses Shrine Dedication ,,y \ ... WAS8fe«5TON (NC) — Cath- time there has been a national olics throughout the United dedication of Catholics to her. States will be consecrated to the "It is important that every Mother of God in a nationwide Catholic in the United States act of homage on Friday, Nov. should both know the mean- jacket or overblouse styles 20. ing of the shrine and be proud of it," said Archbishop Jo- It will be part of a period seph E. Bitter of St. Louis, vibrant colors and new dark tones of national prayer and a high- chairman of the Episcopal light of a Day of Dedication Committee for the Shrine. to be observed in the 16,750 Our aim was to get dresses for you at the lowest price Catholic parishes of the coun- Archbishop Ritter said the try. All of the nation's more National Shrine "should become possible. We're now proud to offer you these at a mere than 39 million Catholics are a center of sound devotion to being invited to take part. Mary, a center for pilgrimages, $10 each. Your choice of short or three-quarter sleeves a source of grace to each dio- The Day of Dedication has cese and to the whole nation." . . . cardigan necklines or Peter Pan collars. Admire been called for by the .Bishops of the United States to mark "It is important that the gleaming rhinestone buttons, embroidered "pearl" the j,- "cation of the great upper Shrine should actually perform chgjjLjf the National Shrine of the function for which it is be- motifs, soft angora touches. These wool knits snap back theTmmaculate Conception here ing built," the Archbishop con- on that same day. tinued. into shape as you sit, stretch, or bend. Sizes 10 - 18, 1 Although it has been 113 years In stressing the religious sig- 14 /2-22]/2. since the Catholic Bishops of nificance of the dedication of Women's Dress Dept. the country selected the Blessed the National Shrine, the Bish- Miami Coral Gables HLauderdale Homestead Virgin Mary to be patroness of ops hope to make Nov. 20 one CORAL WAY AT it Starred lt«n» Alt* Available in I of the most memorable days AT 13th STREET DOUOLAS ROAO AT SUNRISE BLVD. the United States under the • HOLLYWOOD — Direcr Phone UrfKt T. Miami TOLL FREE WA bash 2-52W Hlshknid 4-J5II JAduo. 5-1611 Clrcl. 7-7330 title of her Immaculate Concep- in the history of the Catholic SEARS FRanklm »-5411 tion, this will mark the first Church in the United States. Page 4 The yoke, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 -THE RAMONA MOTEL. "The Finest In Motel Living" 3301 W. Flagler St., Miami, Florida Phone HI 8-9274 In the center of the city. Motel rooms and apartments. Air- condiHoned and heated. 'Free 21" TV in all units. Convenient to Orange Bowl Stadium and St. Michael's .

Religious Persecution Cited WASHER- DRYER As U.K. Refuses Red China COMBINATION..... THE PAIR- wifh Trade UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (NO — For the ninth successive year the General Assembly has in effect refused to admit Red China to the United Nations. General Alfred M. Gruenther, Msgr. (Major General) Pat- The vote — 44 to 29, with nine abstentions — was on a U. S. president of the American Red I960 rick J. Ryan, retired Chief of motion barring from the assembly's agenda consideration of either Cross, will receive the Cardinal HSJ admitting Red China to the U.N. or of excluding Nationalist China Gibbons Medal, highest honor Army Chaplains, received the styling, from the world body. of the alumni association of the honor of a "Very Important Catholic University of America. features Person" at the recent VIP show- The vote followed an indict- The award is given to persons of the year in Chicago. Mon- ment of communist China by Steel Strike Affects who have "rendered distin- and signor Ryan's award was U. S. delegate Walter S. Rob- Newspaper Campaign guished service to the United States, the Catholic Church or made for "outstanding service ertson, former Assistant Sec- PITTSBURGH, Pa. (NO — quality... The annual subscription cam- the Catholic University" and to the armed forces in the field retary of State for Far'East- paign of the Pittsburgh Catho- will be presented to him on of religion." ern Affairs, who accused com- lic, newspaper of the Pittsburgh Nov. 14. Model WS-60 and DS-60 Photos) munist China of aggression, diocese, has been postponed be- (NC Photos) failure to fulfill its pledges, cause of the steel strike. Bishop and persecution of religion. John J. Wright of . Pittsburgh 26 Catholics Seek announced the postponement and tion would begin by using neigh- In his speech supporting the asked for "increased prayers for borhood meetings and a speak- British Lower House U. S. motion to bar discussion an early settlement of differ- ers bureau to educate the public LONDON (NO — Twenty-six of giving Red China U.N. mem- ences which are doing no one to the problem of * aie ma- Catholics are expected to be- bership, Mr. Robertson recalled any good and which are caus- terial in the mails ai.__<>n news- ing grave harm, at home and stands. come members of the British that the Reds "have arrested 249 ALHAMBRA CIRCLE CORAL GABLES abroad, to the good of the Amer- House of Commons after the hundreds of foreign Christian • • • PHONE HI 4-6541 ican community." All present general election on October 8. missionaries and killed^ many subscriptions to the paper will Belgian Prelate Ends religious leaders." be continued until the strike is Tour of United States ended and a subscription cam- "Chinese Moslem minorities," paign can be held. NEW YORK — Msgr. Joseph he added, "have suffered sim- Cardijn, founder of the 1,500,000- THE GENERAL DUAL 90 ilarly, with countless numbers • • • member Young Christian Work- imprisoned for 'carrying on Obscenity Drive Opened ers movement, ended his Unit- counter-revolutionary activity ed States visit apparently under the cloak of religion.' " In St. Paul, Minneapolis pleased with the movement's ... Unrivaled for Safety / ST. PAUL, Minn. (NO — A growth in this country. Msgr. In addition, Mr. Robertson citizens' campaign has been Cardijn and members of the Revolutionary tread design of the Dual 90 gives you dual stopping power, easier noted, the Chinese communists launched in St. Paul and Min- YCW International Committee steering and better traction in any weather. Nygen cord protects against danger- have "massacred thousands of neapolis to help law enforce- from Brussels, Belgium, flew our heat and bruise blow-outs. the Tibetan people and attempt- ment officials keep obscene lit- from New York to , where ed to stamp out their ancient erature off newsstands and out they will meet with members Buddhist faith." of the mails. Spearheading of Latin-American federations of the drive is the Twin Cities Cit- the movement. The Young izens for JDecent Literature, Christian Workers Movement members of which include Arch- was founded in 1925 as an apos- bishop William O. Brady of St. tolate of young people to Chris- Paul, Gov. Orville L. Freeman tianize their own lives, their of Minnesota and other civic working and social environ- and religious leaders. Mr. Wil- ments and their fellow workers. liam J. Hickey Jr., campaign It now operates in 87 countries co-chairman, said the organiza- around the world.

WILL OPEN A 4% ON INSURED SAVINGS NO FLATS FROM PUNCTURES NYGEN CORD, SAFEST POSITIVE STOPPING In "split-second" brak- ANTICtPATEO RATE fROM Hit."' r, 1»S» In convincing puncture TIRE CORD KNOWN ing, twin-treads CHECKING ACCOUNT test, 301 nails were Pound for pound, stronger than steel squeegee instantly, driven into the Dual 90 cables. Here, a set of wipe slick pavement Pay All Your Bills without the loss of a General Nygen tires bone - dry for safe bmmunity single pound of air. lifts a 16-ton truck. straight-line stops. In This Easy Fashion FEDERAL We Pay For Road Service Save Wear and Tear REMEMBER: If You Have A Puncture! On the Body and Mind Your present tires can be the Down Payment. . . take Cost of This Service 461 HIALEAH DRIVE IK ESSEX VfLLAGE SHOPPING Open Evenings Mori. & Fri. 'tit 8 up to 10 months to pay the balance! Is $1.50 Per Month

THE r THE v GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI (GENERAL] &NICEST HOLLYWOOD^. • 5600 Biscayne Blvd. PL 1-8564 V TIRE NATIONAL THE GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI BEACH, INC BANK OF NORTH 1801 Alton Rd., Miami Beach, Fla. JE 8-5396 MIAMI BEACH THE GENERAL TIRE OF CORAL GABLES N.E. 162nd Street 301 Giralda Ave., Across from the Bus Terminal, C. G. HI 4-7141 at West Dixie Highway THE GENERAL TIRE OF NORTH MIAMI 700 N. E. 167th St., Vi Mile West of Shopping Center Wl 5-4249 Member IN FT. LAUDERDALE ... 6100 Hollywood Blvd Federal Reserve System -STEPHEN'S GENERAL TIRES, INC. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. PARISH: Phone YOkon"3-0857 2700 South Federal Highway JAckson 4-5567 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 5

RED BIRD Australian Hospital fered the community financial Granted State Funds assistance. Dial MOhawk STORE SYDNEY, Australia (NC) — 1-4248 RED and BIRD ROADS The New -South Wales govern- •yj-,'4 ment will assist a nuns' com- JAMES, W. WELSH, Mgr. munity in building a 100-bed 24 Member of St. Theresa's Parish hospital for the aged and sick YEARS IN at Moorefield, a Sydney suburb. OPERATrON Originally, the nuns' commu- nity, the Little Company of Mary, intended to open a 20- Sew & Save bed hospice for persons suffer- ing from cancer and other dis- First Luo tribesman to become a jiriest in Nyarombo, Tangan- eases, but the state hospitals yika, E. Africa is Father Tracisius Sije, shown giving his STEGEMAN DRIP-DRY blessing to Bishop John J. Rudin, M.M. of Pittsfield,. Mass. commission' was so impressed M Jeweler and native Sisters at the Maryknoll mission near Lake Victoria. with the proposal that it sug- POPLIN Father Sije reached his priestly goal in spite of many obstacles. gested increasing the patient His father, a pagan with eight wives, tried to dissuade his accommodation to 100 and of- return to the seminary whenever he went home on vacations. Denied financial help, he earned his board throughout his semi- FINE nary career. Father Sije "has been assigned to work with the FINE WATCH COMBED Maryknoll Fathers at Nyarombo. (NC Photos) RAISE $100! THE SWEET AND AND EASY WAY-50% PROFIT... COTTON JEWELRY REPAIRING %9 -J^ Organizations

PEANUT BUTTER ^ordinal Can Resume Duties CANDY T^VT" Name on Boxes Free! Jumper Pattern In 2 Years, Says Tito-Red 2304 Ponce de Leon Blvd. EVANS CANDIES, INC. Dept. 2714 Apple VaN«y Rood.-N.E. D #8540 VIENNA (NC) — A top Yugoslav communist leader declared Coral Gables, Florida Please send sample and information «I'J'< Alojzije Cardinal Stepinac, will be allowed to resume his duties without obligation.

''•' as leader of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia in about two years Name - ; if he does "not commit any new offense," it.was learned here. Group Name ,—. — — '• Phone HI 6-6081 OFFICIAL GREEN Address — — —— * Cardinal Stepinac has been barred from exercising his office City Slate j as Archbishop of Zagreb since the end of 1945. Early in 1946 he was sentenced to 16 years' forced labor by a "people's imir Bakaric, president of Croa- court" for his alleged collabora- tia, one of the six republics' of tionism and opposition to the the Yugoslav federation. communist regime. He was re- LIGHT AND leased from jail in 1951, How- Mr. Bakaric also told news- ever, and confined to his native men that while the 61-year-old village of Krasic. Cardinal has suffered from a FLEXIBLE... blood disease, he is now well. The Red leader who said Car- dinal Stepinac would be allow- yet built for miles of wear I ed to resume his duties is Vlad- PEST * * * Catholics In Korea PROBLEMS? JUMPERS SKIRTS NE. 3-3421 1 to 6x $2,97 Reg. 8 to 16 ... .$4.58 Now Total 417,079 7 to 16 $4.44 Teen 8 to 16 ... $4.72 *p*ee inspection ® SEOUL, Korea (NC) — The Bobin Hooi Catholic population of Korea to- BLOUSES A , size and width to fit every child COTTON DACRON-COTTON $ tals 417,079, according to new '5 to 6x -7 to 16 3.13 w n.88 $ THE DACRON-COTTON QACRON figures given in the Korean 4 to 6x .*. 7 to 16 ORKIN 2.29 Bishops' annual report. The MAN number is an increase of 62,- SINCE 1901 236 over 1958 when Catholics WORLD'S LARGEST 1 White Broadcloth ' 'mbered 354,843. BOYS

ROSARIES MEDALS SHIRTS The STATUES MISSALS SIZES 8 to 18 BIBLES Rosary SICK CALL SETS CRUCIFIXES BOYS' ALTAR LINENS Shop VESTMENTS These good-looking Robin Hood shoes possess GREY TWILL omazing lightness and flexibility, yet provide CHURCH GOODS perfect comfort and long wear. $^99 r1160 RIVERLAND ROAD SLACKSIZESS 8 to 16 CANDLES Bring your child in today.' O |CFT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. 98 GUARANTEED Otto Rabin Hood Stau $4.39 to $6.99 LU 1-3103 , priced accndini tow a 2 WASHABLE "Something For Each SHOE USE A CONVENIENT Member Of The Family' DEPT. BELK CHARGE ACCOUNT Page 6 THe Voic^ Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 TRUTH OF THE MATTER Above the Summit Tiiis Alone Matters How Can We Explain There's more than meets the eye in the round- Lives Of The Saints? up report of the activities of the Diocese of Miami By FATHER JAMES J. WALSH If we pick three saints who during the past year, liven the editors who had Sometimes a piece of a con- lived in the 19th century, the chronicled these events in the first place were versation heard in passing is truth of this matter can be seen astounded that so much had been done in such a worth more than an hour's talk. easily. Bernadette, Therese of short time. Two men were conversing in an Lisieux and John Vianney. Not But the past, even such a short past, is, airport waiting room, each us- one of these appeared to have ing firm gestures to bolster his the slightest chance of influ- as the saying goes; a prelude to the future. encing people in distant parts Buildings and ceremonies and projects have words. One was wagging a pamphlet taken from a wall of the world and of turning the another meaning: they are the future; they minds of millions of pe«»le. to make that future Catholic. rack. AH I could see of its title was, "The Catholic Church . .." God. While so many sit around, like Job's friends, It is true that the Cure brooding over their impending doom, to be an- The pamphlet waver was d'Ars in the latter years of nounced by Mr. K. or one of his mouthpieces, the telling the other man, "Listen, his life was hailed as a saint, Joe, you Catholics are snooty but as a student and a young Church here moves to insure that future, even if as all get out in claiming to priest who had been assigned it involves rising from the ashes of a civilization be the one true Church. Why a fairly "hopeless" parish, no I know more than enough almost destroyed or suffering through cold- wars one would have guessed that and persecutions. Catholic bums to prove it is not a true Church at all!" God was to make him the pa- Almost unperturbed, without more than tron of parish priests. passing notice of the confusion around her, the And Joe as soon as he could UNLIKELY INSTRUMENTS Church goes about her tasks of teaching and get a word in hissed back at Bernadette was- a peasant girl sanctifying and restoring the world to Christ. him, "Don't look at the bums who started the world-wide She is not unaware of martyrdom elsewhere, for proof. They didn't live up to movement to Lourdes that, a. possible or e>en probable martyrdom to come WASHINGTON LETTER the religion. Look at saints, if hundred years later, is more to many of us, but she cannot stop, cannot you want to see something you popular than ever. Lourdes is torn aside from the job Christ gave her long can't explain. It's those saints so obviously supernatural to who lived the truths that really non-Catholics as well as to Cath- Mormon Senator Defends prove the Church is true." olics that only the hand of God The Voice's report of what has been done PROVE DIVINITY can be credited" with its won- ders. since the Diocese of Miami became a reality gives Loyalty of U.S. Catholics Joe had something there for us assurance, despite Mr. K and his efforts, that sure, but I doubt if his friend we go on. In the end, only that will matter. believe, in drawing conclusions Therese, the young Carmelite BY J. J. GILBERT had cooled down enough to ap- - nun who knew probably no from their own personal experi- preciate it. There, is no doubt Remarks made in Congress in more than a hundred people in ences. My conclusions, drawn that the saints not only point to June are still receiving atten- her lifetime, is as much a sur- from such experience, are that the reality of God's existence, prise to the world as the other tion, and perhaps more wide- but they actually prove the di- Questions On 'The Secret' spread notice than was given at the Catholic institutions of learn- two. She was hidden for nine ing are dedicated to the teach- vinity of the Church. Their years, died at the age of 24 and the time. This is the testimony lives, like the marks of the Speculation among some people about the pos- ing of a type of American left a penny copy book filled sible contents of the Fatima letter to be revealed of letters which persons here Church are on public view. But with a summary of God's good- are receiving from various parts patriotism whose high quality they cannot be explained by re- in 1960 is doing much to make ineffective the won- and fidelity to American prin- ness to her. Printed as her auto- of the country. sorting to merely human expla- biography, the book has been is- derful message given in Our Lady's appearance ciples match those of any other nations. Four months ago, Rep. sued in countless editions and te the three children. Idle guessing, it has been educational institution in the languages and still rates as a observed by many, is leading to hysteria and ex- David S. King of Utah told country. No matter how many as- Ms colleagues in Congress that tonishing things the electronic best seller 50 years after its ap- pearance. aggeration. he had received in the mail "To suggest that the pledge brain of the future will be Some have aroused their curiosity to the "an intemperate and inflam- of allegiance taken™, by a able to accomplish, one pro- When you put Therese, John ject that will always cause it point they are speculating that some phenom- matory diatribe against the Roman Catholic is in any way Vianney and Bernadette to- Roman Catholic Church." He less sincere than that taken to blow a fuse will be the gether, you realize sudden- enon will occur to bring humanity to its knees, added »that is was "plainly by any other member of our analysis of a saint. They sim- ly that God chose these three or a new truth will be made known to mankind inspired by the prospective Commonwealth or that such ply cannot be classified and unlikely instruments to turn or perhaps even the end of the world will be candidacy for President of the pledge taken by the Catholic filed in neat squares. Since the proud minds of the last hinted at. United States of a prominent carries personal reservations they laugh at human stand- century and this one to the member of that Church." which another's does not, is to ards and contradict the hon- supernatural. Catholics do not need this emotionalism in - ignore the facts which I know ored and acceptable ways of Saying that he is a Mormon, their practice of religion. The great advantage of to be otherwise." finding happiness, natural de- At the very-time when Dar- Rep. King lashed out at relig- vices have no point of contact win was presenting non-believ- a Catholic's faith is that it has taken the guess- ious bigotry and paid tribute to These remarks seem to have with them. ers with ammunition to use work out of religion by letting him know for sure the "tolerance and understand- gotten around during the sum- against revealed religion, Our what God's truths and laws and supernatural ing" of Catholic institutions and mer. One medium giving them The saints are like this, be- Lady was appearing to Berna- channels of help really are. personalities in his state, in- currency was the Georgetown cause obviously they have man- dette and pointing out God's cluding Bishop Duane G, Hunt University Alumni Magazine. As aged to put on the mind of way of doing things. There is not an inch of space left for hys- of Salt Lake City. Then he a result, the alumni office has God, Who has been insisting terical speculation about what is necessary added: received a letter from a New since Adam clouded the human And these three belong only Hampshire attorney which reads intellect that "My ways are not to the Church. They prov her "Although, as I have indi- for salvation. We know down to the last divine- in part as follows: your ways." claim to be supported b_ >d. ly revealed detail what we must do to know, cated, I do try to live the tenets love and serve God. We know how to put the of my own particular faith, I "I join in his (Rep. King's) house of the soul in order before coming face should add that I had the privi- remarks. - The Diocese of Miami lege of attending for four years Weekly .Publication • to face with the divine Judge. the famous Jesuit institution of "I am a member of the Jew- higher learning, Georgetown ish faith and spent two years Embracing Florida's 16 South- Those who are getting unduly excited over at the College and five years ern Counties; Broward, Char- University. Many of the warm- lotte, Collier. Dade, De Soto at the Law School. In fact, Glades, Hardee, Hcndry, High- "the great secret" should stop to realize a few est friends I have are members lands, Jndian River, Lee, Martin, one of my courses was Canon Monroe Okeechobee, Palm things. Nothing new can be added to the deposit of VOICE Beach. St. Lucie. of the Roman Catholic faith. Christian truth. Revelation was closed with the Law at the Law School. "Individuals are justified, I Editorial: PLaza 8-0543 last of the Apostles. No new means to salvation "Throughout my studies at Advertising and Circulation. PLaza 4-2561 will be offered the world. Georgetown I found the great- est respect for religion, not only THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO., INC. We cannot be given anything next year Missile Or Missal? for the Roman Catholic faith, The Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, Bishop of Miami, President but all faiths. I dimly recall we or any other year that will add to the essen- LINCOLN, Neb. (NO — had Catholics, Protestants, Mor- tial doctrines and morals already given by Mrs. John Scott was on mons and Jews in our class, John J. Fitzpatrick Executive Editor her way to the church ,- Monsignor James F. Nelan Managerial Consultant Christ to Peter and the first Bishops. yet each was assured respect Father James J. Walsh Editorial Consultant goods store. When a non- for this religious faith. Absence What the Popes have said in approval of Fa- Catholic friend asked what from class was readily condoned she was going to buy, this John J. Ward EN'" tima is merely an affirmation, in a wonderful, to permit one to attend the , Charles Shreiner .-i J. Assistant Et^ , striking way, of what has always been held as followed: ' church or synagogue of his faith George H. Monahan '. News Editor sacred truths in Christianity. We need to be im-. "A missal for my hus- on any religious holiday." Marjorie L. Fillyaw Women's Editor band." William P. Dale Business Manager pressed again with the ancient truths of the power An instance like this serves to Joseph S. Zilley Circulation Manager of prayer and penance. We need to be awakened "A missile! You mean recall that many non-Catholics you're hoping to send him attend Catholic institutions of Seconffclass postage paid at Miami, Florida to the crisis in the world because men have drift- into outer space?" Subscription rates: $5 a year; single copy 15 cents. learning, and almost universally Published every Thursday at 6301 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami 38, Florida. Address all mail to P.O. Box 52-684, Miami 52, Florida. ed from God. But we do not need hysteria or ex- Mrs. Scott said she could assert that their recollections of Member Catholic Press Association. National Catholic Welfare Confer- ence News Service. aggeration to further the kingdom of Christ on mot resist answering yes. such associations are happy News items intended for publication must be received by Friday noon, earth. ones. prior to following week's edition. SUM AND SUBSTANCE The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 7 Who . Did UN Forgive Nikita? AN ALTAR BOY NAMED "SPECK" Can By FATHER the UN was entirely different not do as the Assembly decides. JOHN B. SHEERIN from the situation that faced But the UN does consider it- Hear It? Most New Yorkers I have talk- our President. self the conscience of the civi- By JOSEPH BREIG ed to seem to have approved the The UN is not a world lized world and it expects its President's invitation to Khrush- I CAN imagine how P q p e military power confronting recommendations to be carried chev. That attitude was evident John perhaps felt. another world military power out. in the lack of mail to New as is the case between the There he was, saying the York's senators protesting the U.S. and Russia. The UN is 'I think the UN did itself same thing that Christ said, and visit. Each senator received a world forum, a forum whose a great disservice by extend-, that countless saints have said. only about 100 letters. The chilly members after solemn delib- ing the glad hand of welcome And Pope John maybe won- but polite attitude of the New eration had branded Russia to Khrushcftev who has Jbeen dered whether anybody was York crowds gave the same im- an international criminal. As called "the friendly undertak- pOTnuk attention. pression. There were few boos the London .Tablet said,. er of civilization." He was met Khrushchev should have ap- ((^yHoly Father was speak- as the butcher of Budapest at the front door by {he chief ing by radio to tens of thou- passed by but there were even peared before the UN in the role of a defendant. of protocol, then introduced sands assembled in Sicily for fewer cheers. to the Secretary-General who Italy's National . It seemed to me that the World's Conscience received him with a warm city's mood was that Khrush- handshake and beaming smile. Ke was talking about Holy / chev was a nuisance but an Why a defendant? For the simple reaso; thatThe UN in (Remember the grim look on Communion: unavoidable nuisance. Some Eisenhower's face when he felt that since the Geneva 1956 laid on Russia perhaps the "The 20 centuries of progress strongest censure the UN had met Khrushchev at the Wash- in science, art, culture and eco- conferences bogged down so badly, President Eisenhower ever given to any nation. It ington airport?) When the nomics, the changes in the poli- passed a resolution condemn- "defendant" entered the As- tical and social fields, have not had decided to invite the dic- tator as a last, desperate at- ing the Russian government for sembly Hall he was given a diminished the value of the its brutal suppression of the' vast ovation and after his talk words of Christ: 'Amen, amen tempt to stave off World War III. Hungarian revolution. It stated in which he produced "a I say to you, unless you eat the that Russia had violated the mountain of propaganda and NC flesh of the Son of Man, and .Others reasoned that if Eisen- UN charter by depriving Hun- a mouse of disarmament", he "Just a moment — all I said was you could help out drink His blood, you shall not hower snubbed Khrushchev's gary of its liberty and inde- was given a personally- around the office occasionally!" have life in you . . . This is the bid for an invitation, he would pendence. Since Khrushchev conducted tour of the Council bread that has come down from have handed Khrushchev a beau- was and is the' Russian gov- Chambers by Hammarskjold. hejMgexjA . . He who eats this tiful propaganda card by which ernment, this censure was ob- br asking her man to do some- thronged each morning. have similar I. Q.'s and school- strewing the strength of social i thing for her and even to do The day after Easter — ing does not mean that they custom and minimizing the what she wants without being thump — everybody is gone have the same jobs to do. -Na- deep, far-reaching, actual, nat- asked, for 'His is a greater except the same small year- ture dictates otherwise. For ex- ural differences between men evidence of his love for her. around group. ample, the chemical difference and women. Men, therefore, tend more to between the male and the fe- talk about money, business Why? Do we think of Lent male sex hormone is something The male in general is ag- gressive. This is due not only affairs, and competitive merely as a period of penance like four atoms of hydrogen . sports. Women talk more and temporary spiritual activ- and one atom of carbon. The to his sex nature, but to his physical strength and both of about persons, emotions, and ity, a spree of vitamins for our genetic difference is largely, love. souls? but not completely, accounted these are natural. He uses this aggression chiefly to That's shallow. Lent ought to for by only one of the 48 chrom- The present confusion, Mrs. osomes. master the world outside of be a beginning, not an end. himself, either through his T. R., over expectation is send- intellect or his physcial prow- ing many women to psychia- • * . • Basic Differences trists. They are baffled by ess. EVFRY LAST one of US These minute, but basic, what a confused society ex- 'hat each day of our physical differences affect in Woman, as a general rule, is pects and what nature and tra- /given to us only once. some way almost every living primarily passive and recep- dition-intend. Men and women There are no second helpings. experience: your ability to sur- tive. Her first natural need is will both gain by recognizing the importance of God-given We know that on some day vive, the comparative rate of to bear children and to create your growth, your cyclical emo- a home for them. All her basic, differences between the sexes, we can't foresee, it'll all be by eliminating the unfair ad- over for us on this earth. Joe tional ups-and-downs, your age natural traits are- shaped by of maximum sexual responsive- this drive. It is not easy to dis- vantages of either sex, and by Blow (or whatever your name abolishing the foolish notion .is) will be gone into the next ness, your conversation and in- sociate nature from social cus- terests, your aggressiveness, tom. If a man is deprived of that one sex is inferior or su- Continued On Page 11 your passiveness, and so on. his work or is a failure in it, .perior because it is different. Page 8 The Voice, Mi,ami, Flar, Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Missal Guide For Mass J r Ho!y Name Society ACADEMY Oct. 4 — 20th Sunday after Pen- second prayer against storms, Elects At St. Thomas tecost. Mass of the Sunday, OF THE common preface. MIAMI—Paul Weller is the Gloria, second prayer of St. Oct. 9 — St. John Leonard, Con- first president of the Holy Name ASSUMPTION Francis of Assisi, Confessor, fessor. Mass of the feast, Society of St. Thomas the third prayer against storms, 1517 Brickell Ave. Apostle parish. Gloria, second prayer in Low Credo, preface of the Trinity. FR 9-3323 • Miami, Florida | Masses of St. Dennis and Also elected during a recent Companions, Martyrs, third RESIDENT AND DAY SCHOOL organizational meeting were Oct. 5 — Ferial Day (weekday). prayer against storms, com- FOR GIRLS Russ McGovern, vice-president; Mass of the preceding Sunday mon preface. James Bowers, treasurer and m without Gloria or Creole, sec- Elementary ancf Secondary Byron Traux, secretary. ond prayer in Low Masses of Oct. 10 —Our.Lady on Satur- COLLEGE PREPARATORY St. PJacidus and Companions, AND GENERAL COURSES day. Mass of the feast (V), SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Martyrs, third prayer against Gloria, second prayer in Low Conducted by Direct Factory Soles Representative storms, common preface. Sec- Masses of St. Francis Borgia, THE RELIGIOUS OF THE Member: St. Rose of Lima ond Mass allowed of St. Pla- Confessor, third prayer cidus and Companions, Mar- ' ASSUMPTION FRANK A. MORRISON against storms preface of the tyrs, Gloria, second prayer of 4 976 N.E. 91 Terr. PL 1-7814 Blessed Virgin Mary. the Sunday, third prayer against storms, common pref- Oct. 11 — Motherhood of the ace. Blessed Virgin Mary. Maps of the feast, Gloria, second pray- DONDA'S Starving Baby.... Oct. 6 — St. Bruno, Confessor. er of the 21st Sunday after Mass of the feast from the Pentecost, third prayer common of confessors-not- against storms, Credo, pref- Age Two, Weight TEN Pounds! bishops, Gloria, second prayer ace of the Blessed Virgin Suppose YOU were this mother in against storms, common pref- Mary. Africa, watching helpless as slow ace. starvation kept killing the silent St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower of Jesus, was born Oct. 7 — The Most Holy Rosary' child in your arms. Radio Talk Planned Marie Francoise Therese Martin in 1873 at Alencon, France. of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And suppose in YOUR despair At 15 she entered the Carmelite community at Lisieux. Innum- Mass of the feast, Gloria, MIAMI — Msgr. William erable miracles have been credited to her intercession since there was no place but the mission r. second prayer of transferring Quinn of the Archdiocese of Chi- her death in 1897. Canonized in 1925, her feast day is Oct. 3. dispensary seven miles away for of the Bishop to Miami, third cago will be guest speaker on you to carry him to plead for help. prayer against storms, Credo, "The Church Of The Air," over preface of the Blessed Virgin radio station WGBS,-710, Miami, Mary. at 7 a.m. Sunday. Msgr. Quinn is chaplain of the Young Chris- Saints of the Weei Oct. 8 — St Bridget, Widow. tian Workers, Young Christian Mass of the feast * from the SJucfents and the Christian Fam- Sunday, Oct. 4 ROSARY. This feast also com- common of widows, Gloria, ily Movement in Chicago. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, memorates St. Mary of Victory, Confessor. He was born in 1182 a day which Pope Pius V in- and was early inspired with a stituted to be kept each year in love of poverty and humility. memory of the victory granted Many joined themselves to him to the Christians in a naval bat- Our Sincere Congratulations and were constituted a religious tle against the Turks after in- Order by Pope Innocent III. voking the help of the Mother upon the completion of a The order rapidly spread of God. throughout Christendom. After Thursday, Oct. 8 visiting the East, St. Francis ST. BRIDGET OF SWEDEN, alternated between preaching to successful year by the Diocese Widow. She was a member of the multitudes and fasting in the Swedish royal family born desert solitude. During one of in 1034. She married Prince of Miami. his retreats, he received on his Ulpho of Sweden and they had hands, feet, and side the prints eight children. Many years la- of the five wounds of Christ. He ter she and her husband separ- died in 1226. ated by mutual consent. He Monday, Oct. 5 joined the Cistercians and she HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL ST. PLACID AND COMPAN- founded the community of St. IONS, Martyrs. He was born in Saviour in the Abbey of Wastein. FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. of a patrician family in 515. At the age of seven his fa- Friday, Oct. 9 SISTERS OF MERCY ther took him to the monastery ST. JOHN LEONARD, Con- of Subiaco and at 13 he followed . fessor. The founder of the Con- PITTSBURGH St. Benedict to establish a mon- gregation • of Clerks Regular of astery. Five years later the the Mother of God, he was born place was overrun by barbar- in the 16th century "•• Luni, ians who burned everything to Tuscany. He cooper.. . with the ground. St. Placid, his two brothers, EutychiUs and Victor- St. Philip Neri, St. Joseph Cal- inus; his sister, Flavia, who had asanctius and other famous holy come to visit them; along with men of the time in restoring Donatus, Firmatus, Faustus and Church discipline and convert- some 30 other monks, were put ing sinners. He is looked upon to death for their faiths as one of the founders of the Tuesday, Oct. 6 Roman College of the Propa- ST. BRUNO, Confessor. The ganda for Foreign Missions. He MIAMI PRODUCE founder of the Carthusians was died at the age of 60 in 1609, born in Cologne about 1030 and and was canonized in the twen- • INCORPORATED • studied in Paris. He was made tieth century. canon of Cologne and later held the same office at Rheims. With Saturday, Oct. 10 Suppliers of . . . six companions determined to ST. FRANCIS BORGIA, Con- forsake the world, he retired to fessor. Son of the Duke of Gan- Grande Chartreuse. There they dia, a Grandee of Spain, he was FRESH and FROZEN FRUITS and VEGETABLES were welcomed by St. Hugh, born in 1510. While serving at Bishop of Grenoble. Later St. the court of Emperor Charles V, We are privileged and honored Bruno was called to Rome by a he determined upon • ligious former disciple. Pope-Urban II. vocation and entere^ ^So- to serve many Schools, Hospitals, The bustle of the city disturbed ciety of Jesus. He declined a ^lim. He retired to the moun- Cardinalate and became -the and Cafeterias in the Diocese tains of Calabria, where he third General of the Jesuits. He founded a second Charterhouse. died at Ferrara in 1572, fatigued He died about 1101 and was from a mission be had been sent canonized 500 years later. on by the Pope to enlist aid of Christian princes when the 2143 N.W. 12th Ave. FR 4.8144 Wednesday, Oct. 7 Turks menaced Christendom. FEAST OF THE MOST HOLY He was canonized in 1671. The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 9 Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Acquire Your Own ACRE INDIVIDUAL »DT II11 I II IN C CURIOUS ESTATE WITH BRAND NEW Hi I •""ffULLH 4^J Pool, Cabana House, Boat Docks, Lake, Etc. AT SENSATIONAL SACRIFICE AUCTION PRICE!


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ALL THIS GOES WITH YOUR APARTMENT VILLA Giant swimming pool EASIEST TERMS IMAGINABLE Private dock on waterway 10% deposit at sale, by cash or personal Direct access to ocean check. This is your entire down pay- Cabana house ment. Absolutely no closing costs or Golf putting green additional expense. You may be able to Shuffleboard courts purchase for only one dollar above exist- Barbecue fireplace ing encumbrances. MOVE IN DAY AFT- Laundry room ER SALE, if you wish. Carrying charges Natural cliff-bound lake far less than the rent for a tiny old- Excellent fishing " . fashioned apartment.

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DIRECTIONS: Take U.S. 1 to S.E. 15th St., Ft. Lauderdale (2 blocks north of 17th St. Causeway). Turn east 2 blocks. _ Remember the date BILL DEAN, Auctioneer, Reg. Real Estate Broker J A 4-2466 SAT., OCT. 10 Clients must be regis- 17^ ST. CAU5EWAV tered at site day of FULL BROKER PARTICIPATION 1:30 P.M. Cliff Lake, Inc. T/A Lauderdale Harbour Villas auction The Voice, Miami, Fla., | ft IAKE WORTH FUNERAL HOME Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 •U Fo«M»ly McSac's Corner of J on»J 4th Avenue South, Lofce Worth, Flerkta Bishops Plan O. H. TtMman, Licensed FIc. Funeral Director Arva O. FHMMII DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE Latin American 24-HOUR OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Church Study Telephone JUstice 2-4411 WASHINGTON (NO — Pre- lates representing the Bishops of the United States, Latin America and Canada will meet BICYCLE HEADQUARTERS in Washington Nov. 2-4 to study possible solutions to the prob- SALES lems of the Church in Latin America. PARTS and REPAIRS The U.S. and Canadian bish- ops wifl meet with six xops MODEL AIRPLANE representing the Latin . .neri- HOBBYCRAFT can Bishops' Council (CELAM} GREED The dates for the previously Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate U.N., and Msgr. Osmundo Calip. Archbishop Vag- announced meeting were dis- SPOT HARDWARE to the United States, formerly Papal in nozzi celebrated Mass and delivered the keynote closed by Msgr. Paul F. Tan- the Philippines, is shown in front of the Gould address during the first national convention of the ner, general secretary of the 10800 N.E. 6th AVE. Student Center, New York University, with Fran- Filipino Students Catholic Assn. (NC Photo) National Catholic Welfare DON LOCK WOOD, Manager PL 4-5111 cisco Delgado, Philippine Ambassador to the Conference. The seven-member U.S. com- Knights Fete Chop loin mittee includes: Richard Dutch Mark Anniversary Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Believing in God's efay •/ Prayer and Rest—We ore closed en Sunday MIAMI — Miami CotmcH of Boston, chairman; ex officio, the Knights of Columbus hottr Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin- cinnati, chairman of the NCWC ored Father Maurice W. Kis- FAIRBANKS-MORSE Of Only Pope From Holland Administrative Board, and sane, council chaplain, at a din- Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of PUMPS Better Than the Best UTRECHT, The Netherlands lishrnan ever to become pope. ner recently at the Edith and (NO — The only Dutch pope, Adrian IV was bern Nicholas San Antonio, Tex. Fritz restaurant. -fa Add Years of Service by an austere scholar who once Breakspear and was Pope from Also: Archbishop Joseph R. Buying the Best. ruled Spain and later sought to December, 1154, until Ms death Hitter of St. Louis; >p . •fr Water Heaters save Europe from the rising in September, 1159. Joseph T. McGucken ot ^ae- John H. McGeary ramento, Calif.; Bishop Mar- •^- Sprinkler Systems and Home Water Systems tide of Protestantism and Turk- An exhibition on the Dutch BUILDER — DEVELOPER iana S. Garriga of Corpus ish aggression, is being honored pontiff's life has been opened Christi, Tex., and Auxiliary . . . South Florida's Pump King . . . 8340 N.E. 2nd dve. ni o njii Miami 38, Florida ¥1 »- 49 the children erf the town, the trol leaders; JCathy Ponce, troop HOSPITALS and" Pope urged them to obey their scribe; Yvonne Stiff, troop EASY TO BUY — SO parents, to be good and to study. treasurer; Kathy Brookbank, ACT NOW. All land, SCHOOL CAFETERIAS refreshment chairman. Every Park Plaza home plans and buildings are The Pope cited his former approved for easy VA Watch is cnly a ten minute matte as bishop and cardinal: The troop, under the leader- and FHA financing. No MIAMI 7, FLORIDA ride to downtown Ft. down payment for vet- "Obedience and Peace." He ship of Mrs. Victor Dolemba, is For Lauderdale—3 BLOCKS erans — only $49.50 P.O. BOX 1150 34 N.E. 11th STREET PHONE FR 3-3109 then blessed all of the people, represented on the District Jun- TO QUEEN OF MARTYRS closing costs with and gave a special blessing to ior Planning Board by Cabrini Our CHURCH AND SCHOOL, monthly payments from $79.00 ra $90.00, in- a sick child whom he noticed Dolemba, Pat Borcz and alter- Formal CENTRAL CATHOLIC cluding principal, inter- in front of the crowd at the gen- nates, Beverly Wilkes and Ruth- H»6H — one mile to est, taxes and insur- to caff «• slats.. eral audience. ann Koroshetz. the largest shopping ance. No second mort- Grand gage. No baHtoon pay- area in the Smith — men*. Remember — Opening PARK WAZft (mines Park Ploxa — Don't have EVERYTHING. neglect this real op- portunity. FLORIDIAN PHOTO CLAWSON ENGRAVINGINC INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. You ii fina thai Fioridian's PARK PLAZA DEV. team of Photo Engravers CORP. -excenence ana xno w-now. to NASRALLAH COMPLETE INSURANCE FACILITIES River-land Road PHONE 2121 BISCAYNE BLVD. of S.W. 7th St. NEwlon 4-2693 FR 1-3691 MIAMI, FLA. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FLORIDIAN PHOTO ENGRAVING. INC. I The Voice, Miami, Fla., | T Breig Column Penitentiary Inmates'Adopt Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 ' » Notables to Address Continued Fr«m Page 7 life, with w without the Com- Crippled Korean Orphan Boy a letter to the orphanage stat- munions that can fill us with ed: "While we help this boy we help ourselves, and the response Aviation Guild Here spiritual beauty. NEW YORK (NO — A 6-year- jazz concert at the prison, which old Korean orphan crippled by netted another $150, sent to the from him is like the sun burst- MIAMI — The Fifth Annual Why, then, do people receive polio and abandoned at the door orphanage in "Packy's" behalf. ing upon a dreary world." Communion Breakfast for mem- Communion every day for 40 of a Catholic orphanage in In- Father Richard J. Walsh, the bers of St. Therese Aviation days of Lent — and then drop chon, Korea, has been "adopt- prison's Catholic chaplain, com- Guild will be held at 10:30 a.m. this daily privilege (the greatest ed" by members of the Holy mented that the men had a Sunday at the McAllister Hotel. privilege anybody can have on Name Society at Rockview Pen- "rocking and rolling good time (To The until the next Lent? itentiary in BeHefonte, Pa. doing something for Packy!" Bishop Coleman F. Carroll The prisoners personally con- The $300 has paid for two op- will celebrate a Pontifical Blamed if I know. One thing > Diocese I'm sure of — it's not intelli- tributed more than $150 to help erations on "Packy's" crippled Law Mass at 9 a.m. in St. gent. Christ is waiting to load Paschal ("Packy") Kim at -St. legs and for the purchase of V of Miami Alary Cathedral and Msgr. us down with good things, and Paul's Orphanage in Seoul, Ko- crutches he one day will be able (Maj. Gen.) Terence P. Finae- we're not there. We must be rea. The resourceful "foster fa- to use. Summing up their feeling $*" Tfcief of Chaplains of the sick in the head. " thers" also organized a benefit about the youngster the men ki Your Air Force will give the

A priest of the Norwich, Conn, ST diocese, Monsignor Fianegan, COME studied at St. Thomas Semin- Msgr. (Maj. Gen.) Terence P. ary, Hartford and St. Mary's Finnegan, U.S. Air Force Chief Seminary, Baltimore and was of Chaplains. Anniversary ordained in J930. TO He entered military serv- ice in 1937 and during World War II, he was awarded the SHEEHAN Bronze Star for meritorious service at Guadalcanal. Re- turning to the U.S. in 1944 he served in various assign- 1960 ments in the U.S. before be- 1 famed Theater Chaplain oWthe USA Forces in the SHOWING Mediterranean Theater of Op- erations in August, 1946. Transferring to the U.S. Air Oct. 8 Force in 1949 he was named Staff Chaplain of the Continen- tal Air Command, New York and in January of 1950 Msgr. Finnegan reported to the Far We wish to extend t» East Air Forces and later be- ALEXANDER G. HARDY the Diocese our hearti- came Air Chaplain of FEAF. Vice President, National Airlines • est congratulations and Daring this duty he was airlines and allied industries in express our deep ap- awarded the Legion of Merit the Diocese of Miami. preciation for having and an Oak Leaf Cluster to > been given the oppor- the Legion of Merit for meri- Delta Airline is host for the tunity to serve many torious conduct in the per- meeting and reservations may formance of outstanding serv- be made by contacting Dick of our wonderful ices in Korea and Japan. Gerken at FR 3-0441. • parishes these past ten years. Bishop Carroll and Alexand- er G. Hardy, senior vice pres- "We also handle" ident of National Airlines, Why Not Washington, D.C. will be guest Call sneakers during the break- fast in the Flagler Room. DICK VOLVO Sales & Service Ralph Reneck, vice president DENMORE in charge of news at WTVJ, -ARC. for your OPEL will be master of ceremonies. Father Joseph M. McLaugh- AIRLINE & STEAMSHIP lin is the spiritual director of Tickets & Reservations J the Guild and membership is opr •» all Catholic employes of No Extra Charges . TH o 2301 SOUTHWEST 8 STREET 'orwid. —PETE'S—i FOR ALL YOUR 9 AM. to 9 P.M. TRAVEL NEEDS MIAMI, FLORIDA — BARBER SHOP — UNIVERSAL TOURS CORP. SUNNiLAXD SHOPPING CENTER 422 Biscayne Blvd. HI 4-1661 FR 4-7659 Miami 32, Fla. __CE 5-9851,

YOUR SAVINGS EARN CITIZENS BANK For 3% PER ANNUM of PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR Checking Accounts ONE BANKING Savings Accounts 2R0WARD COUNTY STOP Loans Where You Can Enjoy the Convenience of doing all Your Banking S*fe Deposit Facilities WEST HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA "Under one Roof S WE PAY POSTAGE E = BOTH WAYS S Charles W. Lcmtz, President E far depositors who prefer to — — Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — E Bank-by-Moril. Ask for details. = • 4 DRIVE-IN TELLER WINDOWS • 150 CAR PACKING IOT rilHilillllillUlillilllllllHIIIIIIIr Page 12 The Voic«, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 America Shuns Despotism, "Featuring Bishop Says At Red Mass

The Brands PITTSBURGH, Pa. (NO — speak of God as the Father "Americans will not accept a of Nations and of prayer as You Know" despotism like that of which the the language in which, MEN'S AND BOYS* WEAR communist is at once the through many peoples, we 9830 N.E. 2nd Are. • MIAMI SHORES • PLozo 4-0331 spokesman and the agent," speak as one family to our Bishop John J. Wright of Pitts- Heavenly Father, this man bwrgh declared at a Red Mass. spoke, significantly and cal- culatingly, in his message on "All our traditions of free- MODEL HOME arrival in Washington of dom revolt against the very 'Mother Earth' as our com- 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Walk in closets, Irving room 15x20, thought of falling victim to mon parent and the sole spacious dining room, Central heating, G.E. Kitchen, large Florida such political pretentious," source of,our strength." room, large Utility room, Carporte, Patio awnings, nice rear the Bishop said. yard, fenced in ideal for children, lot 70x100 nicely landscaped, Bishop Wright cited the place Recalling the words of Wash- ington's first inaugural address 5 minutes walk to St. Clements Church, school. Bus Line and of prayer in the "authentic American tradition," then noted in which he invoked the guid- shopping center $4,700 cash will close the deal by owner. that "these present days find ance of God, Bishop Wright • Phone LO 4-8845 * among us one who affects, at said this earth "in an eventu- least, to despise the power of al lifelessness and bleakness prayer." like to those of the moon, must be the inevitable grave of our Thomas E. Flanagan, U.S. director of the U.S. Information The Bishop's reference was to happiest and most sublime Service in Djakarta, Indonesia, a native of Boston, and his Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- hopes if Khrushchev be right chev. wife are shown with the two Chinese orphan girls they adopted and George Washington is through the office of the N.C.W.C.-Catholic Relief Services in "Where the American tra- wrong." Hong Kong. Antonietta Maria, 3, sits 'on Mrs. Flanagan's lap dition would impel us to and Anna Guiseppina, 5, stands between the couple. Abandoned ass almost immediately after birth, the girls were turned over to Mass After Installation the orphanage by local police. (NC Photos) OTTAWA (NO — Georges P. Funeral Home Make that Vanier's first public appear- ance after being sworn into of- 1848 N.W. 17th Ave. HEALTHFUL fice as Governor General of Canada was to assist at Mass Nik Thumps Hard MIAMI, FLORIDA Telephone call in Notre Dame basilica here. NE 5-8313 He and Mrs. Vanier were met TODAY! at the door of the basilica by Gaither D. Peden, Jr. Archbishop M. J. Lemieux O. P. At Religious Theme "SERVING MIAMI Catholic Funeral Director of Ottawa. SINCE 1941" PITTSBURGH (NC) — Nikita Khrushchev, who called him- FR self an atheist in , but raised eyebrows all during his THERMO tour by his references to God, laid religion on thick during his 3-2484 Pittsburgh stop, last on his U.S. sightseeing travels. For the post FIVE YEARS AIR SERVBCE But he didn't do too badly t we have had the privilege to furnish PAINT And AUTHORIZED Church and a university trus- earlier in Iowa either, where tee. for use at the many Catholic Institutions he told farmer Roswell (Bob) in the West Palm Beach area. learn all about Carrier Garst, his host in Coon Rapids, It was the only public prayer offered during the Soviet lead- that God is on the side of the MOUNTAIN PLANNED SERVICE er's visit, and he thanked the Worth Chemical & Paint Co. VALLEY WATER FACTORY TRAINED MEN Soviet Union. minister "because this was a • COMMERCIAL Home Office and Plant 1800-1816 — 10th Ave. North prayer for peace and better un- from Hot Springs, Arkansas. • RESIDENTIAL At a luncheon at the Univer- 24 HOUR SERVICE derstanding." He also thanked Thousands of people from sity of Pittsburgh, the Soviet Bishop John J. Wright. LAKE WORTH, FLA. eoost to coast drink Moun- Premier listened with bowed Manufacturers of tain Valley Water daily as MU 5-3631 head to an invocation by Dr. Mr. Khrushchev said he GUARANTEED QUALITY PAINT • AN AID TO HEAITH C. A. WIEDERHOLD, President Howard C. Scharfe, pastor wanted to thank the Bishop, • AN IDEAL TABLE WATER 4555 E. 10 CT,, HIALEAH of Shadyside Presbyterian "who, I was told, appealed to Interior and Exterior House Paints * • A SUPERB "MIX" all of the believers of the Call now. Allow us just a few city to welcome me and to Varnishes and Enamels moments to tell you why show themselves as good hosts WHOLESALE — RETAIL Mountain Valley Water is to promote the improvement of the ideal water for you THARIN REALTY INSURANCE SERVICE relations between our coun- Telephone JUstice 2-6146 and your family. It costs SERVING THE PALM BEACHES SINCE 1925 tries." so little more. When 1517 So. Dixie — West Palm Beach Phone TE 2-5176 you call, ask us to 250 Royal Palm Way — PALM BEACH Phone TE 2-6244 Bishop Wright had addressed send-you our FREE an official letter to the ap- DIAMOND AN- NIVERSARY proximately 886,000 Catholics 24-HOUR DEPOSIT SERVICE is provided for BOOKLET. There here saying that Mr. Khrush- your convenience at the rear of the bank by is no obligation Meet Y©wr Friends chev's record was one r' "vio- and we believe lence arid cynicism," h'ii.^ ^jng a sheltered night depository and envelope you will find it at the that Catholics and their "pray- drop. fascinating erful neighbors" refrain from reading. "any public demonstration un- HAPPY mmm COCKTAIL LOUNGE worthy of the dignity and spir- 9425 Hording Avenue, Surfside itual commitments we have as Christians." (One block west of Collins Ave. Miami Beach) IN GOD'S PLAN Mountain Valley Water (Open until 2 A.M.) Ann Hughes, Prop. Bishop Wright was asked in Phone FR 3 2484 301 S.W. 8th St. (Some management 16 years) Worcester, Mass., where he was attending the enthronement of Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan as his successor in Worcester, for SCHOOL and HOSPITAL comments on the Soviet leader's NOTICE! FOOD SERVDCE MANAGERS: many references to God. The prelate quipped: "Don't you have a feeling For The LOWEST PRICES . . . that he's been traveling about with a book of Bartlett's 'Fa- and The FASTEST SERVICE miliar Quotations' ant at sooner or later he had Uv ,_^«- CALL: EDWARDS PRODUCE CO. to the G's?" FRESH and "But seriously," Bishop LITTLE RIVER BANK FROZEN FRUITS and VEGETABLES Wright added, "Khrushchev may AND TRUST COMPANY have forgotten God, but God has 8017 N.E. SECOND AVENUE not forgotten him. All this wor- ry must have a place some- MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND where in God's plan, and we OEPOS1T_ IR9MJ&*N.CE__CORPORAT_IQN * FR 3-4133 _ FR 9-0275 * LJ must watt and watch and pray." w&frm>*v* movie would never be shown The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 13 Soviets Seen in the Soviet Union! "Perhaps America can learn ONE OF THE FASTEST SELLING HOME Dead Against a lesson in morality from this," Cardinal Cushing told a meet- PEYELOPMENT;S IN SOOTH: FLO^IPA ing sponsored' by the: Catholic Arms Control Daughters of America. CLEVELAND (NO — Soviet Russia will never agree to in- ternational inspection necessary for real disarmament, so Pre- BEAUTY COUNSELORS mier Nikita' Khrushchev's pro- Hypo-Allergenic posal before the United Na- Custom-fitted Cosmetics tions was just so much tactical BERNICE T. WIGLE, N-S. maneuvering. erfeeleu EVERGLADES HOTEL The opinion was expressed Miami, Fla. FR 9-54*1 H O M E S <-O- b,y Father Leopold Braun, 4800 N.W. 1st STREET — IN PARK EAST ^A^who served for 12 years • Dade County • 9^ aplain to Americans in Marian Keller MO 1-43S5 CITY OF PLANTATION IV^_^ow anL who today directs Jeane Raffa PL 9-3865 a Russian research center in Beverly d'Alexandra til' 6-1139 5 FURNISHED MODELS '$ New York. Betty EskyWI 7-6300 • Broward County • . from . . . H?M VETS — NO DOWN PAYMENT Father Braun spoke on "The Lu Raymond LU 3-6181 • Palni Beach County • FHA -^ NO CLOSING COSTS Kremlin and the Crown" before Dorothy Bennett TE 2-5036 St. Dominic's parishioners here. DIRECTIONS: Take U.S. 1 or State Rd. 7 (U.S. 441) to Broward Blvd.,.turn west to 4800 block, He took part in closing cere- WRITE OR PHONE monies of the parish's "Crusade then north to Park East _and Berkeley models. of Prayer" for the victims of FOR APPOINTMENT Soviet persecution. In an interview, Father Braua declared that the So- viet Union "has too much to Painting of "Madonna and Child" by Giotto is admired by Mrs. who conquered space? hide" from a military view- Nina Khrushchev, right, during a visit to the National Gallery point as well as from the of Art in Washington, D.C. Shown with her are her daughter, viewpoint of human cruelty Julia, left and Mrs. Mikhail A. Scholokhov. wife of the noted to ever permit an interna- Soviet author of "And Quiet Flows the Don." (NC Photos) tional commission to inspect

\__.h a commission could not fail to uncover "even accident- U.S. Could Learn A Lesson ally" the many Soviet concen- tration camps where political prisoners are subjected to in- From Nikita, Cardinal Says of course! human treatment, he said. This PITTSFIELD, Mass. (NC) — is also the reason why travel the Soviet leader saw a dance in Russia has always been un- Richard Cardinal Cushing sug- sequence being filmed for the Yes, with CASTRO'S elegant SPACE* der the immediate supervision gested that the nation could in movie "Can Can." He later of the secret police. one respect -"learn a lesson in described the performance as SAVER, you can CONQUER Living He added: morality" from Soviet Premier "pornography" and said the "Co-existence is absolutely Nikita Khrushchev. Space! When those unexpected GUESTS incompatible with the princi- arrive," give them a gracious WELCOME ples of communism," Father The Archbishop of Boston, a TboJdh Braun said. strong opponent of Mr. ... a night of LUXURY and COMFORT Khrushchev's recent U. S. "If by an accident any agree- visit, nevertheless agreed with (Bnach ment becomes a two way street, with a CASTRO. the Soviet leader's evaluation the Soviets would immediately of one facet of American fife. 7134^ Abbott Ave. repudiate their signature as they Miami Beach have 52 times in the past." "When Hollywood opened its The former Moscow chap- arms in welcome and showed lain also warned Americans Mr. Khrushchev something call- against beins* misled b' Mr. ed the 'can can,' he called it an Call Khrushchev's frequent refer- immoral performance," the Car- UNion ences to God and brotherhood dinal said. 6-3131 during his visit here. On his visit to Hollywood,

The "Oakland" 90" LONGUNE* CONVERTIBLE . . .

Be sure to visit the "SPACE CONQUEROR" permanently moored in the fabulous SAVE ON PAYMEMTS Fort Lauderdale Showroom. THE MARVELOUS CASTRO CONVERTIBLE OTTOMAN With a low interest FLORIDALOAN, your monthly pay- The Incomparable ments fit your budget. Compare with other finance plans. Call our FLORIDALOAN Department. ALL CASTRO SHOWROOMS AIR CONDITIONED EASY TERMS CASTRO CONQUERS UVING SPACE MIAMI — BISCAYNE BLVD. AT 14th STREET. FR 1-1321 FT. LAUDERDALE — 2860 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY. LO 6-7411 WEST PALM KEACH — 3300 S. DIXIE HIGHWAY. TE 2-4411 FLORIDA NATIONAL ORLANDO — 3815 E. COLONIAL DRIVE. GA 4-5293 BOCA RATON — FACTORY AND SHOWROOM 1999 N.W. 1st AVE. PH. 3761 Bank and Trust Company at Miami Tht Trademark of Distinction ALPRBD I. DU PONT BUILDINO Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. Till 9 P.M.; Tues., Wed., Sat. Til 6 P.M. MEMBCftc PBDBRAL OBPO9IT INSURANCE CORPORATION, FKDENAt. RCseRVK SYSTEM. FLORIDA NATIONAL. GROUP CASTRO LIFETIME WARRANTY Copyright 1959 by Castro Convertible Corp., New Hyde Park, N.Y. FREE PARKING •Trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. tTrademqrk "Trademark Page 14 The Voic«, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959

MARTY'S VENETIAN BUND CO. Berlin See 'ALUMINUM • WOOD FR 4-7121 Protests NEW • TAPING • REFINISHING FREE ESTIMATES 1641 S.W. 1st St., Miami 35, Fla. Phone Tap BERLIN (NC) — The Diocese of Berlin has issued a public 1TAT/IAN-AMERICAN' RESTAURANT statement concerning the moni- toring device secretly installed 8133 Biscoyne Blvd., Miami 38, Fla. on the telephone o£ Auxiliary PL 8-9144 Bishop Alfred Bengsch in East Berlin and expressed the hope iHIGH PRESSURE SPRAYING^ that the Bishop will now be able to carry on his spiritual duties CHINCH BUG CONTROL "unmolested." Free Fertilizer -:- Free Estimates -:- Our Work Guaranteed The. statement said that th LUNSFORD SPRAY SERVICE Berlin See had made a pro- KIALEAH TU 7-6468 • Member: Immaculate Conception test concerning the affair to the Communist regime in East Berlin. It said that the diocese had abstained from commenting on the incident until the inquiry had been concluded. Four Catholic holders of the Congressional Sgt. Cleto Rodriguez, are all of Mexican descent • RESIDENTIAL The diocese said that what Medal of Honor met in Los Angeles during the and were awarded the Purple Heart. All are actually happened was that Carrier • COMMERCIAL convention of the American GI Forum, Latin still on active duty except Hernandez, who is Bishop Bengsch took up resi- • INDUSTRIAL American veterans organization. Sgt. Jose Lo- on 100 per cent disability pension for wounds dence in the Carmelite Sisters' pez, Capt. Jose Rodriguez, Rudy Hernandez and suffered in Korea. (NC Photos) St. Joseph's Home in East Ber- lin, and had a telephone install- . SCOTT-SMITH Corp. ed. This took place September Scott J. Hoehn, M. E. 572 N. W. 72nd St. Palm Beach Council 2 to 4. The curious behavior of PLaza 7-2868 Miami, Florida At Quarterly Ceremony Red Prisoner For 14 Years, the telephone workers made the Bishop suspicious, the state- Faulty operating • A

BENEFICIAL Phone JU 2-6633 FINANCE CO. FLORIDA POWER Barton Memorial Chapel Complete Service - Modern Facilities I SM>. BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. & LIGHT CO. AMBULANCE SERVICE BRUCE B. BARTON 131 So. Lakeside Drive Lake Worth, Fla. The Voice,-Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page T5 Diocese Observes Bishop Carroll's First Anniversary Here Continued From Page 1 10 schools provide an increase inary and it was announced to- of 117 classrooms in grade day that an addition will be schools alone. completed next year to provide * for still larger enrollments and ***The introduction of two an extension of the course of Religious communities of Broth- studies from four years to six ers and of eight Religious com- years. munities of Sisters new to the Diocese while four communities * * *Acceptance by the Vin- of Sisters accepted additional centian Fathers of an invitation duties. These make a total of to build and staff a new major 24 communities of Sisters now seminary at Boynton Beach to represented in the Diocese. be ready in 1961. This will make Miami Jhe-only diocese in the ***Announcement by the southea < part of the United Passionist Fathers that they States Wiui a full 12-year sem- will build the first Monastery in inary program, thus making it the diocese at North Palm possible for young men to com- Beach." plete their studies for ordina- ***The founding of THE tion to the diocesan priesthood VOICE as the Diocese's own St. John Vianney Minor Seminary constructed in three months in Miami's southwest section. entirely in South Florida. weekly publication whose first iliary Bishop James. H. Grif- tare Dei crosses to outstanding ***Conventicm of American peace and guidance for our ***An unparalleled increase issue appeared on March 20. fiths, of New York, as speaker, Boy Scouts. Catholic Correctional Chaplains' leaders and for our enemies in the number of vocations ***Proposal of a Retreat and one for the American Bar Association. , during visit of Soviet Premier for the priesthood in the Center for Laymen, to be fi- ***Awarding of honors to Association, with Bishop John ***Special prayers for Khrushchev to United States. 16 counties of South Florida. As nanced in part by the joint outstanding altar boys in every Councils of the Knights of Col- J. Wright, of Pittsburgh, deliv- a result, there are now 61 young ering the sermon. parish. men studying in the new St. umbus. ***Holy Name Society dio- John Vianney Minor Seminary ***Pan American Day at ***Construction of a new cesan convention, along with and these together with the 69 Barry College and commence- Catholic Students' Center at the Holy Name Society deanery ral- now enrolled in major semin- ment exercises for 59 graduates University of Miami, to be com- lies and parish Communion, aries in other sections make a at this only Catholic college for pleted within the next few breakfasts. total of 130 now studying to be months. young women in Florida. GUSTAV H. KLOEHS Miami diocesan priests. * "Establishment of the Di- *** Inauguration of Mar- ***Establishment of Dioce- ROBERT B. HOFFMAN Other Ihlights of the first ocesan Council of Catholic Wom- riage Instruction Courses for en- san Purchasing Commission. year ii» >e Diocese of Miami en, a federation of five dean- gaged couples and those recent- ***Plans for convention of ly married. Confraternity of Christian Doc- * PIPE ORGANS are: eries representing 9,000 women • SALES ***The establishment of 14 of parish, diocesan and nation- trine to be held Oct. 22-24. al organizations. ***Baccalaureate services REBUILDING new parishes, an increase of in St. Mary's Cathedral for ***Creation of the Spanish 25 per cent, making the total ***Formation of a Welfare Catholic pupils attending public Apostolate and opening of a new SERVICE number of parishes in the Dio- Bureau for Catholic Charities. high schools, Spanish Information Center at Representing: cese now 65. There-are also 20 * ** Organization of the Ser- Gesu Church in downtown Mi- missions. ra Club of the Diocese of Mi- *** of two ami. cemeteries. Our Lady of Mercy, .' SCHANTZ ORGAN CO. ***Opening of two new high ami. ** "Introduction of classes ii- Miami, and Queen of Heaven, schools and eight grade schools ***Celebration of two Red in Spanish in Fourth grades of . 438 ALCAZAR - CORAL GABLES in Fort Lauderdale. since creation of the Diocese. Masses, one for the Inter-Amer- elmentary schools in the Dio- HI 3-1122 These together with additions to ican Bar Association, with Aux- -***Presentation of Ad Al- cese.


ARCHITECTS The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 16 f Coat Of Arms Of His Excellency The Most Reverend Coleman F. Carroll, DT). First Bishop Of Miami

Symbolic of the dignity of a Bishop and of his high responsibility in caring for souls, the Coat of Arms is something very old in Church tradition. The distinguishing emblems, the colors, and the arrangement of elements belong to the art of heraldry which underwent great development in the 12th century at the time of the Third Cru- sade. Knights who wore helmets over their faces needed some kind of identification in combat. Mark- ings were first made on their shields, later the same markings were embroidered on the surcoat worn for protection over their polished armor, from which the term Coat of Arms originated. The Church has retained the heraldic tradition through the ages with each Bis*" "">., choosing a Coat of Arms based on such thi > as his personal family history, the region in which he serves and the particular purpose or special ideal to which he aspires. The Coat of Arms of His Excellency, the Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, D.D., First Bishop of Miami, is composed of the shield with its charges, the motto and the external ornaments. Symbolizes Florida Area The large shield in the center is divided into two parts or impalements. On the viewer's left (or dexter side) is a palm tree, symbolic of the South Florida territory in which the diocese is located. The wavy bars in blue and silver represent the water which surrounds the diocese. The two white crosses, on either side of the palm tree, are super- imposed on a sky of blue and serve as emblems of the Faith. This dexter side constitutes the arms of the Diocese of Miami. The right (or sinister) side of the shield contains the personal arms of Bishop Carroll and expresses his jurisdiction over the Diocese. The arms are based on those of the Carroll family of Ireland and include two lions, in red and white, supporting with their front paws a processional cross. The cross is a substitute for a sword which appears in the original. In the lower part of the shield, the two white birds (martlets) are taken from the arms of the Irish family of Hogan, the family name of the Bishop's mother. The Hogan arms are also sug- gested in the chevron-like lines which divic he red and white in the lions and separate the 'upp"er part of the impalement from the lower. First Bishop Of Miami Diocese Motto From Gospel "Within the ranks of his fel- ed. His older brother is now Duquesne he was assistant hood teaching, studying and The motto on the scroll at the bottom is the low priests he has been tried Bishop Howard J. Carroll of Al- organist at the Cathedral. He serving as an assistant pas- personal motto of Bishop Carroll, "Primum Reg- tor, the Bishop received his num Dei" meaning "First the Kingdom of God." and has proved his deep spiritu- toona-Johnston, Pa. A younger also played at weekday Mass- The phrase is taken from the Gospel of St. Matthew ality, his ability as a leader and brother was Monsignor Walter es in Holy Rosary Church be- first pastorate in 1949 when he was assigned to start a (6:33), "Seek ye, therefore, first the kingdom ef organizer, his competence as a S. Carroll who died in 1950 fore going to class. *He stud- God and His justice, and all these things shall be hard and constant worker. when he was serving in the ied music under the late Prof. new parish, St. Maurice's in Vatican Secretariate of Sta,te. Forest .Hills, a suburb of added unto you." "Relying on spiritual Joseph Otfen, the Cathedral's Pittsburgh. He became pastor The green pontifical hat with six tassels strength, he has labored ardu- Bishop Coleman Carroll at- music director and a well- of Sacred Heart parish in ously for the well-being and sal- known Pittsburgh musician. hanging down on either side is symbolic of tended Pittsburgh's Holy Rosary Pittsburgh in 1951 and was the rank of bishop, so also are the golden vation of souls." grade and high school and was serving there, also as an graduated from Duquesne Uni- Following his ordination, mitre at the upper left, the processional cross The speaker was Arch- Bishop Carroll served as assist- of the dio- versity in that city in 1926. At in the center, and the crozier on the right. bishop Amleto Giovanni Ci- ant pastor in four parishes of cese, when Pope Pius XII ap- St. Vincent's Seminary, Latro- cognani, former Apostolic Pittsburgh and during his first pointed him first bishop of The pontifical hat was worn prior to 1870 by Delegate to the United States be, Pa., he earned his master of ten years as an assistant he the newly established Diocese prelates participating in solemn pageants o* the and the occasion was the arts degree in 1928 and two also taught philosophy at of Miami on Aug. 13, 1958. .Church. The color of thethat and the num, of solemn consecration of the years later received a licenti- the tassels indicated the rank of the prelate, a cus- Mount Mercy College. For four Through the years Bishop Most Rev. Coleman F. Car- ate in sacred theology. The late tom which is still carried on in ecclesiastical her- of those years he headed the Carroll held several positions in rell as Auxiliary Bishop of Bishop Hugh C. Boyle ordained aldry. philosophy department. the chancery of the Pittsburgh Pittsburgh on Nov. 10, 1953. him to the priesthood on June Diocese. In 1935 he was ap- 15, 1930. From 1941 to 1944, Bishop pointed to the marriage tribunal Born Feb. 9, 1905 in Pitts- Carroll studied at the Catholic and in 1950 was named a pro- burgh, Bishop Carroll was the During his school years the University of America and re- synodal examiner. He became second son of Irish-born par- Bishop developed an interest ceived a doctorate in canon law. ents, William J. Carroll and B. in music and learned to play Vicar for Religious in the Pitts- Margaret Hogan, both deceas- the organ. While attending After 18 years in (he priest- burgh Diocese in 1952. f Parishes, Missions Of The Diocese The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 19 ARCADIA KEY BISCAYNE SOUTH MIAMI ~* St. Ann: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 St. Paul: 10 St. Agnes: 8:30, 11 Epiphany: 6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 St. Juliana: 6:30, ,8, 9, 10, 11, 12

May His Excellency, The Most Reverend Colenian F. Carroll be blessed with wisdom MIAMI, FLORIDA and grace for a successful future for the * Diocese of Miami * PA • J aioud * i^seliaiouA and *

JA 4-9095 905 N. Federal Hwy. (Searstown) Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Page 18 . The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Some Highlights Of Year In The Miami Diocese

'! •'-. -i t <* The Bishop's zeal, stemming from the Pente- First major diocesan institution built by Bish- The Bishop offers the Holy Sacrifice during vention of the American Bar Association. A eostal fires that roused the first bishops to op Coleman F. Carroll is St. John Vianney the Solemn Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit Red Mass in St. Mary Cathedral preceded convert the world, brings the Gospel and the Seminary, ground for which was broken sung in Miami Beach Auditorium on Aug. 23 the sessions of the Inter-American Bar Asso- Sacraments to city and country-side alike. June 7. Now an addition will be built. to mark the opening of the 82nd annual con- ciation convention on Apr. 12.

More and larger schools for Catholic boys and girls is the re- Catholic Boy Scouts of the South Florida Council receive Ad Bishop Carroll greets children of Spanish-speaking farm workers warding work of the Bishop shown blessing St. Joseph School. Altare Dei Crosses from Bishop Carroll at St. Mary Cathedral. in Palm Beach County following Mass celebrated in ware-house.

First lay organization activated by Bishop throughout South Florida attended the first The Bishop guides the spiritual life of people Knights of Columbus Councils in the Miami Carroll in the Diocese of Miami was the Mi- convention of the Council in Fort Lauderdale. entrusted to his care and supervises the work area. K. of C. organizations in the diocese ami Diocesan Council of the National Council banquet held in .Fort Lauderdale. of Church organizations. Plans for diocesan are raising funds for the proposed Retreat of Catholic Women. Delegates from parishes projects are outlined for members of four House now planned for the Diocese. -w.1> V *••*.'•» The Voice, Miami, Via., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page Vi

The Anniversary Of A Bishop

Bishop Coleman F. Carroll was installed as first Bishop of the Solemn Pontifical Mass in honor of the Most Holy Rosary is sung Diocese of Miami on Oct. 7, 1958, by Archbishop Francis P. by Bishop Carroll following his enthronement as Bishop of Miami. Keough, of Baltimore, in St. Mary's Cathedral.

The crosier or pastoral staff used by Bishop Carroll is a symbol of his authority as the shepherd or pastor of souls in the diocese.

The Bishop's consecrated hands ordain young priests for the The Bishop administers the Sacrament of Confirmation. More liocese of Miami. Two priests were ordained this year in St. than 6,000 men, women and children were confirmed by Bishop ary Cathedral. Now 130 study for Diocese priesthood. Carroll in parishes throughout Diocese's 16 counties.

i& ^

The Bishop is the center and heart of his diocese. From his lips ties. He supervises the framing of young men for future priests of The Bishop blesses the faithful at the conclusion of Solemn comes the infallible teaching that Christ entrusted to the Apos- the diocese. Bishop Carroll is shown with a group of seminarians. P«*tifical Mass and dedication of St. John Vianney Seminary. Page 20 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 24 Religious Orders Felicitations and Mow Serve Diocese When the Diocese of Mi- now staffed for the first time ami was established, 16 relig- by Brothers. Holy Cross Broth- Prayerful Wishes ious orders of women were ers are teaching at Archbishop represented in schools, hospitals, Curley High School and Mar- private and diocesan institu- ist Brothers are instructing at tions. Christopher Columbus High School. During the past year 8 additional religious communi- With an increased enrollment ties of women now represent- in the rapidly expanding school ed for the first time in the system, religious communities ;outheast section of the of nuns already teaching in United States, have accepted South Florida have accepted assignments in the Miami Dio- additional assignments. « cese. This makes a total of U orders now represented in Sisters of St. Dominic of .he Diocese. Adrian, Mich., are staffing Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School, In addition, two religious or- Ft. Lauderdale. ders of priests and two relig- ious communities of Brothers School Sisters of Notre Dame of Baltimore, Md., are instruct- Bishop Carroll presides at ceremonies of profession as Sisters are staffing posts in the dio- cese. ing at Blessed Trinity School, of St. Joseph of St. Augustine make their first vows of poverty, Miami Springs. chastity and obedience at Mt. St. Joseph Novitiate, Jensen Beach. The Sisters of Mercy of Pitts- burgh are staffing Holy Cross Sisters, Servants of the Im- Hospital, Ft. Lauderdale. maculate Heart of Mary whose motherhouse is located at Sisters of St. Joseph of Ba- West Chester, Pa., are stationed Diocese Has Been Divided den, Pa., Holy Rosary School, at Notre Dame Academy in Perrine. Miami. Into 5 Canonical Deaneries Sisters of Religious of the Continuing to serve in the dio- Sacred Heart of Mary from cese are Sisters of St. Joseph In February of this year, in vided into five deaneries known Marymount, Tarrytown, N.Y., of St. Augustine, Sisters of Char- accordance with Canon 217, as Southwest Coast Deanery, St. Lawrence School, North Mi- ity of St. Elizabeth, Benedictine No. 1 of the Code of Canon Law, East Coast Deanery, Broward ami Beach. Sisters, Sisters of St. Francis of Alleghany, N.Y., Sisters of the Diocese of Miami was di- County Deanery, North Dade Sisters of St. Francis from the Holy Family of Nazareth, Deanery and South Dade Dean- Glen Riddle, Pa., St. Ann's School, Naples. Sisters of the Holy Names of ery. Jesus and Mary, Sisters, Ser- Bon Secours Sisters from Bal- vants of the Immaculate Heart Father Joseph H. DeVaney, timore, Md., Villa Maria, North of Mary, Monroe, Mich., Sisters V.F., pastor, St. Francis Miami. of Mercy of EnniskiHen; Sisters Xavier parish, Fort Myers, is Sisters of St. Catherine of of Mercy, Kinsale; Sisters of dean of the Southwest Coast Ricci from Albany, N.Y. will Mercy, Merion, Pa., Sisters Deanery which comprises that aid in the operation of the new of St. Casimir, Sisters of Our area west of Lake Okeechobee Spanish center, Centra Catolico Lady of Victory and the Relig- and Broward and Dade County Hispano. in Miami. ious of the Assumption. Hoes. , Sisters of the Congregation The East Coast Deanery, of Oar Lady of the Retreat Earthquake Damages headed by Father John J. Kel- in the Cenacle, Mt. Kisco, N.Y., Old Formosan Church have arrived to accept an as- from leghan, V.F., pastor, St. Vin- WAN CHIN, Formosa (NO — cent Ferrer parish, -Delray signment in the diocese. The oldest church in Formosa The BLAIR WRIGHT DAVIS TOURS, Inc. Beach, embraces the area east In addition one other com- was badly damaged during a of Lake Okeechobee and- North munity is preparing to assume recent earthquake. Built in 1861 W»rld Wide Travel Sermct of the Broward County Line. duties in the diocese. by the Dominican missioners Family who had reopened the Formosan FR 9-6531 Father Michael J< Fogarty, The Congregation of the Mis- missions in 1859, the church was V. F. pastor, St. Colman pa- sion of St. Vincent de Panl, slated for restoration as part of 242 Bisea/ne Blvd. rish, Pompano Shores, is dean known as the Vincentian Fathers this year's centenary celebra- of the Broward County Dean- are in charge of Miami's St. tions of the modern Dominican ery which comprises all of John Vianney Seminary. missions here. "Now, however, Broward County. Passionist Fathers, one of it is a moot question whether That area which is in Dade the largest groups of home the church may be even pre- Congratulations to County and north of Flagler missionaries in the U.S., have served," reports Father Marcel- Street in Miami is known as announced plans for the con- ino Pacheco, O.P., the present The Most Reverend the North Dade Deanery. Fa- struction of a monastery, t h e pastor of Wan Chin. "The resi- ther Francis Dixon, V.F., pas- first in the Miami Diocese. dence, too, suffered seriously tor, St. James parish, North Two diocesan high schools are cracked walls. COLEMAN F. CARROLL Miami, is the dean. GAFFNEY CONSTRUCTION, Father Robert P. Brennan, V.F., pastor, SS. Peter and ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS Paul's parish, Miami is dean Diocese Dedicated 122 MINORCA AVENUE of the South Dade Deanery CORAL GABLES 34, FLORIDA which includes the areas in Dade and Monroe Counties To Our Lady south of Flagler Street in Miami. Shortly after his solemn installation as first Bishop of the Diocese of Miami, Bishop Coleman F. Carroll announced that the diocese had been placed under the protection of Our M m • Lady's Immaculate Conception. "I am sure," Bishop Carroll said in a letter to his OrflL priests, "that you have been pleased to notice that in the formation of the Diocese our Blessed Mother has been assigned a role that is obviously more the design of Providence to His Excellency than the result of coincidence." He pointed out three significant factors: Bishop Coleman F. Carroll 1. The late Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, issued the decree authorizing the erection of the Diocese of Miami on Aug. 13, on his First Anniversary 1958 during the centenary year of Our Lady of Lourdes. 2. The Church that was to serve as the Cathedral of the Miami Diocese already bore her name — St. Mary. 3. "And as if to offer the crowning proof of her special CONSTRUCTION CO. - MO 7-5386 - CORAL GABLES, FLA. affiliation with the new Diocese," the Bishop declared, the day of his installation was the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, Alfred Polizzi, President Oct. 7, 1958. The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 21 IUUUUUUUUULRJULJLP • Red Masses 30 Enrolled £ We Are Proud To Have Been Chosen To t Sponsored In Guild Make Additions and Alterations on CENTRAL g CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL in Ft. Lander- By Lawyers Of Physicians dale. Although less than a year old, Thirty physicians comprise the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the membership in the Catholic the diocese already has spon- Physicians' Guild of the Dio- sored two. Red Masses, one of cese of Miami organized in the 2013 HARDING ST. them attended by jurists from HOLLYWOOD 18 Latin American countries, summer of 1958. r5TTonnnnnnnroTrr?nnnrrTnnnrir and the other by U.S. judges Dr. Edward J. Lauth is and attorneys including three president of the organization justices of the Supreme Court. which meets quarterly and Both Red Masses were cele- is an affiliate of the Federa- brated by Bishop Coleman F. tion of Catholic Physicians' Carroll. Guilds in the U. S. The Guild is open to all members of the legal profes- Purposes of the Guild, for sion in the 16 counties of the which Father James J. Walsh, FRANK J. ROONEY, INC diocese and is under the spir- is moderator, is to uphold the GENERAL CONTRACTORS itual direction of M s g r. Bishop Carroll extends congratulations to Miami Serra Club principles of Catholic Faith and George T. Rockett, of St. Jo- officers following the Charter dinner held in Miami,. April 36. morality as related to the sci- seph's Church, Miami Beach. Dr. Edward J. Lauth, Serra district governor, is first vice ence and practice of medicine; The first Red Mass was cele- president; Joseph M. Fitzgerald, president, and Michael O'Neil, to assist the eccelesiastical au- treasurer of the organization, first formed in State of Florida. brated in St. Mary's Cathedral thorities in the diffusion of the on April 12 in conjunction with knowledge of Catholic medical the meeting here of the Inter- American Bar Association. The ethics and to uphold Catholic sermon was delivered by Auxil- Serra Club Fosters hospitals in their enforcement iary Bishop James H. Griffiths, of Catholic moral principles in of New York, chairman of the medical practice. U.S. Bishop's committee for the Spiritual Vocations Pope's Peace Plan. During the past year the Proudly Representing Exclusively Composed of business and pro- wall cards and posters to Guild has donated the infirm- Members of the guild assist- fessional men who aid the cause schools of the diocese. In ad- ary at the St. John Vianney ed the diocese in preparing of the Church by fostering voca- dition a speakers' bureau pro- Minor Seminary and has pro- ALLEN and LOWREY for the Mass and organizing tions to the priesthood, The Mi- vided members who presented vided speakers for the Mar- South Florida judges and at- riage Institution Program con- ami Serra Club was organized talks to schools and lay groups torneys to serve as hosts to ducted by the Family Life Bu- ORGANS the visiting delegates from by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll on the subject of vocations to reau of the Diocese of Miami, Latin American nations. The on January 6. the priesthood. guild committee included Jo- On Sunday, Oct. 18, Feast of Mason & Hamlin, Everett, seph F. Jennings, Joseph M. The 188th affiliate of Serra Serra Mass Server Awards St, Luke, patron of physicians, Fitzgerald, Frank Kelly and C. International and the first Ser- were presented to more than the Catholic Physicians' Guild Cable -Nelson, other fine will sponsor a White Mass at 10 Clyde Atkins. ra Club in Florida, the organ- 100 altar boys of parishes throughout the diocese during a.m. in St. Mary Cathedral. When the American Bar As- ization is under the guidance PIANOS Pontifical Mass sung by Bishop sociation held its annual con- of -Father James J. Walsh, Coleman F. Carroll on Sunday,- vention in Miami Beach in Aug- diocesan director of vocations, Atlantic Cable Blessed ust, the diocesan group spon- April 19 at St. Mary Cathedral. as chaplain, and Joseph M. sored another Red Mass in Mi- Members of the Miami Serra ROME (NO — Domenico Car- ami Beach Auditorium. Fitzgeraldr president. dinal Tardini, Vatican Secretary C]ub formed a guard of honor of State, has blessed a new during the ceremonies which An estimated 1,500 people, Dr. Edward J. Lauth, Serra Rome to New York cable phone 2010 Biscayne Blvd. including dignitaries of the International district governor climaxed the formal observance connection. He spoke to Arch- bench and bar and their fam- of Florida and the West Indies of Vocation Month in the dio- bishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Aposto- 1621 N.E. 163rd Street ilies, attended the Mass on is -first vice-president of the Mi- cese. lic Delegate to the U.S. Aug. 23 and heard Bishop ami Serra which received its John J. Wright, of Pittsburgh, charter on April 26 from Peter In addition to representation speak on "The Law of God and A. Mills, K.S.G., of Pittsburgh, at the 17th annual convention of the Law of the Land." Among a member of the board of dir- . Serra International June 22-24 those present were U.S. Su- ectors of Serra International. At in Pittsburgh, the Miami club Sincere Best Wishes . . preme Court Associate Jus- that time, a bell and gavel were participated in observing Serra tices Tom C. Clark, Potter presented to the Miami club as International Universal Spiritual Stewart and William J. Bren- a mark of tribute and encour- Observance Day on Friday, Aug. nan, Jr. agement from the Pittsburgh 28 when Serrans and their fam- JACK HELLER, Inc. Serra Club by Frank McGuin- ilies assisted at Holy Mass and The committee for the Mass ess, of Pittsburgh. received Holy Communion for 96 N.E. 40th Street, included Louis M. Jepeway, the intentions of vocations and Judge Mallory H. Horton, Alex- During the past year mem- cause of Father Junipero Serra, Miami 37, Florida ander L. Paskay, Stephen T. bers participated in Vocation noted Franciscan missionary for y pnuska, Mr. Jennings and Mr. month activities through the whom the organization is PLaza 8-3202 PLaza 7-0331 Fitzgerald. distribution of prayer cards, named. Wholesale Furniture Showrooms ton Beach, Edgar J. Bushey; Knights Found 4 Councils Father Monahan Council, Hol- Complete Home and Institutional Furnishings lywood, John F. Kerwick. In June, 70 knights were ad- As Membership Tops 4,000 vanced to membership in the Four new councils of the grand knights are: Father Fourth Degree at exercises in Knights of Columbus were form- Lawrence J. Flynn Council, . Miami Beach. The uniformed ed this year as membership in Hialeah, headed by William J. color corps of the Father A- the laymen's organization climb- McClusky; Immaculate Heart drew Brown Assembly has serv- Continued Blessings to ed above 4,000 in the diocese of Mary, Kendall, Frank J. ed at many diocesan cere- of Miami. Flynn; Trinity Council, Boyn- monies. His Excellency The 15 councils in the dio- cese are presently united in a drive to raise $400,000" for Albert G. a retreat house which will Bishop Coleman F. Carroll serve as a spiritual center - for men of all parishes. I0DIHEY In addition to the combined EDWARD J. GERHITS diocesan project, individual ELECTRICAL councils are carrying out pro- CIVIL ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR grams of a spiritual, civic and CONTRACTOR M!AMI 37, FLORIDA social nature in their respective 1222 OMAR ROAD. WEST PALM BEACH communities. TE S-8I4B or TE 2 8735 home) The new councils and their Pag* 22 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 195' ••• 30,000 Now Attend Diocese Schools Nearly 30,000 children are athon, and Morning Star, Mi- structing additions to original ami Shores; Sacred Heart, FEDERAL TITLE now enrolled in schools of the ami, opened their doors for facilities. Lake Worth; St. Clement, Diocese of Miami, according to the first time. ' Fort Lauderdale Central Cath- A total of 82 classrooms is recent figures of the Depart- olic High School, Fort Lau- On Sept. 8 of this year, Our available through new con- derdale; St. Francis Xavier, ment of Education. , • Lady of the Most Holy Rosary struction at Blessed Trinity, - Miami and St. Anastasia, • When the Fall semester be- School opened in Perrine. Miami Springs; Immaculate Fort Pierce. Conception, Hialeah; St. John ! gan in September of 1958, one According to Msgr. William 1527 WASHINGTON AVE. month after the Diocese of To meet the constantly in- the Apostle, Hialeah; St. Juli- creasing enrollment, 12 F. McKeever, diocesan superin- MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Miami was established, four ana, West Palm Beach; St. tendent of schools, enrollment new schools, St. Joseph, Mi- schools of the diocese have Stephen Protomartyr, West 687 N.E. 124th ST. figures show an increase of ami Beach; St. Colman, Pom- expanded during the past Hollywood, St. Mel, Opa more than 2500 students over NORTH MIAMI, FLORIDA pano Shores; San Pablo, Mar- year or are presently con- Locka; St. Rose of Lima, Mi- the 1957-58 statistics.

>*••••••*•>*••*•••••••**••••*•••• ••*••••••* Fresh Spirit Miami DCCW

Congratulations m Felt In Units Membership BEN C. SW Of Holy Name Hits 9,000 Manifesting a new spirit The Miami Diocesan Council INCOME TAX AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICE developed at the diocesan con- of the National Council of Cath- Phone PL 8-8883 vention held in April in Miami, olic Women, first lay organiza- the Holy Name Union is grad- tion activated in the Diocese of 1707 N.W. 81st Terrace < ually strengthening its mem- Miami by Bishop Coleman F. Miami 47, Florida bership. The goal is to enlist Carroll, now numbers more the estimated 60,000 men of the than 9,000 members. 'formerly of INTERNATIONAL REVENUE SERVICE' diocese into parish units as ac- tive Holy Name members. Mrs. H. J. Essex of Epiph- any parish, South Miami is The organization is headed charter president of the Coun- by Edward J. Atkins as presi- cil, organized on Nov. 21, dent and operates under the 1958 as the 107th affiliate of Felicitations from . . . spiritual direction of Msgr. the NCCW in the United William Barry. States. S/MUNI BROS., SMC. The three-day convention held Under the direction of at the McAllister Hotel enabled Father David J. Heffernan, pas- STORAGE WAREHOUSES Holy Name men to meet Bishop Bishop Carroll and Mrs. H. J. G. Essex, president of the Miami tor, St. Joan of Arc parish, Coleman F. Carroll for the first DCW, discuss Voice subscription campaign spearheaded by mem- Boca Raton, and diocesan di- THE SEVEN (7) BROTHERS time and to restudy various bers of 84 affiliations now enrolled in the diocesan council. of the Miami DCCW, techniques for advancing the lay members in 84 affiliations are apostolate. One of the major ESTABLISHED 1905 organized in five deaneries, talks, delivered by Martin H. South Dade, North Dade, East STORAGE • MOVING • PACKING •SHIPPING Work, executive secretary of the National Council of Catholic St. Vincent de Paul Seeks Coast, Broward and Southwest 20 NORTHEAST 1 lth ST. Men, stressed the value of co- Coast. SAM CONFORTI MIAMI, FLORIDA GENERAL MANAGER ordinated Catholic activity in Activities of the Council are FRanklin 1-7S03 More Members In Each Parish the formative years of the new primarily devoted to major diocese. Personalized charity carried operates throughout the 16 coun- committees established by Bishop Carroll. These include A second major event of the out in a quiet manner is the ties. spiritual development, public Holy Name union was a rally daily practice of laymen who In some parishes, confer- relations, publicity, Confrater- held in Miami Beach on Sept. belong to the St. Vincent de ences conduct drives for furn- nity of Christian Doctrine, 13. Nearly 600 men represent- Paul Society of the diocese. ing 22 parishes received Com- . ishings which are distributed Catholic Charities, foreign re- munion in St. Patrick's Church Now organized in 28 groups, among needy parishioners as lief, family and parent edu- cation, home and school asso- THE McCUHE COMPANY and attended a breakfast aft- or conferences, the men and well as donated to the store. ciations, civil defense, civic erwards in the Fontainebleau young men work for {heir own - The Particular Council col- APPRAISERS • COUNSELORS Hotel. Guest speaker was John lects toys and gifts at Christ- participation, social action and sanctification through charit- inter-American and Interna- J. Bergen of New York. mas time for distribution (o able undertakings such as aid- tional relations. ADRIAN McCUNE, M.A.I. children of migrant workers Parish societies were also ing indigent families, financ- MARION C. McCUNE, M.A.I. strongly represented at the dedi- ing the education of poor chil- who also receive periodic as- In May the Council conducted cation of St. John Vianney semi- dren, and providing a Chris- sistance from the Society. a subscription drive for The Voice. 151 N.E. THIRD STREET, MIAMI nary in September. tian burial for those who die Richard B. Roberts, of Little destitute. Flower Parish, Coral Gables, is In addition to parochial clubs, president of the Particular Coun- membership in the Miami Marian Movie Sent Paralleling the growth of the cil of Miami. Father Peter Reilly DCCW also includes Catholic As Gift To Pontiff diocese, the society is working of St. John the Apostle Parish, nurses and Catholic Daughters",, to found a conference in every Hialeah, is spiritual moderator. of America. MUNICH, Germany (NO — parish. Its chief source of funds A copy of the film "Places of is the St. Vincent de Paul Sal- Grace," which had its premiere vage Store, 801 N. Miami Ave. in Munich, is being sent as a For 15 years the store has mar- Diocesan Council Of Nurses gift to Pope John XXIII. The keted second-hand furniture and Congratulations . . . film features European shrines clothing in order to make such to the Blessed Virgin, particu- things available to the poor. Organized Here This Year larly those in Bavaria. Joseph Profits made from other sales S. Lutz of Munich produced and are used to finance the Vincen- The Miami Diocesan Council is comprised of four chapters, To His Excellency directed the film. tian's charitable program which of Catholic Nurses, an affiliate Miami, Miami Beach, Broward of the National Council of Cath- and Palm Beach Counties. olic Nurses, was organized on April 12 of this year. Morning Star Group Bishop Miss Eleanor Bindrim, past Holds Family Picnic president of the St. Augustine Diocesan Council of Catholic LANTANA — An old fash- ioned family picnic sponsored by Nurses is charter president of Coleman F. Carroll 2122 N.W. 7th AVE. FR 3-7637 Morning Star School Auxiliary the Miami Council which has was held on the school grounds more than 150 members r from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday, SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY throughout the diocese. Sept. 27. Meat — Poultry — Frozen Food — Provisions to Under the guidance of Msgr. . Adult and children's games, Watson and Deutschman contests, horse rides, boat rides Schools — Hospitals — Cafeterias — Hotels John J. Fitzpatrick, pastor, St. Sebastian parish, ^ort Lauder- and fancy booths were featured Restaurants — Clubs — Convents — Institutions at the social planned to acquaint WHOLESALE dale, diocesan director of the the public with the school and Miami DCCN, the organization work of the auxiliary. New Terror The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Poge 23

In Hungary, OF DISTINCTION Report Says 7 FOR ALL AGES NEW YORK (NO — A pri- vate report issued to coincide Lay Away Your Selection Now. with the visit of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev has charged the communist. government of DIXIE ARMY SURPLUS Hungary with instituting a new 826 N. Dixie Hwy., Hollywood, Florida and spreading reign of terror. New campaigns are underway against university students and cler-»""ien, while old ones have con. jd against intellectuals and factory workers, the 93- page report said. _ SPIRIT NOT CRUSHED i The document was prepared Participation of the laity in the -liturgy as out- Commission at a meeting of 78 music teachers under the auspices of the Amer- lined by the Sacred Congregation of Rites was and choir directors from elementary and high ican Friends of the Captive Na- discussed by Clayton Brenneman, diocesan schools of the diocese last Saturday. organist and member of the Diocesan Music tions, the Assembly of Captive 6301 Biscayne Blvd. CHANCERY BLDG. European Nations and the Hun- Call PL 4-3774 For FREE Fast Delivery garian Committee. It was sign- Minor Seminaries ed by Adolf A. Berle Jr., Leo Cherne, Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce Triple Vocations, N. American College and Christopher Emmet. VELDA The report noted that, though Mo. Bishop Says "the Hungarian people will not Marks 100th Year SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (NO — again resort to large-scale phy- The QUALITYNaine "Mere observation" appears to ROME (NO ••- Pope John Bishops who, wisely providing sic: isistance," the spirit of indicate dioceses with their own XXIII praised the North Ameri- for the future and generous- resistance had not been crushed. FOR'ICE CREAM minor seminaries get three can College in Rome on its cen- ly offering means at their dis- PASSIVE PROTEST times the percentage of priests tennial for training seminarians posal, founded the college. SHERBET Protest in Hungary, the re- per capita as those without such who have "won for themselves port says, has taken largely pas- institutions, the Bishop of a noteworthy reputation for ' "For priests noted for their piety and learning have gone ALL DAIRY sive forms: boycotts, deliberate Springfield - Cape Girardeau their pastoral zeal in advancing wastefulness, nonattendance at forth from this seminary in has contended. the Kingdom T»f God." political meetings and indolence great numbers, not a few of PRODUCTS Bishop Charles^ H. Helmsing ' In a letter received by the them to become cardinals and £.* work. Heavy attendance at bishops. Through the years said statistics in some dioceses college's rector, Archbishop religious services is also inter- they have won for themselves show 80 per cent of the diocesan Martin J. O'Connor, the Pope preted as resistance in the re- a noteworthy reputation for priests are those who first be- congratulated him on the port. 100th anniversary of the their pastoral zeal in advanc- gan studying for the priesthood ing the Kingdom of God." in a minor seminary. founding of the college. On Religious groups in Hungary Oct. 11 the Pope is expected are "caught in a vise that the The Bishop said he felt this to take part in ceremonies at Pope John recalled that the communists have been screw- was not accidental, particularly the college campus, on Jani- late Pope Pius XII visisted the ing down further, relentlessly, in view of the spiritual forma- culum Hill, that will officially college's new campus six years with each passing month," the tion of seminarians, which is the commemorate the centenary. ago when it was dedicated. document states. primary purpose of training in Pope John also observed that the minor. In his letter to Archbishop CLAIRE OF MIAMI *•*••••••••* O'Connor, the Pope stated: the U.S. hierarchy "provides for X Haute Couture * The Bishop said that some the affairs of this college with % ORIGINAL * dioceses suffered from an "Recalling the impressive his- constant attention and the TRY VELDA'S I FASHIONS . * acute priest shortage, and that tory of the college since its in- greatest care." He added that often such a shortage was ac- ception, We take great joy in "such vigilance, the result of GRADE "A" MILK •> "y Appointment *;* affirming publicly that this foresight and judicious action, *;' 322 NE 108 St. — PL 1-7658 • companied by an absence of a YOU'LL LOVE IT ! : minor seminary in the diocese. seminary has amply fulfilled t will not fail to produce its de- fr the desires of the American sired fruit." For that well groomed appearance — whether it be dress or casual clothing, shoes or accessories — you just can't beat Martin's. 'Catholic Hour' Schedules OFFICERS Men's Dress Slacks f} i^rfl Men's Dress or WILLIAM CNEIL CHAIRMAN S ort CHARLES H. ALCOCK ish-n-Wear HR j||| P Shirts Four Talks During October PRESIDENT MICHAEL O. O'NEIL Dacron Blend THT IF II White or Colors Great thoughts of four famous Providence (R.I.) College will FIRST VICE PRESIDENT spiritual writers will be analyz- discuss the statement by St. NORMAN W. LEWIS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT mom FROM ed and applied to today's world Augustine: "Thou has made on the "Catholic Hour" radio us for Thyself, O Lord, and program during October. our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee." THE The series, produced by the National Council of Catholic The October 11 program will BOYS' AND MEN'S WEAR Men in cooperation with the Na- be an analysis by Father Joseph 5764 Sunset Drive, South Miami (near the bank) tional Broadcasting Company, is C. Hilbert, of Harrisburg, Pa., broadcast every Sunday from 10 of the statement by Father Ger- OULEVARD to 10:30 p.m. by WCKR, Miami. ald Vann, O.P-: "Everh human relationship is an eternal re- On the October 4 program, sponsibility." v Setting New Standards Father R. J. Gardner, O.P., of hardware- paints On October 18 Father Alex- for Banking roof trusses ander O. Sigur, editor of the Southwest Louisiana Register, Service Lafayette, La., diocesan news- paper, will study the state- Convenient ment by Paul Claudel: "God Locations writes straight with crooked tntlCil lines." INC. FORT LAUDERDALE On the final program in the Phone is Your Charge Account" series, October 25, Msgr. Car- WILTON MANORS roll Dozier, pastor of Christ the . . . the Big Bank 144 E. LAS OLAS BLVD. King church, Norfolk, Va., will on the Boulevard DELRAY BEACH Ft. Louderdale - JA 2-3737 discuss Leon Bloy's assertion: 3200 ATLANTIC AVE. "There is only one sadness and 'Pacific Helped Me With My Home Fixin' and Patchin' " Pompano Beach — WE 3-4401 that is for us not to be saints." ?2)ATlie Voice, Miami, Fla.* St. Thomas Women *** Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Elect Mrs. Ransing AT OUR HOUSE MIAMI—Mis. Charles J. Ran- sing has been elected first presi- tUe dent of the recently organized Where Do Parents Fit Women's Guild of St. Thomas the Apostle parish. Other officers named were Mrs. Justice White, vice-presi- n Education Picture? dent; Mrs. Arthur S. Griffin, secretary; Mrs. Howard Becker, By MARY TINLEY DALY the utmost with the school and treasurer and Mrs. Eleanor G. "Education is edging out its authorities. We should not Foley, corresponding secretary. A Complete Line of love!" expect an overburdened teach- WEARING APPAREL Father Louis C. Roberts is er to give too much individual for pastor. This plaint, from a television attention. We can supply a critic, had to do with the- re- good deal ot that individual at- FIRST cent preponderance of educa- tention right at home. COMMUNION tional programs on- TV, discus- SATISFACTION sions about education, even the So homework comes at a Thank You short-shorts: "The closing col- time when we are accusto Thanh You lege door", "Support the col- to view a favorite TV pfogra-.V For Your lege of your choice." Such Attend bridge club? Or a Cath- for Your short-shorts, the "commercials" olic family group, or one study- Fine of higher education, sponsored ing the liturgy of the church? Patronage and by the American Advertising Cooperation Council, point up the vital role Granted: explaining long divi- and Patience! of the nation's colleges. sion or unsnarling the intrica- Patronage cies of square or cube, root is Serving: Miami DCCVV deanery meetings are planned for mid-October. Mrs. Personally, I doubt if any- not as stimulating — not as HOLY FAMILY Web Foster, right, Holy Family Woman's Club president, makes thing will ever "edge out love" "Catholic Action minded" if as a perennial interest-arouser. VISITATION early reservations for the North Dade^ meeting with Mrs. Thomas you will — as being a leader. It is true, though, that Amer- Mancini, ticket chairman, Mrs. John DeRosa, Visitation Women's But, sitting at a table with ST. JAMES ica has for some time been ' Club president and Mrs. Stuart Godwin, Jr., president of Visita- one's own son or daughter ST. JOSEPH acutely conscious of education- tion Home and School Association, co-hostess affiliations. and patiently going through Wee al needs and problems. ST. STEPHEN something like this has for Communion, Retreat Set At St. Clement's There are problems! Vast- its reward the dawning ly increased enrollments in awareness of "what it's all FORT LAUDERDALE — breakfast will be served at 10 elementary, secondary, and about." That delighted "I Fourth Annual Communion a.m. in Heilman's Restaurant. higher institutions of learn- GET it!" is a cry of victory. CHILDREN'S SHOP Breakfast and Day of Recol- Miss Dorothy Fitzgerald and ing sorely overtax physical Step toward a skill has be«— mastered, absorbed into lection for members of St. Cle- Miss Maria Mazza will present equipment as into the schools 3000 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY this fall poured an all-time subconscious of a youngster. (Times Square Shopping Center) 16335 W. Dixie Hwy. a program of musical selec- ment's Altar and Rosary Soci- high of 46,480,000 students, or FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. North Miami Beach ety will be held Sunday, Oct. 4. tions. Is any TV program, bridge Reservations should be made one out of every four persons game, or even Catholic action Phone LOgan 6-1139 in the United States. Teach- Following Mass cefebrated in by calling Mrs. John Findlan comparable? • ers are at a premium; segre- St. Clement's Church at 8 a.m.,' at JA 4-6463. gation headaches abound; You'll never be written up in consolidation problems in ru- the papers for those evenings, ral areas; school lunch and nor will you get a Papal honor. FLOWERS AND GIFTS bus difficulties; and whether You will, however, have the or not such-and-such a prayer satisfaction of knowing that in is acceptable. these days of educational stress, CONTESSA'S you rate A-plus for performance 17961 So. Dixie Highway Perrine, Florida Ingenious methods have of "the duties of one's state of Phone CE 5-7391 — Evenings MO 7-4050 been devised to spread that life." Catholic education as far as possible without watering it RETAIL DIVISION down. There are not enough Plan Fashion Show teaching priests, Brothers and At St. Rose of Lima Sisters to staff all the class- ~» FLORIDA-FOREMOST rooms. Lay teachers have MIAMI SHORES — Fall fash- been hired, mothers who have ion show and card party spon- !; DAIRIES had teacher training are re- sored by The Mothers Club of Phone: St. Rose of Lima School will FR4-2621 WITH COMPLIMENTS OF cruited, teachers' aides em- FRANK HOLT, Manager ployd to conserve to the nth be held on Friday, Oct. 9 at 8 the precious- energy and p.m. in the school, 10690 NE know-how of the trained and Fifth Ave. Trsinrinnnnnnnnrinrs dedicated teacher, closed-cir- Informal modeling of fash- cuit television and tape re- ions from De Pinna will be by cording installed to fan the organization members in the J once de spark of learning. patio and refreshments will be served. Where do we, as parents, fit BEAUTY SALON into the picture? Mrs. E. Boyd Lester and Mrs. We can view the whole situa- George Levasser are co-chair- Featuring tion realistically, cooperate to men for the benefit assiste Mrs. U. Lr. Kokenge, Mrft-rf- Dobre' Permanent Waving fred LaPorte, Mrs. George Nel- HI 6-7368 • 1402 Ponce de Leon Blvd. St. Joseph's Villa son, Mrs. Charles Mennes, Mrs. JiSUULSLSUlSLJLSUULSLSLSLSULJLSlJLSLSLSULSLJULSLS^^ Auxiliary To Install James Eckert and Mrs. Wil- liam Neale. • MIAMI — Mrs. Edlo W. Wright will be installed as president of St. Joseph Villa Palm Beach CDA Auxiliary during noon lunch- Fetes New Members eon Thursday, Oct. 8 at the WEST PALM BEACH — New Pub Restaurant, 3500 Coral members of Court Palm Beach Way. No. 780, Catholic Daughters of Mrs. Hans F. Due, president America were guests at a cov- of the South Dade Deanery of ered dish supper on Tuesday, the Miami DCCW will also in- Sept. 22. stall Mrs. Homer V. Briggle, Those honored were Mrs. J. S. and Mrs. Charles F. Driscoll, Healey, Mrs. Ida Laughlin, SLIM DOWN AT HOME vice-presidents; Mrs. Roche Mrs. Antoinette POST, Mrs. Elsie Joffre, recording secretary: McNesky, Mrs. Vincent Maehl- You can trim inches from tummy, hips, Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Jr., treas- man, Mrs. Victoria Warta, *"••?. legs with the Stauffer Home Reducing urer and Mrs. Lawrence W. Lou Daley, Mrs. William __^ Plan of effortless exercise and caJorie Clark, corresponding secretary. ran, Mrs. Helen McAleer, Mrs. reduction And you can do it at home Father Bryan O. Walsh, dio- / Helen Blair, Mrs. Anne Alsis cesan director of Catholic Char- and Mrs. Arthur Peters. For more information CALL PL 4-3541 ities, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Michael Fischer, Sr., Mrs. W. F. Urankar is the Mrs. H. L. Larocco and Mrs. general chairman and reserva- W. L. Donnelly, chairmen were tions may be made by assisted by Mrs. Kathleen Craw- 11047 N.E. 6th Avenue, Miami 38, Florida calling Mrs. W. F. Hodgins, ford, Mrs. Rollin Wright and TU 8-2817. Miss Rose Campione. The Toice, Miami, Fla., Converts Enter 'Seemingly New World' Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 "Angling for By FATHER JOHN L. THOMAS the perfect My wife is a convert and probably a better seafood meal?.. • practicing Catholic than J.. Sometimes however, I wonder how well instructed she is. She doesn't like many Catholic devotions, gets very upset when she reads reports about some of the things that happen in Catholic countries, and late- ly, she's been putting me on the spot with her EL questions about how to raise the children. Since I DOWNTOWN MIAMI'S ONLY don't always know the right answers, I keep won- SEAFOOD RESTAURANT! dering how I can help her. If fish is your dish, you'll adore El Pescador, Our plump piscatorial • • • prizes attain the two It i& well to remember that converts enter a loftiest goals in all fish-dom ... prideful new and sometimes seemingly strange world preparation by culinary when they become Catholics. If they are enthus- champions, and temptation iastic about their new found faith, they are like- to the taste-buds of a ly to be shocked by the apparent indifference of guest of EL PESCADOR! many cradle Catholics. Luncheon and Dinner If their conversion resulted from serious study, they soon discover that they know more about their religion than many who have been raised in the faith. If they enter after under- going only a relatively brief set of instructions before marriage, they probably know little more than the barest essentials and must con- tinue their study until they understand Catho- licism as a way of life. - In all cases, converts and others must face the fact that it requires patience and time to ac- quire the outlooks, attitudes, habits, and practices associated with their new approach to the service membering that only the Pope is the final, infal- of God. lible interpreter of Catholic doctrine. It may help your wife in this regard if MIAMI REAL ESTATE MART A Way To Cultivate Piety she understands that apart from defined doc- J. E. MARQUA, Director FEDERAL TAX CONSULTANT and REALTOR You seemed disturbed because your wife does trine and basic principles, individual Catholics 7906 N.W. SEVENTH AVE., MIAMI 50, FLA. not like some contemporary Catholic devotions. may differ a great deal. Thus we find them PHONE PL 9-0563 In this connection, Fred, you should keep in mind embracing a great variety of opinions in re- that such special devotions do not pertain to the gard to politics, economics, and the social or- essentials of the faith. Such practices as novenas, devotions to particular saints, the stations of the der. The application of principles to specific Cross, Holy hours, processions, the wearing of social situations represents only a prudential scapulars or medals, and even the .rosary are pro- judgment, so that men sharing the same be- moted and offered to the faithful as means to cul- lief and premises of values may still differ Lith PHONE FOR tivate piety and devotion. widely in their views concerning practical They are not ends in themselves and programs of action. FUNERAL PRICES-DETAILS should never be confused with the essential How can you assist your wife with her prob- liturgical service of worship centered on the PLaza 7-5544 Mass and the sacramental system. lems about raising the children? In the first place, recognize that parenthood is a cooperative job in- CENTERS Down through the centuries, Catholics have volving you personally as a father. Your most im- QUALITY - SERVICE . . . LOWEST PRICE!! practiced a great variety of special devotions. portant function here is to serve as a model of Some of these flourished for a time and then dis- Christian manhood in word and action, while sup- appeared. Some appealed to one group and not to porting her in instructing and training the chil- another. The Church has always maintained a dren. Further, see to it that your children attend watchful eye on the devotional practices of the a Catholic school. Also, subscribe to your Dioces- faithful, permitting wide margins for individual expression, yet carefully suppressing or restrict- an paper and other Catholic publications. You will ing any innovations not in conformity with Catho- find the family magazine Marriage (St. Meinrad, lic doctrine or likely to mislead the faithful. Indiana) of great help in answering your questions and getting a Catholic view of marriage and par- It is easy to understand why some of these enthood. devotions may not appeal to your wife. Most Cath- olics are attached to the practices they learned You probably have as much to learn as your in their youth, yet even in this case, there exist wife in these matters. Studying together will offer great differences in individual likes and dislikes. an excellent means of promoting unity and com- Hence you should help your wife understand, first, panionship. hat current devotions are in conformity with Catholic -doctrine; and secondly, that they are Patronize 'Voice' Advertisers means to an end. Mothers Guild To Meet MIAMI BEACH — The Moth- If some of them do not appeal to her, she ers Guild of St. Patrick's Par- Lubrication and Protec- «i need not practice them, though she should try tion at its best, for *' ish will meet on Tuesday, Windows, Jalousies, .NEW CAR DEALER to appreciate the fact that others may find Sliding Doors and 101 Oct. 13 at 1 p.m. in the Patri- articles. Proven since them helpful. 1952 by users everywhere. cian Club Rooms of the parish. At most Builders Supplys and Hardwares. Mfg. by Further, you say she gets upset when she Refreshments will be served Eugene Dornish & Son. reads about some of the things that happen in Pompano Beach, Fla. .USED CAR DEALER Catholic countries. Well, don't we all? In this con- following the business meeting. nection, there are several points that must be kept clearly in mind. First, newspaper reports on PICK-UP SERVICE PHONE JU 2-6931 such matters tend to be incomplete and frequent- All Work Done In Our Own Plant ly biased. Don't get ulcers or pass judgments un- .SERVICE CENTER til you have all the facts in the case. Further, The RIDGE Cleaners what is a Catholic country? Some countries may NEW REVOLUTIONARY PROCESS have a more or less Catholic tradition and may Electronically Controlled Dry Cleaning A count the majority of their citizens as Catholics, Member of the National Institute of Cleaners but they do not represent the Church or.Catholi- 1302 LAKE AVE. LAKE WORTH, FLA. ;ism as such. CARL F. SLADE, F.D. MUST DRAW A DISTINCTION Your Home Town Funeral Director We cannot defend many of the attitudes and actions of Catholics either in the past or at pres- in Hialeah and Miami Springs ent. If, either as individuals or as groups, their * @tto ©if, attitudes and actions are not in conformity with defined Catholic doctrine, they are wrong. In such CARL F. SLADE FUNERAL HOME £ejeune Jld. cases we must carefully distinguish between what 800 PALM AVE. • HIALEAH • TU 8-3433 Catholics do and what the Church teaches, re- Cenfrt* Caioiho Hispmno De information * * • Bur6 de Empleos SECCION ESPANOLA Closes de Ingles Hacen en Brasilia DE Asistencia Legal Nueva Catedral Los fuertes y paternales braozs de la Iglesia, se han abierto para recibir, ayudar De Audciz Esfilo y bendecir a la creciente co- BRASILIA (NC) VOICE lonia de habla espaiiola en El arzobispo de Goiania, el Sur de la Florida. Moms. Fernando Gimes, ben- Editado por el Dr. Enrique J. Rodriguez El Obispo Coleman F. Ca- dijo el comienzo de las obras Viernes, 2 de Octubre de 1959 Page 26 rroll ha anunciado que la P:< para la catedral de esta nue- cesis de Miami esta prepari m ciudad, futura capital del do y abrira pronto un ade- Brasil. cuado Centro Hispano Cato- Al acto asitio el presiden- lico de Informacion en el edi- te de la republica, Juscelino ficio de la Escuela de Jesus Kubitschek, quien vino desde El Santo Padre Pide Oraciones en 118 N.E. Calle Segunda. la capital "vieja" de Rio de Con personal religioso y fa- Janeiro, para presidir la ini- cultativo en mucfyos campos, ciacion aqui de varios proyec- Ante Confreencias Historicas el Centro brindara entre otra» tos urbanos. muchas las siguientes facili- CASTELGANDOLFO, (NC) Nifcita Khrushchev, el Sobe- dades: Mons. Gomes dijo que la El pueblo cristiano debe se- rano Pontifice exhorto a los Informacion y guia en las eatedral, de audaz estilo mo- guir con interes y oracion las fieles para que apliquen ora- oportunidades y servicios ofre- derno, sera coma el comple- reuniones de los estadistas ciones con el fin de que tales cidos por la Iglesia y la comu- mento humano y cristiano del mundiales, dijo Su Santidad conferencias tengan de ; lgiin nidad. conjunto construido para co- El helicoptero a Italia la estatua de Nuestra Senora de Fa- el Papa Juan XXIII duran- modo resultado positivo. Clases de instruccion -reli- razon de la nacion. tima para una peregrinacion de tres meses esta aterrizando te una audiencia general giosa. ahora en uno de los escalones de San Juan en Kama, mien- L'Osservatore Romano di- Realizo los pianos de la ea- aqui. ce que Juan XXIII subrayo Clases d lengles y otras tedral, el arquitecto Oscar tras miles de personas se mantienen en la plaza detras del Sin hacer referencia direc- primero como los fieles del materias de naturaleza edu- Niemeyer, quien ha disenado cordon de policias. Mas de 70,000 personas dieron la bien- cacional. tainbien los edificios guber- ta a las conversaciones entre mundo entero acuden cons- venida a la estatua. A la izquierda en el fondo, esta el edi- el presidente de Estados Uni- tantemente ante el, eabeza Una chreche diurna para namentales de Brasilia. La ficio dojide se guarda la Santa Escalera, qne se cree eg la el ciudadno de los ninos. iglesia tendra forma circular dos, Dwight Eisenhower y el visible de la Iglesia, lo que que Cristo subio durante su juicio por Pilatos. jefe del gobierno sovietico, Informacion referente a con grandes "columnar" con- constituye una prueba de su oportunidades de empleos. eav-as que sobresalen del te- alto valor espiritual, funda- Direccion y eonsejos ps cho, tambien circular pero Nuevo Texto mentado en Dios, en sus le- conseguir casas apropiadas. •'' mucho mas pequeno que la yes y ensefianzas. Un centro de adolescentes, base. Desde fuera podra ver- El diario de la Ciudad del con muchas actividades socia- se el interior del templo, cu- les. yas paredes de cristal estaran Vaticano agrega que su San- soportadas por las columnas. Consagracidn al Sanrado Corazdn tidad dijo: XJn curso de entrenamien- to para catequistas. Brasilia ha sido proyectada Ciudad del Vaticano (NC) £1 nuevo texto ha si do pu- humildemente postrados de- "La Cnstiandad no desdena Orientacion y eonsejos le- para unos 500.000 habitantes. Su Santidad el Papa Juan blicado en el Acta Apostoli- lante de vuesto altar: vues- los esfuerzos para mejorar la gales por la Catholic Law- En el perimetro de la ciudad XXIII dispuso un nuevo tex- ca Sedis, precedido de nota tros somos y vuestros quere- suerte de la humanidad. Y he yers' Guild. fueron reservadas 22 parcelas to del Acto de Consagracion explicativa que firma el Car- mos ser; y a fin de poder vi- aqui que figuras representati- Servicios y eonsejos medi- de terreno con destino a la denal Nicola Canali, Peniten- «rir mas estrechamente uni- vas se reiinen por su parte en cos y sanitarios por la Ca- ereceion de templos parro- del genero humano al Sagra- estos dias, y Nos observamos do Corazon, eliminando la ciario Mayor, hace seis meses dos con Vos, todos y ca-da tholic Guild of Physicians y quiales. el Padre Santo dispuso tam- uno espontaneamente nos con interes tales empenos, ro- por dentistas catolicos. referencia directa a Jos ju- gando al Senor que esas con- j_. ^residente Juscelino Ku- dlos y musulmanes. bien eliminar el adjetivo consagramos en este dia a Curso de instruction para bitschek dijo que espera ver vaestro Sacratisimo Corazon. ferencias, aunque no persi- La oracion cambiada rue "perfidious" en la plegaria guen objetivos de orden espi- matrimonios. casi eonehiida la catedral an- por los judios correspondien- Salas para reuniones so- tes del termino de su manda- prescrita por Leon XIII en "Muchos, por desgracia, ja- ritual, conduzcan de todas 1899 cuando consagro la hu- te a la liturgia del Viernes mas os han conocido; muchos suertes a algo realmente util ciales o cknferencias. to como jefe del estado, en Santo. Equipo para la preparacion 1961. De hecho el gobierno manidad entera al Corazon de despreciando vuestros man- para el orden terreno, social Jesus. Se llama tambien Acto Sigue el texto de la plega- damientos, os han desechado. y humano. • y servicio de almuerzos. brasileno proyecta trasladar Oh Jesus benignisimo, com- El encargado del Centro se- aqui sus oficinas en abril de de Consagracion a Cristo Rey ria de consagracion, tal eo- "Y como a la humanidad se mo ha quedado: padeceos de los unos y de los ra el sacerdote diocesano Pa- 1960, inaugurando esta nueva y se recita el dia de su fies- otros, y atraedlos a todos a le presents quizas la esperan- dre Hugh Flynn, que sera ciudad como capital de la na- ta el ultimo domingo de octu- "Dulciaimo Jesus, Redentor vuestro corazon santisimo. za de dias mejores, el pueblo asistido por cuatro Hermanns cion. bre. del genero humano, miradnos "Oh Senor, sed Rey, no so- cristiano eleva su oracion a Dominicas con gran expe- lo de los hijos que jamas se Dios para que otorgue a to- riencia adquirida en Cuba, ea han alejado de Vos, sino tam- dos luz, claridad de ideas y el campo de beneficencia. bien de los hijos prodigos principios solidos." Para servir al Centro de In- que os ban abandonado; ha- El Papa, anade L'Osserva- formacion habra sacerdotes de ced que vuelvan pronto a la tore, expreso que los fieles habla espaiiola y miembros casa palerna, para que no reunidos en torno suyo "no prominentes de las Asociacio- perezcan de hambre y de mi- piensan siquiera de hecho ea nes Catolicas que brindaran seria. Sed Rey de aquellos discutir si los hombres deben su ayuda al mismo. que por seduccipn del error luchar entre si o respetarse El Centro Hispano Catoli- o por espiritu de discordia, los unos a los otros." qo de Informacion es parte viven separados de Vos, de- de la labor de Apostolado a volvedlos al Puerto de la Los cristianos, anadio el Pa- desarrollar en la Diocesis y verdad y a la unidad de la fe, pa, "miran mas alto". "Pien- que esta bajo la direccion del para que en breve se forme san en Dios, en sus santas le- Padre Jose O'Shea. un solo rebano bajo un solo yes, en cuanto poseemos de "Esperamos gran

Conriuyd "Bacanal" Estudiantil de Caracas Comentario Finalize aqui el tumuSttio En UB eontentario que titu- datario guatemalteco Juan Jo- bre e nombre de un violent© M> III Congreso Estudiantil la "La Gran Bacanal", el dia- se Arevalo sea hoy profesor laicismo. Latinoamericano en la Uni- rie caraqueno La Religion di- de la Universidad Central, y La delegacion de Colombia ai Evangelio versidad Central, convertida ce que el congreso fracaso publica cartas suyas que prue- presento una protesta por el en eamara de resonancia d« porque en lugar de unir a ban sus servicios como presi- pasquin, denunciado "ante el For el R. P. IBARRA ideas marxistas y laicizantes, la juveotud del continent*, dente a la Embajada Rusa en estudiantado cristiano de y de ataques al cristianismo Mexico en 1945. Guatemala y de America en- y a la educacion privada.' "puso en guardia a los jove- Domingo 20 Despues de Pentecostes nes que BO tienen vocaoion Sic caer en marxismo, otraa tera la tactica de destruccion En forma clasica totalitaria de rebano para que sirvas de delegaciones favorecieron sue de la moral en la eonciencia Evangelio: San Juan 4, 36 - 53 los dirigentes marxistas de la del pueblo, como trampolin asamblea eontrolaron la inter- carnada a los planes del im- planes, como la uruguaya, que "En aquel tiempo, habia un reyezuelo, cuyo *iijo estaba perialismo bolchevique". para el asecenso al poder de Tencion de las delegaciones 7 acuso al clero de instrument*) estados ateos que olvidando en Cafarnaum. Este, al oir que Jestis venia de Judea a Gali- dificultaron el acceso a los El diario senala ademas la de los "trusts" norteameriea- la persona, esclavizan al indi- lea, fue a El, y le rogo descendiese a su easa y sanase a su -~ -Vlegadoa independientes s coincidencia de que el exroan- nos y ataco la ensenanza li- viduo". hijo, porque se estaba muriendo. Mas, Jesus le dijo: "Si no stolicos, como en los easos veis milagros y prodigios no creeis". El reyezuelo repuso: de Brasil y Colombia. "Ven, senor, antes que rouera mi bijo". Dijole Jesus: "Ve, Be aqui que muchos de lo» tu hijo vive". Creyo el hombre la palabra de Jesus, y se ataques quedaran sin respues- ta y lograran sus maniobras marcho. Y cuando regresaba, salieronle al encuentro sus Ademas de las apologias del criados, notificandole que su hijo vivia. Preguntoles la materialismo historic©, las te- hora en que habia comenzado a mejorar, y ellos le respon- *is dominantes acabaron sien- dieron: "Ayer, a la hora .septima eeso la fiebre". Kecone- do abiertamente pornografi- ci6 entonces el padre, que era la misma hora en que Jesus eas; tipieo reflejo fue el pas- le habia dieho: "Tu hijo vive". Y ereyo el, y toda su familia. quin "no nos tientes" que dis- tribuyo por toda la universi- das la delegacion goatemalte- El Reproche de Jesus ca tras ser aplaudido en una Todos los seres hnmanos. puesto que no lo podemas de las sesiones por log gra- toda, necesitamos la ayuda de los otrps. Sin embargo tam- pes marxistas. Entre otras ee- aas, el pasquin predica el poeo siempre los demas aos pueden ayudar. Y ententes es amor libre, y la absorcioa cuando nos acordamos de que Dios esta por encima de noso- de la familia y de la escue- tros, y le dirijimos nuestras oraciones. Tenemos qne re- la por el Estado- conocer qne de erdinario somos may egoistas cuando pe- dimos alge a Dios. Y ya esto nos lo echo ea eara Nuestre Senor Jesucristo. "Si no veis milagros, no creeis". Oesean Huir de Bos eosas bay que tener en caenta: primera que quiza pedimos a Dios demasiadas eosas materiales, y segunda que china Comunista solo cuando estamos necesitados de esas eosas nos acorda- mos de El. Y podriamos anadir que, cuando no vemos que Hongkong, nc).— aparece la ayuda o el milagro, nos enfadamos un poeo con I>iez mil rusos blancos espe- Dios y nos revelamos contra su providencia. ran todavia en China la opor- tunidad de escapar al mundo Hay personas que piensau que Dios tieae obligation de libre. darnos lo qae le pedimos. Estos son los que se figuran que la Mons. Andres Katkoff, obis- religion es una agencia para cubrir necesidades. pa de rita bizantine, estable- clo esa cifra de ruros blan- Buscad Primero cos residentes en China tras visitar a miles de sus compa- Si debemos acudir a Dios en nuestras "necesidad-es. Per* triotas refugiados en Hong- mucho mas importante es amar, confiar y esperar en Bios. kong. Trat© con ellos sobre Criste vino a traer la salvacion. Nos dio los sacramentos y sus problemas de todo tips, la revelacion de Dios. De paso y para confirmar su ntisioa nrincipatnente cerca de las divina hacia milagros. dificultades que encuentran Muchas de las costumbres religiosas que se prat Mean ea America Latina. estan relacionadas para emigrar a Australia o COB les rituales de las tribus de hace siglos. Convertidos al cristianismo son muy leatos ea La Hualo es que nosotros nes figuramos qae los milagro* Sndamerica. abandonar las tradiciones de sus antecesores. En la foto, UB grupo de guatemalteeos rogaodo o al menos una especial ayuda de Dios ea las eosas mate- Dicho prelado, que es ca- por fertilidad en sus tierras 7 cosechas, abundantes. — (Fan American World Airway). riales es la normal y ordinario. Por eso misma hay gentes pellan de los rusos eatolicos que aeuden a su iglesia con la ezigeneia de que se les ayude expatriados, fue eonsagrado ea toda. Clare que la iglesia debe ayudar a los neeesitadss, en diciembre de 1958 como pues la caridad con el projimo es una manifestacion del amor obispo titular de Naupilia y En Mayo Proximo Primer Congreso I AklbGn en Cllba de Dios, pero no es ese el flu principal de la iglesia. ta igle- Coadjutor del arzobispo d« rito bizantino, Mons. Alejan- sia fue fnndada par Cristo para llevar las almas por el cam ins dro Evreinoff. quien acaba de Mundial de Juventud Catoliea Rural I de la virtud. Por eso algoaas veees se quejo de que las gem. fallecer en Roma, a los 82 LA HABANA (NC) tes H»an tras El, no par su doetriaa, no por su divina palafcra, anos de edad. Haesea, Espama, (ae) Participaron representaa-. La Iglesia se halla penetra- sino parque COB SUS milagros se entreteaian, y a reees Ileaa. tes de Alemania, Austria, B^i- MOBS. Katkoff alaba las es- —Con el tema "El hambre en da de un nuevo sentido, el baa sos estomagos. fuerzos qu* realixan en Hong- el mundo", se eelebrara e» gica, Espana, Francia, Holm- de contemplar la realidad ca- kong diferentes wganizacio- Londres, en mayo de 1960, da, India, Luxemborgo, Por- ra a eara, escribe la revista Crey6 El y Toda Su Familia nes privada* para ayudar a el I Congreso Mundial de la tugal y Suiza. En total medio La Quiocena al comentar aqui una obra de sociologia reli- los refngiados, y el apoyo brin- Juventud Catdlica Rural. centenar de muchacbos y mu- Cristo hizo un milagro que, no se le pedia. Aquel hom- dade per el paefcfo anstoraBa- giosa aparecida en Barce- bre, padre qtie stifria con la posible perdida de su hijo en- BO a los inmigrantes rnsos. Para estudiar la campana ehachas, todos ellos periodis- lona. fermo, suplieaba a Jesus que fuera a su easa a curar a su El prelado, de 43 anos de de propaganda y difusion de tas o dirigentes de grupos de El comentario s« refiere a bijo. Sabia que el Senor tenia poder para curar a los en- •dad, nacio en Irkutsk, Sibe- dicho Congreso tuv« lugar ea la Juventud Rural. Las sesio- "Fuerza y Flaqueza de la Re- fermos, y creia qae lo haria. Pero pensaba que era nece- 1, pero a los cuatro anos de Canfranc, localidad de la pro- nes se celebraron en is resi- ligion", del sacerdote socio- saria la presencia fisica de Jesucristo junto a su hijo. Y _™d huyo con sus padres a vincia de Huesca junto a la sencia Casablanca, hogar de logo Bernhard Haring, un li- nuestro Senor tan bueno y misericorddoso solo se fijo en la Harbin, Manchuria, donde se froatera frascesa, una "Eeu- montana que mantiene ea bro que establece el funda- bueaa fe del hombre. edueo en una escuela catoliea. nioa de Prensa", convoeada ment c teologico de las rela- Canfranc la organization ca- ciones entre religion y fac- Despoes de so ceaversiea par el Movimiento Imieraa- Me imagine que le que Jesus premio en aquel padre enrso los estudtoa sacerdotes toliea Turismo e Intereambie tores sociales. Publicolo la en Roma y fue ordenado en el cional de la Juventud Agraria Juvenil. Editorial Herder. daterido era su confianza y su humiidad. Pues auncuie pedia m 1944. y Rural Catoliea. "Con ello el libro se ha con- aoe Jesds firera a sn easa, lo hacia COB tanta eenfianza que Rene Peeters, presidente vertido en una obra pastoral el Senor se conmovio. pOr eso le cancedio Bucko mas de lo En San Marino del MIJAKAC, habla sobre los de suma importaneia para qne pedia. En aquel mismo instante quedc eurado so ttija. nuestros dias, en ana mono- Y naturalmente toda la familia ereyo en Jesus. objetivos de dicho Movimicn- grafia de la cura de almas, Derrota Electoral Comunista to, y refiriendose al Congreso en una ilamada al apostola- Tambien nosotros sabemos pensar a veces que nos gus- Mundial que se celebrara en do", dice La Quineena. taria ver algun milagro, experimentar alguna maravilla de Son Morino, (NO Londres, dljo qae respondia "El autor camina al roismo Dios para ereer y eonfiar en la divina providencia. Pero a tres finaBdades espeeifita*: paso progresivo que la Iglesia Dios no hace milagros todos los dias. Los hace si, pero no Por vez primero desde la guerra los comunis- la cual se balla penetrada de la. Deseubrir una dimension cuando nosotros los queremos. Y macho mas meritorio y tas sufrieron una derrota electoral en esto pintores- un nuevo sentido, el de cos- agradable a Dios es creer, aunque no veamos milagros. ca republica independiente del norte de Italio. iaternaeional a la javentud ru templar la realidad cara a ral; 2a. Fomentar en esta ju- eara y sin hacerse ilusiones El partido democrata cristiano logro 27 de Jos Pedid, Buscad, Uamad ... ventud una coneieucia de s«- de ningun genero, poseida d* 60 puestos del Gran Consejo y el social democrata una nueva pasion, cual es la lidaridad; y 3a. Comprobar Pues si; pidamos milagros; Dios puede hacerlos. Pidamos. nueve, to que supone cuatro y siete mas, respec- de encarnarse en las relacio- los y dejemosle a Dios que los baga si nos conviene. Por«ja« personalmente, la necesidad nes sociales a mode de 'cuer- tivarnente, que en las elecciorves de 1955. Co- 1 si no nos da lo que le pedimos, nos concedera algo que vale de unidad en el mundo. po social de Cristo '(aqui la nunistas y sociatistas obtuvieron juntos 24 pues- mas y es la fe y la confianza. Siempre sera un misterio la tos, con perdidas respectivas de tres y ocho. revista eita a Pio XII >, ne Sobre el tema del Congreso porque sucumba a la tenta- livina providencia; nunca podremos entrar en los secretos Por vez primera votaron las mujeres en Son •'El hambre en el mundo", cion de poder, sino por un peosamientos de Dios; pero siempre y cada dia, cada mo- Marino. pronuncio una conferencia el amor exteriorizado hacia el mento podemos estar seguros que el corazon de Dios, que Los rojos detentaron el poder aqui hasta el profesor aleman Wener Pank, mundo, consciente de la divi- es Padre, vela por nosotros. otono de 1957, cuando seis miembros socitaistas autor de un libro muy difun- na paradoja, la victoria de la del Gran Consejo negaron sus votos al gobierno co- llaqueza, la victoria de quie- No sabemos como, no vemos los pasos que Dioe da, per* dido, en el que expone y es- nes como San Pablo, qujpre siempre esta, de un modo o de otro, junto a nosotros. Coma munista, que hubo die dejor el poder por no contar tudia ese gran problems mun- 'llegar a serle tode para to- El mismo nos lo dice en la Escritura "te llevo en la palma con mayoria partamentaria. dial. — de la mano". The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959

The Pone's remedy was to call for a council, a synod and the revision of canon law. The council captured the world's imagination and as the Vatican communique put it: The morning of the historic Part XIV announcement was an unusual "As far as the ecumenical '•one in Rome. Black clouds council is concerned, this, in the darkened the sky and there thinking of the Pope, looks not was the threat of a major only to the edification of the storm. Wind and rain scat- Christian people, but would be Popa John Calls tered the clusters of Romans besides an invitation to the sep- who had planned to watch the arated communities to find papal car drive to the basilica. unity, to which so many souls today in every part of the world World Council As the Pope was carried on aspire." his portable throne to the main From: POPE JOHN XXIII: An Authoritative Biography by altar inside the church, his face Ancient Truth Zsolt Aradi, Msgr. James I. Tucek and James C. O'Neill. Copy- was grave. Though he blessed After the speech to the Cardi- right, 1959, by Farrar, Strauss and Cudahy, Inc., Publishers. the crowds with his familiar nals, the Pope met with the small sign of the cross, his lips Benedictine monks of St. Paul's. On January 25, 1959, less than bishops was accompanied by moving in prayer constantly, he Speaking of himself in the third three months after his election did not seem to respond to the person, he said: to the papacy, Pope John XXIII an appeal to the separated communities to find unity. warm enthusiasm of the cheer- surprised the world and re- ing thousands. "The new Pope hopes to bring ^newed the hopes o£ Christendom The announcement o£ the to- the attention of the whole by calling for an ecumenical council came on the feast of the When his prayer for persecut- world the ancient truth reflect- council. Conversion of St. Paul, the con- ed Christians was recited after ed under new forms. Some peo- cluding day of the Church's an- the Mass, the Pope buried his ple dare to speak ill of the Ever since his election, An- nual eight days-of prayer for face in his hands as he knelt Church, claiming it is behind gelo Roncalli had constantly Christian Union. before the papal altar. the times. stressed his interest and con- cern for the reunion of Chris- For Persecuted Canon Law "But the Church is alive and is not the custodian of a mu- tians in "one fold, one shep- That morning the Pope had After he left the basilica, the herd." This had been his text seum. Though the Church has driven to the Basilica of St. Pope issued his call for the great respect for what is an- in the unexpected speech he de- Paul's Outside the Walls to at- council. He chose to do it in a cient, beautiful and good, her livered during the course of his tend a pontifical Mass and to room of the adjoining Benedic- first concern is souls. This is coronation. take part in a special service tine monastery. Assembled were why the Church intends to of prayer for persecuted Catho- 17 Cardinals to whom the Pope The Pope's call ior, a world- give dioceses better ecclesias- lics and especially for those of read a discourse in Latin. tical and juridical structure." wide council of the Catholic China threatened by schism. A formal picture of Pope John whose pontificate thus far has It called for the council, for Immediate reaction to the emphasized the need for unity among churches of Christen- a diocesan synod (a meeting Pope's call for a council was dom. (NC Photos) of all the priests and officials widespread. Dr. Visser't Hooft, of a diocese to legislate and Secretary General of the Prot- confer on diocesan affairs) estant World Council of Church- Council of Churches, welcomed In his Christmas message of and a bringing up to date of es, said the calling of the ecu- the council but said that for it his first year as Pope, Angelo the Code of Canon Law, the menical council demonstrated to work it would have to be a Roncalli gave a hint of his body of laws governing the the "tremendous importance "mutual coming together, not thought to call a council to at- faithful and the clergy of the which the problem of unity has under conditions laid down by tract all to the unity of the Latin rite Catholics. assumed in our times." one church for all the others." Catholic Church. Referring to News of the decision was giv- attempts to establish various en to the world in a communi- To the Orthodox Angus MacQueen of forms of cooperation and under- que issued by the Vatican Sec- Antony Bashir, Archbishop of London, Ontario, Canada, mod- standing which have failed, the retariat of State. In part it the Syrian Antiochian archdio- erator of the United Churches Pope said: said: cese, with its headquarters in of Canada, said "the whole thing revolves around what the "The vexing problem of the "As Bishop of Rome, the Holy Brooklyn, N.Y., the Pope's pro- Pope means by 'seeking un- broken unity of the heritage Father stressed the great devel- posal was an important event. ity.' " of Christ still remains and ob- opment which the city has seen "I do not find any reason stacles still hinder its so- in these last ten years and the why the apostolic churches The Pope in succeeding days lution. It will be a long road grave problem's which are con- should be divided," he said. dwelt at length on his hopes for of burdening, difficulties and nected with the spiritual assist- "There is only one holy, Ap- the council. Speaking to a group uncertainties. ance of the population. ostolic church. Its differences of Armenian Rite Catholic GOAL IS UNITY could be ironed out in ecu- priests the Pope reaffirmed his "The sadness of this sorrow- menical councils." belief that unity "can be achiev- ful observation does not arrest, "As Supreme Pastor of the nor will it arrest, we hope to Pope John XXIII walks down the arcade of the Cloisters of St. Church, he noted the dangers ed ... and with perfection." However, he added, to estab- God, the effort of our soul to Paul's Outside the Walls on his way to announce the calling of which become more greatly lish unity it would be necessary continue the loving invitation to the ecumenical council, the first in many years. (NC Photos) menacing every day to the •A Long Road' to return to the way things stood our dear separated brothers, spiritual life of the faithful, that before the great schism of 1054, Vatican Radio hailed the is, the errors which enter every- who also carry on their fore- discarding all that was added calling of the council as a where and the immoderate at- head the name of Christ ,-—I after that. major step toward unity. It tractions of material goods, in- who read His holy and Me- J> ventured to guess that it Gospel, and who are nof"3i- creasing today more than ever The Rev. Dr. Edwin T. Dahl- INSURED SAYINGS would be, in all probability, sensible to the inspirations of * Free transfer with technical progress." berg, President of the National as important as the Council of Accounts religious piety, of beneficient of Trent, which took place and blessed charity." * Se Habla Espanol more than 400 years ago. Repeating the words from the Free Money Orders INTRODUCTORY OFFER SPECIAL Vt PRICE CHA-CHA-CHA It noted, however, that a Gospel of St. John, Pope John, stumbling block to unity with * Insured by the 7 Hour $13.00 Course RHUMBA * TANGO at Christmas time uttered the the Oriental dissident churches Federal Savings and ONLY $6.50 NOW WALTZ • FOX TROT prayer of Christ shortly before was the fact that many of them Loan Insurance Corp. Phone WI 5-2511 $ and ROCK 'N' ROLL his death: "That all may be are linked vitally with various one, even as thou, Father, in COLUMBIA FEDERAL SAVINGS ANTICIPATES ADULT CLASS or TEEN CLASS political and national organi- me and I in thee: that they THIS DIVIDEND FOR SIX MONTHS ANN CUMMINGS DANCE STUDIO zations. also may be one in us that the PERIOD BEGINNING JULV 1st. world may believe that thou 1407 N.E. 6th AVE. NORTH MIAMI Cardinal Montini, Archbishop hast sent me." of Milan, hailed the convocation and forecast that it would be- Whatever had been said be- come "the greatest which the fore about an "interim Pope," "WE RENT" Church has ever celebrated in Pope John had left little doubt Folding Chairs • Platforms its 20 centuries of history." that he would be recorded by history as a Supreme Pontif Tablet Arm Chairs 5j*M* * Easels The Pope's announcement every best tradition of that U. ._«.•" Tables •B/">£JS&% • Podiums took everyone, with the excep- Within the first three months of tion of a few intimates, by sur- his pontificate, the "peasant's COLUMBIA prise. Every Congregation and son" of Sotto il Monte had set office of the , in motion a chain of events that SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION which aids the Pope in handling would carry. the Church to 9537 N.E. 2nd Ave., Miami Shores. Fla. PL 7-7658 Rental Service the many sided affairs of the heights perhaps never before at- Phone: - 1211 N.E. 4th AVE. Church, immediately set itself tained in its 2,000 years of ex- JA 4-8351 FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. to studying the questions and istence. problems under its competence. (The End) Parishes Of Our Diocese Tke -Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, O«t. 2, 1559 Page 29

Gesu — Oldest Parish In Miami ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS In 1891, Bishop Moore of St. Augustine, realizing the need Of priests for the Catholics of EUROPE the West Palm Beach-Miami AND THE WORLD area, requested • aid from the JOSEPH STEAMSHIP and AIR Jesuits of Tampa, who at that (JOE) time served 40 Mission stations AIR TICKETS in West Florida. TO ALL POINTS In those days railroads LICENSED AND INSURED were, non-existent in South IN THE U. S. Florida and Father C. Wid- man made the last part of MO 1-7777 -, his journey from Tampa •- FREE ESTIMATES aboard an old cat-boat which 25 YRS. IN MIAMI plied the coast selling meat and venison. Skipper of the little craft was Will Widden who put Father- Widman ashore on the Mc- Kinna . family's dock' in Wesf Palm Beach on Friday, Feb. 26, 1892. ~ PARISH ESTABLISHED Father Widman established headquarters in West Palm 2630 N.W. 1\9th St. Beach and soon was able to OF MIAMI, INC. Phone MU 8 6525 send priests up and down the eastern coast of Florida. They Rudolph Compte of New Orleans. The painting came regularly to Miami to of- Oldest church in Miami, Gesu is noted for the VISIT OUR . . . MODEL POOL depicts Jesus drawing to Himself the faithful fer Mass in the Royal Poin- beauty of its interior artwork. Before the or- from every race of man and from every station ciana Hotel, until in 1896, when nate marble altar and dominating the triumph- of life. FILTERED' ^Father Ambrose M. Fontan was al arch, above, is a mural executed in 1954 by sent to establish the first per- POOLS manent parish. He built the ter in Gesu Elementary and ed a number of counties with- as low as first Gesu Church, a wooden High Schools. in its boundaries, dwindled in frame building which served size. Miami Catholics until 1922. In 1929, Father Michael Cron- in directed the establishing of a Father Harold A. Gaudin, 1,495 This church however was mission in the northwest section S.J., was appointed pastor on No Money not the first Catholic place of the parish, known as St. Aug. 15, 1953. Presently he is Down of worship in Miami. Prior Mary of the Missions-St. Fran- assisted by Father Lawrence to it, there had been a small cis Xavier. Presently a new Toups,' Father Harvey Rock- Up To Five chapel built at the suggestion school is under construction. wood, . Father Joseph Maring, Years To Pay of Bishop Verot, in 1875 on Father Jerome Mullin, Father During the years of the de- the Wagner estate, near what James L. LeRoy, Father Alex- pression parish activities were is now Jackson Memorial ander MacDonald and Father CUSTOM DESIGN - ANY FORM - ANY SHAPE brought to a~standstill. Care of Hospital. The little chapel was Ignatius, Astorgui, all members the sick and poor were the main NO BLOCKS - NO LINERS destroyed by fire in 1894. of the Society of Jesus. concerns of Father Florence Solid Steel Re-inforced Concrete Construction San Ignacio Church, built for Sullivan who served as pastor Presently large numbers of the Indians in 1741, by two Jes- from 1929 to 1945. It was under Spanish-speaking Latin Ameri- Member Miami Dade County Chamber of Commerce—Licensed & Insured uit Missionaries from Havana, Father Sullivan's direction dur- cans have settled in the area of had disappeared long years be- ing the early years of the World Gesu parish. fore Father Fontan arrived in Father Gaudin War II that a USO club was Miami. organized atop the Gesu School Last week, Bishop Coleman F. Carroll announced that the BISHOP DEDICATES area, priests from Gesu went building. out to administer the sacra- Diocese of Miami will soon open In February, 1898, Bishop ments and to offer Mass, to With the establishment of a Spanish Catholic Information Moore came to Miami to dedi- open mission stations and pre- new parishes immediately af- Center to be known as Centro cate the church and to admin- pare for new parishes from ter the war, Gesu par- Catholico Hispano in the North- ister Confirmation to four par- Fort Lauderdale to the Keys. ish, which at one time includ- east wing of Gesu School. ishioners, Catherine and Fer- For this reason the history of dinand "Brown, H. A. Culbert- Gesu is linked to that of every son and J. F. Jackson. The parish in and around Miami. first wedding, on April 21, of that year, was that of Robert Older Catholics of the area H. Hegen and Mary Kough. recall the names of early Gesu More Outlets priests, including Father Fon- •The Catholics of Miami for Appliances tan, Father Tyrell, Father were few in. the beginning. Moore, Father Faget, Father Rarely were there more than DeBeurme, Father Wagner, 45 at Mass on Sundays. These Father Maeready, Father few, however, were civic White, Father Slevin, Father minded people, outstanding in INSTALLATION Gaffney, Father Friend, Father the community and included AND REPAIRS Kennedy, Father McLaughlin, John B. Reilly, who became Father. O'Sullivan, Father Sulli- Miami's first Mayor; Joseph van, Father McNally and Fa- A. McDonald and Gus Mills, ther Cummings. friends and business associ- ates of Henry Flagler, pioneer Over the years the Sisters developer of South Florida. of St. Joseph have served Assisting the Medical Profession in serving the Public With the outbreak of World Gesu parish, first in St. Cath- WEST AT 8th War I and Florida's consequent erine's Convent School and la- FLAGLER AVE boom,- the little church became too small. The cornerstone of the present Gesu church was CORAL GABLES • MIAMI SHORES •fflnnnnl laid on Dec. 10, 1922, by Bishop Patrick Barry, who delivered "Everything REED-GAUTIER he sermon on Feb. 1, 1935, Serving Miami Since 1923 •when Archbishop Pietro Fuma- to Build 2 CHAPELS FUNERALS FROM $150.00 soni Biondi, Apostolic Delegate Largest casket display in Miami to the United States, dedicated Anything" the edifice. The church was 24-hour Ambulance Service built during the pastorate of AN INDIVIDUAL SERVICE OF INTEGRITY UNDER DIRECT? Father James McLaughlin, who HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS SUPERVISION OF HENRY L. REED served the parish from 1914 to 779 W. FL^GLER STREET 1929. PERRINE • N. MIAMI BEACH Central Location • No Branches As Catholics came into the Page 30 The Yolm, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 The Question Comer (Continued from Page 7) Even when it is God Himself Deaths in Diocese telling of the need for Bap- VAN ORSDEL'S that even the most prejudiced tism, or the need to eat His , person cannot brush them aside own flesh in Holy Communion, HAS A REPUTATION Miss Frances Kleboff Dennis C. Finneran with an easy conscience; here or the need to do penance or MIAMI BEACH — Requiem Mass HIALEAH>< — Solemn Mass of Re- we have Christ very openly, perish, or to submit their for Miss Frances Kleboff. 48 of 403 quiem for Dennis Clarke Finne.'aiV, very bluntly, telling the Apostles YOU -CkN TRUST Brickell Ave., was celebrated Monday 59, of 143 E. 45th St. was sung this sins to those to whom He In St. Patrick Church. morning in St. Joseph Cathedral, in no uncertain terms something A registered nurse! she came bere Columbus, Ohio. gave powfer to forgive them— 15 years ago from Rochester, N.Y. A Veterans Administration super- that was so important that they even when it's God telling and was a member of ihe Fifth visor, he came here five years ago 60 District Nurses Association. from Columbus where he ^vas a past couldn't distrust their ears. them, some people aren't go- Surviving are her mother, Mrs. grand Knight of Columbus and past Amelia Kleboff, Rochester; a sister, grand commander of, trie Amesicac ing to be told! Complete Funerals >%trs. J. Hickey, Long Island, N.Y. Legion Post. Had there been any mis- and two brothers, John Kieboff of Including ... Buffalo and Frank Kleboff, of - Du- A parishioner of Immaculate Con- takes, certainly Christ would They think their own Christi- Bois, Pa. ception Church, tie was a member of have corrected them during Cloth Covered Caskets from $ 150 Burial in Woodlawn Park Cemetery the parish Holy Name Society and anity is better than Christ's. was under direction of Philbrick St. Vincent de Paul Society. the 40 days before his Ascen- Standard Metal Caskets from $4ft5 In addition to his wife, Martha C, They have their own preferences Funeral Home. he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. sion into heaven. You can well Solid Hardwood Caskets from $495 James D. Jennings, West Hollywood; on how He should run His re- four sons, Richard B. and Dennis . imagine the Apostles ap- ligion. They pre-judge Christ in- C, Jr., both of Columbus; Theodore John Basila Jr., Calif.; and Sgt. Eugene D., proaching Him during those 40 stead of listening to Him. They MIAMI — Mass of Requiem for Augusta, Ga.; a sister, Sister M. days and asking Him: "Mast- John Basila, 71, of 2930 S. Miami Theodora of the Sisters of St. Joseph, figure out some sort of re- Ave., was celebrated Monday in SS. Baden, Pa., and nine srandchillr^n. er, did you really mean what ligion that will fit in with r Peter and Paul Church. Burial was in Columbus with the A real estate broker and civic Carl F. Slade Funeral home in you said or what we thought feelings or convenience and im- leader, he came here 35 years ago charge of local arrangements. from Live Oak, Mich. He was t. you said on the night You pose that on Christ. member of the Miami Board of Real- * * #. arose from the dead? Did you tors and the American Legion and was a charter member of the Syrian- Mrs. Lena Petrozelfa really'mean that we can real- Christ, they say, couldn't have Lebanon American Club. meant that we should go to con- In addition to his wife, Helen, he MIAMI SHORES — Mass of ly forgive sins?" is survived, by a son, Richard and Requiem for Mrs. Lena Petrozella, fess our sins to other human be- a daughter, Gloria, all of Miami. Also 69, of 1165 NE 113 St., was cele- surviving are a brother and sister in brated Wednesday in St. Rose of If they had got the wrong ings! Christ couldn't have meant Syria. Lima Church. MORTUARIES- Burial in Woodlawn Park was un- ' She came here from Buffalo and idea, don't you think that Christ that, when we are mean or un- der direction of Plummer Funeral is survived by her husband, Joseph; Home. a daughter, Mrs. Mary Koelmel and would have so corrected them forgiving or uncharitable to an- two sons, Charles and Joseph, Jr., all of Miami. that St. John wouldn't have other human being, we are Burial was -in Our Lady of Mercy mean and uncharitable to Him! Cemetery under direction of Edward dared to publish in his Gospel McHale & Sons Funeral Home. such an erroneous statement? Christ couldn't have meant that IN HOLLYWOOD ... * * * - But the fact is that Si. John did He was really holding in His hands at the Last Supper His GRATIGNY ROAD Mrs. Nell G. Lally quote Christ as saying precisely NORTHSIDE MORTUARY MORTUARY WADUNGTON CORAL GABLES — Requiem Mass that 'whose sins the Apostles, own Body and Blood! for Mrs. Nell G. Lally, 82. of T4T0 3333 N. E. 2nd Ave., Miami 770 N.W.I 19th St., Miami Cantoria St., was celebrated Wednes- forgave, they were forgiven etc' FUNERAL day in the Church of the Little But that's what He meant or Flc-v^r. He wouldn't have said so. And A retired school teacher, she came Why is it that those who claim HOME here 70 years ago from St. Louis He wouldn't have told the Apos- gtnd is survived by two sons, that the Bible is the rule of Lawrence G., Coral Gables and Jack faith won't accept the plain tles that they could forgive sins, K., Balboa, Canal Zone; two sisters, Mrs. Stella Klosterman and M rs. words in it? unless that is exactly wha^ He WA 3-6565 Ann G. Grupe, St. jouis and four grandchildren. meant. Burial was in St. Louis with Jos- The world is full of people HARRY B. WADUNGTON berger Funeral Home in charge of The Jews of old would have local arrangements. who won't be told what to do. CORAL GABLES MORTUARY HIALEAH-MIAMI SPRINGS Licensed - Director been scandalized today, too, not * *• * You know the attitude — "No- 4600 S. W. 8th St., Coral Gables 2045 E. 4th Ave., Hialeah ANDY GROSS body's going to tell me what to at Confession but at those who Francis George close their eyes and ears and Licensed -Director MIAMI — Mass of Requiem- for do!" Miami's Finest Funeral Chapels Francis George, 19, 370 SW 25th Rd., minds to facts. was celebrated Wednesday in SS. Member Little Flower Parish Peter and Paul Church. A barber's helper, he attended the injuries suffered in an auto accident - LARGE CATHOLIC STAFF University of Miami, and died of in Tallahassee two weeks ago. 140 So. Dixie Hwy. In addition to his mother, Mrs. Ukrainian Priest Matilda George, he is survived by C. D. "Cliff" Van Orsdel, Licensee three brothers, John, George and Dr. Hollywood, Florida Ft. Lauderdale's Joseph George; and two sisters, Rose- marie George and Mrs. Mary Louise Observes Jubilee Jordaif* all of Miami. Catholic Funeral Home Burial in Woodlawn Park was under direction of Van Orsdel Funeral MIAMI — Father Michael Home. Kindey, who pioneered in the alia * * * work of the Ukrainian Catholic Mrs. Mary Thiesen Church in the United States, FORT LAUDERDALE — Mass of marked the.50th anniversary of FUNERAL HOME Requiem for Mrs. Mary Thiesen, 58, of 1730 NE Seventh Ave., was cele- his ordination on September 19. Member of St. Clement's brated Wednesday, Sept. 23 in St. Clement's Church. A native of Meriden, Conn., she Born in Pisochna, Western PREPAREDNESS 2505 N. DIXIE HWY. came here seven years ago and was Ukraine in 1883, Father Kindey a member of the American Legion' Auxiliary of Conn. She is survived completed high school in Stryj IN WILTON MANORS by her husband, Lewis, Sr. and a son, Lewis, Jr. and studied theology in Lviw, Burial was in Lauderdale Memor- There is consolation in the knowledge that, LO 6-7621 ial Gardens under direction of Sea- Ukraine. He was ordained Sep- cord Funeral Home. tember 19, 1909 in Lviw by the should you have a bereavement in the late Metropolitan Andrew Shep- tytsky. family, the choice of a burial plot has "Dedicated to Service" After ordination Father Kin- been taken care of—in advance. Henderson Funeral Service dey did pastoral work among the Ukrainians in Yugoslavia 3773 N. Fed. Hwy. — Pompano Beach, Fla. for 15 years. Pompano Beach Margate Deerfield Beach Make provisions for your family plot now in In 1924 he was requested to WH 1-4930 WE 3-1717 Boca 5481 come to America where he serv- • AMBULANCE SERVICE • ed in parishes in Newark, New "Our Lady of Mercy Miami — or Jersey; Berwick, Pa.; Chk \ and southside Pittsburgh, ^ _ *,. . "Queen of Heaven he spent 28 years. While in Pitts- Ft. Lauderdale burgh, with the cooperation of for further information the Sisters of St. Basil, he es- PLUMMER. tablished the First Parochial, All-Day School in the Ukrain- Catholic Cemeteries ian Catholic Diocese. Father Kindey is presently visitng Mi- OF THE DIOCESE OF MIAMI, INC. ami. 11411 N. W. 25th Street, Miami Springs, Florida Parishioners of the Assump- P. O. Box No.369 • Phone TU 7-8293 tion of the Blessed Virgin 1349 WEST FLflGLER STREET 35. FLORIDA -Church held a banquet in Mary Ukrainian Catholic J. L. PLUMMER, JR., Manager honor of Fr. Kindey on Sept. 20 at Toby's Restaurant.

.**•: -. :••>•>•>•:••:•>•••:••:•••:•••>••>'>•:•••>•>•>•;£ ^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^^ FUNERAL

•:• HOME •:•• online. : "The McHales Have Been Serving Catholic Families For Three Generations" 7200 N.W. 2nd Ave. • Miami PLaza 1-7523 Funeral Director 200 CAR PARKING INVALID CAR SERVICE W. KEITH McRAE HOLLYWOOD IN FOGUS The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 3T Film With Odd Slant On Religion By WILLIAM H. MOORING fire, conducts five American realistic and suspenseful. It also that line of thinking in favor An expert psychologist tells soldiers he has cited for brav- is bitter, ugly and disillusioning. of good Americanism? me that extraordinary herosim ery, through the desert to safe- • • • More particularly, will pro- under fire sometimes springs ty to await their Congression- ducer William Goetz tell us why PER from concealed hostilities. The al Medals. Vigorously charac- No One Noble he did nothing to balance the ANNUM hero is not really impelled by terized by Tab Hunter, Van Hef- Vital exploration of the emo- film's bias against religion? (Intended rate) courage or devotion to duty, but One American officer (Robert by a mad lust to maim or kill. lin, Richard Conte, Michael Cal- tional pomponents which distin- lan and Dick York, they reveal guish courage from cowardice Keith) pointedly identified as a pious Catholic is a mealy- ;? ; :4 ; Supposing we swallow this, themselves during the trek as implies dramatic validity, or at v "Qfie'of 4fie; N6fion's "^ ;y does it then become feasible least some attempt to achieve mouthed hypqcrite. An Ameri- that five American herpes, contemptible cads if not craven it. sis it reasonable, however, can private (Michael Callan) is "..*;.- " 'Oldest and ..Largest"• : ' jeatfy cited for the Congres- cowards. even taking the law of aver- a fanatical, text-spouting Prot- estant: There are such charac- al medal by reason of in- All are insubordinate. Some ages, to suggest that out of five o..idual acts of bravery in American heroes, not one was a ters, to be sure, but if religion E)ade Federal of them attempt murder, mu- the same fray, all were truly genuine, noble character? had to come into the story at I/AVINGS a*d WAN ASSOCIATION of MiAMr moved by sadism, not' self- tiny or rape, the latter crime What is the purpose, if any, of all — and it is not clear that it sacrifice? This is what Colum- involving an American wom- such one-sided emphasis? did have to — why only these JOSEPH MV UPTON. President bia's new film, "They Came an (Rita Hayworth), escorted two odd-balls to represent it? to Cordura" invites us to be- under military arrest for aid- Will director Robert Rossen Dramatically such treatment in lieve. explain how his treatment of ing Villa's anti-American a film of this type, substitutes 5 Convenient Offices Serve Dade County forces. this story fits in with public caricature for honest charac- It is produced by William assurances he gave when he terization. RESOURCES EXCEED 135 MILLION DOLLARS Goetz. The screenplay, taken The picture, which some crit- admitted he was once taken from Glendon Swarthout's nov- ics compare with "Bridge on in by the Communist Party Finally I wish Gary Cooper, el, is by Ivan Moffat and Rob- the River Kwai," is powerful, but has long since renounced recent convert t o Catholicism, ert Rossen, with the latter also would tell us why he chose to directing. "Cordura" (Spanish star in "Cordura." This column for "courage"), deals with a pu- is wide open for the answers. nitive, American expedition into Mexico after Pancho ' Villa's 1916 raid upon a U.S. army post TV Watch Far Opening In in Columbus, New Mexico. NOVEMBER Here's the kind of slightly shocking fun, •"' * * * Notes CHINESE AND POLYNESIAN delightfully daring RESTAURANT Cited For Bravery entertainment sense of the broadcasters." If 1101 N. DIXIE HWY., LAKE WORTH An awards officer (Gary Those Commercials that comes this doesn't hold up Doerfer can Cooper), bnce a coward under The big public complaint along only against beer drinking in TV count upon public opinion. For- once in a commercials was nothing com- tunately the telecasters know it. Sl blue moon! mvmmSPECIALIZING IN CANTONESE m Legion Praises pared to more recent protests DISHES FOR THE EPICURE • • • HARDING AVE. ||U C CQL\ against offensive blurbs for lax- I 9441RFSIDE, M. BCH. UN J-J7U I 2 New Pictures atives, deodorants, intimate Bishop Sheen ISUR items of feminine apparel and Under the "cultural ex- NEW YORK (NO — The Na- strangely suspect "medica- change" agreement with Soviet tional Legion of Decency has Russia, National Telefilm Asso- tions." The National Associa- PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS commended highly two motion ciates have secured a "letter of pictures which currently are be- tion of Broadcasters, through its intent" to take some Red TV ing released — "The Last An- Code Review Board, has just CLARK GABLE CARROLL BASER for distribution in the USA and gry Man" and "Power Among completed a thorough survey, Men." ^send to Moscow some programs APPLIANCES LILLI PALMER LEE ICOEB counted up the public com- from the USA. Since this com- 6 Famous Makes in the PERLBERG-SEATON production ol The Legion placed both in its plaints and come out with some V) pany distributes the current •Jt Lowest Prices 7 Class A. Section 1 category — new rules. We are to suffer less "Bishop Sheen" series, now be- Vr Easy Bank Terms BUT W/ FOR ME morally unobjectionable for intimate charts of human inter- general patronage. ing widely snydicated in this Guaranteed Services nal functions, hear less about country, why not offer His Ex- In its observation on "The Also Jlarrlns BARRY COE with THOMAS GOMEZ • Produced by WILLIAM PERLBERG and GEORGE SEATOH body odors and see nothing at cellency's excellent program to £*«[«*>» WALTER LANG - Screenplay try JOHN MICHAEL HAVES • Brad on. Plaj bySAMSON RAPHAELSON Last Angry Man," produced by all of girls modelling foundation the Russians? They'll be send- GERSHWIN WROTE THE TITLE SONG... ELLA FITZGERALD SINGS IT I Columbia, the legion stated: fancies. About time! It was get- ing us propaganda. Why not see "The National Legion of Decen- NOW PLAYING cy announced today (Sept. 22) ting so that one began sniffing, if they can take a little? 643 N. Andrews that it had placed the Colum- thinking of a shower or, in self- —William H. Mooring JA 3-4337 ^^_ IN MIAMI . IN MIAMI BIACM IN CORAL GABUS bia production of 'The Last defense simply "taking a pow- FT. LAUDERDALE Olympic* Beach • Gables Angry Man' in its A-l classifi- der." TV stations who break cation. At the same time the the new Code recommendations Legislature Passes Bill legion highly recommended this will be stripped of the Code fil™ to the patronage of the en- For Film Commission Seal. They will not be fined so 1 Catholic family. The legion HARRISBURG, Pa. (NO — some may ignore the whole "rioued that the self-sacrifice and A bill designed to establish state dedication which characterized thing. In such instances please regulatory machinery for mo- the life of the protagonist are keep the complaints rolling. tion pictures has passed the intellectually rewarding as well Legislature and has been sent as heartwarming; the film can • • • to Gov. David Lawrence for serve as an inspiration to peo- approval. The bill would set up ple of all races and creeds." Better Not Try a State Board of John C. Doerfer, FCC chair- Of the film "Power Among Motion Picture Control empow- man, probably used a random Men," a deRochemont produc- ered to review films and film illustration when he told a West- tion, the legion said: "This-ex- advertising; and giving the NEW ENGLAND OYSTER HOUSES inghouse conference he "can see cellent feature length docu- board the right to order an ob- QUALITY SEAFOODS FROM MAINE TO THE FLORIDA KEYS no way of preventing an un- mentary, a product of the Unit- scene or unsuitable film with- expurgated version of 'Lady FORT LAUDERDALE ed Nations, contains a message drawn from exhibition. Criminal - Chatterley's Lover' from being 900 S.W. 24th STREET JA 4-7223 of profound relevance and im- penalties are provided for viol- NEW ENGLAND OYSTER HOUSE telecast, other than the good portance for all peoples and is ators of the board's provisions. DANIA for this reason highly recom- LOBSTER HOUSE 760 DANIA BCH. BLVD. AIA WA 3-4164 mended." Try US For Barney NORTH MIAMI BETTER^ NEW ENGLAND RAW BAR 12727 BISCAYNE BLVD. PL 4-1511 5 Lawrence Group Crowley CORAL GABLES To Hold Fashion Show REAL ESTATE LOFFLER BROTHERS OYSTER HOUSE 280 ALHAMBRA CIRCLE HI 6-1704 NORTH MIAMI BEACH — PERRINE Newest fashions will be model- REALTOR - APPRAISER LOBSTER HOUSE 16915 SO. FEDERAL HWY. CE 5-5701 ed by members of St. Law- Dixie Laundry FOR OPEN EVERY DAY COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED rence Altar and Rosary Soci- HOLLYWOOD 917 1st Street ety during the monthly meeting 2126 on the Boulevard Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. in WEST PALM BEACH the school hall, 18995 NE 22nd TE 2-6131 ;* WA 2-4691 * We Honor DINER'S CLUB and AMERICAN EXPRESS Cards Ave. JLSLSUJULJLSUJULSUULfiJLJLSJUlS ITie Voice, Miami, F!«., Friday, Offl. 2, 1959

Page 32

The Market Pi ace for Ann oil ncements Sales - Services Rentals Real Estate

AUTOMOBILE SERVICE (Cont'd) OPTICIANS HELP WANTED FEMALE (Cont'd) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Cont'd) ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE NOLAN'S GARAGE ANDREWS OPTICIANS HAMMOND ORGAN Paint •& Body Shop Rx filled-Lens, Frames Duplicated Home Model with PR 40 Stereo 2951 N. W. 27"th Ave. 145 N.E. 79th Street PL 7-0231 TELEPHONE Speaker - Like new - BOCA 9187 FLORISTS Phone NE 4-8583 GARDEN SUPPLIES Authorized AAA Service PHOTOGRAPHY OPERATORS Randelle 120 key accordion & case Calva Feed & Garden Supply Excellent condition-$175 JA 2-4347 HOFMANN'S FLOWERS LeMAJS STUDIO Nutri-sol, liquid diet plant food-All 1561 S.W. 23rd St. Ft. Lauderdale 2160 N.W. 79th St. PL 9-0767 SEVEN BROTHERS GARAGE NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY leading brands Fertilizer, Insect- Expert Mechanics - Free Estimates Weddings - JBabies Expert Funeral Designs - Corsages Portraits - Commercial TRAINING AT FULL PAY icides, Pet Supplies. Free del. Se PLANTS AND TREES Wedding Arrangements - Free Del. Paint, Body, Mechanical Repairs Habla Espanol. 3485 W. Flagler. 24 Hr. Wrecker Service-MO 6-4457 267 Alhambra Circle HI 8-9300 FLOWERS BY WIRE (10% Discount to Voice Readers) Start $46.50 week CALL HI 3-6051 REPEAT SPEC , 3130 S. W 107th Ave. CA 1-9098 BUSHY IXORA & HIBISCUS J. Manassa - MembeV St. Brendan's HOUSEHOLD GOODS INSTRUCTION PRINTING Regular increases 3 for 99c - Full Gallon Cans CARS - PARKING to $70 per week 3 foot Adoneida Palms - 97c TRIED Correspondence Courses? Patronize One of South Florida's Visitation Parish - Will MELANDOR NURSERY NOW Available Locally - Tutoring Oldest Catholic Print Shops sacrifice gas range - like new 15721 N. W. 7th Ave. WI 7-6971 PARK YOUR CAR at the Steady work Call NA 4-1272 after 6 and Classes in Radio & TV at M M Parking Lot downtown Miami ABBOT PRINTING CO. 102 Giralda Ave., Coral Gables 222 N.W. 2nd St., 3 blocks from T. & C. Missall, Props. Unlimited Daveno covers $4.98 - arm $1.98. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Contact R. E. Coleman HI 8-0742 Neat Letterpress, Offset, Engraving the Courthouse. Reasonable rates. advancement heavy chair throws $3.98; sofa BUSHEY'S GIFT SHOP (Member St. Theresas' Parish) Mike Murphy-Prop. Member Gesu 9080 N.E. 6th Ave. at Biscayne throws $4.98 up - Holly woods $7,49 Religious Articles PL 1-4176 Miami Shores opportunities WE SHIP . FACTORY SALES Statuary - Pictures SPANISH Conversational Course - "HOME OF UNION LABEL SIX' 638 N.W. 62nd Street - Miami 2401 N. Federal Highway intensive ..method Former Univ. Delray Beach, Florida instructor - CALL NA 4-3755 BUSINESS SERVICES For Your Printinz Needs Call APPLY TODAY 21 inch Admiral TV, toaster, PUBLISHERS PRESS, INC. vacuum cleaner, iron, mix-master WANTED French lessons by experienced Forms, Catalogs, Color Brochures, Employment Office & other items. Call WI 5-5919 French teacher,*children we Wanted by St. Vincent de Paul ANSWERING SERVICE Magazines 36 N. E. 2nd Street Double bed, mattress (brand new) adults. Call TU 7-8911 355 N. E. 59th St. PL 4-5475 CATHOLIC SALVAGE STORE No Answer Means No Business 8:30 A.M.-5 P.M. & springs $25: table 42 X 30, $8; Articles for the poor, furniture, PERSONALS complete baby's crib $5, RADIO AND TV appliances, household items, etc. ANSWERPHONE Monday - Friday 2-tier metal table cart $2. (All St. Vincent de Paul Soc. bene- Vagabondia III - 100' Diesel Yacht, Call MO 7-6644 evenings, weekends of Greater Miami FRANK'S TV SERVICE factors remembered-wkly masses). Cruise Fla. Keys-Bahamas or Cuba. takes your calls anytime. 24-Hour PHONE FR 3-3856 - Special NE 4-2900, PL 7-5432, PL 8-6856 House Calls $2.50-Guaranteed Wk. SOUTHERN BELL MISCELLANEOUS Service. For details Ph. PL 4-2646. NE 5-8507 (Corpus Christi Parish) pick-up days each neighborhood. WILLIAM J. MATTEI TELEPHONE CO. ARTISTS Cash register (itemizer), electric has successfully treated over 21,000 For the Best in Radio-TV Service National. Also adding machine. cases & supervised nearly a million Call MO 1-9815 105 N. E. 75th St. PL 7-7737 treatments for approaching bald- Portrait drawing from photos, White housekeeper, cook, live-in, HOME IMPROVEMENT! life size, pastel colors, a nice RUSSELL RADIO & TV SERVICE ness & falling hair. Ph. FR 4-7882 three school children, $40 week, 24 inch Westinghouse TV, table > now for consultation - no cost or gift - ONLY $7. Call HI 4-1633 other help. Call MO 1-9588 ICKROOM RENTALS model - needs picture tube, $35. AIR CONDITIONING obligation. (Member Gesu Parish). CALL MU 5-1276 Oil portraits done from photos - Middle aged woman wanted Jor MATTEI HAIR EXPERTS American Sickroom & Rental Co. mall laundry - all around work, AIR CONDITIONING $10 up. Write now for information Complete Sickroom Supplies for Royal DeLuxe Portable Type- Suite 302, Congress Building for Christmas giving; experience preferred, but not writer & case $25 ;° Craftsman REFRIGERATION WE RENT ROLL AW AY BEDS ANNE'S STUDIO 5555 Garden, Home and Patient essential - must be steady, Rip-Saw, Planer & bench with Residential — Commercial W-kly. Rates - Spring Aire Bedding W. Palm Beach - JUstice 5-3558 ^ALL JA 4-0014 or JA 4-8555 responsible, willing to work two % H.P. motors $80; Television - G.E. Appliances 405 N.Jed. Hwy. Ft. Lauderdale 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. - GOOD PAY. antique chairs - two for $50. Installation — Service MOTT'S FURNITURE MU 8-6313 Commercial artist, week-ends, N.E. or Miami Shores resident Call HI 8-9984 eves and weekends HENRY J. GALLAGHER 12,40 Opa-Locka Blvd., Opa-Locka evenings,, layout, lettering, IGNS preferred. Apply illustration. Ph. MO 7-2836 anytime 'Shores Spic and Span-Laundry TWO UPHOLSTERED LIVING Phone MU 1-7821 The Utmost in Care and Comfort EDVITO SIGNS 9835 N.E. 2nd Ave. Miami Shores ROOM CHAIRS — LIKE NEW BRICKLAYERS Elderly and Convalescent Patients BOOKKEEPING Excellent buys at $17.50 each Trucks - Walls - Gold Leaf Lady who wants home plus salary Vanity - dresser with mirror BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME 90 N. W. 54th St. PL 8-7025 LARGAY SANATORIUM Income Tax - Bookkeeping Service to take care of mother, 82. \ EACH $17.50 Brick & stone work - all kinds, rm. Naranja, Florida 10951 N. E. 3rd Ave. PL 8-3221 Mattresses - double & single $3 dividers, patios, flower box'es, etc LARGAY NURSING HOME BEN C. SWEETI LIGHT YOUR WAY and up - lamps 75c up, Free estimate Ph. Bennie NE 5-2862 'drmerly of Internal Rev. Service Visitation Parish -Expectant Miami, Florida 1707 N.W. 81st Ter. Call PL 8-8883 to better business mother wants responsible woman COMPLETE BEDS - $10 UPBUILDERS Registered Nurses In Charge ELECTRO NEON SIGN CO., Inc. to run home and care for two MANY other bargain! in house- Phone MO 6-4362 Bookkeeping and Tax Service small children while confined hold items - Women's shoes VAN HOEK, BUILDER Larry Monahan, OX 1-0805 (November) - must be agile and Homes, apts., additions or alter- Member K. of C. Individual AND Small Business 15c up, women's dresses 35c up, Jos. J. Collins - CALL MO 1-9681 2955 N. W.. 75th St. willing. CALL NA 1-0321 men's shirts 15c up, men's shoes ations. Free estimates. LO 4-2732 NOSE FACE EARS 25c to $3, wide selection of Ft. Lauderdale, 850 N.W. 42nd St. Miami, Fla. OSITIONS WANTED - FEMALE Corrective styling - plastic surgery. HAULING STATUARY children's wearing apparel 5c up, 139 S.E. 3rd Street 2-3 P.M. lovely evening gowns $2 & $3, CARPENTERS DEEDERER M.D. FR 3-0003 Trash Removal - General Cleanups Cpiphany Parish - Will do typing ALSO - disposing large quantities CARPENTER, own tools, any and Hauling. STATUARY my home • very accurate, of heavy winter clothing and Classroom, church OR home size job, ALSO painting. FLOAT A BOAT LOAN FOR SERVICE Call PL 1-6050 xperienced, reasonable. CE 5-5353 WOOLENS for the entire family- FREE ESTIMATE. Ph. TU 7-9418 Pay seller cash when you boy. Eight inch to LIFE size friends in the north or overseas. LOW down payment - 36 months. HEARING AIDS Repaired and refinished. FR*3-2972 St. Mel's Parish - Typing at Ladies' coats, sweaters etc. Repairs, alterations, painting my home. Letters, forms etc. Call Mr. PHILLIPS - FR 74781 WRAPPING SERVICE and cement work. No job too Dade Natl. Bank 1550 Bisc. Blvd. Auditone Hearing Aids and CALL MU 1-6152 SEE THESE BARGAINS small. CALL HI 4-1633 Accessories, Batteries & Cords THE BAREFOOT MAILMAN 145 N. E. 79th St. PL 7-0231 Immaculate Conception Parish - ST. VINCENT DePAUL Experienced carpenter - By hour 234 Valencia, C. G. (at the P. O.) Notre Dame student would like CATHOLIC SALVAGE STORE. Religious Articles, Gifts, Greeting or job, remodeling OR new work. AUTOMOTIVE NSURANCE to baby sit. Experienced. 801 N. Miami Ave. FR 3-3856 Call George LU 3-2066 - Ft. Laud. ^lards, Stationery, Gift Wrapping Call TU 74075 after 4. Open daily from 8 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Insurance Service Agency Inc. nd Mailing. Phone HI 4-1773, SATURDAYS UNTIL 12:30 All Types of Insurance St. Brendan's Parish CHINCH BUG CONTROL AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1338 1ST. W. 36th St. NE 5-0921 Experienced lady wishes care MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GIL HAAS SKIP HAAS Bonded Spray Service - C ihteed 1953 "Ford - 4-door Mainliner of children including light CHINCH BUG COJL, 2f EMPLOYMENT household duties. Call CA 1-3229 New & used Fenders, Ediphone, six cylinder. Call MO 1-8451 MOVING Roof Cleaning Ro^fCTatmg • WILL ACCEPT BEST OFFER Martins, Kay & Harmony Guitars, Pat Harris PL 8-1865 MOVING? • Hand ironing in my home Bass Fiddles, Amplifiers, P.A. HELP WANTED - FEMALE Deliver to Mrs. Soligny Systems - Microphones. Accordions. Power spraying for chinch bugs, AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Have Trucks for All Size Jobs • 2027% N.W. 22nd Ct. Call Joe NE 5-2461 and Drums. TV or Auto Radios. free fertilizer, all work guaranteed. ATOMIC SINCLAIR STATION Teacher needed for the 4th grade SAM'S RADIO & MUSIC LUNSFORD SPRAY SERVICE in S. Miami Parochial school. OSITIONS WANTED - MALE W. Hollywood YUkon 34370 Free estimates TU 7-6468 Open 24 hrs. - Mechanic on days MOVING Call MO 7-4745 between 10 -1 For Road Service Phone PL 44858 (Immaculate Conception Parish) Local and Long Distance ' St. Mary's Parish - Family man PIANO - returned Spinet, full 2 NW 79th St. Cor. N. Miami Ave. Cook for convent - S.W. resident, CLOVERLEAF VAN & STORAGE NEEDS night job - service station keyboard, like new. NEW CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION BILL GAGNON Member of Visitation Parish hours 3:30 - 5:30 Mondays through or what have yon? Call PL 8-7875 juarantee. Pick up payments of $3 COLLISION SERVICE Ph. NA 1-1883 NA 1-2684 (Miami) Fridays. Call MO 74745 week plus carrying charge. PATIOS, drives, walks, floors - Foreign Car Spec.-Paint-Body Shop WE MOVE between 9 and 5 weekdays OSITIONS WTD. - MALE or FEMALE GASH MUSIC CO. Keystone, color, any size job. Also Servicing all U.S. make cars Local and Long Distance Ladies - would you like to meet 13009 N. W. 7th Ave. Quality workmanship - MU 8-2151 1316 W. Flag. FR 9-5379-, FR 9-7220 Household Goods, Office Equipmt. nice people and earn money in JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Appliances, Pianos PL 1-7842 spare time selling fine table lall MOhawk 1-0809; CAnal 1-1889 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ANTHONY'S Transfer & Storage, settings? Call Ft. Lauderdale St. Brendan Conference WALK TO CHURCH AND SCHOOL JA 3-2670 from 4 - 6 P.M. St. Vincent De Paul Society BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LA-MAR TRANSFER LARGE FAMILY HOME CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Thriving small 'take-out' food LOCAL MOVERS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NEW 4 BEDROOM • 2 BATH • CENTRAL HEAT business in Ft. Lauderdale BUILT-IN KITCHEN • GRACIOUS & SPACIOUS near Catholic Church - Net $7,000 Furniture - Office Equipment CUSTOM a year. Couple can operate FAST - EFFICIENT SERVICE MARI • LOU - $18,900 Unusual low price - Lift Gate Vans • Free Estimate BUILDERS WATERFRONT Little cash required CLEANERS Call LU 3-0537 or P.O. Box 12092 Members of Corpus Christi and IMMEDIATE SERVICE ON NEW 3 BEDROOM • 2 BATH • DOUBLE UTILITY Pf M Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Immaculate Conception Parishes CENTRAL HEATING ., DINING AREA • A GOOD ' 1352 N. Miami Ave. FR 3-0023 SMALL JOBS Next to 7-11, Perrine , Remodeling Our Specialty CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RETIREMENT SPECIAL HOME BUILDING I SPECIAL 'TIL OCT. 3rd 2 BEDROOM • Bath • FLA. ROOM • EQUIPPED KITCHEN HIGH CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE PLANNING SERVICE PLENTY OF CLOSETS • NICE LOT Downtown Business Section — Key West, Fla. FINANCING ADVICE Men's Suits & Ladies' $11,900 24 Pan Revolving Oven - Complete Equipment Call CALL JA 4-3395 CALL Better than $50,000 Gross SEE—WM. KARLEY . CARL HEBESTREIT • GEO. McAFEE—SEE $15,000 Selling Price with Terms John Birch Jerry Bronner Plain Dresses - 79c Reason For Selling - Sudden Illness of Owner NO 6-6393 M0 1-9949 (Member Holy R'osary Parish) TOWN PROPERTIES, INC. Please call PL 8-9646 for details IN SEARS SHOPPING CENTER • 921 N. FED. HWY. • FT. LAUDERDALE the Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 33

The Market Place for Announcements Sales - Services - Rentals Real Estate

ELECTRICIANS PLUMBING (Cont'd) APARTMENTS - N.W. HOUSES FOR SALE - N.E. (Cont'd) HOUSES FOR SALE - N.W. (Cont'd) REAL ESTATE \ $1650 DOWN Includes Closing LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY JACK & SON St. Michael's Parish - NEW apts. $120 MONTH St. Mel's - School bus to «Joor, In "The Venice of America" efficiencies'& bedrooms, monthly Plumbing Contractors or yearly - furnished & unfurn. WITH OPTION TO BUY 3-bedroom CBS, stove, awriings, M1NNET ELECTRIC No Money Down - FHA Financing 941 N.W. 36th Ave. Apply Apt. 1 Doing unto others . . . Holy Family Parish - Walking dist. fencing. - $12,500 TOTAL Residential and Com'l Renovation All Work Guar. - 24 Hour Service 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, pool, large $79 month pays all. MU 1-2736 JACOB MILAVIC, PROPRIETOR ALDOR DRAGON, Mgr. We specialize in repair-remodelini St. Michael's Parish-Block Flagler, Heiss Realty, Inc. - Realtor Florida room, NEW condition, St. Brendan's Parish - Three CHEERFUL ESTIMATES FREE! 2035 N. W. 95th St. PL 7-7962 near "Kinloch School & shopping - 127 N. E. 1st Ave., Miami near schools & many stores. bedrooms, 1 bath, completely Ft. Lauderdale, LOgan 6-1421 Deluxe 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large FR 1-6023 HI 3-3151 (res.) furnished, plus appliances, LUdlow 3-2198 or LOgan 6-2832 REMODELING furnished duplex apartment, AN EXCELLENT BUY Call Helen DeAugustinis WI 7-0160 porch, large lot - ONLY $12,300 LOOR WAXING 1 bedroom has separate entrance, FLORIDA REALTY Bureau, Inc. 1930 S. W. 73rd'Court Rd. FREE ESTIMATES yearly lease. PHONE CA 1-3089 Visit our NEW branch office Holy Family Parish (Key next door) Call HI 8-9943 Specialist in home & com'l floor Remodeling kitchens, bathrooms 8411 Biscayne Blvd. PL 7-8545 244 N.W. 34th St. - 2-bedroom CLASSIFIED DISPLAY maintenance - any kitchen cleaned, wood paneling, painting, etc. apartment, nicely furnished, near LOW DOWN PAYMENT waxed & polished $1.50. MU 8-0460 Any size job - licensed, insured 2 churches. $70 yearly. FR 1-5762 3 bedroom CBS, partly CALL TU 7-9012 LOHR REAL ESTATE furnished, SACRIFICE $11,900 FORMICA Gesu Parish - Neatly furnished Specializing in Buying MARIE MITCHELL, Broker SEE ROOFING 2 bedrooms, near bus, quiet, $65 Selling and Renting Property Call MU 1-7735 evenings 400 N.W. 9th Ave. Call FR 3-5078 To Parishioners by Parishioners ANYTHING IN FORMICA ROOF CLEANING & COATING 1092 S. W. 27th Ave. Ph. HI 8,6511 HOUSES FOR SALE - MIAMI SHORES Sink Tops - As low as $28 by Weather-Tite Free Estimate OUR FREE ESTIMATES - TU 7-9012 For Tile - Gravel - Tar Felt Roof Gesu Parish -2 bedroom furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath CBS, Call MU 84004 OR MU 1-8830 apartment, also 1 office spaffce MARY MULLEN furnished or unfurnished, BEST LAWN MOWER SERVICE with living quarters. Realtor - Member St. Brendan's Large VA mortgage JOHN'S ROOFING Call FR 4-3708 Lots - Homes - Acreage - Rentals payable at $84 a month MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. Leaky Roofs Repaired 7385 S. W. 8th St. MO 1-7662 INQUIRE FROM BUYS Authorized Service and Parts $5 and up. MO 7-7096 DUPLEX • Large 2-bedrwm ARTHUR E. PARRISH, Realtor Fertilizers - Sharpening - Welding apartments, walk-in closets, hard- „ WILLIAM C. MURPHY 168 N. E. 96th St. PL 4-8696 Paul and Ray Gigon TREE SERVICE wood floors, modern furnishings. Realtor TODAY 27 S.W. 27th Ave. HI 4-2305 N. W. corner 50th St. & 11th Ave. Member - Corpus Christi Parish AVERETTS TREE SERVICE Call OWNER NE 5-5193 3191 N. W. 7th Ave. Ph. FR 3-2986 ONLY $17,500 LAWN SERVICE Trees trimmed, topped, removed St. Rose of Lima Parish - Miami $1,100 DOWN Licensed and insured 1-bedroom duplex - unfurnished, HOMES - HOMES - HOMES Shores home - Furn. 3 bedroom, SEE and compare. Believe it or LAWNS CUT, FERTILIZED Established over 12 years large closets, 2 bus lines, $70 1 bath, awnings, real fireplace cared for by white gardener MO 7-6103 5540 N.W. Zst Ave. PL 8-9495 SALES & RENTALS with gas heater, fully landscaped, not $17,000 total, true FHA value. Call MO 6-3054 evenings well for sprinklers, •fenced yard, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CBS, hardwood VENETIAN BLIND SERVICES APARTMENTS - S.W. ARTHUR E. PARRISH, Realtor floors, tile roof, attached garage, 168 N.E. 96th St. PL 4-8696 rear alley, immediate occupancy. Lawn sand, top soil, Terms - Call owner PL 4-1119 double lot 100'xlOO' Bring your pea rock, fill and sod. Venetian Blinds • Cornices Little Flower Parish - Large ROSS REALTY Sales, Inc. check book. By appointment. CALL MO 1-6291 Free Estimates • Guaranteed 1-bedroom duplex - furnished, HOUSES FOR SALE - N.W. Refinished - Repairs - Your Home $85 yearly, Gables bns. REALTORS 5889 S. W. 19th St. MO 1-7851 Residential and Income Lawn-yard maintenance, A-l work, STEADCRAFT - PL 9-6844 12301 N. E. 6th Ave. St. James Parish - 550 N.W. 133rd equipment, also trees trimmed, 9510 N.W. 7th Ave. PL 4-5575 or NE 3-3780 (eves.) St. - Two bedroom home, DUPLEX topped, removed. Call PL 8-7875. APARTMENTS-JJORAL GABLES WATER HEATERS $13,000 - Terms to suit (Member Corpus Christi Parish) STUDIO APARTMENT also $3,500 DOWN LOUIS E. MILLER PLG. CO WINCHELL St. Mel's Parish - Beautiful three PAINTING Ideal for working couple, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE bedroom house,_£enced back yard • MODERN, Furn,, ] bedroom each Water Heater Repairs & Sales close to buses and downtown side plus 2 Florida rooms. Close PAINTING, interior & exterior 4102 Laguna Est. 1930 HI 8-9912 Gables - $85 a month 806 Ponce de Leon Blvd. HI 3-7456 terrazzo floors and carporte (Member St. Theresa's Parish) $14,000 - shown by appt. only. to S.W. 37th Ave. and 24th St. Free estimate • Any size job CALL FR 9-0462 We Have Key. Member St. Mary's PL 7-3875 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3400 block N.W. 172nd Ter. APARTMENTS - MIAMI BEACH CALL OWNER MU 1-5495 No job too small, 25 years RENTALS experience - by contract OR time. St. Joseph's Parish - Normandy For Sale - LAUNDERETTE Norwood Section Home PHONE WI 7-7723 for estimate Isle - Bedroom apartment Shirt Service and Dry Cleaning, Three bedrooms - two baths CLOSE IN ROOMS N.E. Unfurnished $95 - Furnished $115 best N.E. location, $500 - $700 1001 N. W. 185th Drive DELIGHTFUL 2 bedroom, CBS, Father & son, 26 years experience YEARLY • Call UN 6-6691 weekly business - good living for tremendous " Florida room and in church, convent & residential St. Mary's Parish large family or two partners. St. Mary's Parish - Transferred, decorating - Coral Gables & S.W. Single rooms - reasonable • St. Joseph's Parish - Unfurnished Must have $10,000 - balance terms. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, new Florida rumpus building. Close to S.W. For color chart & estimate Clancy - 7529 NJE. 3rd Ave. very clean, attractive 1-bedroom, CALL PL 7-2998 during day room, fenced yard, immediate 2nd Ter. and 40th Ave. Terms. CALL MO 7-3528 26' living room, with porch, or PL 7-1175 after 6 P. M.~ occupancy - no qualifying, $17,500 We Have Key. ROOMS - N.W. cross ventilation, all facing CALL OWNER OX 1-1406 PLASTERING HOUSE FOR SALE N.E. Tatu1 m waterway near foot-bridge St. James Parish - Cheerful room, to" ocean, 5 blocks to parish Corpus Christi Parish-2 bedrooms, $1,850 DOWN Lathing and Plastering private entrance, semi-private church, must see to appreciate. Holy Family Parish - Near church furnished, tile roof, awnings, ANY TYPE OR DESIGN bath, pool privileges, 8025 Crespi Blvd. - UN 6-3583 and school. NEW duplex - Licensed and insured large lot, only $13,500 - Owner TOTAL only $7,950. Lovely 2 bed- gentleman only • $12.50 week. Resembles one-family residence, 1041 N. W. 42nd St. NE 5-5087 room • frame home. Balance, $7§ North Dade & Hollywood 1010 N.W. 133rd St. Call MU 1-3547 APARTMENTS • FT. LAUDERDALE TWO bedrooms each side. Ph. MU 8-8303 for free estimate 1351 N. E. 147th Street month includes all. No closing ROOMS - S.W. SURF EDGE ST. MEL'S cost. No qualifying. By appoint- PLUMBING Directly on the ocean • Miami Shores area - Two blocks Across the street - 3 bedrooms, ment. We have key. 3163 S. W. 22nd Ter. - Spacious, Air conditioned, TVs, free parking attractive room for retired or from St. Rose of Lima Parochial 2 baths, large screened porch, McCORMICK BOYETT middle-aged couple, $50 month, from $6 day • $100 month school and Church - also public 1 year new, well & sprinkler, Plumbing Co. 24 HR. SERVICEhome privileges. Call HI 3-6308 209 N. Atlantic Blvd. school - 2-bedroom CBS, porch, furnished or unfurnished #400 DOWN We specialize in plumbing repairs PHONE JA 2-9921 v carporte, automatic sprinkler FHA or conventional system, high and dry location, FURNITURE optional. True value 9443 Park Dr., Miami Shores, Fla. St. Theresa's Parish - LARGE HOUSES - N.E. ALBERT F. BAKER Day PL 7-0606 private bedroom and bath. furnished OR unfurnished. PL 1-3801 - eves MU 8-3923 $12,000. This lovely 3 bedroom, Night PL 9-0355, PL 8-9622 Call HI 4-5950 KEYSTONE TOURIST COURT $993 down will buy this beautiful CBS home has hardwood floors, house. FHA payments $84.97 mo. aluminum windows, Florida screen- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 6307 N. E. 2nd Avenue S. E. Corner room for lady, $10 - Total price $15,520. Brokers $590 DOWN .ed porch, large yard. Ideal for Efficiency Cottage & Trailer Spaces T V •• • IT -V W -W T near church, shopping center, 2 PHONE PL 4-6295 protected. Call owner PL 9-3732 Balance like rent - Price $11,900 children with school near by. " \e bus lines, cafeteria. Call MO 7-7082 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY have key. RELIEF! Geo. W. Lasche, Prop. WALK to Holy Family School ROOMS - COCONUT GROVE NO QUALIFYING from HOUSES - N.W. G. I. EQUITY Near Visitation Church & school BORING and BLASTING Nice single room, adjoining bath, St. Mary's Parish - Near bus & NO QUALIFYING 3 bedroom CBS, carporte. DUPLEX kitchen privileges, (ideal for schools. 2 bedrooms, bath, fully 3. bedrooms, 2 baths, screened Many extras . By OWNER • retired person) near stores and furnished, pool privileges, car- porch, large deluxe home. Call PL 7-4537 after 6 or week-ends PLACED 4Vi% mortgage. 2 bed- • bus. REASONABLE HI 4-4342 porte, yard maintained, $140 month Assume G.I. mortgage and pay St. Rose of Lima Parish-3 bedrms., rooms each Apt. Hardwood floors, $97 per month OR rent with jalousied Florida room, low down tile roof, tile baths. New lease on COMMERCIALS APARTMENTS - N.E. lease, CALL PL 9-3442 for appt. option to buy. payment, FHA $15,500 commit. 1 side. Israelite Center just around Get "BLAB-OFF" Holy Family Parish . 1 bedroom St. Mel's • Opposite Church 760 N.E. 146th Street Immediate occupancy. OWNER the corner. We have key. apartment, also efficiency,. NEW 2-bath - ready October 1st ALSO 10345 N.W. 2nd Ct. PL 4-9828 with 20-ft. sound 'CUT-OFF' Call MU 5-1740 or PL 1-3801 3 bedroom, 1 bath - furnished, air conditioned. low, low FHA terms. 1685 N. E. 124th St. PL 9-5172 OVER 25% NET RETURN Now $2.98 HOUSES - S.W. 1225 N.E. 142nd Street ALSO on $2,050 investment! RENT FREE $3.00 POSTPAID St. Lawrence Parish - Lady will TWO houses, outdoor BBQ, Attached t< speaker — cannot harm set share comfortable apartment with Near Christopher High School, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Florida room, 3 BEDROOM home plus 2 CBS • Install it Yourself in 2 Minutes four bedroom, two bath home, carporte, large deluxe home, patio, city sewers, separate meters. units. Asking $7,000 down. Owner business lady - convenient location unfurnished - $125 per month. low down payment, See 3018 N. W. 8th Ave. Over A Million Sold! Call WI 7-1948 eves or weekends. then call HEISS REALTY, Inc. will hold 1st mortgage. Close to IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY easy FHA terms. S.W. 8th St. and 15th Ave. oy Money Back Guarantee 832 N.E. 146th Street ' 127 N. E. 1st Ave. 201 N.E. 112th St. - Near Barry 8701 S.W. 42nd Terrace FR 1-6023 or FR 1-6023 anytime appointment. JACK CLIFFORD 2-bedroom duplex, furnished, Drive by — then CALL monthly. CALL PL 1-7990 STORES FOR RENT Clara Flood, Broker PL 4-6039 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 9525 S.W. 72nd Ave., Miami 56, Fla. GALL MO 1-3206 for C.O.D. Want a 'Result-Gelling' ad? LARGE, new light store, B-3 at Wanna make our Advertisers WE HAVE OTHERS happy? .. .Remember to t Miami School I (Member of Epiphany Parish) Just phone Miss Thompson 45 N. E. 14th St - only $75 PL 8-2507, and say "Charge It" Call PL 8-8298 after 6:30 P.M. you saw their ad in the 'Mart' REAL ESTATE [ CALL US TODAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY EXAM COURSES Authorized by j MeCormick - Boyett Plumbing Co. Florida Real Estate Commission WINCHELL Miami Pioneer Septic Tank Cleaners PROMPT DAY OR NIGHT (Permit #21) | Day and Night- Classes I REALTORS Serving Miami and All North Dade Areas Plumbing Repair Service All the instruct on you need 36 Years of Service in Dade County for the State Examination Member of St. Theresa Parity. RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Air Conditioned 806 Ponce de Lean H! 3-7456 PLaza 7-0606 Off-Street Parking Our Draintile Installations Carry A 5-Yr. Written Guarantee .; 9443 Park Drive Miami Shores 79th Street and Biscayne Blvd. Phone PL 7-1000 | ELECTRIC SEWER CABLE (S.E. Corner) — PL 9-6157 — THE VOICE 'MART' or PL 8-9646 j PLaza 9-0355 Nights and Sundays PL 8-9622 Centinued on next page r*age 34 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Central Catholic The Voice 'Mart9 CONTINUED FROM PAGtf 33 Squares Off HOUSES FOR SALE - S.W. SMALL ADS HOUSES - N. MIAMI BEACH {Cont'cfl St. Michael's Parish - 3 bedrooms, bring IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY With Hialeah partly furnished, large electric Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath kitchen, gas heat, attic fan, one BIG RESULTS • home, iy2 years new, FHA Fort Lauderdale Central Cath- block Flagler buses, by owner - commitment, screened patio, olic played its third game of 4529 S.W. 1st Street HI 8-290 in sprinklers, well & pump, other features - PRICE $21,500 the .season last night at Lock- REDUCED $2,000 370 East Drive (off 181st St. The Voice Mart _and N. E. 6th Ave.) Call hart Stadium with Hialeah High Near SS. Peter & Paul OWNER WI 5-6704 2112 S.W. 12th Ave. 3 bedrooms furnishing the opposition. (L air-cond.) 2 baths, completely Call PL 8-2507 HOUSES FOR SALE - COCONUT GROVE Details of the game will be in "furnished, sprinklers & well, Any week day from 9-5 WAS $19,500 - NOW $17,500 LIKE TO-LIVE HERE? next week's issue of THE Terms, Call OWNER FB 3-1607 Saturdays from 9-3 COCONUT GROVE SOUTH MIAMI VOICE. and up until CORAL GABLES REDUCED AGAIN! W. E. MARGICIN The Raiders' hopes for an . $500 4P.M. TUESDAYS BROKER MO 5-4447 undefeated season werp UNDER FHA VALUATION For FRIDAY Edition Member (New) St. Hugh's Parish squashed last Friday by citj 3 bedrooms, 1^4 bSfchs HOUSES FOR SALE - CORAL GABLES Only $500 cash includes closing Classified Rates rival Sfranahan as the Drag- costs, tile roof, terrazzo ons shut-out Central Catholic 3 LINE MINIMUM CHARGE St. Theresa's Parish - 2 story corner floors, on Gables bus line & 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, 6-0. 1 block to shopping center. Count 5 average words per line hardwood floors, 2-car garage,, This is a real terrific buy (with efficiency apt. for income) for ONLY $11,500 One Time per line 50c FHA commitment - Price $19,600 Central Catholic's strong de- OWNER 1237 Ferdinand-HI 6-2916 Gil' Hodges, first baseman, of the Los Angeles Dodgers, receives fensive line held the Dragons, 76' X 104' CORNER 13 Times " " 40c the 1959 CYO "Most Popular Dodger" trophy from Michael 26 Times " " 35c HOUSES FOR SALE - HIALEAH a slight pre-game favorite, $500 CASH Brooks, left, and Charles Diaz as Father John P. Languille, scoreless until the final period 52 Times " " 30c ftYO Director looks on. The popularity poll was conducted by Adorable 2 bedroom ranch style Legal Ads per agate line 50c Immaculate Conception Parish - 3 when Russell Smith scored from home near Trail. Stove, bedroom, large corner lot - fenced, The Tidings in Los Angeles and ceremonies were held in the the three yard line. refrigerator, well and pump, Death Notices " " " 50c beautiful NEW Florida room, Coliseum. (NC Photos) panelled snack bar - $41 month vacant - ONLY $12,000 Classified Display Rates on present 4% VA mortgage - The Raiders moved to the One Time —per col. inch $3.00 $13,500 total - also new FHA Stranahan 19 yard line late in 80' X 138' CORNER Call OWNER TU 8-7665 the final period but could not 4 Times " " " -$2.90 TIPS FOR TEENAGERS 3 BEDROOM — 2 BATH score. Beautiful CBS home with 13 " " " " $2.70 HOUSES FOR SALE - HOLLYWOOD 52 " .«•»«. $2.50 Florida room, enclosed patio, St. Stephen's Parish - 6128 Lynn Whelan, Central Cath- built-in oven and .range, dish- S.W. 11th St. - 2 bedrooms, In Looking Back At Failure, olic's ace halfback, was in- washer, garbage disposal, side- — Notice to Advertisers — 1 bath, Florida room, tile roof, jured in the third period and walks, sewers, carpeting. Near in carporte, walking distance his loss greatly handicapped, St. Brendan's and Christopher church, schools & shopping, Columbus High School, also BROWARD COUNTY $9900 - Call OWNER YU 3-3385 Did You Have Faith In God? the Haiders' offense in the it pubilc schools -. selling at nal moments of the game. %-^ true FHA valuation $18,500 Call JIM ROGERS HOUSES FOR SALE - FT. LAUDERDALE By Father Gabriel W. Hafford make reparation to the Sacred LUdW 3-6403 The Central Catholic rugged MARY MULLEN QUEEN OF MARTYRS PARISH The trouble with too many of Heart to avert punishment for RLALTOR MO 1-7662 (Before 4 p.m. Mondays) 2725 S.W. 9th Street line received more accolades us is that we do, not have the an unthinking world. Pray for for their play with Bill Salter, 7385 S.W. 8th St. (Trail) 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new home, only 2 blks. to church, grade school confidence we should have "In those who do not pray at all. tackle, particularly outstanding. 3230 S.W. 87th CT. HOUSES FOR SALE - NORTH MIAMI Catholic High School and large God. Perhaps we spend too (Open from 10 to 6 everyday) Shopping Ctr. A beautiful home! much time thinking of the num- Near St. Brendan's 771 N. W. 117 Street Joseph Kay Builders, Inc. NEW 3 bedroom, closed garage, 2 bedroom frame, excellent PHONE JAckson 34034 ber of times we failed because The GENERAL TIRE FINCHER no closing costs - no qualifying condition, large yard, fruit we relied on our own strength MOTORS LOW DOWN PAYMENT trees, furniture optional. NO CLOSING COSTS and not enough time remember- of MIAMI, INC. and HO taxes - no insurance PRICE $8500 NO QUALIFYING ing how much God helped us for this year, city water Terms available when we did our best and left Beautiful large home on 1-aore the rest up to Him. If we are PRESENT . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Open Daily lot. Must be sold NOW - LOOK IT OVER Jim McCormack trying to do our duty, and ask ARCHITECTS BUY IT FROM God's help in prayer, we ought ARTHUR E. PARRISH, Realtor AMERICAN REALTY APPRAISERS to be all set. The perfect ex- 168 N.E. 96th St. PL 4-8696 & Development Corp. REALTORS Office "O" - Times Square ample of well - directed confi- dGDEN & ASSOCIATES 555 N. W. 129th Street Ft. Landerdale, Fla. dence is David. He had a stone, a target and a lot of confi- 12004 NORTH MIAMI AVE. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot ,O 6-2421 - (Eves) LO 4-8165 Selling at FHA valuation dence in God. PL 4-6998 QUEEN OF MARTYRS PARISH $15,400 4 houses - $15,500 to $16,250 Other terms available 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Florida DRIVE — A successful per- if desired. room, 2 to 5 blocks to church, son is intent on what he intends The UNIVERSITY of Open Daily schools, shopping center & bug. to do. How To Be A LOOK IT OVER Owner - W. F. Wolff, LU 3-6916 THEN BUY IT FROM 2861 S. W. 10th Street EARLY AMERICAN * ARTHUR E. PARRISH, Realtor Success In Business 168 N. E. 96th St. PL 4-8696 This is the time of year ST. CLEMENT'S AREA we get a handful of stories NOTRE DAME Early to Bed HOUSES FOR SALE - N. MIAMI BEACH REDUCED about religion classes for lit- tle Christians. Here is the Family home (one year NEW) on REDUCED Early to Rise one about a little Indian boy beautiful Sky Lake, 3 bedrooms, REDUCED GAMES 2 baths, fenced yard, 2 blocks who turned up at home with Work Real Hard NOW ONLY $21,500! St. Lawrence school. Owner his own kind of theological Replays of .-£. and transferred. $35,000' . Large new 3 bedroom, 2 bath 19450 N.E. 22nd Rd. WI 5-3334 home, close to everything - virtue sequence. - It was, Saturday Advertise shops - schools - churches Faith, Hope and Cherokee. It Games—Direct eaturing co-op swimming pool • is a simple matter to guess from South Bend REDUCED $2,000 co-op recreation center, to what tribe his folks be- in St. Lawrence Parish - New school police-protected school crossing. scene of 3 blocks - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, JEN ADA VILLAS longed. action large closets, 2 linen closets, 2808 N. W. 9th Terrace The Voice 'Mart' iving room, dining room, Florida Ft. Lauderdale, Florida FLYING CORKS From The roojn, tile roof, 2 car enclosed Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday Pop House — "That poor dope ;arage, dream kitchen, utility room from 2 to 5 P.M.. Just Call ustom built home, lot 9O'xl35 - thinks that every golden oppor- less year old - owner transferred AMERICAN REALTY tunity is a blonde." Miss Thompson LO 6-2421 - (Eves) LO 6-2259 EVERY net $28,50045,000 down. YOUR AIM TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED OTS FOR SALE - LAKE WORTH It is sad that so many young PL 8-2507 19520 N. E. 21st Ct. WI 7-6763. Double lot - 110 x 125 (Tract 16) Off Lake Worth Rd. in Sunset persons are going to school unday and say May we present Ridge Subdivision - $1050. without a clear picture of just a i YOUR advertising message Write owner 1181 N. W. 40th St.. what they are trying to learn. 'Charge It" TO MORE THAN 50,000 Miami OR call MUrray 1-6179 Few have a clear-cut picture of 1:45 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. LOYAL readers every week? Phone Ad-Taker PL 8-2507 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY what they want to do and what they are able to do. It is a WCKT CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY wwwwwwv great time-saver if you are ac- 'Land Ahead of the Headlines" tually taking all the courses Channel 7 Builders - Investors ! you will need to fit you for your We Will Build For You 1. 40 ACRES - near Heftier $1500 per acre life's work. It will save a great 2. 103 ACRES - IVi miles Homes — Duplexes — Units — Stores or Warehouses beautiful lake frontage, amount of effort if you move exclusive area A special Duplex, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, $13,500 $140,000 - 29% down slowly but directly to your goal. 3. 325 ACRES - Industrial built on your lot. Also free estimates on your plans. $600 per acre Get it straight in your mind 4. 4400 ACRES - 4 miles from city limits - 1 now, and stay with it. CALL NOW - JAckson 3-4034 mile state road frontage $400 per acre TO BE HAPPY — The only ALL HIGH AND DRY -' Joseph Kay Builders, Inc. thing you have to satisfy is See Every Thrilling Play of the WE HAVE OTHERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS your conscience. NOTRE DAME vs. PURDUE Di LORETO - REALTOR THE SACRED HEART 1200 N.E. 3rd STREET Call WI 5-5271 Miami Try to start the Nine First SUNDAY. OCTOBER 4th! FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. (Member Holy Family Parish) fridays this rnpnth. We must The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 Page 35

"Smart Buyers Set The Best Buys a! -McS/lde's"

• • • • The Largest Stock of Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors In the Greater Miami Area


By Appointment Only

2824 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 734 N.E. 123th St. HI 6-9-345 North Miami's Smartest Coral Gables Liquor Store St. Ann's undefeated football team will be host to Christopher Naples and Jupiter. John Hosinski and Bob Mondron, graduates Columbus High 'Saturday night at Cooley Stadium, West Palm of the University of Notre Dame, form the St. Ann's coaching staff. Beach. The Crusaders young team has scored surprise wins over Phone JU 2-3232 Knights To Battle Explorers Shoot For Upset 'Ambitious'Rams, Southwest High LANG'S Against Unbeaten Crusaders Face Okeechobee SUPER LIQUOR ST0S1E Tonight In Gables AREA FREE DELIVERY ' The first inter-Catholic High Walt Jones, who has been at An ambitious St. Anastasia A badly bruised Archbishop 129 N. Federal Hwy. Lake Worth, Fla. football game of the season will right half, will move to Young's High of Ft. Pierce will open Curley High team will make a take place tomorrow night at its season tonight with Okee- strong bid for the Gold Coast old berth and junior Bubba Col- West Palm Beach when unde- chobee High invading the Rams' Conference south division cham- lins will start at right half. Bob feated St. Ann's plays host to field. pionship tonight at the Coral Christopher Columbus High of Kizlik is the Crusaders regular Gables Stadium when the Miami. starter at fullback. Last week's game between Standard.... alights meet defending titlists Ocoee and St. Anastasia was Southwest High. - The Crusaders of West No changes in the line are cancelled at the last moment Palm Beach have been the planned. "We are really in bad shape surprise team of the diocese due to inability of Ocoee to trav- Supply & Lnmber Company for this game," Coach Sam to date as Coach John Hosin- el to Ft. Pierce to complete a COMPLETE BUILDING SERvfCES Scarnecchia said, "with start- For Columbus, Coach Pete ski's young squad has run up home-and-home agreement. 172 N.W. 13th St. Phone 8554 ers Richard Martinez, Tony Aiello is also planning a ma- 69 points in beating Naples BOCA RATON, FLORIDA Armaly, Gene Duffy and and Jupiter. jor change in his backfield po- Coach Bob Scott of St. Anas- Firsch on the doubtful list." sitions. tasia, in his first year at the AH four are still suffering St. Ann's, with only five let- head of the Rams, will count on from bruises received in the termen on the team, has relied "Jack Ellison is too good a fullback David Laport, halfback tough struggle the Knights had on the running and passing of halfback to be used at querter- Tommy Richmond and quarter- with Hialeah two weeks ago be- Denny Young and an aggressive back, so, I'll move him to hisback Peter Austrick to carry fore pulling out a last-minute line headed by team Captain old position and shift John Fer- the offensive load against Okee- AND PERMANENT EXTERIOR WALL FINISHES ris from half to quarterback," 12-7 win. Ric Pizzi. chobe'e". ALUMINUM SIDING - BONDSTONE ASBESTOS SIDING LOST TO SQUAD Aiello said. Armaly, who scored the No Money Down—LOW AS $10 PER MONTH—Serving Dade Co. 21 Yrs. winning touchdown on a 65- The Crusaders, however, will Ellison was a starting half on yard run, and Duffy have not have a re-organized backfield last year's Columbus team 1411 N.W. 54th STREET LEROY, Inc. OX 1-6242 been able to work out this for the meeting with Columbus while Ferris was the second n week while Martinez's shoul- as quarterback Mike Griffin team ^quarterback. der and chest wounds have has been lost to the squad due POINT HUNGRY severely restricted his move- to torn ligaments received in PRINTING ments. last week's game. The Explorers took a 40-0 licking from point-hungry Key IZ—/ Loss of Armaly, Duffy and "The loss of Griffin will be West last Friday but Aiello was Martinez will put the Curley of- a great blow as Mike was not discouraged. fense at a great disadvantage idly developing into an out- as the trio of veterans had been standing quarterback and has "The boys learned a lot . . . Specializing counted on to carry the brunt of from the game and the im- been our team leader," Coach in Cljurch Work Boca Raton 8588 Lake Worth JU 2-9048 the Knights' attack. Hosinski commented this provement between the first and second halves was consid- Delray CR 6-6037 West Palm Beach VI 8-2531 Tom Shannon, a capable un- week. erable," he added. * derstudy and regular on the defensive unit, will step into Hosinski will move Young * from his left halfback post to Aiello cited the offensive play Duffy's quarterback spot if of Ellison and Dick Parodi for • necessary while Nick Silverio the quarterback job. Young was an understudy to Jim Ghioto commendation and the defen- will substitute for Armaly at sive efforts of Tom Ellison at * ialf. last year at the spot and should fill in well though the loss of end and Tom McNickol at line- Martinez's fullback post will his running ability at half will backer. BENNIS r go to Jim Masai. be serious. Columbus is expected to be at \CKf It The balance of the Curley full strength for St. Ann's and PRINTING AMERICAS LARGEST "ON THE TRAIL" squad is in good shape and the Explorers are shooting for PONTIAC OlALER 665 S.W.6-ST. MIAMI changes are contemplated. Catholic High an upset win to make Aiello's COMPANY DETROIT- FLINT- MIAMI homecoming a success. Pete is FINE CARS - FINE SERVICE The Knights lost to Southwest Football Standings a native of West Palm Beach last year and with a number of 1072 Ali Baba Ave. lettermen back, the Eagles All Games Opa-Locka, Florida should be just as strong. They W L T LOUIS E MILLER opened their season last Friday St. Ann's, W.P. Bch. 2 0 0 PLUMBING CO. • with a one-sided victory over EST. 1930 Archbishop Curley, Mia. 10 0 A L E S Miami Beach. Cent. Catholic, Ft. Laud. 110 WATER HEATER *S\ R V , CE Chris. Columbus, Mia. 0 10 Phones: HI 8-9912 and- HI 6-1414 4102 Loguna St. Coral Gables Phone MU 8-6301 Last Week's Results YOU CARRY . St. Ann's Schedules CUT-RATE I THEY HAVE TO St. Ann's 43, Jupiter 6 St. Anastasia High Ft. Lauderdale Stranahan 6, Central Catholic 0 F/SCHER. St. Ami's of West Palm AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 3each and St. Anastasia of Ft. Key West 40, Christopher Co- • Engine Overhaul lumbus 0 ii Real Estate Pierce have agreed upon a • Automatic Transmission football game for Thanksgiving This Week's Schedule INSURANCE • Power Steering Day night, Nov. 26, at Ft Tonight MORTGAGE " Pierce. Curley at Miami Southwest, • Power Brakes LOANS FOR A FEW DOLLARS St. Anastasia is also looking Coral Gables Stadium POSSIBLE SAVINGS? for a game for the week-end Okeechobee at St. Anastasia, Ft. Pierce TIM HAYES & SONS US NO. OLIVfi WEST PALM BEACH t of Oct. 30-31 and may play Mi- (Oppostt* Mntgmwr WaD a m i Christopher Columbus Saturday Night 12270 N.E. 13th Court which originally had scheduled Christopher Columbus at St. Phone TEmple 24208 . St. Patrick's- -, Ann's,.. West Palm Beach N. Miami — PL 1-2054 Page 36 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 SHARE IN THESE BIG SAVINGS ON UAL FOODS! PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY AT ALL FOOD FAIR STORES . ,' . FROM FT. PIERCE TO KEY WEST f