THE VOICE P.O. Box 52-684, Miami 52, Flo. Return Postage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida Volume 1, No. 29 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy October 2, 1959 w Major Seminary To Be Built In Diocese Vincentsans Bishop's First P!csn Boynton Anniversary Institution Is Observed Supplementing the minor seminary which One year ago, Bish- opened just a month ago, op Coleman F. Carroll Bishop Coleman F. Car- assumed his duties as roll today revealed that the spiritual head of the a new major seminary '?* "feated Diocese of will be built in the Dio- M i i^Ji, embracing 16 cese of Miami. counties of South Flor- ida recognized as the It will be constructed and fastest - growing section operated by the Vincentian of the United States. Fathers who now staff the St. John Vianney Minor Semin- On Wednesday of next week, ary in Southwest Miami. Its )ct. 7, Bishop Carroll will ob- location will be at Boynton serve the first anniversary of 1 Beach on South Florida's East lis installation. Coast, in Palm Beach Coun- On that day, the Feast of ty. The site is a tract of 80 the Most Holy Rosary, Bishop acres. Carroll will celebrate a Mass MINOR SEMINARY ADDITION <>f Thanksgiving at 9 a.m. in St. Mary's Cathedral. Boys The new major seminary is and girls who attend the St. expected to be ready for occu- Mary school will be present pancy in 1961. to assist at the Mass. CHURCH'S Bishop Carroll also announc- ed today that an addition to GREATEST PROBLEM the new St. John Vianney Min- When Bishop Carroll arrived or Seminary will be built. n Miami, he declared that the It will be opened in Septem- eatest problem facing the ber, I960. urch today in South Florida as the shortage of priests. Out- As a result, young men study- tanding among the accomplish- ing for the diocesan priesthood lents of the Diocese during the will be able to complete their iast 12 months have been the entire course of studies leading activities directed toward solv- to their ordination without leav- ing that problem. These in- ing South Florida. They will re- clude: ceive four years of high school work and two years of college ** Construction of the new in the enlarged minor seminary St. John Vianney Minor Semi- and then move on to the new nary ir "-"Uthwest Miami which major seminary at Boynton was dj4| £ed Sept. 7 and open- Beach for their final six years ed Sept. &. Plans also have been of preparation, consisting of announced for a new Faculty Building to house the Vincen- Continued On Page 2 tian Fathers who staff the sem- Continued On Page 15 Pray Rosary, Papal. Delegate Encyclical Asks VATICAN CITY (NC) — A Visits President new encyclical urging all | Catholics to say the Rosary WASHINGTON (NO — during October has been is- Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, sued by Pope John XXIII. Apostolic Delegate to the 1 United States, formally met The encyclical is the third President Eisenhower for the thus far written by fhe Pon- first *<E>e at the White tiff and lists five specific in- Housr '" tne 'w0 c'la"e^ tentions for which the faith- for 25 minutes. ful should pray, including world peace, his own guid- The seventh representative ance and the success of the of the Holy See to the Unit- ' ecumenical council. ed States Hierarchy was the if first caller received by the (A news story on the ency- President since the Chief clical appears on Page 3. Executive bade good-bye to I The full text of fhe docu- Soviet Premier Nikita Bishop Coleman F. Carroll < ment will be published soon Khrushchev. { by The Voice.) Marks First Anniversary Of Installation As First Bishop Of Miami On Oct. 7 Page 2 The Voice, Miami, Fla., Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 New Bishop PRINTING Of Worcester • LETTERHEADS • ENVELOPES • BULLETINS WEDDING INVITATIONS - SCHOOL PAPERS ANNOUNCEMENTS — BROCHURES — FOLDERS Is Enthroned SERVICE OFFSET PRINTERS 4015 Aurora Street HI 5-2419 Coral Gables, Florida WORCESTER, Mass. (NO —Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan, formerly of Norwich, Conn, has been formally enthroned as the second Bishop of the nine-year- -old Diocese of Worcester, Mass., which embraces some 300,000 Catholics in one county. 3705 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, MIAMI 37, FLORIDA THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHTING FIXTURES Richard Cardinal Cashing, AND LAMPS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND Archbishop of Boston, who INSTITUTIONAL USE gave the sermon when the new Worcester leader .was FR 4-8161 consecrated in 1953, was the installing prelate and the speaker during the ceremonies in St. Paul's Cathedral. Cardinal Cashing told the con- gregation and the thousands Construction ot the new Catholic Student Center asko, O.P., assistant, inspect the partially com- watching the service on tele- at the University of Miami, Coral Gabies, was pleted building accompanied by Newman Club vision or hearing it by radio begun-in June. Father John F. Monroe, O.P., president Sal Vecchio. that Catholics should rejoice left, chaplain, and Father Stephen B. Jur- that Pope John XXIII has sent them a Bishop "who brings to MEANS BOATING PKIOE his new See a wealth of ex- Bishop Chides Vincentian Fathers To Build . AND FUN IN EVERY RIDE. perience and power, of spiritual leadership." 'Soft' Citizens Bishop Flanagan headed the Major Seminary In Diocese Norwich, Conn., diocese from ALBUQUERQUE, NM. — A its founding in 1953 until his Catholic bishop has stigmatized Continued From Page 1 ginning of construction will be transfer to Worcester. the "new softness" of Ameri- two years of philosophy and announced later. •. • •. t four years of theology. can society and called for a "re- ST. VINCE The Cardinal also paid tribute INVITATION ACCEPTED DE PAUL HONORED to Bishop Flanagan's predeces- bellion" against it on the part • of young people. Acceptance of Bishop Carroll's The Vincentians began this sor, Bishop John J. Wright, who invitation to build and staff a week a year of celebration became spiritual leader of the Bishop Paul J. Hallinan of major seminary on the 80-acre honoring the tercentenary anni- Diocese of Pittsburgh in Jan- Boynton Beach tract was made versary of the death of St. uary, 1959. Charleston, S.C., asserted that already there are many young by the Very Rev. Sylvester A. Vincent de Paul, the founder Taggart, CM., Visitor of the of modern-day seminaries and SEETHE people who are "quietly H>ut firmly in rebellion against ,all Eastern Province of the Congre- patron of charity for the Uni- THUNDERB1RD this softness." gation of the Mission, with head- versal Church. LINE quarters at Philadelphia. Bishop Hallinan was keynote They already conduct eight FROM 14' TO 24'-... speaker at the national conven- Father Taggart, who deliver- major seminaries and 10 minor SLEEK, SMOOTH, FIT. tion of the National Newman ed the sermon at the dedication seminaries, including St. John Club Federation at the Univer- of St. John Vianney Minor Vianney here, in various cities ALL FIBERGLAS sity of New Mexico. Seminary Sept. 7, said that throughout the United States. In addition, the congregation also • (NO WOOD) Bishop Carroll's invitation was Bishop Hallinan listed a num- "wholeheartedly approved" by directs three universities, four HULLS ARE ber of examples of the "new •the Provincial Council, after high schools, 12 mission houses PRACTICALLY softness" in U.S. society. which it was sent to the Council and a house Of studies at Wash- MAINTENANCE Among them: General of the Congregation in ington, D.C. FREE. • The so-called "beatniks," Paris, who granted permission Members also do parish work alleged rebels who in reality, for the Vincentian Fathers to and carry on other activities, he said, "are in a delayed stage proceed with the project. including care of the sick, aged of adolescence." Preparation of architects' and infirm, of prisoners, orph- • The apparent readiness of plans for both the new iriajor ans and the insane in many this country to "fall for a shab-" seminary and the addition to institutions. by sales pitch from one of our the minor seminary is expect- In Panama they care for lep- more unpleasant lobbies, the or- ed to start soon. Dates for the ers at Palo Seco and they also ganized birth-controllers." groundbreakings and the be- serve 13 missions in Mississip- pi, Missouri, Texas, Alabama, TIMES North Carolina and the Canal President Proclaims Zone. LUXURY 3 BEDROOM ._ 2/2 *,,,, Other Vincentis devote Screened Pool and Patio Overlooking themselves exchishrajr-fo pro- Coral Ridge Country Club. $49,500 National Day Of Prayer moting novenas in honor of OPEN 2 to 5 — 4408 KLE. 22nd ROAD President Dwight D. Eisenhower has set aside Oct. 7 Our Lady Of the Miraculous as a National Day of Prayer and called upon fellow Ameri- Medal, a perpetual novena cans to join in prayer on that day. In his proclamation, the established in 3,000 churches President said: and chapels in this country EXECUTIVE MANSION 4 B-~». 4*-.«. Elizabeth Kormendy, an ar- and in 17 foreign countries. MARBLE LIVING ROOM, TRI-LEVEL tist of Washington, • D.C., Let us. give thanks for the bounty of Providence which Plus POOL • PATIO • MAJD'S QUARTERS made this ceramic entitled has made possible the growth and promise of our land. Mrs. Baker Attends WATERFRONT • DOCK • "Kitchen Madonna." Mary Let us give thanks for the heritage of free inquiry, wears an apron and holds a sound industry, and boundless vision which have enabled Polish Alliance Meeting EXQUISITELY FURNISHED $100,000 loaf of homebaked bread in us to advance the general welfare of our people to un- COEiAL GABLES — Mrs.
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