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By Kevin Bean

By Kevin Bean

By Kevin Bean

© Copyright 2009, by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.

Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that a royalty must be paid for every performance, whether or not admission is charged. All inquiries regarding rights should be addressed to Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., PO Box 4267, Englewood, CO 80155.

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On all programs, printing and advertising, the following information must appear: 1. The full name of the play 2. The full name of the playwright 3. The following notice: “Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado” Dedication

Thank you so much to everyone at Footlight Players who helped me along the way, and especially Caitlin Simkovich, who had an endless amount of patience and guidance for me during the writing process.

Also thank you to my wife, Kelly, and my children, Caleb, Cecilia and Laurel, for providing me with inspiration.

ii For preview only NOT-SO- TALES By KEVIN BEAN

CAST OF CHARACTERS (In Order of Speaking) # of lines DAUGHTER ...... young, happy and 32 impressionable MOTHER ...... intelligent and caring; wants 40 the best for her daughter LITTLE RED ...... strong, no-nonsense feminist 21 LITTLE RED’S MOTHER ...... caring environmentalist; 3 kind of a hippy WOLF ...... typical alpha-male… with 19 a secret GRANDMOTHER ...... aged political activist; also 2 a hippy WOODSMAN ...... jock 1 MORGANNA ...... Snow White’s stage mother and 15 stepmother SNOW WHITE ...... strong, intelligent, politically 19 motivated MIR’AH ...... fl ashy and fabulous; best as a 8 male WORKER 1 ...... poor and rough around the edges 7 WORKER 2 ...... same 5 MR. PRINCE ...... clean-cut, well-meaning 4 professional CINDERELLA ...... an artist; intelligent and idealistic 38 STEPMOTHER ...... snobby, upper-class elitist 20 STEPSISTERS (2) ...... fake, silly, interchangeable with 12 each other; no identity of their own; attached at the hip… literally FAIRY GODMOTHER ...... rough around the edges; best as 21 a male actor in drag CHARMING ...... eccentric artist who hates 22 upper-class snobs

iii For preview only SET DESCRIPTION Time: Modern day. Place: A living room. There are a desk and chair UP RIGHT and an oversized chair, big enough for two, DOWN RIGHT. The desk and chair can be placed on an optional platform. Otherwise, the stage is bare.

Not-So-Grimm Tales - Set Design

iv For preview only NOT-SO-GRIMM TALES

1 LIGHTS UP to reveal DAUGHTER playing with some dolls DOWN CENTER. She has a princess doll and a stuffed animal she is using as a monster. There could also be a few crayons and a few sheets of paper scattered by the oversized chair. Her MOTHER sits at desk UP 5 RIGHT, working. DAUGHTER: (Performs the voice of the stuffed animal.) Grrrr! Where’s my dinner? I’m hungry! The townspeople were supposed to leave me a pretty princess to eat! (As doll.) Please don’t eat me, mister monster! I promise I would never hurt you! (As stuffed animal.) 10 Rowr! I don’t care! I’m going to gobble you up! (As doll.) Help! Help! Somebody save me! (Pauses and looks around.) Mommy? MOTHER: Yes, dear? DAUGHTER: Where’s my prince doll? MOTHER: It’s here, baby. 15 DAUGHTER: Can you bring it to me? MOTHER: Why don’t you just play nice with your princess doll? DAUGHTER: Well, who’s going to save her from the monster? MOTHER: (Grabs the prince doll and gets up.) Why can’t the princess save herself? (Moves to DAUGHTER during the following lines.) 20 DAUGHTER: Mommy, that’s silly! The princess can’t save herself! MOTHER: And why not? DAUGHTER: Because she’s a princess! MOTHER: What does that have to do with anything? DAUGHTER: Mommy! That’s how the story always goes. The princess 25 gets in trouble, and she needs her prince to come and save her! MOTHER: Hmmm. Would you like to be a princess? DAUGHTER: Oh, could I, Mommy? MOTHER: And what if you got in trouble? Couldn’t you outsmart the big monster and get away? 30 DAUGHTER: Nope. I’d call my prince to come and save me. Those are the rules. MOTHER: I haven’t been spending enough time with you. DAUGHTER: What? MOTHER: I don’t know about some of these rules of yours. You 35 shouldn’t always believe everything you hear. A lot of times there are other sides to the story. DAUGHTER: What do you mean? MOTHER: Well, for instance, sometimes the girl gets to be the hero.

1 For preview only 1 DAUGHTER: She does? MOTHER: Sure! Would you like to hear a story? DAUGHTER: Yes! MOTHER: Okay, come here. (Sits in chair DOWN RIGHT, taps the space 5 next to her. DAUGHTER brings her dolls and sits cozily next to MOTHER.) Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Little Red Riding Hood. (LIGHTS DIM on MOTHER and DAUGHTER. LITTLE RED ENTERS LEFT, pushing a costume rack. OTHER ACTORS for the fi rst story run ON RIGHT and LEFT and grab their costumes, 10 then EXIT. LITTLE RED takes a red cloak from the rack.) LITTLE RED: (Putting on the cloak.) Hi! My name of course implies that I am of lesser height than others, which I am. It’s important to understand that my height in no way implies a judgment of my character, but rather is a moniker given to me as a sign of 15 affection by my loving, strong, intelligent and, in her own way, beautiful mother. The name Red came from a stifl ing right-wing extremist who was unable to comprehend my advanced political views. I wear it now as a badge of honor for my fallen comrades. LITTLE RED’S MOTHER: (ENTERS LEFT, holding a basket.) Pardon me, 20 Little Red? Your grandmother has fallen ill, and I would like you to deliver this basket of organic vegetables and hand bottled spring water to her non-habitat-destroying cottage in the woods. LITTLE RED: (Takes the basket.) Yes, Mother. LITTLE RED’S MOTHER: Thank you. I hope you don’t mind making 25 the trip. LITTLE RED: No, of course not. I know that visiting the elderly is an important way for me to get to know strong female role models from the generation that paved the way before me. LITTLE RED’S MOTHER: How wise you are. You’re so strong and smart 30 and beautiful in your own way. LITTLE RED: I know only what you have taught me, Mother. (They salute and LITTLE RED’S MOTHER EXITS LEFT.) MOTHER: And so Little Red went skipping on her way into the forest. LITTLE RED: (Skips in place.) I would like to point out to you that I 35 am skipping not because I am fulfi lling a young girl stereotype, but because I understand that proper cardiovascular exercise combined with an organic vegetarian diet is the best way for me to maintain physical and mental health. Plus, I enjoy it! (Exaggeratedly smiles like someone selling a fi tness video.) 40 WOLF: (ENTERS RIGHT. Whistles.) Hey, baby, stop and hang out for a while.

2 PHOTOCOPYING THIS SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS For preview only 1 LITTLE RED: Excuse me? I will not be spoken to in that degrading manner. I am not your “baby,” and I don’t need you to tell me what to do. However, I forgive you as you are obviously a product of a repressive upbringing in which you succumbed to the stereotypes 5 placed upon one of your animal classifi cation. WOLF: Yeah, sure. I was just thinking that a pretty little thing like yourself skipping all alone in the woods probably needs someplace to rest for a while. I’ve got a sweet condo with a riverside view. Why don’t you come back to my place, and we’ll throw a few steaks on 10 the grill? LITTLE RED: Thank you, but I am quite capable of taking care of myself. And while eating meat is within the natural predatory boundaries for you, I will not take part in the oppression of our animal friends for the sake of my own greed. 15 WOLF: (Eyes LITTLE RED, hungry.) Plant eater, eh? LITTLE RED: (Proud.) Yes. WOLF: (Sizes her up.) Yeah, I don’t get that. Lots of lean muscle on you, though. LITTLE RED: I try and maintain my physical health, yes. 20 WOLF: Niiiiiiice! (LITTLE RED begins to skip away RIGHT.) Hey, sweet cheeks, don’t be in such a hurry! LITTLE RED: (Disgusted.) I apologize, but I must deliver these goods to my grandmother’s house. WOLF: Grandmother? She a veggie-whatever too? 25 LITTLE RED: Grandmother is a level 4 vegan! She no longer eats any food that casts a shadow. WOLF: Wow. LITTLE RED: Such courage! If only I could be so brave! WOLF: Yeah, okay. You got her down in the old folks home? 30 LITTLE RED: Of course not! Grandmother lives in a cottage over on the West Side. WOLF: Oh, yeah. I know the place. Well, uh, good luck to you then, cupcake. LITTLE RED: Thank you, I’m sure. (Skips OFF RIGHT.) 35 WOLF: Time for a little dinner date. (EXITS LEFT.) MOTHER: Little Red, who was a product of Western thinking, kept to the main path. However, the Wolf, who was not bound by such limitations, took a shortcut and got to grandmother fi rst. GRANDMOTHER: (ENTERS RIGHT slowly, exaggeratedly old. Groans. 40 Beat.) I’m old. (WOLF ENTERS LEFT.) Oh my, a creature of the forest!

3 For preview only 1 WOLF: Yeah, I’m a wolf. Growl. Hey, I’m gonna eat you now, so don’t try anything funny. GRANDMOTHER: Normally I would try and run, but I have been weakened by the toxins dumped into my stream from the energy 5 conglomerates. As such, I respect your rights as a predator of the ecosystem we co-habitate and accept my fate with grace and dignity. If I might have a moment to compose a short Buddhist death poem, though? WOLF: Not a chance, toots. (Carries her OFF LEFT as she vainly tries 10 impromptu, and bad, poetry. Shortly after, SOUND EFFECT: EATING NOISES and a SCREAM.) LITTLE RED: (ENTERS RIGHT. Calls out.) Grandmother! I’m here with some goods from Mother to help in your recovery… which in no way implies that you, as an older woman, are incapable of taking 15 care of yourself! WOLF: (ENTERS LEFT, wearing a nightgown and cap identical to GRANDMOTHER’S, adjusting his clothing.) Here— (Adjusts his voice.) —here I am, dear! Come closer so I can see you! LITTLE RED: Why, Grandmother, what big eyes you have. Perhaps all 20 of those years spent reading political pamphlets have strained your eyes? WOLF: The better to see you with! LITTLE RED: Why, Grandmother, what large ears you have! No doubt from your time spent being tortured for information by the little 25 bourgeois pigs? WOLF: (Slips into his regular voice.) Little pigs? Where, where?! (Catches himself.) Ahem, I mean, the better to hear your beautiful voice with, my dear! LITTLE RED: And, Grandmother, what big, sharp teeth you have! 30 Although I would imagine the years you spent eating nothing but tree bark must have taken their toll on your teeth. Perhaps I could recommend a good dentist? Not that I think any less of you because of your ungainly appearance. WOLF: (To MOTHER as he and LITTLE RED turn towards her.) You’re 35 killing me here. (MOTHER points him back to the story.) Rowr. (Tears off his cap and begins to advance menacingly toward LITTLE RED.) LITTLE RED: Oh! It’s you! Stay where you are! While I have a newfound respect for you now that I know you have embraced an alternate cross-dressing lifestyle, you are invading my personal bubble of 40 space. WOLF: Alternate what? Oh, the clothes! I don’t know, somehow they make me feel pretty and vulnerable and they allow me to express myself in ways I never could before.

4 For preview only 1 WOODSMAN: (ENTERS LEFT.) What’s going on in here? I’ll save you, little girl! (Advances on WOLF with his axe raised for the strike. WOLF screams and cowers while LITTLE RED jumps to his rescue. She blocks the axe strike and disables WOODSMAN.) 5 LITTLE RED: How dare you! I don’t need some man to save me, I can take care of myself. And besides, he is a rare, Gray Haired Canis Lupus, and I cannot allow you to harm him! WOLF: Wow, no one has ever stood up for me like that! You’re so loving, strong, intelligent and, in your own way, beautiful. 10 LITTLE RED: Thank you! Finally someone who understands! (They embrace and then begin to dance OFF RIGHT.) I’ll lead. WOLF: My hero! MOTHER: . (LIGHTS SWITCH to MOTHER and DAUGHTER.) So what did you think? 15 DAUGHTER: I don’t know. It was a little weird. MOTHER: Yeah, I guess it was a little forced. Give me a break, I’m new at this. DAUGHTER: I want to hear a story about a princess. MOTHER: Princesses, huh? What’s so great about princesses? 20 DAUGHTER: They’re so pretty! And they get to wear beautiful dresses and makeup, and have long pretty hair and— MOTHER: You know, there are more important things in life than being pretty. DAUGHTER: (Big-eyed.) There are? 25 MOTHER: Yes! What about helping people, or being smart? DAUGHTER: I don’t know… I think I’d rather be pretty. MOTHER: Oh, my! What have they done to you? DAUGHTER: (Giggles.) Mommy! MOTHER: Okay, you want a princess story, right? 30 DAUGHTER: Yes! MOTHER: Fine then, this is the story of Snow White… (LIGHTS SWITCH as ACTORS for the next story rush ON LEFT to grab costumes for the next story and then OFF again.) MORGANNA: (ENTERS LEFT.) Oh, so much to do. So much to do! 35 I’m never going to get this child ready for the Little Miss Miner Pageant! Snow White! Snow White! Get in here. Now! SNOW WHITE: (ENTERS LEFT.) Yes, Morganna? MORGANNA: What have I told you about that? I’m your mother! Call me “Mommy-Dearest.”

5 For preview only 1 SNOW WHITE: And how many times have I told you, you’re not my mother, you’re my stepmother. My real mother would never make me compete in these stupid pageants! MORGANNA: They are not stupid! They’re wonderful! 5 SNOW WHITE: They are not! They are everything that’s wrong with our society! They reward girls for being beautiful and nothing more. MORGANNA: And what is wrong with that? What more would any girl want? SNOW WHITE: How about a brain? There are so many things wrong 10 with the world today, why should I worry about being pretty? MORGANNA: Why? Because there’s nothing else worth worrying about! All of the other little princesses are competing, and I will not be the only queen at the country club whose daughter is not in the pageant! Why don’t you want to be Mommy’s pretty-pretty 15 princess? SNOW WHITE: Because it’s all nonsense, Morg— MORGANNA: Ah-ah-ah! SNOW WHITE: (Grudgingly.) It’s all nonsense, Mommy-Dearest. The workers in this kingdom have no rights! While we live in this huge 20 mansion, they live in shacks because the coal company—YOUR company—won’t pay them a fair wage! Someone needs to fi ght for their rights, but no one does. All people care about is stupid beauty pageants. Nobody cares about the little man! MORGANNA: That’s because the little man is ugly. You know I could 25 never afford to pay them for the work they do. Why, they would end up owning the mines, and we’d be out in the streets! Now hush up. Nobody likes a girl with an opinion. Mir’ah! Mir’ah!!! MIR’AH: (ENTERS LEFT, fabulously.) Hello, darling, how’s tricks? (Crosses to MORGANNA and they do a double kiss.) 30 MORGANNA: Thank you for coming so quickly, Mir’ah, I just don’t know what to do! The Little Miss Miner Pageant is coming soon, and I’ll never be able to turn Snow White into pageant queen material! MIR’AH: Honey, I know all there is to know about pretty. You have no idea how many people I turn into queens each year. 35 MORGANNA: Then you’ll help us? MIR’AH: Of course! It’s the event of the season, darling, everyone will be there! The coal miners, the supervisors, the frame builders, the wire hangers— MORGANNA: No wire hangers! Ever! 40 MIR’AH: Relax, darling! Remember your breathing. (Helps her with a short breathing exercise.) Now, let’s see what we’ve got to work

6 PHOTOCOPYING THIS SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS For preview only 1 with here. (Turns and gives SNOW WHITE a look over.) Oh, honey, you’re asking a lot. (To SNOW WHITE.) What do you say, kid, are you ready to be a champion? SNOW WHITE: A champion of the people! I’m sick of this pageant 5 garbage! Pageants are the opiate of the masses! I’m going to organize the workers and put an end to this nonsense! MIR’AH: Oy vey. We’re going to need to do something about that mouth of hers. A little Botox should do the trick. (Takes an over-sized syringe from his fanny pack and advances toward SNOW WHITE.) 10 SNOW WHITE: What are you… ? Oh, no you don’t! Stay away from me, you sicko! MIR’AH: (Tries to inject SNOW WHITE with the Botox. SNOW WHITE fi ghts back, dodges him, and MIR’AH accidentally sticks the needle into his own leg. He falls down and SNOW WHITE runs OFF RIGHT.) 15 Sweet mother of mystery! MORGANNA: What are you doing?! Get up and go after her! MIR’AH: Sorry, honey. My leg is swelling up like Paris Hilton’s (Or other popular star.) ego! I’m afraid you’re going to have to do it. MORGANNA: Me? 20 MIR’AH: Don’t worry! I’ve got a foolproof plan! They don’t call me Magic Mir’ah for nothing! (MORGANNA crouches by MIR’AH and they whisper to each other. MORGANNA and a limping MIR’AH EXIT LEFT. LIGHTS SWITCH to another part of the stage. SOUND EFFECT: WOODLAND NOISES.) 25 SNOW WHITE: (Stumbles ON RIGHT.) I’ve fi nally lost her! (Stops and looks around.) But it looks like I’ve lost myself as well. Where am I? (OFFSTAGE VOICES chant from OFF LEFT as WORKERS 1 and 2 ENTER. She hides.) WORKER 1: Man, what a day. Thirteen hours with no break! 30 WORKER 2: And for what? We don’t even have enough to rent our own homes! WORKER 1: Yeah, I’m getting sick of living in a one-room shack with six other guys! WORKER 2: What are you going to do about it? It’s all we can afford! 35 That old witch on the hill will never give us a raise! WORKER 1: I know, I know. Well, let’s get home so we can eat before the others get back from the mines. SNOW WHITE: (Overhears the conversation.) The little man! WORKER 2: Excuse me? 40 SNOW WHITE: I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, and I think I can help. Please, sirs, what may I call you? 7 For preview only 1 WORKERS: (Together.) Grumpy! SNOW WHITE: I feel your pain. Listen, all we have to do is get all of the workers together and get them to agree not to mine anymore until they get paid fairly for the job they do! 5 WORKER 1: Hmm. That might just work. WORKER 2: Without us there would be nobody to work the mines! The company would grind to a halt, and she would have to give in to our demands! WORKER 1: Yeah! Hey, let’s go get the other guys and tell them the 10 news! (WORKERS EXIT RIGHT.) SNOW WHITE: Finally! The time of the little man is at hand! (Runs OFF RIGHT.) MORGANNA: (ENTERS LEFT.) I hope this works. (Injects an apple with the syringe. As VOICES are heard from OFF RIGHT, she throws the 15 needle away, pulls on a hood and assumes an old lady posture as WORKERS and SNOW WHITE ENTER RIGHT.) SNOW WHITE: …and that’s how we’ll do it! She’ll never see it coming! WORKERS: (At once.) Yeah! Hooray! All right! 20 MORGANNA: Hello, dear. Help an old woman pay the bills? (Offers SNOW WHITE the apple.) SNOW WHITE: Of course! Anything for the people! (Pays MORGANNA for the apple and then takes a bite proudly while the WORKERS cheer. SNOW WHITE chokes and starts to stumble around.) 25 MORGANNA: Whoops. Maybe I used too much. (Beat.) Oh well. (Reveals herself.) Ha ha! Let’s see you organize the workers now! (Runs OFF LEFT.) WORKER 1: Oh, no! She’s poisoned Snow White! What will we do? MR. PRINCE: (ENTERS RIGHT.) Good workers! I’m Mr. Prince, a union 30 organizer from (Enter a nearby county or town name). I heard about the good work Snow White has been doing here, and I came to see how I might help. Where can I fi nd her? (During all of this, SNOW WHITE stumbles around the stage as the WORKERS and MR. PRINCE stand around talking.) 35 WORKER 2: Mr. Prince! Thank goodness you’ve come! Snow White has been poisoned by her stepmother, who also happens to be the head of the coal mining operation! MR. PRINCE: Oh, no! Without the strong will and guidance of Snow White, what will we do? 40 SNOW WHITE: (Finally, she is able to give herself the Heimlich maneuver and dislodge the bite of poisoned apple. Coughs.) That witch!

8 For preview only 1 WORKER 1: You’re alive! Oh, Snow White, you were poisoned by your wicked stepmother! SNOW WHITE: (Exasperated.) I know! MR. PRINCE: I’m so happy to see you’re okay! I’m Mr. Prince. I’m here 5 to help with the cause. SNOW WHITE: Thank you, Mr. Prince, I appreciate it. But this is personal now. Sit back, shut up and let me handle my business. MR. PRINCE: (Swoons.) Yes, Snow White! SNOW WHITE: C’mon! (EXITS RIGHT, followed by MR. PRINCE and 10 WORKERS.) MOTHER: And so, Snow White unionized the workers and took over the company, forcing her stepmother to live with Mir’ah in the workers’ old shack. The end. DAUGHTER: That one was okay. 15 MOTHER: You think? DAUGHTER: Yes, but I think you can do better. MOTHER: (Laughs.) Oh, you do, do you? DAUGHTER: Yeah! MOTHER: Fine then. This time you pick the story. 20 DAUGHTER: Hmmm… how about Cinderella? She’s my favorite! (ACTORS ENTER, expecting the next story. MOTHER stops them with her hand and waves them off. ACTORS EXIT, angry.) MOTHER: I don’t know. Why is she your favorite? DAUGHTER: Because even though she starts out normal like me, she 25 gets to marry a prince and live in a big castle and have parties and buy fancy dresses and wear pretty shoes and jewelry and— MOTHER: So you like her because she marries a prince and gets to be rich? DAUGHTER: (Hesitates.) Well, yeah. I guess. 30 MOTHER: Being rich isn’t always a good thing. DAUGHTER: It’s not? MOTHER: Of course not! DAUGHTER: But then how could you buy all of those fancy things? MOTHER: Some people don’t like fancy things. Some people are 35 happy with very little. DAUGHTER: Like who? MOTHER: Well, like most of the artists in the world for one. (Laughs.) They don’t get to live in big fancy castles, but people all over the world look up to them for what they do, not what they have. 40 DAUGHTER: Really?

9 End of Script Preview PRODUCTION NOTES

PROPERTIES ONSTAGE: Desk with offi ce materials, chair, a prince doll, stuffed animal, princess doll, papers, crayons, oversized chair (big enough for two) BROUGHT ON: Costume rack with costumes for all scenes hanging on wire hangers (LITTLE RED) Basket with bottled water and vegetables (LITTLE RED’S MOTHER) Axe (WOODSMAN) Oversized syringe, fanny pack (MIR’AH) Apple, oversized syringe (MORGANNA) Coin (SNOW WHITE) Broom, small notepad, pencil, Birkenstock-type sandals (CINDERELLA) Dress, glass slippers, wand, watch (FAIRY GODMOTHER) Sandal (CHARMING) Knife (STEPMOTHER)

SOUND EFFECTS Eating noises, scream, woodland noises, “Magical Music,” optional ball music, glass breaking

COSTUMES The play was designed to have minimal production costs. MOTHER and DAUGHTER can be in simple everyday clothing. All other actors have a simple base costume such as a pair of sneakers, a pair of jeans or plain pants and a plain shirt. As each story is announced, these actors run in and grab a “costume gesture” from an onstage costume rack. For instance, in the original production, LITTLE RED kept her base costume on but pulls a red hooded cape on overtop of it, MIR‘AH pulled a silver sequined shirt over his costume to create a mirror effect, and the STEPSISTERS added a fancy sash which tied around their waists to connect the two of them together. These “costume gestures” are up to the imagination of the director and costume designer and can be anything you want, provided they help the audience identify these characters. The easier the costumes are to put on, the better.

17 For preview only FLEXIBLE CASTING This play can be performed with as few as 8 or as many as 19 speaking parts. For an even larger cast, WORKERS can be expanded to seven, as in the seven dwarfs. FAIRY GODMOTHER is funniest played by a male actor.

For a smaller cast, the play can be done with as few as four males and four females (that is, if you have stepsisters played by male actors). For this small cast option, we suggest doubling as follows: ACTRESS ONE: MOTHER ACTRESS TWO: DAUGHTER ACTRESS THREE: LITTLE RED, SNOW WHITE, CINDERELLA ACTRESS FOUR: LITTLE RED’S MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, MORGANNA, STEPMOTHER ACTOR ONE: WOLF, WORKER 1, STEPSISTER ACTOR TWO: WOODSMAN, MIR’AH, STEPSISTER ACTOR THREE: MR. PRINCE, FAIRY GODMOTHER ACTOR FOUR: WORKER 2, CHARMING

18 PHOTOCOPYING THIS SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS For preview only We hope you’ve enjoyed this script sample.

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