S Outh E a S T L Im Ite D
The Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Inc. Southeast Chapter Newsletter No. 54, August, 1999 SOUTHEAST LIMITED SPECIAL TRAIN TO THE LAND OF THE SKY by Lyle Key A decade old promotional campaign for tour- temporary reprieve with Southern Railway’s de- ism proclaimed: “Asheville, it will lift your spir- cision to decline a contract with Amtrak and con- its!” I thought that was a clever slogan for a tour- tinue operating its own passenger trains. For a ist Mecca nestled amid the mountains of western time, a local version of the Asheville Special en- North Carolina, and I must admit that the Land of dured between Asheville and Salisbury, and dur- the Sky always has held an almost mystical at- ing the latter years of the ‘70’s, it was supplanted traction for me. In addition to Asheville’s natural by a seasonal excursion train that ran from Ashe- beauty and cool mountain air, one can’t help but ville to Old Fort and return. By the end of that be impressed with the palatial splendor of the decade, Southern had signed an operating agree- Biltmore House, the genteel comfort of the ven- ment with Amtrak, and Asheville like so many erable Grove Park Inn, and the literary shrine that other towns had been relegated to “freight only” was Thomas Wolfe’s boyhood home. status. Wolfe was quite taken by the awesome spec- On Sunday, April 25, 1999, a passenger train tacle of mountain railroading in and around his again will run from Knoxville to Asheville, and hometown, and haunting passages about steam era my wife and I are among the almost one-thou- railroading are interspersed throughout his nov- sand excursionists holding tickets on the chartered els.
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