

Unit 6: Thai ______


หัวเรื่อง 6.1 Typical Thai & Eating Habits 6.2 Eating a Thai 6.3 Ordering Thai Dishes 6.4 Thai Dishes 6.5 Thai Snacks 6.6 Regional Dishes 6.7 Desserts and Fruits

วัตถุประสงค  - ตอบคําถามเกี่ยวกับเรื่องที่อานได  - ใชศัพท สํานวนเกี่ยวกับอาหารไทย และอาหารประจําทองถิ่นได  - แนะนําอาหาร และบอกวิธีการทําอาหารได

กิจกรรมการเรียน - เรียนรูคําศัพท และสํานวนเกยวกี่ ับอาหารไทย และอาหารประจําทองถิ่นได  - สาธิตขั้นตอนการทําอาหาร และบรรยายประกอบได 


สื่อการสอน - เอกสารสอน - เมนูอาหาร - เทปประกอบ

การประเมินผล - แบบฝกหัด - การสาธิตการทําอาหารและการบรรยายประกอบ


6.1 Typical Thai Meals & Eating Habits

Thai meal consists of a soup and/or dish, a , a fried dish and desserts. Normally there would be a mix of

spicy and mild dishes for 'balance' and to neutralise . Also, a Thai meal is served all at once, as opposed to serving dishes in courses. It's also noteworthy that Thais don't particularly mind having spicy food in the morning. Different kinds of curry on top of with a fried , accompanied by 'prik nam pla' (sliced chilies in fish ), are common for . Due to their busy lifestyles, most city dwellers prefer something quick and easy like 'kao niew moo ping' (grilled with sticky rice), the equivalent to sandwiches in the West, or something light like 'johk' (rice ). will be something a little heavier and dinner is often shared among family and friends. And, in between, 'snacking' is common.

It's not entirely true if you've heard that tend to eat all day. Generally, they eat three main meals a day just like the rest of the world, but they have a habit of 'gin len' ('snacking') between meals. The whole spectrum of hawker food from savoury 'look chin ping' (grilled meat balls), sweet pancake wrapped around sweetened condensed milk with a choice of or egg and fried bugs, to freshly-squeezed orange juice, fresh fruits, and frittered are available, at incredibly low prices, virtually everywhere in the city.

Thai people love sharing food. If you go out for lunch or dinner with Thai friends, you are most likely to be asked whether you'd like a single dish or dishes to share. To share or not to share, that is a question entirely up to you. To make things easier, it helps to observe or ask other people in your group what style they're going for. If they've decided on sharing, then you should join in the fun.



True or False ______1. Spicy food is not often served for breakfast. ______2. Thais usually enjoy dinner with family and friends. ______3. Thai people tend to eat all day. ______4. Thai snacks are available everywhere in the city. ______5. Thai love sharing food with friends


1. typical Thai meals - อาหารไทยที่เปนแบบฉบับ 2. neutralize - ทําใหเปนกลาง 3. noteworthy - นาสังเกต 4. city dwellers - คนที่อยในเมู องื 5. savoury - มีรสชาติ อาหารเรียกน้ํายอย 6. incredibly - อยางไมนาเชื่อ 7. entirely - โดยทั้งหมด

Language Focus: Adverb Suffix-ly

คําคุณศัพท (adjective) เมื่อเติม –ly ทายคํา จะกลายเปน คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) เชน

normal - normally

easy - easily

entire - entirely

incredible - incredibly

general - generally 66

6.2 Eating a Thai Meal

Paul: It’s hard to believe that this is only my first Thai meal even though we’ve been friends for a long time. Suthida: Come on, Paul. You know that I was not a good cook while studying in the United States, well, even now. I didn’t want to spoil your appetite at that time, or the reputation of Thai . Paul: I’ve heard a lot about Thai food. Could you tell me about a typical Thai meal? Suthida: Well, a typical Thai dinner usually consists of three to five dishes. All of the dishes are served at the same time, not as separate courses. They will be eaten with rice in no particular order. Paul: I see. And you don’t use knives and forks, do you? Suthida: No, we don’t. Traditionally, Thais have eaten with their fingers and many rural people still eat in this manner. But today, we generally eat with a spoon in our right hand and a fork in our left. A Chinese - style spoon is often provided when there is a soup. Paul: Do you usually use like the Chinese? Suthida: Only for dishes. And knives are rarely used as meats are already cut into bite – sized pieces. Paul: That sounds practical. Look, what about the restaurant you’re taking me to? Suthida: This restaurant is famous for its authentic . The place is always crowded, especially in the evening. People drive long distances to eat a short meal here. Paul: I can’t wait to try it. By the way, is it true that Thai food can make your mouth feel as if it is on fire? Suthida: Well if they put in too many chilies. Actually, you can ask them to make your dish only mildly hot. That way it won’t be too strong or spicy for you. Paul: That’s good to hear.


Vocabulary 1. I didn’t want to spoil your appetite.- ไมตองการใหคุณหมดความอยากรับประทานอาหาร 2. particular – เฉพาะ เปนพิเศษ 3. All of the dishes are served at the same time, not as separate courses. -อาหารทั้งหมดเสิรฟพรอมกัน ไมไดเสิรฟทีละจาน 4. appetizer - อาหารเรียกน้ํายอย เชน ซุป สลัด 5. cut into bite – sized pieces - การหั่นมาเปนช ิ้นพอคํา 6. authentic Thai cuisine – อาหารไทยตนตํารับ หรือขนานแท คําศัพทเพิ่มเติม 7. cuisine - อาหารในแงของวิธีการในการปรุง 8. food - อาหารในแงสิ่งที่เรารับประทาน ใหความหมายกวาง ๆ 9. dish - อาหารที่ปรงมาแลวเปนจาน ๆ 10. hot, spicy - เผ็ด 11. highly seasoned - รสจัด 12. to season - ปรุง

Language Focus: Present Perfect Tense a) Harry lived in for ten years. (Past Simple Tense) b) Harry has lived in Thailand for ten years. (Present Perfect Tense)

ประโยค a) หมายความวา Harry เคยอยูเมืองไทยเปนเวลา 10 ป แตตอนนี้ไมไดอยูแลว ประโยค b) หมายความวา Harry อาศัยอยูเมืองไทยมาเปนเวลา 10 ป และขณะนี้ก็ยังคงอยู

1. Present perfect tense ใชกบการเหตั ุการณที่เกดขิ ึ้นในอดีต และดําเนนเริ ื่อยมาจนถึงปจจุบัน เชน -The restaurant has offered an authentic cuisine since it opened twenty years ago. -Some customers have eaten there for years. Present perfect tense มักมีการระบุเวลาโดยใช since + จุดของเวลา หรือ or + ระยะเวลา เชน


SINCE FOR since yesterday for 24 hours since last week for two days since June for many years since 1963 for a long time

2. ใชกับเหตุการณที่เกิดขึ้นและสิ้นสุดไปแลวในอดีต แตผลยังสืบเนื่องถึงปจจุบัน เชน - The government has removed many old buildings and replaced them with roads. 3. ใชเมื่อกลาววาเคยหรือไมเคยทําสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่ง โดยไมระบุเวลาแนนอน เชน - I have been to that restaurant before. - I have never been to Singapore (before).

Underline the correct verb form in each sentence. 1. Thais (used, have used) forks and spoons since the 19th century. 2. Traditionally, Thai people (ate, have eaten) with their fingers. 3. Thai food (was influenced, has been influenced) by certain countries for a long time. 4. This restaurant (has, has had) a good reputation up to now. 5. Kate (cooked, has cooked) a splendid Thai meal for me several days ago.

Task -Work in pair. Student A takes student B to have Thai meal. -Student A takes student B to explain about the meal they’re going to eat.


6.3 Ordering Thai Dishes

Suthida: Well, gentlemen, shall we order some food first? Then you can chit-chat later. Paul: Good idea, Sue. I’m hungry now. Suthida: What would you like to start with, Paul? Paul: Well, I have no idea. What would you recommend? Suthida: For an appetizer, you might like crispy with filling or ‘krathong thong’ in Thai. I’d also recommend Chinese in and cakes. Would you like any soup. Paul: Oh, I can have anything as long as it’s not too fiery. Jetrin: How about chicken soup with milk? Remember we had it last time, Sue? It was very good. A specialty here, I guess. Suthida: That’s right. And perhaps you’d like to try some spicy seafood salad. Paul: Is it hot? Jetrin: Don’t worry. We can ask them to put just a few chilies in it. Paul: Please do. I’ve heard so much about ‘Thai chilies!’

Questions 1. What is supposed to be the first part of the meal? 2. What kind of soup do they choose? 3. How many dishes are they going to order?

Vocabulary 1. appetizer - ของวาง ของทานเลน 2. main - อาหารจานหลัก 3. fiery - เผ็ดรอน 4. specialty - อาหารจานเด็ดของราน


6.4 Thai Dishes

ตามรานอาหารตาง ๆ มักจัดทํารายการอาหารทั้งภาษาไทยและภาษาองกฤษควบคั ูกนไปั เพื่ออํานวย ความสะดวกแกนักทองเทยวี่ แตบางรานจะทับศัพท เชน Tom Yam Kung (ตมยํากงุ ) ดวยเหตุนจี้ ึงมี ความจําเปนทจะตี่ องเรียนรการเรู ียกชื่ออาหารไทยเปนภาษาอ ังกฤษ เพื่อที่จะอธิบายหรือแนะนําอาหาร ใหแกชาวตางประเทศได ชออาหารอาจเรื่ ียกแตกตางกนไปบั าง แตมักสะทอนใหเห นส็ วนประกอบของ อาหารจานนนั้ ๆ วิธีการทําอาหาร หรือรสชาติ

แกง chicken soup with - ตมขาไก spicy soup - ตมยํากุง with chicken - แกงเขียวหวานไก roast duck curry - แกงเผ็ดเปดยาง glass - แกงจืดวุนเสน with chicken - แกงกะหรี่ไก flavored fish soup - แกงสมปลาชอน

ผัด fried chicken with nuts - ไกผัดเม็ดมะมวงหิมพานต and dry chilies in oyster sauce - เนื้อผัดน้ํามันหอย Chinese broccoli in oyster sauce - ผัดผักคะนาน้ํามันหอย stir -fried with crispy pork - ผัดผักคะนาหมูกรอบ crispy rice - หมี่กรอบ pork - หมูผัดเปรยวหวานี้

ทอด fried pork with and pepper - หมูทอดกะเทียมพริกไทย fried stuffed crab shell - ปูจา spring rolls with minced pork - ปอเปยะทอด and fried fish cakes with sauce - ทอดมันปลาและอาจาด pancake filled with minced meat - ขนมเบื้องญวน 71

นึ่ง seafood mixed in curry paste and - หอหมกทะเล steamed in a cup steamed fish with - ปลานึ่งมะนาว

ยํา spicy seafood salad - ยํารวมมตรทะเลิ Spicy deep-fried catfish topped - ยําปลาดุกฟ ู with cashew nuts spicy winged-bean salad - ยําถั่วพ ู salad - สมตํา

อาหารจานเดยวี with crab meat - ขาวผัดป ู with minced beef - กวยเตยวเนี๋ ื้อสับ egg noodles with barbecued pork - บะหมหมี่ ูแดง red sea noodles - เย็นตาโฟ rice soup with pork - ขาวตมหม ู stewed pork with greens on rice - ขาวขาหม ู rice topped with slices of boiled chicken - ขาวมันไก  stir-fried Thai noodles - กวยเตยวผี๋ ัดไทย


a. Match the dishes in Column A with their Thai names in Column B

Column A Column B ______1. seafood mixed in curry paste and a. ขาวขาหม ู steamed in a banana leaf cup b. ตมยํากุง ______2. fried spring rolls c. ตําขาไก  ______3. spicy seafood salad d. กวยเตี๋ยวเนอสื้ ับ ______4. spicy e. หอหมกทะเล ______5. crispy f. ยํารวมมิตรทะเล ______6. fried noodles with minced beef g. ปอเปยะทอด ______7. chicken soup with coconut milk h. ทอดมันปลา ______8. Chinese broccoli in oyster sauce i. หมูผัดเปรี้ยวหวาน ______9. stewed pork with greens on rice j. หมี่กรอบ ______10.fried fish cakes k. ผัดผักคะนาน้ํามันหอย

Language Focus : Using Terms

การใชศัพทสํานวนเกี่ยวกับการประกอบอาหาร มักเกยวขี่ องกับวิธีการทําอาหารและเครื่องปรุงหรือ สวนผสมตาง ๆ จะเหนได็ ว า ชื่ออาหารแตละชนิดมักสะทอนวิธการที ําหรือเครื่องปรุง วิธีการทําอาหารไทยที่มักพบเห็นอยเสมอู ๆ มีดังนี้

fry ทอด deep – fry ทอดแบบน้ํามนทั วม stir –fry ผัด steam นึ่ง boil ตม roast ยาง marinate หมัก, จุม, แช  charcoal - broil ปงหรือยางดวยถ าน 73

เมื่อตองการระบุวาอาหารนนั้ ๆ มีวิธีการทําแบบใด ก็จะใชคํากริยาดังกลาว เติม – ed เชน fried fish cakes, deep fried shrimp, stir-fried vegetables, steamed fish, boiled rice, marinated beef, charcoal-broiled pork ยกเวนคําวา roast ซึ่งสามารถทําหนาที่เปน (adj.) ไดจงไมึ  ตองเติม -ed เชน roast chicken การอธิบายอาหารตาง ๆ ก็ใชวิธีดังกลาวเชนเดยวกี นั โดยอาจผนวกการระบุเครื่องปรุงหรือรสชาติไปดวย เชน - steamed with filling (บอกลักษณะวาเปนแปงผสมที่มีไส โดยนําไปนงึ่ ) - porkballs covered with egg noodles (บอกทั้งเครื่องปรงและวุ ิธีการทาํ กลาวคือ หมูปนเป นกอนกลม ๆ แลวพ ันดวยเสนบะหม )ี่ - sweet and sour pork (บอกรสชาติ คือเปนหม ูเปรี้ยวหวาน)

b. Describe the following dishes using the clues given.

Example: หรุม (mince, prawn meat, pork, peanuts) = It’s an egg net filled with minced prawn meat, pork and peanuts.

1. หมูสะเตะ (curry-marinate, charcoal, ) It consists of ______2. ไกหอใบเตย (deep-fry, marinate, wrap) It’s ______3. หอหมกทะเล (mix, curry paste, steam, banana leaf cup) It consists of ______4. แกงจดวื นเสุ น (glass noodles, minced pork, mushrooms) It’s ______5. ขาวตังหนาตั้ง (crisp, dip, sauce) It’s ______


6.5 Thai Snacks

The Thais “snack” all through the day and into the night and so in the city and village markets street-side vendors offer a multitude of good things to eat. Some dishes are small; others, like the popular noodle dishes, are more substantial and can even make a meal in themselves. All can be regarded as snacks to eat separately or as appetizers forming the first part of a meal. Appetizers, snacks, hors d’oeuvres – however, you treat them, they are delicious.

Stir -fried Thai noodles () are often served as an appetizer in Thai restaurants. This is a colorful dish of fried rice noodles and shrimp accompanied by fresh vegetables like crispy bean sprouts and banana blossoms. Another appetizer which will tantalize the palate is fish cakes (taud man pla) which are especially good when served with refreshing cucumber salad

Satay, yet another popular appetizer, consists of curry-marinated chicken or beef strips charcoal -broiled on skewers. They are usually served with a peanut (nam jim ) although other can be served. These are just a few examples. The list of Thai snacks is countless. But one thing you can count on is that Thai really love to eat.

Questions 1. Why do street-side vendors offer so many things to eat? 2. How are snacks often used when eating a meal? 3. What cooking methods are mentioned in the passage? 4. What snacks (or appetizers) are mentioned in the passage? 5. What kinds of fresh are usually eaten with stir-fried noodles?


Vocabulary 1. substantial - ทําใหอิ่มทอง 2. crispy bean sprouts - ถั่วงอกกรอบ 3. banana blossoms - หวปลั ี 4. curry-marinated -หมักผงกระหรี่ 5. skewers - ไมเสียบสําหรับปง ยาง


Group Work Demonstrate how to cook a Thai dish. Explain all steps of cooking including ingredients.



Thai Chicken Green Curry (แกงเขียวหวานไก )

Ingredients Paste Ingredients 1 cup chicken 25 green chili peppers 1 cup coconut thick cream 1 tbsp. seed 3 cups coconut milk 1 tbsp. powder 3 coriander roots1 tsp. pepper 10 dried peppers 2 garlic4 tbsp. 3 red onions5 cloves garlic 1/3 cup crisp 2 tsp. minced 1/3 cup sweet basil 1 tsp. salt 4 red chili peppers (cut diagonally) 1 tbsp. 1/2 cup sliced diagonally galingale 1 tbsp. sliced lemongrass 1 tsp. sliced skin 1 tsp. sliced kaffir lime skin 1 tbsp. minced galingale (peel off the skin first) Cooking Instructions

1. Ground all the paste ingredients together and finely. To skip this step you can get instant green curry paste from the store. It's up to you. However, it is different between fresh paste and packed paste. 2. Ground coriander roots, dried peppers and garlic. Then mix it with the chicken. 3. Boil 1 cup of coconut cream with low heat until it's boiling. Add paste and keep stirring until it smells nice. 4. Then, put chicken and add the rest of coconut milk. Cook for 15 minutes. Don't stir. 5. After that, add fish balls, cooked chicken's blood, eggplant, sliced galingale, sweet basil and red chili peppers. 6. Turn off the fire.



12.6 Regional Dishes

Northern Thai food Northern food is quite distinctive. Instead of the soft, boiled rice of the Central Plains region, northerners prefer a steamed sticky variety and traditionally eat it with the fingers rolling small handfuls into balls which are then used to scoop up more liquid dishes. Coconut milk, which is widely used as an ingredient in much of central and southern Thai cooking, plays an unimportant role in the North, where the are usually clear rather than thickened. The fondness for ‘khao neow’, or “steamed sticky rice” shows the influence of neighboring , as do the northern kinds of ‘nam prik’, the basic sauce that comes with every Thai meal, which range from a relatively mild minced pork and mixture ‘nam prik ong’ to a very hot ‘nam prik tadaeng’ made mainly of dried red chilies. Burmese influence is seen as well, particularly in such popular dishes as ‘gaeng hang lay”, a pork curry that uses ginger, tamarind and for its distinctive flavor and ‘’, a curry soup with egg noodles and chicken , pork or beef, topped with , pickled vegetables and slices of lime. One of the favorite regional specialties is ‘name’, a spicy pork eaten in a wide variety of ways and probably the northerners miss most when they move away. While some are highly seasoned, the curries and , ‘yams’ of the North are generally milder than those of central and northeastern Thailand, although chili-hot sauces are always available for those who want a stronger flavor. The traditional form of meal in the North, especially when guests are being entertained, is the ‘’ dinner – ‘khan’ meaning ‘bowl’, and ‘toke’ a low round table made of woven bamboo, or in a fancier version, red lacquerware. Diners sit on the floor around the table and help themselves to assorted dishes placed on it. Sticky rice is always provided, and nowadays, plain rice as well, along with one or two curries, a minced-meat dish, a salad, raw and pickled vegetables, fried , and a variety of sauces and seasonings. Dessert will generally be fruit.


Vocabulary 1. Thickened -ขน 2. Turmeric - ขมิ้น 3. pickled vegetables - ผักดอง 4. delicacy - อาหารอันโอชะ 5. woven bamboo - ไมไผสาน 6. lacquer ware - เครื่องเขิน 7. fried pork rind - แคบหมู 8. seasonings – เครื่องปรุง

a. True or False

______1. Soft, boiled rice is eaten with the fingers in the North of Thailand. ______2. Curries are usually thick in the North because of coconut milk. ______3. Food from both Laos and Burma can be found in the North. ______4. Ginger, tamarind and turmeric are kinds of ingredients that add flavor to food. ______5. Diners sit on the floor in a ‘khantoke’ dinner.

b. Match the English names with their Thai names.

______1. curried noodles a. เนื้อเค็ม ______2. barbecued chicken b. ขาวเหนียว ______3. sun dried beef c. แหนม ______4. sticky rice with beef d. ขาวซอย ______5. fried pork rind e. ไสอั่ว ______6. northern spicy sausage f. ขนมจีนน้ําเงี้ยว ______7. spicy pork sausage g. แคบหมู ______8. white noodles with spicy meat sauce h. ไกยาง


Southern Thai Food

Southern food is as distinctive as its people and its scenery. Not surprisingly, coconut milk plays a very important role in many dishes, especially soup and curries. Oil is also often used for frying,

and grated meat as a seasoning. On both sides of the peninsula, abundant fresh seafood is available in almost every market: marine fish, some of huge size, prawns, crab, squid, clams and mussels. Rock lobsters and a larger variety sometimes called the Phuket lobster are now common in tourist areas. Cashew nuts from local plantation turn up regularly as an appetizer or are stir-fried with chicken and dried chilies. Raw vegetables are served with almost every meal, and cooked ones appear in countless forms.

Some specialties of the region reflect the influence of foreign cultures: among them an Indian-style curry known as ‘gaeng massaman’, involving cardamon, cloves, and and either chicken or beef (but never pork); several Malayan fish curries, often decorated with fresh fruits and salted peanuts; and ‘satay’, marinated pieces of meat on skewers with a spicy , which originally came from and is now a popular snack all over Thailand. Generally, southerners like their food hot - hotter, perhaps than any other region (with the possible exception of the Northeast) and season it with strong chilies. They also like a bitter flavor in their cooking, particularly when it is given by a local flat bean called ‘sa-taw’ or southern beans which, like the , is either greatly liked (by nearly all southerners) or greatly disliked (by most outsiders).

Vocabulary 1. grated - ขูด 2. cardamom - กระวาน 3. cloves - กานพลู 4. cinnamon - อบเชย


a. Write (T) if the statement is true and (F) if it is false.

______1. Coconut milk is not used very much in southern Thai food. ______2. Seafood is abundant in most southern markets. ______3. Cashew nuts are part of many main courses in the South. ______4. Pork is used in a lot of dishes in the South of Thailand. ______5. Everyone likes the flavor of the bean ‘sa-taw’.

b. Match the English names with their Thai names.

______1. broiled mussels with chili sauce a. ขาวยํา ______2. spicy sun- salad b. น้ําพริกกุงเสียบ ______3. charcoaled squid c. ยําโปะแตก ______4. light yellow curry d. หอยแมลงภูเผา ______5. clam salad e. กุงแหงยํา ______6. shrimp paste dipping sauce f. แกงเหลือง ______7. rice salad g. ปลาหมึกยาง ______8. seafood salad h. พลาหอย


Students prepare a picture of their favorite regional dish. Give a name both in Thai and English. Tell the important ingredients of it.


6.7 Desserts and Fruits Thai Desserts

Thai desserts offer a soothing finale to a spicy meal. Usually a simple meal will conclude with fresh fruit of some kind, with the more elaborate desserts reserved for special occasions. Many of the dessert recipes can double as sweet snacks , for eating at any time. Pureed banana (gluay guan), coconut delight (ma-prow kaew), and crisp sweet (puek chaap) all fall in this group.

At midday a cold dessert is preferred, such as short noodles rolled incoconut (kanom duang), an attractive tricolored noodle dish. Crispy water chestnuts (tab-tim grob) is another particularly refreshing dish, with chilled water chestnuts being topped with coconut cream.

Egg desserts like Thai (sangkaya) show the Portuguese influence on Thai cuisine. Thai custard is probably the best known dessert, but there is a great diversity of desserts in the different regions.

In the Northeast sticky rice squares (khao neow tad) are popular, with the rice being steamed with coconut milk. In the North, sweet rice with (khao neow piag lamyai) is a regional specialty when are in season. Sticky, or sweet, rice is a short-grain used all over Thailand for desserts but as a staple in the North and Northeast. In the South , pudding with coconut topping (tagow) served in banana leaf cups is a favorite. The popular desserts of include baked cake (kanom maw gaeng) and black sticky (khao neow dam piag), with its distinctive plum color.

Another favorite dessert combines sticky rice with slices of (khao neow ma-muang). The fruit is a tempting, sweetly tart complement to the sticky rice, all presented on a bright green banana leaf.


Vocabulary 1. elaborate - ที่ทําอยางประณีต 2. chilled - เย็นจัด 3. topped with - ราดหนาดวย 4. glutinous rice - ขาวเหนียว 5. tempting -ลอใจ 6. soothing finale to a spicy meal - การปดฉากที่ชวยผอนคลายจากอาหารที่แสนเผ็ด

True or False _____ 1. Most Thai meals end with elaborate dessert. _____ 2. Lunch is usually a time for a cold, refreshing dessert. _____ 3. Sweet rice pudding with longans is a specialty of the Northeast. _____ 4. Pudding with coconut topping served in banana leaf cup is a favorite dessert of the South.

Language Focus: Describing Food

ถาม What is it like? หรือ What is it made of? อาหารมีลักษณะอยางไร หรือทําดวยอะไร ตอบ It is a kind of…... It’s made of……. It consists/ contains of……..


Thai Fruits Desserts can also be as simple as a platter of fresh fruits that are in season. They are peeled, sliced and ready to eat. , watermelons, , longans, and mangoes are just some of the huge variety available. One fruit that many Thais think is superior to any other is the durian. It is said to “smell like hell and have a like heaven”. Durian, an oval-shaped fruit spikes, signals its presence with its aroma during Thailand’s summer - April through June – when durian is in season. As the fruit ripens, the flavor becomes richer. The choicest are found in the province of Nonthaburi, on the edge of Bangkok. Thailand’s wealth of fruits, as well as vegetables, also play another role during major celebrations such as national holidays when intricately carved fruit and vegetable sculptures add splendor to a banquet setting. It is a purely Thai custom. This style of presentation, which raises any food to one fit for royalty, is another way of showing special regard for one’s guests – and this is always an important part of Thai hospitality.

Vocabulary 1. sliced – หั่นเปนชิ้นๆ 2. aroma - กลิ่นหอม 3. sculpture - รูปแกะสลัก 4. hospitality - ตอนรับดวยไมตรี 5. wealth of fruits - ผลไมที่อุดมสมบูรณ 6. fit for royalty - เหมาะสําหรับพระราชวงศ

Write T if the statement is true and F if is false. ______1. A fruit that is “in season” is one that gets ripe at the time. ______2. Durians are thought to be inferior because of their strong aroma. ______3. Fruits and vegetables are often carved for major celebrations. ______4. The carving of fruits and vegetables is common throughout Southeast Asia. ______5. The carving of fruits and vegetables is done only for royalty. 84

Language Focus: Describing the Taste and Texture of Fruits

การอธิบายรสชาติและลักษณะของเนื้อผลไมบางครั้งเปนเรื่องที่คอนขางลําบาก แมส ําหรับเจาของภาษา เองก็ตาม แตก ็มีคําคุณศัพทท ี่มักใชอยูบอย ๆ ในการอธบายเริ ื่องดังกลาว เชน delicious (อรอย), crisp (กรอบ), crunchy (เคี้ยวไดกรอบ ๆ), soft (นมิ่ ), mushy (เละ), juicy (มีน้ําชุมฉ่ํา), sweet (หวาน), luscious (อรอยถึงใจ) เปนตน Example -An might be described as being delicious because it is crisp and crunchy. -An orange might be described as being soft and juicy. -If a custard apple is too ripe it might be described as being mushy.

Give the name for its description.

1. It’s yellow-brown in color with large seeds and thick, soft, thorned skin, and sweet, yellow fruit. 2. It’s a small, brown – skinned round pod. The transparent white flesh is very sweet and juicy. 3. It has a yellow-brown or yellow-green rind, with sweet and fragrant pinkish – orange flesh when ripe. The raw green flesh is used for spicy . 4. It has tender white flesh with sweet and scented juice. 5. There are several varieties of this fruit. It can be eaten before it is ripe, or when ripe. It is popularly served during the summer with sweet, glutinous rice. 6. It’s a purplish, hard -rinded fruit with segmented, juicy white flesh. 7. It’s a green and red hairy pod with transparent, sweet flesh. 8. It has a green, spiny rind with yellow sweet flesh. 9. It has a green rind with sweet, juicy red pulp. 10. It has a hard yellow-brown, sharp thorned shell with very sweet, thick yellow flesh. This fruit also has a strong, pungent odor.