Thriving in Academe is a joint project of NEA and the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education ( For more information, contact the editor, Douglas Robertson ( at Florida International University or Mary Ellen Flannery (mfl[email protected]) at NEA.

Teaching For Deep Learning

Would you like your students to become deep learners? Here’s a simple approach to accomplish your goal.

BY CHARLIE SWEET, Do you and your trusty sidekicks, a computer and textbook, show up for class each day… HAL BLYTHE, AND because you want to help your students obtain an education that nets them high-paying RUSTY CARPENTER jobs… because your chair likes to lurk in the hallway… because your paycheck necessi- Eastern Kentucky University tates it... or perhaps because you want to aid your institution’s administrators in their quest to obtain high retention and graduation rates?

On the other hand, if you’ve decided that the real purpose of higher education is to instill deep learning (what Fink calls “significant learning experiences” and others, life-long learning) in your students, do you really know how to reach this goal? Do you keep current with pedagogical research? Have you noticed what brain scientists have recently discovered about learning?

Times have changed quickly. The “Sage on the Stage” is on life-support, and even the “Guide” is being forced further to the side by the “Mentor from the Middle” (see our “Teaching Creative Thinking and More”). Unfortunately, while professional development, especially in pedagogy and technology, is something we all know we need, time-stressed instructors often find it difficult to obtain.

Fear not, for in the next few pages we’re going to provide a short course that will not only catch you up on the research, but make your students what you desire to see — deep learners.

12 NEA HIGHER EDUCATION ADVOCATE Meet Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Rusty Carpenter

Charlie Sweet (charlie.sweet@ and Hal Blythe (hal. [email protected]) are co-directors of the Teaching & Learning Center at Eastern Kentucky University. Their 1,200-plus publications include 18 books, critical articles in academic journals from Pedagogy to Poe Studies, and fiction in such maga- zines as Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. Rusty Carpenter (russell. [email protected]) is the director of the Noel Studio for Aca- demic Creativity at Eastern, where he is an associate professor of English. Recent books include Higher Educa- tion, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships (2011) The Four Rs—Receive, IN ORDER TO PLACE with Melody Bowdon, Cases on Higher Education Spaces (2012), Retrieve, Rate, Reflect INFORMATION IN THEIR as well as Introduction to Applied Are you old enough to remember when LONG-TERM , Creative Thinking (2012) and Teaching Applied Creative Thinking your elementary education was called STUDENTS MUST GO (2013) with Hal and Charlie. “grammar school”? Were the three Rs of THROUGH THE PRACTICE reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic drilled into you with a hickory stick? From the Indus- OF RETRIEVAL. trial Revolution through the 20th Century, the three Rs constituted the basics of a once encouraged students to read and then As we point out in Achieving Excellence in good education. But today the subject reread as a way to be certain one learned Teaching: A Self-help Guide (2014), knowl- matter for an education has expanded, and the material, but we now know that com- edge should be transferable and not mere research has demonstrated more scientific mandment to be wrong. surface learning (e.g., that which is ways to learn. For instance, instructors crammed for a test): “Unlike surface


n a recent course, was often delivered prescriptive but needed and viewings. While apparent during the CRE 201 Creativity visually with the expec- to foster innovation the focus of the course process. At the end of I and Innovation, tation that students and invention while was creativity, each each major project, students focused on would be inspired and also challenging stu- project required stu- students had the developing innovative that class discussions dents to draw on their dents to present and chance to reflect publi- concepts and ideas and exercises would past experiences from rate their projects. cally, building off of through applications of build momentum class or life — to This critical thinking one another’s ideas, creative thinking. Their organically. My intent practice retrieval. encouraged students questions, and con- projects were largely was not to tell students In addition, students to consider what they cerns. The “Four R” problem-based, and the what to think but to grounded their would have done differ- approach certainly activities were focused encourage them to approaches based on ently if they had more enhanced my CRE 201 on using creativity to think. How students information retrieved time or different direc- students’ learning. develop innovative received content could from the course text or tions for solving solutions. Information not lend itself to the supplemental readings problems that became

NEA HIGHER EDUCATION ADVOCATE 13 learning, deep-learning students synthesize ble when it’s effortable” (3). But not all • Space out practice. Rather than one long (rather than memorize) ideas in order to effort is the same. In fact, the authors period, placing time between prac- develop a conceptual understanding—i.e., stress that “Rereading text and massed tice sessions allows the brain to consoli- the new information takes root in their practice of a skill or new knowledge are by date or strengthen connections. Try the basic apparatuses for apprehending the far the preferred strategies of learners of all three-part approach where practice oc- world—and to make meaning out of mate- stripes, but they’re also among the least curs immediately after new learning has rial under consideration” (11). Simply put, productive” (3), as is the “popular notion taken place, immediately before a testing inculcating deep learning in your students that you learn better when you receive exercise, and another somewhere in can be achieved by utilizing the four Rs. instruction in a form consistent with your between. preferred learning style” (4)—e.g., auditory • Interweaving or practicing two or more or visual learning. Receive! subjects or skills beats massed practice. Amazingly, baseball players will learn to Like a computer, the student mind needs hit curve balls better when the pitching to receive information to function. Many STUDENTS MUST LEARN TO coach mixes in a few fastballs and delivery systems exist from on-the-ground REFLECT UPON WHAT changeups. Likewise, practicing French to online, lecture (with or without Power- THEY LEARNED AND vocabulary and English grammar in the Point) to mini-lecture, and many formats same study session is helpful. can be utilized (e.g., the flipped classroom). HOW THEY LEARNED IT. The keys are brevity and variety: after 10 • Vary your time and place of learning. Students should study in different places minutes of any mode of concentrated in- The authors suggest several general princi- and at different times. Mom sending you struction (see Medina), student attention ples of retrieval that effective instructors to your room every night after supper wanes. If the average person is willing to need to know and pass on to their students. probably wasn’t the best idea. spend only 12 seconds on a website, how Think of these guidelines as learning strate- long does it take before students click out gies applicable for instructors and coaches: In Learning to Think Things Through of their reception mode? Still, without new (2005), Gerry Nosich offers another princi- information to add to old knowledge, new • Even in new fields of knowledge, even ple of retrieval. Since you tend to forget knowledge cannot be created. before you learn how to solve, give the most of what you learn, focus not on all problem a try. Making mistakes can be bits of information but on the most funda- valuable. Let your students try to write mental and powerful concepts. We once Retrieve! a sonnet before you teach them its intri- reduced our entire World Lit course to its cacies. In order to place information in their long- essence with “Art reflects its culture.” As term memories, students must go through • Learning is best achieved by drawing Make It Stick affirms, “People who learn to the practice of retrieval. As Brown, Roedig- on a wide array of your experiences and extract key ideas from new material and ger, and McDaniel point out in Make It resources rather than simply what you do organize them into a mental model and Stick: The Science of Successful Learning best. If you tend to be a visual learner, try connect them to prior knowledge show an (2014), “Learning is deeper and more dura- the aural approach. advantage in learning complex mastery” (6).


he best tip we can comes a tool for learning other? Well, it turns out offer you to facilitate that gets more assignments Mom got this one right T deep learning is to read, increases attendance, since the single best way quiz, quiz, and quiz again. provides an “easy-win” for students to learn with- Have a quiz at the beginning grade, forces retrieval, and out the instructor present tive” (D1) whether you want of class, after a mini-lecture, offers a post-quiz time to is with our old friend the to learn history or French. at the end of an online read- discuss correct answers. flashcard. And flashcards Look into flashcard programs ing, and even at the end of are even easier to use now. Remember sitting at the such as , Memrise, or class. Why? As Make It Technology has provided us kitchen table with Mom , where “Each digital Stick says, “think of it as with digital versions of the turning over those old hand- flashcard is repeated at practicing retrieval of learn- flashcard that, as the Wall written 3x5 notecards with intervals based on the ing from rather Street Journal reports, definitions on one side and degree of difficulty for the than `testing’” (19). Thought “promise to make you examples/resources on the user” (D3). of this way, quizzing be- smarter and more produc-

14 NEA HIGHER EDUCATION ADVOCATE In short, if students are taught to retrieve effectively—whether through testing, I ISSUES TO CONSIDER discussion questions, or papers—they will learn more deeply. And don’t forget OVERCOMING don’t learn the same way”; and “Rule #10: Vision to check our sidebar for the two greatest COMMON tools of teaching (quizzing) and learning trumps all other senses.” PROBLEMS The implications for teach- (flashcards). ing are enormous. Don’t let Is following the Four Rs any class unit last more the only way to ensure than 12 minutes. Have your longer than 15 minutes tend Rate! deep learning? Of course students exercise in class. to lose impact and energy. not. As we mentioned Provide pictures since im- Under 20-page papers will A 2007 study by the Association of Ameri- earlier, the more active ages are at least six times not have as much effect on can Colleges and Universities claimed the the learning, the deeper it more effective than words. student learning as longer number one skill desired by employers is penetrates. And activities “The brain cannot multi- papers. And how many critical thinking. As critical thinking is that promote the higher- task” (84). Student knowl- classes did you ever take if order skills on Bloom’s edge is “organized around essentially the evaluation of argument, the dreaded term paper Revised Taxonomy—Apply- core concepts or `big ideas’ was due on the last day of meaningful and immediate feedback by ing, Analyzing, Evaluating, that guide their thinking class? Did your caring prof instructors, whether written or verbal, and Creating—are most about their domains” (84). mail you a copy of his com- models such thinking. As Arum and effective. ments or even her grade on What classroom practices Rotska demonstrate in Academically it? What did you learn from What else does research do not promote deep Adrift (2011), students learn to evaluate doing that paper other to reveal about student learning? Recent studies hate writing papers and the material most effectively by writing the learning? More than we indicate that 90 percent of subject of that paper? 20-page paper. If you are looking for a way can cover in such a short all P-20 classes are taught Handing back a test long to supplement critical thinking, you might article. For instance, molec- primarily through the lec- after students took it and ular biologist John Medina ture method. Lectures, like try using Paul and Elder’s The Thinker’s not reviewing the test has compiled some new a PowerPoint, promote Guide to Critical & Creative Thinking questions immediately are studies in his book Brain passivity. But even group two strategies found in the (2005) or any of their writings that explain Rules (2008)—e.g., “Rule discussions can become Worst Practices Hall of the Elements of Thought, the Intellectual #1: Exercise boosts brain boring through overuse, Fame. And never throw the Standards, and the Intellectual Traits. All power”; “Rule #6: Remem- and such discussions domi- textbook at your class while ber to repeat”: “Rule #7: nated by alphas lose effec- information is not equal in value, and stu- sternly admonishing them, Sleep well, think well”; tiveness, especially for class dents must be equipped to judge its worth. “If you don’t understand, “Rule #8: Stressed brains omegas. Units that last you’d better reread it!” As a simple exercise, regardless of your discipline, find relevant newspaper/online editorials and have your students apply the Paul-Elder or any other critical think- Brown, P., Roediger, H., & McDaniel, M. ing model to them. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful Metacognitive questions might be: learning. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. Reflect! • What was the most difficult thing to Fink, D. (2003). Creating significant learning grasp in class today? experiences: An integrated approach to design- ing college courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Students must learn to reflect upon what • What was the easiest thing to grasp? they learned and how they learned it— Medina, J. (2008). Brain rules: 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and that is, thinking about the new knowledge • Have you noticed any pattern to the school. Seattle: Pear Press. and monitoring their learning process (i.e., things you consider difficult to learn, Nosich, G. (2005). Learning to think things become metacognitive) and you must stim- easy to learn? through: A guide to critical thinking across ulate both activities. Instructors can offer the curriculum. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, in-class and out-of-class assignments that Students can also be encouraged to keep NJ: Prentice Hall. journals or even to “pair-and-share” with ask daily, end-of-unit, or end-of-semester Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2005). The thinker’s questions. other students. To paraphrase a famous guide to critical and creative thinking. Dillon saying, unexamined learning is not worth Beach, CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking. Reflective questions often take the form of pursuing—and it certainly isn’t deep and Shellenbarger, S. (2015, April 29). synthesis questions: lasting. get smart so you can, too. The Wall Street Journal, pp. D1, D3. • Does what you just learned in this Sweet, C., Blythe, H., & Carpenter, R. (2013). course remind you of anything you Teaching creative thinking and more. NEA picked up in another course? REFERENCES & RESOURCES Higher Education Advocate, 30(4), 6-9. Arum, R., & Roksa, J. (2011). Academically • How does this new knowledge differ/ Sweet, C., Blythe, H., Phillips, B., & Daniel, C. adrift: Limited learning on college campuses. (2014). Achieving excellence in teaching: A conflict with your previous beliefs about Chicago : University of Chicago Press. self-help guide. Stillwater, OK: New Forums. the subject?