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Vel. LXI, No.6- . 28th TANUARY, 983 ey. Pelee 30e Pop

_ General Noties85 of 1963, Ce 4 €@) depart Matibi Suaday 11,30 ‘BER, ‘arrive Fort Victerla ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] , The servies tooperate as follows—

\ (a) depart Fort Victeria Mission daily except Sunday 6 a.m, ~ Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits arrive Fort Victoria 9.18 a.m. - |

(b) depart Fort Victeria Missien‘Sunday 10 Bly affive Fort '_ IN:terms: of subsection (4) of seetlon 7 efthe Read Motor Victoria 1.45 am; Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that @ depart Fort,Fo Victoria daily viaf, arrive Fort Vieteria the applications detailed in the. Schedule, for the jasue or, ssion 6.15 a.m, amendment ef read service ermits, have been recelved for the Note—This appileation, eriginally, bilshed in General Netice eensideration ofthe Controller of Road Moter Transpertatien, Oesae. i rol abere-with correction. Any person wishing to object te any aueh application must ledge with the Controller of Read Moter ‘ransportation, Kumuka-Bus Service, P.O, Bex 8332, Causeway - got/82, Permit: 18055, Motor-omnibu, ‘Passenger-capaclty: - (a) a netics dawriting, of his: intention te object, se as te - > seaeh Controller's. office notlater. than the 18th ‘Reute 1; » Mapfenl » Bora store = Chumachangu ‘Fobruary, 1983; and. Mureya effice : Manhonde = Nyadirl « Mutoke =w Nyataine .© o) ‘his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.,T. Nyamuzuwa « Kawazwa - Chingururu.. Chiunye Tewaship « 24, together with twe copies thereof, se asto reach the Nyamukeke Township « Nyamareri River, _ Controller's effies net later thanthe 1ith Mareh, 1983, By= Any person. objecting to af appplication forfer Se. issue of |. (a) extension of rowtg from Nyambersre « Chisve fume: amendment of a road serviee permit must confine his erounds Chisve Scheel; ae - ” of objection te. matters direct ba 6n the ‘considerations (b) alteration to times; referred to in parearaph (a), (6), (6), (4), (e), OF:() 6f section. _ 8 of thesald Act, (©) inerease in frequencies; 8 RN, TSOMONDO, (d) inerease in fares, 28=1-83, Controller of Road Motor Transportation. The service operates as fellows— 4 ‘(a)’ depart Harare Tuesday and ‘Friday: §,30 a.m, arrive Nyamaren River 4 p.m} oo . MOTOR:OMNIBUSES —(b) nen Harare Thursday 5.30 a.m. arrive Kawazwa 12 ' Amendments . A. BD, Mpepu (Pvt) Lid, (6) depart Harare Sunday 6 a.m, arrive Nyamareri River , 79008s. Permit: 14320, otor-omnibus, Passeger-

A.D. Mpepu. - (e depart ‘Harare Sunday 940 am,4 7 and 4 pi, arrive Ma: Aeat(82. Permit: 18894. Motor-ornnibus. Passenger-capacity fiita. School 12.05 p.m. atid 6.50 p.m., respectively; (f) depart Maruta School Monday 3.30 a.m. and 10 a.m, respectively; - Route: Neshuro Township‘ - “Neshuro dip « Chief. Neshuro « artive Harare 6.15 am, and 12.25 p.m, Makowire School --Matendi dip - Chimbudzi Township. - (#) depart Martuta Schoool Tuesday to ‘Thursday 6,30 atti, ..Rukau dip - Chief Mawariro « Neshuto turn-off - Nuanotel ative Harare 9.15 any: River - Furudzi Township. _ (hb) depart Marita School Friday 6.30 am. and 2.30 pan., - By atfive Harare 9.15 aa. and 5.20 p.m., respectively; (a). extension of route frora Furudzi - Namande and Neshuro () depart Maruta School Saturday 6.30-a.m. and 1.30 p.m, - Ngundu « Fort Victoria; attive Harare 9.15.a.m. afd 4.50om respectively; (b) increase in passenger-capacity to 70; j). depart Martita School Sunday 6.a.m. and 12.30 fa, ae a815 p.m, respectively. (c) alteration to times, - . 0 sive Harare 8.35 a.m, atid The service operates as follows—. . , COODSVEHICLES . (a) depart Neshuro Township Monday arid Wedhiesday 2 ‘Amendments’ - ; p.m., arrive Furudzi-Township 4 p.m, _ John Bishop Africa (Pvt.) Ltd, Tuesday and Thursday 3.30 ~ _ (b) depart Neshuro Township Load: 35 000 kilograms ‘ p.m., arrive Furudzi Township 5.30 p.m.; G/905 to 909/82. Five godds-vebicles, each. (c) depart Furudzi Township Friday 1 p.m., arrive Forudai Township 3 p.m.; Area: Throughout . of allkinds (d) depart Neshuro. Township Saturdays 6.30 pm, artive Nature of carriage: Goods, wates atid merchandise Furudzi Township 8.30 p.m. on behalf of 11.M. group of compares only. Note-—This application, originallyPublishediin General Notice (e) depart. Neshuro Township. Sunday. 4.30 pim., arrive here with corrections. oo Furudzi Township 6.30 p.m.; 1161 of 1982, is republished (f) depart Furudzi Township Monday, Wednesday, Friday J. Chandisatewa andR, and N. Nyatnurundira, - _ and Saturday 6.40. a.m., arrive Neshuro Township 8.40 G/910/82. Goods-vehicles, Load: 20000 kilogranis. am.; . - Area 1: Within Inyanga, Zimbiti, St, Swithins, Matizi, Sawu- (g) depart Furudzi Township Tuesday and Thursday 5 a.m., -nyama, Nyamaropa, Holdenby, Mutasa North, Mutasa South, arrive Neshuro Township 7 a.m.; /Manyika atid Manga commiurtial lands ‘arid that portion of (h) depart Furudzi Township 9 am., arrive Neshuro Town- nyanga North Commuial Land which: lies. within an 80- ship 11. a.m. . ; > piomette tadius of the post office, Inyanga, Tsotizo Purchase district, with access Theservice to operate as: Land and commercial land in the Inyanga follows— to Rusapeand . Monday to Saturday 6.15 a.m., arrive | (a) depart Namande Area 2: As above, with access to Harare. Fort Victoria 10.30 a. fature, (b) depart Namande Sunday 9. 15 am., arrive Fort Victoria Nature ofcarriage: Agricultural produce ofa perishable 1.30 p.m.; subject to decay. 6.15 Note.—This application, originally published in General notice (c) depart Fort Victoria daily 2 p.My|arrive ‘Namande here with cortections.. ; p.m. 1161 of 1982, is republished Commercial Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. ° Kumuka BusService. (Pvt) Ltd. G/921 : and 922/82. Two goods-vehicles. Lond: 12.600 Kilo- 590/1290/81. Permit: 16745. Motor-omnibus,Passenger-capacity: grams each. Area: Throughout Zimbabwe. > Route {: Harare - Bora- Chumachangu - Musami Mission - * Nature of.carriage: Fuel. Rukodzi-- Eddie Store~- ceahaaentiad Note.—This application,ofiginally pbain General notice By— 1 of 1983, is republished here with corrections. - deletion of the por‘ion of the route from Musami Mission _ @) (Pvt) Ltd. t - to Marondera and substitution of Ngomamowa- Jacob Bindura Haulage Township. - Rhodes Township - Shavanhowe River - -G/998/82. Permit: 18619. Goods-vehicle. ‘Load: 1300 kilo- Chizanga - Maruta School; ; grams. “(b) alteration to times; Area Within ‘Chesa and: Karuyaria purchase ands ‘and Larid, with access to the Grain Market- (c) increase in fares. ~ Kandeya Communal ing Board depots at Tafuna, Glendale and Bindura. The service operates as follows— Aréa 2: Within a 64-kilometre radius of the post office, Bindura; (a) depart Harare. Monday 8 a.m. and 430 p.m., arrive Ru-, . Nature‘of carriage: kodzi. 10.25 a.m. and 6.55 p.m., respectively; . Area 1: Agricultural produce and requirements, (b) depart Harare Friday 6.30 p.m., arrive Rukodzi 8.55 - Area 2: Products and requirements of the agricutural and P-m.; mining industries, 8.30: a.m., arrive Rukodzi 10.55 -(c) depart Harare Saturday By: Increase in load to 30 000 kilograms.- am. ° in General Notice 2 Pm.,“arrive Marondera 5.35 Note:—This application, originall published ’ (d) depart Harare, Saturday 1 of, 1983, is republishedhere with corrections. . p.m.; (e) depart Harare Sunday 2.20Bm and 10.15 p.m., arrive Additionals’ ’ : Marondera 6.05 p.m. and 1.45 a.m., respectively; J."MaworettB (Pvt.) Ltd.. : i (f) depart - Marondera Monday 4,10 a.m." arrive Harare G/1146/82. Goods-vehicle. Load: 32000y kilograms. of . 745 a.m; Roite 1: Beitbridge - Nyamapanda. 10.30 a.m., arrive Harare 12.55 - (g) depart Rukodzi Monday 4,| Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. . ?:p.m3 - (h) dgpart Rukodzi Tuesday 10 a.m, arrive Harare 12.25 _ G/1147/82,. Goods-vehicle. Load: 32.000 kilograms, p.m; Route 1: Machipanda (Forbes Border Post) to Chirundu. (i) depart Rukodzi Saturday 3.25 a.m. and 11 a.m., arrive - Natureof carriage: Goods, waresand erchandise of all kinds. . Harare 6 a.m. and 1.20 p.m., respectively; — G/1148/82. Goods-vehicle. Load: 32 kilograms. Marondera Sunday 10.50 a.m. and. 6.30. p.m,, _@) depart Route 1: Plumtree - Chirundu. , arrive Harare 2.25 p.m: and. 10.05 -P.m., respectively. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. The service to opérate as follows— a.m. ‘and 1 pm. arrive Marita (a) depart Harare Monday 7 TAXI- CABS and 4 p.m., respective ys . . 5 . School 9,35 a.m. Amendments “Thursday 1 p.m., arrive Ma- (b) depart Harare Tuesday to N.Shanganya. ruta School 4 p.m.; Permit: 143322. Taxi-cab,. : 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., arrive Maruta . TX/361/82, (c) depart: Harare Friday J. Mafoti and N. Shanganya. School 2 p.m. and 8.35 p.m.,’ respectively; By: Transfer of the permit from published in General Notice 1161 (d) depart Harare. Saturday 10 am, and 5.30 p.m., arrive This application, originally corrections, Maruta School 12. 50 p.m. and 8.05 pm, respectively, of 1982, is ‘republished here with \é


Additional. ae (b) making lease cevers, cushions and curtains; ; ‘T. Gwene,” (¢) making of repairing bex-spring mattresses and frames T/340/82. Taxi-eab, Passenger-capacity:4 for uphoistering; * Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius ef Nemamwa growth point, (4) wood-machining, venesring) pedturning, darving, _ Coridition: The vehicle to stand for. hire at Stand 149, Nema: | welding, stralg teal 1pend’ng, formingg,fivetig Gutscu mawa growth point only, fi assem ig, grinding, ea pretalngoF Hiliag iaefil ith the eatactuss LE. Muviringi, -¢ of repair of furnittire; . FX/348/82, Taxd-eab, Pascenger-eapactty: 3, . (6) mariufacturing, staining, spraying, polishing, Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, olishin furniture 6F Sibinets fermiusieal ‘ietramente5 Bulawayo, ee radigr fadiegram of tBlevisien cabinets; 7 - Candition: The vehicle to-stand for hire in Nkulamane suburb (8) processesiin the manufacture-of bedding, mattresses, ’ only, ~ innerépring@ mattresses, overlays, pillows, bolsters 6F 2 E. G, Mariya. () _fepairing,& reuuphofsteringig OF tepotishing fa establish: - T¥/370/82. Taxi-eab, Passenger-capacity: - prediction of raiture, Gf any - eaion resctated wth the final preparation any Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Chiredal. article of furniture, for sale, either in whole ef in part, . Condition: The vehiele to stand for hire at any taxi-rank within iscarried ony the area under the jurisdiction of the Chireda Towa Beard, ‘(h) warehousing or distributing wholesale any one or more of the products deserl ed in paragraphs (a) to G, Charl, : oo (9) “when carried aut conjunction ‘with the TX/375/82, Taxi-cab, Passenger-capaclty: 4, So manufacture of such products; Aves! Within a 40-kilemetre fadius of the General Past Office, Witshall exelude— Harare, | Condition: Thevehicle to standfor hire at any authorized taxi: 0) mantifacturing articles prinetpally fromlekss, GF8Ss rank within the area under the yuriedletion 6f. the Harare - OF Cae; Munieipality.. (if} manufacturing radio, radiogram or television eabis - nets when manufactured ja association with Mafitis - > GM Chaeruka, , recelveny of assembling radias, fadiograms or television TX/373/82, Taxiseab, Pastenger-capacity: 4 FECEIVETS; Area: Within a 40:‘kilometre radius of the main post ‘office, fil) the manufacture of inetal fates metal filings bint, Mutare. metal dlothing-loskers mela pboards, metal shelving, metal Blayergratnd equipment, Veenceawn €8§ {iTG= Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at MilnerAvett, _ duéts, faot-steols, tables or tubular chairs from _ Miitare, only. - .. {£08 oF steel or non-ferrous: metals or thelr allays, where iren of steel of non-ferrous meétalg or one T. R. Shambare, Se 7 of their alleys is the principal component, TX/388 to 391/82. Four taxlecabs, Passenger-capuctty: 33 each, | Interests in respect of whichicltapplication is made: The interests Atea: Within a 40-klometre radius of Guzha Township, of emiployees employed as= Condition: The vehicle to statid for hire at Guzha Township, - Harare district, only, assemibly-fitters; ’ boiler-attendants; “TRANSFERS bobbin-sanders; w. Maine & Son (Pvt) Ltd. Chaln-thachine-operatorss éleatiers; - G/1107/82. Pertriit: 20510. Goods-vehicle, , clerks; : By! Transfer of the permit froJ. Paar et)Ltd, comiponietit assemblers; +

. Gtishidt-fillers; étitters (tot iipholsterers); Genera Notice 56 of 1983, ppers; drivers’ assistants; | INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT (CHAPTER 267] drivers; edaets; Applicstion for Registration ofa Trade Union ; . atHef:na . fadsi Hatid patntersy, . MARK EDWARD FREEMANTLE, Depiity , tadustta ‘labourers; | | Registrar, hereby give notice, in tetnis ofsubsection (5) of leading hatidg: " géction 39 of the Industrial Conciliation Act [Chapter 2671, litik-mestismachine operators; that I have received an spplication for registration of the Zim- Ioadeis; . babwe Furniture and Cabinet Workers’ Union, to the exterit foose-fillers; . — set ott in the Schedule, tiattréss-tufters; os : : Anyregistered trade union ‘having obj éction tostich registra" Tiésserigers: tion is hereby invited to lodge such objection, in writing, with tietdl-piitichers; me, c/o Ministry of Labour and: Social Services,’ Private Bag | | metal-work-assemblers; 7101, Causeway, within 30 days: from the date of- publication. tnortisers$ - ofthis notice. | moulders: __M.B, FREEMANTLE,| multiplariers; - 28-1682, Deputy Industrial Registrar. - packers;~ - % portable grinders; « - ’ ScHEDULE sariders with portable machines; saiiders by hand; - Name of ‘trade ‘union: Zimbabwe Furniture and Cabinet seatrier’s (not uppholsterers); _ Workers’ Union. . spray-pa nters; . Undertaking, industry, trade or ‘occupation in respect of which ‘spring-kriotters; ° ap, lication is made: The furniture. manufacturing industry, epring-unit-assemblers; _ which means, without in any way limiting the ordinary sweepers; * meaning of the expression, the industry in which employers tea-makers; and employees are associated together for the purposeof © tube-benders; manufacturing, either in whole or in part, alIt types furni- _ Vvéneer-trimmers; ture ‘irrespective of the materials used, and the, wholesale -. ‘welders (in jigs); . . distribution thereof, including the following operations— wire-straighténers; a) repairing, ulpholstering, re-upholstering, staining, wood-staifiers, é». pes ing, dint rollcr-coating,polishing or re-polish- Area in respect of which application is made: ‘The aréa of . . _ ingfurniture; Zimbabwe. ‘ 58 Z.MBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,28TH JANUARY, 1983

General Notice 57 of 1983, Assistant Commissioner Wilfred Mushangwe toSenior Assistant Commissioner: a i ’ DRUGS AND ALLIEDSUBSTANCES CONTROL.ACT - Chief Superintendent Noah Manyowa Mvere to Senior , [CHAPTER 320] - . - Assistant. Commissioner. - 7 mL. oe Chief Superinterident. Rogers Tichafa Mubvuyiwa.to Assistant . - Commissioner, © _ - Standard Warnings . Chief-Superintendent William ‘Taengerweyi ‘Mutswiri Mukura- zita‘to Assistant Commissioner, , to Assistant IT is hereby notified, for public information, that, in terms Chief ‘Superintendent. Christopher Bigg-Wither Drugs Commissioner, . °. . oe . 8 _of paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section 19 of the to and Allied Substances Control (General) Regulations, 1975, Chief Superintendent Geoffrey George Hatiponi Kundeya published in Government Notice 884 of 1975, the Assistant Commissioner, oo drugs listed in the first column of the Schedule Which have Chief Superintendent David Nepara Tonds to Assistant Com- -been declared to be specified drugs and registered with the missioner, , > : , Drugs. Control Council in termsof ‘the Drugs and Allied Sub- _ Chief Superintendent Erasmus, Amos -Basillo Mataba to — stances Control Act [Chapter 320], are required to be labelled _ Assistant Commissioner, with a warning to the effect of the standard warning specified Chief Superintendent Charles Cassidy to Assistant Commis- opposite thereto in the second column of theSchedule. sioner, o 7, oo Chief Superintendent’ David John Sloman’to Assistant Com- Rhodesia Notices 1821 of 1973, 551 of 1978, 552 of 1978 General Notice 827 of 1979 are repealed. missioner, = and 100.of 1979 and Chief Superintendent Anthony David Sturman “Maycock to. D, GALLETIS, Assistant Commissioner.. . 2 28-1-83, Registrar of Drugs. Superintendent’ Joramu Mudzingwa to Chief Superintendent. f Superintendent David Hugh. Somerville Coleman to Chief ScHEDULE Superintendent. - : Superintendent Gabriel Dick Francis Mutamiri to Chief: fIn this Schedule, “category” means a category as set out in Superintendent, co Done Part I of the Second Schedule to the Drugs and Allied Sub- ‘SuperintendentLe © Elisha Mulganga Chidavaenzi to. Chief stances Control (General) Regulations, 1975,] ; - Superintendent. . Sw Specified drugs Standard warning Superintendent Luke Urayayi’ Rairay! Johnson: Mudzongo. to Chief Superintendent. 1. Laxatives in category Prolonged use of this prepara- Superintendent Mzanywa Malabuka to Chief Superintendent, . 11.5, but excluding bland, tion may be injurious to Superintendent Terence Walmsloy to Chief Superintendent, bulk-forming laxatives. health. ~ Superintendent Twoboy Peterson Chinango to Chief ‘Superin: . 2. Antihistaminic prepara- The use of this: medicine leads fendent, oo . “ tions intended for oral. to drowsiness which is ag- Superintendent Shelagh Needham.to Chief: Supertinendent. ‘use in categories 5.7, gravated by the simultaneous Superintendent Leon Masango James Chawora to Chief” ~ §.7,1, 5.7.2 and 5.8. intake of alcohol. so Superintendent. co : . . 3, Analgesic preparations Do not use continuously for Inspector Paradzayi Brighton Michael Chiutare™ to- Chief. . - containing phenacetin, as- more.than ten days without Superintendent. =... poe _ | pirin or paracetamol in consulting your doctor, Chief Inspector Simon ~Tafirenyika Sangu. fo Chief categories 2.7, 2.8 and - / oo Superintendent. ™ ot. 2 Chief Inspector Erisha ‘Tavengwa to Chief Superintendent, 4. Ophthalmic solution. pre- Should not be used later than Chief Inspector Onesimus Nyikayi Matanga to Chief arations in categories © one month from the date of Superintendent.. ee §, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and opening. Superintendent Harry Ellis Kefford.to Chief Superintendent, - 15.4. - oo Superintendent Marian Tigere to Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector Johnson Guzuberi Maguza Chikomwe to | 5. Prepared comfrey pro- Use of this product ma be your health. ~- Superintendent. oe duets tor oral administra- hazardous te Inspector Asman ta Superintendent. ae tion in category 34. © Chief Inspector Lyndon Bayd Morgan to Superintendent. 6. All drugs containing Contains tartrazine, which | Chief Inspector Tavaruva Silvanus Muzofato Superintendent. tartrazine, : may precipitate allergies, such Chief Inspector Brent Munro Forrest to Superintendent. - as asthma. Chief Inspectar Joseph Shumbanete Chitsa_to Superintendent: Inspector Elijah Darlington Mashokoh to Superintendent. - ¥€ Inspector Edmond Orfeur Caoke-Yarborough ta Superintendent, “General Notice 58 of 1983. | Inspector Daniel Tiyenga Madyah to Superintendent: , POLICE ACT [CHAPTER98] Inspector Tafirenyika te Superintendent,- Inspectar Gibson: Paul Makwaya Munthali to Superintendent. c Chief Inspectar Jahn: Canice Finn ta Superintendent, Promotion of Officers Chief Inspector, Pharoah Muskwe ta Superintendent. Inspector Obert: Tshabalala te_Superintendent. Do (2) of ‘section Inspector Torevasel Vitalios Gundani ta Superintendent. . IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection ‘Inspector Alfred Sungane Musengi ta Superintendent. : 4 of the Police Act [Chapter 98], that His Excellency the Republic Police— Inspector. Wellington: Shadreeil Sharah to Superintendent. President has promoted, in the Zimbabwe Inspector Leanard Zwidzayi Bare ta Superintendent. ha) the officer mentioned in the First Schedule, with effect Taspector Partson Danda to Superintendent... from the Ist August, 1982; and so Inspector. Charles Rungangs ta Superintendent... (b) the officers listed in the Second Schedule, with effect Inspector Naisan Marume Matewa to_ Superintendent. fromthe }st July, 1982; and - Inspectar Benard Barcon Reyikop to Superintendent. Jonathan Togara Lueas Mebuehu te Superin= . (c) theofficers listed in the Third Schedule, with effectfrom on ofIngpector _ Se the Ist November, 1982, tendenf, .. . . . W. R.NGURUVE, Chief Inspector Efraeme Mandizwidza Jaires Chablkato ~ Commissioner: of Palice, Superintendent. ; ; - 28-1-83, Inspector Mafekeni Petros’ Mbondiah te Superintendent, Jerry Dawa Singadi.ta Superintendent, og . First SCHEDULE Inspector — Senior -Assistant Commissioner Govati Mhara ta Deputy Chief Inapectar Lankls Chendela Tembe te Superintendent, . . Inspectar Micah Ndhlevu Mukulunyelwa to Superintencent, ” Commissioner. Inspector, Frederick Alfred Chakalanje Shimongela. to . om SEconp. SCHEDULE . - uperintendent. ; oe Commissinner Kupukal Cornelius Mukerera ta Senior InspectorIsaae Shikataka Mukuba to Superintendent. Assistant . Chief Tnapector Marko Masive to Superintendent. a - Assistant Commissioner. Loe ; Chirambadare. Assistant. Commissioner Dermot Patrick Carter ta Senior Detective-chiet Tnapector Stanislaus Tegarepi Commissioner. - : to Superintendent. Assistant Inapecter Simon Muchemwa te Superintendent: Assistant Commissioner Mubanda Abinere Shumba to Senior Deteetive-Chief Makova to — Assistant Commissioner. Detective-Chief Inspector Michael “Wilbert Runesu te Senior Assistant. Superintendent. Assistant, Commissioner Joseph . Inspector Augustine John Murahwa to- Commissioner. Deteetive-Chief Michael Robinson to Senior Assistant Superintendent. Coe ee “Assistant. Commissioner Inapeetor Aaren Takadiyl te Superintendent. Commissioner, moe, . Detective-Chief ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT? GAZETTE, 28TH JANUARY, 1983 59.

Detective-Chief “Inspector Ephraim - Bararira Mashonga: to ' Staff Inspector Fredie James Sayenda to Staff Chief Inspector, - Superintendent, Inspector (Technician) Frederick Dirk Matthyser to Chief ' Detective-Inspector Peter Johannes Kok to Superintendent, Inspector (Technician), . . . Detective-Inspector Arnold Sagonda to Superintendent, Inspector: (Technician) Keith Ralph Lee to Chief Inspector. . Detective-Inspector Robert Michael Henry Minchin to Superin- (Technician), . - endent, . vote oi Staff Inspector Namuinesu Noel Majuru to Staff Chief Inspector, Staff Chief Inspector Michael David Werner to Superintendent. Inspector (Technician) Davies Masango to Chief Inspector Staff Inspector BoyathiNewenyato Superintendent, (Technician), , _ Staff Chief Inspector David Elder to Superintendent, -- Inspector (Technician) David Selwyn Amm to Chief Inspector Staff Inspector Isaac Dziya to Superintendent. = (Technician), Stef Patet Inspector Hugh Cunningham Jarvie to Superin- Inspector (Technician)James John Newton to Chief Inspector — endent, SS Staff Inspector Robert Mutsquki to Superintendent, . ragpectornspector CLechnician)(Technician) PatrickPatrick - -GeorgeGeorge Wh C ‘Staff Chief Inspector Stanley Bolas to Superintendent, Inapector (Technician), . ee catley to. Chiet Staff Chief Inspector James Ross Tennant to’ Superintendent, ToesGtor(Technician) Samuel Yohane Moyo to Chief Inspector Chief Inspector (Technician) Armindo Antonio Portas Meira Cian), : : . | - Ferros to Superintendent, Inspector(Technician). Michael Hugh Sadler to Chief Inspector Inspector (Technician) Peter Stephen Lewis Cary to Superin: | (Technician),- ytendent, - a : - | Inspector (Technician) Angus RoyMelntyreto Chief Inspector : oie Inspector (Technician) Philip Clarke Fraser to Superin: . (Fechnician), tendent, - - ‘Inspector (Technician) Ephraim Mgwarayi Jokome to Chief Chief Inspector (Technician) Michael’ Cary Owen to Inspector (Technician). - ; _ Superintendent, =< . i. Inspector (Technician) Robert Cairnie- to Chief Inspector Inspector (Technician) Beaudry Alexander Friend to’ Superine s rochalla Nichol M fi 5 ~_ tendent, Ze ection Officer Nicholas MapepaiMagwaba te Inspector, Tnspector Simpson Manzwimbo Jiri to Chief Inspector, —- . Section Offcer Vincent Mhlil AWOEA Nalovu to Inspector, Inspector Chidawanyika to Chief Inspector, “ Section Officer Cornelius Ananias Musoro to Inspector, Inspector Shadreck Vemba Charumbira to. Chief ‘Inapector, Section Officer Cephas Tendai Pamugwagwa to. Inspector. Inspector George Tinarwa. Mukosi to Chief Inspector Section Officer Albert Madende to Inspector, . Inspector Mpande Tarabusa Mahohoma to Chief Inspector. SectionOficer Victor Magombeza Mtokwenzawi Mtombeni Inspector Chire te Chief Inspector, oo Inspector Nelson Junias Chikweva to.Chief Inanector, Section Officer JamesNduma Machirabi te Inspector, Tnspector Davies Mushayanembwa Zimbwa ta Chief Inspector, Inspector Obed Garner Murambwe Muchate-to Chief Inspector, Secon Gitar SetonarikogaMarna’William MamaMus toa User,Inspector, Inspector Steward Odendaal to Chief Inspector, c Section Officer Nelson Musavaya TumbwWa Makuchete tq - Inspector Bothwell Madora ta Chief Inspecter, a Tnspector, — : Inspector Paul Joseph Zuze to Chief Inspectar, Section Officer WalterCliff Solomon Mashaba te Taspector, : Inspector Samuel Phillip Chaminuka’ to Chief Inspector, Section Officer Shupayita Inspectar, . Inspector Fambisayi Jeamiel Chakabuda to Chief Inspector, Section Officer Michael Mawelanta to Inspector, _ Jnspeetar Cassiah Linus Maveneka toa Chief: Inspector, — Section Officer Cleapas Shoniwa to Inspector, - ‘Inspector Tauray! Jericha Murehwa to Chief Inspector, . Section OFFper Dennis Jura to Inapectar, ‘Inspector Pius Vengesayi Chinamasa to Chief Inspector, Section Officer eriphence Chineka Homera to Inspector, Inspector Timethy Madongorere Dzingayi to Chief Inspector. Section Officer Barthalamew Hakunotusi Mutape to Inspecter, Inspector Benjamin Mwakonya Tsanganyidzoto Chief Inapec: Seetion Officer panenganl toInspecter, °* tor, ; Section Officer Peter aude ta Nnecian, ta Tnapecte Inspector Chingoshe ta Chief Inapector, - | Section Officer Thomas anan rivavi ta Inspector, Inspector Mica to Chief Inspector, o Woman Section Officer Reginah Judith Nawababa to Woman Inspector Manyewa Gwagwa to Chief Frapecter, inspector... * TnapestorBenard Hezekiel. Murambigwi Watadzaushe to Chief - Section Officer Frederick Peters te Tnspecter,. _” Fnapector, Patrol Officer Calvin Ndlovu te Inapectar, igapetar Franels Bén Mapuranga to Chief Inspector, — Section Officer Nyahwahwa Phillip Chigubu te Inspector _ Staff Inspector Herbert Matara to Chief Inspector, Woman Section Officer Gail Frances Pietersen te Woman Tnspector Kenneth Clanos. Magadu Nhemachena ta Chief Tnspecter, _ -< Jpapector, - . seeitoer Chakanyuke Reginald Tambaoga Chizivane te Inspector Tafirenyika Franels Taziwa te Chief Inspector, . Ynapector Chaka to Chief Inspector, Section Officer Godfrey Elijah Chideme to Inspecter, oo _ Inspector Kazilek Neube to Chief Inspector, Woman Section Officer Pieatnce Ann Will to Woman Inspector, Inspector Amos Doro Munyuru to Chief Inapectar, Section Officer James Svoushe to Inspector. _ Inspector Langton Makuwerere Dube te Chief Inspeeter, Section Officer Bhebe te Inspector. : Tnspector Leonard Gambiza ta Chief Inspector.t Section Officer Ernest Muranganwa .Benhura te Inspector, - Inspector Lazarus Pasipanodya Kufazvinel te Chief Inspecter: Section Officer Fhempsen Marikisi te Inspector. . , Inspector Nene Wilson Mayo te Chief Inspector. — " Sect en Officer Hasmenia eee te Inspecter, Inspector Peter Tigere te Chief Inspector. —- . Sect on Officer Tarewireyi Elias Mubau te Inspector, Tnapector Christopher Chimbumu ta Chief Inspeetor, Section Officer Samsen Gent Makamba to Inspector, ‘. Fnspecter Lazarus Maipisy Mazungunye te Chief Inspeeter. en Officer ieprume Paul Samutete te Inspector, Section Officer Claudiua Heleawa to Chief InspectorBectar, Section Officer Augustine Masundire te Inspector, Section Officer David Albert enneth Heron te Chief Inspector. - en Officer Fogara cpoguaucra ta inspector, . Section Officer Erie to Chief Inspeeter, ° ‘Seetian Officer Afriea Albert abachi te Inspector, Detective-Inspector Herbert Kunaka Chimanga te Detective: Section Officer Roy Rebinson Ndaba Butete to Iaspecter, Tnapeetor, Section Offices Munarwe Munaro Tacketa te Inspeeter, paeaivelseeester August Mangobe te Deteetive-Chief Inspee- Section Officer Lazarus Nyabezi to Inspector. . “ft . -_ on Office? Patrick DejovanMarteie Inspecter, - Detective-Inapector €ellins Fendayi Matenge te. Detective: | Section Officer Adam Gembe te Insp Chief Inspector, — ... -- Section Officer Andrea Kisimisi Mafukidze te Inspecter, Deteetive=napectar Steady Fonde] te Detect{ve-ChiefBeierNAnneeInspector.i Section Officer Champien Coianere Taungayi to Aapestor. DaeGest alo Seetien Officer Batsiral Claudius Hantreese Gatsi to Inspeeter, en Officer Edward Dzimba Mataruse te Inspector: aa ection” Officer Amos Shepard Makenese to Inspecter. _BASREASSotGilesBilin"osteoBealeve-Chief Section Officer Cephas Temba to inspector, — - - In: Seetion Officer Lazarus to Inspector, | Dettiveiiapecter Mastin ‘Roger Kay te Detective-Chief Sectien Officer Faustine Mazange te inspector, Inspec: Seetion Officer Stanley Tawedgera Makurumure te Inspector. - - gtainspector Charles James Changara te Staff-Chief on Officer Nazari te Inspeeter, mt | gutinapestr Anthony, Mark Baleoea ta Staff Chief Inspector, Tompson Masawi te Chief Inspeetar, FeslonSection GleeOfficer falonehMcnterfosepalio , Cornelius ‘Tendai Section Ofioer Rude Muehemenyi te Weman ia: _ Staff Faapuelor Simen Aatheny Edward Bunt te Saf Chief Weman : apecter: . “Tpspeeter. | ‘| Seetien Officer Amen Taruvinga te Inspector, ‘Siptrlane Aleck te Staff Chief Inspecter. - t . "Franels Lanten Zinyama te Staff Chief In- Sect en Officer Leopeld te spe OF, e ae ie Seet en Officer Nicholas Kambani Gevere Chireva te Inspecten. . Specter, =~ ; 8 _ g

‘ - -—Seetion Seebon ” “SeeHon __ tthe. Soetion Ms

-_ - Scotion

“Section wweehion . Svehon Acehon Seehon Seehon ‘elon : Section sehou Sertion Section Section See Sretian. Section Section Section Seehor Sectnn Ston Scebn Seebon Schon Seebon Seeton Seton Seehon Sechon Sechon Seeton

. Seehun Section Section Setion Section Scetion Section Seetion Section Seetion Stall

“Petcetive-Scetion Section Section Section Section Scetion Seetion Sceetion Section Section Seetion S-etion Section Section Section Section Seetion Section Section Section Section Detcetive-Seetion Deteefive-Section Dete Detective Delective-Seetion cbr Detective-Bectlon


Detective. Detective Detective-Seetion Detective-Seetion

Detective-Seetion .

Detective-Woman bony Irapector. Inspeetor.


tive-Inspeetot. Inspector. Inspector. utire Detective-Inspeetor,

Detective-Woman nspeetor. Seetinn cive-Seetion Ollicer Citeer

Officer Otheer -Ollieer Offiver

Olevr ClliverLoveniye Office: Oieer Offiger Oliver Offiere Officer Oliver Ollieer Oliver Olllecr Offierr (gheer Officer Officer Officer Officer Ollicer Oficer Officer Officer Oeer Othieer Offiecr Officer Officer Officer Oifiver Olheer Oliver Officer Olfieer Officer Officer Officer Ofllees Ofieer Officer Olleer Offieer OMecr Olieer Ofeer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer OMeer Offieer Ollcer Offleer Offieer Ofieet OMeer Officer Offleer Officer Officer eal to Section Section ee

Section Detective-[nspeetor. ‘Officer

Urban Cabsan Jolin

: 7 Cleaphas Stanley Titiias (han Drain Davies Herhert Poveword Step CHristmas Tome Theador David Mage Steven Alfred Elliot Christapher Raphael Chidinga Finnel

yv Callintus Alton Eling Raphael Paray Henry cephin Levins Edwin-Mhene Kudzai Shadreek ( Ciabriel] John Juat Shadreck William Mubawa Samuel Elijah Pranels Ronnie Neshert Bernard Mudema Dickson Richard Mark John Albert Machanja Kalatini tiwe Churles Taflrenyika Rishon. Mbust Lovemnre Daniel Lanfolt Khgesinaha hristupher OMeer Officer Officer

Officer Ofleer Officer

Officer Manyangadze Officer Officer Officer en Officer to


. Gwind! Deta ta Pangana) Simbi Majongesi Officer Ciedfrey Maximus to

Patrol. Crean Steven to Sungane, to Kolpien -Ciukwe St. Runes Ndhlovu Vineent €hisero Pdaen Eddie Anthony Nyararai Guy Sandi Inspector. Mponda [nspeeter, Inspector, Bhebe George Chiwerere July Mangweni Chimudzeka Lyaden Ananias dispeetor. hosts Pring Liapeetar, Ngara Murai Titus Nhekede Alfred Tnapegter,

, Stephen Musiviwa to Musuka Super Gratinny Ansent Mushayakarima to Masakia Burombo'te Madira Felix Clale

Kuvunika Nythadzino to Makenl Phillip Brian

Eneas Stephen

Joha Frank Inspeetor, -Muphios Jatihawu Pani to Mubsaiwa

Muziya Wellington Perry to Mavela to Matsambo [napeetor. Oliver Zireva

Samson lispeetor, ¢ - Mug

OMcer William to Tazivazvine Madanire Chinembirl to to Mgepe Inspeetar, Chigede to Michael to Charakupa hitenhere laspeetor, te Beleher to Smith Yege [nspeetor. Moyo Mutiwly! Rumire to to Gwembi- to to Ganye . Inspector, Yeung Marangere Inspector, inspeetor, Bennett lo Derek Nguwi Mature

Michael |

Marainl to inspeeter. to

to Tnspeetar. to Miller Moutu Burton ira to Inapecter, to Inspeetor. Tnspeetor, to Inspector, te Inspector. Chuehu te Mutsau to Tnspeetor, ZIMPARWEAN to. [nspeeter. Munyavi to Chitango to lispeetor, Dzim@anhete

Inspeetor. Tnapectar, Inspeeter. Inspeeter. te Thspector. Muehemedzl to Inspector, [nspeetor,

Simelikufa Inspeetoe. [nspeeter. Chungwarda to to


Muwadzuri Taranhike Zaranyika Inspeeter, Deteetive-Taspeetor, Inspector. to to Inspeeter.. a, te to

Plderi Tatnhla Neube Inspeeter, to Brockbank to Inspeeter, to Ferewa te Vandiral to te to to Inspector, to Deteetive-Taspieetor. to to Inspeeter, Inspeetor, to to.


Mburiga to te to Staff Ipaspeetor, Inspector, Inspector, to Inspeeter, lnspeetor. Tnspeetor, to Inspector. - [nspeetor. [nspeeter, Inspeetor. Deteetive-[nspector. Deteetive-[nspeetor. Inspeétor, -. Inspeeter, Inspeetar,

Mudzingwa to to Inspeeter, [nspeetar, Tnspeeter,

Tserayl Doro [napeetar,

. to | lapeetor, Inspeeter, GOVERNMENT [aspeetor, ~

to to .

Manyumbu. to to tu to to [nspeetor, to “ -


to to

Inapector.. Inspeetor. : Inspeetor, Kurewa Inspeeter, Inspeeter: Deteetive- ' Deteetive: Deteetlve=


Deteetive- Deteetive:

to - :

Detee= .

Maka. - . ~

. GAZETTE; . to

to |

| |. | -| ... | * ~Deteetive-Seetion: Deteetive-Seetlon -Deteollve Deteetive-Seetian Detsetive-Seetion Deteetive-Seetion Deteetive-Seetion. Datective’Seetlon Detvetive-Seetion Deteetive-Seetien Deteetive-Seetion Deteetive-Seetlon Detestive-Seetlen Deteetive-Seetion Detective-Seetion

Deteetive-Seetlon Deteetive-Seetion Deteetive-Seetlon Deteetive-Seetlon Deluctlve-Section Defective Deteetive-Seetion

Deteetive-Sectlen Deteetive:Seetlon at Deteetive-Seetion ‘Staff - Datestiva-Section Deteetlve-Seetion Deleeilve-Seetlon Deleetive-Seellon Dolactive-Section Dejecilve-Boction Detective-Seetion Deteetive-Seetlon Deteetive-Patrol £8 Deteetive-Seetion Woman Staff Staff Staff Staff Stuff-Seetion Seetion Staff Staff Seetion Staff Staff Stuff Staff Inspeeter, Section Inspeeter, teetive-1ns Inspector, sevtion Inspeeter, Inspeetor. See Section tive-Inspeeter, Section ilve-[nspeetor, Deteetlve-I Inspeeter, Taspeetor:


tive-Tnspeetor, Tnaspeeter, ' Inspeetor, Tnspeeter. . Woman nspeetor, Spector Mashundudai napeetor. (Teehnician), (Teehaiean).. “aspeetor, nspector. fspeetor, ttegtive:Inapestor, Han 28TH eehnielan). , Bellon Feeetlon Seetion Seetioh Seetion Patrol Patrot Patrol Seetlon Seetion Seetian Seetion ehidian), Section Section Section

Staff Officer O Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer JANUARY,

- (Feshnlelun), peeter, Staff fees . nspeetor, Offleer © Offieer Offleet Offieer a Offie:r Offierr Offieer Offeer Offieer Officer Offieer Officer Officer Seetion Officer Cletto Offieer Inspeeter Officer Officer Officer OMeer (Teehaielan) _(Feehnlelan) Officer (Teehnlelan) Officer (Technician) Officer Offieer Officer Officer Officer Officer to Offeer Officer (Teehnlelan) Offieer (Technician) Offieer Offieer Officer Officer Officer Officer

Officer Officer Offieer Offieer Officer Officer Officer Officer Offieer Officer Offieer Officer o Officer 1983 Inspeeter . . Gilbert Albert Kingston -. Miehael Phillip Kevin Cuthbert Charles Miehael Cos Robert Frans Clayden Maekwell_to . Kawondera Tarirao Johnsal Denere Leonard Gongora Chinazvavana Kumuka Officer Jacob Michael Govanayl Chipe Tataya Sign Raymond. Mayo Robson Mare James Brya Remigion. Takalteyl Gilbert Maehiwona

Oliver Brendan Philemon David — Maxwell . Harry Johnson Robert Mathew Arthur Alexander Gordon James Frederick to Nyarirangwe Steven : John

- Edward Malt Brian (Teehnielan), Kaguda Sainal - Raymond Vernon Alwyn Mistopha Frank Dutiro Mawere Frederick Majekwere jJohi William Staff Davide Mandeya Grey Kawara Mushangarl Gwatl te Jennifer

Muyakwe Michael. a Meyoe Hie

Sylvester Frederick Jeffias te_Detective-Inspeetor. Munjodzi Tanganylka : Marais Muyendi Joseph ; Mandizha to Deteetive-Inspeetor, to to Davidson Iby Shemunyere - Gimani Siaff Rebert Kanyemba -“Tebuma Chimanzi wa Nawenya Inspeetor. Chikadaya Mark Radloff Chisadza Batidziral Mupzungu to Staff John Deteetive-Inspeetor, Deteetive-Inspeetor, Beattie te te Willlams Kavhura to Tapfuma Almy : te te

ae Ndengeya Musimwa te eilesto Deviiliers to Bangamuseve - Deteetive-fnspector, ‘Vushe Nyamayaro Mugarl Inspeetor. to Gwendoline Staff Carel Staff Deteetive-Inapeeter. Deteetive-Inspeeter, to to Deteetive-Inspeeter. Digges Maswera ‘

Deteetive-Inspector, Chiradza Impey Inspector, =

Mpariwa , a. Deteetive-Inspeétor. : - Wilsen Jaeebs Phillippe Staff Staff Staff - to Jani to Mushati to to to to te. te Inspeetor, oo, Ingpector. : to Staff.

er te te Stuff Stuff to te Barnard te . to Staff Staff te te Staff to te to to to to _ Inspector, to inspector, to

cet a Sigauke Taspeetor. oo me, Deteetive: Deteetlve: Deteetive- Detective: to to Detective: Detective: Deteetlve: 2), te Deteetive: Deteetive: Deteetive: te Detective: Deteetive- oe Deteetlve: Deteetive:

te Deteetlve: Detective: Deteetive-

Deteetive- te Detective: Inspeetor, Inspeeter. Inspeeter. Inspeeter. Paradzayi Inspectar Inspeetor Inspector. j Inspector © Lush te Inspeetor Inspector. to Le Jellivet

Detee:. Detee-- a

Detee: Po 7 De- ’ to oe . . . Staff - - te : mt, T= to - . ! _ : - - - —


— co - _

- —— . — . . __ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 28TH January, 1983 Ds 61.

"SeetionOfficerEps)Maleolm Lester Whieatley te In: . 1alelemdmamo Beteecitiees(Eeehnielan)Denald €harles Haley te Inspector (b) ee gistsofee {iainte the Honourable 19thJanuary, 19835. - |SGeehneGiles (Feehnician) William Joba Moyo te Inspector © DesdePeSamytodassayT= BeatonOietfacehnlelan) ‘Nicholas Samuel Wyatt te In- See{lon OlfieerOF (Auxillary) John Edwin Wilsen de Inspector @ et Nine, MRtomthe2stTaauary, -‘Seetlen OF eee (Auxiliary)Kelth Arthur Thompson ot in= during the ‘absonse frem Zimbabw en duty of th nist pector a to wom theth said Ministries are weonduly assi{hetmisers Section icor uxillary) Frank Albert Ceeil Langford te L, G. SMITH " Inspector (Auxillary), 28-1:83. Beeretary te the Cabinet .

THIRD SCHEDULE ~ geated Officer Martin Kwalnona Ndhleva te Inspector, 2 General Notice 63 of 1983, ~ Section Officer Moses Chihurl te Inspecter, ‘Seetion Officer Israel Muehemwa Mhake ianyera te Inspeetor. EMEROENCYPOWERSACT [CHAPTER a3]

Order in Termsef the Emergeney Fewer Eprfeltare ef ‘General Neties §9 of 1983,. . Enemy Property) egulations, 1

'. -LAND: SURVEY ACE {CHAPTER un yp I, HERBERT SYLVESTER MASI¥YIWA USHEWOKUNZE, ° - ‘Deeision on Application for Ganeellation ef Portion of General Midister ef- pong Affairs, hereby declare, in terms ef sub= Plan DG1636, of Stands 7095 te 7217 and 16055 to 16063, sestien (1) & section 3 ththe Emergency Pawers (Fer eiture Seki Tewaship,”Goremenal: Bisteict- Gf Enemy Property) RegulatFe on: 198}, Eublliiee fa Statutery property of DavidBa Anderton lnstrument 9 198 uesat the FURTHER te the apolieatlon,netics ef whieh waspublished | is forfeited ia terms of th@ afere-said regulat GBS: in General Notice &1 fhe Mi iste ef Lead, . HS, M. UBHEWOKUNZ n settlement and Rural peyelopment here ¥, in tem8 GF sub= section (3) of section 44 of the Land Survey Ast [eliapterJ17 281-63, = Minister ef Home Affairs. - Biya nets,that pees Bate ie sancelle,88 ron 8et ‘ Foaddefined By ‘the fiaure Hi eneangSei ewwhereA General Netlee 64 of 1983. is a point 22 metresfom Hes"Weipss HeleadeedB MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165) is a point 8,49 metres from Aen a line porallel te 22aeeae

«Eis.a point 1§ metres frem B en a line parallel te H207-H229, E is a point. 15 metres from H63 en the icaeefd DisBEbe Withdrawal of Reservation Netice 6341 jnterseétion ef the lines drawn through E aralie Gweru Mining District H329=H228 and HG3-H1228, respestvely,inhe prale at Geremenal, . , R. 8, COLE,|. ifis hereby notified, in terms of seetlon a6 of the Mineeganeand _ 28-1383, Surveyer-General, Minerals teh jer 165], that the reservatlen mi Reservation Notice 634 has been withdrawn.

General Notice 188 of 1980 is-repeaied. . "General Notiee 60 of 1983, é, M , USHEW KUNZE, MINISTRY OF ROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC - ‘) 2851-83, Sees M 68,

- Ruplsi-Nandi Reconstruction: General Proeurement Notes! - General Notles 65 of1083, Correction of General Notice 1064 of 1982 - GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD

TF je hereby notified that General Netles 1064 ef 1982 eentained an errer, _ "Benders Tnvited That“netiee is eerrected: bythe deletion of “Sist‘December, : 1982"‘and the substitution of “2ist =“ 1983”, Becretary; Government Fender. : aa sa!ee7, fa,(aban MAINWARING, _ Beaders rt - He eifcumstances be ited ta departments . . 281-83; ‘Seeretary for Roads’ and Read Trafiie. | oielnaAeeeerrata gua faa?Gotmaa atTender Bog sewnot8F, Er “General Notice 61 of 1983, | Louse; orden AVEAHE, Bere, fe 4vibes 6a Sings | OF ZIMBABWE . eagapt, stalleg eleael therein fb6 fame éf,i _ CONSTITUTION oreEeaiel 5 ef aedi meatpene Ep Appolritment ef Acting Minister z Gepaiteiateuhedates be oboeORdfese aeiedoa

if is hereby natified that,His Bxcelleneythethe.PPresident has 2:45 p.: . éfelesaht in terms of gubsectlen (1) ef sestian 6 nstitutien Note“tater BaePeata letrant, wil eeeMaisie Zimbabwe,| assigned the administration ef ioea danasiis oaeae tendittbattilbsbs refunded6f | ‘Youth,Sportandfl Regretionto the onouraeEecae melea ann FeShaeHie8 EeR, Kadun ua,MiP, forfor the peried. frem the 4th to the ee 'y. contracts, thefount, rleenceHectares ipedes, Hated, WheeVien L, 6. SMITH, 25th January, 562, / tend sted Laatdet a a P 2163,00 on. : Seeretary te the. Cabinet, &%atidetheretednara, ane(aieAFS ateetd

62 of 1983, ( are eeaa General Notiee are pif Fi ‘ender OF ZIMBABWE GONSTITUTION al6aae ideeébreiatcarensieihe ciadeenige AppointmentActiof Aeting Ministers Fleer,seenPoleeoted’Otahhthtiapfeed of & 6, MU NE, h ailfied fat,His Bxeeiion the President has ot, epeby,attion(1) ef section 69 OPthe Genstitutian af GovernmentTe | SenaNets 47of 1983. + Blmnbanve; assigned the administration|af

62, . . 7 ZIMBABWEAN CovERNMENt Gazerre, 28TH Ianuany, 1983

. Tender a Tender . . , number Lk - . riumber - petrol- or diesel-dtiven corictete milxers.. Doeuments for CON.10/83, GON.15/83, CON16/83 6138. Supply of seven CON.17/83, CON.11/83, CON12/83, CON13/83 afd - Closing-date, 24-2-83. Samora - housing at CON.14/83 from Seerstary for Snstruction, . 6139. Construction of & rural clinic and staff ‘Machel Avetiie Central, Harare (P.O. Box 8061, Cause- _Makorsi. Closing-date, 24-2-83. a grade timber,. yo 6140, Supply of crushed stone, merchatitable. DWD.9/83. Supply. steel ‘pipework for Changafuma- waters - corrugated roof sheets arid steel dow atid doof Water the Hoyuyu supply, station, Documents from Provincial frames, on an “as. required” basis; to Hagifeer, Exploration House, Manica Road, Harare Resettlement scheme, south-west of Mutoke. Closing: _ (B.G, Box 8130, Causeway), Clesing-date, 17-283, date, 24-2-83. oO . DWD.11/83. Supply and delivery of 12 trailers to-the Minis- Documents for 6138 to 6140 from Chief Development ae ~~" "tey of Water Resources and Development, Cranborné Officer, P.O. Box ST 82, Southetton. - Siores. Docurients from Stores Officer 1, Ministry of 6141. Supply and delive of axes, shovels atidspades to-| Water Resources afd Development, P.O. Box CR 34, Government Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. Cranbortie. Closing-date, 242-83, 0 a 6142. Supply and delivery of cotton “bedspreads to Govern- MED.978. Diagnostic reagents. Closing-date, 4-3-83. ment Central Stores. Closing-date, 242-83. MED.979, Pental instruments for Medical Stores, Closing-date, atid capes to - 6143. Supply and delivery of waterptoof coats ZF*6 Fe Government Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. Docuttents for MED978 and MED.979 from Controller, 6144. Supply ‘End “delivery of galvanized atid ironsteelware Medical Stores, P.O, Box ST.23, Scuthertoh, © Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. to Government Cancellationof tender 6145. Supply and delivery of brushwate to Government Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. ‘ _'MED976. This tender bas beencancelled. 6146. and delivery of enamel and aluminium wate to 28+1-83. Supply 24-2-83._ Government Central Stores. Closing-date, 6147. Supply and.delivery of electric light-bulbs to Goverri- ment Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. General Notice 66 of 1983. 6148, Supply anddelivery of vests and briefs of Government GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD | Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. : 6149. Supply and delivery of blankets, various, to Goverti- Tenders Authorized for Acceptance _ ment Central Stores. Closing-date, 24-2-83. * 6150. Supply.and delivery of textiles, household ‘and gerieral,. Central Stores. Closing-date, . 24-2-83. THE Governitienit Terider*Hoard has authorized the accep: 6 Government be 6141 to 6150 from Controller, tance of the followitig tenders. Formal acceptance will Documents for tenders departrierit concerned. This notice Government Central Stores, P.O. Box 8096, Causeway. flotified in each case by the is published for infortnation only, atid does not coristitute the Tenders are invited from building contractors registered acceptarice of a tetider. . category “D” for: , : , in Tender - oo - - o - CON.9/83. Housing at Matopos Research Station (Tonbridge - | ee sO District . number and. Umhloyane sections). Documents from_ CON.200/82, Masvingo: Housing at Makohoti Experimental . Architects’ Office, Darlington Road, Bulawayo (P.O. Box Station: Housing Construction Compariy (Pvt) Ltd., iz 968, Bulawayo). Closing-date, 17-2-83. the sum of $124858. eS contractors registered MED.963. Attoniatic film processor “arid theatre lights for. Tenders are invited from building a “E” for: - : _ Mpilo Central Hospital: Item No, 2: Surginied. in category arid Research Station (Lucydale HDS.14/82, Murewa Towsi Developrient:. Asphalt CON.8/83. Housing at Matopos Tarmac, in the sum of $314 505,62. , section). Documents from District Architects’ Office, (P.O. Box 968, Bulawayo). - HDS.41/82. Guzha (Chitungwiza) Re-development: Asphalt 7 Darlington Road, Bulawayo ; a . Closing-date, 17-2-83. arid Tarmac,iri the sumi of $200 548,79. - and Darwendale housing for 6061. Construction of staff housing arid clinic at Chizwirlzwi:-. CON.18/83. Lake -McIlwaine sum of $77 364,45." National Parks. Documents from Secretary for Con- Tandi Eniterprises (Pvt.) Ltd., in the struction, Samora Machel Avenue Central, Harare P.O.- 6062, Construction ofstaff housing arid clinic at Nyahionibe: 1 BOX 8081, Causeway). Closing-date, 172-83. W. S. Wallen and Son (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of $88 260. | 6053. Suppy of assorted stationery, on an. “as required” basis, — Tenders are invited from civil engineers registered in for the period 1-1-83 to 31-12-83: Several successful category “CE/B" ‘for: tenderers, at various prices. eae CON.10/83. Gutu, Mount Darwin and Sansaguru: Civils for National Army -" Secretary, Engineering Services, phase 2 Government Tender Board. Battalion Barracks. Closing-date, 17-2-83. 28-1-83, engineers: for: 7 _ Tenders are invited from electrical General Notice 67 of 1983. . a CON.15/83. Electrification of buildings at_ Umtshibi Camp, : Wankie National Park. Closing-date, 17-2-83. __ LIQUORACT [CHAPTER 289] and delivery of flourescent light-fittings CON.16/83. Supply . for Central Avenue Government Office Complex. Closing- Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meeting: Bulawayo District: | date, 17-2-83. mo me

Teriders are invited from structural engineers for: ” _ PURSUANTto the provisions of subsection (f) of section 47 is hereby given that an - steelwork to roof of engine bay of of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice ~ CON.17/83. Structural interim meeting of the Liquor Licensing Board for the Bulawayo — hangar number 8 at Thornhill Air Station. Gweru. com- _- district will be held at-the Magistrates’ Courts, Bulawayo, Closing-date, 17-2-83. © mencing at 9 a.m. on Monday, the 28th day of February, 1983, to consider the following matters— ee invited from manufacturers and suppliers for: ‘Tenders are (a) an application for conditional authority for. the issue of CON.11/83. Harare: Gas services for the laboratories at -a bottle. liquor licence by Schalk Hendrik Potgieter, to Marlborough High School. Closing-date, 17-2-83. — trade as.Zamazama Enterprises, premises situate on Stand _ CON.12/83. Bulawayo: Gas services for M’popoma Secondary | -: 18, Nyamandhlovu Township, Nyamandhlovu, and for School. Closing-date, 17-2-83.. . the applicant % be approved as manager; and 7 CON.13/83. Supply fabrication and erection_of lattice-masts (b) an application for conditional authority for the issue of. © -- for Central Avenue’ Government Office Complex. abottle liquor ‘licence by Stephen Manyabi Sibanda, to Closing-date, 17-2-83. trade as Nophe Bottle Store, premises ‘situate on lease’ site T:T.28982,-Madabe Business Centre, Ramakwebana. - CON.14/83. Harare: Supply and installation of axial fans for | - Government Office Complex. Closing- _ Commynal Land, Bulilima-Mangwe, and for the appli- . Central Avenue ‘cant to be approved as manager; and an -.. date, 17-2-83. - / ~



the issue of (4) afi application for conditional. authoriy

(hy ant applicaton for conditional authority for the issue of a bottle liquor Heencs by William Richard Sibanda, to By and Bottle Store, premises NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Lands, trade ag Bazha General Dealer direct the situate on lease site C.L.30386, 1, Baza Buisitiess Centre, Resettlement and Rutal Development proposes to . Kumalo Communal Land, Matobo, anid fer Mrs. Sabina Registrar of Deeds ta éaiicel the deeds of transfer deseribed in as miafiageress; and | the Schedule, in tarms of section § of the Rural Land Act _. .Sibarida to be approved - [Chapter 155]. (i) ati application for conditional authority for the issue of * -g bottle liquor Heetice by Meya Diibe,to trade as Ndaba- Ali persons having any objections to such cancellations até fikulu Bottle Store, pretiises situate of lease site required to lodge the same, ia writing, with the Minister 6£ oN - PTAA, Ndabankulu Business Centre, Matibeka Com- Lands, Resettlement and Rural Development, Private Bag 7726, -. siunal Land, Matobo, ard for the applicant to te Causeway, on of before the 14th March, 1983. . approved as mafager) and - - . @) an appllestion for conditional authority for the issue of ‘if L. T, ECHITSIRE, to . Secretary for Lands, Resettlement a bottle liquor licetice Joshua Magqwaba Masilela, aid Rural Development. . trade’ as Nishamalthe Bottle Store, premises situate at 28-4 -83, Dufcal Business Centre,.Esiphezinl, and for Bessy Masi- lela to be approvedas mariageress; aid _. > SGREDULE (ke) att application for conditional authority for the issueof 1, Deed ofTransfer 1310/63, registered in the name ofBureka a bottle fiquor licetice by Larry, Mpofu, to trade 4s “Estates (Private) Limited {a gespect af certain piece of laid, Highway Shoppitig Centre, preiises situate at 24447, sitvate ia the district of Urungwe, being Hureka, measuring Lubuze Busitiess Centre, Godlwayo, Filabusi, and for ofie thousatid one hundred and ninety-feur conime sever the applicant to be approved as mafiagers and five nought one ({ 194,750 1) hectares. - qd) ant application for conditional authority for the isstie of the name ofGeorge to trade as 4, Deed of Transfer 1933 (74, registeredin . a bottle liguos licence by lati Velo Coulson, Holland Hartley and Mation Margaret Hartley, in respect Four Val eys Bottle Store, pieriiises situate-on Four’ of éeftalti piece of lard, situate in the distzict of Victoria Valleys Fatt, Insiza, and fof Esther Coulson to be belie Thorigrove of Welgevonden, mexsuritig four hutidte - approvedas managetess. - pa ALLEN, |. and twerity-seven Gomima thtee aight five (427 385) hectares. .. Secretary, | 3. Deed of Transfer 1983/74, registered in the name of — 281-83. Liquor Licensitig Board.” . George Hollaiid Hartley aiid Marion Margaret Hartley, if respect of ceftaifi piece of latid, sittiate in the district of Victotia, being Welgevoriden, measuring eight hundred atid 6) hectares. Notice 68: of 1983... - fifty-seveti coffittia fitie sevedl filiié six (857,979 _General nameof Le LIQUOR ACT (CHAPT.ER 289] 4, Deedof Transfer 100/73, registered in the s Rhotie Hetate (Private) Limited, ii respect of certaiipiece of latid, situate in the district of Victoria, being Le Rhote — Liquor Licensing Boatd: Tateritn Meeting: Gwatida District - | | Park, measufiti¢ ofie thousatid fivefix hutidred atid sixty-seveti cotuma three oft five three (1 567,315 3)hectares. to the provisions of subsection (1) of section 47 - - PURSUANT given that aii. of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby General Notice70 of 1983. interim meeting’ of the Liquor Licensing Board for the Gwanda _ . district will be held .at the Magistrates’S Courts, Bulawayo, ” RURAL LAND ACT (CHAPTER 155] commettciig at 9 a.m. on-Monday, the 28th day of February, _ 1983, to considerthe following tiatters— - (a) an application for conditional, authority for theissue of Notice of Lntention to Cancel Deed ofGrarit atid liquor. licence by Sifilie Ndlovu, to trade as Deeds of Transfet = ° a bottle at: Mkhalipe Progressive Bottle Store, premises ‘situate Business Centre Dibilishaba Comiiunal 15274, Mkhalipe as Land, Gwanda, and for the applicant to be approved givert that the Miziister of Lands, , NOTICE is hereby . tnanagerj and © oo | Resettlement1 and Rural Development proposes to direct the (b) an application for conditional authority for the issue of Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deed of grant atid deeds of a bottle liquor lincence by Irvine Moyo, to trade as transfer described in the Schedule, in terms of section 5 of the Gwantidla Phumula Bottle Store, premises ‘situate at Rural Land Act [Chapter 155]. Centre, Wenlock Communal Land, Gonkwe Business All persons having any “objectionsje ,Cto such cancellations aré Gwanda, and for the applicant to be ‘approved jas | t of ; re oy | | required to lodge. the same, in : writing, with the Minister manager; and Lands, Resettlement and Rural Development, Private Bag 17%6, (c) an application for conditional authority for the issue of Causeway, on or before the 7th March, 1983. ~ Agrippa Ndebele, to trade as " ‘a bar liquor licence by a a OL, T. CHITSIKE, Bar and Bottle Store, premises situate at Dliangamandla ; _ Secretary for Lands, Resettlement '"‘MakweIrrigation Scheme, Gwanda, and for the applicant Rural Development. 28-1-83. and to be approved as manager; and -


a “SCHEDULE - Balu, measuring two thousand five hundred and ‘sixty-nine comma five five four two (2.569,554 2) hectares. registered. in the name of Archi- . Deed of Grant 211274, previously as General © bald Paisley Knoesen, in respect. of certain piece of land, Note.—This notice has been published, situate in thedistrict of Insiza, called Congese Outspan., Notice 42 of 1983.

and seventy comma two scven measuring six hundred ‘2 eight two(670.278 2) hectares. Lo . General Notice 71 of 1983. . Deed of Transfer - 281/1956, registered in‘ the name. of tw 155] Archibald Paisley Knocsen, in respect of certain piece of ’ RURAL LANDACT [CHAPTER land, situate in. the district Belingwe, being “Insonomy”, measuring two thousand five hundred and twenty-seven Notice of Intention to Cancel Deeds of Transfer comma three three six four (2 527.336 4) -hectares, Deed of Transfer 808:79. registered in the name of Madrisa - _ NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Lands, (PrivateY Limited, in respect of certain two-pieces of land, Resettlement and Rural Development .proposes to. direct the — situate in the district of-Bulawayo. being the Remaining Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deeds of transfer described in Extent of “Seaborough” and Lot 1 of Pompoen Poort, the Schedule, in terms ofsection 5S of the Rural Land Act measuring theusand cight hundred and forty comma (Chapter 155]. a nine six three six (1 840,963 6) and cight hundred and sixty- All persons -havirig any. objections to such. cancellations. are seven comma nine eight one two (864981 2) - hectares required. ‘to. lodge the same, in.i writing, with the Minister of . respectively. ; oO " Lands. Resettlement and Rural Development, Private Bag: 7126, in the name of Causeway, on or before the 28th February, 1983. Deed of Transfer. 172/1973, register Madrisa (Private) Limited. in refpect/'S certain. piece of | L. T. CHITSIKE, land, situate in the district of\QWamandhlovin being 7 hundred and ~ Secretary for Lands, Resettlement Kennebec. measuring two thousand three ~ “and Rural Development. comma. five: two two nine (2 371,522 9) 28-1-83. - seventy-one i hectares. «< ScHEDULE J. 4 . Deed of Transfer 792/1968. registered in the name of : in the name ofAdriaan. Madrisa (Private) Limited. in respect of certain piece of 1. Deed of Transfer'119/77, registered the Remain- Gerritsoon Prinsloo, in respect of certain piece of land, - land, situate in the district of Bulawayo, being Park, Poort, measuring one thousand : situate in the district of-Victoria, ‘being Victoria ing Extent of Pompoen and thirteen comma seven’ hundred and thirty-five comma nine six six five measuring one thousand one. hundred9) hectares. } (1 735.966 5) hectares. . cight twoeight nine (1 113,828 Deed of Transfer 3718/82, registered in the name ‘of the Deed of Transfer. 1957/1968, registered in the name of : . Finance Corporation, iri respect of certain Limited, in respect of certain two, pieces. : - Agricultural Madrisa (Private) piece of land, situate in the district of Makoni, being Farm usa = of land. situate in the district of Bulawayo, being Estate, méasuring five hundred. and Irrigation Lot No, 18 and.Umgusa Irrigation Lot woe 14, portion of Fairfield ninety-seven comma one two two two (597,122 2) hectares. - measuringthirty-five. comma nought. eight two (35,082) and thirty-four commanine one two five (34,912 5) hectares, Deed of Transfer 2300/79, registered in the nameof Linda |.” respectively. Susan Elton, in respect of certain. piece of land situate in ~ the district of Mélsetter, being the Remainder of Deed of Transfer 3275/1962, registered in the name of i ’ ‘Thabanchu, measuring eight hundred and fifty comma‘tine Madrisa (Private) Limited, in respect of certain two pieces - nine three (850,993) hectares. -° ~ of land, situate in the district of Bulawayo, being Umgusa + Irrigation Lot No, 2 and Umgusa Irrigation Lot No. 22. j Deed of Transfer 3718/82, registered in the name of.the — of certain measuring twenty-one comma nine one four cight (21 94 8) | Agricultural Finance. Corporation, in respect “and forty-cight comma cight one onc nine (48811 ) piece of land, situate in the district of Makoni, being Farm | hectares, respectively. 15, portion of Fairfield Estate, measuring ‘seven hundred ° _ and fifty-six comma two five two nine (756,252 9) hectares. © Deed of Transfer 1959/1968, registered in the name of respect of certain piece of * Note-—This notice has been: published previously as General. Madrisa (Private) Limited, in 51 of1983. land, situate in the district of Bulawayo, being the farm . Notice 31 of 1983 and as General Notice

General Notice 72 of (983. DRUGSAND ALLIED SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT [CHAPTER 320) " Cancellation ofCertificates of Registration of Drugs a (Notiice 2)

Allied Substances Control Act (Chapter : IT is herebynotified, in terms of patagraph (b) of subsection (L) ofsection 24 of the Drugs and 1 Council has cancelled the registration of the drugs specified in the Schedule. 320], that the Drugs Contro 'D. GALLETIS, - Registrar of Drugs. ° - 28-1-83. . : _ SCHEDULE - . Applicant File No. . : ftem * ae Form Ltd- Penacil-V, 125 mg Granules . D.A.B. Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) 96 121°. 2 ewe (Pty.) Lid. 97° 309... . .:.).) «Dimer X . Se Injection . ‘Maybaker S.A. Liprinl 2. 2. . ee Capsules . . - The B.M. Group (Pvt.) Ltd. 98 319 _— . . . BOG...... Waceine . .2. °. ee Vaccina (Pty.) Ltd. 99 327. ~ . Sulphathiazole, 500 mg . -Tablets . . . 1... Gulf Drug Company 0 562 . . . . +. Drug Company 101 4563 2. =. =.) . «+ ~Sulphaguanidine, 500mg Tablets ~. - . ... Gulf . . Gulf Drug Company 102.564. =: . . . . Sulphadimidine, 500mg Tablets -. : A.G., Schering 103. 607 ...... Dacomid.:. . . . Capsules . A.G. Schering - > + 104 632°... Lo - Normoviar ED Tablets ... . Maybaker S.A. (Pty.) Ltd. 105 6351 - Sectral Injection -. . « 106 677 Tetraplex we Capsules .. . « Gulf Drug Company: ws Aspirin 2... Tablets. . . Gulf Drug Company 107) G82. Produets (Pty.) Ltd. -108 721. Synkavit Ampoules- “7 . Roche . « - Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals 109 1082. Silomat . Tablets. . . . Philip Lee (Pvt.) Ltd. 110 1126 . . . . Soframycin .- ¢ Sterilepowder...... - . Colchicine Houde Tablets : ;- Roussell-Uclaff TU 122402 Drug Company - 412 12200: . Jection 2...... Pills eee Gulf - Orudis, 100mg . .. Suppositories . .. . Maybaker S.A. (Pty) Ltd. , 113-1264 Industrials. Wi4 1285 0 2 we. Comfrey : Tablets 2. 2 6 we Lancaster 0. . e Saponex US Liquid 2... 6 Chemserve WT 1361 ‘ ewe tee we ee eee


66 € ZiMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 28TH JANuARY, 1983 \ CHANGE OF NAME 5 the use of the surname Sibanda, anddid’ assume the surname - Matenga, so that, henceforth, she will be known, on all 4 ~ Oo Fani occasions, as Mavis. Fani Matenga, and which names will. be NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed at used in all deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions Que Qite on the Eth day of January, 1983, before me, Thakor whatsoever, ee OE P.cel a legal practitioner, Johnson Mafukidze and Fransiscah Dated at Que Que this 11th day of January, 1983.—T. Patel, of the surname Ma‘ukidze did formally abandon the use legal practitioner, cio E. C: Moffitt & Pratt, P.O. Box 83, Mutukidee, and did assume’ the surname Fani Matenga, so Que Que. , . - 6871L that. henceforth, they will be known, on all occasions, as Johnsen Fun! Matenga and Fransiscah Fani Matenga, and. hich names will be used in all deeds, documents, proceedings "CHANGE OF NAME amd tramsactiods whatsocy er, ot — Datéd at Que Que this U1th day ofJanuary, 1983.--T. Patel. legal practitioner, ¢ o E, C. Moffitt & Pratt, P.O. Box 83, Que NOTICE is hereby given: that, by notarial decd executed before Siwanda Kennedy Mbuso Sibanda, a legal practitioner, - at Bulawayo, on the ilth day of January, 1983, Easabell Tapfuma ‘abandoned the names Easabell Tapfuma, and CHANGE OF NAME assumed the names Isabel Gomwe, declaring that, henceforth, sheshall be known as Isabel Gomwe, which names shall hence- forth be used by her on all occasions whatsoever. NOTICE 1s hereby given that,-by notarial deed executed at - day of January, 1983-~. day of January. 1983, before me,Thakor Dated at Bulawayo this 13th - Que Que on the [4th legal practitioner, Suite 101-114, Central _ Patel a legal pracitioner, Tadius Checho dil formally abandon, S. K.°M.Sibanda, the use of the surname .Chocho, and did assume the surname * Africa House, Selborne Avenue/Abercorn ‘Street, Bulawayo.6ssif. Munstwa. so that, henceforth, he will be Known, on all \ occasions, as Tadius Munetswa, and which names will be used | in all deeds, documents. proceedings and transactions what- ‘CHANGE OF NAME NOCVET. . . : Dated at Que Que this 20th day of January, 1983,T. Patel, legal practitioner, co E. C. Moffitt & Pratt, P.O. Box 83, NOTICE is herebv given’ that, by notarial deed of poll, Que Que. . oS 68726 executed at. Bulawayo on the 12th day of January, 1983, . ‘before Neville Desmond Dekker, a notary public, Beverley Rosa Hollingworth did abandon her surname, and did assume, CHANGE OF NAME. in its place, the name Lester, and she did declare that she shall, “hereafter, be known by. the names Beverley Rosa Lester. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Pated at Bulawayo this. 12th day. of January, 1983.— before me, Netl Conway Ralston, a+ notary public and legal Joel Pincus, Konson & Wolhuter, 215, York ‘House, Eighth ~ practitioner, at Harare, on the (3th day. of January, 1983, Avenue, Bulawayo. : Coe 6883f Carel Fitzgerald, in her capacity as guardian of her minor. child. Gabrielle Cabeca Lopes (born on the 12th December, 1960), did formally abandon the names Cabeca Lopes, and did . LOST ZIMBABWE LOCAL REGISTERED STOCK’ ~~ assume for her minor child the surname Fitzgerald, so that, _ ‘CERTIFICATE - i. henceforth, she shall be-knewn, on all occassions, and in all documents and transactions whatsoever, by the names Gabrielle Fitzgerald. oo OO NOTICEis hereby given that application has been made to Dated at Harare this 13th day of January, 1983.—N, C. the to issue Miss Ermyn Lois’ Ralston, notary public and legal practitioner, c/o Gill, God- Palentine; of the Bronte Hotel, 132, Baines Avenuc, Harare, a jonton & Gerrans, legal practitioners, Fifth Floor, Trustce dupiicate certificate in place ofZimbabwe 13% Local Registered House. $5, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. -6874f Stock 2002/2007 (6/82), certificate 121, for $10.000, dated the 8th October, 1982, the original whereof having. been lost or mistaid. ce . CHANGE OF NAME © lf, within 14 days from the publication of this notice, no objectioné are lodged. in respect of such application, a duplicate 1 oO Soe NOTICE ix hereby given that, by notarial deed executed cecktificate- will be isshed. before me, Vernanda Cecily Ziyambi, a legal practitioner, at Dated at Harare this 28th day. of January, 1983.—Reserve Harare, on the 7th January, 1983, June Siyanai did adopt the Bank & 3, registrars, P.O, Box 1283, Harare. 6884f names William June Changwara, and shall, in future, be -knewn as Willinm June Changwara, for all reeords, deeds, decuments and: other writings, and in all actions, suits and N FOR. COPY OF DEED: OF. TRANSFER — in all dealings and -transactions whatsoever. proceedings, and NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a Dated at Harare thiis tth day of January, 1983.--V..C. certified copy of Deed of Transfer 134/52, made in favour of .~ Zivambi, €o Sawyer & Mkushi, legal practitioners, Ground Conways Limited on the 18th day of January, 1952, whereby ard Second floors, Methodist House, 7, Central Avenue, Harare. certain picce of land, situate in the district of Salisbury, called an 68786 the Remainder: of Stand 1330, Salisbury Township, measuring- 876 squaremetres. was transfered to Conways Limited. CHANGE OF NAME All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing at the Deeds NOTICE is hereby given ‘that, by notarial deed executed at Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of: publication Giwertt on the 17th January, 1983, before me, Richard of this notice.—Conways Limited, applicant, c/o Atherstone’ Carruthers Smith. Caius Rev Sax Mberengwa, acting on behalf & Cook, Mercury House, Gordon. Avenue,. Harare, 6889f of his niinorc ‘children Ellah Revayi Sax, Brian Batsival Sax,. “Dedirai Angella Sax and Simbarashe Pongian Sax, renounced their surnames Sax, andadopted, in’ place. thereof, the surname APPLICATION FOR COPY OF“DEED OF ‘TRANSFER -Mbeftengwa, and declared that, in future, they shall be known as. end will use the names, Filah Revayi Mberengwa, Brian Batsirat Mberenewa. Dadirai Angella Mberengwa and Stmba~ NOTICE is hereby: given that I intend to apply for acerti- rashe Poncian Mberengwa. - fied copy of Deed of Transfer 930/66, dated the Alth day of Dited at Gweru this 18th day of January, 1983.--R. C. : May, 1966, issued in favour of Freeborn Facha Rusike’ Smith, leeal practitioner and notary public, c’o Danziger & (registration Certificate X-303, Harare), in respect of certain Partners, Development House, Seventh Street, Gweru. G8EST piece of land, situate in the districk of Salisbury, called’ the | Remainder of .Marirangwe 16, measuring172.227 hectares, All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make - CHANGE OF NAME ‘any representations in connextion with, the issue of such copy are. hereby required to lodge same. in writing at the Deeds NOTE E is bereby given that, by notarial deed executed at Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication Que on the Hth day of January, 1983, before me, Thakor of this notice.--C, S. Kavanagh, legal practitioner, P.O. Box. One 157, Marondera. oe . 1 6886f abandon Patel, a legal practitioner, Mavis Sibanda did formally ’



x 67 a ZIMBABWEAN Government GAZETTE, 28TH JANUARY, 1983 , | “APPLICATION FORCOPY OF DEED OF TRANSFER} = a _fase HC.15/83 Oo a IN THEHIGH COURT OFZIMBABWE — 7° « matition : Dat -. NOTICE is hereby given that we intend’ to apply for aj In ‘the matter of the ‘petition of Michael Jon Reinders, certified copy of Deed’ of ‘Transfer 128/79, dated the 10th | Nyanyiwa (born 7 petitioner,foranorder, 1Ssel: Titles Registration January, 1979, passed in favour of Edward ot on the 10th September, 1936) (registration certificate K 2615, of January, 983. registration certificate X 27265, Goromonzi), where. | Harare, Wednesday, the 12th day - “Mazoeand Honourable Mr, Justice McNally. | certain piece of land, situate. in the district of Salisbury. |: Before the ‘by ‘for the petitioner. called Stand 7472, Highfield Township of. Highfield, measuring |- Mr..Crook 468 square metres, was conveyed. a WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of record and hearing Mr. Crook, : _ All persons claiming to have any objection to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of such | rr ts ORDERED: at the Se . host copy are hereby required to lodge the same; in writing, a rule nisi do issue, calling upon all persons having, or Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of |. That under-mentioned Deeds Blank, applicant's legal alleging to have, any right or title to the publication of this notice—Gollop.-& before this honourable court, sitting at practitioners. : 6887f Property to appear: on pe 16th day of February, 1983, to shew cause.why tee oe wep ‘eee pee mee nee penne Semmenstes ne Harare een followifig property should’ not be registered in the name w - CO So - the | x. “Case H.C. 98/83 of Michael John’ Reinders, in terms of the Titles Registration | - and Derelict Lands Act [Chapter 158]. . IN THE HIGH.COURT OF ZIMBABWE: Certain pieceof tand,situate in the districtof Salisbury, salisbury Town. of William Leith, petitioner, for called Stand 10143, Salisbury Townshiip, of In the matter of the petition ship Lands, being 69, Shaftesbury Avenue, Cranborne Park, ‘the cancellation of ‘the: order placing C. N. Topping (Private) 6484/74, and registered Limited (under judicial management) under judicial manage- Harare,heldunder Deed ofTransfer , a aa. ey : ment, vo , day of January, 1983 ot. That therebe, one mubilcationof iis a in the Gazette . Harare Wednesday, the-19th of The Herald, Harare. Se eee » FO * and in a Friday edition That a copy of this order be served on Founders Building Mr.Justice Dumbutshena; Acting Judge 5 ‘Beforethent,Honourable oo. ety. _ | noe y : , ‘BY THE COURT. . SO, Mr. Crossland for the petitioner. CHIRAMBASUKWA, Nootherinterested parties: present. " W. B. documents filed of record and | , "Deputy Registrar. WHEREUPON,after reading | hearing Mr. Crossland, Surgey, Pittman & Kerswell, P.O. Box 629, a . : “6880 IT IS ORDERED:. : : . oO Harare. . - . , aeatames en do. issue, returnable to this honourable eenne Seae nape - That a rule nist - a sitting.at Harare on the. 9th day of February, 1983, at court, if any, why— IN THE HIGH COURTOF ZIMBABWE | calling upon all persons interested to shew cause, . | - . : . (a) ‘the judicial management order granted ‘by this Held at Bulawayo, court, sitting at Harare on ‘the 7th March. | In the matterof the petition of Radar Metal Industries Limited, honourable capital. _ 1979, in Caso GD, 404/79, should not be cancelled; | petitioner, for approval of a reduction ‘of of the High Court shareholders should not. be. held within NOTICE is. hereby iven that an order (b) a meeting of 14th January, 1983, confirming the - 44 days of theconfirmation of the rule nisi, for the of Zimbabwe, dated the public ‘eduction of the issued share capital of Radar Metal Industries purpose .of- appointing directors, secretary, and into 7 246200 ordinany’ _ Officers of the company, - Limited A $2 174 95 divided cents each, which are fully. paid, anc - That there be one publication of thils order in the Gazette sharesordinary- © shares of 30 cents each, which are partly paid to the “s Mae ase 273 260, divided into 4 244 200 _ and it a Friday-edition of The Herald, Harare. _ ___ extent of 1,5 cents a share, to $1 judicial shares of 30 cents cach,.and the minute (approved by the That the costs of this application ‘be costs in the with’ respect to the . ,| ” + court) as set out hereunder, showing | management. company the sevoral particulars required b the | “St BY THE COURT. - .. ., gapital of the Companies Act [Chapter 790], were registered by the Assistant | - . vt 'P, ALCOCK, January, a . os Deputy Registrar. Registrar of Companies, Bulawayo, on the 17th day of | . Atherstone&Cook, BO . "Minute approved-by the equrt | .. 6879 | The issued share‘ capital of Radar Metal Industries Limited, - Harare, oo 0 , : with sa ee ce toes| AWB, by-virtue of a special: resolution of the company and. aet naetoreng tes eT ones High—Court of Zimbabwe, | = . the sanction of an order of the Case H.C. 1689/82 dated the 14th January, 1983, reduged from $2 174 955,00, . ; e 30 cents cach, which. oe - _- divided: into 7 246 200 ordinary shares\of shares, of 30 cents each, HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE - are fully. paid, and 73000 ordinary JN THE extent of 1,5° cents a share, to oo : .. . cq, Which are partly Frid to the Se of Giovanni’ Rortinotti, ‘first $1273 260, divided into 4 244 200 shares of 30cents each, by | Inthematter of the petition cancellation of the 3002000 fully paid ordinary shares . petitioner, William Paul ‘Blumears, second petitioner, and the partly paid ordinary shares held by the share- * ‘Patriok Edward Teesdale, third petitioner, for an order for and the 73.000 of Double M Construction (Private) holders, other than D, & S, Investments (Private) Limited, the judicial management M, & K. Holdings (Private) Limited, AlanGerald Shein and - Limited, ‘respondent. guthorized share the 19th day of January, 1983. MartinRoy Shein. ton ‘ofthi to the Harare,,Wednesday; registration of this minute the authorized share | ae He la: bia Irtch tae capitalt theof datotheof company is $2,677 300,. divided, vo 6 2 O00 Before:theHonournbley Mr, Justice Dumbutshena, Acting are “ ordinary shares of 30 cents each, of which 4244 200 shares | 1 eNeg . fully paid up. . Mr. Colegrave for the petitioners, | issued and are a auiee at Bulawayo this 17th day of January, 1983.—Coghlan WHEREUPON, after reading documents filed of record and .‘| & Welsh, petitioner's legal practitioners, Barclays Bank Building, haret - Main Street/Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo.- 6888f Mr. Colegrave, . t+ ; hearing = cee teers = - TT IS ORDERED: | “OST . . — . 7 That the rule nisi granted. by- this honourable court inthe | 1982, be, andis , Lost PAID ‘UP PERMANENTSHARE. CERTIFICATE above matter on the 15th day of September, "hereby, discharged. © '” WE hereby confirm that paid-up permanent share certificate BY THECOURT, | P. ALCOCK,| 937404,-in the sum of $4000, in favour of Mr. W, Chiwaridzo, ae . Deputy Registrar has becn lost, | 4 _ Unless the original is returned to Beverle Building Society Kantor & Tmmerman, 0 25th February. 1 83, a replacement oo . ae | by 4 p.m, on Friday, the ~ P.O, Box 19 be issued. . 6873 ‘Harare. . an 6890f shall . .


e.« an | SHERIFF'S-SALE | All copy must be addressed to the Department of ‘Printing and Stationery, and either posted to P.O. Box 8062, Causeway, ~ or. delivered ‘direct to the department, ‘in .Gordon Ayenue Envelopes between Jacoba Maria Susanna Dicks, Plaintiff. (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), Harare, in the natter - and Adrian bak Gibson, defendant. . {| should be marked: Gazette copy—urgent. NODICE ts hereby given that the plan of distribution of the | . Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to advise : parebase-money Feceived trom the sale of the under-mentioned | immediately of any change of address. . Guaserive wire was sold in pursuance of an order of the High chins, WET Le for inspection at my office and at the office of. | Subscription rate a period of 14 days from the | Magaiiate’s Court, Bulawayo, for The annual subscription rate for the Gazerte is Z.$14, pay- die ey publieadon of this notice. able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing andStationery, - — sale Any person having an interest.in_ the proceeds of the and may commencewith the first issue of any month. - ‘may apply fo as aeee eec= 3 ewe and obrecting to the said plan of. distribution eee enw remanence 6 Sees + a the Heh Gonit to have it’set aside. or amended, after duc moces to me andto other parties interested; stating the grounds GOVERNMENT GAZETTE - . a fer such objection. me etee a called Stands 112 and 113, Sauers Certain piece of land, , Conditions for Acceptanceof Copy Townof Dawson's Grant, commonly known as 10, Plambovant Avenue, Sauerstown, Bukiwayo. - ’ vbiections are made to the plan within the time stated any of the following conditions - I: nw : FAILURE to comply with me this notice. then [shall contirm the plan, will result in the rejection of copy, and no responsibility:can. be accepted if such rejection should ffect any-date contained” MC. 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% ” 3,t0 to the contrary contained in Estjmnates of oxpenditurs, 197879 2 6 os os 8 . 6, Notwithstanding anything Handbook/ parf?l and part 2, por part. . + - 10,10 these conditions, anycopy - -- Cs : ‘Farm Manggefient Five-year pian: three complemontary books— and which is public (a) which is of national importance, Proposals for.a five-yoar programme of development in the necessity, may, by . 3,00 originated as a matter of urgent sector ‘ oa . a . . late for the current s 2,00 . prior arrangement, be accepted Integrated plan for rural development . @ ; oo . “1,00

- 7 week; ‘Urban development in tho main centres . Fe of staff or. t technical e 2,70 ~ (b) may, due to the shortage Flora zambesiaca, volumel;partI . ¢ mw delayed until conditic permit ‘ 2,70 be ee : considerations, Flora cambeslaca, volume J, part. + oe - 7 a 3,25 its processing. Flora zambesiaca, volume I, partE . = ‘ea ~ 1,55 7. Copy must not be submitted as part of aletter or a Flora cambesiaca, supplement. . + oo. . . authority commission . . 3,00 requisition. It must appear on a separate sheet of paper, on Greater Salisbury report, local 14,00 which there is no instruction or otherextraneous matter. Government Gazette (annual subscription rate) « a + 0,30 Government Gazette (individual coples) . . to be. published in’ 1,00 8. (1) In cases where ‘notices have Growth with eqalty=san economic policy statement . copy must be drafted exactlyas it is to appear. law {n Rhodesia tabular form, History and extent of recognition of tribal 8,00 If. printed forms for any such notices are unavailable, (second _ editio advertisers must prepare their own forms. While it is not Income Tax Act (Chapter 181}, ax amendedat tho 31st October, 1979 2,25 the ‘box-headings must be . on the ist January, necessary to include the’ preamble, Index to the legislation in force in Zimbabwe 3,50 of the form; for ‘ ‘ 1 te a ‘ ' there, and, where applicable, the number “1981. ' 2 ' : 8,00 - example, “Insolvency Regulations—Form 3”, Instant statute caso law. 1960-61, of copy for tabular notices, ‘the provision ‘Hirkla, journal of the Natlonhl “Herbarium, -Sallsbury, -(2) ‘In the case ' a ‘ of subsection(2) of section 3 does not apply. © © Volums I Kirkia, 1961-62, volume 2.0 3% + + for all advertisements, whether sent by post or _ Kirkia, 1962-63, volume 3.

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9, ew ee by hand, must be accompanied by a requisition or -Kirkia, 1963-64, volume 4 . eee delivered $, parts I and II, por part. es which clearly sets out— _ Kirkla, volume

_a letter ee Pe I and I, per part eH advertiser; and Kirkia, volume 6, parts

the eo

of wr (a) the name and address Kirkia, volume 7, parts I and II, per part 8

(6): the debtor’s code-number, ifany; and. Kirkia, volume 8, parts I and H, per part em Pe

(c) the required date or dates of publication,- Kirkia, volume 9, pasts Y and Il, per part rs

eee ® parts X and H, per part e Gazette,’it is Kirkia, volume 10, - 10,. (1) Ifa typographical error occurs in the Kirkfa, volume Wy partT 2 8 et soon as possible by a correcting notice, without Ji, part. 1 +t

_- reetified as to ’ Kirkia, volume . 3,00 ewe

subject: eee concerned, see -. charge to the ministry or department Kirkia, volume 12, part I. «6 5 «+. “eee the followingconditionsm— ~~ - Khuluma Isindebelo—Ndebels for beginncrs— to the editor within three lessons 164300 6 wt _(). that such error is reported 5,00 date of publication; and - Let's build Zimbabwe together-~Zimcord ‘conference documentation months fromthe at re-examination, is List of commissioners: of oaths and justices of the peace, as (b) that the relevant. copy, upon ‘ .‘ a s ’ ° e and . 3ist December, 1974 proved to be abundantly clear; . Manual of River and Lakemanship . =. so . necessary. * -(c) that the correction of such. error. is Jegaily Manual of style for the drafting and preparation of copy . + ‘ (2) Tf a drafting error is- not detected before publication, Matopos, by Sir Robert Tredgold, K.CM.G, « 4 ministry or department is required. to draft its “Ministry of Ronds and Road Traffic: Laboratory report 9/74. ‘ the originating for . own, correcting notice, take it to the Attorney-General. Model Bullding By-laws, 1977 .. - published. + debates (House of Assembly) (annual subseriptiooa vetting, and pay for such notice to be Parliamentary ‘ ti ‘ (3) Forthe rerioval of doubt— Parllamentary debates (The Sonate) (annual subseription rate) ‘ . (a)..a typographical error is made by a typographer} and Trade Marks Journal (annual subseription. rate) . : by Patent (b) a typist’s error is classed as a drafting. error Patent and Trade Marks Journal (individual copies) . =; a of the fact that the officer. responsible for handbook (Department of Physical Planning). » ’ reason: . Planning “drafting failed to check the typist’s work. Reports and declslons of the Court of Appeal for Native Civil ases, 1928-19 Civil Reports and decisions of the Court of Appeal for African GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONSON SALE . Cares, 19799 2 et * Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, ‘970° our. parts), per st. ; (as available at time of ordering) Rhodesia subsidiarylegislation, 1971 (Ave parts) per part. ofr, per set “are obtainable from the. Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven pasts), per. part . . THE: following ‘publications . Publications (Office, Cecil House, 95, Stanley Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1973 (seven parts), por part Government or from the 1974 (five parte), per part . Avenue, Salisbury (P.O. . Box 8062, Causeway), Rhodesia subsidiary tegisistion, Office, 101p, Main Street, Bulawayo Rhodesia subsidiary feglalation, 1975: (five parts), per part - Government Publications part ~ Box 211, Bulawayo), at the prices ‘apecified opposite Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1976 (six parts), per P.O. oe 1977 (four parts), per part 0 - thereto, ‘ Mos . Rhodesia subsidiary tegisiation, - Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 (our pasts), per part . Rhodesian botanical dictonary of African and English plant names Rhodesia, part 1.and part IZ 2,00 Agro-ecological survey of Southern Rhodesian, law reports, 1970, part f and ‘part 2, per part. | . survey of Central Midlands .- 6) 6 200 ‘Agro-economic law reports, 1971, part 1 and part 2, perpart . 4 1954, with .améndments: . ~ £807], Rhodesian Air Navigation Regulations, Rhodesian law reports, 1972, part 1 and part 2, per part. * water resources of Rhodesia. . Afi assessment of. the surface law reports, 1973, part 1 and part 2, per part . e edition) . . 8 Rhodesian Brands. directory, 1974 (consolidated Rhodesian law reports, 1974, part 1 and part 2, per part « e + « oe ' Brands directory, 1975. 1 reports, 1975, partel and part 2, per part . * (47 . Rhodesian Jaw 6 26 6 © 6 Brands directory, 1976 reports, 1976, part 1 and part 2, per part e + fy kw tee 4,00 - Rhodesian faw _ Brands directory, 1977 - + + : Rhodesian Jaw revorts, 1977, part 1 and part 2, per part s © © + 2 , woe ew 4,00 Brands directory, 1978 faw reports, 1978 «6 6 «8 @ 8 ry 5 6 2) # ee oe 4,00 Rhodesian " Brands directory, 1979. 2 96 Rhodesian law reports, 1979 . > peerte He a Rules and practice of the General Divisionof the High Court, 1971 Salatgare,zee jaw ee + 500 Rules of the General Divicion of the High Court—case of parlianientary papers, 1899-1953. 1 + « ’ ‘ oe . _. Catalogue “1,00 annotations -.. Common veld grasses of Rhodesia (second edition). Statute law of Rhodesia, 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978— ~- §,00) Community development source book No, 5 so. fullbound, buckram =. ws et lt - 1976 oe ~=©60,50 ¢ Commission. of inquiry into termination of pregnancy, quarter-bound, hard cover» 5. 2 6 6 « of names: the practice followed by the Registrar ‘soft cover. oe rr Company names. =. + 0.10 “Companies inthe approval of company . Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodesla, 1979 ‘ 1.0 + .+ + 1,00 Conservation—a guide took for teachers. fullbound, buckram 2 0) ww tt + 59) (as amended Criminal. Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter hard cover . . e eco. se 9 - © © «© # 8 > 1,50 ‘quarter-bound, at the 3ist December, 1976). »© te . ey +e: 8,00 soft cover. “e . a e ec

Handbook. . «se se Fe ee Customs and Excite Tarif {nstruments, 1980 (five parts), per part eee 1972, 1973, 1974, -1975, 0.80 Statutory Economie survey of Rhodesia, 1970, 1971, Transitional National Development Pian, 1982/83~1984/85: Volume 1978. . . + 0,50 Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal. « +» 2 «2 5 Economic survey of , part 6 8 0.50 Zimbabwe Rhodesia subsidiary legielation, 1979 (four parts), per Economic. survey of Zimbabwe, 19799 6 6 6


> . -


COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (section 192, 221 or.225 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]) in liquidation, in the Nonce.is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed liquidators of the companies shownas having beer placed at the said addresses within 30 days manner stated that their addresses are as set forth and that persons|indebted to the companies are required to pay their debts ““Companies Act, Liguidation—Form 5 from the date of publication ofthis notice.

Modeof Name of Full address of liquidator Number | Name of company | liquidation liquidator

, 6842f 0 Housing (Pvt.) Ltd, . | - Compulsary D.D. Foley P.O. Box 3238, Harare, 40/82 Third World

| - COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES rs {Chapter 190)) “ (pursuant to gubsection (1) ofsection 193, subsection (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (1) of section 236 of the: Companies Act on the dates and‘at the times and Noticeis hereby given that a meeting.of creditors and/or contributories will be held in, the liquidations mentioned below Companies Act, Liquidation--Form 7 . pisces for the purposes set forth. | . Whether meeting . , . i ae . fe, . ” of creditors Day, date and hour of meeting | Purposeofmeeting Number ! Nameof company -and/or - - : Place of meeting vo, i . : contributories Day Date | . Hour |} i. . . |

"27/82 | Dravan (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Creditors Wed. 23.2.83°| 8.30a.m. High,Court, Harare | Special meeting for 6779f . i Baker Avenue Service Station : , proof of further - claims. te, ; os 8/81 | C Double R (Pvt) Ltd. > - Creditors Wed, 16.2.83 8.30 a.m. | High Court, Harare Proof -of further -6811f . . e ao . / claim. Proof of further 682if L.M.S. Electrical Engineers (Pvt) Creditors Wed, 23.2.83 8.33 a.m. High Court; Harare 22/82 . : Ltd. , . ‘| claims. |

” COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuantto section 254 of the Companies Act {Chapter 190) : 5, ‘mentioned for a - Norics iis hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plansofdistribution in the liquidations mentioned below will lie open at the offices: be later, for inspection by . period of 14 days, or such longer period ds is stated, from the date mentioned or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 9 creditors.

: Date from Period for . which account - Number Name of company Description Officeat which account which account |, \ . of account will lie open * will lie open will lie open - + |

a oa | . . - " . 14days.. 6836f2 B.10/75 | The Building Boutique (Pvt. Ltd. oo. . Sixth and Final - High Court, Bulawayo-~ 28.1.83 . | eo Liquidation and - ’ oO , ‘ / ° Distribution Account : . 28.1.83 14 days, 6837f ° B.4/80 | Jarbu Agencies(Pvt.) Ltd. 2. 2. - ee Second and Final | High Court, Bulawayo -f : : : . Liquidation and x Distribution Account|:


COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 257 of the Companies Act [Chapter 192}) dates as stated, notice : THe liquidation accounts and plans. of distribution and/or contribution in the liquidations mentioned below having been confirmed on ‘the in the said liquidations, and thatevery creditorliable to is hereby given. that a dividend is in course of payment and/or a contribution is in course of. collection for which heis liable. . Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 10 contributeis required to pay forthwith to the liquidator, at the ceed mentioned;the amount

rT | Whether a dividend | - + ' ; hate when ‘is being paid, a | . Full address of liquidator ‘ ‘Number | Name of company " account contribution is being “Name ofiquidator confirmed collected, or both io 4| : oo . i .

(Pvt) Ltd... 4.12.82 Dividend beingpaid R. A. Lambourne P.O, Box‘all, Gwern. 6818f - 125/74 |. Wright Construction 4 . . : , . to preferential acting under,power of . od | creditor *-| attorney from G.B. Fyfe :

MASTER’S NOTICES‘(pursuant to the Insolvency Act) meeting of creditors Notice is hereby given that the estates mentioned below have been placed under sequestration by orderof the High-Court, and that a first for the electionof a trustee. will be heldiin the said estates on the dates andat the times and places mentionedfor the proof of claims and Meetings in Hararewill be held before the Master; in Bulawayo. they will be Held before the Assistant Master; elsewhere they will be held’ before the - Magistrate. ; Insolvency Regulations—Form 2 (1952) or 8(1974) -

. . Date upon which and court - Day, date and hour. | . Ofmeeting . Number "| - : . . by which: order made —| ~~ -Place of meeting of-estate | Name and description ofestate | | . a Date of order = i*yeDate. | Hour | : : ‘ . !

9/563 | Richard David Baker... 6 1 eC 17.11.82 Harare “Wed. | 16.283 8.33a.m. High Court, Harare. 6799F

—_— - ZIMBABWEAN GOovERNMENT. Gazerre,28TH January, 1983 1

‘ NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Insolvency Act) contribution inthe estates mentioned below will lic open at the offices _ Notice is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution and/or mentioned. or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may belater, mentioned fora period of14 days, or such longer period as is stated, from the date : _ Insolvency Regulations—Form 7 (1952) or 12 (1974) - for inspection by creditors. : | _-

Dates from Period for . - . an ate which account which account description of estate Description —. Offices at which account “Number ;. Nameand He open ") will Iie open will Le open ofestate us SO. of account: "will

‘High Court, Harare - 2.1.83 14days. 6819£.. coer?J.McAlpine 5 wowc ee ae. LiquidationNinth Interimand - , _ | Distribution Account . ‘ . oe a : os . 6835f ee | First Interim '. High:Court, Bulawayo © - 28.1.83 14days. Kenneth Ian McCosh.. 6 608 ee ee . . Liquidation and? “7 ~ : oe | a - yo, Distribution Account’ Court, Harare 28.1.83 14days. 6856f . Korb.) ee ee ee ee De First and: Final High M.M.D. Rusape 5 2 : Liquidation and and Magistrate, Distribution Account te :

| NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Ingolvency Act) or sequestrated estates mentioned below having been confirmed on . Tie liquidation accounts and plans ofdistribution and/or contribution in the assigned of collection in the said estates, and that every given that a dividend is in course of payment and/or contribution is in course the date mentioned,notice is hereby the amount for which heisliable.- to contribute is required to pay.forthwith to the trustee or assignee, at the address mentioned, creditor liable ‘InsolvencyRegulations—Form 8 (1952) or 13 (1974)

et : : ao. a _ Date Whether a dividend ‘when | is being paid or a Nameoftrustee © . ; .. Number Full address of trustee or assignee estate | Nameand description ofestate account contribution is being or assignee ‘of : . . : -| ‘confirmed | collected, or both

_| M.Fraser N. K. Peake Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., 6823f . | GordonGodfrey Muchanyuka . . | 18. 1.83 Dividend being paid 9/507 . - P.O. Box 925, Harare. . Do, . Be =

EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE . (pursuantto: sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act (Chapter 301}) or persons whose whereabouts are unknown, are unrepresented, and Notics is-hereby given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors the times and places specified, for the selection of an executor creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates ‘and at that the next ofkin, Master; andelsewhere before j| Meetings in Harare will be heldbefore the Master; in Bulawayo before the Assistant - tutor or curator dative, as the case may be. M.HC, 25 " the District Commissioner: os Sk - Timeof meeting. : ~ Number . . Place of meeting Forselection of of | Nameand description of estate - . - Hour : . . . estate . toe. Date

6787£ 2.2.83 | 10 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 27/83 TsitsiJane Chibuda, a private secretary, ofHarare 2.2:83 10.05 a.m. Harare. -~ Executordative. 6788f - 21/83 |- Ethel Deas, retired, of Harare . eee ke ee a.m. - Kadoma Executordative. 6789f Smart Mzilikazi, a.policeman, of Harare . . . 7) 2.2.83 10.30 “921/82 Matema 6838f _ 9.2.83° 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executordative. ~. B.28/83 Dumezweni Edward Abe Dlamini, a doctor of homeopathy 10 a.m. Bulawayo- Executor dative. 6839f B.32/83 | Lily Ann Weller, of Bulawayo .° 2.0. 6 ee ee 2.2.83 3.2.83 10 a.m. Que Que Executor dative. 6843f B.699/82 _| ‘SidneyGeorge Austen, 2 building contractor, ofQue Que - . 7 . Zé . . . " . .


publica- 190], that application will be mad¢, notless than 14 days from the date of Notice is herebygiven, in terms ofsection 21 ofthe Companies Act [Chapter to change the names of the under-mentioned companies as indicated below. tion of this notice, to the Chief Registrar ofCompanies, for his approval

Change of name to Agent Number a Name ~ .

* Limited .:. © . Jmar Private) Limited . 6 0. 6: Derry & Co., P.O. Box 702, Harare. 6785f 4/71 . Rholocks (Private) ’ Barbour, Robb & O’Connor. 6795£ . Barocom Investments (Private) Limited 410/66 George Nunn Furnishers (Private) Limited. 6812F Seals (Private) Limited . . . . . Dunlop Zimbabwe Limited | 1024/59 Swiss FlooringSpecialists (Private) Limited . Fluid (Piivate) Limited -Igtmaster (Private) Limited. 68445 7212/73 .| Fireplace, Specialists (Rhodesia) (Private) | Fireplace.Specialists - Limited . : oe . *



. Conditions ofsale . "= . . . a eo . . . > without reserve but subject to the condition that the Sheriff 1. The sale is conducted in terms of the rules of the High Court, which provide that it shall be ‘requires tg besatisfied that thehighest price offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time and place and the state of the property. relating to the sale, will be forwarded

After the atstian, a report on the bidding andon thehighest price offered, together With any otherrelevant information he . and place and the state of the property, to the Sheriff, who,if satisfied that the highest price Offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time : : oe will declare the highest bidder to be the purchaser, : , the Sheriff having declared the highest bidder ‘to be the In terms of the rules of court, any person having an interest in thesale may, within seven days of an unreasonably to haveit set aside on the grounds that the sale was improperly conducted or the property was sold for purchaser, apply to the High Court . . . . : . low sum, or any other good ground. : confirm the sale. . “In the event of no-application being made within the said period of seven days, the Sheriffshal! sale again. - . . af . During the auction, should any dispute arise as to any bid, the property will be put up for tA Theright is reserved to the auctioneer of regulating or refusing any bid. . a . : - oo, - _

Thesale shall be for cash and, in addition, the purchaser shall pay— . mc , a / yn (aF* the auctioneer’s commission; and : ; ; (b) the costs of transfer, including conveyancer’s charges, stamp-duty and any other fees; and Ac) all arrear rates and charges, and any. other expenses necessary to complete the transfer. deposit with the auctioneer after conclusion of the auction, the highest bidder shail, unless other arrangements are made with the auctioneer, Immediately : . , an amountsufficient focover the auctioneer’s commission, and ¢ither— . he intends to make paymentof the purchase-price and fa) “agivise the Commissioner appointed by the Sheriff, attending the sale, of the manner in which to meet hisobligations; or se other costs and charges in terms of these conditions, and satisfy the Commissioner as to his bona fides and ability ofthe Sheriff. (b), effect, payment to the Commissioner of the whole of the purchase-price in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn to the order be paid on or before the registration of the transfer of . The purchase-money, if not paid in full to the Commissioner at the conclusion of the auction, shail the amountdue by the purchaser. the property into the name of the purchaser, unlessthe Sheriff #pproves other arrangements for discharging balance of the purchase-price,with effect from . The purchaser shall be liable to pay interest at therate of nine per cent.-per annum in respect.of any unpaid seven days after the date of confirmation of the sale by the Sheriff. conditions of sale, or fails to comply with any . If the purchaser fails to make payment of the purchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these . to have the sale cancelled, and to hold the conditions of the sale coritained herein, the Sheriff shall have the right to apply to a judge of the High Court event of the sale being cancelled, the purchaser purchaserliable for any loss or damagessustained, or to employ any other remedy which he may have. In the . co . shall not be entitled to any increase which the property mayrealize at a subsequent sale. anydeficiency whatsoever, and renouncing all excess; and 12. The property is sold as represented by the title-deeds, the Sheriff not holding himself Hable for be the responsibility of the purchaser, - the Sheriff does not hold himself responsible for the determination of the boundaries and beacons, which shall the sale and.the Sheriff gives no warranty of 13. The property shall be at the risk and profit of the purchaser from the date upon which the Sheriff nfirms vacant possession. © ~ of the sale or rejection of his offer by , 14, The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation the Sheriff... - : . / . ~ : . . . : . ‘M, C, ATKINSON, Sheriff, P.O. Box 8050, , >. co, : - , : : Causeway. / oe / $0 o

SS. ~ Date, time and place of salo . Auctioneer - number| Plaintiff and defendant “24 Description of proporty

’ . . < .

' Central Real Estate 6300f of Credit and Commerce Stand 425, Northwood Township 3 of Sum- | 11th February, 198 at 10 am., 68/82 Bank Ltd. Zimbabwe Limited — ben, Harare - at 56, Samora Mathel Avenue, (Pvt. - and _ . ” Harare : a John Stouyannides os

. . 2 . oe

NOTICES OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION -. sO ~ (pursuantto section 53 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301) of all porsons interested Novice is hereby given thatcopies ofliquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentioned estateswill be open for the inspection may be the later. Accounts willlie therein for a period of 21 days (or longerif stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever Bulawayo, as-the case » for inspection at theoffices specified below. Objections to an account should be lodged with the ‘Master, Harare,or the Assistant Master, to make paynients in accordance may be, Should no objections be lodged to the account during the period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceed - . MBLC, 28: therewith. : ~,

| . / * Number . ; ; | Date . Description or. " "of ". . -Office of the _ of & Name and description ofestato a . : period . account . | ' : . re * estate . .

Court, Hararn 6776f 1271/81 | Catherine Jeannie Walker rrr 21 days First and Final Master of the High a ; : : : Liquidation and : , os , oe . . * Distribution Account . ot cae ot Court, 6778f Gavain Leslie Anthony Reginald Hart 2... 21 days” First and Final | Assistant Masterofthe High B.485/82 . . _ . . : , ‘ Liquidation and - - Bulawayo. . : Distribution Account, _ : . the High Court, Harare, 6780f 1081/82 Christina Johanna du Plessis 2. 0. . ee es 21 days First and Final §| Master of Liquidation and ~ | Distribution Account-7 -


MHC. 28—continued a Date Description Number — - Office of the or of of . Name and description ofestate period | account estate

First and Final Master of tho High Court, Harare. 61826 “ 1229/82 © ‘Sulla May Cox: es a days Liquidation and .: Distribution Account Taterim ‘Master ofthe Hish Court, Harare, 6784F - Anthony Wilkinson Ride. soe . . 4 — . 21 days: 880/81 Liquidation and . Distribution Account 4 + Master ofthe High Court, Harare. 6791¢ Macken Skinner 2. “21 days First and Final \ 619/82 Margaret Liquidation and Distribution Accourtt - First and Final " Master of the High Court, Harare, 6792f° “1011/82 “HenryLane Tekey . . oe - 7 . 4 _ 21 days , . Liquidation and Distripution Account Maiie of the gh Coe, Far 6797E Fred Woodcock 21 days First and Final ~ 2301/80 Liquidation and Distribution Account Second Interim Master of the High Court, Harare, 6e0lr Z.Gambe. ... me “ahaa 355/78 Liquidation and - and MeGistrate,|Rusape, Distribution Account 6802¢ Waal (senior) 2. - at devs Supplementary. Master of tho High Court, Harare. 973/80 | Hendrik'de Liquidation and Distribution Account Master of tho High Court, Harare. : 6803 rn 21 days | First and Final ~ 1965779 Mariwa Mainasi Makumbirofa. Liquidation and- - Distribution Account First and Final Master pf the High Court, Harare. 680Sf 1430/82 Ronald Hector MacDonald, and Blsie May Macdonald, ai aya married according to British Law . 21 days - First and Final Mast of the High Court, Harare. S806E -s 1431/82 L, Mi Kidd (Mra) 6 ew es on Liquidation and ? Distribution Account. Mester of tho High Court, Harare. 6817¢ 904/82 ‘WilliamJoseph Sommerville. 6 ets: Y 21 days * First and Final - Administration, Liquidation and | Distribution Account Assistant Master of the High Court, 6824E Huntley McClurg an Lad. 21 days First and Final B.415/82 Lillian Constance Liquidation and Bulawayo, Distribution -Account . : so 8 First and Final _ Assistant Masterofthe High Court, e82st Henry Crausé 6. ees 21 days *, B.731/82 William _ Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account es3it Reginald Hugh SweteKelly 6 6 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High ‘Court, . * B.48/82 Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Gweru. Distribution Account Master of the High Court, Harare, 6a32¢ “Vivian Hamilton Long os wa 2 days First and Final 873/82 Liquidation and / Distribution Account ‘ First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 6833¢ . Community estate of Alice Hilda Mason Blitenthall, and | 21 days 1608/82 Liquidationand surviving spouse, Leo Blitenthall: wv Distribution Account 6a34t Evelyn Edwin‘Ashton DriverJowitt 6... 5 + 21 daya First and Final- Maator of tho High Court, Harare, 1314/82 Liquidation and . DistributionAccount- Master of the High Court. Harare, ‘eadst Newberry Upson 6 0 ee 21 days First and Final - 1735/82 Keith Liquidation and Distribution Account Supplementary Assistant Master of‘the High Court, 4847¢ John Cyril Leech, retired, of Cyprus. 2t days. " -B,133/82. - Firat and Final . Bulawayo, Liquidation and Distribution Account Master of the High Court Harare, . Seer Sybrand Lourens Kruger 6 5 sos yo ai days | First and Final ¢ * 1928/81 -Liquidation‘and and Magistrate, Chinhoyi. _ Distribution Account ces First and Final Master of tho High Court, Harare, 68498 GandublialMaganNayee soem 21 days 1941/81 _ Liquidation and and Provincial Magistrate, Mutare. = Distribution Account First and Final Master of tho High Cour, Harare. 6aeer - 392/82. - Ronald Gordon Skeach Murray . 5+ woe 21 days ossst 21 days First and Final . Master of tho High Court, Harare. - 1610/82, Bath Maud Wood . i A. . Liquidation and; Distribution Account TA, First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare Libauer, and survivingspouse, Hille) Libaucr -. . “at days 715/81, Rene SNiicalation and -Distribution Account Assistant Mester of the High Court, 6860 Martin Janjotich © pe ee ee ed 21 daya Firét and Final B,386/82 Leonard Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account Mastor of tho High Four Harare, 6861F Lucy Helen Peterson ose 21 days First and Final: 1455/82 Liquidation and Distribution Account Doreen Blot oe 21day Firat and Final Mastor of tho High Court, Herare, — G866f 1510/82 Bdith Liquidation and. Distribution Account 6a6rt Oliver Ryan. co es 21 days - First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. * 162782 Anthony Liquidation and ‘ Distribution Account


Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Business or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwisethan in the Ordinary Course¢ ofthe Business

~ NOTICEiis hereby given, in terms of section’ 49 ofthe Insolvency Act [Chaptar a that each: of the unger-mentioned persons ideposes to alienate—

(a) his business; or (b) the goodwillofhis business: or 4 y (c) anygoods orproperty forming part of his ‘business, otherwise than in the ordinary course of the business.

: "Fall name of person Date from which: alienation “Name and address of including style of business Situation of business Particulars of proposed allenation takes offect person Inserting notice

Lorna Rose Richert, trading as | 7A, Second Avenue, Mu- Sale of goodwill, Axtures, fittings and For the purposes of the above- Higham, Scirlis & “Lewis David Holmes Hair Studio tare stock-in-trade but excluding the mentioned Act, from the date Winston House,- lst - Habilitles to Sophie Yatras , of the fost publication ofthis - Avenue, Mutare, (Legal notice, but for all other pure ‘practitioners for. the 2. . f poses from 1.1.83 parties.) - 6607f28 : Proncer Butchery (Pvt.) Ltd. Plot 4, Penhalong Sale ofstock-in-trade to Peter Andrew Forthe purposes of the above-__ Higham, Seirlis & Lewis, - — Eawson and Dorothy Helen Lawson, mentioned Act, form the date ~ Winston - House, iat trading as Pand D Butchery of the fast publication‘of this Avenue, Mutare.-(Legal:. -” notice, butfor all other pur- . practitioners for | the pdses from 1.12.82 partics.) 6608f28 -- Jose Donmngos Castro Martins, Suund WS, Que Qué Sale. of business including stock-in- For the purposes of the above- Wilmot & Bonnett, Ist trading as Joe and De Sotisa Township, corner First’ trnde, furniture, equipment, fittings mentioned Act, fromthe date Floor, CABS House, | _ Bottle Store and Greengracer — - Strect/4th Avenue, Que and goodwill but excluding the book of the last publication of this- 4th Avenue, Que Que, - ~ Qae ~ debts and linbilitles to George Chaka- notice, and for all other pure ‘(Legal practitioners for nuka Nyuguse, trading as Chaka- *” poses from 1; 1. 83. -- the parties.) 6611f28 nyuka & Sons. Joao Ferreira, trading as Madeira 16, Ireland Roud, Zvisha- Sale of business including goodwill, For the purposesp of the abovee DaSilva's Secretarial Ser Cafe vane . fixtures and fittings, stock-in-trade, mentioned Act, from the last vices, P.O. Box. 162, but excluding book debts and Hae day of: publication of this . Bulawayo. - 6613f28. bilitics as at 15.12.82, to Ben Matuga | notice, but for all other pur- |. poses from 15.12.82 B. Harding (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Stand 488, Fitegeratd ‘Sale of fixtures and fittings, stock-in- For’ purposes of the above: Winterton, Holmes & Hill, Fire Battery Services Avenue, Fort Victoria _trade and goodwill to Lovemore mentioned Act, from the date Allan Wilson Street; * Gijima Musindo of the last publication of this P.O, Bok 2, Fort Vic- - nosice, but for all other pur- ‘toria, (Legal. -practi-. “poses from 30, 11.82. tloners for the partles,) 668214 Gerald Kiely, trading as Paints, 32A, Rhodesvile Avenue, Sate of business Including. stock, 7.1.83 , Gwendoline Mary - Gardens amd Hardware Highlands , fIxturds, fttings and goodwill to | Christico, 12, Tedder - Gwendoline Mary Christie Road, P.O. Greendale, a ; 6689f4 “Georgina Cresentia Peel, crading Shop No. 7c, Orderly Sale. of business including goodwill, 4.2.83 . Calderwood, Bryce Hen- as Fair Dcal Bargains Court on Subdivision stock-in-trade, and fixtures and dele & Partners, Central A of Stand 304, Bula- fittings to Michael Mitsho Ndebelo — Afrien House, Abercorn wayo Township _ Strest, Bulawayo.- - 6738f4 Mark Efamburg van Rensburg, Stortford Parade, Mahel- Sale of business as a golug concern,its For the purposes of the nbovee ‘Atherstone & Cook, Legal trading under the style of Silver reign, Harare assets, which Include fixtures and mentioned Act, from the dite Practitioners, Seventh leaves Florist and Garden fittings, stock-In-trade, book debts of the-Jast publication of this. Floor, Mercury House, © Shop : and goodwill to Berenice Jones and ‘notice, but for all other pure Gordon Avenue, Harare, Dorothy Humphreys. All labilitics poses from 3.1.83. 675084 “up to 3.1.83 remain the ‘responsi+ bility ofthe seller Ernesto Viveiros Dos Santos, Stand 47, Mashava Sale of furnishings,fittings, equipment, For the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & Hill, _ trading as Madcira Cafe _ stock-in-trade and goodwill to Ellas mentioned ‘Act, from the date |. Allan -Wilson: Street, -Maplye BadzaI . of thelast publication of this _Fort-Viectorla, legal notice, butfor ‘all other pur- practitionersfor the . partics, 4 6796f11 _ poses, with effect from. 10.1.83 Roslyn Joy Houghton, dading as 61B, Speke Avenue, Sale of goodwill, stocks, furniture, .For the purposes of the above- ‘Morris Boale &Collins, - Flowertique Florist ° / Harare fixtures and equipment to Lynne mentioned Act, fromthe date Legal! Practitioners, P.O, * Kriedemann” of the last publication of this |. Box. 1688, Harare. | notice, but for all other pur- 6798011 poses from 31.12.82 Isaac Mcki Muimbu, trading as Lot t of Subdivision -B Sale ofstock-in-trade, furniture, fittings For the purposes of the above. C. S. Kavanagh, Logal Piccadilly Store ofSolitude of Alexandra and goodwill to Paul Laws Kanyl- ,° “mentioned Act, from the date Practitioner, P.O, Box District, Marondera mbirl who will continue to trade as of the last publication of thls ‘187, Marondera. a Piccadilly Store. All book. debts notice, but for all other pure eat tit remuln the property of the seller poses from 3.1.83- Douglas Kanyasa, trading as Murewn Business Centre Sule of business including steck-jit- - For the purposes of the ahove- | A. J. A. Peck, 2.0, Box Farai Uzumba Supermarket trade, fixtures and fittings, assets: and mentioned Act, from the fast 2506, Harare. goodwill! but excluding liabilities to date of publication of this 6850f11- Samson Katsande ‘notice, but. for all other pur- . > boses from1.2.83


801) ', NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS(purauantto sections 44 and 67 of the Administration of Estates Act (Chapter ALL persons having 0Jaims agalastthe underemontionedestates aro required tolodge thom in dotailwith the executor or representative concerned within the the amounts duo stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and those Indobtod thoreto are roquirod to pay to the executor or representative | “HAC, 7 by them within the same perlod, falling which-togal proceedings will bo taken for tho rocovory thereof, |

a Date Within os Number or ropreesnitative Namo and description of estate _ of oa . Name and address of oxecutor of , x : e estate - death ~ | porlod of:

—. | Frederick Combrink, of Gweru 6. we 27.12.82 30days Danzlgor &Partners, First Floor, Dovolopment 6777F |— Gworu, : |: re 2S . . a House, 7th Street, Standard Trust Ltd., P.O, Box 3897, Harare, 6781f * 38/83" Claudo Willlam James Duroso .. « ton ee og E7282 30 days Henry Bonhatt, of Wilmot & Bennett, P.O, 6783f | 615/82 Benhardus Hermanus Greenowald, of Johannosburg, 15.4,82 30 days Loula Quo. (Executor dative.) : . South Aftica : oo : oo Box 480, Que : . Houss, Gordon 6804f Lane Knaggs tone eee ew ce F 18,92,81 30 days. Athorstons & Cook, Morcury * 2096/81 Christopher . . : . . ~ Avenuo, Harare. (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1398, Harare, 6808f ooo Danie! Walters,.a rotired schoolmaster, of Harare . 2.1.83 30 daya Barclaytrust Myer (Maurlcc) Gelman, Plot 7A, Mandara, 6809f 1795/82 Leah Malka Gelman. ww se te ee | 28ND 30 days pe Harare, : - : P.O.Box UA2I4, Union Avenus, 6810F §9/83 Jane Hadden Hutchison 1 1s . «| 20.12.62: | 30days |. J. H. Hutchison, | oo . . rn Lo A - Harare. : Do Chlitungo, Sakubva, . 6813f 1697/82 Androw Chekufi Kusano 2. 6 6 ew ee 4B BI 30 days Ital Amos Kusano, 176, n Mutara. . . , Lok mo of Exccutors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box . 6814f | 1699/82 Alexander Fitzjames GrahameWatson «02 2 us . 7.6,82 30 days |- Harare Board oo doe - . 2093, Hararo, © ; | : . ; 6815f ee tt 6.12.82 30 days | C, W. Dowhurst, 44, Abordoon Read. Avendalo, 1835/82 Elise Marlo Davoy 2-6 6 se : , Lo : : , : Harare. ™ : Avondale, . 68téf 2 ee wt ee 23,9,82 30 days | M, A. Godfroy, #1, Konny Road, | 1561/82 | JomesJudge. .2 2 . oo co, 7 . . Harare, Brothers & Chadder, Norwich Union 6820f my | 1714/82 Arthur Leonard Granam 5. ue ee we 1482 | 30 days |. Gargan Maln Strect, Mutare, = . a . - ° , Centre, ooo Trust (Pvt) Ltd, -6822f¢ Goncalves Marques.) sss §,12,82..| 30 days M,. Fraser, c/o N, K. Peake 1826/82 Manuet Francisco - ‘ — Poe P.O. Box 925, Hararo, | ‘Master, P.O, Box $79, Bulawayo, 6826f 'B.9/83 Paslpamire Isnac Gamblen,a printer, of Bulawayo .) 17.12.82 | 30 days Assistant Assistant Mastar, P.O. Box 579, Bulawayo. : 6827F B.668/82 Timothy Neube, a teacher, of Matopo «1s 3” 1.7.82° |. 30 days and Partnora, Southampten House, 6828f | Thomas Alfred Randon, also known as Alfred David 17.11.82 40 days -| Ben Baron -B,688/82 Bulawayo. (Legal practitionora Randen : ~~ Malin Streot, ; — ; / . . . - yO ~ for executor dative.) & Wolsh, Legal Practitionors, P.O. Box 6829f Theodore Kluyts McGrovy, of Bulawayo... «2. + + 16:12,.82 30 days Coghlan ‘'B,727/82 - , . ; a : ae : a 22, Bulawayo. | : / , & Partners, Firat Floor, Southampton _6830f B.18/83 Ranchhodbhal Lallubhal Patol . ©». + +s 18.12.62 30 days Bon Baron | House, Main Street, Bulawayo. (Legal practl- St -- . ms : . oO . . : . tloners for executor testamentary.) : c/o Guardian Trust Co, 6840f Adolph Botha... 2-2 8 1 ew ro aot 12.6.82 . 30 days A. EB. H.N, R, Beazley, 901/82 Willem 561, Harare. mg, . : ~ - (Pvt.) Lt, P.O, Box Box 1663, Bulawayo, 6846f Joanne Irwin, aclfemployed, . 12 > 3.1.83 - 30 days Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. — Beverley 30, 6851f 6 se ee 8 3.12.82 | 30 days von Siedol Grindlaya Trust Co, Ltd,, P.O. Box 1798/82 ‘Agnes Galloway Gillingham.) 2; - a OO ma Harare, Rocke, Partridge and Adair, P.O, Box-1435, ~ 6852f - 1652/82 Richard Proscott-Decle 5 6 ete te et 16.10.82 30 days Harare, oo oo * t, : . Standard Trust Ltd., P,O. Box 3897, Harara. 6853f 1801/82 Mary Margaret Bradley 6 6 4) 7G ts 22.10.82 - 30 days. Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Harara, © 6aS4f Ruth Gwendolyn Allan. 6 oc 40s 2 ey ee 22.10.82 30 days | Standard Trust = Stable Close, Borrowdale, 6858f 50) 2 te ek ee 18.1.83 | 30 days Mrs, P. P, Reid, c/o 68, 99/83 Alfred Rold-, , ‘ . : ; - : - Harare. Syfrets Trust & Executor Ltd, P.O, Box.703, . 6859f 90/83 Thomos Arnoldus Theron Viljoon =. 6 +e +s 11,12,82 30 days . Harare. : . . a . _ . - 8 a oe] 23,12,82 30 days Syfrots Trust & Executor Ltd., P.O. Box 703, 6862f 33/83 | Ruby Margaret Shield pote eee . ‘. ‘ Harero, & Executor Ltd, P.O, Box 703, 6863f 42/83 | Iris Mabol MayBonnle. 606 se ee et 9.4.83 30 days | Syfrots Trust Harara, oo ; oo . * 7 Gill, Gedionton &Gerrans, P.O.Box235, Harare, 6864 Jack Lowing 6 0 ee eet Fee 13.11.82 - 30 days ‘| 1778/82 Gill, Godionton & Gorrans, P.O. Box 235,Harare. 6865f 1538/82 Abraham Lodowyk Fourie; 606 5 6 6 5 8 oe) 7, 10.82 “| 30 days:


- aA .


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A s

a. .. CONTE N T S

General Notices - Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements |to this Gazette Number - : Page Number . sai 55. Road Motor Tran rtation Act [Chapter 262): Applications 24. Que Que Muniel al Undertaking Employment (Amen nt) Re: in Connexion with "Road Service Permits —_ - 55 Sons, 1983 (Ni0.) oe 56. Industrial Conciliation Act . [Chapter 267: Application for 25. Undertaking of the Cold Storage Commission Employment (Amend: - Registration: of a Trade Union — 57 ment) Regulations, 1983. (No. 9). . 57. Drugs and Allied Substances Control “Act iChapter 320]: : 26. Drugs and Allied,Substances Control (General (Amendment) Regula: Standard Warnings ~ -_ weet 58 ne 1983 (No. 58. Police Act [Chapter 98): Promotion“Ot Officers we mee SB 27, Supreme Court Mesistrates Court) (Criminal Appeals) (Amendinent) 59. Land Survey Act [Chapter 147]: Decision on Application for Rules, 1983 (No. 1). - Cancellation of Portion of Genergl Plan DG1636, of Stands - 28, Distilling Industry “Em oyment | (Amendment) Regulations, 1983 7095 to 7217 and 16055 to 16063, Seki Township, * Goromonzi- ~ (No. 9). District — ~ 61 29. Gemstone, Jewellery ard Ivory-manufacturing Industry Employment ° 60. Ministry of Roads, and Road Trafic: Easter Recon. (Amendment) Regulatiofs, 1983 (No.2). Noticestruction:1064 Generalof 1982Procurement Notice:. Correction of Genera 61 30. Teather,and: Shoe. . cavfacturing IndustryI Employment . (Amendment) 61. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appointment“of ‘Acting “Minister 61. 31. Milling Indust Employment (Amendment) ‘Regulations, 1983 (No. 10). - 62. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appointment of Acting Ministers . 61 "32, Motor-vehiclé Manufacturing Industry Employment (Amendment) 63. Emergency Powers Act [Chapter 3: Order in teams of the Regulationg, 1983 (No. 10).

* Tet?PowersPorte!orfelture 0 nemy "roperty) ulations, “61 33. Sweet an Confectionery MaManufacturing Industry Employment (Amend- : 64. Mines and Minerals Act “[Chapter 165]: Withdrawal of ment) Régulations, 198 ~ Reservation Notice 634: Gweru Mining District... = 61 34, Se ttification Scheme).(Amendmen') Notice, 1983 (No. 15). 65. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited — = .. ~ 61 -. 35. Primary Courts (Constitution of Community Courts) (Amendment) 66. Government Tender Board; Tenders Authorized for Acceptance’ 62 "_- Warrant, 1983 (No, 3). 67, Liquor Act [Chapter™ 289): Liquor Licensing Board: Interim 36. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and other ‘Fees (Municipality of Marondera) Meeting: Bulawayo District .. . — -62 Notice, 1983. 68, Liquor Act [Chapter 289]: Liquor Licensing Board: “Interim , 37. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and other Fees (City| of ‘Mutare) Notice, Meeting: Gwanda -Bistrict 63 1983. °69.&” Rural‘Seeds Landof TransferAct [Chapter7 155): Notice ofIIntention to>CancelCancel 63 38.. Tariffqarif Ve:hiclle Licence and other, Fees (Muntcipatity of Masvingo) .

70. DeedRural ofLandGrantAct and\(ChapterDeeds155]:of TransferNotice. ofIIntention to Cancel 6. 39. Paneoficie Licence. and other Fees (Municipality of Que Que)-: 11: Roral Laid Act[Chapter 155]: Notice of Intention to!9Cancel 64 40. Local Soromment Atcas Supplementary Charge Exemption) (Amend- — oo ~— en: ations, 72. Drugs and Allied Substances Controt “Act [Cha ter 320): Canceljation of Certificates of. Registration of Drugs “Notice 2 6 41. Proclamation 3 of 1983: Rural. Councils Act (Chapter aii): Urban Councils Act [Chapter 214). 73. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173]: Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe .. 65 42. Mutare (Public Health) (Amendment) By-laws, 1983(No. 8). 74. Insurarice Act [Chapter 196]: Lost or Destroyed. Life Policies 65 43. Road Traffic - Gpeed-limit) (Amendment) Regulations, 1983+ (No. 2n.

.. (4 ° *

Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.