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^ . ■■ - / - _ \ ■ F?-. X. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 - The W ither l^'PACa: TWENTY-EIGHT manrbPBter CtirnUig H^raUi iirttn liilt r f y rfim gunny, with eiUtJiooa hlghe In Um low TOa a — r ana ood t l, 1MB ' toniglit. Iowa to u pp « «>• *® low Mt. Suatey coKiUnood am- ny ana mUO. UKh to tho 10». 15 ,0 4 9 Hlanchett»r.'« A Ciity o f Village Charm aa r a g . U ) PRICE TEN CENTS Sparkle VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 806 (SIXTEEN PAQES-TV SECTION) BIANCHBSTER, CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 GRAND RE-OPEMNG - ------- ’ L B32s Pound Foe Near Cambodia CAR WASH BAIOOH (AP) — AmeHcan AlUdl inUUlgwK). oa icr* COIN BR bomb.r. ratoaS almod four oakl Ui.y w «r. puidMl by th. m HARTFORD ROAD. MANCHESTER — NEXT TO DAIRY pUEEN mUllon pounOt of bomba Friday paftom of M»«ny man«uvMa in W ■ and today on «>.my poaiUoiiD, tlda arm. On. .dlm at. U that moatly In th. Cambodlatt fron- th . «»Mny command Oom OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK tl.r arm w h.r. th* m .m y ha. now hav. fore.* in Ppatwm ftw a \ 'J trial thro* timm In Oirm day* major tteuat at lU ulUmat. to overrun border watching goal, Saigon, and la jmraaalng , bordar outpoata to <haw out Oround fighting ilaokenal but American and South Yld - in on. atgagenwnt in tte north- namme M H _ 2 MINUTE AUTOMATIC *m war aone, th. ateniy BheUal mate untta into stiinng the Special Forem camp at poaHion*. •v' Thuoog Duo, 86 mUm anithwMt Ttie Inoreaaal BS2 raid* In SELF of Da Nang, and attemptwi to Day N il* Frovtoce appearal / HYDRO-SPRAY CAR WASH ovurun two amall mlUUa out- almal a* feWng auch a atratqy. l :. poata nmrby. Two t^rtnamm TBaeiitirrfi. U.8. troops report GONPUTE OUTSIDE WASH INDLUDWa WHITEWAILS defoMlera wore reportml klUal a l kHHng 32 ai.m y troopa, and Itrwoundwl. while aevai Americana wore SERVICE Allied foroM around the coun hillad and idne wounded in a figbt near the Due Lap Special try alao conlinuwl to turn up «n- (AP Photofax) ,:(L. «n y war atq>idim. Including M Force* camp In the central tons of rice, 400 mortar idiella highland*, entfttion; held up the hand of comedian Bill Dana and 20 caaea of exploalvea and laarines of the 0th Regiment When Vice President Hubert Humphrey ajqieared other equipment. came under enemy Are 2,000 at a high school political rally in Portland, Ore, (center); and gestured with his fiat. •• The B82a struck 11 tlmea, yards below the demUitaiised Charles Garry, defense attorney for Blatek Pan moatly along a line that paral- aone and aix were wounded, but Friday, he passed a football (left), part of a pres- ther leader Huey Newton, and Panther minister of lela the Cambodian frontier the LeaUiemecha said they te r "I about TO mUes northwest of Sal- UUed 12 of the enemy, information Eldridge Cleaver, step from ttie curh gon. One raid northwest of Tay Meanwhile, South Vietnam’s near the Alameda County Court House in OaMand, Ninh City was within a few Sklucatlon lOnlstry announced * c 4 thousand yarda of the fronUer. it would draft all eUgiUe eenlor Calif, Friday, after Newton’s sentencing in flhoat- Almost 400,000 . pounds of high school and university pro 5 * n : Organized alkout bombs were rained on suspected fesaom for nine weeka training W 4 ing of a poHceman. (AP Photofa*) enemy mustering areas within a begindUig Oct. 14 before return- few mUes of Uie mud fort out- iiy them to serve in local mill- post of IMen Ngon where ene- tia groups, if 4 Huey Newton Sailed my forem loM 130 dead in an al- <jroffc, part of the new most suMdal attack Friday. general mobUl*a«on, is expect- The TWen Ngon assault and ^ opening of acme -I attacks oo Phuoc Tan an-t Ka *<*o^ and unlveraitlea un- Mars HHH Rally Tum coat the enemy a total of ju nUd-Decemher whm the Eldridge Cleaver’s 411 killed. tecLchera return. foes of the Vietnam war occupy 4 American troopa eearding-o Educationmaucaaon onscuusoMcdals saiasaid somebuoib PORTLiAUti. (AP) cy Interrupted one after snotlM pm r«n*ated Inhinctlon the Jungled frontier area found univeralty tacultica and h i^ Hubert H. Huihphrey stared Imr of hla campaign meeting*, he der hi* repeated irouncnon auditorium seats, then walk out in unison. another MiMjmhidden -twmivenemy vMuvMiweapom BchoOls.— -----would... Mre substitute paaslvely during an organlaed would not be riiouted off any —went on to declare: •' dump containing aome 400 mor- teachers on a day-today basis walkout at a Portland rally Fri platform. "Just keep in mind that we Prior to the walkout, the vice president (poke without hindr Parole Revoked tar ahrils and other war mate day night and vowed afterwards Some 400 young people inter must expect this this year. We rial. (See Page Sixteen) have been told it would happen. ance, for the most part. But OAKLAND, Oahf. (AP) — to Berkeley said: "We have no that " I shall not be intimidat rupted the vice president’s statement now. Tomorrow.” ed.” We have been a* informed it some of those who preceded him The oegazdaer of the Blaefc Paxi- ’The Caltfomia AduH Authori The Democratic presidential toT^arr^m in'^ft^ toe JlSn happen a* Hitler’* ’Mein to toe roetnim were Jeered and th e» WM sent to prison Friday ty hqd Ufted dm ver’s parole in candidate told thoae who re ? r o r o ' t o e l S t t S S ^ ? ^ told u . what would hap- l ^ e d at. SPRAY and BRUSH STALLS .A and the Negro miUtant group’s A p^ after be was indicted on a mained—the vast majority of a two balconies, they marched P*®- - minister of information wm or- charge of attempted murder aft standing-room-only crowd in an The protestors marched from “Paialysls is what this hate, HIGH POWERED VACUUM deredySSok to jaU as a parole er a giBifight between Black Vote Set Tuesday auditorium of 3,700 seats—that During toe hubbub. Hum- the auditorium to the street in this rancor, this irresponslWllty Customers love it—no WOTk—car stays stationary — machine revolves around car — DEPOSIT violator. Panthers and OaUaad poUce. even if a young antiwar milltan- phrey irtood straight bdilnd the front of the hotel where Hum- will bring about if we don’t un- ■ ■■ phrey spent the night* They it* with courage and with rea- COINS AND IN 2 MINUTES (without leaving car) YOUR CAR IS BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN, in- Huey Newton, 23, Urn groiq>’B He taom trial on that rostrum, Ms Ups pursed and hla foundm, was wUSked away in a Dec. 2. One panther waa killed greeted him on Ms return with son.” cludii^ wheels aiid under car. Low Foam Cleaiier harmlese to finiBh. Prestone Jet Wax to beautify hands Masped behind Ms back. LARGE WELL-LIGHTED hmsUy station wagon and two wMte poUcemsn wound- He looked neither left nor right more "No more war” cries. ,pj,g (ji^sident* caused little and protect your car (26c extra). after belig ssntanoed to 2 to U ed to a two-hour exchange On Fortas Issue But then, as his partisans Reinforced line, of poUce kert disturbance during Mrs. ATICNDlAMT OH DUTY Si30 AJR. ■ SPAI. DAILY yaara on a oonvlctioa of votun- gunfire. ' WASHTNOTON (AP) — Abe dent of the American Bar Aaao- Shave or Ship OnL drowned out the departing dem- them across the street from the Qreen’s introduction of Hum- DRYING AREA . taj^. moaGMiRl^cr In ttw gun^ Cleaver vras paroled in IBM Fortas’ ebaaem for oonflma- datlon, which endorsed Fortas, Landlord Warns cmatratora with cries of, “We hotel. phrey. figtat death a year ago of Oak after aerving idne yeaiw to riate tton as cUet Justice suffered sat- said (he ABA’S committee on want Humphrey*” the candi Evenhudly toe demonstration There were a tew scuffles dur land poBoaman John FMy- prison on oonvlctian for assault LAWRENCE, Kan. (A P )- date broke into a grrln and waa transformed into a hand- CONHECTICUrS LARGEST. MOST COMPETE C O IH ^ backs within CXingreoi and with- federal Judgeships did not have Two Univenlty of Kansas ing the raUy, none serious. One Naarton’g atlocnay aald an ap to commit mpa, assault to com out as Piasident Johnson’s nom- aH the tacts whan it becked the waved bis arms. ’’ holding snake dance up the young giri a^th a straw hat info peal would ha flad. mit muTvt*r and asastiH with a students have been warned "Ladles and gentlemen, you street. nomtoAtlan. by their landlord to shave vritlch the members of the audi lit e r , to have Humphrey,” be said. Humphrey had known in ad ence had placed contributions to Heme of fine Srazierfeed* ate Court of Appeal roroeed u* completed Ms high sdiool ed- on me oen- “I do recognise that all of toe off their beards within tour state ate floor. facto were not before the com Humi*rey, who has repeated* vance that a walkout was the Democratic party, threw it the p a i^ of EMMIge Cisarer, ucMlon' and wrote an autoblo- days or move out of their idanned. HandbiUs were.distrib- Senate Republican L«ader Ev mittee,” aaod irafiam Oosaett. ly enveighed against hecklers 33. th* grotto’s minister of infer- graphy, “Soul on Ice,” wMch apartment. who would dlRiqit public uted before the raUy urging, that (See Fag* Sixteen) erett M. Diricsen, mice an out "Some o f the facts brought .