1820S Clothing and the Davenport House Museum Christmas Interpretation 2011
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1820s Clothing and the Davenport House Museum Christmas Interpretation 2011 Would attending to attire have Slaves very much shattered. The persons played a role in the Davenports’ ―In Acct. Current‖ injured are recovering.‖ 6/26/1821 lives? ―Nov. 4th 1827 – To Paid for 2 Jack- p. 2 c. 5. Savannah Gazette. ets for David & Jack. 5.25 ———— ―Clothing is often compared to lan- Jany. 12, 1828 ― ― C. Cannon Silhouettes. 1823. Galley of guage that allows people to speak Clothes for servants 7.50 Cuttings - MASTER HANKES through what they put on their bod- with Common Scissors Children 11/1/27 – 1/1/29 (14 mos.) ies and how they arrange the ele- ―In Acct. Current‖ 28.69 ½ ments. Most scholars agree that, SARAH DAVENPORT, age 40: two clothes & shoes although it can and does say things, piece bodice and skirt with lacy fi- Nov. 1 1827 Paid Mr. Hills for 6 pr clothing’s message is more subtle chu/corsage) and childrens Blk stockings . 2.25 and unclear; it shifts with time and matching lacy Nov. 1 ― ― Mr. Clark ― 1 place and is without fixed rules of cuffs. Her head is cap for Isaiah . 2 – grammar like a true language. Yet adorned with drop Nov. 1 ― ― Mr. Foley clothes spoken and written communication earrings upswept for Cornelia . 2.32 can be misunderstood, too, because hair held in place Nov. 22 ― ― dying clothes for chil- words have meanings only insofar with a comb and dren . 3.87 ½ as human beings assign them and what looks a ― ― ― O. Johnson 2 pr Shoes for agree on the linguistic rules. The feather ornamentation. children . 2.25 uncodified rules that dictated what ― ― ― I. R. Herbert 1 Plaid Cloak to wear for various occasions in the CORNELIA DAVENPORT, age 4: a for Isaiah 5.25 past, or that govern what people long sleeved frock with Jany 1. 1828 To Paid George New wear today, are almost as rigid as ruching in rows above Hall 1 pair shoes . 1.12 ½ grammatical rules.‖ Baumgarten. the hem and lacy trim. ― 12, 1828 ― D. Foley clothes for Lace trimmed panta- children . 6.37 ½ ―Clothing styles continued to loons. Her long hair is ——- evolve, sometimes slowly and at done in sausage curls. ―A house struck by lightning in the other times with dramatic speed. 6th instant . All persons+ in the Societal roles and mores, current SUSANNAH CLARK, house, nine in number were in one events, and professional fashion de- age 67. A velvet room and no one received any injury signers all influenced clothing. spencer with a ruff except Mr. Raymond, owner of the Knowing the evolution of high fash- collar at the neck- house, and a Mr. Davenport, both of ion does not necessarily tell the line. On her head is whom were standing, and were scholar how ordinary people dressed a segmented cap knocked down apparently dead, and for everyday . Nevertheless, with ruffled trim. remained so for some time. The hair fashionable styles are a barometer She is holding eye- on the heads of both was burnt, and for predicting social evolution and glasses. they were marked on the skin from the standing and attitudes of those head to foot. Mr. Davenport who who wear the clothes.‖ Baumgarten. ——— had a child in his arms had the skin Clothing and adornments on torn from his . breast and one leg., ——— Isaiah Davenport’s Estate Inven- and a number of blisters under his shirt, vest, pantaloons and one tory: HERE IS WHAT WE KNOW 1 gold watch chain & seal ABOUT THE DAVENPORT stocking were considerably scorched, while the child received 100.00 HOUSEHOLD AND 1 spinning CLOTHING. no injury. The tea-table, at which Mrs. Davenport was sitting, was wheel .50 From Susan Mason Mays’ struck and `one leg split, and the research: dishes broken, but Mr. D(avenport) 1 appeared unhurt - The house was VENDORS AND THEIR WARES IN SAVANNAH IN THE 1820S Clothing Ware-House Canton Crape Dresses, &c, James Wilson, An invoice of elegant Canton Merchant Tailor Crape Dresses assorted colours, -- Informs his friends and former cus- 3 ½ black Levantine shawls and tomers of the late firm of Thomp- figured Barcelona Hdkfs just re- son and Wilson, that he has taken ceived the brick store on Johnson’s For sale by Square, opposite the State Bank; John Lathrop & Co where he intends keeping a general April 13, 1820. Columbia Museum. assortment of the best Cloths, Cas- drab Castors, 1st quality, No B simeres, Vestings and Trimmings; Miss Le Count, 30 cases gentlemen’s black and and assures the public that all or- Ladies Dress Maker, drab Castors, 2d quality, No A ders he may be favored with shall Informs her friend and the public, 25 cases men’s & boy’s black and be punctually attended to and his that she has removed in York- drab Rorams work shall be equal, (certainly not street, opposite the Court-house 18 do ladies’ do do inferior) to any in this city. where she will be happy to receive & white hats N.B. Ladies Habits and Pelisses their favor. 24 do red, green and black mo- made in the latest fashions. April 4, 1820, Savannah Republican. rocco Caps, containing 1, 2, James Wilson and 3 dozen each May 15, 1821. Georgian. French Goods Also Fourteen boxes - just landing from 45 cases men’s & boy’s fine and John Prentice the Brig Providence, consisting of coarse wool Hats containing Intending for future to reside at the thread Lace, Bombazeen, Kid 75 and 150 each north, and personally superin- Gloves, Corsets, Violin Strings, With a general assortment of tended the manufacture of clothes Boot Cords, Linen Cambric and misses’ fancy and glazed Hats for the southern market, informs Lawn, Booth Brushes, Pearls, N.B. HOAG & JARVIS are the his friends in Savannah, that he has Beads, Pocket Combs, Paper only persons legally authorized connected himself with Mr. Hangings, Chip Flatts for Bonnet to sell their HATS in Savannah George Peckham, and that the and Trimming, Perfumery, Visiting New York, Jan. 14 1820 business in this place will hereafter Cards, Whips, Gingham, Pins, &c. →orders from back country ad- be conducted under the firm of For sale by dressed to Hoag & Jarvis can George Peckham & Co. Blanchard, Brothers & co. be filed either in Savannah; or From this arrangement they flatter At Mr. J. Guenin’s counting room. at the Factory of White, Broth- May 31, 1820. Columbia Museum. themselves that they can furnish all ers & Co. N.York kinds of READY MADE February 18, 120. Savannah Republican. CLOTHING of the latest fashions, Hoag & Jarvis and of the best-materials, as cheap Have received by Emily & Vigi- Killiam & Hills, merchant Tay- as they can be furnished in New- lant from N.York lors, have just received per late York. A fresh supply of Hats arrivals, and are now opening at January 1, 1820. Columbia Museum. From the factory of White, Broth- their store at the corner of ers & Co. and J. & L. Brewster, Whitaker street and the Bay, a Mrs. C. Judah which are opening at their new large an extensive assortment of Would inform her friends and the store, Market Square the most fashionable. public generally, that she has taken -- READYMADE CLOTHING. a store in Luccna’s buildings, in White, Brothers & C. Which are warranted to be made the rear of Broughton street, where Offer for sale at the Wholsale Hat up in the best manner and in the she has on hand a general assort- ware-house, No 71 Liberty most fashionable ment of HATS and BONNETS, of street, being the only store in style. the latest fashions. She would also N. York where Hats of their Among which are inform the Ladies that she alters manufacture are sold Superfine dress and cleans Leghorns in the most 50 cases gentlemen’s black and st coats fashionable style. drab Beaver, 1 quality, No D 2 ― Waterloo January 19, 1820. Columbia Museum. 35 cases gentlemen’s black and frock do ― Loose do Ellen, a fresh supply of Youths fine Coats and Plaid Cloaks SHOES AND BOOTS, Pantaloons, 20 dolls Pantaloons and Vests Consisting of Ladies’ Morocco A few gentlemen’s hats, Fine Shirts boots, buckles shoes. Walking new fashion, 7 dolls Wrappers & Drawers shoes and slippers, heels and sprigs. Gentlemen’s kid Gloves, Also on hand. Gentlemen’s shoes & of different 75 cents Superfine Cloths and quantities and ?apes, Patent Suspenders, 50 Cassimeres, with trim- Children’s leather boots, misses cents. mings for the same, Morocco slips and sa[n]dals ?, Also which will be made up which in an addition to this former 40 very fine Livery Suits, new to any pattern, in the stock makes it complete. mode, 20 dolls latest improved New-York fashions, An additional supply of Negro House servants’ Coats and Panta- at short notice, and on reasonable SHOES – all of whithal is offered loons, 16 dolls. terms, as they have in their employ for sale as above on reasonable Boys Suits $4.50 the best of workmen, and from their terms. White and blue plain suits from 4 to long experience in the business their January 4, 1820. Columbia Museum. 7 dolls customer may rely upon having jus- Lion skin Great Coats, from 7 to 12 tice and satisfaction done them. New Clothing dolls January 1, 1820. Columbia Museum. A New supply of Gentlemen’s Twill’d Fearnaughts, Monkey Jack- Clothing has been received by ets and Trowsers suitable for Dry Goods. the subscriber, which they will boatmen, from 8 to 9 dls. dispose of extremely low. Red Shirts, 16 dolls 50 per dozen 1do women’s cotton Hose Gentlemen’s double mill’d cassi- Striped do 15 dolls 1 do Carlisle Ginghams mere Pantaloons from 8 to 10 Check do 10 dolls 1 do extra super London Prints & dollars Negro Caps, Gloves, &c.