
Timeline/Place Outline of the Garden of Eden Story

Subsequent to the 6th day of creating man through , Genesis 2:8-6:9

Innocence / holiness, Gen. 2:8-2:25

A. plants a garden a. It was God’s plan to further accelerate and propagate plant life on the earth and provide food by way of the Garden through man, 2:5. It appears both & first tilled the ground in the Garden (then later outside the Garden 3:23,2:15). b. Christophony presence of God in the Garden B. Adam names the animals C. God takes a rib from man to create woman D. Man communicates with God / presence of God E. Still in the Garden.

Sin / Gen. 3:1-3:24

A. ’s deception B. Adam & sins C. Man communicates with God D. Curse on Adam & Eve a. Eve: pain in childbirth 1:28, 3:16, bore Cain & apparently while still in the Garden E. Garden & life begins to deteriorate F. God covers them [their sin] with [lamb] skin 3:21 G. Banished from the Garden proper, Adam goes back to the land of Eden from which he was taken 3:23-24

Cain’s plight 4:1-15

H. Offerings to atone sin and act of worship I. Cain killed Abel, no linage of Abel spoken of J. Cain talks to God / presence of God 4:9-16 K. Curse on Cain, work becomes more difficult L. Facing harder work in judgment, Cain leaves his way of life in self-condemnation as a farmer and from presence of God, 4:14 says, “from the face of the ground”. He goes on the run for fear of retribution by other men but God comforts him by not allowing him to be killed, 4:15. Cain later becomes a builder or mason, marries and has children. This linage is no longer spoken of but neither does that mean it ended. Adam & Cain have children, Gen. 4:16-5:32

A. Cain has Enoch, generations follow to Lamech, and wickedness continues with Lamech committing murder 4:23-24, 6:11. B. Adam has Seth, after which men began to call on the name of the Lord. Linage of Adam given. Both Enoch (descendent of Seth, not son of Cain) and walked with God, 5:24, 6:9

Wickedness abounds, Gen. 6:1-8

C. Meanwhile, wickedness continued to propagate. mate with women producing giants. God is compelled to stop the tainted races by the destruction of the flood and save the righteous.