A Scriptural View of Crime –Jared A. Linebach, Shorter University

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A Scriptural View of Crime –Jared A. Linebach, Shorter University The Journal of Christianity in the Social Sciences theories explain some crime but not all theories explain all crime. Opposing viewpoints from early criminological theory illustrate the shaky foundations of the criminological discipline. The classical school of criminology viewpoint is based on the free will of the offender, while the positivist school of criminology viewpoint is based on deterministic characteristics of the offender. As with most problems that theorists attempt to solve using opposite ends of a spectrum, neither can be completely accurate which means there must be some middle ground or alternative perspective that addresses the problem more fully. Though there is no “modern theory” – a theory posited within the last 500 years – that addresses the existence of criminality fully, there is a perspective that, when adopted, seems to address the root of criminal behavior. Prior to the establishment of the classical and positivist schools of criminology, a practical application of the supernatural theory of crime was the foundation for society. This supernatural perspective will be addressed later but it is the modern outgrowth of the Scriptural view of crime as specified within the pages of the Holy Bible. Over time, the Scriptural view of crime gave way to the supernatural theory because the supernatural theory made it easier to punish Adam & Eve & The Serpent, Image Credit: Pixabay individuals who engaged in criminal activity. This article will discuss the Biblical support for the total depravity of man – also known as the sin nature and original sin – as the root cause of criminal conduct. Herein, A Scriptural View of Crime the two terms, total depravity of man and sin nature, will be used interchangeably to refer to By Jared A. Linebach, Ph.D. the state of mankind as defined by God. The term original sin will be used to refer to the Shorter University fall of man as described in Genesis 3. It should also be noted at the outset that the There are many perspectives on the discussion of the sin nature will be from view of man, particularly as it relates to the God’s perspective not from man’s depravity of man. The abundance of theories perspective. There are plenty of other on how and why people commit crimes can theories that deal with the depravity of man easily be found in any criminological theories from man’s perspective. book. However, no single theory explains every act of social deviance. That is, all Defining Human Nature: Imago Dei 25 Christus Cultura bearers of God – they were as perfect as they, Humanity was created by God and for or we, would ever be. All of this was God. God created man from the dust of shattered after the temptation – not as a result earth and created woman from man on the of the temptation, but rather a result of sixth day of creation. This was the only time, yielding to the temptation – of Adam and Eve during the creation account, that God is at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and recorded as identifying the whole of His work Evil in the midst of the garden (Genesis 2-3, as “very good” (Genesis 1:31, ESV). When ESV). Moses records the creation account and provides God’s discussion with Himself about Defining Human Nature: Sin Nature the creation of man, he does so using some In order to begin to define the specific terms: “’Let us make man in our concept of the sin nature, original sin must image, after our likeness’” (Genesis 1:26, first be established. While the term “original ESV). The meaning of image and likeness sin” is found nowhere in the 66 books that has casually come to represent a physical make up the canon of Scripture – the Holy likeness to God. However, the real meaning Bible – original sin, as a concept, is well is a bit less obvious. established by the Apostle Paul. The concept The use of “our image” and “likeness” of original sin is one that begins in the in Genesis indicates a deeper meaning than beginning. Original sin, as described in physical likeness, especially since “God is Genesis 3, portrays the first man, Adam, and spirit” (John 4:24, ESV). It seems much more his female counterpart, Eve the suitable likely that being made in the image of God helper, as having stepped outside the confines relates more to our moral, intellectual, and of God’s command. Adam and Eve ate of spiritual nature (Munyon, 1994). The image the forbidden fruit hanging from the Tree of of God is more about who we are and less the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It made about something we have or something we do no difference to a Holy God that Adam and (Munyon, 1994). Eve were coerced or entrapped in this Another scholar describes the image temptation to consume the fruit by the of God as both a “natural and moral image” serpent. While the serpent reaped its own (Menzies & Horton, 1993, p. 84). The natural consequences by presenting the temptation, image encompasses the intellectual aspects of the act of disobedience against the Divine was the person, but elaborates to include elements committed freely by Adam and Eve. of personality, sensibility, and rationality. In One result of the original sin, Adam contrast, the moral image houses our will, our and Eve were forced to leave the paradise freedom to make decisions. “Moral image in where God had originally placed them to live mankind is also the quality of our personality out their days. The original sin not only had that relates to the rightness or wrongness of geographic consequences, but it also had the use of our powers” (Menzies & Horton, physiological and psychological consequences. 1993, p. 85). It is this sense of right and The physiological consequences came in the wrong that allow us to relate to God. form of hard manual labor, pain in childbirth, These two perfectly formed first and death – thought not immediate physical humans – Adam and Eve – came to reside in death. The psychological consequences came the Garden of Eden. They enjoyed fellowship in the form of subjugation to one’s husband with God, walking with Him in the cool of and the realization that one would eventually the day. They enjoyed the fruit of the garden die. Original sin, while limited to the Garden and were allowed to eat of any of it except of Eden, has lasting consequences for all of that from one tree. They enjoyed perfect humanity. communion and communication with God in The original sin is only the starting that place. There, they were perfect image 26 The Journal of Christianity in the Social Sciences The flow and purpose of these point for the conversation about the sin passages clearly indicate the divine nature. Just as with original sin, the terms sin conceptualization of the sin nature. Sin and nature or the total depravity of man are not the sin nature entered the human race through found in the Scriptures. However, just like Adam “in an abuse of the freedom given to original sin, the framework for understanding created beings equipped with a will” (Menzies the sin nature is abundantly clear. The & Horton, 1993, p. 87) and has been concepts of sin nature and total depravity can transmitted to every other human, making the be expressed in positive and negative terms. entire human race sinners and worthy of the “Negatively, it means that man, as a result of consequences for that sin: death (Romans the fall, has lost his original righteousness and 6:23). The exact mode of transmission for the love for God. Positively, it means that man’s sin nature is a mystery. Genetic transmission moral nature has become corrupted, and that and evolutionary development transmission he has an irresistible bias toward evil” are two posited modes of transmission. (Barabas, 1967, p. 213). Scripture gives no clear answer to the The notion of the sin nature is most question about how the sin nature is clearly expressed by the Apostle Paul in his propagated within the human race. What is writings. First, Romans 5 provides the known is that sin is an all-pervasive tendency clearest picture of the sin nature within man. which must be dealt with if the human race is A deeper analysis of New Testament passages to live as God intended. will be assessed later but Romans chapter five gives an excellent description of the Human Nature in the Old Testament transmission of the sin nature. “Therefore, The Old Testament discusses the just as sin entered the world through one man characteristics of human nature. The account [Adam], and death through sin, and in this begins in Genesis 2 after the creation of all way death came to all men, because all things, to be discussed in greater detail later. sinned” (Romans 5:12, NIV). The Apostle The major theme relating to the sin nature in Paul’s point is expounded in five additional the Old Testament is that, since the original passages in Romans 5: sin of Adam – known simply as “the fall” – , • “the many died by the trespass of the the human race was and is sinful from before one man” (Romans 5:15, NIV) we were born. Psalm 51:1-5 states “Have • “the result of the one man’s sin: The mercy on me, O God, according to your judgment followed one sin and steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me brought condemnation [to all]” thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me (Romans 5:16, NIV) from my sin! For I know my transgressions, • “by the trespass of the one man, death and my sin is ever before me.
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