Babies, Baptism, and Original Sin: Augustine's Understanding of the Theological Implications of Infant Baptism
Babies, Baptism, and Original Sin: Augustine's Understanding of the Theological Implications of Infant Baptism By Jeffrey J. Meyers The rite of infant baptism as practiced in the church before Augustine has been appropriately called “a practice in search of a theology.”1 Although solid evidence exists for the practice of paedobaptism from the time of Tertullian, and the preponderance of evidence suggests that it was the custom from Apostolic times,2 nevertheless, to say that there was no consensus of opinion concerning the theological rationale for the sacramental rite would be an understatement. That the ritual of paedobaptism was practiced universally from about 200 A.D. till the time of Augustine is almost certain; what theological significance it had, and why it was administered to babies remained open to theological development. In response to errant Pelagian theology, Augustine developed a catholic theology of infant baptism from the meaning and implications of the rite itself in conjunction with his understanding of the 1David F. Wright, “How Controversial Was the Development of Infant Baptism in the Early Church,” Church, Word, and Spirit: Historical and Theological Essays in Honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley, eds. James E Bradley and Richard A. Muller (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1987) 50, 51. 2Tertullian’s polemic against infant and young child baptism does not necessarily imply the novelty of the practice (as Pelikan asserts, The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100- 600), vol. 1 of The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971], 290); rather, Tertullian’s opposition is best understood as directed against an existing custom.
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