Course Syllabus FALL 2013 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY I THEO 0531 MONDAY, 1:00 PM – 3:50 PM INSTRUCTOR: DR. DENNIS NGIEN Telephone number: 416 226 6620 ext. 2763 Email:
[email protected] Office Hours: by appointment To access your course materials, go to your Tyndale email account: Please note that all official Tyndale correspondence will be sent to your < e-mail account. For information how to access and forward Tyndale e-mails to your personal account, see I. COURSE DESCRIPTION Systematic Theology I & II are designed to provide an introduction to the thematic study of Christian doctrine according to the evangelical protestant tradition. Systematic I acquaints students with the elemental building blocks of the Christian faith. The nature, sources, and task of theology will be considered, together with the following major doctrines: Revelations, Trinity, Person of Christ, Holy Spirit. Special attention will be given to the development of a missional, Trinitarian theology. Tyndale Seminary |1 II. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, students should have: 1. Attitudes: a. increased appreciation for the value of theology in ministry and the Christian life. b. increased confidence in the authority of Scripture. 2. Information: a. the basic materials for further theological reflection and study. b. familiarity with major theological issues and lines of theological disagreement. 3. Skills: a. tools and skills for doing theological research. b. theological insights for practical situations in ministry. III. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: A. REQUIRED TEXTS: McGrath, Alister E. Christian Theology: An Introduction. 5th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.