_full_journalsubtitle: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography _full_abbrevjournaltitle: SCRI _full_ppubnumber: ISSN 1817-7530 (print version) _full_epubnumber: ISSN 1817-7565 (online version) _full_issue: 1 _full_issuetitle: 0 _full_alt_author_running_head (neem stramien J2 voor dit article en vul alleen 0 in hierna): 0 _full_alt_articletitle_deel (rechter kopregel - mag alles zijn): Pelagius’ View of Ideal Christian Women in his Letters _full_is_advance_article: 7 _full_article_language: en indien anders: engelse articletitle: 0 Pelagius’ View of Ideal ChristianScrinium 16Women (2020) in67-88 his Letters 67 www.brill.com/scri Pelagius’ View of Ideal Christian Women in his Letters Critical Perspectives of Recent Pelagian Studies Comparing Chrysostom’s View in his Letter to Olympias Nozomu Yamada Professor, Department Policy Studies, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
[email protected] Abstract The Pelagians’ ascetical practices were aiming at neither a kind of elitism nor perfec- tionism, rather, they simply tried to instruct their women disciples on the physical and spiritual care management in Eastern Christian ascetic manners. Pelagius emphasized the free will of women and their dignity as being in the image of God. This was quite different from the negative evaluations of women’s free will by Jerome, Augustine, and later Western priests, but quite similar to the affirmative perspectives of women’s free- dom of will by Eastern Church fathers like John Chrysostom. In this presentation, I would like to focus on the letters to Demetrias from Jerome, Pelagius, and Ps. Prosper; Pelagius’ letters to a widow and a married woman; and Chrysostom’s letter to Olympias. Critically considering the previous research on the letters to Demetrias (by A.S.