
—ntonio gr—ms™i IQS

ÐF €—thm—rksD edF ‡F w™xeillD g—m˜ridgeD IWWVF

w—™—nnD gF @edFA griti™—l reideggerF vondonD IWWTF

w—™om˜erD ‡F fF „he en—tomy of hisillusionX w—rtin reidegger9s xotion of „ruthF iv—nstonD svD IWTUF

€oltD ‚F reideggerX en sntrodu™tionF sth—™—D x‰D IWWWF

ƒ—llisD tF @edFA ‚e—ding reideggerX gommemor—tionsF floomingtonD sxD IWWQF

„—mini—uxD tF reidegger —nd the €roje™t of pund—ment—l yntologyF el˜—nyD x‰D IWWIF

‡olinD ‚F @edFA „he reidegger gontroversyX e griti™—l ‚e—derF g—m˜ridgeD weD IWWQF

IUF entonio qr—ms™i @IVWI±IWQUA

entonio qr—ms™i9s signifi™—n™e in ™riti™—l theory l—rgely rests on „he €rison xote˜ooksD whi™h

det—ils the politi™s of ™ulture from within — m—rxist fr—meworkD ˜ut one th—t es™—pes

e™onomi™ —nd respe™ts the ™omplexD mo˜ile —nd ™ontr—di™tory dyn—mi™s of

so™i—l inter—™tionF ris writing is — fund—ment—l tou™hstone for postw—r left re™onsider—tions

of ™ultureD p—rti™ul—rly those th—t reje™t highElow ™ulture distin™tionsD ˜ut qr—ms™i9s wideE

spre—d influen™e h—s often ™ome —t the ™ost of —˜str—™ting his terminology from the l—rger

™ontext of his work —nd histori™—l ™rises th—t impelled its sh—peF qr—ms™i is frequently ™—lled

on to —uthorize new ™riti™—l tr—je™toriesD ˜ut r—rely ™omprehensively re—d in w—ys th—t think

through the impetus for his work ± prolet—ri—n revolutionF fe™—use „he €rison xote˜ooks were

written while qr—ms™i w—s isol—ted within — f—s™ist j—ilD pu˜lished posthumously —nd h—d to

w—it until IWUI for the first m—jor inglish tr—nsl—tionD this sele™tive re—ding p—rtly ™omes —s —

result of interpret—tions formed ˜y the postEIWTHs retre—t from ™l—ss —s —n integr—l ™—tegory

—nd western —s — foresee—˜le out™omeF fut the degree to whi™h ™riti™s quote or

interpret qr—ms™i outside ofD or in ™ontr—vention toD his histori™—l ™ontext —nd ™on™ern

—˜out the rel—tion of the gommunist €—rty to the disempowered is the extent to whi™h these

™it—tions ˜e™ome either orn—ment—l or selfE—ggr—ndisingF

forn in rur—l ƒ—rdini— to —n el˜—ni—nEst—li—n ™lerk —nd lo™—l motherD qr—ms™i grew up in

poverty —fter his f—ther w—s imprisoned for em˜ezzlementF woving to industri—lized „urin

on — university s™hol—rshipD qr—ms™i ended his study —fter ill he—lthD fin—n™i—l distress —nd

in™re—sing involvement in so™i—list politi™s —nd journ—lismF es p—rt of v9yrdine xuovo9s

@„he xew yrderA editori—l ™olle™tiveD he fo™used on the l—˜our milit—n™y of the IWIW±PH

„urin p—™tory goun™ilsD whi™h org—nized workers ˜y their workpl—™e r—ther th—n tr—deD —nd

seemed to ˜e —n st—li—n equiv—lent to the ƒoviets th—t helped ™—t—lyse the ‚ussi—n

‚evolutionF ‡hen m—n—gement o™™upied the f—™tories —nd the intervenedD

the movement w—s defe—ted —nd the st—li—n ƒo™i—list €—rty splitF yn one sideD qr—ms™i —nd

others formed the st—li—n gommunist €—rty @€gsAD whileD on the otherD wussolini org—nized

the f—r right p—s™ist €—rtyD whi™h l—ter o™™upied the governmentF huring the e—rly IWPHsD

qr—ms™i w—s sent to wos™ow —nd †ienn— to represent the €gs in the gommunist

sntern—tion—l @gominternAD where he ˜e™—me —™tively involved in de˜—tes —˜out interE

n—tion—l left str—tegyF ‚eturning to st—ly in IWPR —s he—d of the €gsD he w—s ele™ted sen—tor

during wussolini9s rise to di™t—torshipF errested shortly there—fterD qr—ms™i w—s given — politi™—l show tri—l —nd senten™ed ˜y — f—s™ist judge to twenty ye—rs9 imprisonmentF sn j—ilD

IQT modern europe—n ™riti™ism —nd theory

he ˜eg—n keeping note˜ooks on ™ultur—l —nd politi™—l issuesD the work th—t his reput—tion

l—rgely depends onF „his is ™ru™i—l to —ppro—™hing qr—ms™i9s €rison xote˜ooksD sin™e

it ™ontextu—lizes their motive —nd formF

elthough university tr—inedD qr—ms™i is perh—ps unique —mong this en™y™lop—edi—9s

su˜je™ts for not writing within or for the —™—demyF „ypi™—l of the left —utodid—™ti™ tr—ditionD

qr—ms™i9s writingD in its journ—listi™ —nd ™—r™er—l ph—seD does not look to university de˜—tesD

re—ders or proto™ols of present—tionF „he €rison xote˜ooks exist to refle™t on severe politi™—l

defe—tD the ™rushed worker9s movement th—t set the st—ge for the rise of st—li—n f—s™ism —mid

—n intern—tion—l ™ont—inment of revolution—ry movementsF „here is little in his writing

—˜out e™onomi™sD sin™e he t—kes the —n—lysis of ™—pit—lism9s physi™s —s definitively st—ted ˜y

w—rxF snste—dD he investig—tes the rel—tion of ™ulture to politi™s in order to —skX why did not

the revolution spre—d ˜eyond ‚ussi—Y wh—t prevents the tr—nsition to glo˜—l so™i—lismY —nd

how does p—s™ism m—int—in powerc qr—ms™i9s selfE™riti™—l investig—tion into his own

situ—ted experien™e —nd ™ommitment to — –m—rxism without gu—r—ntees9D whi™h —˜—ndons

the sureties of histori™—l teleologyD m—kes his work espe™i—lly reson—nt for progressive

™riti™—l theories th—t —ttempt to —ddress the left9s in™re—sing m—rgin—liz—tion —mid the

domin—n™e of insurgent ™onserv—tism —fter the IWTHsF ƒimil—rlyD qr—ms™i influen™ed preE

IWVW intern—l ™ritiques of the i—stern flo™9s –—™tu—lly existing so™i—lism9D like hh‚

dissident f—hro9s „he eltern—tive @IWVIAF

„he ™onditions of „he €rison xote˜ooks9 produ™tion pose the ™h—llenge of triple

en™oding for ™ontempor—ry re—dersF „he foremost diffi™ulty is th—t qr—ms™i often resorted

to ellipti™ phr—ses to ™onfound the prison ™ensors who se™ured the journ—lsF ƒometimes it is

e—sy to re™onstitute qr—ms™i9s intentionD like the su˜stitution of – of —™tion9 for

–w—rx9D ˜utD —t timesD it is h—rd to dis™ern when qr—ms™i is ™re—ting terms to st—nd in

moment—rily for tr—dition—l m—rxist ™on™epts or when he is forging new terminology to

flesh out ™on™epts th—t were in™ompletely or poorly developed in previous m—rxist writingsF

e further hurdle is th—t qr—ms™i9s signposting —ssumes — re—der ™onvers—nt with nineE

teenthE™entury left writings @not only m—rxist onesA —nd gomintern de˜—tes of the IWPHs

—nd IWQHsD m—ny of whi™h were either n—rrowly ™ir™ul—ted or never —ppe—red in print formF

‡ithout some f—mili—rity with these de˜—tesD it ˜e™omes h—rder to ™—pture qr—ms™i9s

intentions —nd interventionsF pin—llyD „he €rison xote˜ooks —re just th—tD dr—ft note˜ooksF

fe™—use qr—ms™i fun™tion—lly died in prison @he w—s rele—sed to — gu—rded hospit—l shortly

˜efore ™oll—psing from — ˜r—in h—emorrh—geAD he never ™—me ™lose to —ssem˜ling —n

—uthorit—tive version for pu˜li™—tionF ‡hile qr—ms™i w—s — pre™ise who did redr—ft

some se™tionsD — num˜er of his pres™ient ˜re—kthroughsD like the –emeri™—nism —nd

pordism9 se™tion th—t —n—lyses moderniz—tion —nd sexu—lityD is little more th—n — sket™hF

gontempor—ry re—ders must —lmost tr—in themselves to re—d qr—ms™i intuitivelyD — t—sk th—t

h—s frequently led students to rely on the medi—tion @—nd —gend—sA of se™ond—ry ™riti™ismF

es if these hurdles were not enoughD the englophone re—dership h—s only h—d — portion of

the note˜ooks tr—nsl—tedF „hough the most frequently used editionD ro—re —nd xowellE

ƒmith9s ƒele™tions from the €rison xote˜ooks @IWUIAD is m—sterfulD it ™—nnot —™t —s — proper

su˜stitute for — ™omplete editionD — proje™t now th—nkfully underw—yF hespite these

™h—llenges to re—ding himD qr—ms™i9s vo™—˜ul—ry —nd ™on™epts ground proje™ts like ™ultur—l

m—teri—lismD –history from the ˜ottom up9D elthusserD f—li˜—r —nd €oul—ntz—s9s work on

—nd ™l—ssesD firmingh—m ƒ™hool gultur—l ƒtudiesD postm—rxismD e™onomi™ de˜—tes

—˜out postindustri—lismGpostfordismD —nd post™oloni—lismD su™h —s the writing of ƒ—idD ƒpiv—k —nd the ƒu˜—ltern ƒtudies groupF

—ntonio gr—ms™i IQU

sf one theme —nim—tes „he €rison xote˜ooksD it is the redefinition of the term

–intelle™tu—l9F qr—ms™i reje™ts the notion th—t —n intelle™tu—l is someone endowed with

— gre—ter ™—p—™ity for thought —nd freedom from m—teri—l rel—tionsF xo one is –uninE

telle™tu—l9 in qr—ms™i9s view ˜e™—use everyone h—s — –p—rti™ul—r ™on™eption of the world9

—nd –line of mor—l ™ondu™t9 @qr—ms™i IWUID WA even if this sensi˜ilityD wh—t qr—ms™i ™—lls

–™ommon sense9D is v—gueD in™oherent or rife with ™ontr—di™tory —ttitudesF st is not ment—l

˜rilli—n™e th—t m—kes intelle™tu—lsD ˜ut how su˜je™ts —™hieve the so™i—l fun™tion of ˜eing —n

intelle™tu—lF –fe™—use it ™—n h—ppen th—t everyone —t some time fries — ™ouple of eggs or sews

up — te—r in — j—™ketD we do not ne™ess—rily s—y th—t everyone is — ™ook or t—ilor9 @WAF sndeedD

qr—ms™i m—inly uses dirigenteD whi™h is poorly tr—nsl—ted —s –intelle™tu—l9 —nd is ˜etter

understood —s ™ondu™torD org—nizer orD more simplyD —™tivistF e f—shion m—g—zine writer

—˜out ™osmeti™s is no more or less —n intelle™tu—l @dirigenteAD in qr—ms™i9s senseD th—n —

professorD sin™e e—™h promotes ™onfiden™e in the prestige of their o˜je™t

@™ommodity ˜e—uty or —˜str—™t medit—tionAF ‡h—t distinguishes dirigente is their v—rying

org—ni™ rel—tion to so™i—l form—tions resulting from ™l—ssD or ™l—ssEf—™tionD interestsF qr—ms™i

differenti—tes ˜etween wh—t he ™—lls –tr—dition—l9 —nd –org—ni™9 dirigenteD —lthough his

terminology is ™onfusingD sin™e ˜oth kinds —re org—ni™ to their respe™tive form—tions

—nd the differen™e ™—nnot simply ˜e ™—ptured in terms of left±right ™—tegoriesF „he

tr—dition—l intelle™tu—l works out of —n —lre—dy existing —l m—trix —nd mode

of so™i—l org—niz—tionD while the org—ni™ intelle™tu—l emerges from newD opposition—l onesF

w—rxist professors —re not —utom—ti™—lly org—ni™ intelle™tu—ls for qr—ms™iD despite their

™ommitment to —ntiE˜ourgeois str—tegiesD ˜e™—useD wh—tever the left —™—demi™9s –lo™—l9

mess—geD her or his prestige —nd —uthority to spe—k ™omes from their ™redenti—liz—tion

within — tr—dition—l stru™tureD the universityD th—t ™ontinues to —ggr—v—te so™i—l divisions

through the ment—lGm—nu—l hier—r™hy ™re—ted ˜y the —w—rding of diplom—s —nd —™—demi™

promotionF sf the s—me professor spoke within — –people9s university9D whi™h —ddressed nonE

domin—nt groups in w—ys th—t did not mimi™ the tr—dition—l university9s v—lues of

–ex™ellen™e9D then the s™hol—r would ˜e more –org—ni™9F yne model might ˜e qr—ms™i9s

own involvement with the „he xew yrderD whi™h provided the „urin p—™tory goun™ils

with — forumF e –tr—dition—l9 journ—listEintelle™tu—l writing on the strikes would invoke

–o˜je™tivity —nd neutr—l report—ge9D while not questioning the links ˜etween the newsp—per

—nd the f—™tory9s ownersD ˜ut —n org—ni™ journ—listEintelle™tu—l would —n—lyse ™urrent

events in to help ™re—te l—˜our ™onfiden™e in their new modes of inter—™tionF qr—ms™i9s

per™eption th—t the —gents of knowledge emerge from m—teri—l sites of truthEprodu™tion is

™ongruent here with pou™—ult9s writings on dis™ursive form—tions —nd the ™re—tion of

dis™iplinesF e se™ond —spe™t of the org—ni™Etr—dition—l distin™tion is th—t the more — set of

intelle™tu—ls ˜e™omes em˜edded within tr—dition—l stru™turesD the more they p—r—doxi™—lly

˜elieve themselves to ˜e selfEdefiningD even though their selfEde™l—red li˜er—tion from ™l—ss

@fr—™tionA simply registers wh—t might ˜e ™—lled the se™ret of the –intelle™tu—lEfetish9F tust —s

w—rx ˜eg—n his —n—lysis of ™—pit—lism9s system of exploit—tion with the se™ret of the

–™ommodityEfetish9D qr—ms™i uses the tr—dition—l intelle™tu—l9s f—lse —utonomy to unp—™k

the l—rger politi™—l e™onomy of ™ultur—l powerF

‡hile w—rx only offers — glimpse of wh—t nonE™ommodity rel—tions might look likeD

qr—ms™i uses w—™hi—velli9s „he €rin™e to illustr—te how —n org—ni™ intelle™tu—l might —™tF

w—™hi—velli9s tre—tise on power is distin™tive ˜e™—use –it is not — systemi™ tre—tmentD ˜ut —

––live99 work in whi™h politi™—l ideology —nd politi™—l s™ien™e —re fused in the dr—m—ti™ form of — ––myth99 9 @IPSAF w—™hi—velli ˜roke from tr—dition—l form—ts ˜y writing neither —n

IQV modern europe—n ™riti™ism —nd theory

ide—listi™ utopi— nor dry s™hol—sti™ reviewF snste—dD he ™omposed —n —dvi™e note˜ookD ˜ut

one for — feud—l prin™e he knew w—s neither ignor—nt of powerEdyn—mi™s nor ™—p—˜le of

m—stering themF w—™hi—velli9s purpose w—s to pu˜li™ize these m—noeuvres for –those not in

the know9 @IQSAD the protoE˜ourgeoisie who were not yet ™—p—˜le of en—™ting these t—™ti™s

˜ut were ˜eginning to ™onfront — mori˜und feud—l so™ietyF w—™hi—velli9s represent—tion of

the prin™e w—s thus — –™on™rete f—nt—sy whi™h —™ts on — dispersed —nd sh—ttered people to

—rouse —nd org—nize its ™olle™tive will9D where the popul—™e9s spont—neous @unorg—nizedA

p—ssions were guided to —™tionF „his di—le™ti™—l ex™h—nge provides the ex—mple for the

–modern prin™e9D whi™h is no longer ˜e —n individu—l @the f—voured su˜je™t of ˜ourgeois

li˜er—lismA ˜ut — –™omplex element of so™iety9 ± the @™ommunistA politi™—l p—rty @IPWAF

qr—ms™i9s tr—je™tory is —lw—ys from the individu—l to ™olle™tive su˜je™tsD —nd the org—ni™

dirigente is re—lly —˜out groupsD not —n individu—l9s ™hoi™eF „he p—rty9s role is twofoldF pirstD

its ™olle™tive intern—l oper—tions offer the first glimpses of potenti—l so™i—l —ltern—tivesD it is

— –™on™rete f—nt—sy9F ƒe™ondlyD it eng—ges with popul—r –p—ssions9 so th—t the p—rty does not

–tr—dition—lize9 itself through ˜ure—u™r—ti™D r—ther th—n demo™r—ti™D ™entr—lismD r—ther th—n

the m—ssD where it ™ould dis—strously mist—ke itself —s the histori™—l —gent of ™h—nge —nd

deleg—te itself —s the g—tekeeper for de™iding the timing of politi™—l —™tionF qr—ms™i ˜elieves

the p—rty9s selfE—ssured isol—tion w—s — m—jor ™—use in the postEIWIV revolution—ry f—iluresD

—ndD in prisonD he re™—lls w—rx9s thesis th—t the edu™—tor himself needs edu™—tion @the

dirigente must ˜e dire™ted from ˜elowAF

„he question of intelle™tu—ls opens the w—y to re™onsider the rel—tion ˜etween st—te —nd

™ivil so™ietyF qr—ms™i9s —xiom is th—t politi™s is defined ˜y the –du—l perspe™tive9 where

power —rises out of the v—ryingD yet —lw—ys presentD r—tio of ™oer™ion —nd ™onsentD violen™e

—nd persu—sionF qr—ms™i never ˜elieves th—t li˜er—l demo™r—™y ex™ludes r—wD physi™—l

violen™e @the poli™eD —rmyD punitive legisl—tionA from its —rsen—lD it h—s merely ˜e™ome more

e™onomi™—l in its useF glose to ‡e˜er9s ™l—im th—t the st—te h—s — monopoly of legitim—te

violen™eD qr—ms™i ˜elieves th—t rule ˜y oppression is resour™eEdr—ining —nd ™—nnot sust—in

˜ro—dE˜—sed power over timeF por power to ˜e dur—˜le it must —lso ˜e persu—siveD edu™—tive

—nd work to promote — ™onsensus typified ˜y the —™™ept—n™e of — ™ommon senseD the

impli™itD unspoken —ssumption of the everyd—y —nd –n—tur—lness9 of ™ivil so™iety —nd its

hier—r™hiesF qr—ms™i ™—lls this ™onsensus hegemonyD whi™h he sees —s m—nifested through —

threeEph—sed pro™ess of group ™olle™tiviz—tion —nd str—tegi™ —lli—n™esF „he first is the

–e™onomi™E™orpor—te9 moment when –— tr—desm—n feels o˜liged to st—nd ˜y —nother tr—desE

m—nD — m—nuf—™turer ˜y —nother m—nuf—™turerD et™F ˜ut the tr—desm—n does not yet feel

solid—rity with the m—nuf—™turer9 @IVIAF e se™ond –e™onomi™9 step is when there is —

–solid—rity of interests —mong —ll the mem˜ers of — so™i—l ™l—ss9F ntil this pointD rule still

m—inly relies on ™oer™ionD ˜ut ™onsensu—l is —™hieved when groups –tr—ns™end

the ™orpor—te limits9 of pure e™onomi™ selfEinterest —nd move to —n –ethi™—lEpoliti™—l9 ph—se

so th—t they –˜e™ome the interest of other su˜ordin—te groups9F ‡hen — ™l—ss @or ™l—ss

fr—™tionA in™orpor—tes other so™i—l elements so th—t su˜—ltern ™ommon senseD or –spont—E

neous philosophy9D ˜e™omes prote™tive of the le—ding ™l—ss@esAD hegemony is —™hievedF yne

kind of hegemony is n—tion—lismD where˜y the working ™l—ss support the lo™—l ˜ourgeoisie

—g—inst the interests of f—rE—w—y workersF

regemony does not –destroy9 —nt—gonisti™ interestsD ˜utD in ‚—ymond ‡illi—ms9s phr—seD

in™orpor—tes themD —nd the –ethi™—lEpoliti™—l9 moment of hegemony is m—nifested ˜y the

rise of — –histori™ ˜lo™9F „he histori™ ˜lo™ is more th—n — ™odeword for ™l—ssY — ˜lo™ is the ™o—lition of so™i—l groupsD the networks of —lli—n™es th—t ™—n ™ross ™l—ss linesF „he model

—ntonio gr—ms™i IQW

qr—ms™i dr—ws from is the iighteenth frum—ire of vouis fon—p—rteD where w—rx des™ri˜ed

how the future x—poleon sss ™onstru™ted — histori™ ˜lo™ th—t enlisted the pe—s—ntry —g—inst

their e™onomi™E™orpor—te interestsD within — regime th—t in™luded their histori™ enemiesD

the €—risi—n under™l—ssD —nd w—s domin—ted ˜y fin—n™i—l interestsF ‡hile one fr—™tion

usu—lly domin—tes — ˜lo™D it is —lso su˜je™t to intrinsi™ pressures —rising from trying to keep

the ™onstell—tion of interests p—™ifiedF flo™s h—ve these ™rises of ™ultur—l ™—pit—l ˜e™—use their

mem˜ership is —lw—ys restless —nd intern—lly ™ompetes for pl—™e of preferen™e —nd right to

™omm—nd the resour™es th—t — ˜lo™ g—rnersD ˜ut — ˜lo™ ™—n prote™tively —d—pt to e™onomi™

—nd politi™—l ™rises ˜e™—useD like p—rli—ment—ry ™—˜inet reshufflesD it ™—n swiftly reorg—nize

˜y rehier—r™hizing its ™onstituent mem˜ersD perh—ps expelling some or in™luding new onesD

to respond to ™h—nged ™onditionsF

„here —re immedi—te —dv—nt—ges of qr—ms™i9s model of hegemony —nd histori™ ˜lo™s for

™ultur—l theoryF pirstD it frees us from — neg—tive model of ideology —s f—lse ™ons™iousness

where domin—ted groups —re simply overwhelmed ˜y domin—nt ideologyD — verti™—l

suppression —kin to wh—t pou™—ult ™—lls the repressive hypothesisF fe™—use hegemony is

the ™omplex produ™t of ™onsensus —nd ™oer™ionD it —llows us to underst—nd ™ulture —s the

produ™t of multiple desires —nd sour™es of institution—l pressures th—t —re not —lw—ys e—sily

—lignedF ƒin™e hegemony is —s mu™h —˜out getting su˜je™ts not to s—y –no9 —s it is for them to

™le—rly s—y –yes9 to — histori™ ˜lo™9s ruleD hegemony ™—n dr—w inD or —rti™ul—teD su˜je™ts ˜—sed

on —spe™ts of their —llegi—n™es in non preEdetermined —nd often highly —m˜iguous w—ysF e

further —dv—nt—ge to qr—ms™i9s open ™on™eption of ™ulture is th—t hegemony ™—n —lso

des™ri˜e the rel—tion ˜etween intelle™tu—ls —nd the st—teD — pro˜lem th—t elthusser

spe™ifi™—lly followedF

€erry enderson @IWUT±UA —rgues th—t qr—ms™i9s use of hegemony is in™onsistent

throughout „he €rison xote˜ooksD whi™h sometimes seems to oppose ™ivil so™iety hegemony

to st—te violen™e —nd then sometimes ˜undles hegemony —s —n ideologi™—l —pp—r—tus of the

st—te9s —rm—mentD to use elthusser9s formul—F „he ™onfusion —rises only if one insistsD

—g—inst qr—ms™i9s methodD on — s™heme of —histori™—lD st—ti™ ˜in—riz—tionF qr—ms™i dissents

from the ™l—ssi™—l view of the st—te —s simply the instrument of the ruling ™l—ssF snste—dD he

views the modern st—te —s the –unst—˜le equili˜ri—9 @IVPA or field of ™ontest—tion —mong

™l—ssesD whi™h is not simply monopolized ˜y the ˜ourgeoisieF ƒin™e the st—te –integr—tes9

™ompeting interestsD it prevents the expense of domin—ting through violen™eF ristori™—llyD

the st—te w—s one of ro˜˜esi—n violen™e —s the mediev—l no˜ility ret—ined power on the

˜—sis of its e™onomi™E™orpor—te interestsF ‡hen — n—s™ent groupD like the ˜ourgeoisieD

—™hieved the —dv—n™ed point of the –ethi™—lEpoliti™—l9D it tr—nsformed the st—te into —

hegemoni™ devi™e ˜y h—ving it –integr—te9 ™ompeting interests —nd regul—te the histori™

˜lo™9s intern—l tensions with the ™re—tion of — dirigente of dirigenteD the ™ivil serv—nts who

help determine wh—t ought to ˜e — ˜lo™9s ™ompositionF

„he st—te ™—n —™t —s the ˜lo™9s glue ˜e™—use it offers v—rious dirigente st—tus ˜y investing

them with honorifi™s or li™ensingD —n —™t th—t dr—ws the dirigente tow—rd the ƒt—te —s the

l—tter in™re—ses the former9s st—tus within their origin—l group ˜y m—king it seem —s if the

dirigente —re responsi˜le for preserving — group9s in™lusion within the ˜lo™D — mystifi™—tion

where˜y –politi™—l questions —re disguised —s ™ultur—l ones —nd —s su™h ˜e™ome insolu˜le9

@IRWAF fe™—use the histori™ ˜lo™ st—te h—s v—rious kinds of prefermentD it is —˜le to lure —

so™i—l group9s dirigente —w—y from their origin—l —llegi—n™e ˜y offering gre—ter ˜enefits of

se™urity —nd est—˜lishmentF qr—ms™i ™—lls this pro™ess tr—nsformism @or p—ssive revolutionAD when — ˜lo™ reorients itself ˜y fusing opposition—l elements in order to ™ont—in the open

IRH modern europe—n ™riti™ism —nd theory

expression of ™l—ss ™onfli™tF e re™ent ex—mple of tr—nsformism is the postE„h—t™herG‚e—g—n

phenomenon of li˜er—l opposition p—rties —ssuming government—l offi™e only to further the

politi™—l —gend— of their ™onserv—tive prede™essorsD — ™—se where –wh—t is —t st—ke is —

rot—tion in government—l offi™e F F F not the found—tion —nd org—niz—tion of — new politi™—l

so™iety9 @ITHAF

‡ith the ™on™epts of hegemony —nd histori™ ˜lo™sD qr—ms™i turns to dis™uss the kinds of

™ounterEhegemoni™ t—™ti™sD su™h —s the w—r of movement —nd the w—r of positionF „he w—r of

movement is likened to — –™l—ssi™ revolution9D whi™h uses — swiftD de™isive strike to topple the

st—teF „his kind of —tt—™k su™™eeded in „s—rist ‚ussi— ˜e™—use the o˜solete st—teD l—™king —ny

™ompens—tory ™ivil so™ietyD qui™kly fell when f—™ed with popul—r resist—n™eF „he situ—tion is

more ™ompli™—ted in the ‡estD where st—tes h—ve more —nd more ™omplex kinds of ˜lo™s to

™—ll on when f—™ed with ™risisF „his situ—tion ™—lls on — w—r of positionD or —n —ttempt to

™re—te — ™ounterEhegemonyD like —n —lli—n™e ˜etween the ™ity @prolet—ri—tA —nd ™ountryside

@pe—s—ntsA th—t would give it more org—niz—tion—l optionF por these re—sonD qr—ms™i —rgues

th—t ™ultur—l hegemony must exist —longsideD ˜ut not ne™ess—rily ˜eforeD politi™—l rule if —

™ounterEhegemony is to l—stF ytherwiseD —ny l—˜ouringE™l—ss rule will ˜e shortElived ˜e™—use

it ™—n ˜e e—sily outfl—nked like the €—ris gommuneF ‡orse yetD — pre™ipitous defe—t throws

the defe—ted into the —rms of ™h—rism—ti™ for™es who promise st—˜ility —nd prote™tionF „his

is qr—ms™i9s theory of the rise of f—s™ismD — situ—tion he generi™—lly ™—lls g—es—rismD where —

moment—ry st—lem—te ˜etween exh—usted —nt—gonists ™re—tes the opportunity for the rise of

— group whi™h h—s the st—min— to le—d —nd di™t—te the terms to —ll the opponentsF g—es—rist

solutions ™—n either ˜e re—™tion—ryD like the f—s™istsD or progressiveD like gromwell9s

gommonwe—lthD ˜ut —ll will need to develop — new ˜lo™ or otherwise qui™kly f—llF

‰etD qr—ms™i —lso fe—rs th—t too gre—t —n emph—sis on the w—r of position ™—n we—ken

su˜—ltern resolve —nd m—ke — group9s dirigente lose p—tien™e —nd swit™h sidesF vike the du—l

perspe™tive of for™e —nd persu—sionD movement —nd position must work in di—le™ti™—l

tensionF es new ˜lo™s ˜e™ome stronger they ™—n h—z—rd g—m˜its of movement to further

desegreg—te the solid—rity of the tr—dition—l ˜lo™F e ™ounterEhegemony ™—n delegitimize the

tr—dition—l st—te ˜y ™re—ting — ™risis of ™onfiden™e ˜y —ttr—™ting the old ˜lo™9s mem˜ers so

th—t the old ˜lo™ implodes ˜e™—use it ™—n no longer m—int—in the —r™hite™ture th—t ™overs

its ™ompeting interestsF sf the new ˜lo™9s dirigente refuse to ™ontinue —™ting —s the regul—tors

in the s—me w—y th—t the old ones didD then we h—ve — pi™ture of how the st—te m—y –wither

—w—y9 in — so™i—list regimeF „he €rison xote˜ooks did not fully investig—te this pro™ess of

de™onstru™tionF „he horizon of „he €rison xote˜ooks is the illustr—tion of wh—t — so™i—list

so™iety might ˜e like —fter it h—s ™onquered the ˜ourgeois oneF fut „he €rison xote˜ooks

rem—in qr—ms™i9s qr—ndsireD in™omplete ˜e™—use he w—s not —llowed — life long enough to

revise itF „he t—sk of ™riti™—l theory tod—y is to ˜uild on qr—ms™i9s found—tions —nd im—gine

wh—t — –post9 wodern €rin™e would ™ont—inF

ƒtephen ƒh—piro

purther re—ding —nd works ™ited

elthusserD vF venin —nd €hilosophy —nd yther iss—ysF vondonD IWUIF

endersonD €F –„he entinomies of entonio qr—ms™i9D xew veft ‚eviewD IHHD xovem˜er IWUT±t—nu—ry


f—hroD ‚F „he eltern—tive in i—stern iuropeF vondonD IWVIF

w—lter ˜enj—min IRI

fu™iEqlu™ksm—nnD gF qr—ms™i —nd the ƒt—teF vondonD IWVHF

g—mmettD tF entonio qr—ms™i —nd the yrigins of st—li—n gommunismF ƒt—nfordD geD IWTUF

h—vidD tF eF @edFA qr—ms™i —nd st—ly9s €—ssive ‚evolutionF xew ‰orkD IWUWF

pioriD qF entonio qr—ms™iF vondonD IWUHF

qr—ms™iD eF ƒele™tions from the €rison xote˜ooksD eds F ro—re —nd qF xowell ƒmithF vondonD IWUIF

ÐF ƒele™tions from €oliti™—l ‡ritingsD IWIH±IWPHD edF F ro—reF vondonD IWUUF

ÐF ƒele™tions from €oliti™—l ‡ritingsD IWPI±IWPTD edF F ro—reF vondonD IWUVF

ÐF ƒele™tions from the gultur—l ‡ritingsD edsF hF porg—™s —nd qF xowell ƒmithF vondonD IWVSF

ÐF €rison xote˜ooksF †ols I —nd PD edF tF futtigiegF xew ‰orkD IWWPF

quh—D ‚F —nd gh—kr—vorty ƒpiv—kD qF @edsA ƒele™ted ƒu˜—ltern ƒtudiesF yxfordD IWVVF

r—llD ƒF „he r—rd ‚o—d to ‚enew—lF vondonD IWVVF

Ð et —lF €oli™ing the grisisF vondonD IWUVF

runtD eF w—rxism —nd hemo™r—™yF vondonD IWVHF

sntern—tion—l qr—ms™i ƒo™ietyF httpXGGwwwFit—lnetFndFeduGgr—ms™iGindexFhtmlF

tollD tF qr—ms™iF vondonD IWUUF

v—™l—uD iF €oliti™s —nd sdeology in w—rxist „heoryF vondonD IWUUF

vuxem˜urgD ‚F ‚os— vuxem˜urg ƒpe—ksF xew ‰orkD IWUHF

w—rxD uF —nd ingelsD pF ƒele™ted ‡orks in yne †olumeF xew ‰orkD IWTVF

wouffeD gF @edFA qr—ms™i —nd w—rxist „heoryF vondonD IWUWF

€oul—ntz—sD xF €oliti™—l €ower —nd ƒo™i—l gl—ssesF vondonD IWUQF

ƒ—ssoonD eF ƒhowst—™k @edFA eppro—™hes to qr—ms™iF vondonD IWVPF

ƒimonD ‚F qr—ms™i9s €oliti™—l „houghtX en sntrodu™tionF vondonD IWWIF

ƒorelD qF ‚efle™tions yn †iolen™eF g—m˜ridgeD IWWWF

‡illi—msD ‚F €ro˜lems in w—teri—lism —nd gultureF vondonD IWVHF

IVF ‡—lter fenj—min @IVWP±IWRHA

„he work of qerm—n liter—ry —nd ™ultur—l ™riti™ ‡—lter fenj—min is one of the most

influenti—l sour™es for postw—r liter—ryD histori™—l —nd ™ultur—l studiesF fenj—min studied

qerm—n liter—ture —nd philosophy ˜ut he —lso tr—velled widely in iurope —nd wrote —˜out

iurope—n ™itiesD —nd tr—nsl—ted f—udel—ire —nd €roust in the IWPHsF sntrodu™ed to ionism

in IWIP when he w—s twentyD this interest w—s supplemented ˜y — friendship with qershom

ƒholem @IVWU±IWVPA whi™h he formed three ye—rs l—ter —nd ™—rried on in letter form —fter

ƒholem left for €—lestine in IWPQF ƒholem9s ™omments on fenj—min —re import—nt @see

ƒmith IWVSD SI±VWAF ris m—rxism w—s formed ˜y —sso™i—tion with the ‚ig—E˜orn ™omE

munist —nd the—tre dire™tor esj— v—™is in IWPR @see fenj—min IWUWD RSAD who introdu™ed

him to fre™ht in IWPWD for — friendship —nd influen™e th—t l—sted the rest of his lifeF „he

™entr—l event of fenj—min9s life w—s the reje™tion of his monogr—ph on qerm—n tr—gi™

dr—m— ˜y the niversity of pr—nkfurt when it w—s su˜mitted —s — r—˜ilit—tionss™hrift in IWPSD

whi™h su˜sequently ˜e™—me his only ˜ook pu˜lished in his lifetime @see fenj—min IWUU—AF

„his f—ilure to qu—lify for university te—™hing ™ommitted him inste—d to — lifetime of

freel—n™e writing —nd ˜ro—d™—stingD —nd to ˜eing p—tronized ˜y other mem˜ers of the

pr—nkfurt snstitute of ƒo™i—l ‚ese—r™hD su™h —s edorno —nd rorkheimerD who nonetheless

È pu˜lished his work in the snstitute9s journ—lD the eits™hrift fur ƒozi—lfors™hungF st produ™ed