Dm{F©H$ Ahdmc ({X.31 ‘Mm© 2016 Amoor G‘Má Hmoumè`M Am{W©H$ Dfm©Mm)
42dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmc ({X.31 ‘mM© 2016 amoOr g‘má hmoUmè`m Am{W©H$ dfm©Mm) ‘hmamï´> amÁ` nmocrg J¥h{Z‘m©U d H$ë`mU ‘hm‘§S>i ‘`m©{XV, ‘w§~B© (‘hmamï´> emgZmMm CnH«$‘) nmocrg à{ejU Ho$§Ð, OmcZm à{ejUmWu dg{VJ¥h nmocrg à{ejU Ho$§Ð, gmocmnya `m§MoH$[aVm 6 dJ© Imoë¶m nmocrg AYrjH$, dYm© ‘w»`mc`mH$[aVm àemgH$s` B‘maV nmocrg à{ejU H|$Ð, ~m^iJmd à{ejUmWu dg{VJ¥h nmocrg AYrjH$, ZmJnya (J«m‘rU) amIrd nmocrg {ZarjH$ H$m`m©c` nmocrg à{ejU H|$Ð, Ywio 42nd Annual Report 2015-16 42dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmc ({X.31 ‘mM© 2016 amoOr g‘má hmoUmè`m Am{W©H$ dfm©Mm) ‘hmamï´> amÁ` nmocrg J¥h{Z‘m©U d H$ë`mU ‘hm‘§S>i ‘`m©{XV, ‘w§~B© (‘hmamï´> emgZmMm CnH«$‘) 42nd ANNUAL REPORT For the Year Ending 31st March, 2016 Maharashtra State Police Housing & Welfare Corporation Ltd., Mumbai (A Government of Maharashtra Undertaking) 1 Maharashtra State Police Housing & Welfare Corporation Ltd., Mumbai VISION To strive to provide state – of – the art, cost-effective, low maintenance, aesthetically soothing user & eco-friendly campus- buildings / accommodation to the guardians of law and protectors of society - the police personnel, and to comfort them and cause the betterment in their personal and public life, to discharge their duties and responsibilities effectively & efficiently, without stress and strain. MISSION To design and construct state – of – the art buildings and campuses with required amenities according to specifications and provide adequate infrastructural services, to fulfil the requirement(s) of user department(s)- Police, Home Guards, Civil Defence and Prisons in Maharashtra.
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