(AUR) Thank You for Your Interest in Joining This International Opportunity That Will Enhance Your Career and Professional Future

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(AUR) Thank You for Your Interest in Joining This International Opportunity That Will Enhance Your Career and Professional Future NSU STUDY ABROAD PROGGRAMS AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME (AUR) www.aur.edu Thank you for your interest in joining this international opportunity that will enhance your career and professional future. This is a checklist of the steps you neeed to take to get ready for this enriching academic experience in Rome! o Get acquainted with the program and AUR. Explore Website-Read information provided by OISS. o Consult with your Academic Advisor as to the feasibility of this experience based on where you are in your NSU program. o Select your AUR courses. o Complete COURSE REGISTRATION FORM. o Visit your NSU Academic Advisor to get approval for credit transfer of your selected courses and have form signed. o Complete HOUSING BOOKLET o Bring Course Rege istration Form and Housing Booklet to OISS for processing. o If using Financial Aid $ (ONLY Federal) process CONSORTIUM AGREEMMENT o Process ITALIAN VISA at Italian Consulate in Miami (once you receive Enrollment letter from AUR) o Attend monthly meetings for pre-travel preparation (dates to be confirmed). Contact Alejandra Parra at the OISS for questions or assistance: [email protected] or 954-262-8674 THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME COURSE REGISTRATION FORM STUDY ABROAD STUDENTS SEMESTER ___________ MAJOR___________________________CUM PGA_______ FIRST NAME ________________________LAST NAME________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY #__________________GENDER MALE ________FEMALE________ DATE OF BIRTH____ /_____ /_______ PLACE OF BIRTH (CITY/COUNTRY)_____________________________________________________ CITIZENSHIP_______________________ PASSPORT #_______________________ PERMANENT STREET ADDRESS___________________________________________ CITY___________________ STATE_____________ ZIP CODE__________________ PERMANENT PHONE__________________________NSU ID #__________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT (NAME, PHONE)____________________________________ HOME UNIVERSITY/SA PROGRAM________________________________________ Note: Please check website, www.aur.edu for most current course listing prior to selecting courses. Registrations will be processed in the order received. Students must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours and not exceed five 3-credit- hour or 4-credit-hour courses per semester. Please list your chosen courses and the 3 alternates in order of preference. In the event of closed classes, you will be registered into the alternate courses so please provide alternates that correspond to the same areas of discipline as your core choices. If no alternates are provided, your registration process could be delayed. Please check for class conflicts both for core courses and alternates. Also please note pre-requisites for each course and special comments as specified on AUR’s official course offering list for the semester. COURSE NUMBER SECTION COURSE NAME SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ITL Italian Language Course ALTERNATIVES I assume academic and financial responsibility for each course for which I am registered and understand the course withdrawal and tuition charge regulations indicated in the Academic Calendar and University Catalog. I acknowledge that I am subject to the standards of the Academic Integrity Code and Student Code of Conduct published in the Student Handbook. In consideration of participation in the university's academic and cultural programs, I hereby release The American University of Rome, their trustees, officers, employees, successors and agents from any and all claims and causes of action for inconvenience, damage to or loss of property, medical or hospital care, personal illness or injury or death resulting from my participation in academic study or any related travel or activity conducted by or under the control of the University. In addition, I authorize the University to disclose general directory information/personal data about me for the current Spring 2012 semester for legitimate, non commercial, University purposes. STUDENT’S SIGNATURE________________________ DATE_______ /______ /_______ ACADEMIC ADVISOR__________________________DATE_______/_______ /_______ REGISTRAR’S INITIALS_______________ HOUSING BOOKLET Summer I 2013 www.aur.edu Students may elect for The American University of Rome to arrange housing on their behalf or may choose to make their own housing arrangements. Students electing university-facilitated housing are placed in furnished apartments in areas surrounding the university campus. Further details of the housing options available as well as the application and payment forms can be obtained from AUR Admissions or from your Study Abroad Office. UNIVERSITY HOUSING INFORMATION General Description: Students may elect for The American University of Rome to arrange housing on their behalf or may choose to make their own housing arrangements. Students electing university-facilitated housing are placed in furnished apartments in areas surrounding the university campus. The particulars of the housing options as well as information relevant to this process can be found in this Housing Booklet. Method of payment and application: Complete FORMS A and B and return with full payment of the amount applicable. Payment is nonrefundable. (Students declining housing need only complete FORM A.) Include a bank check, Euro denominated, made payable to: THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME. Payment may also be made by credit card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover). FORM C to facilitate credit card payment for housing is attached, and must be completed to submit payment by credit card. Attach a legible photocopy of your passport (signature and photo pages only). Mail housing payment and application to: The American University of Rome c/o Bank of America Lockbox Services PO Box 841229 Dallas, TX 75284-1229 An alternative physical address for courier services is: The American University of Rome c/o Bank of America Lockbox Services Lockbox 841229 1950 N. Stemmons Fway, Suite 5010 Dallas, TX 75207 NB: The AUR United States PO Box address listed here is for sending payments and applications only. Inquiries about AUR facilitated housing that are not already addressed within this Booklet should be directed to your home school’s Study Abroad Office (AUR first year or transfer students should contact the AUR Admissions Office at [email protected] ). APPLICATION AND PAYMENT DEADLINE: April 11, 2013 The University anticipates having sufficient housing inventory to accommodate all students meeting the April 11, 2013 deadline. The University will make every effort to facilitate student housing, but it cannot make any assurance as to the availability of facilitated housing after this deadline. The University cannot guarantee pricing as stated herein if application and payment are received after this date. DESCRIPTION OF SUMMER I 2013 HOUSING PROGRAM Roman Apartment/Condominium: Casa Romana Students electing university-facilitated housing are placed in furnished apartments in areas surrounding the university campus. The apartments are located in traditional, well established neighborhoods. This housing is well suited for students looking for a "full immersion" cultural experience. While apartments are standardized in terms of basic amenities, they can vary greatly in terms of both proximity to the university and aesthetics. Students must understand that university housing is Italian by nature in every way, including but not limited to its structure, surroundings, utilities and utility providers, furnishings, building maintenance, construction and repairs, neighbors and common rules of good neighbor etiquette. There is generally only one (or a small number of) student apartment unit(s) per building and neighboring residents is typical Italian families who own their apartments. Most apartments have 2-3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. Bedrooms are typically double-occupancy. Each apartment is equipped with basic furnishings and supplies, including one single bed per student, bed linens and towels, closet/clothing storage space, typical basic Italian cookware and kitchenware, a table and chairs and furnished sitting area. Desks are to be shared by all occupants. Each student is expected to provide his/her own paper and cleaning products as well as replace light bulbs. All units are provided with a washing machine. All apartments are equipped with a personal computer (PC) and have unlimited, no additional cost access to the Internet as well as wireless access for those with wireless-ready laptops. A landline phone will be provided which will provide unlimited calls to landlines within Italy. Calls to cellular phones and calls outside of Italy incur additional cost and can be affected with the use of a calling card. Unlimited incoming calls may be received without incurring any additional cost. Computer and phone are shared among unit residents. (Please note: the apartment computer is not meant to serve as the primary academic support resource for the occupants; the university maintains a library and computer lab for these purposes.) All apartments are same-sex, non-smoking environments. Apartments are located in areas of Rome convenient to the university campus: Monteverde, Giancolense, Trastevere and Colli Portuense, all desirable residential neighborhoods. Compared to other parts of Rome, they have more green areas, better access to public transport and are conveniently located to the historic center of Rome All apartments are either within walking distance or conveniently located to public transit
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