Action Plan Published by: The Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Minister of Trade and Industry Public institutions may order more Entrepreneurship copies from: Departementenes servicesenter Post og distribusjon in Education and Training E-mail:
[email protected] Fax: 22 24 27 86 – from compulsory school to higher education 2009–2014 Publication code: F-4251 E Illustrations: Lars Imre Bidtnes, 07 Web Printed: 07 Oslo 01/2010 – Number printed: 1000 Action Plan E ntrepreneurship in Education and Training – from compulsory school to higher education 2009–2014 Foreword If the Norwegian welfare society is to develop, it terprises. Considering the current financial reces- is essential to provide everyone with opportunities sion, it is essential to facilitate wealth creation and for taking high quality education. Throughout the innovation. course of their education, each pupil and student Training in entrepreneurship can help pupils should acquire attitudes, knowledge and skills that and students become acquainted with their local can help develop society. Knowledge and educa- working and business life and the challenges the tion are also positive factors in their own right as local community is facing. Activating children and they ensure personal and social development. young people within the community builds local Children and young people are by nature in- identity and commitment. These young people can quisitive and curious, qualities that are also cha- also experience the demands of working and bu- racteristic of prominent researchers and energetic siness life and can see its inherent opportunities. entrepreneurs. Curiosity must be stimulated if it The education and training system and working is to develop further.