Mmm Si ^O»Opgiy Capit«L INDEX RATES Fyi*>\ ^EDITORIAL
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mmm si ^o»oPgiy CAPit«l INDEX RATES fyi*>\ ^EDITORIAL FOOO W0RTAGE8 1H ZIMBABWE 1 RECOGNXTXCN AGREEMENTS: * response p«o» 11 AS our coves* indicate*, one of tha thaaaa in ORGANISING WWEN7 page 14 All rotas are for five issues, ^ » this, the teenty firat, issue of lork In Progress s INTRODUCTION TO POLITIC*. ECONOHY is that of the dominance of monopoly capital, Rataa in SOUTHERN AFRICA part 3 page 23 and the effects of this dominance, in South Individuals, trada unione and DEPENDENT INDUSTRIALISATION: the Africa. community organisetlone: A 7,50 SA CAM page 2& There are qualitative, aa eell as the Inatitutiona and librarlaai R15,00 TRAINING POR CAPITAL: Da Lange Obvloua quantitative, differences (fro- small- Group distribution: (par copy) R 1t00 1 raporta page 36 scale. 'competitive capital) In tha eey that Raducad rataa and/or a cartaln number of INFORMATION monopoly capital structures a society (the complimentary coplaa can ba arranged on courts peg* 42 relationship beteeen classes); in ma demands request. «ade of the state and limitations placed on the wilaon-rowntree pege *8 activities of the state; and in a range of labour action page 49 gCOND CLASS AIRMAIL RATES effecte that monopoly capital has in aiany 15STERN EUROPE and BRITAIN • Individual*: R20.00 areas (such as education end training, eub- ADDRESS Organisational R29,00 contlnental politics and economics, internal political Btructuras» employment and unemployment, USA and CWAOA etc]. EDITORIAL ADDRESS: Individuals : R25,00 These differences erlse out of euch PO Box 931M Organisational R35,00 2143 Yaovllla choreeteriat ice of monopoly capitalist as tha SOUTH AFRICA need for long-tana planning end social stability SURFACE MAIL RATES ouTaioE SOUTHERN AFRICA in ehlch to plan (it doee not matter ell that Individuals : R 7,SO much ehether it le achieved through repreaeion WCfiK IN PROGRESS 21 - February 1982 Organisations: R12,S0 on concessions, or, BM in most cases, ooth); .the need for a reasonably skilled end etabla labour Important I If payment ia mads in non-Rand force (with high productivity, arising from the ' Cover by Kevin Humphray. currancy plaaia add bank and conversion t uaa of sophisticated technology. Interruption charges. of production is even more serious than it la Plaasa apaclfy tha adition which you wish Tha natura of Work In Progress, which ia to for amell-ecele capital); the amy in ehlch stimulate debate and present controversial your subscription to begin with. monopoly capital is tied into a world system of viewe on a aida ranQa of subjects, ensures that tha opinions expressed do not necessarily Cheques and Postal Ordara to ba made payable capitalist production (through investment, raflact tha viaaa of tha aditorial collactiva. to «0RK IN PROGRESS. supplies, technology, markets, etc). The article by Gramme 81och la directly concerned vlth thess issues, as he traces the Thie laaua of work In Pragraaa aditad and published by an aditorial collactiva of £0 growth of South African monopoly capitalism in jorlsaan atraat, 2001 braamfontaln. industry, in a eorld content and, therefore, largely placing both monopoly and competitive paga it capitalist in a dapandant poaltlon in that aacondly, tha lapoaaibillty of changing auch Tha adltora baliava that WIP la filling a gap ayataw. aapacta of tha naw Zlababaaan aoclaty in tha spreading of lnforaation, ldaaa, and It la froa thia depandant poaltlon that, aa dlatributlon of food, ahile production analysis of trands in South Africa. Va also for axaapla, tha axtraaa unaaploywant in South occura undar tha aaaa ralatlonahlpa bataaan baliava that WIP la a long way off ranching Afrioa arlaaa. Changaa in tachnology or in tha daaaaa aa pravloualy. Hara valuabla laaaona aa »any paopla aa aould find it a uaaful world aarfcat dlractly affact South African can ba laarnad froa ahat haa (not) baan publication. cap it anna, -ith labour having to baar tha brunt achlavad in Tanzania, and ahat la balng attaaptad To raisady thia altuation aa ara aaklng of it. In our Labour Action aaction w« point to In Mocaablqua. raadara to gat othara to aubacriba, or to tao racant oaaaa of ratranchaant in tha aotor In tha Labour Action aaction carta in ask for a Twm capias for thaasalvas (thraa or industry, viz at Dataun and at Slgaa (both of indicators also aaarga, othar than tha obvioua aora) to distrlbuta on a ragular oasis. thaa good axaaplaa of aulti-oational ona of tha axtant of tha raaiatanca to and For auch distributors tha price of WIP coapanlaa - WCa). victory againat arbitrary introduction of pension -ill ba R1,00, ahila tha aubacrlptlon prlca Anothar way In ahich aonopollaatlon hita tha laglalatlon. Tha incraaalng lnvolvaaant of tha la M*H par copy. aorking claaa la through prlca aattlng (aada bantuatana In labour rapraaaion atanda out •* poaaibla through control of aartcata). Thia la ahathar It ba in tha Ciakal, or In SophuthaTaaana. •apactally aarioua in tha food Industry (aaa •hat naads to ba axaainad la both tha dlract savaral artlclaa In pravloua WlPa). and cruda rapraaaion (through datantlon, arraata, Tha contribution on tha Oa Langa Haport ahootinga) and other aathpda (labour acraanlngJ on aducation draw* tha linka batvaan tha Involvaaant in diaputa aattlaaant, ate). racoaaandationa of tha Coaalttaa and tha naads Anothar Indicator in thia aaction pointa of larga-acala capital operating In induatry at a datarioratlon in tha alraady bad condltlona for aorkara aith graatar skills than had baan i in tha bantuatan raglona and, in fact, in all providad undar tha Bantu Education ayataa. araaa outaida tha aain cltlaa in South Africa Our firat artlcla, by Richard Carvar, -paopla ara going on atrika, not froa a poaltlon raturna to food production and consumption of atrangth but froa a altuation of daaparatlon, - thia tlaa in a diffaranat contaxt to that of ahara atrikaa aould 'normally' ba aost unaxpactad tha contributions in «IP 1? and 20. Thia artlcla , (and thoaa ara tha faa atrikaa that bacon daala with food production, both aa an Inter knoan). aorkara ara willing to rlak balng flrad national and national aconoalc concarn aa wall (aora of a cartalnty than a rlak in praaant-day aa a political* tool. \ South Africa) in situations ahara unaaploya»jnt Thara ara, of couraa, aany lnaadlata and la moat iaaadiata * bacauaa condltlona ara ao obvioua parallels to ba draan aith tha altuation bad and aagaa so lov that loaa of thoaa aagaa in South Africa - for axaapla malnutrition ahlia cannot hold paopla to thair Joba. harvaatlng record crops; atarvatlon ahila axportlng Aa always, tha adltora aould aalcuaa and dumping food. But probably tha most contributions on thaaa and othar matters of important aapacta of tha contribution on Zlababaa iaportanca In cuntanporary South Africa. arap firatly, tha aoutharn Afrioan .contaxt and Short (about tao pagaa) .ccasaanta on iaauaa that tha doalnanca of South Africa aithln tha tub- hava baan ralaad in artlclaa ara also aalcoaa. continent [immt for axaapla, tha artlcla in WIP 19 on Botha's *conatallatlon<); and. ^ _*•_ co—on occurrence when measles is accompanlad by be expected to deteriorate over the next six FOOD severe malnutrition. months'.3 They have. Tha blind girl ems salting at a clinic at The areas worst hit by food shortages form Dindl in tha raaote north-east of tha country, two broad crescents on either side of tha country: SHORTAGES 200 kilometres from tha naaraat tarrad road and from Slpolllo in the north to CMplnge in tha j hoepital. Sua Hunt, a doctor sant out by tha south-east and from Omayi in tha north-wast to British charity Oxfaei, aaa paying Her fortnightly Belt Bridge in the south. Not only ere these IN ZIMBABWE visit to tha clinic. Sha said tha case ems tha areas where the ear aaa hotteet. They also typical: 'Malnutrition'undarllaa tha Illness in take In moat of the tribal trust landa. all tha children. This alters aejny aspacts of then Oxfam did a nutrition survey in five thair dl aaa aaa, measles being a particular rural areas soon after independence it got some Is this « holy thing to in, In * rich and fruitful land, example. This ia a terrible problem, particularly horrifying results. In one erea 60JL of one-to- Babes reduced to misery, ahan you think that in Europe it la not a serious Fad with cold and usurous hand? fiva-yemr-olda ware undernourished and 13)1 1 William Blake Illness . severely undernourished. In another area the ZIMBABWE'S maize crop this year will ba a record ' Hare acuta, but equally forgotten, ia tha figures ware 56)1 and 30%. These were worse ana. In December (i960) the Commercial Fanasrs' fata of tha Tonga people, who live on tha southern than a Had Croee survey while the war was still Union, ahich rapraaanta tha 5 000 large and shorea of Lake Karlba. Their trouble* began going on. (The main technique used In each mainly ehlt**oenad fans, pradictad a crop of with tha flooding of tha Zambesi valley to make case waa to measure tha child'a upper ere batwaan lt6-2-«n tonnaa - aora than doubla ahat way for Lake Karlba in tha lata 1950s. Tha circumference, which should be at least 13,5c* aaa produces in 1960. Evan if tha harvaat Tonga had lived by fishing, as wall as faming In a eel1-nourlshad child between one and five.) ia nearer tha low figure It will still beat t»w well-irrigated river banka. without Bill Chinyuky, co-ordinator of tha charity the 1,4-m tonna record Mt in 1973; consultation they eere moved up onto tha Christian Care, says that those figures era part lhen ttot announcement aaa made I had Just escarpment.