THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 21, 1862. 5591 Ise.The Company to Construct and Maintain the the Following Or Soirie of 'The Following Among Railway: No
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 21, 1862. 5591 ise.the Company to construct and maintain the the following or soirie of 'the following among Railway: No. 3., authorise*! .by " The Llaiie'lly other purposes, viz.:— . Railway (New. Lines): Act;.," Across.-, .an'd jbn •To-provide-.facilities:.for the transfer anl t.x- the,.level:,oi, .the;tju:npike_-ioa4 in chaiige of itraffic between the railways o' the Llandei:lo.;faOTyJnjne ^ua^ Company and the railways of the South \ \ j»bs, 20 on^the. siid:last?mentio:nedr.plaus; such level Vale of Neath,.Swansea 'and Neath, and O.Voler-f crossing .being; in accordance, with the sections mouth Railway .Companies, and of the Sv/u-asea. deposited along with the said plans. - . Harbour Trustees, with whose lines junction are Also to authorise the Company to construct intended to be made, upon such terms as may be and maintain the Railway No. 3, authorised by agreed upon, or as in default of agreement may " The Llanelly Railway (New Lines) Act, 1861," be prescribed by the.Bill. across and on the level .of the turnpike roads in To .enable the.'Comjxiay and the following the parish Llangatheh, hi the county of Carmar- Companies, or any of them; namely, the South then, numbered respectively 3 and 34a on the Wales; the Vale of Neath, the Neath and Swan- said plans; such level crossings being 'those sea, and the. Oystermouth ' Railway. Companies, shown on "the sections annexed to the said and the Swansea 'Harbour Trustees, to enter into plans. - ' . •.;--" and carry into effect, .contracts and agreements To apply to the purposes of the intended Rail- with respect 19:the .use, .working, management ways and works the funds raised .or to be. raised and maintenance of .the railways, stations, and under "The Llarielly Railway (New.Lines) Act, traffic appliances of the. Company or any portion 1861," and ".The Llanelly Railway and Dock of the same, by the. said Companies, and Trustees Act, 1862,." and to'rais:e .further money for the. or such, of .them as par ties to any such purposes of the Bill, and for the general .purposes agreement, .and. with respect to the collecting, of the Company, by the creation of hew.shares forwarding, booking:, and exchange of traffic," .the and stock'hi * the. several undertakings of the tolls and rates charged, for the same, and Cpmpany, or sortie or one of them, with .or without the division-and apportionment' of any tolls and preference or priority .of interest or dividend, and charges between the Company and the said other special privileges, and by borrowing. And Railway. Companies, and the said Trustees, or such to .guarantee such amount of interest or dividend of them as may be parties to any such agreement; on all or any of the shares in the Swansea Lines and to enable the said Railway Companies, and the capital. and.' the Carmarthen Line capital of the said Trustees, or any of them, to levy tolls on the Company^ and to attach to such shares or any of railways of the Company. them, such preference or priority in payment of To empower the Swansea Harbour Trustees, dividend as the Company may think fit, or as may the Swansea and Neath, and the Vale of Neath . be provided for by the said Bill. Railway Companies, or. any or cither of them, • To abandon.the construction .of the portion .of to contribute to the cost, of the construction of the line (No.. 1), authorised by " The Llanelly the intended stations, warehouses, loading places, Railway. (New Lines) Act, 1861," to the east sheds, cranes, machinery and appliances, and of of the commencement' of the intended Railway the requisite lands for the same, at or near the (Nol), as was not authorised to be abandoned by junction of the intended Railway (No. 1) with the said Act of 186.2, the Railway of the Swansea Harbour Trustees, To abandon, the construction of the lines of and also at the termination of the intended Rail- railway, -numbered respectively 4 and 6, author- way (No. 2); and to enable the Swansea and ised -by "The Llanelly Railway and Dock Act, Neath and the Vale of Neath Railway Companies 1862," and.also to abandon the construction of and the Swansea Harbour Trustees to raise the the portion;of Railway No.- 2, authorised by necessary capital for the same by creation or issue " Llahelly Railway (New Lines) Act, 1861," from of shares, preference shares or bonds, or any or the western'boundary of the tramroad in the either of them; and to enable the Company, the parish of Llanrhidian, marked on the deposited Swansea and Neath and the Vale of Neath Rail- plans referred to in that Act with the number way Companies, -and the Swansea Harbour 101, unto and* including the authorised termina- Trustees, or either or any of them, to enter into tion '6f the said authorised Railway No. 2 , and arrangements defining the proportions in which also' to abandon the construction of the 'Railway 1he:rcquired capital shall be contributed by the No.' 3, authorised by "-The Llahelly Railway said respective Companies and the Harbour Trus- (New 'Lines) "Act; -1861," between the points tees, or any or either of them, and the terms and marked on the said deposited plans, 11 miles 2 conditions on which the said .intended stations furlongs'and 11 miles 4 furlongs1; and also to and other works may be jointly used by the saicT abandon .the'"construction' of so much of the Companies and Trustees, pr any or either of authorised ''Railway 'Nov 7, (Carmarthen -line,) them. - . ... authorised- by " The-Llanelly Railway and DOCK; To empower the Mayor, aldermen, and bur- Act,.-r862," as lies between the intended com-: gesses of the borough of Swansea to grant to the m'encemeiit 'of the said Railway No. 7 and "the Company in fee simple, or .for a term of years, parish boundary-of the. parish of- Abergwili, iira with or-.without "compensation or payment of field marked' No. 63 otr the deposited plans purchase-money, or subject to a rent-charge, on referred 'to' 'in the said • last-mentioned Act; and such terms and conditions as may be agreed, also to abandon"'the construction of- Railway Nb.- upon .between the Company and the said Mayor,: 8," authorised 'by/I* ":The Llanelly ^Railway and aldermen, and burgesses any lands, tenements, Do'ck-Act, 1862;" Vli' ;/ :::;:'-••• ' -" '•• of hereditaments to the said Mayor, aldermen,; To authorise the Company to purchase addi.- and burgesses, belonging and required for the. •tional.lands for the purposes of the bridges for' purposes' of the -said intended Bill; and • the; •Carrying the railways'.of the Company over or said Bill will confer all necessary powers for/ uh^er, as', the case may be, the public carriage carrying into effect any such arrangement or roads and turnpike roads hereinbefore.referred 'to agreement. : : . ; as ^proposed to be crossed on the level, .in the To vary or extinguish all rights and privileges event of any such level crossing not being sanc- in consistent with the objects of the Bill, and to tioned by Parliament, .l ,'".'".'' enable the Company to construct their railways And provisions will be .made iii the said Bill for partly upon the mixed, partly upon the narrow,.