Treaty Series Recueil Des Traiteos
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Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 544 Recueil des Traiteos Traitis et accords internationaux enregistr's ou class6s et inscrits au repertoire au Secr6tariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unes United Nations * Nations Unies New York, 1967 Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 544 1965 . I. Nos. 7908-7921 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 26 August 1965 to 15 September 1965 Page Hungary: No. 7908. Belgium and Agreement concerning cultural co-operation. Signed at Brussels, on 11 February 1965 ..... ... .. ...................... 3 No. 7909. Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, etc.: European Agreement on travel by young persons on collective passports between the member countries of the Council of Europe (with annex). Done at Paris, on 16 December 1961 .... ... ............... 19 No. 7910. Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Greece, etc.: European Agreement on the exchange of blood-grouping reagents (with Protocol and annex). Done at Strasbourg, on 14 May 1962 ..... 39 No. 7911. Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland, etc. : European Agreement on mutual assistance in the matter of special medical treatments and climatic facilities. Done at Strasbourg, on 14 May 1962 81 No. 7912. Belgium and Austria: Convention concerning the settlement of problems relating to certain Belgian and Austrian property, rights and interests (with annexed Protocol and exchange of letters). Signed at Brussels, on 14 November 1963 . 97 No. 7913. Nigeria: Declaration recognizing as compulsory the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, Lagos, 14 August 1965 . 113 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris -ou classis et inscrits au ripertiore au Secritariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 544 1965 I. Nos 7908-7921 TABLE DES MATIPRES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrds du 26 aoat 1965 au 15 septembre 1965 Pages No 7908. Belgique et Hongrie: Accord de cooperation culturelle. Sign6 A Bruxelles, le 11 f6vrier 1965 . 3 No 7909. Belgique, France, Grace, Irlande, Italie, etc.: Accord europ6en sur la circulation des jeunes sous couvert du passeport collectif entre les pays membres du Conseil de l'Europe (avec annexe). Fait aParis, le 16 d~cembre 1961 ..... ................ ... 19 No 7910. Belgique, Danemark, Ripublique f~d~rale d'Allemagne, France, Gritce, etc.: Accord europ~en relatif A 1'6change des r~actifs pour la determination des groupes sanguins ,(avec Protocole et annexe). Fait A Strasbourg, le 14 mai 1962 .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... 39 No 7911. Belgique, Danemark, Ripublique f~dirale d'Allemagne, Grece, Irlande, etc.: Accord europ~en concernant 1'entraide m6dicale dans le domaine des traite- ments sp~ciaux et des ressources thermo-climatiques. Fait AStrasbourg, le 14 mai 1962 ..... ... ........................ .. 81 No 7912. Belgique et Autriche: Convention concemant le r~glement des probl~mes touchant certains biens, droits et int6r~ts belges et autrichiens (avec Protocole annexe et 6change de lettres). Sign6e a Bruxelles, le 14 novembre 1963 97 No 7913. Nigeria: D6claration reconnaissant comme obligatoire la juridiction de la Cour inter- nationale de Justice, conform~ment au paragraphe 2 de l'Article 36 du Statut de la Cour internationale de Justice. Lagos, 14 aofit 1965 . 113 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1965 Page No. 7914. Denmark and United Republic of Tanzania: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement providing for the maintaining in force in respect of Tanganyika of the Convention of 27 March 1950 between Denmark and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- ern Ireland for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Dar es Salaam, 13 March 1964, and Nairobi, 4 August 1964 . ... .... ............ 117 No. 7915. Denmark and United Republic of Tanzania: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement providing for the maintaining in force in respect of Tanganyika of the Convention of 29 November 1932 between Denmark and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding legal proceedings in civil and commercial matters. Dares Salaam, 7 December 1963, and Nairobi, 4 August 1964 . 123 No. 7916. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia: Agreement concerning the abolition of the visa requirement (with annex). Signed at Belgrade, on 8 October 1964 .... .............. ... 129 No. 7917. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia: Agreement concerning co-operation in the field of tourist traffic. Signed at Belgrade, on 14 March 1964 ... ... .................. ... 147 No. 7918. United Nations Special Fund and Spain: Agreement concerning assistance from the Special Fund (with exchange of letters). Signed at Madrid, on 30 June 1965 ... ............ ... 159 No. 7919. Greece and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement on commercial scheduled air transport (with exchange of notes). Signed at Bonn, on 7 June 1963 ..... ... ................. 193 No. 7920. Netherlands and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe: Agreement on the special conditions applicable to the establishment and operation of International Military Headquarters within the European. territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (With related letters). Signed at Paris, on 25 May 1964 .... ............... ..... ... 237 No. 7921. Netherlands and Austria: Treaty for the simplification of legal relations in accordance with The Hague Convention of 1 March 1954. Signed at Vienna, on 23 July 1964 . 265 1965 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds V de Tanzanie: Pages No 7914. Danemark et Ripublique-Unie tchange de notes constituant un accord portant maintien en vigueur, en ce qui concerne le Tanganyika, de la Convention du 27 mars 1950 entre le Danemark et le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord tendant 6viter la double imposition et Lpr6venir l'6vasion fiscale en matire d'imp6ts sur le revenu. Dar es-Salam, 13 mars 1964, et Nairobi, 4aofit 1964 ... ... .. ......................... ... 117 No 7915. Danemark et Ripublique-Unie de Tanzanie: ]change de notes constituant un accord portant maintien en vigueur, en ce qui concerne le Tanganyika, de la Convention du 29 novembre 1932 entre le Danemark et le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord relative la procedure civile et commerciale. Dar es-Salam, 7 d&embre 1963, et Nairobi, 4 aoait 1964 .... .. ............. 123 No 7916. Tchicoslovaquie et Yougoslavie: Accord relatif A la suppression des formalit~s de visa (avec annexe). Sign6 Belgrade, le 8 octobre 1964 .. .... .................. ... 129 No 7917. Tchicoslovaquie et Yougoslavie: Accord de cooperation dans le domaine du tourisme. Sign6 A Belgrade, le 14 mars 1964 .... .... ........................ ... 147 No 7918. Fonds special des Nations Unies et Espagne: Accord concernant une assistance du Fonds sp&ial (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 Madrid, le 30juin 1965 ..... ................. ... 159 No 7919. Grice et R~publique fedirale d'Allemagne: Accord relatif aux transports a~riens commerciaux r~guliers (avec 6change denotes). Sign6 Bonn, le 7juin 1963 ... .... .............. 193 No 7920. Pays-Bas et Quartier g6niral suprnie des forces alli~es en Europe: Accord au sujet des conditions particulires d'installation et de fonctionne- ment des Quartiers g~n~raux militaires internationaux sur le territoire europ~en du Royaume des Pays-Bas (avec lettres connexes). Sign6 A Paris, le 25 mai 1964 . ............. 237 No 7921. Pays-Bas et Autriche: Trait6 visant Asimplifier les relations juridiques r~gies par la Convention de La Haye du ler mars 1954 relative la procedure civile. Sign6 a Vienne, le 23 juillet 1964 . .. .. .. 265 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1965 Page ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 20 (a). Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund. Signed at Washington, on 27 December 1945: No. 20 (b). Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Re- construction and Development. Signed at Washington, on 27 December 1945: Signatures and acceptances by Kenya and Malawi ............... 284 No. 970. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: No. 971. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of ArmedForces at Sea. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: No. 972. Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: No. 973. Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: Succession by Sierra Leone ....... .................... ... 286 No. 1021. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 9 December 1948: Accession by Upper Volta ....... ..................... ... 288 No. 1264. Declaration on the construction of main international traffic arteries. Signed at Geneva, on 16 September 1950: Accession by Finland .......... ....................... 289 No. 1734. Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials,