ROMAN COINS FOUND IN SCOTLAND, 1951-60 by ANN . ROBERTSONES , M.A., F.M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SGOT. THE late Sir George Macdonald published four lists of Roman coins found in Scot- land, which brought the record of such finds up to igsg.1 A subsequent list, pub- lishe myselfy db , included Roman coins foun Scotlann di d between 193 I95O.d 9an 2 e followinTh g list includes bot Romae hth n coins foun Scotlann di d durine gth decade 1951-60 alsd o,an those coins which were found earlier t aboubu , t whicw hne information has come to light in recent years. The list has been divided into four parts: ) FIND(I . SA FROM ROMA NANTONINE SITETH N SO E WALL (II) FINDS FROM ROMA ANTONINE TH NN O SITE T E SWALNO L . FINDB S FROM NATIVE SITES . ISOLATEC D FINDS WIT RECORDEO HN D ASSOCIATIONS D. HOARDS The finds within each of the above groups have been arranged according to counties, for the convenience of those collating material from a particular area. Coin references have been given bot o Cohent h , Description historique des monnaies frappees sous Fempire romain (2nd ed., relevane 1880-92)th o t d t volumean , f Matso - tingly and Sydenham, Roman Imperial Coinage (1923-51), if these have already been published presene Th . t locatio coia f no find, where known alss ha ,o been noted. Grateful acknowledgment must once again be made of the cooperation and kindness of the countless informants who not only supplied details of the circum- stances of discovery, but who also made it possible for me to examine and identify almost every one of the coins myself.
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