Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 125 (1995)
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Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 125 (1995) FICHE1: CONTENTS GORDON BARCLAY & OLWYNOWEN Historic Scotland's Backlog Projecte Projecth d san t Database A4-F8 JOANNA CLOSE-BROOKS Excavation of a cairn at Cnip, Uig, Lewis F1VG14 1:A3 HISTORIC SCOTLAND BACKLOG PROJECT BARCLAY & OWEN CONTENTS Appendi Historie Th : xcB Scotland Project Database 1: A5-F8 1:A4 APPENDIX B - The Historic Scotland Project Database The list presented on microfiche is a version of the projects database, correct to 6 December 1995 (taking account of material published in volume 124 of PSAS submissiond an . s receive Societe th November0 y 3 d b o yt . Thers ewa space for only 7 of the data fields. 1. Project Name 2. LY = Last year of fieldwork. Publicatio= D 3P . n date (see next pag meaninr efo f codes)go . 4. Short Ref. = Short reference of substantial publication. 5. R = Local Authority Region, using the standard Scottish Office codes: 1 Borders 7 Lothian 2 Central 8 Orkney 3 Dumfries& 9 Shetland Galloway 4 Fife 10 Strathclyde 5 Grampian 11 Tayside 6 Highland 12 Western Isles 6. PT = Project type x excavation t trial excavation/field assessment w watching brief s survey f forestry u urban a aerial photography p property in state care (PIC) useThese b combinationdn n i eca urba= codeso w u ntw f g watchinso e , g briefexcavatio= x ;p Historit na c Scotland Care Propert Carn yi e (PIC)= s ;f forestry survey 1:A5 7. Short Project Histor incomplett yye s =a e project histories. The codin PUBLICATIOe th gn i N DATE databas e fielth dn i eimportane isth t on determininr efo statue gfuturth d san e plan projecta r sfo : a number (eg 95) shows the year of publication, if it has been published. ar = 'archive'. Publication is not considered appropriate (eg for small casework-related surveys siter o , s wher result e wore th th kf so meri moro n t e tha bees nha n publishe Discoverdn i Excavatiod yan n i Scotland.) publicatior o : t possiblno ns i e (eg through los f primarso y data). 'submitted'= finas e .Th l projecrepore th bee s n to ha t n submitted tpublicatiooa processe nth f outleto s d meano a , n en . Thiy e b s th s i some journal requiry sma e significant revision rejecy ma paper a tr so . f = 'first full draft'. This means that Historic Scotland has received a first full draft of the project report. The difference between a report being at first full draft and being submitted is one of the most significant factors in the nature and cause of the backlog in Scotland. '•^ripu.'Mished'= 0 . Ther presumptioa es i n tha publicatioa t n wile b l 'possibl= p e? publication'. Thiholdina s i g categor projectr yfo s where an appropriate publication outlet is still being sought, or for new projects whose publicatio t beeye nt n statu determinedno s sha r fo d an , older projects, where an assessment of the desirability or possibility of publicatio thers i g en(e enough archive surviving?e stilb s o lt )ha projectassessede th f o thisn i % s .86 categor smale yar l urban trial excavations and watching briefs, which are a particular problem. 1:A6 Project Name LY PD Short Ref. R PT Brief Project History Abbots Tower 91 94 TDGNHA3 S x Trial excavation prior to development as a (1992), 55-60 dwelling identifo ,t y features notey db RCAHMS Abercaimy cist 83 90 GAJ14(1987) 11 x Excavatio cisf no t uncovered during topsoil removal prior to levelling of a mound. Abercaimy kiln 841 1 89 PSA 8 S11 x Corn-drying kiin discovered during (1988) excavations prio levellino rt f gravego l I mound. Aberdeen Burgh: 104 77 82 Murray 5 uw Observation of trenches within standing Green 1982;SAS ! building prior to major alterations. mono Aberdeen Burgh4 10 : 80 82 Murray 5 uw Observation of development showed High Streetd Ol , 1982;SAS modem level directly sia naturan yo l Aberdeen .mono ground surface. Aberdeen Burgh- 12 : 73 85 2 \ Murray ux Excavation of seven trenches on frontage 26 Broad Street 1982;SAS due to re-dev3lcpment. mono Aberdeen BurghA 12 : 81 82 Murray 5 ut Excavation of 2 small trenches through 13 Correction Wynd 1982;SAS jfloo standinf ro g building during conversion :mono I work. Aberdeen Burgh: 16- 92 0 ForSAS i Excavatio5j x u f areno a behind standing 18 Netherkirkgate monog building prior to development found i Medieval remains. Aberdeen Burgh7 :1 78 82 Murray 5 ' ut I Excavation of small trial pit revealed only Virginia Street 1982;SAS : natural levels. mono Aberdeen Burgh: 18 85 86 Post-Med Arc5 | h ux Survey and excavation of small terrace of Castle Street (Castle (1986) i i buildings prio demolitiono rt . Inn) : Aberdeen Burgh- 2 : 77 82 Murray 5 uw Observation during demolition showed that 12Rennie's Wynd 1982;SAS ; ithi t occupiesno ares a wa Medieva dn i l mono ! I period. Aberdeen Burgh: 2- 76 82 Murray I 5 I ux Trenching of backlands to test for early 16 Harriet Street 1982;SAS I i buildings and N-S feu boundary walls. mono ! Aberdee2 8 i n 3 Burgh7 - 2 : 5 Murray i ux Examination of frontage site showed that 28 Queen Street, 1982;SAS ; l Medievaal l layer beed sha n destroyed. Frontage mono ! Aberdeen Burgh - 7:921 s ; (To PSAS) 5 ux i Excavation revealed four posts and sand 37 Virginia Street levels containing 14th century pottery. Aberdeen Burgh 8 12 :2 78 7 Murray 5 uw '[Observation during building work revealed Harriet Street 1982;SAS inatural levels with no overlying deposits. mono Aberdee2 8 n 0 Burgh8 : Murray Naturai 5w u j l ground surfac exposes ewa d 32/40/42 College 1982;SAS (directly below modem demolition level. Bounds, Old mono Aberdeen Aberdeen Burgh: 4-6 80 82 Murray 5 uw ! Site was observed while foundations of Little Belmont Street ! 1982;SAS [extensio Cameron'no t s Inn were being : mono i excavated. Aberdeen Burgh: 42 79 1 82 Murray 5 ut (Excavation of 5 trenches in backlands, to Loch Street, 14-21 1982;SAS 'establish extent of Medieval activity. Drum's Lane .' mono i i 1:A7 Project Name LYl PD [Short Ref. R I PT! Brief Project History Aberdeen Burgh2 :4 78 82 Murray ux Excavatio sitn no e previously occupiey db St Paul Street 1982;SAS warehouses and cleared before re- mono development. Aberdeen Burgh 2 (7:4 9 s i(ToPSAS) 5 i ux Excavation showed that a metalled surface Virginia Street sealed possible stone foundatio3 d nan posts.___ _ ______ _ Aberdeen Burgh: 43- i 82 sx [Excavatio u j(toPSAS | 5 ; f sitno ) e being clearey db 57 Upperkirkgate ! \ ' ' idemoiition revealed evidence for 13th-20th ; i __ i _ _ '. _ ; century activity. _ __ Aberdeen Burgh: 45- 791 84 IPSAS114 Excavatioi x u : 5 f nsmalo l frontage site 47 Ga!lowo,ate _ ___j___K19841 'threatene re-developmenty db . Aberdeen Burgh- 45 : 76~1~82 ! Murray 5 ux i Excavation in advance of re-developrnent. 59 Green : !1982;SAS i _ jmono Aberdeen Burgh: 49- 85~ f T!(fo r PSAS?) x Totau 5 l redevelopmen f areo t a required 51,75-111 i excavation; industrial and domestic Gailowgate i occupation found, Aberdeen Burgh: 53- 85 f ''• (for PSAS?) :x Majou 5 r excavatio entrancnn i e court S f o t 59 Gallowgate I Paul's Episcopal Church prior to [redevelopment. __ _ __ Aberdeen Burgh6 5 : 79i 82 Murray 5 uw i Pavement was excavated to provide Gatlowgate 1982;SAS 'foundations for new entrance and ramp _ mono Aberdeen Burgh: 56- ' 79 i 82 Murray 5 uw :Observation of construction trenches 58 West North 1982;SAS showed no evidence of Medieval features Aberdeen Burgh8 6- : 5 772 Murra8 , y ux Excavation in yard between former Royal Castle Terrace 1982;SAS Aberdeen Hospital for Sick Children and a ! mono house. Aberdeen Burgh- :64 86, s (Submited to 5 ux Excavatio f frontagno e site showed ha dt i 72 Don Street, Old PSAS for Vol been badly disturbe 19th/20ty db h century Aberdeen I 126) horticulture. Aberdeen Burgh- 67 : 77 i 82 Murray 5 ux Excavation prio developmento rt d an , 71 Green i 1982;SAS exploratio origine th f nf thio s o se parth f o t mono • city, Aberdeen Burgh: 81 8 7s "(Submitte T 5 " do t ux Limited excavation of frontage site High Street, Old l PSAVo r Sfo revealed 17th century cobbled yard. Aberdeen 126) Aberdeen Burgh 5 PSASo (T s }8 2 ux Excavatio trence on f chamben hi o r below Bannerman's Bridge f bridgo d Seen prio majoo t r r bridge work;, Aberdeen Burgh: 77 82 Murray 5 uw Observation of 2 small pits during Blackfriars Street, 1982;SAS constructio f extensiono r parkca n.n i rear of Museum mono Aberdeen Burgh: 72 i 82 Murray 5 'Seriew u f servicso e trenche observes swa d British Telecom 1982;SAS 'during laying of new major telephone cabie trenches mono Aberdeen Burgh: 5 8• 9 18 Stone ' s ux .Excavation of area being cleared by Carmelite Friary (12 1989;SAS , idemolition revealed remain f Carmelitso e Martin's Lane) mono ifriary. Aberdeen Burgh5 : I 9 8 Stone j 6 8 s x j Excavatiou n following demolitio f grouno f po Carmelite Friary (19- 1989;SAS j buildings condemne unsafes da .