The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Compiled by Stan Birnbaum St Anthony, Minnesota March 15, 2018

for Mickey Birnbaum and Lorraine Frank the Benjamin elders

Corrections and additions are always welcome. The author can be reached via email at [email protected]

The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Table of Contents

Introduction ...... 5

Jacob Benjamin ...... 11

Families of Jacob’s Descendants ...... 13

First Generation ...... 13

Second Generation ...... 17

Third Generation ...... 23

Fourth Generation ...... 29

Fifth Generation ...... 35

Sixth Generation ...... 41

Index of Individuals ...... 43

- 3 -

The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Introduction This partial listing of members of the Benjamin family starts with Jacob Benjamin, the earliest known Benjamin ancestor. Jacob was born in Siuliai, Lithuania in about 1825. This listing of his descendants uses a standard genealogical format known as register style. This format lists his children as the first generation (Jacob is considered “Generation 0”), followed by his grand- children as the second generation, his great-grandchildren as the third generation, etc. I am a great-great-grandson of Jacob and am therefore listed in the fourth generation, along with my siblings and Benjamin cousins. My mother and her sister, are great-granddaughters of Jacob and are therefore listed in the third generation, along with their first and second cousins. The listing for each generation also identifies the children of each member of that generation. Therefore, members of the family who have children appear three times in the register: 1. Each person is first listed with their parents’ generation. 2. Each person is then listed in their own generation, which is the primary listing for that person. 3. Each person who has children appears one more time, identified as parents for their children’s entry in the next generation. Each person’s children are shown in chronological order if dates of birth are known. When dates are not known, the order is arbitrary. If there is a mixture of known dates and unknown dates, children with known dates appear first followed by children with unknown dates. The gender of each person, which is not always clear from the name, is also indicated by a lower-case “f” for female or “m” for male when the child is first listed. Like all genealogical documents, persons are listed by their full name at birth. My mother, for example, is listed as Muriel Benjamin and not Mickey Birnbaum, which is how her family and friends have known her for the last seventy years. Identifying birth names for the immigrant generation is often impossible, as the original Yiddish names have generally been forgotten and are seldom recoverable from available documents. There is one exception to listing names at birth: adopted children, for whom birth names are generally not known, are listed by their legal name after their adoption. When available, birth names for adopted children (one case in this register) are also provided.

Sources I have relied on four sources to compile this listing: 1. Genealogical work available on which has been submitted by other family members, including very distant relatives whose interest in the Benjamin family may be peripheral. The quality of information on varies from questionable to outstanding. I have used my best judgment to assess and attempt to validate the available data. Because protects the privacy of information on living persons, most of this data pertains to persons who are deceased. 2. Publicly available information, which includes census records, vital record repositories, city directories, immigration records, passenger ship registries, obituaries, and dozens of additional sources. Many of these records have been indexed or are available online. I have just scratched the service of these repositories, relying on tools to accelerate the process of finding data. This body of data also helps validate or refute information submitted by other family members on

One limit of vital records (births, marriages, and deaths) is that they are maintained by counties and often omit place locations for life events that are more specific than the of record. As a result, many of the entries in this registry are identified only by

- 5 - Introduction

county and not by city. For example, many births of Benjamins that took place in are identified as occurring in Cook County because that is the most specific documentation we have. 3. A family register compiled by Laurel Benjamin Sorman, Mort Benjamin’s oldest child, who in the 1990s compiled information about Sheftel Benjamin’s descendants. While Laurel covered a lot of ground, she was unaware of the importance of collecting formal names rather than nicknames, as well as maiden names of women who married into the family. In some cases, she knew how many children there were in a family without knowing their names, which I have included in this document. Despite these gaps, her data was critical for documenting a number of living relatives whose data is not publicly available and is widely referred to by the community of Benjamin family members submitting data to Tragically, Laurel died in 2001 at the age of fifty and was not able to continue her work on the Benjamin family history. 4. I collected a limited amount of information directly from family members in the early 1980s (which I then put aside for about thirty-five years) and more recently while preparing for a joint celebration of my mother Mickey’s ninetieth birthday and my Aunt Lorraine’s ninety-fifth birthday.

Family origins For most Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe, documentation of place of origin is weak or non-existent. We often rely on family stories that have only a vague recollection of place of origin, typically identifying Russia, Poland, or Austria as the ancestral home. Family memory may be more specific, but is seldom documented. In the case of the Benjamin family, there is persistent memory of origins in modern-day Lithuania, with place names of Kovno or Shavel coming up most often. Two additional factors further complicate the challenge of understanding Jewish immigrants’ places of origin: 1. Place names like Russia or Austria refer to different geography at different times and are therefore ambiguous. Austria today is a much smaller place than the boundaries of the nineteenth-century Austro-Hungarian Empire from which my father’s family emigrated at the turn of the twentieth century. The modern country of Poland, home to millions of Jews at the turn of the twentieth century was not even a country at the time our ancestors arrived in the . 2. Names of cities and administrative districts have not only changed over time, but were also identified differently by the different ethnic groups that lived side-by-side in these areas. The region surrounding the Benjamin’s ancestral home in modern-day Lithuania included Yiddush-speaking Jews, Russians, ethnic Lithuanians, Poles, and Germans. Each had their own name for the cities and surrounding administrative areas. In this registry, I have listed modern place names and accepted data provided by other members of the family. While that data reflects each researcher’s understanding of family memory, those attributions are not based on clear evidence. However, I believe a key document clarifies the question of Benjamin family origins and supersedes the understandings of others who have worked on this problem. The key to interpreting this document is understanding the geographical organization of Lithuania at the turn of the twentieth century, when the Benjamins made their way to the United States.

- 6 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

The chart below provides a detailed listing of place names relevant for understanding the Benjamins’ origins. Note that this area was part of the Russian Empire when the Benjamins arrived at the turn of the twentieth century.

With the help of this chart, we can reconcile differences in family recollections about origins: • When family members described their origin as Kovno, they were likely referring to the province of Kovno (the “Kovno Gubernia”) and not necessarily the city of Kovno • When family members described their origin as Shavel or Shavli, they were referring to the municipal district (uyezd in Russian) of Shavli, for which I use the modern Lithuanian name of Siauliai. It is reasonable to assume all members of the Benjamin family before their emigration to the United States were born in this municipal district. • There is one additional record which pinpoints the Benjamin origins more narrowly, at least in the case of Sheftel Benjamin’s family (Sheftel is a member of the first generation, and likely the oldest of Jacob Benjamin’s children). When my grandfather Harry Benjamin registered for the draft during World War I, unlike his brothers, he was not yet a citizen. Therefore, he was required to list his place of birth in detail. His registration record, completed in his own handwriting (see next page) indicates the province as Kovno (the registration form uses the American term “state” rather than province) and the town as Radviliskis (note: Radviliskis is the Lithuanian name; Harry used the Yiddush spelling, which he transliterates as Radzishlisky, similar to the Slavic version, Radziwiliszki). Radviliskis is a village within the municipal district of Siauliai. It is reasonable to assume that Sheftel, father of Harry Benjamin, and all of his children come from this town. It is also possible that the village of Radviliskis is the place of origin for Jacob Benjamin and his children (Sheftel’s siblings).

- 7 - Introduction

• Harry Benjamin’s World War I draft registration Harry Benjamin completed this registration card in his own handwriting on June 5, 1917. He clearly identifies his place of origin as the town of Radviliskis (he used the Yiddish spelling; see above for other variants of the town’s name) in the province of Kovno, then part of Russia (which Harry lists correctly as his nationality), now part of independent Lithuania.

Placing Radviliskis on the map The two maps on the next page help place these locations in their historical and geographical context. The first shows the administrative districts of the area during the late nineteenth century, when Lithuania was part of the Russian Empire. The second map of the modern Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) shows the precise location of place

- 8 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin these locations in their historical and geographical context. The first shows the administrative districts of the area during the late nineteenth century, when modern-day The map on the right, an enlargement of the map in the historical chart on page 7, shows the administrative districts of Lithuania in the late nineteenth century, when Lithuania was part of the Russian Empire. Note that the city of Kaunas or Kovno is the southernmost point in the Kaunas province (referred to in the map’s legend by the Russian term, gubernija). The city of Siauliai is located toward the northern end of the province.

The next map shows the modern boundaries of Lithuania and its neighboring Baltic countries of Latvia and Estonia. • The blue pin marks the location of Radviliskis. • The red pin marks the location of the city of Siauliai, the center of the admin- istrative district that included Radviliskis in the nineteenth century. • The green pin marks the location of Kuanas (Kovno), administrative center of the province of Kovno when Lithuania was part of the Russian Empire.

- 9 - Introduction

Radviliskis: historical background The town of Radviliskis was founded in the fifteenth century. A combination of war, famine, and plague gradually depopulated the town in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A final round of plague in 1708-1710 completely emptied the town. However, the development of two railway lines through the town in the late nineteenth century brought a new round of growth. Radviliskis remains a regional rail center to this day. The Jewish population of Radviliskis, like most Jews in Lithuania, were murdered by the Nazis during World War II. All three hundred Jews living in Radviliskis at the time of the German occupation were murdered in the Durpunas Forest, near the Jewish cemetery, on or about July 12, 1941 by Germans supported by Lithuanian auxiliaries.

- 10 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Jacob Benjamin

Family of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin 1. Jacob Benjamin was born in Siauliai, Lithuania, which was known to the Yiddush- speaking inhabitants of the area as Shavel. His wife’s first name was Chaya, who was also known as Ida. Children of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin:

2 m I. SHEFTEL BENJAMIN, known in the United States as Samuel, was born in Siauliai in 1851. He died in Chicago, on February 27, 1913 at the age of 62.

3 m II. AARON BENJAMIN was born in Lithuania–most likely in Siauliai–in May 1868. He died in Elgin, Illinois on April 3, 1936 at the age of 67.

4 f III. SARAH BENJAMIN was born in Siauliu, Lithuania in about 1873. She died in Chicago on April 5, 1943 at the age of 70.

5 f IV. RACHEL BENJAMIN. No further information available.

6 f V. TOVA BENJAMIN. No further information available.

7 f VI. IDA BENJAMIN, also known as Itta. No further information available.

8 f VII. HANNAH BENJAMIN. No further information available.

- 11 -

The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Families of Jacob’s Descendants First Generation

Family of Sheftel Benjamin and Feige Yavner 2. Sheftel Benjamin, known in the United States as Samuel, was born in 1851 in Siauliai, Lithuania. He was the son of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. In Lithuania, Sheftel operated a windmill most likely in the town of Radviliskis (see geographical note, pages 8-9 above). Sheftel died in Chicago on Feb. 28, 1913 at the age of 62. He was buried in Forest Park Cemetery in Chicago. He married Feige Yavner, known in the United States as Fanny. Feige died in Chicago on April 5, 1928 at the age of

76 and was buried in Forest Park Cemetery in Chicago on The second line of Sheftel’s side of Sheftel’s and Feige’s gravestone reads April 6, 1928. “Sheftel ben Yacob” in Hebrew, that is, “Sheftel son of Jacob.” In 1903, Sheftel and Feige, along with their three youngest children, journeyed overland to the port of Bremen, where they boarded the S.S. Cassel on May 14, 1903. They arrived in Baltimore on May 30, from where they made their way to Chicago to join Sheftel’s oldest son, Abraham, who arrived in the United States in 1898 and was already living in Chicago. A copy of the ship’s manifest appears below.

Sheftel and Feige are listed on lines 4 and 5; note that Sheftel’s occupation is listed as miller. Yankel, on line 6, is clearly Jerome; Chaya on line 8 is clearly Clara. The name on line 7 is hard to decipher, but corresponds to Harry’s age and order in the family. This hard-to-read entry is the only known link to Harry’s birth name. Finally, the entry across the page in column 15 shows that the family will be joining Sheftel’s son Abraham in Chicago. While misspellings abound in ships’ passenger records, this register shows careful attention to the spelling of Yiddish names.

- 13 - First Generation

Children of Sheftel Benjamin and Feige Yavner:

9 f I. REBECCA BENJAMIN, born in Lithuania in 1874. She died in Peoria, Illinois on July 31, 1935 at the age of 61.

10 f II. ANNIE BENJAMIN, also known as Dennia, was born in Kovno, Lithuania, about 1878. Annie died in Chicago on August 31, 1939 at the age of 61.

11 m III. ABRAHAM BENJAMIN was born in Siauliai on February 17, 1879. He died in Chicago on June 3, 1927 at the age of 48.

12 m IV. JULIUS BENJAMIN was born in Lithuania on November 15, 1882. He died in Chicago on March 30, 1954 at the age of 71.

13 m V. LOUIS BENJAMIN was born in Siauliai, Lithuania, on March 18, 1885. He died in 1949 at the age of 63.

14 m VI. JEROME ALBERT BENJAMIN, also known as Jack, was born in Lithuania on September 22, 1890. Jerome’s first name at birth may have been Yankel, a Yiddush diminutive for Jacob. Jerome died in Chicago on March 26, 1975 at the age of 84.

15 m VII. HARRY SAMUEL BENJAMIN was born in Lithuania on December 15, 1891. He died in Chicago on February 13, 1942 at the age of 50.

16 f VIII. CLARA IRENE BENJAMIN was born in Lithuania on November 24, 1894. She died in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, on November 3, 1970 at the age of 75.

Family of Aaron Benjamin and Etta Peskind 3. Aaron Benjamin was born in May 1868 in Lithuania. He was the son of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. Aaron died in Elgin, Illinois on April 3, 1936 at the age of 67. He was buried in Forest Park Cemetery in Chicago on April 5, 1936. Aaron married Etta Peskind in December 1892 in Chicago. Etta died in Chicago on October 7, 1914 at the age of 42. She was buried on October 8, 1914. Children of Aaron Benjamin and Etta Peskind:

17 f I. CLARA BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on September 7, 1894. She died in Chicago on July 21, 1933 at the age of 38.

18 f II. BERTHA BENJAMIN was born in Chicago in November 1897. She died in Chicago on March 3, 1946 at the age of 48.

19 m III. JULIAN BENJAMIN, also known as Jacob, was born in Chicago on August 14, 1900. Julian died in Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 1984 at the age of 83.

20 m IV. ISADORE BENJAMIN, also known as Isaac (which may have been his name at birth). was born in Chicago on June 26, 1905. Isadore died in Niles, Illinois on September 26, 1996 at the age of 91.

21 m V. MEYER BENJAMIN, also known as Mike, was born in Chicago on April 20, 1910. Meyer died on September 11, 1972 at the age of 62.

- 14 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Sarah Benjamin and Avrum Stein 4. Sarah Benjamin was born about 1873 in Siauliu, Lithuania. She was the daughter of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. She died in Chicago on April 5, 1943 at the age of 70 and was buried in Shavaler Cemetery in Chicago on April 6, 1943. She married Avrum Stein. Children of Sarah Benjamin and Avrum Stein:

22 m I. JACOB STEIN was born in Lithuania about 1897.

Family of Rachel Benjamin and Morris Lapovsky 5. Rachel Benjamin is the daughter of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. She married Morris Lapovsky. Rachel had no children.

Family of Tova Benjamin and Kaplan 6. Tova Benjamin is the daughter of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. Her married name was Kaplan. They had two children, of whom only one has been identified. Children of Tova Benjamin:


Family of Ida Benjamin and Jacob Marek 7. Ida Benjamin. is the daughter of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. She married Jacob Marek. They may have had two children; only one has been identified. Children of Ida Benjamin and Jacob Marek:


Family of Hannah Benjamin and Joseph Blumenthal 8. Hannah Benjamin is the daughter of Jacob Benjamin (1) and Chaya Benjamin. She married Joseph Blumenthal. Children of Hannah Benjamin and Joseph Blumenthal:




- 15 -

The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Second Generation

Family of Rebecca Benjamin and Jacob Galowich 9. Rebecca Benjamin was born in 1874 in Lithuania. She was the daughter of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Census records show that Rebecca lived in Peoria, Illinois for at least the last 18 years of her life. Rebecca died in Peoria on July 31, 1935 at the age of 61. She was buried in Chicago on August 2, 1935. Rebecca married Jacob Galowich on October 5, 1903, in Chicago. Jacob died in Peoria on June 19, 1929 at the age of 63 and was buried in Chicago on June 20, 1929. Children of Rebecca Benjamin and Jacob Galowich:

28 m I. LEOPOLD J. GALOWICH, also known as Louis, was born in Illinois on December 13, 1904. He died in Olmsted County, Minnesota on December 11, 1982 at the age of 77.

Family of Annie Benjamin and Ben Bandalin 10. Annie Benjamin, also known as Dennia, was born about 1878 in Kovno, Lithuania. She was the daughter of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Census records show her living in Chicago by 1910. She died in Chicago on August 31, 1939 at the age of 61. Annie was buried in Norridge, Illinois. Annie married Ben Bandalin on August 4, 1895. Ben died in Chicago, on May 3, 1943 at the age of 70. He was buried in Norridge, Illinois on May 5, 1943. Children of Annie Benjamin and Ben Bandalin:

29 m I. JACOB BANDALIN was born in Illinois on July 24, 1900. He died in Chicago on December 5, 1984 at the age of 84.

30 m II. ROY BANDALIN was born in Illinois on April 22, 1903. He died in Roswell, Georgia on March 13, 1977 at the age of 73.

31 m III. HARRY BANDALIN was born in Cook County, Illinois, on January 7, 1909. He died in Miami, Florida on September 18, 1993 at the age of 84.

32 f IV. NETTIE BANDALIN was born in Illinois on June 15, 1912. She died in Cook County, Illinois on September 14, 1990 at the age of 78.

33 f V. GERTRUDE BANDALIN was born about 1916.

Family of Abraham Benjamin and Rachel Cohen 11. Abraham Benjamin was born on February 17, 1879 in Siauliai, Lithuania. He was the son of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. At the age of 18, Abraham left Europe from the port of Bremen on January 18, 1898. He arrived in Baltimore on January 29, from where he made his way to Chicago (see ship’s register on next page). He was naturalized in Chicago on October 13, 1902. Abraham died in Chicago on June 3, 1927 at the age of 48. He was buried in Forest Park Cemetery in Chicago on June 5, 1927.

- 17 - Second Generation

Page from the registry of the Willihad, which shows Abram Benjamin on line 25 (the handwriting is not easily interpreted). Like his father, his occupation as listed as miller. The log also shows that he was headed for Chicago and would be joining one of his sisters there. Both of his older sisters arrived earlier; according to the 1920 census, Rebecca arrived in about 1887 and Annie arrived in about 1890.

Abraham married Rachel Cohen, also known as Ray, on January 22, 1905 in Chicago. Rachel died in Chicago on June 3, 1969 at the age of 85. She was buried in Forest Park Cemetery in Chicago. Children of Abraham Benjamin and Rachel Cohen:

34 f I. IDA C. BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on December 7, 1905. She died in Wilmette, Illinois on January 7, 1999 at the age of 93.

35 m II. ISADORE BENJAMIN, also known as Edward Benjamin, was born in Chicago on February 29, 1908. Isadore died in Winnetka, Illinois on September 1, 2004 at the age of 96.

36 m III. MEYER AARON BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on November 7, 1912. He died in Cook County, Illinois on December 10, 1986 at the age of 74.

37 f IV. HARRIETTE S. BENJAMIN was born in Cook County, Illinois on February 8, 1923. She died on January 6, 2013 at the age of 89.

- 18 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Julius Benjamin and Libby Nathan 12. Julius Benjamin was born on November 15, 1882 at Kovno, Lithuania. He was the son of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Julius was naturalized in Chicago on September 15, 1906. He died in Chicago on March 30, 1954 at the age of 71. Julius married Libby Nathan on November 3, 1907, in Chicago. She died of influenza in Chicago on October 12, 1918 at the age of 34. She was buried on October 13, 1918. Julius subsequently married Flora Beiles on August 15, 1919 in Chicago. She died in Chicago on November 13, 1948 at the age of 70. Children of Julius Benjamin and Libby Nathan:

38 m I. ROBERT MYRON BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on March 2, 1909. He died in Chicago on April 24, 1965 at the age of 56.

39 m II. IRWIN JEROME BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on September 27, 1912. He died in Highland Park, Illinois on March 14, 2004 at the age of 91.

Family of Louis Benjamin and Renee Weiss 13. Louis Benjamin was born on March 18, 1885, in Sialuiai, Russia. He was the son of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Census records show that he lived in Chicago after 1910, where he founded the Louis Benjamin Clothing Company. He died in 1949 at the age of 63. Louis married Renee Weiss, also known as Shana Rose (which may have been her name at birth) on September 11, 1910 in Chicago. Renee died in Chicago in 1961 at the age of 72. Children of Louis Benjamin and Renee Weiss:

40 m I. STANLEY WEISS BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on April 10, 1912. He died in Chicago on October 2, 1996 at the age of 84.

41 f II. GERMAINE BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on April 24, 1914. She died in Chicago on February 19, 2007 at the age of 92.

42 f III. SHIRLEY BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on January 22, 1919.

43 m IV. FREDRICK MORTIMER BENJAMIN, who was known by his middle name of Mortimer (or Mort for short), was born in Chicago on August 15, 1922. Mortimer died on May 29, 2012 at the age of 89.

Family of Jerome Benjamin and Bertha Benjamin 14. Jerome Albert Benjamin, also known as Jack, was born on September 22, 1890, in Lithuania. His original name may have been Jacob, since the ship’s register documenting his 1903 passage to America lists his name as Yankel, a Yiddish diminuitive for Jacob. In other words, Yankel translates as either Jake or Jack, which explains the origin of Jerome’s preferred nickname. Jerome was the son of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Census records show that Jerome was living in Chicago by 1910. He died in Chicago on March 26, 1975 at the age of 84. Jerome married his first cousin Bertha Benjamin. Bertha died in Chicago, Illinois, on March 3, 1946 at the age of 48. She was buried in Norwood, Illinois on March 5, 1946. She was the daughter of Aaron Benjamin (3) and Etta Peskind. (This family is duplicated because of common ancestors. See person reference number 18 on page 21).

- 19 - Second Generation

Children of Jerome Albert Benjamin and Bertha Benjamin:

44 m I. EDWARD BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on August 24, 1920. He died in Chicago on September 16, 1999 at the age of 79.

45 f II. FRANCES BENJAMIN was born in Cook County, Illinoi, on March 5, 1923.

46 m III. MARK BENJAMIN was born in Chicago Cook, Illinois on January 18, 1925. He died on October 22, 1985 at the age of 60.

Family of Harry Benjamin and Rose Walcsak 15. Harry Samuel Benjamin was born on December 15, 1891. He was the son of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Harry arrived in the United States on May 30, 1903 (see notes on Sheftel Benjamin’s arrival, page 13, above) and became a citizen on January 19, 1920. He died in Chicago on February 13, 1942 at the age of 50 and was buried on February 16, 1942.

right: record of Harry’s citizenship. His brother Julius and sister Clara served as witnesses.

Harry married Rose Walcsak on June 16, 1918 in Chicago. Rose’s name at birth was Rose Walcsak; her father changed the family name to Siegal about 1900. Rose died in Chicago in 1983 at the age of 88. Children of Harry Samuel Benjamin and Rose Walcsak:

47 f I. LORRAINE SHIRLEY BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on July 16, 1920.

48 f II. MURIEL MAXINE BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on March 23, 1925.

Family of Clara Benjamin and Carl Schnaer 16. Clara Irene Benjamin was born on November 24, 1894, in Lithuania. Clara’s original name may have been Chaya, which appears on the ship’s passenger register for her 1903 passage to America (see page 13). Clara was the daughter of Sheftel Benjamin (2) and Feige Yavner. Clara was living in Chicago at the time of the 1910 census. She died in Van Nuys, California on November 3, 1970 at the age of 75 and was buried in Los Angeles, California. Clara Irene married Carl Henry Schnaer on April 28, 1914, in Lake County, Indiana. Carl was naturalized in Chicago on June 2, 1911. Carl died in Chicago in September 1958 at the age of 73. Children of Clara Irene Benjamin and Carl Henry Schnaer:

49 m I. HARVEY SHERMAN SCHNAER was born in Chicago on May 29, 1919. He died in North Hills, California on November 9, 2008 at the age of 89.

50 m II. ELMER SCHNAER was born in Chicago on September 27, 1922. He died in Santa Monica, California on April 28, 2013 at the age of 90.

Clara Benjamin 17. Clara Benjamin was born on September 7, 1894, in Chicago. She was the daughter of Aaron Benjamin (3) and Etta Peskind. Clara, who never married, died in Chicago on July 21, 1933 at the age of 38.

- 20 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Bertha Benjamin and Jerome Benjamin 18. Bertha Benjamin was born in November 1897 in Chicago. She was the daughter of Aaron Benjamin (3) and Etta Peskind. She died in Chicago on March 3, 1946 at the age of 48 and was buried in Norwood, Illinois on March 5, 1946. She married Jerome Albert Benjamin, who was also known as Jack. Jerome died in Chicago on March 26, 1975 at the age of 84. (This family is duplicated because of common ancestors. For further details see person reference number 14 on page 19).

Julian Benjamin 19. Julian Benjamin, who was also known as Jacob, was born on August 14, 1900 in Chicago. He was the son of Aaron Benjamin (3) and Etta Peskind. Julian died in Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 1984 at the age of 83. Julian has two children.

Family of Isadore Benjamin and Selma Pestine 20. Isadore Benjamin, who was also known as Isaac, was born on June 26, 1905 in Chicago Illinois. He was the son of Aaron Benjamin (3) and Etta Peskind. In later life, Isadore moved from Chicago to Des Plaines, Illinois. He died in Niles, Illinois on September 26, 1996 at the age of 91. Isadore married Selma Pestine. She died in Van Nuys, California on December 21, 2004 at the age of 89. Children of Isadore Benjamin and Selma Pestine:

51 f I. HARRIET BENJAMIN was born in Illinois about 1937.

Family of Meyer Benjamin and Anna Adler 21. Meyer Benjamin, who was also known as Mike, was born on April 20, 1910 in Chicago. He was the son of Aaron Benjamin (3) and Etta Peskind. He died on September 11, 1972 at the age of 62. Meyer married Anna Chanshe Adler on May 15, 1936, in South Norfolk, Virginia. They had three children, of whom only one has been identified. Anna died in Dallas, Texas on March 31, 1963 at the age of 54. Identified children of Meyer Benjamin and Anna Chanshe Adler:

52 f I. IRENE S. BENJAMIN was born in Chicago Cook, Illinois, on June 15, 1940. She died on April 29, 1999 at the age of 58.

Family of Jacob Stein and Henrietta Cohen 22. Jacob Stein was born about 1897 in Lithuania. He was the son of Avrum Stein and Sarah Benjamin (4). He married Henrietta Cohen. Children of Jacob Stein and Henrietta Cohen:

53 f I. DORIS STEIN was born in Illinois about 1928.

54 m II. ALBERT STEIN was born in Illinois on April 11, 1933.

Hyman Kaplan 23. Hyman Kaplan is the son Tova Benjamin (6), who husband’s last name was Kaplan. As of 1990, Hyman was living in Hagarstown, Maryland.

Martin Marek 24. Martin Marek is the son of Jacob Marek and Ida Benjamin (7).

- 21 - Second Generation

Family of Clara Blumenthal 25. Clara Blumenthal is the daughter of Joseph Blumenthal and Hannah Benjamin (8). Her husband’s last name was Lustgarden.

Family of Jacob and Esther Blumenthal 26. Jacob Blumenthal is the son of Joseph Blumenthal and Hannah Benjamin (8). His wife’s first name is Esther.

Family of Florence Blumenthal 27. Florence Blumenthal is the daughter of Joseph Blumenthal and Hannah Benjamin (8). Her husband’s last name was Manaloff.

- 22 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Third Generation

Family of Leopold Galowich and Leah Kahn 28. Leopold J. Galowich, who was also known as Louis, was born on December 13, 1904, in Illinois. He was the son of Jacob Galowich and Rebecca Benjamin (9). He died in Olmsted County, Minnesota on December 11, 1982 at the age of 77. He was buried in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Leopold married Leah Rella Kahn in Illinois. She died in Chicago on July 25, 2007 at the age of 93. Leah Rella was buried in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Children of Leopold J. Galowich and Leah Rella Kahn:

55 m I. JERALD SANFORD GALOWICH was born in Peoria, Illinois, on February 18, 1936. He died in Joliet on February 15, 1975 at the age of 38.

56 m II. RONALD H. GALOWICH was born in Illinois on February 18, 1936.

Family of Jacob Bandalin and Leona Kaplan 29. Jacob Bandalin was born on July 24, 1900 in Chicago. He was the son of Ben Bandalin and Annie Benjamin (10). He died in Chicago on December 5, 1984 at the age of 84. Jacob was buried in Norridge, Illinois. He married Leona Kaplan. She died on December 30, 1998 at the age of 92. Leona was buried in Norridge, Illinois. Children of Jacob Bandalin and Leona Kaplan:

57 m I. RONALD JAY BANDALIN was born in Illinois on October 10, 1933. He died on June 15, 2016 at the age of 82.

58 m I. ALLEN CLYDE BANDALIN was born in Chicago on March 8, 1928. He died in Mill Valley, California on March 26, 2001 at the age of 73.

57 m II. RONALD JAY BANDALIN was born in Illinois on October 10, 1933. He died on June 15, 2016 at the age of 82.

Family of Roy Bandalin and Simmy Levin 30. Roy Bandalin was born on April 22, 1903, in Illinois. He was the son of Ben Bandalin and Annie Benjamin (10). Roy grew up in Chicago but later moved to Springfield, Illinois. He died in Roswell, Georgia on March 13, 1977 at the age of 73. He was buried in Norridge, Illinois. He married Simmy Levin. Children of Roy Bandalin and Simmy Levin:

59 f I. FLORA L. BANDALIN was born in Illinois about 1939.

Family of Harry and Diana Bandalin 31. Harry Bandalin was born on January 7, 1909, in Cook County, Illinois. He was the son of Ben Bandalin and Annie Benjamin (10). Census records showed he spent most of his adult years in Chicago. He died in Miami, Florida on September 18, 1993 at the age of 84. His wife’s first name was Diana. Children of Harry Bandalin and Diana:

60 f I. FELICE BANDALIN was born in Cook County, Illinois on April 28, 1934.

61 f II. TOBY ANN BANDALIN was born in Illinois about 1939.

- 23 - Third Generation

Family of Nettie Bandalin and Werner Neumann 32. Nettie Bandalin was born on June 15, 1912 in Illinois. She was the daughter of Ben Bandalin and Annie Benjamin (10). Nettie died in Cook County, Illinois on September 14, 1990 at the age of 78. She married Werner Benno Neumann. He was naturalized on June 16, 1941. Werner died in Evanston, Illinois on March 2, 1984 at the age of 70. Children of Nettie Bandalin and Werner Benno Neumann:

62 f I. BABY GIRL NEUMANN was born in Chicago on May 30, 1945. She died in Chicago, on June 1, 1945 at the age of 1 day, never having received a first name.



Family of Gertrude Bandalin and Levin 33. Gertrude Bandalin was born about 1916. She is the daughter of Ben Bandalin and Annie Benjamin (10). Her husband’s last name was Levin.

Family of Ida Benjamin and Edwin Sabath 34. Ida C. Benjamin was born on December 7, 1905, in Chicago. She was the daughter of Abraham Benjamin (11) and Rachel Cohen. Ida died in Wilmette, Illinois on January 7, 1999 at the age of 93. She was buried in Forest Park Cemetery, Chicago. Ida married Edwin Jay Sabath in Chicago. Edwin died in Miami, Florida on August 15, 1981 at the age of 74. He was buried in Forest Park Cemetery, Chicago. Children of Ida C Benjamin and Edwin Jay Sabath:

65 m I. MAURICE JAY SABATH was born in Chicago on April 18, 1933.


Family of Isadore Benjamin and Florence Liebovitz 35. Isadore Benjamin, who was also known as Edward, was born on February 29, 1908 in Chicago. He was the son of Abraham Benjamin (11) and Rachel Cohen. Isadore died in Winnetka, Illinois on September 1, 2004 at the age of 96. He married Florence Leibovitz on May 25, 1937, in Troy, New York. Florence died in Chelsea, Massachusetts on January 30, 2005 at the age of 94. Children of Isadore Benjamin and Florence Leibovitz:

67 f I. BONNIE BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on September 4, 1942. She died in Deerfield, Chicago on October 4, 2006 at the age of 64.


Family of Meyer Benjamin and Bertha Dubin 36. Meyer Aaron Benjamin was born on November 7, 1912, in Chicago. He was the son of Abraham Benjamin (11) and Rachel Cohen. He died in Cook County, Illinois on December 10, 1986 at the age of 74. Meyer Aaron married Bertha Dubin on October 21, 1941, in Cook County. Children of Meyer Aaron Benjamin and Bertha Dubin:


- 24 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Harriette Benjamin and Harold Warren 37. Harriette S. Benjamin was born on February 8, 1923, in Cook County, Illinois. She was the daughter of Abraham Benjamin (11) and Rachel Cohen. She died on January 6, 2013 at the age of 89. Harriette married Harold Warren on December 22, 1946. Children of Harriette S. Benjamin and Harold Warren:

70 m I. JEFFREY WARREN was born on October 5, 1950.

71 f II. MARCY A. WARREN was born on March 11, 1954.


Family of Robert Benjamin and Elsa Rady 38. Robert Myron Benjamin was born on March 2, 1909, in Chicago. He was the son of Julius Benjamin (12) and Libby Nathan. He died in Chicago on April 24, 1965 at the age of 56. Robert married Elsa Harriet Rady in January 1938 in Chicago. Elsa died in Chelsea, Massachusetts on May 24, 1998 at the age of 82. Children of Robert Myron Benjamin and Elsa Harriet Rady:



Family of Irwin Benjamin and Molly Schwartz 39. Irwin Jerome Benjamin was born on September 27, 1912, in Chicago. He was the son of Julius Benjamin (12) and Libby Nathan. Irwin died in Highland Park, Illinois on March 14, 2004 at the age of 91. He married Molly Schwartz on June 6, 1937, in Chicago. Molly died in Boston, Massachusetts on June 25, 1985 at the age of 65. Children of Irwin Jerome Benjamin and Molly Schwartz:

75 m I. LAWRENCE D. BENJAMIN was born in Illinois about 1938.

Stanley Benjamin 40. Stanley Weiss Benjamin was born on April 10, 1912, in Cook County, Illinois. He was the son of Louis Benjamin (13) and Renee Weiss. He died in Chicago on October 2, 1996 at the age of 84. Stanley never married.

Family of Germaine Benjamin and Elmer Friedman 41. Germaine Benjamin was born on April 24, 1914 in Chicago. She was the daughter of Louis Benjamin (13) and Renee Weiss. Germaine died in Chicago on February 19, 2007 at the age of 92. Germaine married Elmer Friedman on December 18, 1934. Elmer died in Chicago on August 26, 2007 at the age of 94. Children of Germaine Benjamin and Elmer Friedman:

76 m I. LAURENCE R. FRIEDMAN was born in Illinois on March 19, 1937.

77 f II. JUDITH ANN FRIEDMAN was born in Illinois on March 4, 1940.

- 25 - Third Generation

Family of Shirley Benjamin and Bernard Cohn 42. Shirley Benjamin was born on January 22, 1919, in Cook County, Illinois. She is the daughter of Louis Benjamin (13) and Renee Weiss. She married Bernard Cohn. Children of Shirley Benjamin and Bernard Cohn:

78 m I. JEFFREY COHN was born on April 23, 1942.

Family of Fredrich Benjamin and Rochelle Esserman 43. Fredrich Mortimer Benjamin who was known by his middle name of Mortimer (Mort”for short) throughout his life, was born on August 15, 1922 in Chicago. He was the son of Louis Benjamin (13) and Renee Weiss. He died on May 29, 2012 at the age of 89. He married Rochelle Diane Esserman. Children of Fredrich Mortimer Benjamin and Rochelle Diane Esserman:

79 f I. LAUREL RENEE BENJAMIN was born in Chicago on November 2, 1950. She died in Highland Park, Illinois on August 15, 2001 at the age of 50.

80 m II. NEIL LOUIS BENJAMIN was born on August 30, 1955.

Family of Edward Benjamin and Rose 44. Edward Benjamin was born on August 24, 1920, in Chicago. He was the son of Jerome Albert Benjamin (14) and Bertha Benjamin (18). He died in Chicago on September 16, 1999 at the age of 79. His wife’s first name was Rose.

Family of Frances Benjamin and Sam Levy 45. Frances Benjamin was born on March 5, 1923, in Cook County, Illinois. She is the daughter of Jerome Albert Benjamin (14) and Bertha Benjamin (18). Frances was buried in Norfolk, Virginia. She married Sam Levy.

Mark Benjamin 46. Mark Benjamin was born on January 18, 1925, in Chicago. He was the son of Jerome Albert Benjamin (14) and Bertha Benjamin (18). Mark died on October 22, 1985 at the age of 60.

Family of Lorraine Benjamin and Stanley Frank 47. Lorraine Shirley Benjamin was born on July 16, 1920, in Chicago. She is the daughter of Harry Samuel Benjamin (15) and Rose Walcsak (Rose’s last name was changed to Siegal when Rose was about six years old). Lorraine married Stanley Herbert Frank on October 5, 1941. She later married Gabriel Gilead on November 27, 1999. Gabriel died on July 28, 2015 at the age of 93. Children of Lorraine Shirley Benjamin and Stanley Herbert Frank:

81 m I. HOWARD JAY FRANK was born on April 3, 1943.

82 f II. MARILYN DENISE FRANK was born on August 27, 1947.

83 m III. RICHARD ALAN FRANK was born on March 8, 1954.

- 26 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Muriel Benjamin and Melvin Birnbaum 48. Muriel Maxine Benjamin was born on March 23, 1925, in Chicago. She is the daughter of Harry Samuel Benjamin (15) and Rose Walcsak (Rose’s last name was changed to Siegal when Rose was about six years old). Muriel Maxine married Melvin Birnbaum on February 22, 1947, in Madison, Wisconsin. They were divorced in 1992. Melvin died in St Louis Park, Minnesota on February 22, 2007 at the age of 82. Children of Muriel Maxine Benjamin and Melvin Birnbaum:

84 f I. ARLENE HARRIET BIRNBAUM was born in New York City, New York on October 14, 1949.

85 m II. STANLEY HOWARD BIRNBAUM was born in New York City on September 24, 1951.

86 f III. DEBRA HOPE BIRNBAUM was born in New York City on March 3, 1954.

87 f IV. LORI HELENE BIRNBAUM was born in New York City on January 22, 1958.

Family of Harvey Schnaer and Martha Chandler 49. Harvey Sherman Schnaer was born on May 29, 1919 in Chicago. He was the son of Carl Henry Schnaer and Clara Irene Benjamin (16). Harvey Sherman grew up in Chicago, but moved to California after 1940 and before 1958. He died in North Hills, California on November 9, 2008 at the age of 89. He married Martha Yvonne Chandler on July 3, 1949, in Santa Barbara, California. Martha died in North Hills, Los Angeles on March 8, 1991 at the age of 64. Children of Harvey Sherman Schnaer and Martha Yvonne Chandler:

88 m I. DAVID LYNN SCHNAER was born in Los Angeles on July 22, 1951. He died in Santa Clarita, California on September 8, 1993 at the age of 42.


Elmer Schnaer 50. Elmer Schnaer was born on September 27, 1922, in Chicago. He was the son of Carl Henry Schnaer and Clara Irene Benjamin (16). He died in Santa Monica, California on April 28, 2013 at the age of 90. Elmer married Diane Steiner.

Harriet Benjamin 51. Harriet Benjamin was born about 1937 in Illinois. She is the daughter of Isadore Benjamin (20) and Selma Pestine.

Irene Benjamin 52. Irene S. Benjamin was born on June 15, 1940, in Chicag. She was the daughter of Meyer Benjamin (21) and Anna Chanshe Adler. Irene, who never married, died on April 29, 1999 at the age of 58.

Family of Doris Stein and Seymour Solomon 53. Doris Stein was born about 1928 in Illinois. She is the daughter of Jacob Stein (22) and Henrietta Cohen. She married Seymour Solomon and had two sons.

- 27 - Third Generation

Family of Albert Stein and Phyllis Dart 54. Albert Stein was born on April 11, 1933, in Illinois. He is the son of Jacob Stein (22) and Henrietta Cohen. He married Phyllis Dart. Children of Albert Stein and Phyllis Dart:



- 28 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Fourth Generation

Jerald Galowich 55. Jerald Sanford Galowich was born on February 18, 1936, in Peoria, Illinois. He was the son of Leopold J. Galowich (28) and Leah Rella Kahn. He died in Joliet, Illinois on February 15, 1975 at the age of 38. Jerald married Deanna Silverbrand. Children of Jerald Sanford Galowich and Deanna Silverbrand:

92 m I. DAVID H. GALOWICH was born on January 26, 1960.

93 f II. LYNNE GALOWICH was born on July 6, 1962.

Family of Ronald and Eleanor Galowich 56. Ronald H. Galowich, twin brother of Jerald, was born on February 18, 1936, in Illinois. He is the son of Leopold J. Galowich (28) and Leah Rella Kahn. His wife’s first name was Eleanor. As of 1996, they were divorced. Children of Ronald H Galowich and Eleanor:

94 m I. JEFFREY A. GALOWICH was born on September 20, 1959.



Family of Ronald and Hope Bandalin 57. Ronald Jay Bandalin was born on October 10, 1933, in Illinois. He was the son of Jacob Bandalin (29) and Leona Kaplan. Ronald died on June 15, 2016 at the age of 82. His wife’s first name is Hope.

Family of Allen Bandalin and Dolores Herdan 58. Allen Clyde Bandalin was born on March 8, 1928, in Chicago. He was the son of Jacob Bandalin (29) and Leona Kaplan. He died in Mill Valley, California on March 26, 2001 at the age of 73. Allen first married Dolores Jacqueline Herdan. They had three sons. She died in Petaluma, California, on February 26, 2010 at the age of 81. Allen and Dolores were divorced; he next married a woman whose first name was Elaine. Allen died on June 8, 1978 in Mendocino, California Children of Allen Clyde Bandalin and Dolores Jacqueline Herdan:

97 m I. BRENT BANDALIN was born about 1948.

98 m II. CRAIG S. BANDALIN was born on March 5, 1954.


Flora Bandalin 59. Flora L. Bandalin was born about 1939 in Illinois. She is the daughter of Roy Bandalin (30) and Simmy Levin.

Family of Felice Bandalin and Martin Silverman 60. Felice Bandalin was born on April 28, 1934, in Cook County, Illinois. She is the daughter of Harry Bandalin (31) and Diana Bandalin. She may have married Martin Silverman (evidence for this marriage is unclear).

- 29 - Fourth Generation

Toby Bandalin 61. Toby Ann Bandalin was born about 1939 in Illinois. She is the daughter of Harry Bandalin (31) and Diane Bandalin.

Baby girl Neumann (unnamed at time of death) 62. Baby girl Neumann was born on May 30, 1945 in Chicago. She was the daughter of Werner Benno Neumann and Nettie Bandalin (32). She died on June 1, 1945, the day after her birth, without a first name.

Family of Howard and Mira Neumann 63. Howard Neumann. He is the son of Werner Benno Neumann and Nettie Bandalin (32). His wife’s first name is Mira. Children of Howard and Mira Neumann:




Family of Barbara Neumann and Mark Gelfold 64. Barbara Neumann. She is the daughter of Werner Benno Neumann and Nettie Bandalin (32). She married Mark Gelfold. Children of Barbara Neumann and Mark Gelfold:



Family of Maurice and Ema Sabath 65. Maurice Jay Sabath was born on April 18, 1933, in Chicago. He is the son of Edwin Jay Sabath and Ida C. Benjamin (34). His wife’s first name is Ema. Children of Maurice and Ema Sabath:





Family of Allen and Bunny Sabath 66. Allen J. Sabath. He is the son of Edwin Jay Sabath and Ida C. Benjamin (34). His first name is Bunny (perhaps a nickname). Children of Allen and Bunny Sabath:





- 30 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Bonnie Benjamin and James Graham 67. Bonnie Benjamin was born on September 4, 1942, in Chicago. She was the daughter of Isadore Benjamin (35) and Florence Leibovitz. Bonnie died in Deerfield, Illinois on October 4, 2006 at the age of 64. She married James Graham. Children of Bonnie Benjamin and James Graham:




Family of Wayne and Susan Benjamin 68. Wayne Benjamin is the son of Isadore Benjamin (35) and Florence Leibovitz. Wayne lived in 1996 in Highland Park, Lake, Illinois. His wife’s first name is Susan. Children of Wayne and Susan Benjamin:



Anita Benjamin 69. Anita Benjamin is the daughter of Meyer Aaron Benjamin (36) and Bertha Dubin.

Family of Jeffrey and Monica Warren 70. Jeffrey Warren was born on October 5, 1950. He is the son of Harold Warren and Harriette S. Benjamin (37). His wife’s first name is Monica. Children of Jeffrey and Monica Warren:


Family of Marcy Warren and Steven Lemer 71. Marcy A. Warren was born on March 11, 1954. She is the daughter of Harold Warren and Harriette S. Benjamin (37). Marcy married Steven Lemer on August 21, 1994.

Family of Deanne Warren and Richard Basofin 72. Deanne Warren is the daughter of Harold Warren and Harriette S. Benjamin (37). She married Richard Basofin. Children of Deanne Warren and Richard Basofin:



Family of Linda Benjamin and Peter Perlman 73. Linda Ann Benjamin is the daughter of Robert Myron Benjamin (38) and Elsa Harriet Rady. She married Peter Perlman.

- 31 - Fourth Generation

Family of Deborah Benjamin and Gary Goldman 74. Deborah Benjamin is the daughter of Robert Myron Benjamin (38) and Elsa Harriet Rady. She married Gary Goldman. Children of Deborah Benjamin and Gary Goldman:

121 m I. DANIEL GOLDMAN was born in 1982.

122 f II. JACLYN GOLDMAN was born in 1986.

Family of Lawrence and Arlene Benjamin 75. Lawrence D. Benjamin was born about 1938 in Illinois. He is the son of Irwin Jerome Benjamin (39) and Molly Schwartz. His wife’s first name is Arlene. Children of Lawrence D Benjamin and Arlene:



Family of Laurence Friedman and Maxine Freeman 76. Laurence R. Friedman was born on March 19, 1937, in Illinois. He is the son of Elmer Friedman and Germaine Benjamin (41). He married Maxine Freeman on December 12, 1959, in Cook County, Illinois. Children of Laurence R Friedman and Maxine Freeman:

125 f I. RENEE FRIEDMAN was born on August 25, 1962.

126 f II. ELLYN L. FRIEDMAN was born on August 25, 1966.

127 m III. RICHARD LEE FRIEDMAN was born on December 6, 1968.

Judith Friedman 77. Judith Ann Friedman was born on March 4, 1940, in Illinois. She is the daughter of Elmer Friedman and Germaine Benjamin (41). Judith never married.

Jeffrey Cohn 78. Jeffrey Cohn was born on April 23, 1942. He is the son of Bernard Cohn and Shirley Benjamin (42). Jeffrey was unmarried as of 1996.

Family of Laurel Benjamin and Richard Sorman 79. Laurel Renee Benjamin was born on November 2, 1950, in Chicago. She was the daughter of Fredrich Mortimer Benjamin (43) and Rochelle Diane Esserman. Renee died in Highland Park, Illinois on August 15, 2001 at the age of 50. Laurel Renee married Richard J. Sorman on October 21, 1979. Children of Laurel Renee Benjamin and Richard J. Sorman:

128 m I. DANA LEE SORMAN was born on June 27, 1981.

129 m II. ZACHARY LEA SORMAN was born on August 13, 1985.

- 32 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Family of Neil Benjamin and Patrice Schnoebling 80. Neil Louis Benjamin was born on August 30, 1955. He is the son of Fredrich Mortimer Benjamin (43) and Rochelle Diane Esserman. He married Patrice Schnoebling on November 5, 1988. Children of Neil Louis Benjamin and Patrice Schnoebling:

130 m I. JEFFREY LOUIS BENJAMIN was born on November 12, 1989.

131 m II. JEREMY IAN BENJAMIN was born on October 23, 1991.

132 m III. JORDAN LEE BENJAMIN was born on February 28, 1994.

Family of Howard Frank and Judith Rubin 81. Howard Jay Frank was born on April 3, 1943. He is the son of Stanley Herbert Frank and Lorraine Shirley Benjamin (47). Howard married Judith Lynn Rubin on May 18, 1969. Children of Howard Jay Frank and Judith Lynn Rubin:

133 m I. ROBERT ELLIOT FRANK was born on January 13, 1971.

134 m II. GARY MICHAEL FRANK was born on March 4, 1974.

Marilyn Frank 82. Marilyn Denise Frank was born on August 27, 1947. She is the daughter of Stanley Herbert Frank and Lorraine Shirley Benjamin (47). She now uses Mira as her preferred first name.

Family of Richard Frank and Linda Sanders 83. Richard Alan Frank was born on March 8, 1954. He is the son of Stanley Herbert Frank and Lorraine Shirley Benjamin (47). Richard married Linda Ellen Sanders on March 9, 1991. They were divorced in 2017. Children of Richard Alan Frank and Linda Ellen Sanders:

135 m I. EVAN SCOTT FRANK was born on July 28, 1994.

Family of Arlene Birnbaum 84. Arlene Harriet Birnbaum was born on October 14, 1949 in New York City. She is the daughter of Melvin Birnbaum and Muriel Maxine Benjamin (48). Arlene married William Karl Tripp on June 6, 1971, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. They were divorced on June 27, 1973 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Children of Arlene Harriet Birnbaum:

136 f I. RACHEL NAOMI BIRNBAUM was born in Yuty, Paraguay on October 14, 1989 and adopted by Arlene in Minneapolis on May 24, 1990 in Minneapolis. Rachel’s birth mother was Agustina Maciel, who originally named her daughter Noemi Maciel.

- 33 - Fourth Generation

Stanley Birnbaum 85. Stanley Howard Birnbaum was born on September 24, 1951, in New York City. He is the son of Melvin Birnbaum and Muriel Maxine Benjamin (48). He married Janet Alice Noble on May 1, 1982, in Canyon Ferry, Montana. They were divorced in Minneapolis, on June 4, 1985. At the time, Janet use her first married name and was known as Janet Alice Sherbourne. Janet died in Portland, Oregon on March 8, 2011 at the age of 67. Stanley subsequently married Sharon Marie Klaers on March 14, 1992 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Family of Stanley Birnbaum and Janet Noble Children of Stanley Howard Birnbaum and Janet Alice Noble:

137 m I. BENJAMIN EDWARD BIRNBAUM was born in Coon Rapids, Minnesota on October 1, 1983.

Family of Stanley Birnbaum and Sharon Klaers Children of Stanley Howard Birnbaum and Sharon Marie Klaers:

138 f I. SARAH ELIZABETH BIRNBAUM was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on March 7, 1994.

Debra Birnbaum 86. Debra Hope Birnbaum was born on March 3, 1954, in New York City. She is the daughter of Melvin Birnbaum and Muriel Maxine Benjamin (48). Debra changed her last name to Waterstone on Nov. 24, 1997.

Lori Birnbaum 87. Lori Helene Birnbaum was born on January 22, 1958, in New York City. She is the daughter of Melvin Birnbaum and Muriel Maxine Benjamin (48).

David Schnaer 88. David Lynn Schnaer was born on July 22, 1951, in Los Angeles, California. He was the son of Harvey Sherman Schnaer (49) and Martha Yvonne Chandler. He died in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, on September 8, 1993 at the age of 42.

Michael Schnaer 89. Michael Schnaer is the son of Harvey Sherman Schnaer (49) and Martha Yvonne Chandler.

Family of Steven and Bonnie Stein 90. Steven Stein is the son of Albert Stein (54) and Phyllis Dart. His wife’s first name is Bonnie. Children of Steven and Bonnie Stein:

139 f I. JORDAN STEIN was born about 1991.

140 f II. ABUI STEIN was born about 1993.

141 f III. JESSICA STEIN was born about 1993.

Family of Tracey Stein and Scott Brown 91. Tracey Stein is the daughter of Albert Stein (54) and Phyllis Dart. She married Scott Brown.

- 34 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Fifth Generation

Family of David Galowich and Dana Vecihoia 92. David H. Galowich was born on January 26, 1960. He is the son of Jerald Sanford Galowich (55) and Deanna Silverbrand. He married Dana Vecihoia. Children of David H Galowich and Dana Vecihoia:

142 m I. JUSTIN PARKER GALOWICH was born on June 15, 1996.

Family of Lynne Galowich and Jeremy Page 93. Lynne Galowich was born on July 6, 1962. She is the daughter of Jerald Sanford Galowich (55) and Deanna Silverbrand. She married Jeremy Page. As of 1996, they lived in Coral Gables, Florida. Children of Lynne Galowich and Jeremy Page:


Family of Jeffrey and Joni Galowich 94. Jeffrey A. Galowich was born on September 20, 1959. He is the son of Ronald H. Galowich (56) and Eleanor Galowich. His wife’s first name is Joni. Children of Jeffrey and Joni Galowich:


Family of Robert and LeeAnn Galowich 95. Robert Galowich is the son of Ronald H. Galowich (56) and Eleanor Galowich. His wife’s first name is LeeAnn. Children of Robert and LeeAnn Galowich:


Pam Galowich 96. Pam Galowich is the daughter of Ronald H. Galowich (56) and Eleanor.

Brent Bandalin 97. Brent Bandalin was born about 1948. He is the son of Allen Clyde Bandalin (58) and Dolores Jacqueline Herdan.

Craig Bandalin 98. Craig S. Bandalin was born on March 5, 1954. He is the son of Allen Clyde Bandalin (58) and Dolores Jacqueline Herdan. In 1980, Craig was living in San Rafael, California.

Keith Bandalin 99. Keith Bandalin is the son of Allen Clyde Bandalin (58) and Dolores Jacqueline Herdan.

Lisa Neumann 100. Lisa Neumann is the daughter of Howard Neumann (63) and Mira Neumann.

Michael Neumann 101. Michael Neumann is the son of Howard Neumann (63) and Mira Neumann.

- 35 - FIfth Generation

Seth Neumann 102. Seth Neumann is the son of Howard Neumann (63) and Mira Neumann.

Adam Gelfold 103. Adam Gelfold is the son of Mark Gelfold and Barbara Neumann (64).

Dana Gelfold 104. Dana Gelfold is the son of Mark Gelfold and Barbara Neumann (64).

Steven Sabath 105. Steven Sabath is the son of Maurice Jay Sabath (65) and Ema Sabath.

Family of Elizabeth Sabath and David Meyer 106. Elizabeth Sabath is the daughter of Maurice Jay Sabath (65) and Ema. She married David Meyer.

Brian Sabath 107. Brian Sabath is the son of Maurice Jay Sabath (65) and Ema Sabath.

Kenneth Sabath 108. Kenneth Sabath is the son of Maurice Jay Sabath (65) and Ema Sabath.

Family of Robin Sabath and Andrew Rosenthal 109. Robin Sabath is the daughter of Allen J. Sabath (66) and Bunny Sabath. She married Andrew Rosenthal. Children of Robin Sabath and Andrew Rosenthal:


Susan Sabath 110. Susan Sabath is the daughter of Allen J. Sabath (66) and Bunny Sabath.

Family of Maralee Sabath and Edward Wicks 111. Maralee Sabath is the daughter of Allen J. Sabath (66) and Bunny Sabath. She married Edward Wicks. Children of Maralee Sabath and Edward Wicks:



Family of Dana Sabath and Steven Brown 112. Dana Sabath is the daughter of Allen J. Sabath (66) and Bunny. She married Steven Brown. Children of Dana Sabath and Steven Brown:



Diana Graham 113. Diana Graham is the daughter of James Graham and Bonnie Benjamin (67).

- 36 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Amy Graham 114. Amy Graham is the daughter of James Graham and Bonnie Benjamin (67).

Aaron Graham 115. Aaron Graham is the son of James Graham and Bonnie Benjamin (67).

Michael Benjamin 116. Michael Benjamin is the son of Wayne Benjamin (68) and Susan Benjamin.

David Benjamin 117. David Benjamin is the son of Wayne Benjamin (68) and Susan.

Michelle Warren 118. Michelle Warren is the daughter of Jeffrey Warren (70) and Monica.

Rachel Basofin 119. Rachel Basofin is the daughter of Richard Basofin and Deanne Warren (72).

Joshua Basofin 120. Joshua Basofin is the son of Richard Basofin and Deanne Warren (72).

Daniel Goldman 121. Daniel Goldman was born in 1982. He is the son of Gary Goldman and Deborah Benjamin (74).

Jaclyn Goldman 122. Jaclyn Goldman was born in 1986. She is the daughter of Gary Goldman and Deborah Benjamin (74).

Jeffrey Benjamin 123. Jeffrey David Benjamin is the son of Lawrence D. Benjamin (75) and Arlene Benjamin.

Alan Benjamin 124. Alan Edward Benjamin is the son of Lawrence D. Benjamin (75) and Arlene Benjamin.

Family of Renee Friedman and Kenneth Williams 125. Renee Friedman was born on August 25, 1962. She is the daughter of Laurence R. Friedman (76) and Maxine Freeman. Renee married Kenneth B. Williams on July 25, 1992, in Dallas, Texas. Children of Renee Friedman and Kenneth B. Williams:

151 f I. ERIN NICOLE WILLIAMS was born in Dallas, Texas, on July 21, 1994.

152 f II. HANNAH RACHEL WILLIAMS was born in Dallas on July 21, 1994.

Ellyn Friedman 126. Ellyn L. Friedman was born on August 25, 1966. She is the daughter of Laurence R. Friedman (76) and Maxine Freeman.

- 37 - FIfth Generation

Richard Friedman 127. Richard Lee Friedman was born on December 6, 1968. He is the son of Laurence R. Friedman (76) and Maxine Freeman.

Dana Sorman 128. Dana Lee Sorman was born on June 27, 1981. He is the son of Richard J. Sorman and Laurel Renee Benjamin (79).

Zachary Sorman 129. Zachary Lea Sorman was born on August 13, 1985. He is the son of Richard J. Sorman and Laurel Renee Benjamin (79).

Jeffrey Benjamin 130. Jeffrey Louis Benjamin was born on November 12, 1989. He is the son of Neil Louis Benjamin (80) and Patrice Schnoebling.

Jeremy Benjamin 131. Jeremy Ian Benjamin was born on October 23, 1991. He is the son of Neil Louis Benjamin (80) and Patrice Schnoebling.

Jordan Benjamin 132. Jordan Lee Benjamin was born on February 28, 1994. He is the son of Neil Louis Benjamin (80) and Patrice Schnoebling.

Family of Robert Frank and Kimberly Selzer 133. Robert Elliot Frank was born on January 13, 1971. He is the son of Howard Jay Frank (81) and Judith Lynn Rubin. Robert married Kimberly Yvonne Selzer on June 8, 1997.

Family of Gary Frank and Kimberly Mills 134. Gary Michael Frank was born on March 4, 1974. He is the son of Howard Jay Frank (81) and Judith Lynn Rubin. Gary married Kimberly Lynn Mills on, May 24, 1998. They currently live in Dallas, Texas. Children of Gary Michael Frank and Kimberly Lynn Mills:

153 f I. ALYSSA ROSE FRANK was born on February 18, 2002.

Evan Frank 135. Evan Scott Frank was born on July 28, 1994. He is the son of Richard Alan Frank (83) and Linda Ellen Sanders.

- 38 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Rachel Birnbaum 136. Rachel Naomi Birnbaum was born on October 14, 1989 in Yuty, Paraguay and adopted by Arlene Harriet Birnbaum (84) in Minneapolis on May 24, 1990. Rachel’s name at birth was Noemi Maciel. Her birth mother is Agustina Maciel.

Family of Rachel Birnbaum and Mickey Beaty Rachel Naomi Birnbaum married Mickey Dean Beaty, who is also known as Sonny, on August 6, 2010, in Minneapolis. Children of Rachel Naomi Birnbaum and Mickey Dean Beaty:

154 f I. AUBREY NICOLE BEATY was born in Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, on December 14, 2009.

Family of Rachel Birnbaum and Derek Stevens Children of Rachel Naomi Birnbaum and Derek Cameron Stevens:

155 f I. AVA RAYE BEATY was born in Fridley, Minnesota on October 25, 2013.

Family of Rachel Birnbaum and Alex Tahedl Children of Rachel Naomi Birnbaum and Alex Tahedl:

156 m II. ASHTON CARTER TAHEDL was born in Fridley, Minnesota on April 1, 2016.

Family of Benjamin Birnbaum and Jennifer Klein 137. Benjamin Edward Birnbaum was born on October 1, 1983 in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. He is the son of Stanley Howard Birnbaum (85) and Janet Alice Noble. Benjamin married Jennifer Michelle Klein on September 6, 2014 in Brooklyn, New York. Children of Benjamin Edward Birnbaum and Jennifer Michelle Klein: 157 f I. JAY CHARLOTTE BIRNBAUM was born in Brooklyn, New York on March 12, 2017.

Sarah Birnbaum 138. Sarah Elizabeth Birnbaum was born on March 7, 1994 in Minneapolis. She is the daughter of Stanley Howard Birnbaum (85) and Sharon Marie Klaers.

Jordan Stein 139. Jordan Stein was born about 1991. She is the daughter of Steven Stein (90) and Bonnie Stein.

Abui Stein 140. Abui Stein was born about 1993. She is the daughter of Steven Stein (90) and Bonnie Stein.

Jessica Stein 141. Jessica Stein was born about 1993. She is the daughter of Steven Stein (90) and Bonnie Stein.

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The Descendants of Jacob Benjamin and Chaya

Sixth Generation

Justin Galowich 142. Justin Parker Galowich was born on June 15, 1996. He is the son of David H. Galowich (92) and Dana Vecihoia.

Marissa Page 143. Marissa Haley Page is the daughter of Jeremy Page and Lynne Galowich (93).

Adam Galowich 144. Adam Patrick Galowich is the son of Jeffrey A. Galowich (94) and Joni Galowich.

Rachel Galowich 145. Rachel Faye Galowich is the daughter of Robert Galowich (95) and LeeAnn Galowich.

Noah Rosenthal 146. Noah Rosenthal is the son of Andrew Rosenthal and Robin Sabath (109).

Jennifer Wicks 147. Jennifer Wicks is the daughter of Edward Wicks and Maralee Sabath (111).

Jamie Wicks 148. Jamie Wicks is the son of Edward Wicks and Maralee Sabath (111).

Andrew Brown 149. Andrew Brown is the son of Steven Brown and Dana Sabath (112).

Susan Brown 150. Susan Brown is the daughter of Steven Brown and Dana Sabath (112).

Erin Williams 151. Erin Nicole Williams was born on July 21, 1994 in Dallas, Texas. She is the daughter of Kenneth B. Williams and Renee Friedman (125).

Hannah Williams 152. Hannah Rachel Williams was born on July 21, 1994, in Dallas, Texas. She is the daughter of Kenneth B. Williams and Renee Friedman (125).

Alyssa Frank 153. Alyssa Rose Frank was born on February 18, 2002. She is the daughter of Gary Michael Frank (134) and Kimberly Lynn Mills.

Aubrey Beaty 154. Aubrey Nicole Beaty was born on December 14, 2009, in Minneapolis. She is the daughter of Mickey Dean Beaty and Rachel Naomi Birnbaum (136).

- 41 - Sixth Generation

Ava Beaty 155. Ava Raye Beaty was born on October 25, 2013. She is the daughter of Rachel Naomi Birnbaum (136) and Derek Cameron Stevens. Ava’s name was subsequently changed to Ave Raye Stevens.

Ashton Tahedl 156. Ashton Carter Tahedl was born on April 5, 2015. He is the son of Rachel Naomi Birnbaum (136) and Alex Tahedl.

Jay Birnbaum 157. Jay Charlotte Birnbaum was born on March 12, 2017, in Brooklyn, New York. She is the daughter of Benjamin Edward Birnbaum (137) and Jennifer Michelle Klein.

- 42 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Index of Individuals This index lists all persons by their name at birth, that is, the first name provided in the text. Different fonts are used as follows: • The boldface page number is for the primary listing for each person. • Entries in italics go with their children’s primary listing. The plain entry (neither italics nor boldface) correspond to the parents’ primary listing Adler Anna Chanshe (ca.1909–1963) ...... 21, 27 Harriet (ca.1937–) ...... 21, 27 Harriette S. (1923–2013) ...... 18, 25, 31 Bandalin Harry Samuel (1891–1942) ...... 14, 20, 26, 27 Allen Clyde (1928–2001) ...... 23, 29, 35 Ida ...... 11, 15, 21 Ben (1872–1943) ...... 17, 23, 24 Ida C. (1905–1999) ...... 18, 24, 30 Brent (ca.1948–) ...... 29, 35 Irene S. (1940–1999) ...... 21, 27 Craig S. (1954–) ...... 29, 35 Irwin Jerome (1912–2004) ...... 19, 25, 32 Felice (1934–) ...... 23, 29 Isaac (Isadore Benjamin) (1905–1996) ...... 14, 21 Flora L. (ca.1939–) ...... 23, 29 Isadore (1905–1996) ...... 14, 21, 27 Gertrude (ca.1916–) ...... 17, 24 Isadore (1908–2004) ...... 18, 24, 31 Harry (1909–1993) ...... 17, 23, 29, 30 Itta (Ida Benjamin) ...... 11 Jacob (1900–1984) ...... 17, 23, 29 Jack (Jerome A. Benjamin) (1890–1975) .. 14, 19, 21 Keith ...... 29, 35 Jacob ...... 11, 13, 14, 15 Nettie (1912–1990) ...... 17, 24, 30 Jacob (Julian Benjamin) (1900–1984) ...... 14, 21 Ronald Jay (1933–2016) ...... 23, 29 Jeffrey David ...... 32, 37 Roy (1903–1977) ...... 17, 23, 29 Jeffrey Louis (1989–) ...... 33, 38 Toby Ann (ca.1939–) ...... 23, 30 Jeremy Ian (1991–) ...... 33, 38 Basofin Jerome Albert (1890–1975) ...... 14, 19, 21, 26 Jordan Lee (1994–) ...... 33, 38 Joshua ...... 31, 37 Julian (1900–1984) ...... 14, 21 Rachel ...... 31, 37 Julius (1882–1954) ...... 14, 19, 25 Richard ...... 31, 37 Laurel Renee (1950–2001) ...... 26, 32, 38 Beaty Lawrence D. (ca.1938–) ...... 25, 32, 37 Aubrey Nicole (2009–) ...... 39, 41 Linda Ann ...... 25, 31 Ava Raye (2013–) ...... 39, 42 Lorraine Shirley (1920–) ...... 20, 26, 33 Mickey Dean ...... 41 Louis (1885–1949) ...... 14, 19, 25, 26 Mickey Dean (1987-) ...... 39 Mark (1925–1985) ...... 20, 26 Sonny (Mickey D. Beaty) ...... 39 Meyer (1910–1972) ...... 14, 21, 27 Meyer Aaron (1912–1986) ...... 18, 24, 31 Beiles Michael ...... 31, 37 Flora (1878–1948) ...... 19 Mike (Meyer Benjamin) (1910–1972) ...... 14, 21 Benjamin Muriel Maxine (1925–) ...... 20, 27, 33, 34 Neil Louis (1955–) ...... 26, 33, 38 Aaron (1868–1936) ...... 11, 14, 19, 20, 21 Rachel ...... 11, 15 Abraham (1879–1927) ...... 14, 17, 24, 25 Rebecca (1874–1935) ...... 14, 17, 23 Alan Edward ...... 32, 37 Robert Myron (1909–1965) ...... 19, 25, 31, 32 Anita ...... 24, 31 Samuel (Sheftel Benjamin) (1851–1913) ...... 11, 13 Annie (ca.1878–1939) ...... 14, 17, 23, 24 Sarah (ca.1873–1943) ...... 11, 15, 21 Bertha (1897–1946) ...... 14, 19, 21, 26 Sheftel (1851–1913) ...... 11, 13, 17, 19, 20 Bonnie (1942–2006) ...... 24, 31, 36, 37 Shirley (1919–) ...... 19, 26, 32 Chaya Irene (1894–1970) ...... 20 Stanley Weiss (1912–1996) ...... 19, 25 Clara (1894–1933) ...... 14, 20 Tova ...... 11, 15, 21 Clara Irene (1894–1970) ...... 14, 20, 27 Wayne ...... 24, 31, 37 David ...... 31, 37 Yankel (1890–1975) ...... 19 Deborah ...... 25, 32, 37 Dennia (Annie Benjamin) (ca.1878–1939) ...... 14, 17 Birnbaum Edward (1920–1999) ...... 20, 26 Arlene Harriet (1949–) ...... 27, 33, 39 Edward (Isadore Benjamin) (1908–2004) ...... 18, 24 Benjamin Edward (1983–) ...... 34, 39, 42 Frances (1923–) ...... 20, 26 Debra Hope (1954–) ...... 27, 34 Frederick (Fredrich M. Benjamin) (1922–2012) ..... 26 Jay Charlotte (2017–) ...... 39, 42 Frederick (Mortimer Benjamin) (1922–2012) ...... 19 Lori Helene (1958–) ...... 27, 34 Fredrich Mortimer (1922–2012) ...... 26, 32, 33 Melvin (1924–2007) ...... 27, 33, 34 Fredrick Mortimer (1922–2012) ...... 19 Rachel Naomi (1989–) ...... 33, 39, 41, 42 Germaine (1914–2007) ...... 19, 25, 32 Sarah Elizabeth (1994–) ...... 34, 39 Hannah ...... 11, 15, 22 Stanley Howard (1951–) ...... 27, 34, 39

- 43 - Index of Individuals

Blumenthal Gelfold Clara ...... 15, 22 Adam ...... 30, 36 Florence ...... 15, 22 Dana ...... 30, 36 Jacob ...... 15, 22 Mark ...... 30, 36 Joseph ...... 15, 22 Gilead Brown Gabriel (1922–2015) ...... 26 Andrew ...... 36, 41 Scott ...... 34 Goldman Steven ...... 36, 41 Daniel (1982–) ...... 32, 37 Susan ...... 36, 41 Gary ...... 32, 37 Jaclyn (1986–) ...... 32, 37 Chandler Martha Yvonne (1926–1991) ...... 27, 34 Graham Aaron ...... 31, 37 Cohen Amy ...... 31, 37 Henrietta (ca.1906–) ...... 21, 27, 28 Diana ...... 31, 36 Rachel (1883–1969) ...... 18, 24, 25 James ...... 31, 36, 37 Ray (Rachel Cohen) (1883–1969) ...... 18 Herdan Cohn Dolores Jacqueline (1928–2010) ...... 29, 35 Bernard (1910–) ...... 26, 32 Jeffrey (1942–) ...... 26, 32 Kahn Leah Rella (1913–2007) ...... 23, 29 Dart Phyllis (1944–) ...... 28, 34 Kaplan Hyman ...... 15, 21 Dubin Leona (1906–1998) ...... 23, 29 Bertha ...... 24, 31 Klaers Esserman Sharon Marie (1955–) ...... 34, 39 Rochelle Diane (1928–) ...... 26, 32, 33 Klein Frank Jennifer Michelle (1985–) ...... 39, 42 Alyssa Rose (2002–) ...... 38, 41 Evan Scott (1994–) ...... 33, 38 Lapovsky Gary Michael (1974–) ...... 33, 38, 41 Morris ...... 15 Howard Jay (1943–) ...... 26, 33, 38 Leibovitz Marilyn Denise (1947–) ...... 26, 33 Florence (1911–2005) ...... 24, 31 Mira (1947–) ...... 33 Richard Alan (1954–) ...... 26, 33, 38 Lemer Robert Elliot (1971–) ...... 33, 38 Steven (1955–) ...... 31 Stanley Herbert ...... 26, 33 Levin Freeman Simmy (ca.1905–) ...... 23, 29 Maxine (1939–) ...... 32, 37, 38 Levy Friedman Sam ...... 26 Ellyn L. (1966–) ...... 32, 37 Elmer (1912–2007) ...... 25, 32 Maciel Judith Ann (1940–) ...... 25, 32 Augustina ...... 33, 39 Laurence R. (1937–) ...... 25, 32, 37 Noemi ...... 33, 39 Laurence R’.(1937–) ...... 38 Marek Renee (1962–) ...... 32, 37, 41 Jacob ...... 15, 21 Richard Lee (1968–) ...... 32, 38 Martin ...... 15, 21 Galowich Meyer Adam Patrick ...... 35, 41 David ...... 36 David H. (1960–) ...... 29, 35, 41 Jacob (1866–1929) ...... 17, 23 Mills Jeffrey A. (1959–) ...... 29, 35, 41 Kimberly Lynn ...... 38, 41 Jerald Sanford (1936–1975) ...... 23, 29, 35 Justin Parker (1996–) ...... 35, 41 Nathan Leopold J. (1904–1982) ...... 17, 23, 29 Libby (1884–1918) ...... 19, 25 Louis (Leopold L. Galowich) (1904–1982) ...... 23 Neumann Lynne (1962–) ...... 29, 35, 41 Baby girl (1945–1945) ...... 24, 30 Pam ...... 29, 35 Barbara ...... 24, 30, 36 Rachel Faye ...... 35, 41 Howard ...... 24, 30, 35, 36 Robert ...... 29, 35, 41 Lisa ...... 30, 35 Ronald H. (1936–) ...... 23, 29, 35

- 44 - The Descendants of Jacob and Chaya Benjamin

Michael ...... 30, 35 Silverbrand Seth ...... 30, 36 Deanna (1938–) ...... 29, 35 Werner Benno (1913–1984)...... 24, 30 Silverman Noble Martin (1934–) ...... 29 Janet Alice (1944–2011) ...... 34, 39 Solomon Page Seymour ...... 27 Jeremy ...... 35, 41 Marissa Haley ...... 35, 41 Sorman Dana Lee (1981–) ...... 32, 38 Perlman Richard J. (1949–) ...... 32, 38 Peter ...... 31 Zachary Lea (1985–) ...... 32, 38 Peskind Stein Etta (1871–1914) ...... 14, 19, 20, 21 Abui (ca.1993–) ...... 34, 39 Pestine Albert (1933–) ...... 21, 28, 34 Avrum ...... 15, 21 Selma (1915–2004) ...... 21, 27 Doris (ca.1928–) ...... 21, 27 Rady Jacob (ca.1897–) ...... 15, 21, 27, 28 Elsa Harriet (1916–1998) ...... 25, 31, 32 Jessica (ca.1993–) ...... 34, 39 Jordan (ca.1991–) ...... 34, 39 Rose Steven ...... 28, 34, 39 Shana (Renee Weiss) (1888–1961) ...... 19 Tracey ...... 28, 34 Rosenthal Steiner Andrew ...... 36, 41 Diane ...... 27 Noah ...... 36, 41 Stevens Rubin Ava Raye (2013–) ...... 42 Judith Lynn ...... 33, 38 Derek Cameron (1977-) ...... 39 Sabath Derek Cameron (1977–) ...... 42 Allen J...... 24, 30, 36 Tahedl Brian ...... 30, 36 Alex ...... 42 Dana ...... 30, 36, 41 Ashton Carter (2015–) ...... 39, 42 Edwin Jay (1907–1981) ...... 24, 30 Elizabeth ...... 30, 36 Taheld Kenneth ...... 30, 36 Alex ...... 39 Maralee ...... 30, 36, 41 Tripp Maurice Jay (1933–) ...... 24, 30, 36 Robin ...... 30, 36, 41 William Karl ...... 33 Steven ...... 30, 36 Vecihoia Susan ...... 30, 36 Dana ...... 35, 41 Sanders Walcsak Linda Ellen (1955–) ...... 33, 38 Rose (1894–1983) ...... 20, 26, 27 Schnaer Warren Carl Henry (1885–1958) ...... 20, 27 Deanne ...... 25, 31, 37 David Lynn (1951–1993) ...... 27, 34 Harold ...... 25, 31 Elmer (1922–2013) ...... 20, 27 Jeffrey (1950–) ...... 25, 31, 37 Harvey Sherman (1919–2008) ...... 20, 27, 34 Marcy A. (1954–) ...... 25, 31 Michael ...... 27, 34 Michelle ...... 31, 37 Schnoebling Waterstone Patrice (1952–) ...... 33, 38 Debra Hope (Debra Hope Birnbaum, 1954-) ...... 34 Schwartz Weiss Molly (1920–1985) ...... 25, 32 Renee (1888–1961) ...... 19, 25, 26 Selzer Wicks Kimberly Yvonne (1973–) ...... 38 Edward ...... 36, 41 Sherbourne Jamie ...... 36, 41 Janet (Janet A. Noble, 1944–2011) ...... 34 Jennifer ...... 36, 41 Siegal Williams Erin Nicole (1994–) ...... 37, 41 Rose (1894–1983) ...... 20 Hannah Rachel (1994–) ...... 37, 41 Kenneth B. (1962–) ...... 37, 41

- 45 - Index of Individuals

Yavner Fanny (Feige Yavner) (1852–1928) ...... 13 Feige (1852–1928) ...... 13, 17, 19, 20

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