Conformational analysis of molecular chains using Nano-Kinematics y z Dinesh Mano cha Yunshan Zhu William Wright Computer Science Department UniversityofNorth Carolina Chap el Hill, NC 27599-317 5 fmano cha,zhu,
[email protected] Fax: 919962-179 9 Abstract: We present algorithms for 3-D manipulation and conformational analysis of molecular chains, when b ond length, b ond angles and related dihedral angles remain xed. These algorithms are useful for lo cal deformations of linear molecules, exact ring closure in cyclic molecules and molecular emb edding for short chains. Other p ossible applications include structure prediction, protein folding, conformation energy analysis and 3D molecular matching and do cking. The algo- rithms are applicable to all serial molecular chains and make no asssumptions ab out their geometry. We make use of results on direct and inverse kinematics from rob otics and mechanics literature and show the corresp ondence b etween kinematics and conformational analysis of molecules. In particular, we p ose these problems algebraically and compute all the solutions making use of the structure of these equations and matrix computations. The algorithms have b een implemented and p erform well in practice. In particular, they take tens of milliseconds on currentworkstations for lo cal deformations and chain closures on molecular chains consisting of six or fewer rotatable dihedral angles. Categories: 3D Protein Mo deling, 3D Molecular Matching and Do cking, Multiple alignmentof genetic sequences Supp orted in part