The line begins in Ireland, in a desert island, where it is said that the Archangel appeared to St. Patrick , to help him free his country from the Devil. It is where the first The sacred line continues into France, on monastey rises, that of Skelling Michael. another famous island: Mont Saint-Michel. It is Since the year 1400 B.C. it is possible to also among the places where the legend says that find historical references of the island, that St. Michel appeared. The Sanctuary that rises is also mentioned in the legends. on the coast of Normandy is a religious jewel

of architecture, belonging to the medieval epoch.

The long history of Mont Saint-Michel began

in the year 709 when, according to the legend, Then the line heads the Archangel appeared to the bishop of right towards Auranches, Saint Aubert, summoning him to south and stops in build a church on the ground. England, to Saint A mysterious imaginary linear way unites The works had begun, but not until the year Michael’s Mount. seven monasteries devoted to Michael the 900 Benedictine was built. The land It is an island in work quickly became an important place of Archangel, from Ireland to Israel. Cornwall that The Sacred Line of Saint Michael the pilgrimage. unites to the Archangel is, according to the legend, the tip mainland when of the sword that the Saint inflicted into there is low tide. the Devil in order to send him back to hell. Here it is believed The disposal on the line of these sanctuaries that Saint Michael is amazing. We find the three most talked to a group important sites: Mont Saint Michel, Sacra of fishermen, therefore the di San Michele and Monte Sant’Angelo; all wanted to devote an abbey in his name. have the same distance among each other.

Thousand kilometers far away, in Val di Susa, From Italy, the trace of the Archangel , arises the fourth sanctuary, the goes to the sixth sanctuary in Greece, into “Sacra di San Michele”. The gothic-romanic Symi Island. Sanctuary, that today recives visitors onto It is famous Pirchiriano Mount, had been built and altered worldwide for during many centuries. The construction of the the Monastery abbey started in the year into the village 1000 A.D. and over the of Panormitis, centuries new structures devoted to Michael. The Monastery, as were added, such as the we see it today, demonstrates a pure guest house, because this Venetian style, but the bell tower in a sacred place lies on the path of pilgrims that Baroque style. The inside of the Monastery used to walk on the . keeps a silvery effigy of the Saint 3 meters high, one of the biggest in the whole world.

Another thousand kilometers away, following a straight line, we get to an inhospitable cave in Gargano’s headland, The sacred line ends in Israel, on Mount Apulia, that became a Carmelo into Haifa, a venerated place since sacred place. The ancient times. The construction of the Sanctuary devoted to sanctuary as Christian and Catholic Saint Michael is the oldest of western Europe belongs to the XIIe century. and has been an important place for pilgrims, since the beginning of the Middle Age.

Liceo “C. Poerio” CAI - Foggia

Corso Roma,1 – Foggia Via G. Imperiale, 51