by Andrew Chase Wallace

The primary purpose of this investigation was to determine if the addition of moderate- intensity cycling to a running training regimen would improve running performance. Subjects with at least 6 months of running 15 miles per week or more, were matched based on three (3) kilometer time trial performance then randomized into the control or experimental group.In thirteen (13) subjects M/F= 8/5, age=20.5±1.61yrs; body mass: 61.2±7.9kg; VO2 max: 58.1±11.1 ml/kg/min; average weekly mileage 33.2±18.5 miles; three (3) kilometer time trial: 654.4±93.8 sec. These measurements were taken pre and post intervention. The control group didn’t change their training regiment, whereas the experimental group incorporated 3 hours of moderate-intensity cycling (10-13 RPE) per week to their normal training regimen for 6 weeks. Three (3) kilometer time trial performance improved compared to baseline (p=.036) in the experimental group, but was not significantly different from the control group at pre- or post-intervention. Our findings show a potential benefit of adding moderate-intensity cycling to run training in improving running performance. More research is needed with a larger sample size to better define the influence of cycling on running performance.



Submitted to the

Faculty of Miami University

in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Masters of Science in Kinesiology and Health


Andrew Chase Wallace

Miami University

Oxford, Ohio


Advisor: Dr. Ronald Cox

Reader: Dr. Kyle Timmerman

Reader: Dr. Kevin Ballard

©2019 Andrew Chase Wallace

This Thesis titled



Andrew Chase Wallace

has been approved for publication by

The School of Education, Health, and Society


Department of Kinesiology and Health

______Ronald Cox

______Kyle Timmerman

______Kevin Ballard

Table of Contents

Introduction 1 Methods 2 Results 4 Discussion 5 References 6


List of Tables

Table 1. Subject’s descriptive statistics 2

Table 2. Control and Experimental Group Data 4


List of Figures

Figure 1. Individual Three (3) Kilometer Performances 4



I would like to thank the subjects and my committee for the time and effort they put into this investigation.


Moderate Intensity Cycling Training Effects on Running Performance

The sport of running has been increasing in popularity since the early 1980’s and, according to runningusa.org statistics, there were 18.75 million race finishers in 2015. While there are runners that use races as an aid to finish a certain distance, or to stay motivated, many use races as benchmarks to see if they improve their completion/finishing times for that distance. For those who use races to determine if they are getting faster or better as a runner, training is important and these runners want to know what will help them meet their goals.

One of the more common ways to improve performance is to increase the volume of aerobic training. A larger aerobic training volume improves race performance (Barnes, 2014). However, the drawback to the higher training load is a higher risk of injury. Athletes who run more than 40 miles a week increase their relative risk of injury to 2.88 (Walter, 1989) versus 1.36-1.52 for those who train with fewer than 40 miles a week (Colbert, 2000). Due to the increased risk of injury, athletes look for other methods to increase training volume without increasing their injury risk. One of these methods is cycling due to its lower impact on the body and similar aerobic challenge to running.

Cycling improves maximum uptake (VO2 max) (Coyle 2005, Etxebarria 2013, Kavaliauskas 2015), a factor directly correlated to running performance. Studies show that high- intensity cycling improves VO2 max (Coyle et. al. 2005). However, most runners who incorporate cycling do so at a moderate intensity. The addition of moderate-intensity cycling has not been investigated thoroughly for its effects on VO2 max or running performance. Eyestone et al. (1993) examined VO2max and 2 mile run time in 32 college-aged men before and after 6 weeks of cycle training. While the study did look at running performance and VO2 max, the experimental condition was cycling training alone and was not an additional training load on top of a running regimen. The participants did not differ significantly from the control. Kavaliauskas et al. (2015) studied 10 men and 14 women who ran ≥25 miles/week and added high-intensity cycling to their running regimen, and found the high intensity cycling improved the participants three kilometer run time. With the studies showing high intensity cycling can improve running performance, but very little research looking at moderate intensity, this leaves the question; will the added aerobic volume of cycling at a moderate intensity improve an athlete’s running performance?

The primary purpose of this study is to determine if continuous moderate-intensity cycling improves running performance. We hypothesized that the addition of moderate-intensity cycling to a habitual running program will improve running performance compared to pre- intervention and a control condition.




Thirteen (M-8, F-5) college-aged runners (Table 1) were recruited from club sport teams at Miami University. Participants were running a minimum of 15 miles/week over the past 6 months and averaged less than one bike ride for fitness per week. All participants had competed in a running race within the past 6 months. Participants were excluded if they had any cardiovascular risk factors, assessed by an American Heart Association health history questionnaire, injures or signs of injury, could not perform the study training program, or had competed in a triathlon within the past year.

Table 1- Subjects descriptive data at pretest


Before matched randomization of the participants into a group occurred, based on their three (3) kilometer time trial performance. The participants individually completed the first of two rounds of testing. In addition the subjects answered a training/running experience questionnaire and had height and weight measured. The subjects were tested for their VO2max and performed a three (3) kilometer time trial before the 6 weeks of cycle training. VO2max and time trial performance were re-assessed following completion of the 6 week study.

The VO2max test was performed on a motor driven treadmill, heart rate was measured by a Polar heart rate strap, and VO2 was determined using a ParvoMedics TrueOne 2400 metabolic system. All participants performed a self-selected 10 minute warm up. The incremental treadmill test was a performance protocol which started at the subject’s self-reported average weekly mile pace at a 1% incline and was increased by 0.5 mile per hour (until 10k pace) and/or a half-degree every minute. A minimum of two or more of the following criteria were met for

2 the test to be considered valid: plateau in VO2 (ml/kg/min) with increasing work rate; voluntary exhaustion; respiratory exchange ratio ≥1.1; rating of perceived exertion ≥18 on the Borg scale; and/or heart rate ±10 bpm of age predicted max. Participants were asked to abstain from vigorous and to eat their typical pre-race meals for the 24 hours prior to the test. The VO2max test data was also used to obtain ventilatory threshold(%of VO2 max) with the V-slope method, this was used as a correlated measure for lactate threshold.

At least 48 hours after the VO2max test, the 3 kilometer time trial was conducted on an outdoor 400-meter track. The 3 kilometer distance was chosen due to all subjects being familiar with the distance and to reduce the learning effect of pacing. A treadmill was not used due to some subjects exceeding the maximum speed of the treadmill for portions of the time trial as well as allowing the subjects to focus on running and not the adjustment of the treadmill. Subject’s performance was determined by the same researcher for each participant using a hand timer. Environmental factors (i.e., wind speed, direction, and temperature) were recorded. When possible, post-intervention three (3) Kilometer testing was done at the same time of day with weather conditions matched as similarly as possible. Two rounds of testing were performed, one from mid-September to early November and the other from early March to mid-April.


Following baseline testing, the intervention group completed 6 weeks of cycle training. During the training period, all subjects kept a daily training log. The control group continued running their current weekly mileage +or-10% per week and maintained a similar intensity level. The experimental group continued with their current mileage +or-10% and intensity. The experimental group added cycling sessions at the University’s Recreational facility. Week one of cycle training consisted of adding 3 sessions of 30 minutes, week two increased to 45 minutes per session, and weeks three through six increased to 1 hour per session. Subjects were instructed to ride at an RPE of 10-13 on the Borg scale.

Statistical Analysis

A 2x2 ANOVA was performed on IBM SPSS version 25 and an alpha set to 0.05 to test for differences within and between the two groups. All data was examined for normality and homogeneity of variance.



No significant differences between groups were detected at pre- (Table 1) or post-testing. Pre- to post-test within groups showed a significant improvement in three (3) kilometer time trial performance (p=.036) in the experimental group (Table 2; Figure 1). The control group had no significant differences from pre- to post-testing.

Table 2- Control and experimental group data Bold-p≤.05 compared to same group pretest

Figure 1- Individual 3 kilometer time trial performance from pretest to post-test


Discussion In our study, we found that from pre- to post- testing there was improvement of on average nine (9) seconds in running performance measured by the three (3) kilometer time trial in the experimental group. However, neither the control or experimental groups saw change in VO2 max or ventilatory threshold. Because there was no change observed in these variables, it was concluded that these two factors did not likely contribute to any observed change in running performance. Running performance is affected by many variables. , VO2 max, and Lactate threshold are the three main physiological factors that affect aerobic running performance (Joyner 1991, Billat et. al. 2001,Noakes et. al. 1990). These factors can explain about 70% of between-subject variation in long distance running (di Prampero, 1986). Running performance can be influenced by the environment, biomechanics of the runner, the speed at which the runner is going, as well as physiological differences between runners (Saunders, 2004). In respect to physiology, this includes muscular strength, endurance, and stiffness. One possibility for the increase in running performance for the experimental group is that the bike training increased muscular strength in the lower limbs. Biking has been shown to build strength based on isokinetic leg extension testing (Van Zant, 2007), as well as improve running performance but with higher intensity biking (Eyestone 1993). An increase in lower limb strength could be the explanation for the faster three (3) kilometer time trial for the experimental group. Although there was a significant improvement from pre- to post-test in the running performance, as measured by the three (3) kilometer time trial, of the experimental group, there was no difference when comparing the experimental group to the control group in either the pre- or post-test. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that moderate intensity cycling improved running performance over control (the run only training) group.


This study had a small number of participants with a wide range of running ability, which could have obscured detecting significant differences. This small sample size, coupled with the number of variables tested, could have limited the overall study conclusions. Future research in this area could include directly measuring running economy and muscular strength in the pre- and post-tests, running the three (3) kilometer time trial indoors to eliminate environmental differences, such as the three (3) degree difference from control to experimental groups. As well as singular running regimen for all participants.

Footnotes 1 - 3km tt abbreviated Three (3) Kilometer time trial



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