Respiratory Compensation Point During Incremental Exercise As Related to Hypoxic Ventilatory Chemosensitivity and Lactate Increase in Man
Japanese Journal of Physiology, 50, 449–455, 2000 Respiratory Compensation Point during Incremental Exercise as Related to Hypoxic Ventilatory Chemosensitivity and Lactate Increase in Man Nariko TAKANO Physiology Laboratory, Department of School Health, Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, 920–1192 Japan Abstract: The pulmonary ventilation–O up- sures were normalized for body surface area. In ~ ~ 2 take (VE-VO2) relationship during incremental ex- the males, the individual difference in RCP was ercise has two inflection points: one at a lower inversely correlated with those of HVR and V~O , termed the ventilatory threshold (VT); and Dslope (p,0.05), and in the females, similar ten- 2 ~ another at a higher VO2, the respiratory compen- dencies persisted, while the correlation did not sation point (RCP). The individuality of RCP was reach statistically significant levels (0.05,p, studied in relation to those of the chemosensitivi- 0.1). There was no significant correlation be- ties of the central and peripheral chemorecep- tween RCP and HCVR in either sex. A multiple tors, which were assessed by resting estimates linear regression analysis showed that 40 to 50% of hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR) and of the variance of RCP was accounted for by hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), respectively, those of HVR and Dslope, both of which were re- and the rate of lactic acid increase during exer- lated linearly and additively to RCP, this relation cise, which was estimated as a slope difference being manifested in the males but not in the fe- (Dslope) between a lower slope of V~CO -V~O re- males without consideration of the menstrual ~ 2 2 lationship (VCO2: CO2 output) obtained at work cycle.
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