Receipts and Disbursements (Apparent and Actual)
COMBIXED ST% YEMENT RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) THE UNITED STATES FISCAL YEAH, ENDED JUNE '30, 1894. COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS A. ND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 18N. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF WARRANTS) ESTIMATES) AND APPROPRIATIONS. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a statement of th& revenues derived by the Government from customs, internal revenue', and sales of public lands) i» each District and State, and from the various Iniscel- laneous sources, during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1894, amounting, in the aggregate, to 8297, 722, 019.25; also, a statement of' the disbursements for the same period, by appropriations, exclusive of the principal of the public debt, showing the amounts expended by each Department for "salaries, " "ordinary expenses, " "public works, " "miscellaneous, " and "unusual and extraordinary, " aggregating ~",)67, ,~&2;), 279. 83. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. V. MAOLENNAN, Chief of .Division. Ho». JoHN G. CARLIsLE) ")«retary of the Treasury. (3) States and districts. Total 1 &y d ist ricts Total by St, )tes. Gross receipts. Ded o c& iona. X& t re) e it) ts. F)rom 0((&s(oms- Maine: Aroostook 521, 18,&. ?9 Bangor 101, U&j?, 7, Bath. 21, )"&l), 4 7 Belfast. .. .. 1),3+!). 92 Castine 103. 8& I'renchman Bay. 24(). 4'& Machias . 343. -'10 P assam aquoddy. 11H, 59;&. (in Portlan&l 143, 0;),&. 59 Waldoboro. Wiscasset. 109. ;),'3 8409, 4,&8. H0 New Hampshire: Portsmouth. 113, 491. 21 Vermont. 653, 761. 58 Massachusetts: Barnstable . 60. 39 ! Boston.
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