Appendix B Polling District and Polling Station Review 2011 Proposals

Proposals for polling districts, polling places and polling stations in the Shepway District Council area following a consultation of all electors, Parish, Town, District and County Councillors for the area, MPs, MEPs, political parties who have contested elections in the area and the Acting Returning Officer.

Dylan Jeffrey Democratic Services Manager 14 November 2011

Ward: and St Mary’s Bay

Electorate: 5,298

Postals: 974

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate FA1 2,524 2,167 Dymchurch Village Hall, Dymchurch PC Orgarswick Avenue, Dymchurch, , TN29 ONX FA2 555 408 New Beach Holiday Village, Dymchurch PC Chalet 42133 Hythe Rd, Dymchurch, Kent, TN29 0JX FB 2,219 1,749 St Marys Bay Village Hall, St Mary’s Bay PC Jefferstone Lane, St Marys Bay, Romney Marsh, Kent, TN29 0SW

Returning Officer’s Comments:

No Changes proposed

Other Comments Received:

Dymchurch Parish Council : Supports current arrangements

St Mary’s Bay Parish Council : Supports current arrangements

Shepway District Councillors (Cllr. R Tillson, Cllr. T Mullard and Cllr. R Wilkins): Support current existing arrangements

Proposal: No changes to existing geographical arrangements.

To rename the Polling District names • FA1 to DSB1 • FA2 to DSB2 • FB to DSB3

Ward: Elham and Stelling Minnis

Electorate: 1,786

Postals: 460

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate AA 1,292 941 New Village Hall , Elham PC High Street , Elham , Kent , CT4 6SX AB 494 385 New Village Hall , Stelling Minnis PC Road , Stelling Minnis , Kent , CT4 6AG

Returning Officer’s Comments:

No Changes proposed

Other Comments Received:

Stelling Minnis Parish Council : Proposal to enable residents of Wheelbarrow Town, Droveway Bungalow and the Organic Nursery in Droveway to vote at New Village Hall in Stelling Minnis.

Shepway District Councillors (Cllr. P Carr): Supports current existing arrangements

Proposal: To rename the Polling District names AA to ESM1 and AB to ESM2

Ward: Cheriton

Electorate: 4,991

Postals: 1,121

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BG1 2,871 2,188 All Souls Church Hall , Folkestone Somerset Rd , Cheriton ward of Folkestone , Kent , Folkestone Town CT19 4NW Council BG2 2,120 1,682 Cadet Hall , Church Folkestone Road , Folkestone , Cheriton ward of Kent , CT20 3EL Folkestone Town Council

Returning Officer’s Comments:

To investigate better parking provision in nearby areas and lighting issues at All Souls Church Hall. No Changes proposed


To rename the Polling District names BG1 to FCH1 and BG2 to FCH2

Ward: Folkestone East

Electorate: 3,481

Postals: 617

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BA1 1.925 1.494 Wood Avenue Folkestone East Library , Wood ward of Folkestone Avenue , Folkestone , Town Council Kent , CT19 6HS BA2 1,556 1,370 Baptist Church Hall , Folkestone East Hill Road , ward of Folkestone Folkestone , Kent , Town Council CT19 6LY

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The Baptist Church Hall does have some issues about the lighting and warmth of the venue. It is proposed to investigate additional lighting and temporary heating provision at future elections.

Other Comments Received:

Shepway District Councillor A Dunning: Recognises the difficulty for some electors, such as the elderly, disabled and those who don’t drive, in being able to access their polling station. He proposes that the Baptist Church Hall is provided with a ramp to alleviate the problem of a small step at the entrance.

Folkestone Town Council : Supports the existing arrangements


To amend the existing Polling District boundaries of BA1 and BA2 to follow natural boundaries of the road at the northern point of where the two polling districts currently meet at Crete Road East and continue to the junction. No electors or properties are affected.

To rename the Polling District names BA1 to FE1 and BA2 to FE2

Ward: Folkestone Foord

Electorate: 3,970

Postals: 706

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed New (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Electorate BB1 1,648 1,350 Walmsley House , The Salvation Army 1,388 Folkestone Foord Princess Street , Hall , 75-79 ward of Folkestone Folkestone , Kent , Road , Town Council CT19 6QP Folkestone , Kent , CT19 5NL BB2 1,663 1,365 The Salvation Army 1,306 Folkestone Foord Hall , 75-79 ward of Folkestone Canterbury Road , Town Council Folkestone , Kent , CT19 5NL BB3 659 549 St Johns Church Hall , 1,276 Folkestone Foord St Johns Church ward of Folkestone Road , Folkestone , Town Council Kent , CT19 5BQ

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The current arrangements require electors from two other areas vote at different polling stations in BB1. This results in electors being forced to walk past neighbouring area polling stations prior to casting their own vote for their area. This anomaly could be somewhat mitigated by amending the polling district boundaries to ensure electors vote at their most local polling station.


To rename BB1 to FF1, BB2 to FF2 and BB3 to FF3.

To create a combine polling place at the The Salvation Army Hall , 75-79 Canterbury Road , Folkestone , Kent , CT19 5NL for FF1 and FF2.


Electorate: 3,843

Postals: 663

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BE1 2,167 1,817 Tourist Information See below See below Folkestone Harbour Centre , Tram Road ward of Folkestone Car Park , Tram Town Council Road , Folkestone , Kent , CT20 1QN BE2 1,676 1,363 Philippa House , See below See below Folkestone Harbour Warren Road , ward of Folkestone Folkestone , Kent , Town Council CT19 6DW

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The current arrangements require electors in BE1 to walk a considerable distance, if they do not drive, down steep inclines to cast their vote at the former Tourist information Centre in Tram Road Car Park. This particular polling district has the lowest turnout of any in Shepway and this is a clear indication of one of the reasons why. Previously the reverse situation was true when the polling station was at the very top of the hill not making voting easier for those at the bottom when Pembroke House was utilised as a polling station until 2005. A more suitable arrangement would be to split BE1 into two enabling electors to vote at an accessible local location.

Other Comments:

Kent County Councillor Roland Tolputt: Does not support the use of the Tourist Information Centre on Tram Road being used as a polling station for electors in the northern part of BE1 polling district. Would like an additional polling station in the northern part of the existing polling district of BE1 near the Dover Road shopping area.


To amend the name of polling district BE2 to FH3.

To amend polling district BE1 into two new polling districts, FH2 and FH3. FH1 will incorporate the southern end namely, Dyke Road, East Cliff Gardens, East Street, Elmstead Place, Fishmarket, Harbour Way, London Street, North Street, Radnor Street, Saffrons Place, St Michael’s Street, The Durlocks, The Stade, Tontine Street and the southern end of Tram Road (London Place, Sunnyside Place and Sunnyside Villas).

The remainder of the properties in BE1 will create FH2 and vote at a new polling station in the polling district at Pembroke Court. This venue has previously been a polling station for elections in the Folkestone Harbour area.

BE2 will be renamed FH3

New PD and Parish New Total Electorate Polling Place (e.g. a Parish Poll) FH1 941 Tourist Information Centre , Tram Road Car Park , Tram Road , Folkestone , Kent , Folkestone Harbour CT20 1QN ward of Folkestone Town Council FH2 1,226 Pembroke Court, Dover Road, Folkestone, Kent. Folkestone Harbour ward of Folkestone Town Council FH3 1,676 Philippa House , Warren Road , Folkestone , Kent , CT19 6DW Folkestone Harbour ward of Folkestone Town Council

Ward: Folkestone Harvey Central

Electorate: 4,480

Postals: 883

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BD1 1,379 1,170 Catholic Church Hall, See below See below Folkestone Harvey Guildhall Street, Central ward of Folkestone, Kent, Folkestone Town CT20 1EF Council BD2 2,078 1,599 United Reformed, See below See below Folkestone Harvey Church Hall, Castle Central ward of Hill Avenue, Folkestone Town Folkestone, Kent, Council CT20 2QR BD3 1,023 828 7th Day Adventist See below See below Folkestone Harvey Church, The Parade, Central ward of The Bayle, Folkestone Town Folkestone, Kent, Council CT20 1SJ

Returning Officer’s Comments:

It is proposed to continue the use of the 7 th Day Adventist Church (numerous complaints from electors) until such time as an alternative venue is found. Once the new Folkestone Town Council Town Hall is up and running, this could be a possible venue.

The streets in the lower part of BD3, by the harbour, is to be moved into a new polling district enabling electors to vote at the existing polling station at the old Tourist Information Office in Tram Road. This will enable electors not to have to negotiate steep hills with little parking and to pass a polling station for the nearby Folkestone Harbour ward when going to vote.

Other Comments:

Shepway District Councillor H Barker: • Supports the continued use of the United Reformed Church for BD2. • Would like an alternative to the use of the 7 th Day Adventist Church on The Bayle due to issues about access electors with disabilities – suggested the use of the Methodist Church Hall in Sandgate Road. • Would like an alternative to the use of the Catholic Church Hall in Guildhall Street due to poor facilities for tellers etc – suggested the use of the new Community Centre at Christchurch School. • Suggested that the seafront residents of BD3 be able to vote at the Tourist information centre in Tram Road due to steep inclines and accessibility, which is currently used as a polling station for the electors of BE1 in Folkestone Harbour ward.

Kent County Councillor Roland Tolputt: Supports the idea of electors in Marine Crescent, Marine Parade, Marine Parade Mews and Marine Terrace being able to utilise the Tourist Information Centre in Tram Road, which is currently used as a polling station for the electors of BE1 in Folkestone harbour ward.


To rename the Polling District BD1 to FHC1 and BD2 to FHC2.

To rename BD3 to FHC3 and to remove the following streets: Marine Crescent, Marine Parade, Marine Parade Mews, Marine Terrace, South Street, 34-70 the Old High Street.

To remove the aforementioned streets and properties into a new Polling District entitled FHC4.

New PD and Parish New Total Electorate Proposed Polling Place (e.g. a Parish Poll) FH1 1,379 Catholic Church Hall, Guildhall Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1EF or the Folkestone Harvey Community Hall at Christchurch School Central ward of Folkestone Town Council FH2 2,078 United Reformed, Church Hall, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2QR Folkestone Harvey Central ward of Folkestone Town Council FH3 1,490 7th Day Adventist Church, The Parade, The Bayle, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1SJ and Folkestone Harvey then to explore using the Folkestone Town Hall (once developed) Central ward of Folkestone Town Council FHC4 186 Tourist Information Centre , Tram Road Car Park , Tram Road , Folkestone , Kent , Folkestone Harvey CT20 1QN (shared with Folkestone Harbour [FH1]) Central ward of Folkestone Town Council

Ward: Folkestone Harvey West

Electorate: 3,680

Postals: 978

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BF1 2,137 1,568 Holy Trinity Church Folkestone Harvey Hall, Sandgate Road, West ward of Folkestone, Kent, Folkestone Town CT20 2HQ Council BF2 1,543 1,134 School of English Folkestone Harvey Studies, 26 Grimston West ward of Gardens, Folkestone, Folkestone Town CT20 2PY Council

Returning Officer’s Comments:

To investigate improvements in outside lighting after dark at the entrance from the street to the polling station. No changes are proposed as the School of English has only recently been adopted as a new polling station in the ward.

Other comments:

Kent County Councillor Roland Tolputt: Supports the current arrangements in the ward.

Proposal: To rename the polling district names BF1 to FHW1 and BF2 to FHW2.

Ward: Folkestone Morehall

Electorate: 3,264

Postals: 675

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BH1 2,720 2,166 Methodist Church Folkestone Hall, Surrenden Morehall ward of Road, Folkestone, Folkestone Town Kent, CT19 4DY Council BH2 544 423 St Georges Church Folkestone Hall, Audley Road, Morehall ward of Folkestone, Kent, Folkestone Town CT20 3QA Council

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The smaller Folkestone Morehall polling district of BH2 currently shares a polling station with BJ1 polling district of Folkestone Sandgate ward. This polling station is within the Folkestone Morehall area. No changes are proposed.


To rename the Polling District names BH1 to FM1 and BH2 to FM2

Ward: Folkestone Park

Electorate: 4,919

Postals: 1,100

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BC1 1,356 1,026 St Saviours Church See below See below Folkestone Park Hall, 130 Canterbury ward of Folkestone Road, Folkestone, Town Council Kent, CT19 5NR BC2 1,537 1,117 Folkestone Academy, See below See below Folkestone Park Lucy Avenue, ward of Folkestone Folkestone, Kent, Town Council CT19 5FP BC3 2,026 1,676 Folkestone Academy, See below See below Folkestone Park Lucy Avenue, ward of Folkestone Folkestone, Kent, Town Council CT19 5FP

Returning Officer’s Comments:

There have been a number of complaints from electors about the distance they are required to travel to vote. This was exacerbated by the use of the Folkestone Academy as a double polling station at the last election due to the inadequacy of the previous polling stations used in the area which were too small to cope. A redrawing of the polling district boundaries would remedy this.

The use of a polling station outside of the ward in BC1 is considered unfortunate but as it is only just outside the boundary, it is not considered unreasonable to continue with this practice.


To rename the Polling District BC1 to FP1.

To rename BC2 to FP2 and to adjust the boundary to begin at and to include properties in Coniston Road on the west side and to remove Alder Road, Bournemouth Road, Broadmead Road, Parkfield Road, Radnor Park Avenue, Radnor Park Crescent, Radnor Park Gardens, Radnor Park Road, Victoria Road and Wiltie Gardens.

To rename BC3 to FP3 with the boundary changed to begin at Linksway in the west and to begin at the junction of William Avenue and Cornwallis Avenue in the east. Avereng Gardens, Avereng Road, Road, Berkeley Close, Burton Close, Cheriton Road, Cherry Garden Avenue, properties 1-35 and 2-28 Cornwallis Avenue, Cornwallis Close, Fairway Avenue, Gainsborough Close, Julian Road, Papworth Close, Pent Vale Close, Radnor Park Avenue, Radnor Park West and Southmead Close are all removed from this PD.

A new polling district of FP4 is created with the former parts of BC3 now removed from FP3 and also including the properties in Radnor Park Avenue.

A further new polling station of FP5 is created using the streets removed from BC2, now FP2 sharing a polling station with FF3 in Folkestone Foord ward.

New PD and Parish New Total Electorate Proposed Polling Place (e.g. a Parish Poll) FP1 1,356 St Saviours Church Hall, 130 Canterbury Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5NR Folkestone Park ward of Folkestone Town Council

FP2 775 Folkestone Academy, Lucy Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5FP Folkestone Park ward of Folkestone Town Council FP3 1,076 Folkestone Academy, Lucy Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5FP Folkestone Park ward of Folkestone Town Council FP4 950 To investigate using the Harvey School or Stripes Club at Folkestone Cheriton Folkestone Park ward of Sports Ground. Folkestone Town Council FP5 762 St Johns Church Hall , St Johns Church Road , Folkestone , Kent , CT19 5BQ Folkestone Park ward of Folkestone Town Council

Ward: Folkestone Sandgate

Electorate: 3,413

Postals: 757

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate BJ1 923 670 St Georges Church Sandgate Valley Hall, Audley Road, ward of Sandgate Folkestone, Kent, Parish Council CT20 3QA BJ2 2,490 1,986 Chichester Memorial Sandgate Village Hall, 70 Sandgate ward of Sandgate High Street, PC Sandgate, Folkestone, CT20 3AR

Returning Officer’s Comments:

Folkestone Sandgate provides a number of problems in respect of locations of polling stations. The BJ1 polling station is located outside the ward in Folkestone Morehall (shared) and the existence of a number of steep inclines mean that alternative polling stations are not suitable. The polling station at Chichester Memorial Hall was not ideal due to lack of parking and multiple entry points (some with a step), but is considered the best of the least worst options. Will investigate better use of alternative ramps.


To rename the Polling District BJ1 to FS1.

To rename BJ2 to FS2 and remove the western streets of Alexandra Corniche, Bay View, Castle Bay, The Corniche, Helena Corniche, Lower Corniche, (Sandgate House to Seagulls) Sandgate Esplande, Sunnyside Road, Temeraire Heights, Upper Corniche, Wellington Place.

To create FS3 with deleted streets from FS2 and enable those electors to vote at shared polling station at Seabrook Church.

New PD and Parish New Total Electorate Proposed Polling Place (e.g. a Parish Poll) FS1 923 St Georges Church Hall, Audley Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 3QA Sandgate Valley ward of Sandgate Parish Council FS2 2,021 Chichester Memorial Hall, 70 Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone, CT20 Sandgate Valley ward 3AR of Sandgate Parish Council FS3 469 Seabrook Church, Seabrook Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5RB Sandgate Valley ward of Sandgate Parish Council

Ward: Hythe Central

Electorate: 4,947

Postals: 1,364

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate CB1 2,583 1,809 Methodist Church Hythe TC Hall, Rampart Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5BG CB2 2,364 1,774 St John Ambulance Hythe TC Brigade Hall, Albert Lane, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BY

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The Methodist Church Hall is currently problematic due to the uneven paving stones outside which resulted in an elector falling and hurting their arm at the last election. Alternative locations are being investigated but it may be better to pay for temporary works at the next election to make the building fit for purpose.

Other Comments Received:

Shepway District Ward Councillor and Hythe Town Councillor P Peacock: The current use of the Methodist Church Hall via the side entrance presents considerable hazards to the elderly and infirm. Suggests that if the venue is continued to be used that the Main Hall is utilised instead or alternative venues such as Mackeson Court or the Hythe Town Council Town Hall.

Hythe Town Council (Cllr. W Peacock): Suggest the use of the Town Hall as an alternative location to the Methodist Church Hall or Mackeson Court.


To rename the Polling District names CB1 to HC1 and CB2 to HC2

Ward: Hythe East

Electorate: 3,434

Postals: 971

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate CA1 1,814 1,284 Seabrook Church, Hythe TC Seabrook Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5RB CA2 1,620 1,179 Father Daly Hall, Mill Hythe TC Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5GS

Returning Officer’s Comments:

No changes.

Other Comments Received:

Shepway District Ward Councillor D Owen: Supports the current arrangements.


To rename the Polling District names CA1 to HE1 and CA2 to HE2

Ward: Hythe West

Electorate: 3,488

Postals: 833

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Electorate CC1 1,590 1,232 Hall, Rear of Light 1,441 Hythe TC Railway Cafe, Scanlons Bridge Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6LD CC2 1,898 1,423 Hall, 2,047 Hythe TC Dymchurch Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6NG

Returning Officer’s Comments:

Other Comments Received:

Shepway District Ward Councillor S Hayward: Suggests that the Palmarsh School in St George’s Place is used instead of Palmarsh Hall as it would provide better disabled facilities for voters.


In CC1, to move Romney Way, whose entrance road is in the neighbouring polling district of CC2 into the CC2 area. To investigate moving the CC2 polling station from Palmarsh Hall to Palmarsh School.

To rename the Polling District names CC1 to HW1 and CC2 to HW2


Electorate: 4,878

Postals: 867

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed new (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Electorate DA 2,733 2,261 Hardy Hall, Skinner 2,733 Lydd Town Council Road, Lydd, Kent, TN29 9HN DB 464 362 Lifeboat Station, 1,180 Lydd Town Council Road, Dungeness, Kent, TN29 9NE DC 1,681 1,388 St Peters Church 965 Lydd Town Council Hall, Roberts Road, Greatstone, Kent, TN28 8PA

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The Lifeboat station serves a very rural area and hence is very small. It could be increased by applying an amended boundary to the DC area thus enabling a better equalisation of electors but not hampering ease of access to vote.


To amend the polling district boundaries in DC to exclude all properties in Beatrice Mews, 141-175 Coast Drive, Coleville Crescent, Derville Road, Fort Close, Hull Road, Lade Fort Cottages, Lade Fort Crescent, Leonard Road, Lydos Close, 224-276 The Parade, Saxton Road, Taylor Road, Toby Road, Williamson Road, Waller Road and to place into the polling district of DB. To rename the Polling District names DA to LD1; DB to LD2 and DC to LD3

Ward: and Stanford

Electorate: 1,636

Postals: 376

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Electorate AP 1,288 985 Lympne Village Hall, Lympne PC Aldington Road, Lympne, Kent, CT21 4LE AQ 307 243 Mobile, The Drum Stanford PC Inn, Stone Street, Stanford, Kent, TN25 6DN Brizey 41 32 Mobile, The Drum Village Hall, 41 Sellindge PC Inn, Stone Street, Main Road, Stanford, Kent, TN25 Sellindge, TN25 6JX 6DN

Returning Officer’s Comments:

At the last election the Order to create Brizey was in place but the Council had not had the opportunity to amend the polling districts and areas of polling at that time. This process allows us the opportunity to put this right and move the constituents of Brizey to Sellindge voting area for the parish elections.

Other Comments Received:

Lympne Parish Council: Supports the current voting arrangements for Lympne.

Stanford Parish Council: Objects to the electors of Brizey voting at the Drum Inn and to the electors sharing the same district councillor.

Sellindge Parish Council: Supports the enablement of electors in Brizey to vote in Sellindge at their local polling station.


To enable the electors of Brizey to vote at their nearest polling station at Sellindge Village Hall.

To rename the Polling District names AP to LS1; LQ to LS2 and Brizey to LS3

Ward: Coast

Electorate: 2,962

Postals: 568

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate EB 2,962 2,394 Varne Boat Club, New Romney PC Coast Drive, Greatstone, Kent, TN28 8NR

Returning Officer’s Comments:

Significant improvements have been made to the Varne Boat Club as a polling station with improved access via a tarmac road. The size of the polling station is still worrying but currently just about manageable.


To rename the Polling District names EB to NRC1

Ward: New Romney Town

Electorate: 2,816

Postals: 430

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate EA 2,816 2,386 Scout Association New Romney PC HQ, Church Lane, New Romney, Kent, TN28 8ER

Returning Officer’s Comments:

No comments


To rename the Polling District names EA to NRT1

Ward: East

Electorate: 6,626

Postals: 1,581

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate AC1 5,399 4,165 Community Hawkinge PC Centre, Heron Forstal Avenue, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, CT18 7FP AC2 30 24 Hawkinge Community Centre, Heron Forstal parish meeting Avenue, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, CT18 7FP AD1 816 586 Black Horse Inn (Function PC Room), 366 Canterbury Road, , Folkestone, Kent, CT18 7BG AD2 222 162 C of E Primary Swingfield PC School, Stockham Lane, Selsted, Dover, Kent, CT15 7HH AD3 128 98 Black Horse Inn (Function parish Room), 366 Canterbury meeting Road, Densole, Folkestone, Kent, CT18 7BG AD4 31 28 Selsted C of E Primary Acrise parish School, Stockham Lane, meeting Selsted, Dover, Kent, CT15 7HH

Returning Officer’s Comments:

The combined polling station at Hawkinge Community Centre is becoming unmanageable based on the Electoral Commission guidance for the maximum size of polling stations as it is now a triple station.

The polling station for AD1 and AD3, the Black Horse Inn, is providing some cause for concern about accessibility and continuing investigation into alternative venues is still being explored.

Other Comments Received:

Hawkinge Parish Council: Supports the continued use of Hawkinge Community Centre as a polling station for AC1 and AC2 with good parking and a modern easily accessible building.

Swingfield Parish Council: The continued use of the Black Horse Inn is only supported as a last resort as it has poor lighting and poor inadequate facilities for voters with disabilities.


To amend

To split AC1 into two polling districts renamed NDE1 and NDE2. NDE1 would incorporate everything west of Spitfire Way, Canterbury Road and Pay Street. NDE2 would incorporate everything east of this.

Figures would be 3,143 electors for NDE1 and 2,256 for NDE2 which would continue to vote at Hawkinge Community Centre as supported by General Purposes Committee but may be changed at short notice by the Returning Officer if legislation fails to support the continued use of this venue.

The other polling districts would be renamed. AC2 would be NDE3, AD1 would be NDE4, AD2 would be NDE5, AD3 would be NDE6 and AD4 would be NDE7.

New PD and Parish New Total Electorate Proposed Polling Place (e.g. a Parish Poll) NDE1 3,143 Hawkinge Community Centre, Heron Forstal Avenue, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, Hawkinge PC CT18 7FP NDE2 2,256 Hawkinge Community Centre, Heron Forstal Avenue, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, Hawkinge PC CT18 7FP NDE3 30 Hawkinge Community Centre, Heron Forstal Avenue, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, Paddlesworth parish CT18 7FP meeting NDE4 816 Black Horse Inn (Function Room), 366 Canterbury Road, Densole, Folkestone, Kent, Swingfield PC CT18 7BG NDE5 222 Selsted C of E Primary School, Stockham Lane, Selsted, Dover, Kent, CT15 7HH Swingfield PC NDE6 128 Black Horse Inn (Function Room), 366 Canterbury Road, Densole, Folkestone, Kent, Acrise parish meeting CT18 7BG NDE7 31 Selsted C of E Primary School, Stockham Lane, Selsted, Dover, Kent, CT15 7HH Acrise parish meeting

Ward: North Downs West

Electorate: 3,630

Postals: 878

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Electorate AJ 1,793 1,310 Village Hall, Lyminge PC Woodland Road, Lyminge, CT18 8EW AK 247 183 Bodsham C of E Bodsham C of E 187 PC Primary School, Primary School, Bodsham, Elmsted, Bodsham, Elmsted, Ashford, Kent, TN25 Ashford, Kent, TN25 5JQ 5JQ

New Village Hall , 60 Bossingham Road , Stelling Minnis , Kent , CT4 6AG AL 1,300 1,059 Sellindge Village Hall, Sellindge PC Main Road, Sellindge, TN25 6JX AM 92 67 Hempton Lodge, Peace Room, 92 Pilgrims Way, Monks Stowting Hill, (plus 198 from AN) parish meeting Horton, Ashford, Stowting, Kent, TN25 Kent, TN25 6DS 6BE AN 198 133 Peace Room, Stowting parish Stowting Hill, meeting Stowting, Kent, TN25 6BE

Returning Officer’s Comments:

To amalgamate Hempton Lodge (AM) polling station in AM with the polling station used for AN, Peace Room at Stowting.

Other Comments Received:

Lyminge and Etchinghill Parish Council: Supports the continued use of Lyminge Village Hall for AJ.


To split the polling district of AK into two areas, NDW2 and NDW3 starting close by Little Pett Bottom, up around Spring Wood and up to Itinge Farm.

To change the polling station in AM (NDW5) to be shared with AN (NDW6) at Stowting.

To rename the Polling District names: AJ to NDW1 AK (east) to NDW2 AK (west) to NDW3 AL to NDW4 AM to NDW5 AN to NDW6

Ward: Romney Marsh

Electorate: 1,861

Postals: 329

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate FC 258 189 Church Burmarsh PC Hall, Church Road, Burmarsh, Kent, TN29 0JG FD1 274 231 Village Hall, Brenzett PC King Street, Brenzett, Kent, TN29 9UF

FD2 96 70 Brenzett Village Hall, Parish King Street, Brenzett, meeting Kent, TN29 9UF

FE 385 327 Brookland Village Brookland PC Hall, Boarmans Lane, Brookland, Kent, TN29 9QZ FF 212 178 Village Ivychurch PC Hall, Ashford Road, Ivychurch, Kent, TN29 0AN FG 278 235 Newchurch Village Newchurch PC Hall, St Mary's Road, Newchurch, Kent, TN29 0DP

FH 170 143 Rose and Crown, Parish Swamp Road, Old Meeting Romney, Romney Marsh, Kent, TN29 9SQ FJ 188 159 The Star Inn St Mary in the (restaurant), St Mary Marsh PC In the Marsh, Kent, TN29 0BX

Returning Officer’s Comments:

Some complaints about disabled access to Ivychurch Village Hall were received. No changes proposed.

Other Comments Received:

Shepway District Ward Councillor A Clifton-Holt: Supports the tidying up of boundaries wherever possible and a reduction in the number of polling stations to reduce costs.

St Mary’s Bay Parish Council : Supports current arrangements

Proposal: To rename the Polling District names: FC to RM1 FD1 to RM2 FD2 to RM3 FE to RM4 FF to RM5 FH to RM6 FJ to RM7

Ward: Tolsford

Electorate: 1,649

Postals: 393

PD and Parish Total Electorate Polling Place Polling Place Proposed Change Proposed Polling (e.g. a Parish Poll) Electorate to Polling Place Place Electorate AE 686 512 Village Hall, Saltwood PC Rectory Lane, Saltwood, Kent, CT21 4QA AF 297 229 Newington Village Newington PC Hall, The Street, Newington, Kent, CT18 8AU AG 184 150 Village Hall, Postling PC The Street, Postling, Kent, CT21 4EU AH 482 365 Etchinghill Village Etchinghill Ward of Hall, St Marys Drive, Lyminge and Meriden Park, Etchinghill PC Etchinghill, Folkestone, Kent, CT18 8NQ

Returning Officer’s Comments:

An alternative polling station for AF was trialled at a recent parish by-election using the Café at the Peene Railway museum, but this proved unsatisfactory due to the size of the venue. Therefore, no changes are put forward.

Other Comments Received:

Lyminge and Etchinghill Parish Council: Supports the continued use of Etchnighill Village Hall for AH.

Newington Parish Council: Support the existing arrangements.

Tolsford Parish Council: Support the existing arrangements.


To rename the polling district names AE to TO1 AF to TO2 AG to TO3 AH to TO4