Your Want Ad

Just Phone 686-7700

. . . with wrrirfi has been _m#rjre«l the SprinRtK.. :it "

Srcond Cltfl Pni'tcr Published Tvtry Tkurtoay by-Trumir Pub'uhiijB Corp. < "Cents PerijCopy- VOL..36—No. Jb Center Street, Springfield, N. J. 07081 — MU 6-7700 "a"iig,'1n«?. .i"''N. J.' Q70-I SPRINT.F1ELD.N. J- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS. -10fi5_. _ »l Sprmillrld. N J. Evergreen Lodge HearingrTo Be Continued HORN, Adjustment^Body

An appeal fbf~"h"clion—find many-college sturtrnts _a great town In lne in. l->".s. Bain sit. iron, do general ing jobs for young people who - weeks the. agency has "will be back in Springfield prove -to our voung p'ed- housework, clean windows, SAY, 'NO SCHOOL' "aro eager to work and earn operation." for n week or two. p rut grass, nin' errands; type, The Board of Education tills "money to further—their edu- "Many of our young pea- "They will all be looking "The .YES chairmaTi" also de- wash cars, lulor, wax floors,, week renewed its appeal to catlon1' was issued this week pie," she added, "need funds for summer jobs," Mrs. Lori- clared, "Those ynung people clean gnrafies, help vfith par- -parents nol to call municipal Added Testimony by Mrs. William Lorimer, in'order to stay in high school. mer commented. Many—of arc quite talented. We ha\c I lies, weed and U;lm flowei> agencies to"^Mlea'rn- whether .chairman of the Springfield - This may sound unbclieva- them will not be abjc lo re- . carpenters, painters, even beds and lawns, phop, clean screens, and_slorm windows?— 'schools have been closed, be- Youth Employment Service. blc for Springfield, but, nev- turn to" college if they cannot boys Jvho like to cook" caiise of Had" weather. The afr March 16 Date Is Set; More than 200 young men orlhelcss, it's true." ~ find a job. ' " - A coil to the YES office" at paint, shovel -snow and do yard' work. Imrn onc4op of the Munirlpal OTuJinal Permission—- and women, aged 14 to 20, The YES office is nojy'pre-' I'YVon'i you/ help? Those of DB fl-5B0U, Mrs. Lorimer went Building will sound Uvn blunts •have registered with the YES paring for ...spring vacation you "who have busin/>ss~nr~ on lo say, will provide young "Put''youth on a Job," the . at.7:30, 7:45 and 8 a.m. to an- "Remanded By Judge office at Town Hall, Mrs. Lo- time,' in , March and April, toitn can help. Springfield is people who are ready to: YES oTflceTTuiged. — -nounce-liiaf-scliools-liave been -cjaged—for—the—dayr-- —— By-MAKI AM BRO\VW= - __ AUGUST C^CAFRIO ^_ School closings will he Mut- New -testimony un an appll- ed on the John Gamblliu llro^. eation for a variance, to' permit I rum over-ruHo-sUllon WOR, construction of a. 1,320-squarfl* Caprio Renamed; under the category of fool addition to Evergreen Lodgt "Sprinrfleld TBbllc Schools." will .be continued—by the Board Announcement* abouit of Adjustment at_ its next reg* "Sprlnr field Township" - refer alar meoling-Mawsh 16 at 8 p.m." Board In a r.nmmunltv In Ocean FouL.wltnesscs testified Tucs-

addition, school elMlne" Infor- 7,1 persons as fresh'hearings bi^" mation may be obtained, after gan .on the case. ' ... -V 7:10 a.m., from motheri-riM- Approval uf thn yirian«-hy linated by the PTA«. /Above, ~" August C. Caprio was rcelect- the ..Township Cormnltlce^ In ill, parent* ar^ urted nnt to year resulted in a taxpayei's' ed as president of the Spring- call the police or fire depart- field Board of Education at the >uii thnl brought tlie case lo thii~ ments, the schools or the New Jersey Superior Court, - board's annual organization Bnard nf Education. meeting Monday evening at Judge" Mllinn~ Feller, remanded board headquarters. Joseph A. it lo the townshjp for -further -Bender—was—flamed—vice-presi- hearings thnt were lo Includi dent. spi'i'ial rpnunna why Ih The~meetlng also.jeaturcd ad- structfon would advance tin option of a new teachers' salary Fair~Hmisnipnit public welfare, if the permit li guide, with the scale running approved. , from. $5,400 per year for an in- The variance is require experjfigcod leachcr~-with—a Above 800 Mark ^xicncTa non-conforrhing-use.ln— -bacticlor'i degree to $10,300 for a residential zohc. The-adriltion • teacher with a doctorate and POSSIBLE HIGHWAY —. This li the path-thai projected Interstate Rt. 37» elsewhere have Wen calling for man action to hrlnt about adoption of an would Include an indoor inusle 17 years at the blackboards. could^take through Sprinrfleld, according to a map distributed by the alternate route1; Which could>flulHn less disruption of exlstlng-homes and For Pledge Drive shell to -replace an existing " The brevlous range for town- -Union County Board of Freeholders. Political leaden In Sprinrfleld and businesses, ~* • ' _ As the Springfield Fair Hous- bandstand anTTRftw laValofyn ihijx-tcacheis-WBs $5;200 to $10,— lnB Committee's pledge - rlrty Tfor a doetorato and~l" moves into the wind-up stage, of experience. Mirps bistAreasr lhhce arougroup reports thnt --"support |2" THMday represented ' United The four board mcrrfbers who Is continuing to flow in from all f.1"801" ot, Ncw^k; 0,w""f ,o1 were elected last week" tooR Board Of library Leaders Of Red ftfQ parts of town" -their" places on Monday. They berglhc ,propert thc-tnxpaycrs.y and lrwl. Thne Weininllia-L Jtaibly In Path "Our list of plcdgc_sig,nersjres- aro Mrs. Sonya 0. Dorsky, who passed the 800 mark," says a witnesses-were Frank duehzel, was re-elected, Canlo A. Casalc, Hires Architects spokesman for the Committee. 'treasurer of the United Slnaei'i "Francis H—Shlmshock and" Mrs, On Progress, New Volunteers since. 1034; Carl Enriliolz, vice- "We arc now hoping lo -end up -Buth—WeJsnum; — - • Ofintefstate 278 president and a member since —Vhm Spuingftefd Red Cross pints of blood were distributed ' Mnnrfmnhili. vfait" in with ffveT~r:(l'0inilT;natures." —-The board »pprovef nlnnping a'ri'd" yoning be 50 cents gec child. — evening—is James P. Geoghan In SprlngifdTd-'.will open, the with Thomas F. Qtilnn ttii trcas- meotlnira. The , committee will. ii »ee- -then—proaonUa. list qf_ suggested objectives It believes: valuable- for Springfjjijdjs "Mastct—Plan. TKcHlckel committeedncJuHn*- =^fopteg f'Kf ""'""•i>rt pro: rca- ^ ns Decxi£ Joseph. Dt Palraa, . t'itzsimmonsjW lential. commejyiai ana .James —r'tiarhenn, Robert Han.- ~ rial development; traffic-' juid LijG'lll(jLll'IU> j crt Planer, Mrs.) Warren—Boil- (Hterr^lnlin DyunnTTMjgSUIIIKJ -made on • Su dayr-May Z, at the organization's souvenir—program - annual -dinner-dance at the PATJLR£QUESTED— lSes"- Mn^- Edward " Chanticier, MuTEurn. Kaye^Mrs. 'Aismlia., Mrs.-Frank Weher Mm. Geortft ,- This award has been made to ON UGH"T1 T How-arth and Mrs. Angelo Peni Dr. Sandmeier, principal of OF 18TH CENTURY nella. the Florence Gaudincer School, The Rev. Frani'ls Hennessey, in recognition of the "many pro- An appeal for any informnlion pastor of St. Paul of the Cron found and beneficial contribu- available about the Light fam- Church In Jersey City, will bt tions which she has made to the ily which lived in Springfield the main speaker. Jerry Molloy Springfield school system over a during the 18th century has of. the department of recreation long term period," it wns an- been directed to the Leader by in lloboken will be loastmastcr. nounced. Mrs. S. J. Benson of Seal Beach, Cal. Msgr. Coyle served In Hoboken . She studied nt Columbia Uni- ior many years. versity and obtained her bach- She wrote that she is compil- elor's degree from Newark State ing ^ genealogy about an Wd College. >She received' her mas- New Jersey family frorn whom INSIDE ter's degree it) personnel and, I am descended." Mrs. Benson • you* , guidance from Rutgers Univer- added that Marmaduke .Light sity and has done graduate work lived in Springfield in 1720, and SPRINGFIELD LEADER hi« dnughtcr, Abigail, was born at Scton Hall University Last DR. TI1ELMA L. SAVDMEltn See Pai« • ' year, she obtained her doctor- hero n ihnt year. A~«li Amy . . . IK ate in education. A large aHHitlnn to thnt srhro! Thp family hns also spelled Crnmunril Pnir.lf . . . H A native New Jerscynn, Dr. was buili in 1M7; and annther its name us I.irlil or I,irk, Mrs. firalh Notice* . ... in Sandmeier was born and raised building expansion project will Benson commented One mem- Famllr l.lf' Tnilay In' Plensnntvtlle. When she first begin this yenr._ Puring this ber wns James Lick, I79B-1R76, by PhvllU flrr»r . . ... 1 tnmc to Springfield, she taught lime, Dr. Sandmeier has been who founded the Lick Astron- (iuuillnrrr Menu .' . ... i Leader Profile and the language -inMrumeitml—in—promoling—rc»- omical Observatory in Cnlifor- Mr,, Philip l.rwli . ... 4 •-, • •ar!« nl the Raymond CfiTsHolm" search studies and Inter aiding -ntn: ~ Schorl. She wns Ititer appointed The letter requested anyone -In—tho—initiation—of—many—ai Sntlil Ntwi. . . . 11-13 principal oi~~Chlsholm ScTSooT domic and cultural improve- ivlth trrfurrrmrion-ftbotrt-the-torn— ••• In 1953, upon ;he completion ments now in use.. , ily to forward it to" Mrs. S. J. of the building of Gnudlnr-er, Bei\spn, 133B1 Del- Motile dr., TmUv'k HnmemakfT the town's only junior high In 1D5B, an unusual honor Apt. 2-B. Seal Beach, Cal., by Mary Arnnlnuu 14 (Continued on Page 10> school, she wns named principal. MIT-in FINAL TOI'C'HKS — Committee inemlifn fur Ihr dlnnrr- «anl Ka>r. linn. Urfiii-v, Mr». (ieiirc Iliiwarlh. Wanl Ado n-u TNK'O PLANS ituiur <{?.iturduy hunuriiK Mtiir. lraml» X (uvlc are J;inn-s I tiiwhiMiii.1 .lii^rph 1)1 I'alina 4111I \^llIlutil, 1 H.uiing Aid, 4W Mgrrll CAR «fNT»l — Naw I?*} Mullong • Hirih'l Hio'ring Aid Ctnl.r. 470 Morril shown a* thfy tMiniplrlr |)repjr.(lltins. Tlir> .in*. rVmu 'Ihr) in- iiirMdi'iiti n( various urejiil/.itliiii.'i al SI. ATTENTION! Sill your MIV. GaloHi* • Foltonl Day. w»*li. monlK. «.• . Springnijil D« 1-3U1 AuA. Avt. Sprlngfl«ld OR 50583 tulh left, nealnl. Turn Cjulnn, Mrv. .l.unrs I'- (i<"" .limn Church. • Dvalai Olarien 1 Oualllon* fcsorlng • Daaltr: Oilman I Ouoliton* hearing icot lo 30,000 locol familial with a Vow.. LOWEST HATES! I«V fOKD HENf-A-CAU, 1 P. Geoihan, Mrs. Aiejlio Tincanl; standine, .Mrs. Eel- nidi, CempUlt locililm. ' —ADV. •id,l. CompUlo latilitill. —ADV. toil Want All. Call Mo-7700, now. IS J.?5OO IMn. hiy). —ADV.

t-^'^'^V^-mn v-r,^r:-.jr^^^ Group Al Church '„ * Thursday, Feb. 18, 1965 To Seek Clothing The Last Worn In Tfestmg-is Usually Maybe B.v III.A nilU.KIt !• > » .> '»-!,.i; '.nc finding' TWO TYPKS" of te.-t.s are ad- f acii rla$M'uatM," Dr Mir;M -M:M- to Miiccod lu?- For Use Abroad •• :" - . ' • fl.f.r.f- dr, r.ot f.i: - .f -r>..' ;i: p .inkcn v. ,m Y/.ni'r , " :iunisua\. ,."H"'.\ r\ < i. c .'i! 1 lie cnildicn H '. i.p.o pi.--..- p of a •<->bse:-'. a'.- -,s ':ia: '.filing can wh"oi.- each year. intelligence grouping must no flexible and 1 n:-itf-i' in Jc«*V'i 111*; ""Mildred Hempfer hni- rm:i .- a:..-.' . I): Rohe'r Nh- -ip -iv..'* mipfu!." he explained . or. capacity lests and achieve- /.nt static. We a in (91- ih Sh».-^lri -w*—^xpt'cl mr nf comr m tnrTrartinn—JOh rnrm—rtiiirtii'it 'vvlio ulliuir; riUUIulll t-rn RP ncmrATch " "• -'••-""" •' • ;>! i »r.. c-i r.> ;ind a.", t.nde: >'.andin^ wniih measure the child's eni'h moin#ni, nnd a child is ni 0 not nch :i!Viiiu 1.11 n it'Vt'l ..if'^i.e ii.nne and vnunl er.- ability io iearn', are given in mnvfri m nrrnrilancc—u-i:h hi. .\ :l :r T 3 |fj til DEDICATED • slnn< „,•,„„ SpnngfieU Ema,.- • a.d •. B Y •. ir>ir.:i,en:s must all he weigi,- .he- inird, fift'i and seventh ability." " ' Di.' .Vlif^ii said Dial tho~ ielJo EnJertain •v ()(-,' .iiis'i'r i'. i a;> hilli' •Uui' I'hc Clinlfin Hill Haptisi clothing for need, ri-r ' •" t--!aii-:-". a .Oriiii esi.- The ai'hic. emeu'..u\st>. whicn field fi.'ui> thi' iry! M'(HT> nrt n, l-xated al 2815 Morris •-'»-"-•"•-' • i'flU-OUK:- .<•< ~~H-^ ;.*f_ Ltu: :.'Jii.-'' • . ir.fa-.un* how u ell a .'lurTenl is iprinK" -The local A M... an i-*-:o('::'.(. r. iraf-onm* w :a.'i- skills of rTwo Generations ils ~ — ~ - " j. wrTiin,: and arith- ficlrl line i, uill dedicate its new drive i n sanr-luar't Sunday al 3 P. M^—b&^ h.\ Chinch .r.L*. »:iv ('". ann.iallv .n l! f, 'JU'MdL'li.l "< 'h This the second unit lhai '.'.ill si\ e «iR- 1 a' i' and fbur through eich:. d v l L- ' pMnon -, i'iiol:iciKi, school so-' nounccd that a fnthcr-cliikM for hoth summer.' and v. inter. > _refenal> lrom. Xearhera wJib . ; «'1I1 ting in 13 language? inciud-; Son of Union, hiovernt'ir., ihe degree of con- a specific Ernde le\e . ant! we •t'oilrt—Wnnkrts «nd 'mills are urgent-I «co pni!.,lem« arising. The'- [in.. gEnglish, Hebrew,,' "Thin' irt v.'"lniililinirr~r hauyecn in-fcchoo-l per- AJinl an analysi.^ .of h.s n-arn- f.f,n_ b needed, as well as PVPT v. r.pp sistent iinuip u>cs i;i« lest rosults French and Russian. " 'eicried by the Chiiion .'uruisnue'a'^ri ineaMire'o cana- . i'nc (liabilities :. •Al!i!oiigh_lesis ndministererl • si ruction—enmpany of Summit. > ain A*. ' 111 ho "l'i lieip i-efu- praisa! of vhe child's funcnon- i»erforming u^r :n Iv^s mvjs.:r- Yrtrrr"Plainfield,' who last year lit-ey find self-suificji ! ihrouKhoul the" slate and •V .T A. macadamized parking ing iri'TnT"cIa"5Vr6om," explain- « c»Piii'nv. ..n cacii of the starred in Sharpy-.Shalom's pro- flnlhinr njj |h cuiij>ir,y -rflj'e . hasicttlly tha. -J*d—providing off-pfi'eft—writing n T' arluW; .nr; Micaii, Tfh. ductlon of "It'-j ln v he h ttw huich ca Ii went on Jo ff,r mil cars has ,.been included ". «"ieht t« It is this coiaiiiflri.^on \\hit'n Tni' iia>'.c ;«' ..- uc rue-u i In "honor of HrntVicrhood Month. his huildinx program. .— during Ihe next in da-, s. uilh ! (I'Oin the testa—aid—l-he pi.piis', l os i dat1 hc spols the— 'under-ftchie\ers." boiwetn 'thr follow^Thmugh v Peterson will offer a selection of The church was nneinallv or- l' ,, "" ' "> Sunda.% Frr. parentu and enrrmrtirrs in 1 w •Teat'lvers and principali: can and interpretation., made by Negro ipiri-tuals. uaiuzrd I ffi years ago in New- Arrangcmems ha'.o been ' plp.nning .Ihe.. proper edura*_ !earn discrepancies exist fronr. !-m- -I"';-:;•:--si-i-viccs staff and ark ns the FiVst Oerman Baptiht "laW(> lri P"'k "P ""• iu' Hum- : Honal and vocauimui pri'priiiu finger Golden is prngiam latolatod i en1s th81 pcr- inte"rpielation of the lesis. teachers in Springfield-and- Church. If was located first on " week An. —Vnvt of the—tests and' lheix_ -lor a- t^hild to follow. Said me • chairman of the luncheon The MriveV si. nnd later on Clinton '-sosnnn iin thl> .''omiminily lechniciucs used elsewhere. applicatlon . in ' Spang-field p.s.vcTfoliiKist,. '."I"ho pattern nf committee' members ate Sidney rive. aX S. 14th st. ; v.inuld like to make cnnlnlui- • • * serve several, purposes, ac- a child's lies!-scores is one—of " Greenwald, Robert"" IsXfics, Al- ' tuins of dnlhing arjL. tenp.rd '•WE SEE OUR PROGKAM cording to Dr. Mitali. the meaMiret; used to .j-.elp. bert Shenfelri,- Sol While and ( 'most welco|ne to do-sn^ 'Parents and. stiidenl*. Ui arrive as ahene «vera"gc," ho ex- They-help identifv studenu. at a realistic aridappropriat'e plaincriT- "Our diaKnostic.afi- ~ ET^PLE TO HOLD with superior lalent' r>r low high .«Ll'ir»ol-cuii'iciilum7' '•"'<•' .superior, to able' at i(h« donr. Power OJPrayei ability along with" other riiria^ A.'iolher important use "o*f" I ?il*liool ;>y^ieins. in dl- GENERAL-SESSION the. t«t results- 'are_ used Io the lests it to -asfi«t" tHe' nd- •' ncnnsiiiu the"""leamihcl disa-. j>tck ftudents for the advanc- miniiit.ration in -nffiidrig ad- ljililins_Ii)i ciich of the chilri- To Be Discussed I FOR NOMI.NATTONS ed c rTr i c h m e n t program. justments -for" the Individual iOn,"'.'.e detc-rinine where tho- They also serve aVTereeninif L 1+1 Sailer hership nipeting on Wcdnosdav i.ig remedial or otheF special rather than •thp-nimonnl gradt sf, Springfield. This will'be Iho at R:V) p in ' ' " ."help.- _ .__. " ...'- "I'S THE-CHILD Miilablv norm-." — ;—• Service In -> -There will bp nonunalions , - » M • fifth in a series of, eijrht talks plnoed in a reading group'.' • He ci p, "We, ar« —'The church," declares Ihe for four newtri^tees for a pwi- : . THK ...TEST RESl'LTR help, sponsored weekly by Ihe Ba- Should the teacher be.proviri- coiili.'Hially. iipvising nnd ev- hfl > W'll'itl 1 ftllll rill ^ f(jr conslitulioiial ainend- group-Uw-eruldren for-a "real- tnr of SI. John's TTuihernn ILs purpose "i< to . "I hav* protnlnd Io omit heedleu mintlon within the regular plii5s_for in" (idii jo Jiave a dynnmie" m'cnl.s. istic level of instruction in Church," hmcbeen-acousedln our crs with-the group'i money from this pulpit,-but I f»»l-doty bound, In the^. particular child.' -I-s- too Ifsiing program and to keop Rnlph - Felriman will—lilmw day of hcing- In'rlcvant.. "We're teachings. ptti\ng,Jo touch on our bverdu* gai bllll" up wilh-Mir. iImps," movies of the N'overniTeT 'TBiTr "trying Io remove thaf accusa- resident of i Mr. Tichcr.or, a Ball" whirli unv—b«)4- Mirnli pointed out. thiit tion." • •.."—: -Phlladolphia,': Pn; I -•—- Community __ thuor childre - n in tho Spring- "al (Ke temple. Meyci—FHrlrile- _ ' 4JH. 8p_rln«fleia ave. . It IK being, Mr. Petcr-r nip nf W>u-vi»r College, Ohio, field &-chaoi™s,\'sieiTi lest almvo mnn, presiriehl, iirged all c Mirr. Franeli X. Coyle, pajtor v •where he obtained a degree in Springfield Emanuel Presbyterian tht Diitinnnl norm in every • man nays, by scheduling n .ser- hers to nitend Ihis "important Trst Presbyterian Rev. Eduard Oehllmr and music' He is rhnirman nf* the Meollnr Home l«jie •bfw-le-ptltrrl nrca, as IIIJETU ba \'lc*r in jazz for Sunday, Febr- jnrmbprship meeting" Rev. Richard Nardone, uary 2R- The PI;OKI am . will be lor-nl ^sp^Fii^lial assembly of the —. - Churth- • Methodist ; --Mountialmlde „,„.,„e.xj>ee'tod, JKHII their parents' Baha'ii in Philadelphia and is MorriK ave., at Main Nt. Main it. aria AeademAeatlemy green BKsiiiUnt panlnrii Rev. Elmw A. Taloott Jr.. piwUir_ pd'ueailonn background. In two parts."The first is a jazz Todny — R:30—p.m., Men's workshop, scheduled from Ii toa Pennsylvania delegate to the_ —Springfield, New Jersey Rprlnvrield Saturday — Confession from When the i.'itclliuenco tw.ti- 7:30—p—m. in" Fellowship flail. NfttlonaJ Convention. -.. p Ministers: Ilruce W.'Kvana TDewurt- S. Harry Elllsen.naynian in Egypt, are siuucl in Springfifld th? At R p.m. the second pad', 3prlmflf.:d. ave, and Donald C. Weber PEjlor „ ^:30 p.m. to fl p.m. .with slides. findings include both a vcrhal A M'UVMC.TI Offerin gui God." will Shunplke rd. Suiidii\ -- \i:'Mi a in . Cluirc-U. Simriav — II:HII aji , Clerman r~ Sunrtay — Massei 7, 8, 9, 10 and a_aon-vor-li;il score. Many worship service; scriiion: "One and 11 n.m., and 12 noon. .. . Friday — 9 a.m., Nursery School. C!lassc^von a grmlefl basis systems use jre£ the tolal IQ- ~l)r (unfilled in the nn've of Ihu Summit Y Annotmecs- srael S. Dresner School; 0:15 p.m.,—Servire ar for children and >f»ung people, Of —rThe— Twelve Christ Chose;", Daily Masses Bt-7-a.rn. and 3 Fcore, which- I3r. Micaii said church. ~ "- Cantor: Mark J. Blddrlman le)<1 Temple Emanu-El, Europe T.allc"Series . i between the ncef-ot 3 and I7.|, r judges (i:3fi—10; Emnmie^a.m. mny be mlsloarilnjr" -fl'-hc—pariiciimUng musicians Tmlay —ft:« p.m. Lail Shab- are taught in-the Ghapel and ; Schwing preaching. 11:30 a.m.,: Devotions —' Nfivena in hon- Saturday •- 9" a.m;y==enn"fir- "PoliticaJj^Orlentatlnn — Eu- hai service Rabbi Israel S. The iwu-scores, Jw believes, have played with Henny flood-i rope,"-a current affairs discus- Parish House. Nursery "Sni-.-i/'p' Church Srrtn-Tl for nil agesT"or nf Mlranilnn. M"?**n—yyary malion class for ninlh graders. Dresner will prearh a sermon, jive a ti-ucr picture nf tlVa ""man, Georsr ghearing aind Duke sion scries, will hav*- the .first Tor toddlers, ages T—nnd 2, is Senior High Class for those In-Mortdiu- at 8 p.m. ' UJLajn., Westminstcr-ChuuvCar- Ellinqion. ThrTmns Vauohn, tluJ I "WhnTTr JJoanriTo Be a "neliK- lh(1 ntn Cholr; 1 •child's lewning ubilily. Nativo 1 1 hold in the Cliapt'i at hi»ib_IU30- thro'iiKh - l'2rh grmrejd- Baptismn — Every Sunday at "' J "•""•• Chapel Chnjii , , ji ' o f it<»^s» siI»IAx sessionOLfii'lWMfsl o\JInJ Monda4TI\/IJLM1 y1 iiitelliucuiie will .show. _u£_nn_ ] joi'v Jew." nnri II a.m. OrSOand 11 .a.m... mt'(1|s in lho >IY'-'p-tl n"nm und!lr. one nf the priests. ' ! s"na«.v— »—a.m., Church s nio 1 this typo of scoring, "whllg minister in me episcopal ..nurcn v^ sllr,rlr,fr"YWCA; SvTnunTT. Saturday—"—HhM—UTTIT—SJI h - irii'iilicai—rtflTrrh worship serv- Ihe leadership nf John Brunn.v 2 p.m. ,harp Arrangements - ° ' H''ades. 4-fl. 0:30 a. m., A dult c flsSr B m .verbal expn-sHlon alone mny an I -erves a nn.Q5.ll.ltl. Midland, j Thp ]pB^fr for tne..SP1.j(.s wj'p jhath morning sen ire \v hich ices. The Rev. Bruce W. Evans -and George -ncimlinBer_ ^ 10:43 : mlllt b« made in advance with i-j Adult—. ""e- sar 1"1 ' " : I point ma Hits side' of tho Mlcl<- - -he Mrs. Barbara Berrh Jami- Gary Fo>(, son of Mr. and Mrs. preach tin the Fourth Com- "•'«. cliuTCh rtursery for chll- j Worship with members ; l 1> child.'i nbiUty. "• ("ther musician* .lie C'liarlm ' nn, milhor, teacher, lecturer on Gerald Fox, will be called to the mandineni. "Rememhor .' tho ' ' " .-ineludiiiR cri.h for -babici. Temple Emnnu-El as a 1 •is i.'i uhc fuur schouls ('. Sniilh, bass, and Peter Brown,: pnlitiiTal affairs. The YWCA an- j Tnrah as a Bar Mil/vaji. Siibhath Dav, To'Keep It Holy. ' 110:45 am.. Divine worship con- First Baptist Church Cradle-roll, TTufsci-yT kin Sunday — I"2TT*n p.m.; father Tlus current series-oh "TmthV tin'untinn of sermons on -Ques- nrten through . ' • I'crssion'.U. The Rev. Dr. John.i nounced that the series hat a! Sunday _ nni) p.m 170 Elm St., Wntfleld ten, jfraden 1-2 B'30-p.m,L Re- nnri for Today" is hased on the rein. I lions People Aski" sermon: ale administered' • • -I, known a» "Ihe pastor nf limited enrollment. Registration ' child" luncheon sponsored by The Rev. William K, Cober ligious forumi: -—The—effect of by the individual classroom mnv be made now at the Sum- , lnp Temple BrptheThnnnr^- vaney of the Ten Command- ' "Why Do WP Suffer'.'": text, iaz7. mustcians of New York MlnUter "Push and pressure on Life, lencheirs. In ihe F-loreiicq " Sunday — 12:3n".""n7nT; Romans B:31 -30; Pastor Dewart p' <" Young" Topic: Ctaudincc-r School, which c\lv^ Monday —_8:3ft pm, Sister- The Girls'-Choir will sing at the! fi p,m-..J*.ii!ila!i"s Youth chojr Further -infor-motlon may he •PubHc Indifference to Crlsljjl: en grades six, .seven and homl board . mfetlng. SIS p.m..' S;39:31n1 service and the Senior I\ Confirnin_tioConfmruUi n Class will, mnpl. fYjd — obtained by calllng~Mrs Ji ; Hennessey, YWC-A program iu- choir rehearsal Creative YA\- « psychiatrist. Io administer the IMLS mid- Cirnup will discuss ".Call It CHIP for. pre-school children is ' slon about rhuroh worship in- »i«torit, at CR. S-4242. VVLcokend B15 I5'.m., Monday — 8:3(1 am., W««n-' gives them-to the children in -*erusal Of Bible nts^fl^pVj : : ' Club in the Education !-i»If"T*i BlltKrlay Hrcakfast, -eiicji_j;iarie separately. ' p m . Westminster FrTtowsTiTn High M"YF will leave home nf Mr. and Mrs. Philip mge. rjosls; Mr^ «nd Mrt.' Men's Brotherhood at Second Through -lire use nf differ- Meeting for -high' school age -Vellin, 4fi Christy lane., went* Crane and Mr. and Mrt j Presbyterian Church, ElizaDcth, ent-..forms of^—Hir .'jimr—rest, young' people in the P« An- Affiliate Of The l-'nitrH Tuesday — fl:30p.m Join. , — Tuesday — B p.m., Session the child does not'-iH'eeivo the House-. '". prayer, and Bible sTudy Svnuforiit of. Ameclra Adiilt Institute. _' t Saturday —- 0:30. a.m., Descant meeting. same test twice during' Ihe Rahbl Reubew R*. Levlne Mondav—3.15 prm .-Brownies • 'Tinp i» meeting every Wednes- ^~Wednesday"— B:3f) p.m Joint cl rehearsal. Creative en- Wednesday—9:30 a.m.,. Irtter- years he ,a~ trs'ted. 7 m Girl 'Scouts. li::iO p.m., Junior High Youth nt I - ''ny evening at the Springfield Cantor Itrifl Welamin Adult Institute., . . . • "~ C; nlf i ; cetsary-prsyerjif'To .m , Bible "%fin,v — il:3» n'm- wnrk- fraf^Church;' trans-1 ™ ' weekend- B : N'o lcKv--lias hneri;'devised, Rmanuel Methodist- Church In 0(1 Ballmrol way We urge all who are interested " Pfllies U njn.,, .fl.p.m., Chancel Choir. K p rtn> I howeveiWo Ruarnnlee Ihnl a~ -Trlvctt-Room.: from 7:30 to 8:30, " Today -=—1 p.m., 'Senior In assisting tn mnTntaln our rinlly ["' ' j ChUdren'jl Thursday— L2:30 p.m., Ghrisl- ehijrijw'ill kecfi his -rnmi nrat.. c rr •IS p.m. I.a ies' Bible under the leadership of-Pastor I.engue—UQ p.m., United Syna- minyan (pr-apei^nuorun'i) to sign- 18-35 years nf agc~mar- Dfvlnlon of Church School. Ser-! mas Workshop. — - Janies Dewart. gogue Youth. •«p-with-Leonard Sherman, .TTO- "p.m.. Junior Hi/jh ~De- i I'w | Hpripd or single, wtH— meet—]n ' in_ Wassennan, will he called to hearsni Chapel. :-3fl 'p. m , Roy sion on membership nricl evang- weekly in the homes.of the par- cli m unucs. S p.m., Junior High Fel- the Tnrnh n« B'nai Mlt/vah. kouts, Troop ,7ft, ' Caldweil ! * . Muridy Jioom. 223 Copprrthwalt* nl., U'eatfleld , ish or at the church. Each-group r Tuesday —; B p.m lowship. 5~p.m.,-'--.-Senior—Hltfh- They arr the flrnt twinn tn he Clinton Hill BaotJst Si-hnnl. Women's will have a leader and will have i Mission Circle will meet at tiuvFellowship. fi:30 . p.m.. Chapel Rev. C. Clifford Flanlian, vloaxJ-5; honored—in this fashion In the 2B1S Mnrri* ave., t'nlnn 11 : as Its express purpose the "study ' "•• Wesley_Mersfeld•" • ' - ' ChChoii r rehearsarehearsall . 88"" pmSundap.m.r-Sundayy Today — 12:30 pin.. Ladles' _nf_the Bible In relations to daily temple's 13-year history." Rrv, John D. Fltsel, pi r TupmlMj ^- n:3l Today — 8 p.m., choirr^re re- Holy Cross Lutheran . iS Maple ave, MaplcwooiL^-nitfh/t group, Aid SoelMy; 3:4.1 p.m., Con fir-.. : with Mrs Walter Mersfclder hearsal. Monday — Creative encounter rpgij,,,, classes A and B; 7:4,1 (The Church of the Radio co-hfkstess _ Tomorrow -- 7:IS p,m , Pi- "lutheran Hour" and TV'« weekend. - , p.m., Luther Choir; 0 p.m.. 11 Wednesday •— B p.m., Praver •nrtecr . Girls- (3rd-fith grades'l. "This is thr-fctfe ) mid Bible Study Group. Tuesday.— 8 p.ny. Choral Art; "Slmrlng Chrlnt" training meet- .7:1.1 p.m.. Christian Service which are (!39'-GtI Mountain Avenur Thursday - - 3:311 p.m., Society. BH5 p.m., Friendship iriC: 'jL:3fl p.m., Music committee. and—Brigade (hrtys 12-1S). "i.i pm, "more • personal anc 7 a.m. Sprlnrfleld. \. j. Fellowship and Choir, Mundy uild. [ Friday 3:15 p.m., Junior. j Stockade (hoys 8-12). -appr6«jh to the .Christian Go«- Lester T. Messerkchmldl. Tailor Room._T:3n p.m., tenrtrfr train" Wednesday — 9:30 a.m., Worn-• ana—c-hildren'g Ghoirs; 8 p.m., ! Sunday „ fl:4.1 a.m., Stindav —^-Telephone: Dltexel 9 .12,1 " onl~BeB.-Choir rehearsal. 11:30 . "Sharmg-Christ" training mect""- ; School. Clns'ses for alfagrs"." II ing class—in Ree\'e Room undtt a.-m., Study group, 3 pm. Girt-|nK .._ If no answer: CHeitvlrw 7-5R dirj-ction of Mrs. i.illian Linde- First Church rserv rlass. Scouts, Troop 223. ll-p.m , Evan- a.m., Confi Tnriav — 4 p.m , Sciuoi Con-• man. flp. m, Senior Choir rnn- in^"a.iri.., morning wor- gelisn) niclTtT-ehurch Lounge. Pareni-leach- Saint Stephen* Of Christ Scientist- firmation ClassT .. _^ tjmie^rejiearsals jm , ..^.^^ ship; the^—Dedication of memor— all day. ' 1IIZ, Sprint Held »v«. "£l~~—.Tomorrow —.4 p.m., Junior "Seven Last Words Of- Christ. Episcopal Church .Jlals, Pastor's ne Early . Summit . ' .Confir-fn'ttoTr-CtlsK"" Our Ladyy Of Lourde. Main ti. oppoiltr Taylor rd. '.jlthe Bible lesson-sermon In Cloud and the'. Fire 3 JI In Suncia\' ^ ~ tJld n.m~,—Hnrcdav ."••—Mlllburn. N.J. Dedication al the sanctuary • ..,n,.'j,'i"'- 3H Central ave.,"M«yt—^^B?3Df~Hply_Com j qinsttfered-1 miracles. ~Weeltday ~munloh firrt *flwwtny5-j"j ^=-= Sis is_ amplified in a eUatiaq --- - iirbm—"STferSimind riealth with! "Alta'r-Tind, JLa•'"• _ . - _ . ,.Guild. al to the Scriptures Wednesday;' =_ ":,in pm, •n1 Thanksgiving" and. praise .rall.v" f u«rl«v~- r#-+S- nm- Tiles;, School and AdtrH-ForumT-Mn'; -First Friday - NIIOUtOM WANT YOUI lil.J II. ipar, ih«uW )•• -In advanced—«—nation to the wor- Rev. David Haines, "pastor of Discussion Group and II am, worship services; Ttir'am whetyau htivi. Jun a law«c«lt olAc* ky Friday !• i'mura publit.- sniP °' fJot! in Spirit instead of. Wednesday — S p.m, Adult 7:15 and 11:30 a m l Call 4I.-77M. the Emerson Union . Churfh, sermon theme, "When The Well Miraculous medall nnvena, In lh« KIKI i«u«. matter, and Illustrated the grand speaker Inquiry Group, fi p.m., choir re- Runs Dry." —' — - •- — • ' human capacities of being be- hearsal. Monday al 1- p.m. "benediction Nursery open durum all terv- Monday — 8 p.m., Men's Club' stowed by Immortal Mind." The duni-g school veir on Fridays ices. bowlini;. subject for the day is "Mind," at 2.3(1 p.m. Baptisms on Sun- Tuesday — 8 p.m., Lutheran days al 2 pm. by appointment, NAVE YOU and the Colden Text is frnih Reformed Church Church Women, geenral meel- t.'onfemonii every Saturday Matthew (22:37): "Thou 'shalt Battle Hill mc in Fellowship Ha.ll; "A THE lnve the Lord they Cod with all Chapel Church in a Changing Neigh-1 ?'!an,d on the eve of Firm Fridays thy heart, and with all thy soul, Community Moravian 242 Shunplke rd.. and with all thy mind." CORRECT .. 777 LlhertT aye. Above Daltusrnl Way .,„ . „. . Rrv. D. F. Atchrstn. (tutor nnf)7:3 n t o p m Rev. George T. Rnbertion, Kugler from St. Mark's Church i Tomorrnw - 3:IS- p.m,., Chap- TIME KAV'S BlIV ., . Rev. William T. Iverton . in .. 'Elizabeth Morning Circle el Rell' Choir. 4 ^p!m.,' Junior ' OF THE UTEKI Services every Sunday at 10serving as hostesses. CALL •LYnuth Fellowship, ice skating. All Purpota ' woathrr permitiins. Bring skai,e« DRexel 6-4300 to church before .school in the morning Progmm will end ahom For Expert LATEX PAINT .1:1.1. and \nuths will he hi-r>ught Prescriptions Filled Interior Only tn their homes. 7 p m . Marai-ia* Eye filaHHes Repaired OH Burner Sarvlc* than Choir. 7 30 phi. Senior Choir. Prompt Sen ice $9.98 per gal: • Saiurna> • - 10 311 n M Ciitc- chi'!ic;U C'IHNS makf-.ip 11 am, pRexel 6-6108 II Colon - CliiM-uh Chmr. I! .in a ni . Mar- Guaranteed Washable Sur.da* fl :iii n m . I'bu vh Iwb witch (•«»<• burfrd tnd Si-I'.ooi ( .- I0-4S n J. NORWOOD VAN NESS ed tTft of ehirge with KAY'S N*UI-»IM-\ Schaible Oil Co. •uh ARTHUR L. WELLS JR. 192. Mountain Avt. REALTY'CORNER Stationery & II I'onnthiai^ II lt)-;j 0 ,.nd Mil MORRIS Mi... SI'ltlNOHKU). S.; I. 1 OUIIO OPTICIANS SPRINGFIELD Hardware fr>r Camp Hope Retread. S: :-.;-.!- FOR AI.I. VOIR RKAI. F.STATF. .NF.KI1S Wftsley Jewelers Luke 8 4- 15. J p IT . Cxv? >a> " 141 Morn. Avt , SannoflilJ. N J. coal - Ft EL OIL - cok« ltS Mltril Av... lpMn(n(l

.' O RACIAL DriEMMA Pedeslriiinf 85 -SPRINGHHD LEADER, Spr1nttfl»ld/ H. J. _.± Thurtday, M>. IB, 1965 Stduents Named To Honor Roll DISCUSSION,TOPIC r Ballet Sessions End BROWNIES SERVE OF In Fair Condition 245-HOUR TOTAL in tions"- will be the subject of. lLauli - Seos, leaders of * •••-?•* discussion—at—the . bi-monthly SprintfleW. Brownie Iroop, - Honor roll students were an- khiser, Linda Relsberg, Rooa Blaclcman, Bruce Borrus. John WitWar Iniurie^/'W Current Classes _ricenti" eowplled their ser- •enn, Patricia Burnsteta, Mi- meeting of_ihe_ Young Adult nouneed this week by Roth, Carol Sakosycb, Marcia Fellowship'of Springfield Eman- The -first session of the next. Thursday afternoon. ~aT vlre «hee(, a summary of »ct- Eh_SchooU _SolkoH,_Caro]—Spieal.^ chael Chin. Roselvn Frank, An 85-ycar-old 'SDrlngfleld Springfield Recreation • Depart- the Caldwell School. The public ivltlBs. They ' discovered vthat - V Springfieldi-for-thc third marlc- Stark, Robert Waldman, Joan Elaync Golden, Ava Goldman, program jid• ing period, which ran from Dec. TKreritwrrDavid—Yuekman;—Mi" j chael Zidonik. Charles Hammen, Janice Hard- to be held this w*«k.-Classes are ^^The following .v -•14 to.Jan- Donald Rossclct, president of; M. SuAimit, with injuries susr phanaees throuehout the area. r-SOPIIOMORES- rove: Leslie Herman. Sandra each week' on Wed- reation department will -begin i'JlO iiaKtic—leade hc-fclloi •ship ounced—that—tatned wln3rHg°war-gtmck by. a -iil>1ce_Q'!tober.. • . v -Barbara—Maustein.. "i cob«i — Gregory—dfo>v—ifc>n«fm c '•— TICS jays and Thui'idays' at lite Its swnnri 10-week session for elude: ; —'ihct broWnl'W~hiiv .SENIORS r— -=-• Also,--Toni-KWcnrGail" Kap- Walton • and'"Caldwell-Schools who participated in the first ses- yors fpt dlitrlbution on ew Michael Adlckman. William *rd Cohen, Robej±_Cohcn, Iris Ian, Michael Kay, Carol Klein- under the supervision of the sion will be given the first 6p- holiday, ilnce the Bt*tt of ifae '•.-• AlthorVBarry.Antonacci, How- Conktoi, Richard DJMarlo, Mi- rt, Susan • Kreigman,-^Eric Recreation Department. .More portuni|ty to reglsler for _tW* ncbool yean _: --^ .; ard _ Aplrian, Leslie Apirlan, ohael Planter, Lintia Fried, Su- reuger," Susan Lanes,, Steven ducted by Rosselet. - ; . De, was crossing than 100 children paid $5 forprogram. .— John Aragona, Arlcrj* Arenas, san Fried. Ronald'TFry.',, Mark *nchncr, Janice Lilien, Peter The ^evening will, conclude-^ Mountain' ave. at Shunptke rd. the jO.lessons.- '---^—T~ "^George Argyris, Irene Baroff, Galdstone, Robert . Gleltsmann, JpschuRz, '.Gall Maloratiky,* Cbln«B with and _ As part of; the program,-a from the Recreation Department 1 "Wfslie Ann Bartels, Linda Bos- Howard GoJdhammor. yron MeUel, arbara—Miller, ments,—wits.withh the next-regularp a-car driven byy Law- demonstraUon class will be held at the Municipal Building, rr T' slnger, Meryl Boydman, Lois Also, Lawrence Johnson, Che- Salvatore Minicozzi, Alice Mol-- meeHhg schedulethed nextfor _March:'7. regular4 rence'M. Cyre, 20r-of 120-LiLin Briggs, Marilyn-Brownlio, Stev- ryl Kaplan, Jeffrey Karl, .Glenn n.' _— '' , The group invfted young, aduIGTdcn ave., Springfield. • •... ..— - erC~Burger, Barbara Damiano, Koechllng, Susan TCopllk.-Stu- Also, Mark Paull, Robert in the community, slngle^Dr.| Police said Ferrugia " was art-Kurtzer, Arlcne Marano? —Patricia Dessewffy, Jane 'omerantz, Thornas" Poznanski, married—from-18-to 35,-to at- crossinffr^with the green , light --fORTHE FINESTtN EYEWEAR HiJtharar-MeieitzehrUrline Mel- uhn,,;'Ned >qnna Quint6H,_Marlene- Rels- tend these' sessions., Ifrrd Cyre ohior-JudHh Mikulicz.' Kenneth iwnGaiwnp-Gai::R£8e~R£8enn ; LlnHa^BivgtKLnHa^BivgtKT : Jeane MSt ^ave, from- Shunplke ans, D«nlse Ford, William Franz, bhn_Vasselli,. Joyce ;Weinsteln, rcT": Jacqueline • Franzese. " Neville.' Suaan Oberst.- ritoSWiS Are Parents Of Girls! so,- Elaine Eerlwao, Barbar —Ferrugia susmmed multiple flmrl.f. Also, Judith Frled.-^Zelman. Babies born to Springfield abrasions of the body and an in- -^3 •-. GershwIhTTiraTarlc Gill, Phyllis ra~Ragucci/ SusgrrSeagiill, Ar- parents^ r«snlly_ at Overlook thur Sellkoff, Gary—Simson, SPECIAL SERVICES :_ llSl jury to the right leg, hospital .. ill. «r GlI!flamL_Steyen Ginsberg, Irene Barbara Sotak, Frederick Title, authoritles-prcporiftfi. ,. ANDREW KOVACS ' • Orr.nUl Girl IUU>r Gocel, Carlotti Gulvas," Frank (Sharle* ~Barberio, "Patricia ~~k girl to! Mr. an4 Mrs. Bobeift OMICtAN Your hosl.sst GLORIA CHO Judith Wa!dU-Kar*niJ&asser- emarest, Frederick Pry, Loren Bock-«f 93 Caldwell pi, Cyre was issued a careless . Haydu, -George-Hedcnburg, Ca- manr-K*ren ,Weber, NTell Wein- W MMXBURN AVK., MDXBURN Ntit TaMh* DB l-*l»: Ut.led tit Mlka WMi: •(-MiMkir rol Hodapp, Linda Hodapp, Bar- Logan, Joseph Secary, James A' girl to Mr. and MSL-Louis driving summons by Patrolma;n K»uU ' terg, Ina White, Eu«en« Zom. iplesbach. -I_Kravetz of. 18 Bryant George-Siesscl. bara Infantlno, Toby" Kaplan, FRBBHMEN - Jeffrey Katz, Sandra Klopf, Di- ane icioss, Michael—KraemeFr Sandra Stanley Levy, Donald Lewis, v- An—Maobln,—David—MocMillan, HEALTH EXPERTS^ —^Marilyn Merzell, Tina MarzeH, •Jimes Mattie,- Carol Matturo. MEET TO DISCUSS Also^Christine Mende^Chrlr- -tlne' Mlndas, Richard Moore, MMMUhUZAjriON' : Linda..Morris, Lynne Neubeck, A "Working Conference':on 'i'y.' Ellen Parker, -Patricia",PlaS- ImmunlzaUon".w_as heldrat the •.- schaert, KatKJeeJ n HaguccIT~Joarg7 i Holiday ^tnn-in-Newark last RauMtz,' Howard Rollarj Greg- "Wednesday. It was .sponsored drug stores Hornanyshyn, iMf1d ihn Nw* ,Tf*jgy TVpartmwit of Health _and the meir_ • Sellmky, Nancy Shattenf State. Health Distrlet^-Mus.con- -Nanoy=Smith, £Marcia Splgel, ertnee was "In cdnjunrtion with Snlerie - - - - : MMk Fastest _ C_FJfankJ •• in, Richard 7fr UN VALVE Growing^ ; Vrenken, Gail Wilson. tlonof New Jersey•_' •rugSt JUNIORS In the afternoonSMrs. Edward Armory, James JSeti" othy Danziger'of 122^Jefferson •ERSONNA .'dor, Susan Blaclcman, Sheila ter., SpringUeld, told ...of xUh« Boylah, Cheryl Boyle, "Andrew Imrnunlxation program in ihe. teltitT JUirwinn'Rrilt *hir ' •- BULBS —Richard Clnqulna,, Josoph De- Montclalr; The programs ti-n.mwat.imat —Christopher, Michael Delta, Jac- several • communities .were quelyi*- Demner, _ Llndji_ Enz "cusii« panel members, ant »—^Mary BVanlcIin, Carol Pruchter, a question, and Jinswer period EACH MUM— Rj&B* Barry-F.u1mefi_Carle Gorstein.. tollowed- ' - .._:_ Also, Also, "Laurie Goodman —Tho need for. Immunization. 'Carol Gras, Joan "Harback/ St'e- against tetanus .was emphasized GERBERS IF; "~phen. Hartz, StephiQ. Hodes, In ' the morning session._Many MOUNTAIN AVE., ROUTE 22 Jane Hoeflich, Kathleen Huaalc7 M Bbt' Is*ler, 3ldi INGFIELD, N. J Kram&r, . Barbara Korean War days and this yrit Learner, Bonnie being-emphasized in a mailing OUommormann, .... Gorajdlne " "Le»- plocfc-to all vetprans with their IMMU mm uuir i sack,v Susan LtebUn*. dividend checks. It was stated :,Also, Laurralne McNamee, there.were flvt deaths due Patvldla~Montlcello, Robertr 'tetanusTn-NewUiaseylagt year; _J_O(fn Dally 9 almT Vo 10 p.m. reines, Ira Plller, Gretohen Pur-- and 500 deaths in the U.S. m HEyents VENFLO BABY • A-1 •••• , - ~rramstfKii. ' " • POWDER J:30 to 4!30».ni.'-Ballet Fromm, C*ldwell School iutwttasr (TDZ.CAN i3ttt(3B •J'lo D tt.M.—Buketball gamer Gudltt'eer School (MlnuUmen v«. St. IVUry'f, Ell«*b«th) . Ti36 to 10 DM.—Women's Volliytnll, Studmeler School • • ,_ • _ FAm Y. ": _" 3:!» to S v.m^Bpyt' Bawliox Le»»u«, SprlnFrield Bowl - 3;30 to_ 4:30 t>.m^-Wte«UlM» Protnm, Giuaineer Schoal. ~<:10 to SilO |>JM^-Jle)ter Sk»tl«r. Gaudlneer School mmmttm. 1t» I 0*. Mtt 1 i« 4 ».m.—Youth Basketball, Caldwell lleiool PAUWLWE dlLLETTE •;"••. . (Small-fry Lea«ue> r THERt It NOTHINg TEMPORABY A»OUT-1~ .1 to i».W.—Youtli Basketball, Sandmeler Sehool tOW SAV-ON PRESCRIPTION PWCE5T - iS0 pjn.—HaSetball Game, GaudtUecr Behoof

MONDAY -• It AS to M» p.m.— Adult Art Cl»ss, JeerMllori House. T7tb 9:S0 p.m.—SvrUigdeia Charal Society, Raymoud POUDBT ^- ~— Chlsholm School _ _ '•" • ' " ••'••- .TBESDAY "' • - • S;SO t«-«:30 p.m.-Junior Girls' Twli-llnr.-Caldw«H 3:30 Td~8"n.Bi.—Glrfr-Bowllnjr Xeaiue, ScrUi*'MM Bowl T to SiStt u.w.^-Sthloi- nlri'a Twlrllnt. CalaWell Sfhool mt MSWEIM nm to 9 a.m.—T«tuaK> Basketball, Sandmelir Sehool -^—WKPNIiSPAY — lfl:30-j«JH.'to 1:30 Cltl«eB«. American F0BMU44 Hill to 4:30^p;m.»-Balltt PwgratB~(Bei!toutrs) WaHon Sehwl MX IF « xumm

BAND AID -Yorke-Itwestment swept"fror, Mjtlton_ idquors- in: PLANTERS lftt... ^porfe Bowling last "week Springfield Bowl;" moving Intt COCKTAIL second place behind Ehrhafdl KAIHTS Television Center Sinclair al« swept, from VFW. High scorers included George Brenru 203-201; Dom Galante, 920; Joe Alacco, 217; ,Joe PuU- tano, 203; Ronnie De SantJs, 202 Uank Kichoh, 202; Robert Voor- h«f«, 200. Film Show Aft ANUSOL Pride of Battle Hill Council, MS, 4* MM Daughters of America, will HOUSEHOLD BICYCU sponsor a movie program to morow evening at 8:30 at thi RUBBER PUYIiG BRETTLER'S 'American Legion Hall, Spring CARDS field, The feature film will GLOVES DEPT. STORE "The Eddy Duchin Story". Ad SUUMII* 141 Murti Avt. W« Midi mission will be frcc,"and thi $ .,:'1«>YM»M. N.-JL ">••. program will be open to th public.


Auto Rantuls — Duyv- W««k >long ?«rm We reserve tht ritht to limit 290-306 Broad Si. ' 27740651 Summit Fodnrtl tax where a amamtu&gsst.

^NiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiUilliiiiiiifiiiiilliUiiiiiiiiiiitiiM^ MENU FOR WEEK -'* i"~i. I LEADER PROFILE ~H SET JVT (SAUDINEER Monday: Washington'* Birih- hl —Tuesday: Spaghetti with meat —"Do iou_realize,'-the determined red- sauce, carrot ttltldi, choice—ftf.. haired chairman of Springfield'slair hous- - trult, bread, butterTmllk" * Wednesday; ^.-Chicken. of a reporter, "that SpringffieldJiTactualiy g g a roll, olivet, potato chip*. ;—cfcolte Of fruit, milfc achievement?TWo good exttrripleii are —"Thtii'sday: koast turkey, 1 ~Tffea ltoft h ' Mr *. Lewis, a Haffl-working young tered mixed vegetable*, dough- , aarfoi'Wfircroh tha.fldKe.6fJ i6f&- nut or cookie*, bread, butter, her immaculate, (Jomfortable Jiving — milk. — • .. • ti^at 385 Milltown-rd-the-other-morn- . Friday: English muffin pitta, . Jh&.am proceeded to ««!kn6Wledge-the - . tosses-salad, crisp, milk. loWi-obBtacle-rldden progress thei Menus subject fo change wht fielcf FaiFTHbusinfif Committee- has With thejiobperatibn of many citizens, •^Htoo nurnreoufi toiist; and the aid of the Ethicol Society • tnwn'<) ^ti;"i4i>y.trJPllj_V» have been given ^~PaWJFKortorti lrtjtfa- •tf'BH1 the dpW£tMliity-.tg_atak:Jugt-paying lip T^T^ flervice-to-the-froBIem: and-fcfet-t9-the-cdr* fc Sodaty fof* BUiicW CXU- - "of"it. •* ' •--..• - - -X . CMinty BthicjJ Society Sunday a» "The upward Ktep—we-haver _ ~BR-81«^ PWiptfct -it, CTh). T:*wlw explained, '%a Very eonserva- Map!e*6bd. Ml* tople wilt b« -. tive one, but at leastjfteople are becoming ~^--- jHUfih thore? aware ofTalf Musing ijrout; IlllillllllllllllllllllllllUIUl ttrUHy ff j* ^WlllltltnHlllHlHIIIIIUIIIHInlmMHIIIIIBIWMWIHIIflllllWIIIIII! the clergymenMue, hWhd--ar£-prenarintf of the credit m*- thtde public. :'"""' LetteiFS^To

—--T ; "WE HAVE FOUND tHr*Mp6nl«« publicly IIKe to tHaHk Mf. JW very happy . We areTfiilJy-a B16W-< Brestila of «Vergrrtn Lodge hi moving group, but Working viry-eioseh?- being1 klhfl «ft6iigh on Saturday FdR SE!tVldi^^«hirfcn-*»odil> *t Temple fceth "with thtrclergj^in ottfareft, We HaVeiourtd t db i AtUM as tM gprlnWIeld Men's UMike irid Wdram'iChap- OrrattHa W. MetkW. fir* ehleJ|-Wam«HUhMi, ^t«- stB'rial B'rllh Hreitnted their aMHal i>ltlietaaltl» . that tye-are ftiakintf p1S>griiUL!!_ - VolunUtr I'lrehiW, aDd Alfred __. a place large -MrsMrs.. IsttwiIsewis pointepoin d 6Ut that the) three- Mrs. AHhHf M. Filltlti ana fotirtihlii.ewiWllWetWaii Jtyr. week^drlvfl "Which toehold allot thim fof been tWmendoUKly ll.-OtflMlddfr MM. ntiiVit ti* . ilria, tihdeMrl«-n«S( folk ad*ijsi riddle songs>v sonKB^ aiid -they will"^ -jwe-rmvc armtjged to take a. tun page ad frdrrl 8:30 to 10 and "are followed M«H'» Loiljte itlloTTHarry ^riladhl, R1V Tcnow a sons-from each state the ps " in the Spririgf fcld Leadef aiLthe d6s« of. 6y dUricliife, they6f4 Held ,dur and -Women'a-ehapter-rof-B'«a- i m6hd_»l«er, ««nry Rub««,. March-4i and all thfl^JJiWti*- In* the j#H6a front October to wnen me f^oup (cornpieies us flaps; BVIth. _ fh« rflflfnildn of the people wh6 have signed the pledge worki • 6Ji*rtfUe *r«a UitL Broadway tiHjftii sUMmed up the Thanks again to :Mr. Jim _ (C6HtlHU»d;fr6rn ?a|e I) -. •how icngj by Cantor Jarael_T[._ will be pabllshed iri this advortidetrleflti":: hla client by sayinj that BresciS. Welarrtin, atcornpanled by Mau- W*AN_ -Mrs .i '•'-— state HlKiiWayV wltHlrTlfirTstate, i^tltf. ,B3vefybady helped "eVe^ybedy . acre ' -irSet- now. «econM6datM the JftjJHway. " H»m«.iil! ears aria might ie'cbtrl- iut n6W* the fasTll6n J«em« mdtt 3bH in rt #• •#—•-•• Is call.oul t a phlHfcfrapfief, raise a HFiaied that all maps "puf- p*htiant high Bbeve the eotti- to^-i1i6«r-«rherfciU - Wlirilljrb(it linrnewhal belWV td* £ffi£-£ *a!Alt Cs!4i>itn£A sflhft Ifos^e^-blatsU highway* . wilt. fl9. rriuii- have' »ot Increase the tp is artlrf,. afiker d the felBrjfyt n gfrve orr t 'OtoxviinQ Biripcfij •nci incn ruiin v pre* __ the organization.- '.'Where would AND VICINITY TO. rluTFia 661rnlU5e;:AMd.'thB.-Bprirl« *.' 1 off In i dlreSlon opposite Wif * jocllon. Iri many cases, inctud- .. field ftilhiatera and -rabbitt-4laVi ' we tj«t iridre rnemtwrs ' he Mid. ' U6ns ifld t«6ti- -Ing* ftt. 878,i wa-baVe-flBOef-done -=- KATHARINEfflBBS it the*itt«^dj "I «m the ^6Uigjeat member, tfld i ill thil'i fte*dM th, l J rriore apedlfle-tMrPthatll hh - - 1 iiw 88 years old.--All we want cost-eJtlrrtiteline." Is to iher«a«.e the quality bf 6Uf -the Ueffceptiv*—JWlitfldual With a- perfectly—atraight "W6 have a very repreBentative_: "aiftiihl lA 6ur rerrtauilng ye(u*8^ ghway,.lMH>iiHmcnt group," ihe soldi "When M fiWt atart»dr ()uesll6ncd the-pres- . flirita for What th«y-are -^ h«fd- went on td Jiy, "Th« we ftTademUfe w§ eoHtatfta MW* from ^ Used 6y employee* ly jL-trlbUt* t8 Iflod, .but ttithte- _,) It to detefmine wheth- evflrjrehiirerrsronprth abt en s c6minltteer~ • ift Insldittua JJfotat^of-" " er 6t ftbt Rt. 2it Will ever be 41 MOUNTAIN Alt oui* fH6etlrl{f a, Irieidehtaliy-, at& HeldifT ~" f preme C61irl decisions thAHrttt1—WiVnt: chUrcheH-O£_Byjia|fo#U68. We m«et «l(rht —Gu«««>»ald theslnainr ah«lttJjj ^ M II riWiiD. M,4r—N. Uaw Short Bill* Area or-iO timed s yeaf « '•.-•• Will dlrKlnUh. the noise factor . atilyWo/t Wmprehend aHyWayV- £„? ~mt MO AM i*tt.a*V*t K»tJ— tifcatl.e Improved iecWtaHci-wlU The-jijjh trlb^taAldri*WwW-^ -JlOne-of-the-iide efwctg fw me-a-and_-I pfMttjm^ alnj(lriir-Ev5nTn«l [ ly.-irsaiUilwl ^ the federal evStyone eluej I-beHevel^- has been the l*iHi tt)dH« -gbVefflMefit f* Whleh-aMeTrtii , Meanwhile, back in edtication«1irt*ce(is totipumlvM, Wd.dftn'V m LZ hypothrte.1; alwayfl-get-e-chance-to^worfc with — and P*" W » h'thrleaaerta In sodmlly me6t pe6Bi§ of-all tyjips. y' . _i "Putt at otif Wh6i6 pt'oblom ]»th6 fttvo^ tH» tpflflH.; tha aeBBawt. Aliaiucommuritty acllbrv lettera T " 8r*»ela aald-he -has wayf t6 legisiataisi ana othet1 effidiati of not knowing §i«IFHri6r7 Sut £V«r|reen Lodge for 11 In Trenton and WAihlngtan iHd 6Uf Wbrk, We'v6<«IIl«»ll1 y learHed tHd that winy Sfwinirfu II Henahaw-ave ajhfeni deal. No erie^fKoui committee was ganlUUofi* have used It tot % rilenios, and MMURgS. ready to completely kHowletfafiable, We ftll httd NIU A JS»» KMHI MM H.V WitMa softiethlflB td fflftfti <4 ind We'W still d-lingers, he. said, Ui« the anything," Bloom has_deciaied,,_^ learning" -'gHft.' anilled. ^ Bremtlel "to march In picket-llfte*. to afiowl every alngle st#p to the which come r. • whether

said bofote,-mucn ef the i on•en»-oacaslfifiuS, •YIGEORGI uto make ouriBbr-tbidoor callgii • ua» by the abutllnj REAL be rathbrjin a\wkaEard-thlBK:but laefcry fW^arkWirand that h* happily, the people were prepared- foir us has; had no eotrtplalnts-about- — the-community seemed to have been •treet Barking or evening af- SPECIALS waiting for us to" ring HMdaOrbell." folrt. He aaid he has had com- plaint about picnic noise. Asked Man., rib. 22 ONLY 63CORVAIR MM. Lewis, whose official title of the whci would pay the tab for the $ 95 MONZA drive Is "co-dvUinatttr" ("which actually new eonitmctlori, - hp . said It ' 'SB FORD 4LQ franimlulM, means chairman," she Mused), recently, would tie paid by United Sing- ' • announced that volunteer afeft cftptains er*. .. 56 ' ' ' are Mrs. Larry Armour, Mr«. Morton •Sutler GdldberR, Mraf Audree Kiesel, Mrs. Jerry Xofna.n said that the lodce , Kraemer, Ja'mes Marshall, Joseph Mar?eJl. serve* aa a buffer atrip between 63 CHEVY II PONTIAC Stanley. Miller and Sylvia SSIkman. Jotmrtb • residential pweftyand "noisy" '$1 CHIVY ,$AC.9S 4-daar Heiilep, AutaAiiitU, .'JtyMr Behder has been acting chairman of tVie Induitrlai fatilttle*. Asked by Gd. Stocks - BondJt • Life Insurance 4-Door .. •• 360 UI\M. IUarln(IIMrlng, >*warPswir.. IHIIIMIHIIIM, I**|Q|| War^l ^Schwartz, rone board Mutual Funds Planning * evl., Uilt I K*Hf AlrC^ltUMJ^ Fair Housinjf Cbmmittee Hlnee Irving member, At the lodge has af- Samuelo; former ehnlrman, moved from fected . property values, he said •9/emw Springfield. troo{«__yas no evidence of this R OSCAR CartverllbU . from Mies. '62 BEL AIR •COOLDtrVIOlILl Mm. Lewis has been itetlv* in Spring- Specialists In Pension and Profit fiMrlnjt Slant 'if RAMILIR field in other capncltlem. She served ft*. trwln Bross of 65 Kvergraen tuptr U CwviHIkU, AM*,, MHtl avt., a member of the audience WAGON . f. l. Real*.I Hmitf .... «wU '•(Centlnusd en Pine IB) and en* of the plaintiffs in the DONAN & CO. ING. mniniiiiiiiiwiiiiniiiiiiaiiiiiiiitiiiitiHiiiwtw™H«iitHttttntiiHwiiiitifHiiti taxpayers' tuit, said that he 37ft Morfll Ave. f\t> f\ enn't sell his home because at Sprlnifiew, N. J. Un W- the presence of the lodRc, al- though It has been on the mar- Hi—months: Leonard Kartzmnn of 32 Twin Telephone DRaual Oalnnrval-irnwittoned the reatqn- .with whltk kil k««H m'*»j«il Hi* l#ll«|IUU tvH for the new "K*Brlnj(. "''liin't it U Cm.? St., SprlittlltM, N, J. ATAI1 the Zone Board's function to %*t*»i «au *«tlsg* Paid at SpriAafUM, N. J. protect the character ot our Aumoaizw CHivaoui, CHIVIUI, eoiVAia, wm » Klt tatk ttiuHday ky fHinw »#UMM*« C*n> neighborhood?" 'be asked. Dr. Sanford II. Miller coavnii, ctliw iiueKt a»a OK UUD CAI BIAUI U, UNIOM, In other business, the bonrd • , * • IMINANilB mi HkHKWOimi approved a variance permitting Paul Commerato to build on a NIWS ANb I6ITOIIAI MMRtMINT substandard lot at 180 Tooker Optometrist - Eyes Examined MORRIS & COMMERCE ML O*U, xllui ave. tt referred to the. Planning IH* Ctnlan Marls* IMW* ' Rlihani •»•• Board for an advisory report a Office Hourn 14 Evergreen Ava. i SAMI . . variance' request by Philip Slot- MU S-2800 - OPEN EVENINGS 0 11 Q " • IM ItaWiitMt, 6y Appointment •"ft.,,. VGRI nick to' construct' alfeitmraht at Kabart H. IkMtll sJv.rtlili,, mm •2flEch« Pla*a. -•"•• 7*^1 ..ii..V.-},-;M*».-v',- .••^x,,.-^. U«* ; Tbuwday, Feb. 18, {1965 •'. HEALTH LEAGUE? FEW PfOPtE KNOW PlantReyealed N.J. State Highway Department Orchestra Group THAT IT EXISTS The dimcultics-oi keeping To Curb Floods' To MakeDehuL the pyblitr7: informed were Its Rt. 27% iccting—wittr^theYout"~and~TTrg the Junior Board of Direc- 6th) told Union County Freer Federal o|(|pi«j| to agree on • tors of. the Union County WASHINGTON — Hep. Flor- holders and township officiatetrator, . th« Statt Highway fln«l# • and. "join forc«s_1»:. Wednesday Night Tuberculosis- and -Health ence JP... Rwyer (R-6tb Dlst., that she would try to arrange mlnistrator. -the-Stetr'rHlghw«y Jightlfor,Jts^adoptiqn.!! TtorSuKsean"SyinpRony League-this-week,-in » N^J^hdht of a meeting "with a sU(te, federal Chamber Orchestra willmakeits- conducted in the area and local ofiicigt on pr-'pppspd, Ld*«t_«iUL_r«cUalJ«fdneMlay at ,,.. ,. , recommendation for Only 86-goit of 14?-.people a—flood—control—proJect-ralpne Rl. 27R throtigfa--Unlon County; 850 p.m. in tb« theater of-Un~ 1 Sloci-coSHotthe Jan Junior College, Cvaniord, un. "" BTjzaEcth- River between -Dxyar-iiict with-offlcials beU, j ttvo, .Union KHrnhcLli on Salimlay »*" -dt-UnfTiire n the area. Mvf-w—*r*T—>-wntapi—Mfa-r-w*«- uuces qji g fflq ple said no arid 55 persons mouth of the river in Elizabeth take into'account Edward RadaUr-concerimasier •aid that theyrJM-nfftrl^ow.- at_the ArihurKlll. The •project She also promised tb-explorc . . , local officials ,v , ^ ays tfl require earlier, consul- of a new wltti the Subutfcan Symphony, Approxiwately . the-j same depends on local .cooperation, tweon local, state and federal f ( will b* guest artist. _ He wil number oi correct answers^ -fhe federal shme of the pro- 1 tation with local communities government ; "in d.«a.Hn.ff wltj) fled, giv^thjnix^mqreleffcctive In her opening MW. s4i*Jon^Bach'#"VWUn Concerto »e given by males knU fe- jeet was estlmBtffi-BttftO.07 mil. problerps' of mutual tpneern..1'" fa} A Minor-.witti the Chamliw le*, queried. _AduJfc ' and lion a.ntl the npnrtederal share VQICO in TiTBhway planninR. Dwycr. suggested- s? mWipn , meeting. M Dwyer'sy.. officajald that of problems In • Orch««t*a. students also had simijbr per- including high.wiuts,-^ 1 ?a«»tages,._The junion.' Board's Mrs. Dwyersaid' Bboding inDwyer, was hluhliuhtdd by'crit- among'' alternativelttiv s ' t —thhe Brahma "Horn IWo l«i E Flatf najj-t project Is tofin d yays tp the river causes averse annual, icism of the gtate Highway Per 'ibrush h stroHp"H . alignmenli t of „ made unnecessarily will bVpresented* by Hdi^ darriage Qf $605,300, mainly be- pertinent. Local officials, ac- 278 p|»p6spd. by. the ^tftte, hv tho'lai" ' ' ' Jsnw* TEvereole, . tfrenefc f ptwide mote A intormation nlng and about the. JeaguViand its work, tween-the-Arthur « Kill and cording to a rpjeasc f.rpm Mrr"eftns)derable-sHPPM J . W»5 elayer; and M*lori Ve«c, pian- .nt..t.A^v itrri/tM • linmnuiMij ^^—VJ by Mayor Warren the cb«nty »»Bp(t»sasaneid North avev Unip». • • otficc,.- U*.iI^'owrfi^».-urfU-p<*fcm — Majpr-elomnent's of the project:about the departmc ot-Roielleikfor re^. region...... ;...'.-; ...... c; ..;...',rr.,J. Mbiari'i "Bine Kleina Naoitt include a concrete flume along interest in nnd cooperation' tftig;the "highway aJapg the Mastic" jho sm^bjdJotw6e!tbdJtT_ t individual communities," ^vWftil*'1 ^tflirA^ '/HAM TTftlftn ' f/1 ]s Kponsoririg to require , mora The r^tal (*"~c3>«nr qyc By, Fraternity^ tors lane »t the .Union"-l'ine"and leading and contradictory effective coordination . by t*&-'.. A, Qhiar-Njci SflWtos of Bridge st.—InHEllTabeth: levees monjsl" "poor planhinc' •fawgey to all holders of : •uibttrtotiop U«k*U e Sut> yvi«w p^-, VnJonr tf. -Of- has an4-walls, rpcansfructlon o.r re-"refusal to consider local MM* uitoan Soctety. Ticket* will b* elocted r«Mrdlnj sopretary placement o.(4fl-hrldges-and-th,e lems and-suggestions." •valJab]* at ttif-dotf.- to |i ?^l ftit relocation of some utility lines. The" Congresswpman, Thsi orch«tra baa pn phJa7>fo^frn iey MM. Dwyer j»tri.thjjt_tSifLBrp^ pointed out that" tyie Fv&i.... and now, m*mb«*faip - for tfie comiag it 4 junior . majorina In ject waild saye tho funds lost flighway Ac£ places- primary. fip*}«g season, t has be«*» an- Edtl^ to * in |lo6d damaee,—aih^ppe-Hrid discussed: the nounced by Mtf*. William Beak- V^!HeFv?a"Tlr.eflgth,en the local itfHD, mertiberahip - chairman. Day Dinner kel* las* waft feWb»b»«( . )#, *•«#*« W- jimiclonM Jttfetestod to..Joinin g the .tfroup ghould, ooniaci'Mm. Blh at 2M-H*t|ord MID-WiNltK 3i AfrtH JAMBOREE...KI-DtEM tHbi>t KKht «.UUr-orta rOK ^fl8W3" There Jn_ eU_»eetlon«i lea« ~ orchestra • _„ MukiToBNWkBt UNION / I every -Tuesday evening The 198S EllabWifrinH-Vi- than.last year, a o'clock to *• Cranlord cinity Telbnhone Directory will rf resident* «et a| home he tinllraw thy tftfc "the difedion^f Soajn.-The gwmip Uvarad. lt~wul-b«-loopacft5ul- :TEi front floor h,»Wil« with a special •i' March annqunced JbU week. plastic sling. New Jersey pel) AH U«tlna»' In th» directoryIs using the sling, for th^e first have the' seven time .in'the area. It Is designed to [SI " Calling. . to protect-the directory «n -The—1868. dlreototjy bringjtjo -the customer's" a,tt*n marks.cofBpI5Hon""af the Bllia- tlon, the sfolfarnan said, • DtmceJAtYWCA beth, area convevslon from two- Telephone directorial for live riuiiiutul «reas in New Jer- ney—tan—ba-T^bl ^ OPEM ,-iUy~wW be held Tua«day.-8:80. Is a]»o charge by ealUn|( the local W™ "ajfperoent4a«rgoe Jersey^ Bell—Telephone business MONDAY office; , _" robruaty 22nd company spokewnaa. The telephoiULghnalt't ... •AIRS - Trttve-; gr«n cover has.^iev.e.tuU- lustratloni showing . ._ -tSO«djMt*M and research .eomplWM-ih_the_ Schedules Dance northeast and Qel»ware Val- FORKION lay sections of the state. . McGov8rn _ Awociatlon has an- sVvii-l a r-KtMiUM or ARMOUR STAR WtlllKayqyQ "A total number of 163,608 new~ : do Itlllrith rlflfe-wol tint tlm«,~Ti^gtrr "*: ftrt \\* fll»* C.ll My ••9|99. Complete"" . llaabeth and vicinity "'. -ivsldinfl »nd inachln* ihep (acil- .orles will be delivered.'Th,|» If ,. will be ap Irish-Ameri- CANNED HAMS Illot . ; . • ^nJucreasa of 8,300 copies over can dance to be helHoselld Marct h 8 at tePree's tfliji DAN HOWARD dividual llitlngs-ln the»nh« ddi( betlcai (actions ha.i inorsaied to RMffbWJiiilh Michael Jf. Q'Har* ft |iitri*>.tf>'° i tattter ' committee, head* are:- Vincent SlavJu, co-chalwnin and ajewttm m JHarry Do^erty and • Lavry Wi"t- .. ..^ar^ThoHatS»*er ind-MI»s UUtbeth Q'Conn*", tickets: Mw, -Margaret Oahwty- andT««. MieKarono, b mine HARDWOOD PANELS (ormed in p«cembibr,~4uw: • membamhiit thot weeria—100

Sh Peter's Graduate!

-JSie-UnloSlCoutity Chapter of tha PtW Cli tto} AsAwmhold^ooetttM warty an* hutfet OJU Sunday >t 4 p-m, «t the Amerioan—Host- otor Hotel^Rt. 22, Sprin«H»l8> WilllMrrJTTPSvvere, presidwit: of' Hie ^aptCT..jnnoUnced~th*t all alumhl iivlnc In. the couiyty and their friends jure ImHed W this annual party._Tickots will tavailable-t-thariow.



CAIUOKN.A JA «A I "ORIOA SEEDLESS . .A w$ Navel Oranges 10" 49' Grapefruit 5 49' ICORNEDBSSFwl .ROAST BEEL

50-STWPS SO ^STAMPS iuTWin»rAHAWiii'WiiAir.qr

... WESTERN will come to the.resctiel WESTERN tool Pttfrwtonals itmit COOKIES •ra trained .bMUfc twined io and materials to soh» any termite problem,

UNION — S Points Shoppino Canter a\ Chaitnul St. — Open lota TK««, • M., * Sol, «W » pw- O«W SUNDAY • A.M. l« » >J»." IMINGFIELD — General Greene Shopping Center, Morrit ft Mountol* Av«-, — Q«W« Monday tK»u tKundoy, » «.m. to 9 p,m., H»W«iy • «.i»v |« 10 tVW. • Saturday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sundny, 9 a.m. K» 6 p.m. • " . — •• i, • . , 1048 Route 22, Mountainside - Phana ADams 34100 Visit your Triple-S Redemption Center, MatlliqH Uwppldfl C««ter, M«l« t Pwyer, M««il*on. Open hi 'til 9 p.m, All Ret!ara|til«n C«ttt»H «l«4«4

si£ggsaaasws^^ •••:•!#::> -.-V -±t

6 SPRINOEULB. UADIR, TELEVISION PLAY Students Donate "ABOUT REFUGEES MC OfUmcaP^eseWPiano^ Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices IS RECOMMENDED To FundHelping Mrs. Stephen Beno, Spring- field League of Women Voter* pr««id«nt has urged television -A -certificate, of appreciation for the recreation area oPMary cardiograph machine «nd th« Township of Springfield Accident Victim viewers to _ watch a_ BO-minute was""JpreiRlted to the Lsdies of Connolly Hall, and with alumr. volunteer services department Students of the-FIbrenceTrXau- specLal entitled; "Witt) "Hai"|"UNICO, ^ dlneer School, Springfield, sent the Wind" tomorrow-ooilist week bjr »r. Btigene Nar- the volunteer services Jdepart- Mrs. Azeglio Paneanl, -presi- 1965 MUNICIPAL BUDGET $50_lo_the_JTheresaJ3argalPJ!dti| ' giello, im>erlntendent and Med- merit of the hospital. dent of the Ladles of UNICO, Fund this_ week, bringing their Ica) ) DirectoDirecr «B In accepting the presentation, attached brass plaques to . the total contribution trf-Sl 10. ac- _Starring Maria Schell, Stan- nells Hospital for Chest Diseases, -WnHyH ftf tht TOWNfflffP of BPBW County of UWBW for lh» fUeal }WX ajnri Wlwa-rrl Dr. Narglel'lo noted this Is the piano and flower cart, It It herebhb y certifieifid Uthat t thh t budgebdt annexed cording To f nltlp J^ortnoy, who" BklHJhU third suuCessive tha7aftermathc7 ftth'' of to the Ladles of UNICO'mem-' imsDitoiC wA received—in—contributions—this. Th l years, the. group_h'as~ furnished bewhlp. ior--theJrrdedl£atl6n~to— World War II, their native d 1 KegleUied Municipal Aeeounlant week brings the fund lo-4B,200. al, Springfield Chapter, pre- a children's playroom, presented the hospital patients.' Dr. 1007- BprlngfltM- Avenue.' itflhgtM. Hew__Jeraey r "country waLwriiten out ot ex- -7*1* m iky ot J>«bru«ry. IMS. lex J.IJ50 Miss Gargalowitz, 30-year-old istence. lenttdltht'hosplUl with a piano the laboratory_wlth an electro- Charles L. Lomack, chairman of "- LOCAL-BtrDOItT MOTJC* sophomore at-Falrlelgh Dickin- the patients' services commit- • , Local Budget of thf—TOWNSHIP 0/ BWIWOHELD,—Count* •' WflON for the flual year IKS. son University, has been in a tee, commended the ,l*d.let for ' Be It Keeolvtd, that the following itatenunta 61 revtnute and approprittlona ahall tonailtute Uto-lwl-hudget their "contribution toward com-" <« the year IMS. ,'" . — •'-.'.- last April,-when the automobile _ plete -rehabilitation • of- "oiir pa- • __ Be It JurtherReeolved. that uid budget be publlihed in The Bprlngfleld Leader In iht laaue tl February II. IMS. r League TTBee-WayTte Br&ken .--~;- -.Tha sovtrnlng- body, of th# • Townihlt" of Sprlnr'ttld.••; 4«M hereby; approve; the /following jta."jnriikl.Ket tor the axilriyiriBTldddRl-orrtrols|r3 tlT?^ • ' ' ycac- lwu* • ~- . • — , — — ' "•" " - —'• ley "tracks' In "Morris: »ve., . • ' Wlkln Abalalntd Mrs, Richard Walton, director -r— KKOORDBD VOT* • . Del Veeeblp ,...-' Springfield, and'atruck a bus. of/volunteer services, has ar-..'.. : Ayet • • Planer . May* . . - — Bloom Akaent kooni ' e fund-drive has been est- With Oklahoma in First Spot ranged the presentations-for, the . Bloom Akaent Kaon! "NoUc* ablished to help Theresa's par- that Uie^budget aruJ-^tat__t

*s^""'' •'••"—! " fiynent tl Bond Pr Iglereat on Bonda lntweet on Notet ..- . itl AMlatance Plan rjtftrrtd c/narsti and Other Kxpetitea—r -Hoard of Adjualmtnt . Balarlee and Wagtf »,,. tmarnnM-Aulhorlaatloni l,0M.M _ Other Bxpeniee TRV«Mr! : — Hilda Tre*a Social Security Byium < 0.4*1) - • 341 Springfield Averu* Salarlea and Wagea . Other Xspetuea .. Total Appropriation! .'..'. Summit, N.J. Induatrlal Conmlttet Balarlaa and Wagea 1S0.00 lKl.OO IM.OO 110.00 Dedication by Rldtr-N.JJ. 40A:4-3» "The dedicated revtanuae anllelp»ted duriag the year INS from DOO UCXHsli CRe»tview3-7OOi Qlher — 9.00S.00 l.UO.00 1.IS0.00 3M.1I l.tt4.S4 are hereby anticipated aa revenue and are hereby appropriated, for the purpoeee u *hltti aaU revenue le dedicated by .Sffrane* atatutt er ether legal reaulteuent." , ' - - ' Group Inauranca Plana' .,..,...., 19,000.00 13.300-00 14.UO.0A 14.9Ot.11 43.73 Othar Inturanea Prtmlumi ...... 10,000.06' 37,101.00 31,100.00 M.151.63 1,141.37 FUND BALANCZ BHCBT OOUPAXAtrVB *TATBU«VT OP CtJRJUHT WHO 'Qaiollna and Oil DCCEHBin 31, 1M4 *t 8:00 o'clock , .. OUttr XxptniM ., •,000.00. a.»40,M I.0M.60 , 1,4*1.40 103.(0 , ' ASaiTTS' onaanoHa AMD CWAKOI W CDRRXHT amruw ' .YMA' MI.4M.1K 1MJ4 ,YKAR l*gj Cuh and Inveatmtnta ..."., >..., l,t?s,3M.0i Burplua Balance Januaiy lei : """ '" '" ""' Maeck 1,8,15,22 • r\n. Recelvablee with Olliettlng neteeveei • \ \ 110.835.00 10S.1U.00 101,174.14 1.01S.4S ctmiuiHT xcvBTO* <*r Salartaa »nd Wastt lW.ltO.00 Ttiea Receivable- I7.3os.7g ' A CASH »«T»; . Othtr B«p«niii ,, 31,M0.0O 14.4O0.O0 13«1713 11'31 Tex Title Llena Receivable SIMS or 31.11t.00 Current .T«iee _„• Hrt._HyclTa«t.8trv|ct ...... »,soo.oo, 3S.000.00 Property Acquired by Tax Title *(Pereenuge eellected; liwnday aAawod.. follot Lien Liquidation . n.310.00 1M4 ...wT.T*., 1»13 S»,3*) Btlarlti and Waita , 3M.MO.00 . 334.SM.00 133,111.31 141.U Othtr RactlvablH ..*.. X43I.70 qtn ' s OM\fr Expanit* au.ju.oo 3I.1tO.00 13.1S0.0O I.4IS.S3 Othar Rtvtmit and ,Traffic control (School Ouardt) 34,915.00 ToUl Ai'lUa 1,7I3,37».S1 AddlUant v> InuHt ' BalarlM and Wat*a *• M.S00.00 U.OOO.U 3l.JM.00 M.SS3.3S 1.4W.S1 Othtr Exptnu* ....••• 4,000.0» 3.100.00 3.SO0.00 1.S13.U 1.31S.S1 ToUl Vunda 4.410,t*3.M 'Uunlclpal Court ' Stlarlta and Wtstt (.000.00 a.313.00 1,134.11 40.11 UABIIJT1M,' RHanVH AMD BDRPLOB 000.00 1.110.00 43.14 •Caah Llabllltlti . 1.HS.3S3.S3 BXPBHWTtJRB* AND Othrr ExptniM •• 1O3,*13.I3 TAX BCQUIRxMBIT*: Iniptctlon ot Bulldlnu " ( Raatnta tor RtctUabltt BalarlM and. Wain ' t,13».0o' T.tOO.OO t.'tOO.OA 1.100.00 Burplua 410.0I3.1S Kunldpal. Appropriallont 1,113.1*1,10 1.110.H4.06 • • Other Kxptnict .*...*, J3»0O 311.00 328.00 U7.4J .171.11 Behoel Taxta (Ineludlns Total Uabllttlaa, Raatnrtt Local and Rwlonal I ' 1.331.1U.31 1.1U.37I.M OlvU Dtttntt and Dlutttr Control' HEIURN THIS Malarlta and Wajti 1.400.00 1,300.00 1.4S0.0O 1.431.11 11.U and Burplua County Taiat nncludlns othtr Kxptnttt 3.660.00 4,300.00 4.010.00 3.S30.13 i.oia.M Addd Tx Aunti t3(,114.U tMIM.H LOUPON NOW ^IMTTfl ANn "^^T Road Rapalra and alalnltnanca 4j,»o».on 41.1U.00 41.113.S3 OVraitruotton, Reconttruetloa, Repalni and Ualntenance with State Aid by l*oraaula 1,810.00 a.uo.oo t.MO.OO •tree! Llthtlng •9,500.00 M.8O9.OO BANITATiOH 3*,S*0.00 Oarbage and Teeth Removal'^ Contractual 15,000.00 • 4,000.00 St.lOO.OO 1.0SD.14 . ajewer Byeitm Salarlea and Wagee 15.500.00 13.110.00 U.TIO.00 13.343.10j 531.10 Pfoooaed Uae el Currant Pund Burplua la 1MI Budget ' - other Bttpenita : ; 1,100.00 3,100.00 3.100.00 1.41K.S9." •30.10 •urplue Balance Deeanber 31, 1M4 470.019.S1 Kahway Valley Sewer Aulhorlty— Current Burplui Anticipated Share of Coate , M.SIS.OO K.C10.00 ' 36,403.15 In IMS Budget •• 340,000 M WCALTH AND WKUTARB Boatd of Health 8jur*lue BalanH Bannlalng ,,. ,end Wtgte 9.SJ3.0B 11,935.00 8.N1.00 H.MS.SO 3110 Bprlnifltld Uader—Ptb. H. 1K*> isoo »», ,. a.aoo.oo- - 3,300.00 1.1U.81 157J4 ll^e; t:4».40l • ..j .-.-..-_ IIIHItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIHIUIIIIIIIUIIl Thuwduy, reb. 18, 1965 *- iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuniiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE POOR1 SOU •. . 1965 gardening season, a* youf _ TODAY _, •.'"•". . . - J oouTvb' agricuHuraJ: agent, or jot HALF-PASTTEEN These have the advantage ot^ fa . .card and ^~ quost ion on a L WEEDER'S DIGEST growjng well In rocky soil, ,^ Q^^^ Reporter Col- nd lt to specifiewhich dw« bsy anoUie this rearly-plannin requiremengt , e rf Agriculture, Huliex* \ • fey Your Rul0»rt_Oardeii Raperler Urrfverelty, New 'Brtm*wtekr- wiuiitiuiiiinn ?>lllllllilllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI1III1IIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII £atKlono.r. (Your auto gravcy'ard- Mding team is welcome to this _ By YOOB KtrrOBRS ,„ cjuVt jwiembe*> her; ' m, Mr. Pw»«IHf>pt ) | nVTjBTTRAnn that u polluted by watte or bush or vine that would grow1 seems appropriate to men- Mr*.'C« husband dld-th»_ Tom, Itge 14, ilouche« against where there are no lifeguards. EAT SOMEPLACE SLSEl ALL YOU CAN! QUICK SCREEN at least five feet in one season.! tion hwo ^ the wall of the corner drugstore Tom would really ra.ther play UBJ-1* «ot tin* only one That'* pretty fast^ growjngL-but4jcge-oif- AflrlciUture-bcBan~wcTltTHa reporTed there was one Item WltiV "(IT " W hall. But whw«? Thu- nrhnnl _ i ^fad Feucht^owame«-rH-some-Umentgg-<>n^ couljln't~'f ind—scThg^Mkea" ""wonder* what they can do for ground* are closed. There i* a "^ tal^h»tteaitni^^ai>wlaafetrT«W^^lt~certalin mnloveliness in our the manager's Kelp; =The latter ..excitement but he'»-»ure they'll ttnall, park, bu,t the_police chute —State,-end much has said hr had" never heard_.otJt»r -think—of—xometttngr They—al=" "•wy^lddrwho-play'bllrThere hto auto-graveyard project the been done already. Many gar- doi. Tom think* maybe- -I* one lot that's good for ball He sugsestod Hall's Japanese So" to. prove her point Mrs. C y y d«y-a«e*?-hi44n«u«uraaoei, came den clubs are at work on this. went • into the pantry and ' they'll «)vw . in thuplaying, 'hilt ih» nwnfr nhijecti.j - •river _for_t swim and then raid violently, because of window*!— halllana) or Sl«fcold'g brought out a i^x nf etieeker* th- house or itore for broken.' in the past. ..•_. whose note I answered in such If you have tuch a problem, or labeled "Famous Cookies". Sht ha*te (using her own envelope, (IPorejihfet—sutpensa- food. Youtfster*. eff Tom's age What, can youngster* do_ in need the answer_Jb any ques- had written on th« list• "Ari»t- • alwayi-have to be doing «ome-_ such a community without get- tion at-aH to get ready for Jhl g : •• . ting Into trouble? Young people r-The-eommunRy-thiit-prbviaei ieek~ excitement and activity. ~ fadlltle* for-yountf people-will, The^communlty ihoUM pro- • be, a. atroni Influence on their vide resource* for-recreatlonal —*.- If. there'* a place to iwlm activities; swimming pool*, play- nearby, Tonrrwon't/have to dl*- ground*, libraries, etc. If it doe*, cbey his paretfrCfthd hitchhike.. thi* community will be pro-- H won't have to iwinrln water vlding the' world of tomorrow with-'-young- people^ - who - have !-IIMI Htrnm grown- and developed Into 'good xltlzen*. SAW/VGS fiV THE GAJRTFUL! C Check and compare! Prove to yourself that you .;,' get a good deal more, for a good deal less at •if.-•;'•: Good Deal Supermarkets. More High Quality! GO OIL HEAT -..•::., More Low Prices! More True Value! -With today'* moaeru oil heating system and fuel ell yen wlll-have-tfie-«UaBMt, mort economical and «*if*t-heat ea the'market We aaiiify your complete heatlujraHiJ fuel need* with our pertonillud perviee. ' • . i., .. .,' FAIRLANE HIESH, FUa FLAVORI3)l FROZEN -.;!;;W;'XJ,:-,,,-v VEGETABLE low (1966 tbM, IMS Mcond and 34 HOUR OIL IURNM SHVICI STATEXn> JMBE IN NEW BUDGET 1962 third). --—•—• -^Scfaooli. AidMiia3.», IliWJJi * T ;* -•- — -r- Moreif«nWpe*cett $101.5; pension*—44.5, 5O.Sr4flT9; *TCHOPSPIHACH UoW Mor* hetif for your home from let* fuel with the $M7. million in spending propo* (Sub Totil) — *UW.0)7 (Wfli) ••^••»-a\v:; r.r^nui^g^ :.••/•• •••;•• -T. revolutionary NEW; ^ffig ed'fcretsie government in New U*3A) SPIMAC wouldjjie.. in .variouii Hao/LM. ,1(0.7, 34.«. Id for local school*, tea- Highway* — lfl.9(b), 18.9(b), ^FRENCH FRIES ECONOJET ohet*' pensions,- welfare,'Wid. S. mimmum of watt*, saving yoii W, iiaalttir^hishway*, police and Police and SUre Pension* — ffa-iwitii'ii oensjon* and beach <•« 4» ii 10$ atkd waterway projectt. beach and" Waterway*, — l.»r Th«__N»w; Jersey Taxpayer* AssockitkxVB annual analysi* of .." 4.6, 4.Q, 2.8. 1 the Gov««ior'«-budSfttlm««ag». roWla' -u AN EASY TO butt ROAbl FRCbH PUk'l LI A U LX1HA IRISH AND HNDIH .to the LegWaturb shows s*raph- •204.6. • i*rBABYUMAS n: .(a()) Inolud' pp ne)w $Sr BONELfcSS CHOPPED BROILING climb In »tate. aid BROCCOU loofti govermn««tarnilyl ) million Sanitary Sewage Rcvolv- CHUCK BEEF 1 CHICKENS from more Ukn $2M million la i'SHVingH d tt mi ftal t|28Sih (t>) IndudM %2.1 .million, hi ^ PEAS-CARROTS y 1064 and $3 milUon in IMS and lion in the current year, to near 1966 f^r-grade tevasing elimin- ^CAULIFLOWER ly $278 mUllow d^ih ation prevdooalyrineluded under \mni year. • 1. IKMH hMlln* tmnlpraent Mttbt^CfceMMfont JaiiS W»t efficiency tunt-upto coraplite; y««.foUHa-civ«r*i#. pfopoeod in oyer+all •tele: »U istcludea: « .million ^.jfr ^-$**i*ik rmore Jbr-Uad>«i.'aLpfenaten«-»nd __ annual heating «o»t* into-aqual urity V » • monthly payfnehl*. Ar BROCCOLI SMAIS * I. Automatic delivery—W« dehW mweior various uld« to »chool 'us Gulf Solar Heal* "automatically" *o dlstdcts; Woltare and h(*Wh.ald ft that you ant never without an ado . mon»y-li H) »7-3 mlliUbn iavdud- : •juaia-supply, •/•••• .- » new *5 mUDon Health ^ v:-•-^^. »i**fc»,ui,ijsiirr»i**fc»uiijsiir—rr^r * „ 4. jQulf Solar Heat—Th**orfd'« itogftwd to --fltiMt hMUng *il that burn* hotter _i planning: a*vd . _ In Union 14 Years cleaner to glvirywi *eal eonj- regional sewerage projeob. An- - _ - iieri* . Stelb ter., Unloni died to polio* tod Junday. at he»". home. :'Sho' was pandora W« p«g*d-k«ftin *t the widow of Mr. Leo D. DM ~A B A C FURNACE & BURNER ! r $4% wtUlon. -Beach and Rosier*. •.-.. '• ' .. '. ••' •• • '"• '•" p:W )e*_:HoKier*,_idM»—wa«. — PLANS AVAILABLE born_tn_ Worcegtety^MaaB.t" was a union-resident for H->ear*. e C ,i-W< y«jii huth Mbd M wr linfn* j IwtU Th« total ( v Cotfagetfie«e ,&33 Cold Cuts She-lhad previously lived 35 > -106< fteol yee at*rUnig'July: ::'s>«'kka&u.'aiawt: •••-—:••• ' year* in Jersey :City, and one in pri wiarafii cmrm year In Slobmfleld. •;• Juice : 3•••** ^urlKASyPAY. .Kv*« Payiaent *«DGET PLAN •: year and 1062-«ol She is survived' by two *ona, Serving Vnloir* E**«x. Counlt** for S« Year* enry A. De* Rosier* of Bloom' field and TJW A. D«w Bn«Ur« nt- Newman Basking RWge;-two. daughter*, -Seton Hall Meeting Mr*. Thomei Crlmmlns of J?n- KINGSTON FALK iori, afi-employee-of-.the-8ubur- ' Hh«_N«W!««n Mattuai at Newban Publishing Co., with whom FUEL Jeney \vUl nvMt at .8 PM, feb, FUEL CO. Je she r lived;-and MM. Joyal Rob' library ait Seton Hall ert* of Union; and 12 grand- y School. children. _ ' • ' MU 6-5652 MU 6-5628 ffiSp*ogr«m will bea diaeus clon of Hie ftrtu*wile ltd be- thae diswugroup-. The funeral wa* held-jgter- 2304 V.ux H.H Rd., Union, N. J. day • fjfom Haeberle and Barth 9 The regular •ft»m*t wUl. IM» be Colonial Home, ,1100 Pine ave,, dth tl Union, with a Mas*. at "lia ~: ai 1 COFFEE . Z Jn St. Michael's, Church, Union, -Perfected School To Stress IMnk

B. SCHOOL TO STREEB ,. m Cohr tV pieime tube from DuMoni... The increasing *needT5r^ job .trailing, .ljoth:on the part -«f- thoternwho have not completed p«rif«cted color •nwitiftli: education and-those Avho'-need-re-tralnlng, is being f lovlglon «r ea»y stressed thlmemester at the ,\Veequahie Adiilt ShiJta tr«lon I5F: the-judiool'* "55th •consecutive -ferm-Hi schedalr'•' P-m. to-9 p.m. at the weequahie ^zblack aitd wfitfW HigK Sctiooi -Building; 279 GHaTF liei'Wiga^Ei| lolntiegTiTon "March'S. -rAhiont; the cou: "'• JfO t«. -tQ-help-in^job-tralnlng-are^thoie devoted to bmlne** niachinw: computerjf-macnlnlr shop; .office 1 techniques, typing and civil IMm IBIIMII Him I'WM.HM tttfmlUi tw •1it»n"n MM..W« Wi ittM to-twll-i service examination prepara- TIMB MEANT tion. The computer course con- IlKlllM lailibl Milk Wtleh OIIMIUI NOTWIN© centrate* on the pencil and 1 Id. !•• ta Qi. si,at 10 M. til t. «*.;«*.• W- ID HER. paper aspect* of programming (muklu VUHIII Mm> S Itai. 1»« ii. lie ": . ... H •!. W« ^J^^^^^J^ ^^j^t^LlJ^^^fcfcAji»^hi^L|»^Jfc4J*y|. *J*J^^Nl^kl V44^tBBSW4t^a^^gUul J ^ ** * 1L * %j^a^Jb»»ii*\*jaia#^Li f&lall ll^btUafbl^i^m^^ ^Lr^MI fUMkf V nl m» ,Rai| OrMn Olsnt !*••• f IlalUn: Dnilln*, KM. rmii Blth nd*Uty'«iar !>**• Legal Notice 1 I u. 4i<. I JOS "int. he' D«vll Crab aattanl Pl.nt.n tinnl Bull.r «a «fl WUBlMII* OIlMU DmMU ti«at« eolor nafitai aad --- _oaoiN*ncii' No. ieH ' »" a .M. "i* «i7'«ii» "' V ' ' ' '•"."!" *i?'W "•".' " ptSoflT Aatortatki'' cJotocJotorr Boaovau op MBKLLK •lillanl Wtw HUUH Wtlch a i J«Ur Wllkb«w lUMatl nttttraJite*i . jfcbafc * tnbbe .^ BNIOS COUNTY. JIEW UBBEBET < • .1. 41c S 10 M» » M. «»« PllUbury Flsur! . _ h nMt eolof UMsiti**. E** ... the tlit W«II«J M Mm* In THAT umln« lo AIROW •• Iwy h«r .."OTICI is imttsv aivio) m C>n>l»IU Tintlo Juln Wilek Ortpt J»lir Diluii Vr. able* **t t* be aovedwithbntMtfio*. •d^Mt* the follnwlnj Onllnintl vat a d UrMtlm (WMlHl C«lor TV, wkw lit* hMril tooptnj on ireond and final haarrla* * <• •>. lltf ' 10 M. tie • •!. lit ' thilr m»H«, "Wl JhnlM What duly held by the lUyor and counciil «» Tuner. AuAftntiealty ttyled eabbttb an band' •>•- Doroujh ol RosillrUnlBB (Munnlyi , fwdtfi«fctei¥t»iiJltl)Md Wt till." .. Jeriry. at • lUcular rntntltlRi Mueller* Vermicelli Dietetic Drlnhi h»ld in the norouih Hill, phtittnun t Eveready Oocoa Eveready Coooa HtrMt, RjM«iiD, Naw Jiriay on "thi 2 a.,.. 2SfT 4 ISth day or Ptbruary. IMS. JKAH KttDLUH, Borough dark _Mutllin_Sput)hiHL No Col Beveftiaa HIK iMraovEWN""•" • .tYo mnvini- UTaMT BETWWN 2§e UNILJtAi*UNIL « 2 t«b 25c CtioN or -UPAM -vr Wnuan ~BMrWkv» Daziltt fluff .... PAVLML\T UNI) CON- Bltqulok oa Te off Flavor Pudding t.itn. ctBHi AND ournaa to MS, CHANCELLOR AVENUE. IRVINOTON^ n INtt/UXKD AND THI UMH C C C 8 z C OF DUVKWAV* AND WALK* A* A LOCAL ' mraovtHivt*, AND MAC- T«l. 372-3445 ^ INO AN AfraoraiATioN TMIU- %4-nl 3 *« 32 ro*. 78 27 53 Tha 8pKi«lcr—»rt. IS. IMS. in M.M»


•.-.- »••-. ••:• -,, .n- •:. •••>• 8 Thundoy, Fab. 18, 19(65 * SPftlNGFIHD UADER, SprlnefUW, NT—J. PowerCompany In Bm^eeoiMttonary HomerHtsT)rewn JsTFreedomrFoir AUJ •By BE A SMITH a deep-rooted fondness for the "J didn't want to move out Plans Expansion —Springfield—lay vor-y—woll 4ownJ—Hit maternal—grand- boasf that it has its own 'Man father, William Paintpr, an cause I was-quite- well tied in To keep ahead of the increas- English stone mason, had, ac- —in the Methodist Church." ' —I ing demand for"cleetrlcity, Jer- for -.All Seasons"—or better Ktill, a "man,for all eenluries cording to Banner, built "most "We're four in the family—«- «ey_Ccntral_Power.- nmLUght iinrt futnrr" of- the houses In "Springfield iny mothcrr-jtlrs. Elsie Ban-- Company-New—^Jersey—Tower and Summit," and'-thc "seven ner, my sister, Dorothy Bon- |—' and tight "Company will spend The man is~Norman Ban-^ ;;;_ — _____ ... -more than $00-million in-lOOJ iier, and he works-for a "laun- wooden bridges • from ivhich nerr-my—wifepVirginia, and \. —•— for. new and expanded power dry firm i# Summit, the Cole the area, got its-original name And we seem to need a lot of — facilities, It was announced this Swcot^-Kloon-taundry, where" of Seven Bridges rd^Jn-Xaut, -roora_My-J!islor-has-a-Ham- hc is a ImmHrv nnjjinnnr,' fjre- he built most.-ot, thcorl-inai—vJnoiuUirgan;jox.cxampl man-and-washer f'When the brides on tho road. that takes up plenty of- room- president of the companies. sinks do not work"). He js_ a <* • «- on its own. V lh when we "HE ALSO BPII^T the tin £&w_thls_house^roy mother fell cent higher than last year K and layman—in—the—Springfield house across from the old post for it right away. Il.-*ecm~ed reflects—the continued' Indus-' Emanuel Methodist Church office, where we lived—when to suit us perfectly. trial, residential and commcr- and a ^member of-tho Muntef=-- I Was a-youngster. -Inremem- "One section' of theJjouse," 1 tlal—giuwtli—of ttte companies' J pal Human Rights Commis____bj»r one day wnen we were Banner continued; "was built lervlce area and Increased cus sion. r~ cleaning it out—and—I- had in 1744 by Anthony and.Abi-__ =^mer_Use"QiTclectrlclty. An ad- Banner—lives at 231 S. found, some cannon balls. I gail Swain. Then they added "—dtHonar $1$B million hasbecn Springfield ave., In the oldest was just a kid then. I didn't on 16 1776. It has quite, budgeted through- .1007; McEl- housfe in-towi3-(built in.l744j _know what they" were, so I a history. - contlnued. and gnrdeVhimself—by the threw them in the cesspool. I _ *—*—Hi . "'In this, day and age, we can- texts of "Heritage,^ "Corinth- , can't fgnicmber," he chuckled, "THE BRITISH had used It. no^Jittve^growth^wlthoBt^lec^ -triclty. '• Our—product must HcT Rights" arid the "Golden ed forit.'But I probably was." area was farmland, and they loanable to thtr-customcr when Rule." Living in Bn old^liouse;—were-well-supplled-^with-fniitlH — ' is-heeded," he said In._< hwnfnw, \uai nlrl hat in Bnn- and vegetables. 1 guess thut't ncr. He bought.the house on why it was one pi the few .'••-'."'the greatest percentage of the _g_hcight, , the squareq, determin- dft f hi f'd hi S. Springfield ave. two monthq houses that wag- never burn- the: generating Heldb. e More'tha"spent—Inn- —ed-fcaturcthick, work-*rors of hisn facc'nnhandsd, hihes ago because "the house we liv- ed down. . _— . / $30 million has been allocated has a quiet ministerial voice ed In before was In thevway — "I believe its-iormer owner —-fc*-^jiow-^-generating__ facilities, and a mild manner. of Rt. -78r-Everywhere we spent $15,000 restoring it., looked, we saWilouses being?—Since we've moved in, we've-1-" and $322,000 for Improvements Banner, who-Jived in Spring- had to-toititlttiri existing- generatlng-statioris.' field for the past J2 years, has torn down. the—house open to the— jjublic once. It's amazing-how much, curiosity and interest-it—| draws "from the public. Chil- ffl dren carrie iruto w

Over one, there was a rifle. butrthe owner took'it when Hihe moved away. So I looked around and .found one—which was made "In l780,~nnd re- placed-the-orlglnal' rifle. The fireplaces-are made of-soa] stone base."-In the newer »cc- TOE OLD AND THE NEW— Wnrm.n IUMHW. whi» IIP«< in i In Va'ekgrouni (one of Jhtae-ia the bonifiOi mad* —tlon^-the-fireplace Js Belgian ttf (oMMtone base, -and rifle above fireplace, ^vhleh Ban- _ marble. - • " • " the oldett hotiie in Sprhurfleld, at Ml S. SpHmrfleMsive. (built 10 1741 by Anthony mud Ablctll Swain), turni old- ner Purchased, W«i «n»de In 47K0. Mou>« WM"bpen ib th» "We furnished tba_ house -public jevenl wetki ~*t . 1 I » '. i an enormous closet"!.which we gcriously before, but suddenly •"Tho workrwas' considered clarad^-^coJKJei'nd^ everybody main interest It keeping the ~~ '• had converted from an origin-... 1. realized the" gift we have cssentlaLfor-a-whlle. I seem-1 and everything. It's a very community—In harmonyw We _jLJce_house), a dining ropm,- hure — freedem-of-religion I _cd to be so out of'place with feel we haVe^lo walk1 that n 7 -•a living room,- a-muslc -room,-- get awfully emotional when I~ •my four-months'-trainlng,' and - -actlvHIes-ln-th middle of the Wxm' — - - - . .4- - ,'^^L/ —'• • churoh-and--w)Ui~Ui6^Hum»t tpthilffHh r 1 •four bathroomg-=tjttlth clo- espcclally when my assign- ing: The average man was 3S Right!—Cemmljslon take up—teed. sets all oyep the place — big " ments were to. clean out the -years old "•— arid X:"was just -;cnough-t6-w«lk-in^rhe-llght incinerators."— .'• ~T~ ' * youngster;- / fixtures are "orlgrnal, -but_ _:- '.'We used the-SS-troops!i3et they ve been eiecirurea; ~BXNKEB PAUSED and plane plants . as displaced "We also had_Jhe- original drew a deep, painful sigh. It camps" for the SS troops. Wo lUtukt* - I plans-for the house. The gtalr» sounded almost-like a gaspji • traveled ' quite •_ »~3ir~-' -cov- cases wer«-madeLof mahogany, Several moments passed be- ered most—of—the countries. arid we had a mill-on the buck fore he continued his itory. • ;Therbesfrpart-of wiy-thrte •. .with which has been merged th« Bortettf lelJ-amr 1 of the house. It used to be . jieari-iif ^MeArmy was • visit- that, an old tunnel went to - Swltierlpnd. -I'd—alway*. : _,•'.' Subscription Form —^—|- ' through- ihtre, Well, we've re- H-wantedrtoHBo there." RE .TT-rr-.;...... MORE- Cross LXi ; jcondltlonfld it >—with allnew- '\. (Continued from'.Page ]) eran to his old - job at the —plumbing,—^- bathrooms, hot core chairman announced' the lauridry^He had left '»--:».mere- IT^Box 69, Sprlngfl«ld> R J. water, heal. - ' .'•*••_ • -addition off two new. volunlcer boyr-and .returntd—iih ,old« .-... .—- B bit on tWvers.' Mrs.-Theodore Heyman, young man who had.seen en« - I* What's the Touch-Tone* phone got tfte house. The. squirrels ha and Pennsylvania. • • - cluded Louise Cummingham, «nce""mectlng». - . I- — -—I also moldcH^p.lastcriiuthe Edna EdwardsTlbeas KutenrAHce; —- r. - . • t 17 i ceilings. In" the-riewr-iiectibns, Wdnstofa. Amalta Terry, Gwen VWE'RB-THINKINO of an ' "SubscriptioSubscription wilwilll taktake effeceffectt onone weeweek after-receipt the ;clilngi-are higher. It's a CUcklnger, Jean Bcsch,. Glorta expansion program. Looks '.a« I ofIthlf'this fdtform and~contlnul e ffo r 62 wee)(8k ^ good "old house," Banner »tatJ Ghermnri, Margaret -Mende and -if we're going to do big things, J but they,-wlU take a lot_of- I PleaseJheck one: ed proudly" rrrrr- •Work. Anri'if T flnn't anpnH'nH' Mrs. Oliver o. .Dcano tt; of my time with chureh_«ctr_ •X- )-JMew auhscrJption'or ( ) Renewal BORN IN SUMMIT, Banner chairman of volunteers, an- ivltiesjjiae the rest of it up attended public schools there. nounced that ovcr-SO-newvol-^ I Went to work In 1929 in unteers. had' responded- to the T-buvIs' Candy Co._ln .Summit.' Chapter's-rocent. appeal for ad- _Some tlme^after that, I Chang- dlltlonal Red Cross- workers. ed jobs and wjent to work forl - M»ny_j>f the. volunteers re- the laundry—in; Summit. Eve sponded, to the call for aid issued been there .aver since. I was- thwtgn the Springfielpg d 3ii*aderi, hed for a tlme~"by, going she said—and others weife re- Jri We^ATmy..,-—-• "--• --rt: cruited through thc_effc»rts.. of rthe joint PTArCouncil of Spring- "I'd had a heprt aUmentjMiH" field... M P 1 ' Ing -the . dtiratlon-6f-jny term— Brectetlon-to b»th'4hp Tjnricr nnd. ' - "ic-A*rmy."Ilwas In"aboTff and to the new vc4un»-| jjehewj—t tecTB-fm-thetr response: ic papers go' ;ani"

drivers and.^teveTnBttO:be tested- ha-Beach.- j jmd quallflcd^Othsrs voluntecr- Our outfit. fought right up - ed for—the" bloodmobile, and to the Rhine Rlvor. The divl- -three-for-hospltal service. slon won four battle Additional workers are need- stars, plus military and dis- ed for chapter commitments to tinguished service awards. We the East Orange Veteran* and started out with about 140 Runnells hospitals' and for the men. Out of the original 140, canteen service. SHIRT there were 34 men left. It was further noted that as yet "Then we were given a several of the PTSs had not rocket launching book, and we completed processing of the had 24 hours to learn the en- response to their appeals, and LAUNDERING Push buttons that let you tire toxt. ,The military- gov- that these volunteers, therefore, "diartwiceasfast! ernment sent most of us to hod yet to be contacted." . - Here' is the new way to telephone. You tap the buttons—faster THIS COUPON GOOD FOR tyian you now dial. And when you do, musical notes trigger elec- tronic impulses to^peed the connection. The cost? Add just $1.50 100 FREE per month to the regular telephone charges, plus a one-time con- • nection charge, and you're enjoying Touch-Tone service on your, TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS _i:esidence_line=:including-IouctuIone7serA/ice-on-a//-extensionsi^ «Hh • puduu si $2.00 ormore rt You can order this amazing phohe now in a wide variety of colors CRATES GULF SERVICE DR«xel 6-9722 - and styles, inGludingthe*newlydesignedrStreamlined-wall=phone?~ Tft'-Mouni'q'in'Ayc'. Springfield 203 MORRIS AVE. Call the Telephone Business Office. • touch-Tone service is now available to customers whose telephone numbers begin with Person Nd^emlng coupon mint tlgn nime'tnd tddrtw balow Iciy f«nt D»«r I 376,379, and 682. ','_... Moray Lake • * T * SPRINGFIELD New Jersey Bell Addreis. "I Coupon wplm F«b. 27,1965 • Launderers • Dry Cleaners V.Rug Cleaning • Storage ••••••••• •••••••"•I Thundoy, Fob. 18, 1965 Institute Of Press Skaters To Hold An riual Review Tuesday Is Kick-O, •Tho-annual lie sli.'>w—•pon'- -van, 13; and Walter Booth, 14, The elub'i Endorses Action sored by the Union.County nil of Eliiabeth. These four Raymond «nd J«n»t Dutrriaa Commission will be held Sat- skaters have passed the United of Elizabeth, will pr***«t a States Figure Skating Associ- urday, Feb..27. at 3 P m. Bt the dance exhibition. -Mr*. Dui> "Varinarico—park—Ice Skatinc ations preliminary ffjjure-jnd Of'6SScout-0-Rama ForNewAgency man was a member of the It* Center, Rosclle. The -public i« dance tests »nd will perform Capadei for three aMacnu. A—rirfcnt—inrtr-Trtf—riirmt-i various—free—sty le»-mov»men«*— start "of ' G'pnpral Chnirman Joseph' TuctidayTs the plohneii in their routines. while her husband artiviu- of Hoy M.ilo. is" planned for fi'30 p.m curred with a proposal, by Un- with the group for six" weeks, of skating pro'Kr»m to be Other featured~skatcn will «iv*n Scout* of AmericB. Urri^tv^uiwTat tITe Lranrori! WctTioaisl' -ion Countv Assemblywoman years.. —^.-. presented 6y the Union Coun- be Barbara Haggerly and TtnT'Eliznljcth, that "will rlimax Cliurrh or. Walnut and I.incolii Mildred Barry Hughe, to ih- tv Figure Skating Club. The Susan Booth of Elizabeth and The .Duamaru arranged th« fn~Ttir?—IOr)5"Srcrtrt>O*Rymfl-nn~^; ' Cianliim-. 5? dance routinri for the *how. -. —=~ i April 2, 3 and.4 in the Elizabeth Mllo also listed thc Sc-out-O- mission to investigate indecent »»<>*ihow . wn include aoloa and Vincent .Pjeanbttl of Somer-, - literature and motion pictures • group number. A grand . ville. Among the club mem- . Mr«. Walter S. Booth of Ml«- ; Armory. Mama committee which incudes Hirec aiea residents: Richard fi The Institute-action was in i """rch will feature drill, for- bers participating in the show abeth and Mrs. Viffcent-OUg- Uanley . of Union, a printing igreement with a report by the! mations and will Include" all are Eric and Kent Smith of —-»nntti en* .Somerville preparM , bioker, ticket sales: Joseph PT matiniF-cximmTrtee—of—thej-elub-memboi». =i_i, Moselle;-Mary-JUm_Hr,vccnlm,^—lhe_wuilc.-Co»tum i Toner of' Host-lie, lieutenant in Legion of 'Decency office in i Among the soloists will be Gloria Piscncria, Andrea Ped- the-charge of Mr«. StephM • the no.s*irtif» Police Department. !j*cwark, according to Gerald G. : Putty Sullivan, ll; Stephen, sen, Dorls-SUckncy of West- , Grochmal . and . Mr», Robert ,i f| events,' and NelsdM =Fv ' Kallman, Institute president.: Grochmal, U; Barbara Sulll- • field; and Linda Gillcn, CUrk. Sullivan-of Elizabeth. Stamler, State Senator (R.-Un- "We' believe such an uiency is i ion) tpecial guest. , warranted and necessary,"* he "Union Council urour exec-u- JOSEPH V. MILO, said. «." ' .. - - ''. Synopsis Of Minutes Of Freeholders tfvc Js_ Joe A. Junckcr. District Kalman reported that the In- rfllitute- al»O' voted approval of STNOMIH Or—MINUXU- m ^ ^pprnprlatlon In I.,—rreahotder Tlller-f»r_tln D«narl»lejll btirigrt to noyrr !c^i Jr., .Elmer—fh—Greev Jr., | the Legion of Decency1! plan to or nrnuM* MKirrisn OF-VIII a pajt M the et> | sf Roads and »rl«|M, uatrlbutlni Use . I'NION COONTT «O»Rn of this projecL. •urn of tst.ooO.. la the T»»«shl» sf "QUALITY AT A COMPETITIVE PRICE TRY US" William J. D. Bolan arfd Hur- i call upon_lilerature' 'dtirributor'i OK CHOSEN FKEUIOLDIRII ' Union, towards the essl of tha -ImUlla-L. UJIII Hastings Jr. Hiking Club Plans in thc North'Jersey area trrjSBtt^ — HELD ON JAM'ARV 7, t»C», tlon and eonstructliin~l!f-lHe~Mmnn»~ curbs, dratnaff. etc., with referaiaa*, t«- lion for a removal of Indecent, •. t . • 1 . ' . . Board or*Clioieu Preeholderi of- Mor* Also serving on the' !jimit-6- ru County, aiktns for a coftferwre thr-vldenlnf and rhannelllni tt Chut- Raina commiUt'u am. Robert oNcepe and .pprnographlc_pub- with thli - Board- In order.'-la-^urthl'r* nu|. Bt...l»_tht-»lelnltlnltyy ofiTouUaia- ' " : " f!r»ttor^j,tut-CHyk-to- a fcnrnr "HcBticmi~from~itandir^ - atrthe-Ctturt Houser-fellsabelh. NT j.. on -tHlll II,I . II, , 111, Thursday. January 7. IMS, at B P.M. ov«r PMiiltrRlvtr at Mt. Vrrnon Av»- tfutt agrtemfnti eovtrlng aamiT 14 Colors man; Dr. Kenneth N. Albrecht Rol) ealr showed the following rnrm- Pr»pholder Ulrteh for~D»partwant nue. • Hralth and Wflfart, attipttng 16V of Cranford, council president; 1 brre pr*i»nt- Vreeholders Caldwrll, J>ErAKTMENf~~or ADMHSTKATION Thc Proeraln Committee of Cuehle, Donohue, .Oeborne, 6trmmi>rV of CHii,tl«»aion of Mil Oriaga U Hoy D. irvinc uf" Cranford, * rDBUC AITAIUS aumef:«3lM46Url»UttaH** the Union Coomy- Hikinrdob Ncw-N umber-Ljstcd— Pliifrr"."Plrleh.-T'Wllosi- and Director Dr. «ui«n« NaifUl lo.'Supt. ii U.dl. aH« DouRlas J. Turner of Clark, Uoort prtaldlng * • AJao ~~piti£ttt • "*wt"*r?r servrca.-t»—elevators- at- tha John.£h scheduleH d two, hik«hike for SSat- cat Diri*ctor of thr John K. Runn^lls rtpnnells Hospital and Gerald Vcrbel of Stanhope, j „„)„.. Ar Elizabctfi General County "Treasurer bailey, Alst. 'County lloipftatp, , _r*qutitlnqr r extensiort n oof and Sunday. ' Atlornry La Corte, "SUpt. of Public rector and_C1erlt to ' p lhlh» ifrulcnl i of II HH. lOrrmann. D.D.I., covering' same. ~ " CharIy. a aalute to completely-lnstalled,- -thc-ilaB- Dr. lion H. Brhuck, President of the •«.' HunnalU Hospital far the pittas W _ mntion "migrrall-Vcrbel—at—MA~ Tnect at the Nature The new—ex<Be>M«ta| be a trek to the Deserted Vil- was changcd_ta_lesKon comniuni- holder Summer. Rail call •hnwrd— 8- that there-are unclaimed moneys In RcccpHonTlanned m*mbfin votlni tn tht affirmative—and. the-custody. of the aurroiate, whleh, bills, as sat forth, fair nayneiM. lage and return qto the-Nawfe rrwholder Wlluaa for ctMalltea *l Dr ~Kcnneth' C. vMacKay, ty confusion in anticipation of X mrnibir, Pre«holdfr Donohua, Totlni aceordlni to law.jnajtbe payaota.t«_Uie Center. • adding direct dial telephone in tin miatlyi. County-Treasurer for the general use U>e Wllble, restating tka aut« IM- president, and Dr. Kenneth W. of the County. jiarlment of Kdueanorr. t« ailaeau service in all private and most COMMUNICATIONS 540 North Ave., Union Ivorscn,, will be hosts at On- Sunday,JMiss Fritzl ZapRe rollowlni eommunlritloni—ractlvttd llljdon Klevator Co.. Inc.. atplalnlni 13B.00OO6 In It's IKK.lMe-Sudflt In • {Near Marrli .AyrJJ semi-private room»-ln th« hog- and rafarrtd lo: theiir atatus; with referencce tto their the expectation that Union Oauilty will a reception Tuesday evening, of East Orange will te*d-a »ix- bid the malntenancmntnnt of otli Xle. authorise a Tuition Aid Wan far tJHUia pital. ' • YBANarOftTATION COHHITTKK Ciuntr itudents atUndlm_Vnlw Jn»U» __ Open Mon., Wad,, Thurt. to 9 February 23,—ort 8 "a'clock for mile hike In the Morristmvn Board of Choirn Pratholdart^ot uor- valori In thth e CourCt t HHoute. ••Tjinoleum llHe= _ Students named to the Prwl- National -HiBtorical~~~Park~. The -Hi County, advlilnv they have included Idlth o. Long of Clalnfleld, EL 2-7400 -Itt thelr~lMS budtet. an approprtatlnn quritlnr; that »f do have ththee OnOnee Pretholdar Wlluu far CtmHflUt • Tile fdrrrrhrLlst and the~Dean's List hike-iiJtoc yciung people who tOMtOWl WANH y*ur *U of su.ftoo.oo toyaTdi~~nrnrtrnng enm NtNatioi n DDndtd r Od"Ood"' 'pcriHan u ffianrti n the Whole,- re — i CUissllUel *>e>eje> ar r*hone Kallroad anil eiklm Jhts Board fatrlcla Willie s-r. Plalnfleld, _e»plaln. •tiK* <» iflu m.._ -. - -r ford. Inn :her—views • with to a tht lat and Jra Thurulay. tt Men w*hUr County .Manning Board. ' , rrVBtotriihi avaulng. .(H»t adfr** Department of Weights-and Ueaeurai, advlslni thai-a »ara »i> ittt solid fusi llcensasr or_nl«)»i_. Usued during the month sf December: advlilMg they have collee.U4 Uie-eum of WOtoO for- 1M5^MiiVlnut-Utrtlut-Avw-u- t tWAufch. t)u <—I - . (olid fuel lleeniee knd nlatea laaued twampi Vud *U»r ar**t lit StitAH ' during,'tha month of Daoelitber and en- Plaint. . ——rlotlnr monthly raport. -, Vt*«hMd*r YUUr adrWd : - —Chairman of the Da«|. of yinanoa Donoh.uil thai "tt~Wr*~U^«l __ •ud- Purcbam;—advlllng of b|de re- tht aiwdi khU y*»r Ur UartiiM ' reived u rbllosi:—rurnlihlni and In- Avtnut, - - •talllnr furniture and aqulpment at tha . - Ur. William Taylor, r**jr4i»HlHMI J John «•• nunwella-Hoibltal: fiirnlihln«. tbt Union County rtdartUMi Kulfthta . malnuinlnr- and- Mrvieln5yTOiyormi to -at—up)uwbor=TBp«Drt«i—bttortr^tm-—r^ .varlaas Mnploytti In tht t^»rtmwi~t Board at thli tfmt anil MMHWiU of_Publ|o Worki; umplttt mtlnttnanot thli Board for thilr a»Uw» lti fcittki- of otli Htvtton and two Rurllntton* Inif v-rtiolutlw tofly tht JHrtHim*- Hitrwtclc Kltvaton at tht John K. Rim- "One Nation Undtr Oti", 1H«J Pr*- tiflli HOIQIUI; (urnlthlnf «nd Initall* •tntMl-two fla|t- tnm- Mch-OsuntJU tatf-taulpaitnt bullninTTVontrol itatlon, whleh~«6«>fliM 14 04Utt*lU. "I wettrjhe bestrr.allBtV"BLUE RIBBON-Ghecking-Account mnbllt unlti and/or Auxiliary joutp' . FrMhoia»r_: Udort th»Hlitd U»J rnrnt for two way-»*dlo lyitam for^tht Hrtad Dtpartmtnti malnunanct of all •If-• ten In-Utt; Cteuft HOUM; furniih- "fir.* H«»ry. Wrl-fht W SprlhiiNtn ~ Jng Hunktf "C" firtl oil Ut tht Court ipoUt oo varloui iOKXuti,- ~ -- Houit as wtll ti tht John K. RunntUi Thtrt U\nj-"** tdrtht* Wuilaiu U ' "T-. •. • at NATIONAL STATE" Hoipitai; fumlihini iarbaft diipou] bt eonildtrtiri-iOpon ;I»*U»B-*f *tU* wrvle* to tht Court-Hoe»r-and Jail and holder Dbashua, «iiil»Ta*osHa« t* ***»• lhf-n»~r Juy#nlU D«t*ntlon Onttr and Ider Olrleh. blRettr Ua*«a Jeila*e4 bldi for window elMnlm at varleui the mMlInu adjaurnea. - •• ,. County bulldlngi. vefSitlw Mlnulae anal ten regret- RtpoEt~~Df' tht D*pt. of Iloadt and Ini on file In the affise al tha. MaJ-k Brldfti, adviiln*—th*I—th»-ff«wnthlt»=*f- Xltht-Mtard, Murk U.uie, WlataetK, _ Union rtqutittd tht County ta malft a contribution -towardi^th* cut of thi Neil- regular wael!n(l~«U«ieJie|if all proposed "Wlfttnlni, turblnv, drainaft, TOursoar. January list, ltjl tl ub!le"Af* » W*p yrp"Mwf- '***g*""t' it-rmpiityfTF *W HeU ***** ^iin ley, an Wadneiaay". January 13, 1MI out Alfonio- HnUl «• P.yBhlitrUt In "KBli1>«li sh«*M Uia *«4l«wlnK Hi**- eharth * of th» NsreoUUM Promm.'-unriiP'ri r tan nWaent; — JVaahoWen. MMMIl. — tht «ktmVprotliton» i*t forth In r*iolu- moueHIa. , D«n«hue,-«l»iiMi»tr,«l»w»it,, WWneli «J|- — ttnn No. 131>—1064. ' Wlluia! Ahient:—rrsehoUlN Ff#fh*l(1»r flUmmrr for the D«pirt- Tiller- and tHreetor U»rs;-. . > mfnt of A rimi n lit rut ion and publle Af- filri. continuing tht nrvlcei of M. Dlraotor fro Tem. JUJMW ilMfJ "f»» - n.ymont) Klrwan «i fipedit-InvMllattor- this tpaolal Uaatlni wn litlM »*.'*•- In tht offlu of tht Ctilftf UidtflAl Kt- Hduaat ef tha lUnarUMnl •( »l.n««*» amtn«r until D«wiibir_JJ, 1968, upon tht umi ttrmi and oondlllom u pro- vlrtiri in rMotutloti No. U-1M4. —FrtthnliTYr Sttmmtr for Dtpirtmint of Admtntitrfttlon and Public Affaln approvlnv Kttmlpn of th» »mployh*»nt- nf Dr. H: H. Hcrrtttinn, who rtaehtd r«tlr*mi>nt **• on metmbar 35, IBM, for a ptrlod of thrtt monthi In ordar Ut4UUd at m* John M.- Tiuninlli ^niu )>fntSu>MuT0»Mh\i, nr t^rmhuu jnsni i, J6 _ fro Tam-«tei«Mtr-dMl«a

•x#ciitl afrttmtnU «v«r4ng taint. ' "TrtiholdSr* Otborna for DTpartinanTpatinant rinancft_jinancft_jind __ Purehau>. roltetlnn- all » . i n-*ivttH(m—btetmiiiHb r itilthh, ittittii, for tht furnlatHngind tnatallatlon—«f "imt .. - thi P*partm*nt advttttu for •Tht'ciiuiM^snacjaA'^Hiril^ . uiukl-mniBif-"*f • In *e laudltory eintl — __r"-«*-— th« purchttf^ef taint ~<«.,,.....MI.. c a-BLUE"RJBBON Checking Account at any office of-?.-* TTMholdtr. Oibornt • for D«partmtnt of— Flnantt and PurchaiM, aecrptlni i| bloclcidt Muwd by bid of Tldtwatt-r Ol] CompunT. for or pui ..." iKhint otri ftiolin* it I nan p#r rm and tht low bid. of Humblt oil /it ".'. . if mund w»v«§ i» »••<* ftnlnir Co , for furnl«hirrs r^iuUr th« inn«r «ir but art nnt prop- [•~n))nt tl IU low bitj of I 1103 p-r [•lion, for thi> prrlod of Jtnutry lit, erly converted Into I *«•<»»<• THE to Dtetmbtr 31, lDfiA knd author- that can b* ptucd AH W tha Dir-Mtrir %r\A CIMII to fxoeuta •mfnu eovtllnR tam* brain, th« Ion U cilled itnuirf- t .#*holrttr Oabornt for Dr-partrnent ncural. Othtr ttnvtn *r* "ntvv Mntnrc tnd 1*ur«haiir~i, irrrpllnff )nw dealnrss" ind "p*rceptlv# (ttllf- htri of Ptragnn DU Co. nf N"-*irki, for WATIOIMAL furnlihlng, .ntink»>r C Piifl Oil tn tht nenii." A person with tuch i lo» rnurt Houii ttid th* Jnhn R Runnflli fS&gfiUy heiri tow-pitch**) "niptUI it 13 fifi5 per birrrl anil iihoriilnf Dlr»rtor tnd dork to «- toneii better thin high enM . . ." ut* afrttmtnta rowrinv »>»m». The 30-pme hoaklet conduit** rrttholrftr OiWnrnr for Ofpirtmrnt N- rinanct tn<1 Purchnn, accepting un- with the statement thit d*if n#r- STATE BANK ilmPri fundi drpoilttii with' tht non.i todiy hav* m«n.v MUI-C*I :,unt,T Cl»rk, Hurroantf Khrrlff, Pron- Tutor of th**. any probnton Offl- of help ivullable'to them, bti* rr'r, Cltrk of Hit Juvrnltr ind Domeailc tutgfistn that help b* inugHt ELJZABETH • HILLStD€ • KEWCWO«TH ^.^p AH WAY ftrlitloni rotirt. which hivr rrmtlnfd utirlalmfd for a period of trn y»-»ri nince It won't Juit eorn* to all* I-r*t*holdrr Oibornt for t'rjMrlmrni of and that much expert •ulltine'*) Pintnc* and Purchai*>. (itprovlnB tram-, RO5EULE:. PARK • SPRINGFIELD • SUMMIT • WESTFIELD f»i of vtrlou* lfW>4 a)>i>rotirlatlnn» i li nwaiting hit c*ll. Frffholrirr O»rv>rnf (or Ot[Mrlm<~nL of "Inveitigaton carry on i>#r- in Ptnanrc and Purrlnnn, atuhorli- MEMBCR FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Ing tht County Tr»amrtr to advanet ulstent, lm«itln*tiv* remirch fftr pvtty c»»h Jundi, aa i«t forth ways to prevent hearing tmpilr-" ment and to -treat It," tht kaak- HbSdi and nndses. accepllnf low t N.- J. Coinmunlcstloni Corp. of let nddi. « Kentlworth on Form -1 and Form -1 Theie are but a few direct for SLO nifi and •6,-'flO mpecttvely. (or fhf (Mrnlihltii and Initalllni f(|Ulpment quote« from the U. S. Gov*rn- building.' ronlrn! itstlfn. i^obll ment publication, '-Hearing LOM dafe Cdsui •lim of—tmiuarv- -«ai|uigmrnt—iau~- ^FhlhrffeIfc UH suim sv radio syxttm for the flnsd Depart- i^nt. and euthorUInt DlrertAr and you are troubled with a hearing Vrk to esreute avreementi Mivenni problem, thin booklet will b« mailed tn you upon requeit, fri'e. Tre^HoidT Tiller lor Drpantnrnt o( Roads and Drldies. -approving nrrtilnanre Writ* today to: "Better Mur- of tha City of Ranwar. Insofar as I) ing," ltttt Goad Hnp* W., ruhlhlu Barklni of »stiltlsi eel Kate Siraaa. WuhlnftSB (Mi) B. &, MAM. — 10 * Thundoy, Feb. 18, 1965 » SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Springfield, N. J. YMCA Monthly Event To Be Square Dance USED AT OVERLOOK HOSPITAL ' ~ - -The .monthly special event for | dances and will'provide instruc- family members of the Westiield , tion. Both children and adults YMCA will be a Western style ; are invited to attend the affair, KENT PLACE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS square dance to be held Feb. 26 ] The regular family sjs'im for Frozen Scalpel Advances Eye Surgery thai night 'will be extended to Applications Now Being Robert Kciiocc—uall_caiL-ihc I !):30. ~~ For September Admission to An advanced new field of frozen lips of the probe, which so. effective," Dr. Rose tx- a story on Parkinsopism work RLMSCH0OLKid frozen surgery, swift and far then simply lifts it out. plained. one evening while wnitiric .'rir safer for the patient,—was . According ,to Dr. Arnold L. Pioneering work in uryosur- his wile to dress for a dinne' MIDDLE_ SCHOOL: Grade 6 - Grade 8 Rase of Summit, ophthnlmolo- used for the first time to re- gcry was performed by Dr. party. He was no longer in- eist who performep d _lhe-rxi'o- (Application ClosiriK Date: March 3) surRcry,.. as it Is technicalll y in—th.e—dinm tlehts at Overlook Hospital caljed, this- method has less about three years ago when he by the time sho-cmerRed. He UPPER SCHOOLS.Grade 9 - Grade 11 contacted Dr. Cooper the next last week.' "" dancer of capsule~rupture and befian using the crysprobe to (Application Closing; Date: MitKh 3) reduces complications to other day. learned the technique and In a brief half-hour 8 new rclieve-porkinsonian tremor. began experimenting with the portions of the'eye. The ido-—for *iryr"n'rp.'"-y FLORENCE WOLFE, B.A.. M.AT. HeadrnfatreM calpel of ice" breaght-bfight- ••in otncr metnods, tht* cat- new yisjon to the clouded eyes aract is extracted by means of came to Dr. Cooper from a ablishcd;' • 42-Nbrwood Avenue, Summit of these cataract sufferers. ~ suction equipment or grasping' . carbon dioxide bottle—opener Uuse o( the cryoprobe, as the home? ~" The technique Involves the lens' with ah instrument. given him ~hy-iris'wife, which instrument is called, ha^ T£ree2jns the lens of the eye~ +WIth «cryosursery77-once—the- -he—.experimented with by broadening into many fields;, r- Phone: CR 3-0900 with.a stylefor probe-thai hBs eificttoda—adheres to the lens freezing" small spots on the welding detached retinas, bi- Shop by ..been' clectrically^(!dbled to 2) it can't break away as it •palm-of his hand opslcB of eye lurno'rs, tonsil- -tJegrees below "zero. The cat- sometimes does wlth^suctipn. Equally interesting, uuTidea lcctomics, prostatllls, " aract lens and its surrounding PaitI<3JjB"rty—with • dislocated" ul usuiH urysurgery on ratar- carcinoma, B name a few. capsuler-adhere stronglV to the lens, the older methods-are not acU came ^o an ophthalmolo- Cryosurfiery— today is consid- gist; whiTTiappened- to pick up ered a major trJiuitier of rjied- DRIVE SAFELY a popularurjagazlhe containing icine. . Soviet Anti-Semitism MID-MONTH A delegation of Springfield ence oh Soviet Jewry, sponsors —high schooJ "arid college atu- of the-rally. dentt'Will nboard buses for-New The' demonstration, wffl- - York City ait 0:T5" a.m. Monday FOOD BUY !rf_ll a.rn. with the rally in Siit-^. in the .parking lot at Temple V>ri~ Place SvnnffoipiR. 221 East Storey Shalom to join a youth 51st St. .between 2nd aind 3rd protest demonstration against avenuesTThc young people will PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABLE Soviet anti-Semitism. They will march through the streets of, be Joined by a delegation led New York to the United Nations by, Rev. Elmer Williams of the Plaza eight blocks away to con- TRADING STAMPS FREE First BaptM-Ghurch of Vaux- duct-an outdoor demonstration, •haM In Union. • ~— . which will consist of "picketing, flabbi Isabel S. Dresiutf, sj>trit- prayers and .singing. -ua] - leadivr of the congregation, The rally will, bo addressed WELL TRIMMED will»be chairman of the rally. by—New. Jersey Sen. Clifford He Js_ onc_of- throe chairmen of Case and singing star Theodore «h.» Wow .Tgwsyy- Vruith r1 kll ol the American Jewish Congress. -. '. ~"A l^ speaker^ art the-rally" will, be ^Michael—Kra*mer, son of Mr.. and Mrsr Jerome Kra«mer-of-67- Gardcn oval,-Springfield. He MISS -a senior ait "Jonathan Dayton Re- gional High School and presi- Wtll TRIMMED _ denlt-nf the New-Jersey Federa- I.. The Fantastic tion of-Temple Youth, which In- CHUCK STEAK 35 SIRLOIN STEAK 99VSHOULDER STEAK jrchides yuuiDi 51 -SHOKLCUt; foim teanplw hi Uw twta brother, Lance, U "president ORTERHOUSE STEAK RIB STEAKS of the_T«mple Sharey Shalom youth group and- wiU be in ehnrge of the trip Into- New SWIFTS BUTTtRBAU. lONRESS A8- All MEAT J)urlrt0- «ur, g Yoric. — . Blrlhday_taUII.I The "de»noni5tnrtlDrrwiU~BndTrtr TURKEY ROAST 89 Crossrib Roast SKINLESS Fll .1:15 p.m., and buses-will return SWIFTS PREMIUM ROASTING PATHiaC CUOAHY BANNED KIDDIETOWN 1o~ Springfield at afooirt 2:30 p.m BONELESS FOR Rabbd Dresner, has urged~all 39 POT or OVEN young- people, Jew an3~Chrls- CHICKENS "W PICNICS at BurHet Ave.V Mtplewood -tinn,_idilte_and_black, to tlctpaite In the demonstration* A1XK» SMOKED LEAN PORK GROUND BEEF SHOULDERS Been busy I E PICNICS iROUND CHUCK house cleanlwfl? * FRESH LEAN -KXTRA-UANr PICNICS PORK SHOULDERS Ib. GROUND ROUND -4a HUDSON PAPER SALE PRODUCE DEPT. GIANT ROLLS NIBLETS CORN


Butterfly BrHt«iJTeiider CREAM STYLE CORN HAW>IH«/ . ' «k' - AM, Shrimp Basktt faurcer Platter HiwSteilc 8tOFF LABEL •1.6B- •ilJDO *i.3« BATHROOM tlSSUE TOMATOES 2 .. 29' liirnhn (rnlrian frl tarjerwIHiAnttr- Plntippia rlnr. '"-—, touted nutlKd potitoes or PACK _ 39' —SWKT JUICY GREEN BEANS --•• -- 'w»Jy«- ftewlrirlii. j|[Md s«ue«, cole slaw. ItHuce, frtiuh frIH. t«m»to«s,t«itybljcult. ANJOU PEARS KITCHSNSUOEO_(5 •*« StconfrJ cup of coifea on tfia houu with meals ormcks PtLlSVURV WHIYf VEUOW DOUIUE DUTCH r JUICY SUNKIST Urtho AlDUMCt pniudt ucluiivd/Y CAKE MIXES . 4 98 _KRACT- , WINESA STAYMAN TWO GUYS 100% COLOMBIAN RESTAURANTS MAYONNAISE t M 4.45' COFFEE . 68 I7N. J. TWO GUYS XOLID-ISOLID-mN OIOILL . •; am *%0%t PRIDE Of COLOMBIA Coftitr of Mout»« 1O mnd 90S, Morris l»l«ln*, Nrar 134 S E U VI C L F C) U LEISURE DINING WHITE TUNA 4 Ir 88' APPETIZING DEPT. COFFEE _ DAIRY DEPT. FROZEN FOOD DEPT. nit

2 topi. (Conv. fcTTT.), — •••-«»»- ORANGE JUICE Blue ft White, R&H, tl A Tit W/W Tlre»; Vinyl Int. . I fcl I H LIMITED QUANTITY TWO GUYS TRADING STAMP Bucket Seats, LIKE NEW Ill Ul WEEKLY SPECIAL ONE BOOK SPECIAL YOUR BOOK f %T»T TOWARD THE '61 DODGE WORTH K€A* PURCHASE OF 4 Door WAGON t' Auto. Trans., P. S., R & H. . * O'CEDAR CRIST SUAVE Two TeSne, Pow. Tailgate '60 CHEVY SPONGE MOP HAIR SPRAY BEDROOM . Professional size, regular — dry or ttlscayne. 4 Dr. • hard to hold formula. „ Stand. Trans., R4H ALARM CLOCK 59 Accurate, sure-alarm, guaranteed. '69 PONTIAC _ REG. Star Chief. • , * | Q U 2.59 YOURS 4 Door, Auto. Trans., ' ' I Jl u\ 1 FILLED TWO CUYS WITH MOOD PURCHASE FOR TRADING STAMP R & H. P. S., A-l Condition • Wl OF $6.00 OR MORE 1BOOK. PLUS TAX HOUSEWAUE DEPTr -JEWELRY-DEPTr

OPEN"DAILY 9:30 A. M. TIL fQ P. M. ROUTE 22. UNION, N.J. SUNDAY* 10 A. M. 'TIL 6 P. M. . 'For talet allowed by law

W« rittrvilh* right to limit quantitiu. Not ritpomil)!* for typogrophkol irrert. Prkti tdtctiv* thru SaL, Fib. 20. V - *iV Thunday, Feb. 18, T965 -FLOWER DISPLAY Winners Announced WILL BE SUBJECT PTvA At Caldwell To Model Headlines,: In Duplicate Bridge Bridge Expert Will Advise FOcnoR iLOCA nr ALI - GROUnorii IPD ^N ' • • . Robert • are-invil«l to-sUenri-the-Bff«Hr.'" the- sponsorship of the Foothill taught for three years begjn- Winners for east-west were invites the public to attend. fund raisins."effort, of the_ PTA i Griijp, Mrs. Amhony \Vunder- ] Mrs-Knowles declared. Tickets Mrs. William Boyle and Mrs. Club of Mountainside. . j ning, intermediate and ad-.. Gladys Munnich and in second I Alex McDonald of 3 Long-, vanced bridge classes at the. ~j—A~sh~6rt business meeting w.ill and—all—rtrc—pn^eeds~~v^—ijirftix Freeman, co-chair- for patients with heart trouble, encrfliat"and Idling something DIANE E7 MOSCHU#_| Co. of—Bound Brook, is well men of the affair, premise all lung cancer, tuberculosis and -of—iw history; Tmr—shmv those attending a "fun-packed" MISS WENDY TUTTLE Mhvt—ehest ailments. *" ""also feature" fashions authentic ELECT OF I, DANSKir evcning.~6uesis may'play" games- The March meeting -will be Mo the" period of the hats, which FRIENDSHIP GUILD ! _TON=HALL MAN"T^ other than bridge. Tickets for ANNOUNCE TROTH held one week earlier-than us-; date from 1808 to 1965. Models! Stretch 1MEETS TUESDAY the event may be obtained by ual, Tuesday evening, March-1G. • chosen -fi Mr. and Mr». Anthony Mos-c "I—The Friendship Guild of the one of the chairmen or OF WENDY TUTTLE, bersliip 'of the PTA. cKuk .of Stony Brdolc lane^ — First Baptist Church-of—WosU-rmcmber nf_lheJpqthill-Chib j Mrs. Joseph R. Knowles is nlnjt .under the chairmanship: Tops field _wM moat Tuesday at 8:15 ' Proceeds from the affair will j DUKE GRADUATE ; MARDI GRAS SETS , chairman of the hat ihow. Com- ountoinslde, have announced^ p.m. In the Education- Building. | be turned over to the tyountain- mittee members^ wo/klng with the engagement of their-daush*'-- ndw at... The program will be centered j "ideJJttle League to help .equip Mrs. and Mrs. Douglas E., THEME FOR PARTY her-are. Mrs. Gunther Lindcn- 1 ter Diane Ev.e, -to-Glenn An-i on^^s9^^y t.refreshment .stand., on i.Tu'ttle - of.- rMa,ry_rATJcnr^ai')fcT ielsiy, tickets;. ithDnjcGrfirj, soti-of-Mr<-and^Mrs^- —•— I phascs^oi'"LifeJJve£ hi Chris- the field. Mountainside, annbuncc the en- ^ICOMMUNIfY± mahn. fnshinnsr MrsT" Stanley Tltatthew' Fr C'riinSEJEIIwiBSlfiS" ~"" 's tlan Pcrscpetive,,"'It will be' di- gagement of their daughter, "Come to 11-,'e. llfirdl Gins" i'" , Horace The. ..bride-elect, a gr»duate.i=^ rected by Mrs. William G.-Mc- Charge For Pictures iwcnd.v to Andrew Is the theme'set for <>»• ^nino KrocBer, - Mrs. Mrs. John of Governor Livingston Regional'- _ J -Youth Center Murray _ and Mrs. Robert R. Because this newjpaper does son of "Dr. and Mrs. _Joseph of- Feb. 26 at the <.um,uu.»..i , ,, • . High School, Berkeley Helghtsf •"" Hcckman. -not maintain its own entrav- Pokomy, ~b/Ncwein~SD. Presbyterian Church on Meeting! Zahelsky and Mrs. August Ourt- js—now— attending Lyon's In-: 14* MotfliAv.., tp Mrs." Herbert C.~Rohrabaugh-|—ln*—plant. thru U •_»'•_ctonf«- Miss Tutllc, a graduate of Hoiise' lane, Mountainside. _ jlp|te' "donr Prl7cs: Wrs- Barbara |-»Htute, Newark; Mr. ^ Evelyn Pohrabaufih to cover the coat of enrravVnfi The decoration chairmen, Mis. i z.vlkai »IUM1 Mrs- aliimnus of Essex Catholle-HlgK=^ DR 9-5135 will head the Hospitality Com- of photographs submitted with School, Newark, is attending: Seton Hall University, South mittee. wedding or enticement, stor- 1 ies. There ii no charge for the Orange. ' " ^" " A-n-V-F.-R.T-l-S-K-H-E-N-T WOME article, which will be pub- ham,-N.C., where she Is major- New Orleans atmosphere or the Ilihed with or without ing In English. TO HEAR AUTHOR -•No date hat been set for thr J _ . lplfci_ ' affair. ^-r-7— MISS DUKE E. MOSCMCK - wedding; _ •'• ~ turf. An fneij;em«nt enrrav- : Mr. Pokorny graduated from FcstivLtics will_siarl_flt-i->30 Sa-Ia Snndberg,-' author of WRINKL intV "Iwayii one column in Duke University in June, 1964, "Jfama Made Minks,'"will be the n-ldtli, coats S3. Weddlnr en- guest speaker at"ncxi Wednesday- ] By Marie Davnnt rravemtnts ceit $3 for one col- master's dcRtcc In history pp will be served the eve- afternoon's meeting of the Sis- New VOrlc&ChelHlCBl sfclencc ^cars,-5utwiiTdly caused, dry up umn or. 55 for two columns. the University of Illinois. !=-• "isr ning urider the chairmanship terhood' of Temple has found -t- -white lubstnnce or become less noticeable! But of Mrs. William. Shallcrbss. n^Wcstfield. The progiam_k-ncliod- SEASON FUN IN with 'that-dpn't take my word for it. Make The party-goers wIIT-unmask I uYccl to open at J2:3O in the •> B-Hnv-tpirt-wlthoiH rliikiiiii at midnight. Costumes and sociail hall of the temple. "roughened face and hands. Use penny. Just get a jar of Pea- masks arc'optional. Mrs. Sandburg's book, which THE SUN WITH A It one time and it ,lg—entirely. pork s Tmperlnl Crnmf! lit your. Tickets for the- 'party may describes Jdw'ish life in New WITM vmi—will—# w—Imniyw*—favoplU—department be—obia _th ckct Harlem during XiL CUSTOM BUILT-IN U' . IT \ •• ment'next mornlng.~ln a few. )»torc. Use this thrilling—erean chairmen, Mrs. Richard ceniury, wal days dry-skin wrinkles start to -for-6 days.— anrl If you-ate-Mot 232-86B3, or Mrs. Harold published • last July by Double- CaM *r. vanish. "Many of -thc-small_ones. with remiltci-frill price Plans tenth birthday Lugannon as co-chairman, Brohm, 233-0002: ~ ^~ htlrtdH iit s thirh d SWIMMING POOL V - (.-eoufoti W-aroond the eyes_ and mouth will be n -Moyntain^^Trail- as—chairman-of a workshop at Mrs. Wayne Knouse and'Mrs. printinc. The author Is, now Garden . wercromplctcd at p , - have already disappeared. But asked. Peacocks Imperial Qieme ] p whieh^-Enster- corsages wil 1 lie John Hochtle are in WSrgc _o£ adapting the book for a produc- —^that—U not aJU _"Old-Aj!e" can work wonders for wflnklei, a meotlng.Jicid recently at the made "for patients in the Aged publicity. home of Mr. and Mrs. John. J. tion on Broadway. (weathered) brown gpots-:~BW lines,' brown spots and other Women's Ward at Overbrook Suskl, '258 Apple Tree lane, Hospital, Cedar Grove. hands and arms — brown "age" weathered blemishes. You may Mountainside. dnrknea on surface-of face and obtain Imperial Creme for-$jyw anniversary festivities Mrs. Harry D. Irwinand Mrs. neck fades away! Ricrr-oiis-lub- Blaser were co-hostesses with Mountainside Women Plan plus tax from Park Drugs, 225 will take place April 13 in " Juno • . m Mrs. Suski. • . KTI Iml^iil Ukar. Hlll. t. Morris Ave;, Springfield—Glip- t slip-out without squeezing. Sur_- eeting House lane. -Mrs. Rudolph F. Sarich placed Cajtlnej, riplnf, T«it KUTCIil^tutl. face pimples "and blemishes and thls out. ~ ~~ Mrs. Marie Hand, of Grand the Valentine Day's arrango- Charity. Hall^Next Month Of» Dally Uew, Njtack, N.YH will lecture ment In thn hnrnnyh r.thr»i-y t (. t on "Landscape Plans for the this month and Mrs. John F. Plan.1 for Its" spring chnnty Tuesday at—th«—homo or Mrs. CYPRESS POOLS SunJay Tired and the Lazy." She will BretEger wilLie-rcBponsiblc for ball were discussed ait the Feb- Charies-Bpcoher, 41i New Pix>v^ 10 It.* - JISC Ji,ve_plant material Jo dem- the March arrangement com- ruary meeting of the executive Wenee rd. * ' — - eu» m vtAK -cjKL-eome, memorating Saint Patrick's day. board of the Mountainside Wbm- At the executive session, Mrs. onstrate her talk. Rwift 22 Presidents and guests of ares Mrs. Edward S. Powers, Mrs. -juiJt-CJub. • Lewis Strohmoyer,. substittiting k««h| See»tk WKIBI, N.J. AD J.Jtll garden clubs and local women's John J. Suskl, Mrs. -Frffnif R. Mrs. Michael Sgarro, ways and for Mrs. Robert Sweati, eoiTes- clubs will be invlted~lo~attend. Tranchard and Mrs. Bret&sar means chairman, reported on pondin'c secretary, announced preparations for the affair which that the annual Hahnc's Day for. It was announeed-atthe-nlan- attended the Zone Seven meot-j 1 that the Mountain ing of the Garden Club' of New will be held March 20 at the th_c -N.J. Federated Women ! Never .'.. Trail Club will be in chaTprof Jersey held Tuesday at the Bow and . Arrow—Manor, West Chubs is schpduiled Mnrch 25. awardj - at- the annual flower Wcstfield Y.W.CA, Orange. Tltose interisted in~at- Mrs. Gordon Greeji presided Buy tending are asked' to cotiloct Mrs. at the boardmceting held «t-Mr»r WelcomB~W?Borr"|nteniatloiial1 show - of the Trailslde Garden The program was presented with over 5,000 hostesses, has Club. Mrs. Paul A. Blaser will by Mrs. John J. Suski,-bird! Sfiarro, AD 2-1150. Rigglo's.' home. Mrs. Matthew more ihaifl~IRTrty years_experl- servo as awards chairman at the Chairman, who save a brief Jer-. VallSs was 66-rfoSWflS. Again , . . (120 - 620 - 12t) - ' enc« -In fostering good, will In. annual event, scheduled Sept. description of the birds native say wore .shown, at yesterday's "" and 1J, and Mrs. Donald to this area andjhoir habits. i of the geoera] membcT- biiijljlty Ufa.- Ship lnT the M

jCSAVjNGS PLAN fllvM you.^BonUFoFTaSzpgr annum _... "3 y«aft;' f/3%nper onnurn after 6^yiBriTor 1% peronnum In 1(1 yunnl J. MONTHLY CHECK PLAN wUh^d'cheek »v«y month without Ml » dllUW _HHI0«M MOM tS35 To Si Thomai, M. ., .. diiturbing the principal balance of your aceountl Barbadot. Tiimdad. Grwiada, la Guaira, Curat«o, Mojittoo Bay. Na^au 3. QUARTERLY CHECK PLAN provides you with a check every three months •111. 1 ... lUHHtUU . . . ll'/i »VI FRUITS fr FM>M 1375 To Uauau. Sanlo without diiturbing the principal balance of your account. San Juan. SI llto>na\. Btnoudj From the fnrm direct to Rnu's . . . Mil. 19 UIIUW UlITIIDtU. UW VEGETABLES 4. MONTHLY INCOME PLAN provides you with a check automatically with- D*VS F>0M 13?! To Naitw. Uoitlaos meniin fresher for you! Bav Si Thomai. Brimuda. drawn from your account each month for a Jtated amount over a Dated Ul> 17 . . 1T«TIUO»U ... I] OAYI FIOU S3A0 lo San Juan. Si Tlwnai, Mar. number of yeart. For example, give iii $10,000 and we will tend you timqut AfllToua. SI Maarlan, Itrmmjl. • $100 per month for 120 monthi (10 yean)l (Bated on our current dividend U». IS.. VIIUW AMSTIIDiM. I BtU Yellow Ripe Fresh FtOM 1330 To Nanau and larmuda. rate.) ... • .',,.- . . AH 1 STATIMOAH . ,. J'/i OAVI FROM \\8i lo Rarrnuda API I . HIIUW AMITIII1AU 14 BAVI COME IN, WRITE,,OR CALL 763-4700 FOR DETAILS FtOM WO To lamuda. SI. Tkomai. Si. BANANAS • MUSHROOMS Cron. Marhmout. Gffriada. Ll Cuaira,

ui!?'" lOTTHBAM . . . » HtYi FIOM HIS To lamudaind Uauau utr >> HtiiDAu . . is mn FHOW IIOi-To San low, W C 2 29 39 Ib SPRINGFIELD TRAVEL SERVICE • THOUGHT FOR LOAN ASSOCIATION IQUALITY-MEATS NCVIU-A JEKVICf CHABOI "~THE""W.EE!O FREE -ANb^PRODUCE- Mountolmlde Office — Rout* 22 & Mountain Ave., DR 9-6767 otht.r ^DECIVEBY put yeuritlf Echo Plaza Shopping Center, Springfield :— DR 9-6121 250 Meunfain Avanut thott. . . . of courtt! 763 Mountain Avenue Main Of Act — 1186 Sprlngllald Avr, corn.r rroipttt St., Mopl.wooJ — SO 3-47M Springfltld. N. J. Tutcon Olfli. — 1040 Chonl.llor Av«., nWI tpringllllil Avt., MapUwsail — rO M300 DRexel 6-5505 Springfield

£T_S!_»J__!_!_:«L'l" rn.-pr-+' _ i'ri-'.r.raitfinvrnv hSiVtStl'il.'Zri-ySs 12 Thursday, Feb. 18, 1965 * ' SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Springfield, N. MOTHERS' GUILD f. TO HEAR EXPERT' CYO Teamleads

Youths Plead Guilty ^parching—Ihei i regular monthly meeting In County league Ut'P M found Ui,< turned ihp youths over Mothers' Giiifrl oT~ St. Si Jinncs CYO bowlinu team authorities School, .Springfield, will of Springfield is in' first place In Theft Of HubCaps 'icld f.n March 1. rather than A il-S conifcmp: (if '" in the I'nion County CYO Bowl- A 10 -ypaiv old Springfield 'heir parrni.s, at which itme, waK» paid hv Ric^.arri Mondn>. Washington s ine League. They IIBVP won 28 uHi—and-hls-20»7«ar"olrf-rorn- —wrmtd—prn— TTaTToT XT oT ParVTyTpa" panion pleaded guilty Monda.s nounce sentoncr failure 'c< answor an Id in Uii> school auditorium more Kaines to play. The top flight in,Sprin8fie^d Municipal' The youth* were Hamilton jjUn'irrjpn.^ n'.d a supplcm^ r.t> after Nnvena.. _ thi'or- lciuns in ihe Icafiiir will Court In iteallng l»'n hub rapt Scot', ol 115 Mom? a\c, Spring- appearance notic" Handa, " Guest speaker will be Mi's play off for the championship, "from in auto parked m Troy ficlri, and John II- Bryant of akri pa:d a 525 line on vard J Cox. v trf—ttrc pom—«m 1 ,bri«—licpactnient—ol W- and Gar.v Buliington, Ralph Benkus, •Jfer Magistrate Max Sher- Wan-en T'^n.'tup Thr> \tere ainaJ complaint, r»j^vir:jj .-,;, Slnanc man directed the \ouths In rr- apprehended by RoKelle nolle* j-nile* per, hour in- a~ 2S :mle John Brcniiiin, Drew Miller, A v*l^l i>art>' and - '• appear In court March 1 with early SaMir

SUNSHINE GROUP TO SPONSOR TEA- PLANS DISCLOS&D- Plnns arc completed .'or the ihird annual Linxi'ln and DIHIR- BY MISS SPIEGEL, la^ Tea, sponsored by the Sun- v'tiipf fluh of Sunbeam Chapter -IP, Order "f KasU'rn Smr, P.H.A.. ... Mi'. and-JWrs. Hviiuld-Spiej;el r Sunday, frorn ~Vto'"6~p.nv.,"»t-the of Springfield \\ave announced ! Summit Y.MTC.A-i-Broad -»t. and the riiRagement <>( Iheir daughr | Maple avc.. ' ' fl ter.'Ilona,. to Jerrold B~Gold- The speaker will be stein, son of Mr. and M. old. E. Pinkstnn, pastor of George -Goldstein of Elizabeth. Fountain Baptist Church, Sum- Miss Spiegel is a graduate of mit, N. .1. Several—noted entei- Jonathan Dnj'lon Recicmnl High tniners will appeirr. on the pn Afttr six gnat years Ilka this School and it presently a junior BRUISE »hal could Pontiax potiibly at Fairleigh Dickinson Univer- cram. HEADQUARTERS sity. Her TiRnce 'holds a bachelor up wMnnxtf of arts degree from New -Xork FOR 1965 University a'nd is present!?—rn- his second year—51—rrerttnrf Ui Bnvmiti nr Lorrir Lrv\s school at the University of dr '" 'nriMiitJnn cr;M>f Itsls -rtc. Pennsylvania. An August wed- MRS. THOMAS F. DOHERTV FISCHER BROS. 'ding is planned. Full Enrollment _ TRAVIl BUREAU 149-Rprlnrf'leld-Ava,' A full enrollment of in per- TlioirrasiDoliei*ty Is Wed tbl ' -SORORITY PLANS n.i hns been Iepoilef Beta—Sicnia Phi |..w ay last week. I.indn Beth Eastman, daiigh- JrtT i-in—I-Enstman—of—l.lncolnr ball, scheduled - ' ^''"-'tor. Her work Has Been married to—Thomai^F. Doherty evening, Feb. 27,Trnt{ f mim "rnsptaycd-tn-Ne^v York aji'd «ur- Saturday atjit. JoscprTFThurch Club in.Madison. Music will be' rounding communities. in AshtolC^R. I, A reception itfuln»iiat»i-^i)',|.;fv; ».^jjj| by Chic Wal.tch n'nd "his nr- - The couiM^_d£iicned to' nt- followed aT the Klrkbrae Coun- chostrn. '"" :J tpaci mothers ol school atie ciul- try Club. The s(rooirH« the »on fiarden State Farms Mrs. Marcel Gacnon and Mrs. drcn ^^•ho wish to broaden their of—M+s- Thomas F. Doherty o( wSSf" E-—B. -Hrm.\ tif TT?e; hoxi/.ons, provides a basic—in- Springfield and the late Mr. on the committee planning the j irndwUon to the field of art. It midnicht buffet. Proceeds will J j held froni.LiQjLP- m. Mon- Dnhorty,— ' s Mis. Shrlrlnn Pudirk-was tnal- 56 STORES -«4i fo Mu d L-itu h SERVING N. J, Tfnr jured- children. I joined the program. ton of honor lor Rer litter. -Brldcsmaldii were NartEiL J. 1965 Pontiac: Car of the YeaiL Brown an4 Mrs. Frank Ander-- »on, John C. Ganely was.. be»t man, and the iuherj_were J*nr" -••- .-" That's what! Hospital League-To Hqld man Ghampeau—and—Hobertj. We had to reach'« clmnv tomf wh«r« «lbng lhe line. Anrl wh»l hpn»r "Urttrty, brother-in-law otf thh e | —y el™** (or a c«' inan IfrwM Motor Trends C»' sMWrWrAvvard for groom. * 1065? Nothing could inleair UK mor«, .'onp \vanttng. tickcU can Marie Gironda, 17i ol Bound •"ISO North Ave., Union call Mrs. Florence Baroff7A376- Brook, were damaged Sunday 7329'. • — night whan they—collided in 782 Mountain Avi., Springfield -Mrs. Louis-Curchlaro has nri-' unow^covered Hit. 22,—near the nounceri a" cake saje to be held Echo mw. Sprlnjffleld police on Friday April H at ttin Grand | n:eiported no oneJiA Unr6n~Snt>ermarket-ln-tiie fieri— eral. -Greene Shopping- Center. 3DAY SALE; FRIDAY-SATDRDAY^MONDAY •Air_yarl«vtlea__of. home- baked cakPK and eooktrit ar« needed. -The Donor Dinner Dance thifc year will be held.on Wednesday WOOLS - SUEDES - DACRON * COTTON - NYLON evening. June SI, nt the Maple- SELECTED GROUP. wood Manor, Mnplewnod. Mrs. "Seymour Golden, chairman, hai ALL an evening Hf dirner and danc- WATER --infi planned. • • The Children's-- Aethma Ke- Outerwea- pearrh Institute—arid' Hospital ftt CpAfltJACKETS Dcm'cr, and treats ap- BETTER proximately 150 children of. »U races and. rreeds from all partu nf thp world. It is through the LIVING efforts of- all the diapterj- throushoul the country, that 2 PRICE rhtsl"hnspttal .Is mnlnt-nined. Reg. $18.95 to $80

Silversmiths^ Silver Plating- & Repairing Tqblewtire ~ Flat.wore -off i^^£g --• X Holloworei .—^, wccTC — _. ^ ^ffe ^ Price • ^ m^s^^~; OO- — SPECIAI^-3 Pai«-$2.39 FRISCO BATHROBES-Reg. 12.95 to 37.50 V» o«_ QOLF & RAIN HATS '. • 50e Silver Company ES 1-4600 Now UlnHd Al 300 CHANCEUOI AVI. doHfidrneef Emy ftmH salesman kttoir* thai the rnark of a good jiwrfarf «• SPECIAL $499 IIVINOT.ON nfrticc is the cwtomer'n confident* »k it. For example, lime vutny times have HATS GROUP you kirnedon yourjaiteet in Ike durk of night and Uilccn a thbth tf milerf Li , , i , Thai's eowjfeJcnec, How many lime* A«v you atrjyped iirto your shatter IMPOKTED I DOMEtTIC ALTERATIONS NOT INCLUDED - AU SALES FINAL ami turned Ike apitfnl villuwl tiniiking tlud •perjmpx the miter •mnifdfi'l Jlotr? VOH Imtv U vxwW ... ond IhnCs confidence. In fnet, how many Iwics df> ,v»u wit. water during Hit day 'without ginny a thought io Us puriijt, tlarihi. nnd nlmndanae? Thai's cnnfiditirc of lhe order. All fi>od i manufacturers and salc»men "xpcml endless hours building confidence ut Xtb. CEDAMIC SPECIAIISTS tiusir jmxiufi. We *alw. highly pom confident* hi our product. j Clothiers to Gentlemen Glazed Tiles YOU! CHOICE BQM 1973 SPRINGFIELD AVE. • MAPLEWOOD • SO 3-3737 /' O» JO C010M "OOC COMMONWEALTH WATER CO.

Over 130 to Chooie From 10 A.M. ater Swviea AMMS HARKING AT OUK RACK DOOK QTITILE SALES, Inc. WHOLESALE AND PETAIL 687-4728 3311 U.S. Hwy. II. Unian 1% Mil* tVrtl ' if FUnfclP «.ll Bound Lint i 1. •

PATRICIA ROOT'S BEAUTY AJVISOR * Thur«lay,. Mi. II, Stan Somtner's Fashions BETROTHAL TOLD TO GIVE LECTURE ..- TO MR. UGANGA; AT HAHNE STORE Annual~Cbmmunion iBreakfastT^laiined Mr. and Mrs. Chester Root of • MIES Elvar Esealantc, beauty - - _ • To Highlight Spring-Party Newark avc. Union, have an- advisor from Charles of the Fashions by Stan Sommer ot, Mr*. Arthur Wagner, educa- nounced the engagement" of their Ultz, will diseuss_the tccliniques Por March 6 By JBayley Seton LeagUfe_ union, wilPbe displayed at \the Tjf-apnlyinif-maJcc-xrfr-Tit-Hahne- TTon chairman reported that die LaGanga, son t>f Mrr Benedict and Co. in Westficl'd,' Monday The Bayley Setoii-JLeaKue of. chairman, will direct the chorals man, Mrs. wnilSm-Kenhy, Mr*. Spring-luncheon card party of annual poetry contest for ' St. .the Gour4_Immaculal«_Heart_o£ 1 LaGanga of Rosalie; and Ihe 1st* tihrough Feb. 26, from 8:30 a.m. Seton Hall University,. South I during the mass..' Participating John F. Macauley, Mrs. Harry Michael *—school children, will to 5:30 pan. Mary No. 1360, CaU/oW'Da'ugh- Mrs. Josephine" LaGangs.' • Orange, will hold its annual jwil l be Mrs. Josephp ; G. Con- L. Nclgel, .Mrs. Frank M. Russo- soon be underway. _&he nlso Alesi and Mrs. W. F. Rjum- ter» of America, May 1 at the The bride-elect, who w«s! Miss Escalanttf will indicate Communion Breakfast, March nor, Mrs. Luke T. Flood, Mrs. Elizabeth Carteret -Hotel. urged members ~to~ use the the art of make-up and the 6. Mass will be—cclcbratcd-4n-3crtram-Garrigarv-Mw--Emll-j44nenie. Court's lending library. _ ~<— graduated from Union High j- ..Mrs.-Joseph" Belford, ehair- School and Berkeley Secretarial' technique of hand-blend race tHe Chapep l of Our Lady on, the, ifcnsler_Mrs. . _John_W*-Scott, _JMrs~.Peter . A. Cantalupo J* -nuair-and Mrg-Richard Ofslni. Mra. ^Robert Buridschuh, work- School,Shl - Is employed at a secre-^—j-.—. «-•>—• • / ,-ipowder. to an_individual!s_comrL. Campus. by__AE£hbishop_Thomas Mrs._ JamesJmes.. A,_Sebold,__Mr*lJ_yery_.^eyA,_Sebold,__Mr*l J__Msgr, Jfiomax J. . AnT plexion hue. "•co-chairman,—rcnorlea at the a»Sp for the—blind —chairman, taiy to WilUam R. Beardslee at •. UIHOn WOtnen S UK I A. Boland at 9 a.m. Breakfast JohJh n C. Stllhvaggon and Mrs. president of the, league, and the n mwflng reported that Brame-~pHying W. R. Bfeardstee and AssociatAS . She also will discuss how to will be served immediately fol- Charles F.,G._Stacker. Glllhooly-ls moderator, j. d-.fri St. Michael's_audltori- cards are being made for4the= •aiUcftVcr* Mddeh "tSotchllfll In 'a lowing trr>e mass .in tne Btsnop Mrs. Harold T. Hermanns Is

um.^that embroidering is being blind She requested additional k _ Eor_theJ)reakfast:_cct. 1 ] i l l i UIJ prepared for a linen chest that playing cards. and JT. Co:, in Colomia. _ en's American QRT will hold Skin-care, how to custom-blend leon Room. chairman is Mrs. John J. KTOfc y• Series its monthly meeting at Congre- | Xace powder; ahd will, recom- The Most Rev. John J. Schwant - Drugs-at-1045-Stuy-- ' WU1" be usifled at the Spring Mrs. Joseph "Beliord, world An .October wedding to planr scr, Mrs.' Vincent J. Powers will vesant, ave;, Union, has invited .luncheoni.=Jashlo»uan, Jashlon-^md card parpar-^ missions chairman, repeated an tied. -*-• - •.—^ — gatiotl n BhShB«th~'Shaloml , VauxHallTmcnVHllTdd colol r shadehd s andd answer , president—of—Seton be toastmaster, and asslstlnrher rd.,.Union. tonight at-8:30. "Mem- j- questions." •_,. — . •• ' the public to_»Hend_"A_Thln»;_ .

" A aerie*-of two meetings on "i3etting:TheT*b«t From Your Freezer," »—progranrtJiponibied: by Union County Home Eco- nomics Extension Servlce,._will bo presented oh Tuesdayjstnd- on March 2; Both meettngiLJudll held In the Home Economics -abeth, from 1:15 to 3:45 Mi»» Anne-t. Sheelen«_Coun- ly Home economttt,_ has • an- nounced that the first' session will Include. freezer - manage- - ment; "the second will coyer 1—foods-from-th« freesser. — ~JO ANN KURTZNER, FORMERUNIONI-TE; illliia SETS DATE IN MAY 1 Mr*. ' Elizabeth M. Kurtzner of Ellaibeth, formeTly of Union, im-.w hits announced the-engagement •of her daughter, Jo Ann to Richard B. Walck, son of klr. "•; i-\'. and Mrs.- Galvln-S,' Walek of " 25-Qulnton |venue,-KenllwortH' .Miss. JKurtxner^ also" l« the ~ daughter of the late Col. Harry Martin. Kurtsner.'-" - -..-••- *mi An alumna of MlUls. High Jcrtobt In" MagiichusetU and W\ - Drake_College of Builnesa, K ~"—abethr:Mlss" Kurtin«£J« present- ly employed as a «ecr* """ Hhe""NatloriB~"Blate~"Bank of ElUnbeth in Sprlngfleld. . Her fiance attended Jonathan ~T>ayl

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1 sewing and complete home installation qf draperies and slipcovers. Now is your time to make substantial savings. s

custom made slipcovers custom-made draw draperies

' • • • sofa and 2 chairs - " sal* 14^6*00 11 ft. wide x 90" long, fully lined. • tal* 97. O 0 SPECIAL Shampoo separate tofa,2or3cushions, 69.00 ' chair, lcusWon,41.00 Your choice from 88 decorator colors trr fine rayon-and-acetate antique satin. • Hair Sotting • Half Shaping Insulating Roc-Ion white cotton lining, keeps out winter's cold, summer's sun. A group of fine fabrics to choose from, regularly 2.50 to 2.95 a yard. Prices Include Installation on superfine Kirsch trayerse rods. ONLY .50 ' ' •' ' ' • ' ' ' ' Your slipcovers will be deluxe. In eyery detail, from overlocked V NortaalH 4 ft. wide 6 ft. 8 ft. v 12 ft. mcAmr -ielF-welted-seams-to-zippered-closureSr-Choice-of-4-sklrt-styIes. ona, unljnera .... ^ 21.50 34.50 44.00 - 66.00 lined 28.00 42.00 55.00 84.00 AVAILABLE Prices Include Installation In your home.' «• , ong, unllned 24.00 38.00 49.00 74.00 SI VINCENT'S If mem eonvenlenl our representative will call at your Tiome with lined' ' • 32.00 50.00 65.00 97.00 ^HOUSB OPP BEAUTBEAUTY I02T MOUUS AVB. tamplet Phone 623-4100, «xt. 508-.509. O.ther.sizes at proportionate saving* VMOK CSNTKR ~ Mil t-3134 N* iWtlllMHll NMHIItf Hahne & Company Custom Draperies and Slipcovers

PH:. wumtm&uxaa

14 * Thursday, F«b. 1>, 1965 * SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Sprlnflfl.ld, N. 1 Mature Theater At Mill: 'A Man Far All Seasons* j CROSSWORD PUZZLE d=^rom—popular^-history in -lhe-«i>ureh-and-the-«*tab-- -M«*haJ-trf-Bn*landr1aT-m!w»y«—Togettter—wHh—ehristophet- ^eam-to-r*coj{nixe-tK>ubl«-«na- Wlth present-day theater whi<* depicts Ms as bearded, Ushment of the OhuroJi of a g*utf, blundering pnHrn Oma.1 who plavn William TUup- i the> optirrnim by keep- ACEOM 4X Cordial often beins mediocre and dissolute, ruthless, many England, indicated that it was man- who should have been er, married to Margaret, "they ing out of it- Ltli:,K tawdry, it is very erallfyln* to wived, indulgent . and pos- stubboroess, too, -and -an- un- -more to his Lord Chancellor. round out Sir Thomas' fan- The set by Robert T. W41— - DOWUT J1IM.MU [H'j.ll welcome- to the" Paper Mill ses*^-w«h-iOopfcF--table-man- willingness-to-relate to _ the George Hearn u Henry is lly. Harris emphasized a long, de- .river, - Ifttutietl , Typ .J'li'i ui'i:j uwiv equally fine as the Intense Special comment must -be' *cendhqf~ staircase which esi hunt* UHHI-ltlli Playhouse—thls-week a play •>*"• However, Henry,' marr . demands of the timtfl, •_ 3. South - •: HLV.UI ULIIllMH'v as fine and as meaningful as ried-first to Catherine, was a .. . Xt is conceivable, howeverT and sensitive monarch who " made nn Joseph Bow who hardly looked sixteenth cen- 9. Traveler Jbntrieaa UlOL'iJii ilii.-l i I -Hobert Bolt's "A_ManTor All dUlotante, well vursed In-Lat-: _fliat. -the- 'stream of hlstor: —arouses—only - sympahty.—Ml-—gives-The-Common-Man a-Sir tury.Mri-Deklcer-directed, but- -tsounfay-..- — tii-iaii til Hi'):'] i chS«1-Egan-ls aiTlndbmiUble Daunt! ST flair anri an_exubexl the - soaring and *,N*edle! — Seasons." '". writer of Church ritual 'might have Men' altered~had scaring l This i« nn ...mhminn-nf -and theatofiy,' aamposer of Catherine -brought •fcitih ant^H»^MaJJon^The;-,-Cum- speeches ji^ no aVW^'ht #AY7ft Watty - country alrsj lor the wind en- male child or had-Sir-Thomas t*rmined~to pursue and sub- rnon Man, a> obvious strong nor catch fire;_ They IStenoften l MOGiySJerr; a confusing" period-io-history •watehwatt where politicalnaiid tclliflous . tcmblej ol his era, and de- Murcnyj^lded to the tortured • merge Sir Thomas in a sea Breehtlan influence, makes -caused a real dvugr stroyed by • trar^.jfact that intrigii*, Vrani/ f*Vn*i- direct contact with his a'udi- , Yot, discounting the slow IS.Dl^ateh —^ivertonojs reverberated In the request of his sovereign. boat ' swashbuckling and earthy al=- Catherine hod presented him Dana Andrews brings a su-- • venle is Master-Richard Rich, eric* and set the «tag«' verbal- - pace, H Is a play that every , mo/sphere of sixteenth century with no sons to provide for- period reading to th» rote "df opportune, who conspires to ly and manually for each - true ^theater—goer—mtet not England: It. was. a period the proper .succession to the Sir Thomas, and at on* point do More in and achieve empty scene. It If perhaps -he .whV fail to sec; There are too few where the church ""dorotntaed thSfon», He was oppressed at the beglnnin^-of-the second ambitions for an empty-soul. is truly the Man for »11 T=»»- .. (tirvtllar ftppm-tiinltilw: for the_European monarchies and with this responsibility and act luuliud lhcredibly-like the Lois Kifcbee Is a slichtly sons, who must do -this Job,,.. .*•*• (*"d sesclessMheater; where" quest ionB-of-etWe5-a*»d exasparated-becauee he could, the Holbein painting of the asceiWe' -Lady—Alice More, by mall . —personal trutiT dominated not fulfill it with Catherine, martyr. Andrews .etches Mr Sir ThfitrtH, and Su- _ pj • . many aspects" of living for only-from-Mwe— eharaaer with a "sharp, bril- ' zawie "Oeborna is a lovely SO, Reputation*— ^eiedc many. a word to have liant portrayal. He is witty Lady Margaret, KQ daughter. but jwcetk,.:ger»fl«=but ralcuv rhe sUllriiatRa^need- "latihg, affeetioiuH*-but md-- 1 cellor. to • • Kir* _Henry tha legal-snd emotional sup- rose, too. His ordeal with him- —JBlehth, who accepted a_ hor- port. •" «- self isJalwyas evWeatrrarid his Today's Homeritaker rible martyrdom- because he Morerperhspg was enchanl- conflict 'with, his conscience —.could not compromise his — ed by hls_ own potential and the facts of life consume MARY ARMtWONO. County Horn. Scanamltl 2*. Obese . -martyrdom for upholding the. 2B.Galn* own principles. He had deep him. - -—-•" ' UUIHUIUUlttUUlUUUUUIIIUUlUlHHUUII ' religious convictions relating church and hjs toward of a There am other superb per- ST.Eeuador r^=:-to dtvbrce and a deep sense of 'lace Jn paradise. Ha might fcrmance*. Albert Dekker as OLD TIME FAVORITES ADD of Ice cream. Serves foui national respqnslbilifyT" be condemned a bit for being the Duk« - ftf-Norfolk. Lord GLAMOUR TO .MODERN- six. .. - ' ——- Indecisive, for so-called tsat-" maintain rlgklly the legal sue- MEALS • •Prune WalnutjSMadji_i_t ccKsion to the British. ao of conviction* to the light cup chonvedTprunes of_what happened, a schism - "Thai apricot raisin ituffini. StiifKenfc --,=. ._r: Henry the Eighth ha* Playhouse Schedules X—tnnriioiliiur water-' S3. Chlneso Three Child Shews 7 _. West- Point C'i- length . egg, beaten jneStur* •':""•' THE QMATEST •"rtir*e shows have been an- det. to his hostess niter a din- teaspoon vanilla nounced for th* Saturday M«pi^ Tier, this past week. The re- S3. Hasten WESTERN OOLD RUSH bi« Children's gerferat the Pip- marJc~stimulated our. thinklns—^/j-j 3*. Creek Jetler JIMMIE DALE * er Mil Playhouse .in MtUbum. about^how-rnuch-drled-fruits—1~ biklna* «odt IUUF T'iTy " colfld' contribute—to "special"- - j teaspoon.salt r ' BAND Of THE WEST Wouldn't Uugh," which mcaltimS" enjoyment, especial- - twecenied thlii-S*H>rd«y by_the ly during this .winter seasotl,. tablespoons melted butter_ofc * EVERY SUNDAY * Irin* tVdrine Ballet—Theatre; It also raised a question as-to martarlne . "The Indian Capttv*^1 on March eup eSbp'ped walnuts POLKAJQME . . . FRI. A SAT. how widely used- are all tho ' Combine r>mno3 and boiling arorg&mt-= Vy thirouBtt the"use 61 drica fruit FRANKS 774 (LUB Be«ity" on March y.eBii and ATTHONT, Raisins, prunes, figs and vanilla. Silt together _tlour,. 77-1 CHANU.-Gk /-.I K'.ir.oTC •tar,'- opens- dates-call, all a3$ a ."special-' 1 sujjar, »oda and aalt; add iivUi>« PUZZLE NO. 851 given »•»*—Thuwtlat—iila4i- In somolhUig" to any mealr- - mlx-tuw, melted butle* oif- »t 11 a.m. Tickets are aWilable -^Sotrth IPaeUk." »t taw Me»- Prunes—especially present. B" , lr at the Japer Mill Playhouse •lowbnok DtwMr-TtieatTa, Ce- wlde variety of ways in which" box oUiet now.. in«- weiUEfiur into a creased to enjoy dried fruits. Prune • 9M:X5M3" pah, Bake in slow' 'VValnut Bread Is j_real troot oven (325 degrees) -oric—hi in the lunch box~as well as or"untll doalV-Cool 10 minutes. for snacks or meals tii hom«if Removfcfrom-pan^Cool thor- Cottage cheese and prunes ' oughly, before.dlclnB. _ combine In -a pleaski4t- lunch- Prune Coconut Crunch time -salad.- Stuffed tpleed 1 «up cooked prune*, pitted pmncs, raisin tarts and-pmw—-i4 cup llqultr-frttn prunes" coconot-crunch urc otlicr Ideas Vt teaspoon cinnamon lihat-cnn add,interest to-ttia- I Jjibltiptton lemon Juice day's moriu, j ....; I tcablupona lemon Julejs_ Start your own bitinttt. - ,Eig-oatmeal, cookies are a . Z/3_cup: flour _ -rrr -flavor..treat that' will satisfy M eup teaapootii even the most "df np- llrliLJbrowii tujtar note other dried 1/3 eup butter or martarlne BLUE SHUTTER H4 fljjO ar* not only tasty, t/SeurJ dulck-cooklne/ rolled but contribute-to the nutti- '" . oats: '•' . • _ . UonaJ.quaUty 6f th« rne«l. - 1/3 cup coconut, flaked or Mi«s Audrey C. Burkart, vx- " ' altreMetl—-' • . ^rt=t tentlon apeelaUst-in foods ernd Chop prurw*; add prun* Lkl- We lr?in yott ami wotrttterr"»t ~th«' College 6l Uid, tuaar and crnnamon. Cook~ iacilitiei to Kelp yon Agriculture, Hulgert Univer- - UrttU-mbitua1* fa« the con»t»t- •Wy, iuggetls thU d»llclou«— ^vMrf^i«rr«^MUM.^^Spr«ad_h«l£-ot_rnlJrtur«^w a Fir*eie until ice Is ;^v inch deep gMnued 8" round put. Spoon MAmH edge* of tray ^pfiihe" mixture '••vordy oht« .:tttNMI.JL J.- _ (aboiit oho hour). Combine 'tirrt taye* and top with- COMMM r*M»Y.&m»«rl With Vt cup pure* prtinest US • UilfciU 1 - tnvn> MHV pg can tutre. Balkt> In" altyw..v THE GASLIGHT ' t - er. Serve plairror wlih » float TJtllll* O/ ' CHANCELLOR Legal Notices ntvw BAHV ' w3i« 111 rttrt».TY DttniH DELICATESSEN PuriUaHt la >h> r,M»r eif MAHV C. *MI MAIM eWlVJrniPNri N. , KANANK,; «urrbtate oitBe OoUntT»t AND MlYAUIIANr tJtaAM MU«e NITUY mide on Uie twenty.Hlnth day 37« Cht.Ht.llor Av.., tk HUwAaetl I4BI' '." z __January A. p., 1MB. upan uu ao- •1/U pileatlcm-af the und«r«l|»Kl. a« Kue> WA Mia — dpwiD 1-55E— MM W. Yaw** ""^ ulrl< ar the eetats of laid ttutuH, . N.w te hereby given In Mw=tradrti>ra all Caasaatt-'CUIi'llieT* -dtwaitd to tlrtllbH la the nib- Taatl Krtber unrter oath or altl«n their 1 ettimt and demand! a»e!t)H tht titata TOWHA LOUNfiE eowu of eald tleeeaied wlthlifalif mouttal"fiUM ALEXENG »t xm WANO Ihe dat»- of «ald order, or thar will be ytwaeMeTM ae» aataalMa forever barred from prauaiUnir or ORIINTAl RtSTAURAMIt e.1,000 rrcoVertns lh< tame aistiut tha tub- All Italia* Dlihei al waeaMbb acriber. Acatj Aw*. ]torenrft X. prkn. Alia Amaritun Faail. to. OraBo* — SO WIU ' • _ - . VJ/15 William I Lovell, Attorney 1011 Clinton Ave. • : Irvtntton.' N. H'» Alway» Oaail Teila and hm Tha SBMtator—reb. 4. It IS, H. 1MI. ^EXECUTIVE Y* lal al Townlty'a . (.iflt rvu: S1I.3DI MU alR»l-mi. Vary S«ri) All SalUu Daaa aa f<*MUat CHEON CLUB MdlUlta ft

H19 BTSiell. Av»., !,l BimVIH, .MUi^-T

•naa. "«i»s:Tiiii»Bi_M. f — aM-Oranlnrd-Ate.. r;(emnrn fr," J." B«r. l«on|i. rtmu' PIVUMS Of* Kxeeutlv« Committee: IS-1S:U >w. 111. 'U II HUsltkt ~imr* laurel,-Chalrwan. 503 MrTGhnUl ive, Cranford. M J. Alfnd Brown— REITAURANT • DINER • MOTEL 811. Lincoln 8t. Linden. N. J, - OUR' HOMIMAM fill . Arthur Brown— GEIGER'S COLONIAL COCKTAIL 10UNM 111 High 81,. Cranford. H. J. • All A' DELIGHT TO IAT ' HIVATC PARTY ROOMI Jraxe Muldrow— ~~ OHN 7 DAVI „ MEETINO ROOMS 107 Chandler Ave. ,Ko»i]le, M. J. TOWN S CAMPUS Objertloni, If anx, ehould be mAde BAHER SHOP RESTAURANT V1:S« A.M. la » >.M. Immediately, In vrttlng, to .lean Krullih, 1040 M«fb Ava., Ualan • Inrimela CanJUIlanl (Mnlna a.- Horoush Clerk; ' noroueh Hall, Rosalia, SpilH«ll«M Av*., W.ilflJW New Ji-r»y. J •••/-• w • 1.1. (Oppoill* Echs loin Po.H Plana a Or|u MMMII NI|hHy The Bpeclator—reb. IS, 55. IMS (Fee: 113.30) AD S-«*0 torn wT/r ' i ' - - • \' PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the DO YOU IIKI ItAFOODT tlayor. and Council of tha Borough ol W« Mm luswtd eiam't Clam an *• Roaflte wilt consider tha (ollbwlnt reeo. HARRY'S jutlon at 1U. regular meeting of Uarch li ' Ihtl •' AlailcaH Crab Clow *. Ubt 1. IMS at 11:00 p.m., or •• tor.n •> BJ rabyan flat*, TolU . RralUd Main 1«III(M« • (tuln tlie matter may be reached at the If li^S fiaU of strife Ntwark, N. J. Bsrouib H»U, Chaitnut Street, Ttoiella, New Jeney, at which time the nubile WA «-W88 Dllliae. Country Dining may be heard: v AIr-Con Amirtcan Culilna provided, hdwever, that It OLD EVERGREEN Lunch 124 Dlnnar 5-10 4hall not ba uied for the bus). again be without a gas clothes dryer". So be a hero-BUY HAU RINTAU — DINNER PARTIt* . 1," neu .commonly known at a PED-E-FLOUS Saturday, Dlniur anly fiodf-and"Tender repair shop. LODGE MOMRN 1 SQUARE DANCING Mountain Blvd., Watlhung, N. J. Dliuwr Dancing M., Sal. t Sun. BE rrTnnJjnrEn RESQLVEP, that 'ER A DRYER! Visit your favorite stor^ today. Muile In riia Oltn Millar JtyU the apnileanT shall pay' attorney* Cvergreen Ava., Springfield EVERY SATURDAY NIOHT' H S4IM frei In uie "imot-n. of S7&.00 to* •' .. 4s, ' ' rlaao MMd Mwk Nightly lethcr with costs of advertlnlnc In MU4H M ' W«dJ

". • '•••".•-;:v. \y--': •

—;—i——>Tn.m.-.- Baemwaxstu.

urn* • V lart^i1 ' ' ' '^yh • 'imm -~i

tanrtti wm*.. TV wiHI«f riHi i V; -"l ... BIGGER TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES offices for txpwKlioui ptipsr |iroMs«lii|f and ether l» iv•• EASIER CREDIT TERMS fo aid Ui BiniR CUSTOMH SERVWEI


,. V Opwi Till 0 P.M. Dally* Saturdays i III© • MU 8-9100 J <*» mmsmaauxm.

16 * Thursday, feb. 18, 1965 * SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Springfield, N. J. LAKERS DEFEAT Raiders Continue AGGIES IN GAME Ile£em&=Melps Harvard Team To Top All Teams BulldogsiTo Face Cranf ord The Laker* edged out the Aggies, 0-3, in the first basket- -League Triumph -ball game of the SmaJUE>y_Bas- In Rec. League | ketball League at the James Harvard—moved into -a first- final minute of the game by Dennis Lesterof Harvard and The Raiders continue to top place tie in the Recreation De- Dave Piersoo turned the game Frankle Buccl -of Yale are tied all teams in the Springfield Caldwoll School in Springfield 1 ; Saturday^ Bruce Jeffrey paced partment's Ivy' Ba sket ball around hi favor of.Columbia. for second place in the indtyjd^. Rycrgation Department's Small- By DONALD LEWIS Yanchu* .had apeclar praise for that point on the bulldogs never League upict Princetonby Until .plerson's two spectacu- ual scoring race. 'Both players Fry League at the Sandmeier The Dayton Regional • High Mike Kretzer, who scored—33 lost the lead. .In Uve hUa p TficTscore^oTT? to 22 "Saturday; TaT"«h6ts; Cotnellhad"1ed-1n-thi» ha ve—icored-1^—point* Tirr seven Sonoolr-Thir-ieastMr1r--for-th*r ^ehoSF-baeketbaU—»ee*on—will pointa'afeainst-the Cougars. Yan- ing first-period—K The ^Nationals beat the Bill- at_Dayton Regional High School. game from the outset. Ray games. Joel Schwarti; of Cor- smaller boys and It meets each draw oeor«r-toiU"conclu«lon-to- ehu*' said, "Mike seem*, sudden-- -15 ior thfc Bulldogs to give them ikens. In the second game. Howie npll l» the fourth place scorer-UutnrHav al \nr Sanrime-le-r morrow nlriit when the-BulU Jv-tn have dtveloped-selt-con- a-^3-2u-l«ad at the endaf Hi. Nationals with 12 points. Neil sor of first place until meeting Columbla with his timely 're- with 58 season points. Joel Tias" School. Starting time for thedogir take the court—agaJnsL -Hdenct-Ht's jnovihg ln on Jhf period. l_Anderson-4ed-thelBlllikons. " , this red-hot Harvard team last bounding. _ • 's'corea—His—56 . points i«r' six first of four games played is 1migW Cranford In—*—Union basket nowj and scoring from The second period was rela- . •~- -The-Bullctg-cdgedJhe Knicks, week. A week ago Harvard. de- Mike Pomp played a good league games. p.m.™The—Raiders- have rolled County Tournament game at Ko- the foul -line." tively quiet' as Dayton * fuDT 13-0, Arnold. Blumonfcld with feated Cornell in an upset. , floor_game. ..for Columbia and Dave Margulies of Princeton to an undefeated record for the selle Catholic High School. End Of Jinx press seemed to Kt.vml».f:iii>if'« -^-JO- pouting thin ylftnry—nv>r scored five points'toward—thmnd—Bobby—3annkDWlcz~6f"Cd=""six-game* played to date. Last Friday night, the" BuU- scoring effort. •; The"". BuUdbgiT ~*f«TTpSiHts~a"n"d"~PhirNdrulal£ lumbia are tied for fifth place in .Yanclius aLto'^eit that—Ws- Princeton, Harvard oiitscored Columbia -victory- Steve Relch- -Last—Saturday the - Raiders dogs played their final game of team's strong showing against weremlsslng'yhote-tlso. Jim'Bel- "with"-four .paced the Bullets.- In marr-'fallled 12 points to pace the Ivy League—scoring race. extended their winning- atreak the regular season against the livcau sa,nk three field goals for the Cornel) team. . .Both Bobby and Dave have tal- by downing the Pirate* '19 to 9. Cranford would play a major the Knickj and Leo kroncrt, held • Princeton's Watchune Conference champs, _Dayjpn .betoOLbelng-.ta.ken out four,- top scorer, Ralph Losanno,- to Seorinr Flguer* lied a season total of 48 points. Kenny" Baroff with a gome high the Cougar* of-. Cranford men. of the game "with, four fouls. At In the Ivy League scoring Roundmg out the top ten In of -18—points ]«ad ajl tcorer* naihent matcU with Clark. He Jim !5ch'ock Iod. the Pistons II points in downing the -The—Bulldog* -lot*—in—a—elose dretii* Clark game,U1 We the half time' •Princeton—leamT-This- Hfco- p Losanno of- the scoring are: Tom Carroll of Yale ln--thi» contest. Ricky Wnek mBtch, W-67. 34-"31. • a M-iO victory over the Cel- Princeton team has far outdis- with 46-poinU,-Steve-Relchman paced-, the. tcorer*, for_the Pir- beaten. Clark'to the two tlcs.-IHte scored 21 points. Sandy sanno's lowest scoring output of : == _33htn. Monday ntoht. the Bull- sSecond ha^_saw:llrUeac- the-wason. _.'..;• _,_ •_ '. tanced all the other: payers In of Cornell with 143_POJrits,_Teddy ates. "^P '— doc* defeated Johnson" Reglomil _W«IM and Kicky KnowIeJ- each the leagu>r; Ralph-hai Bit-for untll ^_the. fouHh-_perIodj; chipped in with four_polnts. The Sieve Jupa, Dennis Lester and P'ConneH of-Columbia—with -3D .—The Chiefs posted a 13- of Clark In the first round of when Daylon-pulled a " 1 Kenny Kurnolr.Ied the.well bal- 11.0" points in the—first seven lumbia and Hal Lewis of Prince- upset "victory over the" Tigers the Union County; Tournament, now. We hop* to carry ovor^the .Celtics' scoring was evenfv dl- league.-gamw. This total gives last weet. The.Tigers were' mometttum of UM Cranford "*!, on two'hook-Bhotsby KreU- " -tfded. ancod Harvard attack as' each pelnti,:': arid. Gary Haydu of score of that gam* was 73- er. On Al Lofistto's driving lay- player tossed In -Sevens-points. Losanno a better thaiTlS-points- Yale, .Bruce Colandrea of_ Co- season leaders in thlt-loop-but- game." •••.-•-• -pw-game-average;—-—— have dropped their last two d*-^ .'.In • Monday1*, Clark game, ups and somejiice foul"»hobiting; In al.1, eight playenphtttthe icor- -ton, all with 33 season points. By defeating Clark, the Bull- by_Gre«nberg, LobatUfand Dave __ I ing column for the .victors. Rich cisions. Howie Tannenbaum played »t Westfield, Coach Van- Insurance CoTCites paeed~tbe soaring for the Chiefs dogs darned the righT'lo meet "cJuw used both little-Steve Hlr- Dropltln, the Bulldogs eutended —I Selikoff played a Ane rebound- "as be Htr"for—«ix points. Neil Tiger* with :dog»_ played_i^a«ht- «am« and 4m. honor group of field under- "*••> 3> > Dartmouth, 31. !««'• column firtt""off—a . Yale Is now -only one, game be- ment Boy's Bow-ling Leagoe_to Bulleta In two games 1a«t week. six. point* eaoh.- 1_ gave the-Gougar* m«* oppo*l=- gime, lost, ~77-«7,. Coach -Ray • writer*.— In another contest played last tion than was eupaetad. Coach jump ahol by-Hlr*chorn, From Yanchus of Dayton said, "tt wa* |— A gradual* of Mlehjtfan-State hlnd co-ledHdd a Jull two games last week by Mark B«4cowlU rolled- a 172 »pUtln ant and—laitr-becam* a ••-if-lt-wan-tolng-te-jcore-tberr" binfeld posted a 2St a«rieji~to 280 afternoon series. League Schlupner" , divided all .the aeor- field pace tile" league leadert^Rlcky leading bowler. Dave Epstein " H»-added, "If we had always I-underwriter. .,:• first victory oflhe season. Darf- lnjjor the winning Comets. Al had Hi* ion wrefht hu ..: mouth moved Into "» 16 to f ii, with-a 331 Mjrlea,~wiui paced the' Raiders to their tee- of the Jetrrpointn-eamr " ' ^wo-eff»<>tlvf—-Rottpad-tt>* Dayton record to Voters, and she Is vice-president •ycaU andnUoidererr, both lost Maintain Lead —— 3tlSaHea3tlSrSaHveu tinlc~ o the Florence- dlneer Pirate*. Alan SchlanBerrof-.tti« jumper* and foul «hoi». Pirates had th«"top— nriea -in by aweep*—laat weak, naming Tha »**uH« follow.,- with-all j School P«r*rit-Te*eher Associ- major-change* In th* standings. Dayton m* M«t«d fiwt: fc ^OWCRSFT ation. She-also belongt.tojwany the match, a 285 two-game mark. In Girls'Bowling Early In *R-tWrd period; Day- Danny Neus* rolled a HI ser- Th* top team* now are:~Pu**y- At « poundtrStu Cohen lost ton'* Bob. R,le*> caught" an elbow M professional organizations on lo- caU, 31-23 Hat-Fink*, 3O'/4-»SMi; to Dkv* rarrel. 8-0. Kariln, at The Bowling Bluebirds-main- o« the-1 head-tnd ,l*ft- ** court ctl," county, »ttt* and ^national Craiy - Baltar-10-JSj-MoUUw : jbav«'Kpttebi, on-the atreheth 105, had a-acotaleat-dnaw with tained their *Um:two-game-leimgmed d «IWr- roonoutaion levelt. - • • . Bob Johwou. p*A-8eor*at, >t ^j_Recr*«j4o«—Depaiiment- us it. • *-SKI SHOP Sue-and her husband were of hi* 325 Goaeh—Vanehu* felt UurtV-tWa"- Top then laat week.were Ber- Giri's Bpwlin*; League byupllt-, m»y have beenJfot ,tuwittfrpolnt-r=:| |^ ROUTI M^- SCOTCH K*IK»; ViX__ among th* first residents of th* JgtgithW .Wild- Beltusrol—Jop-area of Spring- of the same". •' ..; —~ Id. Her husband Is also: ac- Shlndler Is- third with a eatt last week,, 'nhe: Bluebird* "Hieirhad b««n d pudrty Equlpm*nt * R«paJM — lf**d R«th*- S52; Frank Robinson, 201. Lead. won the first earn* behind .the job of defending .against Wayne tive In thK-fli-ld nf education and 138_ave*ag«. Jlmmy~T5arokut Iriy ladle* wew Shelley Wolfe, bowling-of—Bat>bara^Owens, "" -- HIAD-B OGNER . KASTINOE«--WHITI_STA(I . CUBCO- Is eurrentl. . .. . - 26-ieason average—lr _ -_ ^_ m*t fe • . I _ • HM - ... _V youhgert . player on the' team,- Marquis d* Lafayette Junior ** ISP; -Joanne .SUversteln, 157; and Tiurt us.'nfanchuFMia:: Huckel Matty; Heller, T 150. =:_ who^_paced_the_BlueSlrdt with has been Cranford's leading High School in Mfeabet' U in th* fifth spot' ' Slate luncheon Tl»~ierie«. Th* Wildcats re. Five m«mb»r* of tha Spring- tcorer but had-htt'for-only-four bounded In the second game be- polntijj) th« Wr*t .period. field Optimlils attendtcTtht or- hind7 the 138- rolled by Dawn ttlon's annual ttatelun- In the fourth period, Dayton. Pifflers Sweep 3, Zatvelll. Down wtHta- 225. ter- :traiiwi'--b'y only 10. point**with HoUday Inn. Ken- I** posted the top 'bowling at llworthr««SatutdayJThty_w.«(« four minutes -remaining. Two ihou By Auerescti and a Dr. Bert Ksswintr, James Caw- The Four. SttikBr* kept_pafce iJEddMeAliliter Harry 7 4ay»up y The PlWer* swept from the the l*a«ue leaders U they that lead to 14 and put th#—" LowjEand Hank Wright.. , "divided . two came* w«Jt-4he Five Misses on bumpermight In g h jitifll the SpHrrgfleld, SklHler* Bowli" —^bout; 70 delegate* wett pre- Knookouts. The. Strike* remain sent to tHicuw plan* for: the In second place two game* away minutes,-Dayion=«cored_-sM'*ii_ lnjt-Ije«BUe_at=S^rbutfield, Bowl- points ,ag»ln»t the- Oranlord to Uke over tole posseatlon of sttt* convention to be held May -from theAl«a((ue- lead. Unda LSHII 20-JS. .at Wildw:ood, N. J;, and second team,, but the gameendi Mut«cW*r paced the Four Strike* first place. The; Alley Ka*» ed wlth-th«-Coug*« ahaad, 77- jnoved up to second place, whlle. to discus* the international con- last Tuesday afternoon t» she 67.'„• •""'.• ••;••-. •' . :. the Five Mister- dropped to a vention at New OrleantTTQT, posted a 18T t*ri*s, Nsnoy-Ntor- third - place tlewWi the -Wlah -June 20-35. Th* ttat* organlt- lino wHh a lOe-game top'ned B>« tlon~lHcludes SO-chapters with Striker*' winning gtme effort; MOVINOt- ttii Mwu la |!pA¥S^Mir Leadingladl were Kit 1,100' member*. — A]y»e Cooper, of the league'* toptli* bowtev*, returned-to action—fatat 178-152; MilHt DougTa*ri"-155; week to.lea d th* Knockout team' FEB. 18, 19, 20 & 22 Helen , 175; Mabel Hen- -Two-Car Accident with, a 317- series. Bonnl«'1ta»rf thaw, 172-ie5.180-497j.yema A ear, driven by w kin's 102 series wa* aho etfec- PRICES CHOEPED TO THE CORE!— Andersen, 170; Theresa Heg*n- William*, 38, of Weatfteld, *kid- Uv* /or th«JCnoekoui«",— : 411 bujh.ijKyrWi fed l * ' The final match of the after- LIQUOR STORE •RAND I Madeline Roth, 184; Pearl Shim? anow-«ov«r*d Rt. M Sunday. noon caw -tne Lucky- Charms , .. two game* with-the Bowl- ahoek, 153.' night, and-eelUM«dt-wmi-an auto op- Mttt. Susan.:SUvet«t»In,-with. a MUrnty.CUaMer, U, of 181 aerie*, "wa* the ;. __^^ Newatk. SpriiaftTOSgoi; whe &»•' Hie IiUcky-jBhawwii, "'wMie- P^ilwiw) p«r*d the Bowl.

PROMPT DELI /rnnttnnMTfftw Paw"«> t*rv«d u~* tobatltuU teacher n rt01laBtW \i»a.j liat Brown U in fourth place J7*• Mwrir Avt., t>iM«««U'•" towrithTp" PTA pre»ldent from' *>r V>ea_rly a year-and-a-half at with a B5 average, wMLa-Mioh- 1055 to 1058 "iutt befqr* th* | Regional. - — elle Widom hold* down fifth CallDtt fi-0538 PTA was split Into four sepa- place with a 95 average, rate organizations." "IT WAS A FABtLOCS ex- She also served a. three-year perience," th* recalled. "I real- term a* a county appointee to ly got to know tha school and .the Union County Mental the kids. I really love teenagers. Health Board. "That wa* a gov- I lose patience1 with adult* who GEORGE'S SENSATIONAL ALLOWA»*CE5 * LOWEST DOWN PAYMENTS ernmental thing," she said. do not take taentf* problems seriously. I think w* tend- to SHE WAR A DEMOCRATIC under-e*tlmat* our taentiert." PRO SHOP LEASE '65 CHEVROU1S] committeewoman for several Mrs. Lewis, who work* ior ,a years. Mrs. Lewis ' added, "I travel, agency, the Fischer AND ALL O1HER lAAKfiS was an unsuccessful candidate Brothers Travel Bureau of Irv- Qardain Staff Bowl for a Democratic -freeholder ington, explained that the IOVH FULLY GUARANTEED nomination, but I won in traveling. "And I love talking Union IWUC*630b LOWEST RATES _ 100% PARTS A LABOR Springfield. about it. I like to travel with "Actually," she said, "I've my good friends, Sylvia and FEATURING! quit politics completely." Joe Bender. PROMPT DEPENDABLE - ~ ~"IT7™^"" Mrs. Lewis, who was born In New York City, received a B.A. "Phil and I traveled with CHEVROLET SERVICE, PARTS DEPTH BODY AND FENDER SBOP degree from Hunter Collage. them to tha Near East at on* MANHAnAN BOWLING BALLS She was married to Philip Lewi* time, and we took an 11,000- Seles: C* 3.7800 ln -New" York.^and 'moved to mile cross-country trip with our ACE-AMF BOWLING BALLS Union after the birth Of -our two sons. ' • Hyd«lho«» • Stparator Bagt Service: Cat 3-7805 son Donald, wiio k now IT"a»d a tenlor at Jonathan Dayton matt intelligent person>rv* aver IVCRVTHINO POR THE BOWLER 3842 RIVER ROAD Regional High School." known. He if active in com- Trophies & Plaques The' Lewises alts have an- munity affairs,— amLh«'*_eh*lr- other tony Hal, IS. "He 1* anman of the school board of Tem- l«*l O««IMI — IwwidliiU Ingruvln* •» rthilm SUMMIT eighth-grader at Florence Gau- pi* Sharey Shalom. All IP0IT1 IOUIPMINT dineer School, »nd hat the best "We all have a very happy NEW JERSEY'S ONLY Met HftUJt-Opea DtBy W t-W '* Sat tlH«- teenage dance band around/ family relationship. You know, CHEVROLET the smiled wjth prld*. you add to your family. by BOWLING and GOLF PRO SHOP Strviee Vumt-tm A.M. «• I P.M., OM«1 Sat The Lewises (he Is a manage- bringing them interacting ex- Hty. • UNION • HILLSIDE UNI ment consultant in Newark) perience*," the said. "We all moved to SpringfUld 13^4 htv* lott of things to ttlk RUBE BORINSKY GUS DUBROW years ago. about .at th* dinner table. All PraprUtor " Metnugtr Met. too loai ate, Mr*. Law!* t«ten*41ng." 4 t •'• 'i : ^ a-^i^:sK': >.'vri'"''^"^.::-ST>wiSg^^ -»^p= * . b. 18,


Help Wanted • Woman Help Wanted - Woman Dogs, Cots, Rets TODIES' WINTBR-eOATS, SUITS, CAR COATS, RAlM Homa Impravamanli Music, Donelnn, Dramotle caA^rer^Ta?Bi^sTNcxtn)mcrLi[RG^^ POODLE—small mlnlaturt fllirk Malt * WALLS —3 monclli old. AKC reclilrred. PATCIIED-OR NEW '—PfeAY THE GUITAR , JUNIOR COATS AND SUITS, SIZES 5 TO 15, PETITE Uwryralal-BurllnBimt -lln«tiT" Muit •» LESRON'll GIVEN IN YOUR IIOMat Haltv Wanted — Woman u> appracttu. Call UU 7-1544. J/3, II CALL 273-1951 JOB OPPORTUNITIES AND CHILDREN'S COATS. B/3/4 Classical - Polk • Popali S OEKMAN KIIEPIIEBD UUPI.-C ».f kl Berbuieri-- Advatteed »E YOXtE OWN BOSS" GLORIA COATFACTORY old. Itaaionable. MD s-DBSB.-AVa Complete Home Improvements; . Howard Franklin • ES 8-31II work your own houri >• • City Strvlca, 1SSI Vauih»ll.Ito«d,-Unlout CaU Mornlnis Until 1 P.M. " atx UNE FASHION STYLIST, MOBR1STOWN JZIT "RltPAIRS, BIO OR 8UALL; INSOREDi. *•'»«t»iary.. manajtmant opportunity 100 WOMEN NEEDED 8 •*—r-tttti-MA-jiSiM;— j/4/is nBl-TfHH) nr ?n7iT74V/3/a Open 'Ul t all evenlnts includlnj Siturdsy • JE-S-2S67 Income Tux fteturns MUSIC LESSONS on molt Initmntinta. Wn Prlvalu InilrnHl.h hy .-..l,lj,» tHfM- •ri.HUton Muilc studio, 1778' BprltiB- -OPPORTUNITY- necessary. Applicant! m»y-,»pply in person between EOR- SEEKING INFORMATION OU-AUgUlt INCOME MX • ACCOVNTAN*->- fl»ld Avt., Mapltwood. 7Sl-«9S4r KT/3/IS _fl_».m.-5 p.m. and cm Slturdtyi between 8 ajti.-1'il "BUFFET"CLARINET «ABD OOOBB Hau, i|a 70; formerly marrltd to NOTARV PUNO INSTBUCTION HANDICAPPED PERSONS noon. For further Information please call: Ml*. D. If ITS WOVMN Tilt ALPEBtCS Btrbars cooklnhsm, had Bon, Robert: 1S« LESLIE ST., NEWARK TBTXB., KXPKRIXNOED. BMINNEWI Sliihtly utad. Valua |41OV-MUlns for Por CUSTOM SHOP-AT-HOUE Dacor- bjllevKl to have rttatlvca In Irvlnjton. WA Mill . A SPECIALTY.LIMrrEO VACANC1K8 __, • W# htv< aavtral "gnillotu aptn fur Chuafca, PL 7-5000,-ntril acuuhtlns by anpirlincad Odd Jtila , efflea work. If your skills art ruity. KSTAtlE Sill—4 -'Oravia' (I Burlalil. accountant. J. K. JIAWHA. - •*• ui and w« will help you-fcrtttb up. WARREN araealsnd Uamorlal • J>k.j Wtl tUBER-MI 2-4163 lC33»61(K8 0/3/35 " MU 7-1 JUS . ODD JOBS - RubbUh-DIrl R-«o*ad Work. daya, vwiika, or monthi. M y«u Butarlan) (Will Dlvlda), a/3/4 . wuht ' , V/J/li CASB rOB »CB«Jr „ Callsr * Yardl clasnad, Uump Truck MIOHE4T HOURLY WAOB ; BOAY -'aKAYk raoovirad. Canvsa eovara Load your ear. cut Iromal. par ISO 1b. .Becvlet. Call Any Tlmi, BONDgEfl CITIEENS .BAND EAniO WANTED . -for—boat«_jnadt t> ripalrad. Oanulna -Hiwipapari SOc par 100 1b.; Uaia- MA I-!B»1 "/ .• _ -HU S'ISM Hauiahlda covariuf. Low wlntar ratii, INCOME TAX . ~ ' O/4/1S NO rai CALL MU »-6»M A*Tlil »7M P.M. alnn IScper 100 1b; No. 1 Oopptr7-3ou 3/18 XL 3-0S4I. • . B/3/I1 par Ibrrhtavy brail 17c ptr lb.; rsga, It —RKTORNS-PRXPARED NEEDED AT ONCE pu. lb. Lead Da and baturln. A It V DELL-RAT REALTY, 4W CHSSTNUT SECRETARIES Papatr-atoak -Co, SI ao, SOU) it.. In-Unlan . —. " MU S-?loI & Paparhgnglnr;— J. TYPIST* • AUi KIMM - CUUNKT, wooden with eaia. Sacrlllc. Cdtf, t»H Inuton. _.__; --.- - .__ . O/3/1S • _ . ; B/4/K YPONOtf-OPSRS. - COUP. OPERB. G 140. Nla(sra cyelo-Ml»il|» with st- tMhma»a. aacrlllca. •— Palntlnss , Paperhsnslnsaperhsnslns, carpahlfycarpahlfy. w ALL OWW MACHINE*. OrEM. \' ~ ST(UDLE-SHOPl of 1 to 3 yaari axparlenee; ^~ "~ ~ — UU-MS73 r—- JJO PlSlnfMd ' PL 4-3M0 S«|tl — 748.7811 Hatht 'em. tT»m 'tnf ,fc.' lo»a--'am. : houit 1178 A up, Pull? lhtuMd. No Job > CItll! AND WATTBJESS -u>td' by Bin WA5»S^=-Lld8r T •, .'6/3/4 Tralhl»» by ynyilelaua far Pkyaitlau too Sir or Sjnall,. OR 4-B47S. V/3/4 \ child. I3S., firm. Powar wowar llki J/4/11 TEMPORARIESBN'S " ^fobnrffer;Bood worldhj condition! and liberal rJchci _!_ wu»jtr=r A. t. WKOB HDYB Jr SELLS - MEDICAL > 373,3103- Ballar Oraat UitiT Pumllort A{it. secniarut, Lab * X-nayTKhi. "ttu. AWJly TiC perio'ii "of. call PL 7-5000-Ext. 230. - nqUEf, CHINA, BUC-A'BBArJ -^TJay h Eytnlti» elaaiai,. Oo5d7^-•_ — Jt/3/II —POODLE CLIPPING EL 3-JBJI • UU «-6MI OENERAI. OFFICE WORK. Knovladfl —WrltjLAr Pnoha for Praa estalos-U— DININO BOOM, llovlnf, MUjt Mil. REASONABLE^ 1-0316 47s Chaitnul_st,. Union, ' • " • ' EASTERN . ' . -TttoMAS &. WRIGHT of Sttno. Ai typlus haipful; imall CotUraXIsk. tibia. « ehslri. buUat and . _j_ ' • .• • ~ ' J/3/4 0/3/4 SCHOOL FOR PHYSICIANS' AIDES •ompiby, naw . ilr-oondltlonad offie*. hutch. Uka n«w. 34I-34M batw»m P:30- _aS'P»th-AW.i N.Y. 3, CK-S.3J' " Ktnllworth — call S7B-»S»S. _V/J/4 BURROUGHS CORP. Warren Township. DINING ROOM SET. Tabll, 4 chain, . W«alad,'»-"ixJ'&tarnoonr pw-waak, buffet. >trv*r_ and china eloMU Dark Insulation •"4 hour* par Jay. matu>« woman. Irv. Ik. — BscalunC condition, . BtJSINESSJDIREGTeRY i fta-tiai!"• " v/i/ii "An Equal Opportunity Employer" • sus-aoit -—' ALPHABETJCALLV rJfeTED CLASSIFICATION' PAINTINO.*' . R»t!l»t INSULATION aur arxlalty,'MY. Mia work, and fraa. tiUmatai,. Inurtor,* COUNTER OIRL for dry eSanlas atora; - ' it/a/is tatarior, T.JI.'BONtPACIO, OH S-7M0 . iiruriMM pla*a*nt working PICVCtOlrAjtPtA tirltirml?* "Junior. W..L. Sohroadirr I WatnutAva,, orantord' -OmMlmt.- CM\ ftW, ».J87i batWatlt contait prliai—brand naw .MaTid Ralurn* 'Dressmaking __ B» «-3474| ., BR S.37BB » A.M. «_11 A.M. .-.. ;.-V/1/1S ton, IS voluniai .1181) vslui. 1' I DR O-93I0 - IS -4-3100 NEED AN ACCOUNTANT Mr your. tU DRESS' ALTEBATIONB aipartly doni; ' '^' J _. . GENERAL orncv Halp Wcmtaal — Man, Woman Help Wanted — Me H/3/U rltuni, BttahuH Booki, or BookkatP- _ PARK ALTERATION SHOP ^CEILINGS -'-: I aiidt_alifk lyplit with knowladu *f Ms—WB ARE B3CPERT, At BKABON' IT COITS MrjRK MOV TOINSVLAraT PAINTED « PAPERHANOtND .' 1-^—•UBo,c=/rln«»-b»rnlllj.—Box •«, Onion POR "a Job wall dost faallns" claw ABLB: for Inttrvlaw till 37S-4SS7. -*R|.OOUNt*~ HOME INSULATION Ltadtr, 19*1 •tuyvmBt "Ay.., Union. SXKCTKOOTCS Bl^K379 PaXDRICK BIOHARDS — UNION' carnata with Blua tuitri. Rant tltc- V/4/K — ^-SEWING -1 A- ELECTRIC HEATINQ. " SJl-JIOS - ES I-O6SS . •_..• _..•-•.— --r. .-•••••••. . •' —V/J/K trl« inawpnoar SI. w««< u.»u Him fcEitONt— 4W ' '' Ho. Wood AM., Linden. N.J. -yyj/ii- •urn MO-MO ««r wMk, for ftw W/3/11 Aluminum ~S»rvle«rXrRipalr- • T»=tliKirwnie=iHit-i«-*uiij PAINTtNa * rJ«CORAT»\' • tWOIOAllue—Rafrlstrstor, law. 36 Drlvlng Insfrurtlon iOSr«cl6M PIDUi OR PARt *IMB CONTROL ANP_ DATA_1 Inch Calwlo lai raafir-Hsuuaimi S»B- ALmlM BOOBS, WINDOWS, _ iOS,r IMMEHEPTE OPENING* :: TRANSMISSION 8VSTEM8 ntarr,-kU-ln-aiull.•• SECRETARY COMPANY w WOItBN WSTROOTOM • • • •• 9m SITI awm*'i»fPT ajSaf.T*Ti' j/plltln|l _S-genrw Freti-Serviea— • poliir a«part wildbif; aSbdR • osU with ona of tha liadlns tompanlaa In r«OM will m wa.ll. ho aoll at all, on lit) (-0S33 DN1ON, M, J. carpata elianad with aiua Luilra. Rant J/ ...,_.„ DBLtBR •»*•• anjoy Working with, pro- ' flald. • • , • „. ••-•• Call 353-1953 and •ffiolant paapla in tiietrlo ahswpoMr II. Kotnli Hard- -PalnUos.uuldt And out- . .ilta-arr-erlusrlly to utllltlM, slpt- wart. 13s No. Wood Avt., Llnd«i,~N.J. UQ «.«74--i. O»I6W ¥. t:.'r tnodtrn and kttnutlva aurr*Hndln|i7— suiu si llnn, and O B -M'a. - . — Drugi t Cosmetics Lnitdicdpa Oardaning IP YOU art looklnf for advantt- S Cotuld»railt .trsval in KaiUrn U.S. W/3« 6pM>»rtuulUai; - V. YOU. ara - - Halary u> atari, salary plui smnnti- Orlvarwaty* i-j-ttffut/tah—-•ami).; la/i/ia _.• tnurtittd la top hattaflU and |ood V/t/It tlon utar, ~• GETTING MARRIED? SCREENED • UNlOatkBMBD TOP.MOn r'i" -Mlsrrrws a» -tha trlrl for -our AppUeutrBUit ba brliht, lma«lnatlvt, •Wi »ra—»U>ln«_fro'M bualniai. ' - JUNDSOAPINO — tUL DU* WINTER RATES, pimuns « P« MStt VtlM MANAOII. and daUrmlttadVAa-anslritirlH'-jlaS.'aa ASPaULT drlvawya, parkins loU-buUt,- M BOSEIXB PARK (PERMANENT PAVlNOt ' BL ...734. '« M UHIOM CTOT»R._*J OR OVSM All Maw.Waddlns, aewttsl*"' All work dona ilih po»" ">""• *U CBaaimil s-iati nr , O«MM MV <-7tlT, bttWMII flaldi )• dtilnbla: Hnda of ualoa work. Jatnaa UUersail, Praa Wok H»~uI~liaUv4rr-aenilur^ i • A.UT* 11 Ail. . ~ Vslnai To 1360.00 O/4/h • , '. •"•—•—-^•••' •"•'-. o/s/is TO « ni. DATA nuxauiaiuoK, . LANZNUI'a BKIDAL aHOP la Palna IN, Irv. ES-3O0J3. -:.:_T* PAINTING 4V DECORAWNO v/a/u lao'Sprlnstltld Av».,'HJVarli, M. J. >. PAKOAU * A, JT. dKNIS ' ' Pra* Jtatlfnat! w, Iniured- ORSTRIA OOMPUTOL W»TRDHB)TR CONTROLA , • »KW LAWNi MADB " Pltaaa aand HJUma sad lalafy r«. And Uaioa Work) KKAVEt DBCOS , Monthly- UalhUhanct. Llm», Fartll- MO J.TM3 .^-J. J. OIANNW1 ; INSURANCETCOMPANIES KUZABItTM: ImW» »il>irain_.,,,. ins • '- • K/3/11 , DrlTlwayt MS Cbaatnul aL,.Dnlon.-(5 U»r, 8Mdlmr, CatUflad sod, ahruM _! — - •' • O/3/3S -yWooaUliJ. *M. _ Utfrrty KUU, KJ. invwoTOX: wsrthttut BUPIMBS dulramanti to: ..», Ray. Awmnilen— Planllnj - Prunlns • Oailsnlns - apray- mUMnm: towr Vnu WKw. .. . 11.18 t WAV RADIO • PASmitHI PEKSOMNEt, bCPARTURWT rlKALTB rOOBS—HUU, Xtrbt,' Wonay, 4MU UO S-1«T M UO SOIU ^ —tvaa p«li»try . : Uo «ui Ins. Rotd-WflliUi . Rapalruir.—Vary iWKBa——»W*WOK—»W*WOK•>—•>BWKRIOBWKRIOR BLMTD! Oil ««r. SUnoTWn. .. |13> Balt-PVM PoodtV-MoUir. inVtMOTOM »ai»n*bl« nt«, OtU Mr. Mirik, " PAnrrWoWo, , PATEnHArigiHa. .PRE.PREB " ymnt D«>k oik Typ» S55 + Luneh QUINDAR__. :_ HEALTH POOD OXNTkR, 9 Orah»« .:. ... - -••'-• O/S/iT — HM. 1-101 Bun. I Ua,' to « p.m. u --- .J "- . ' •...-.• WJ/1S so_a-so»4. . ;_• • • H w BlTl, • IN«DTONCE«DTONCE. 3I1-0H8, J/373S Vi- SOLDERERS CMIw: «IMO «-l irl-l SJ.3B • " KtLsEAjM.%f\g}.^i11 » SEEVICI, WE CAN MAB.K..YOVR homa M0N -O«n«»li-ABHrie»il II W4|< K4., Ha. AilMfUHl WY <-7SM ^ Opportunity - >ll BLVD.. KKMlLWOatat; - -»/»/» aujoyabla, add s naw room, ramodal SUITS - DRESSES 11.00 lfcMAaoJN»|r.»TBP*^WA. ,- •'. . •..•.;• O/3/1B tha old onuTflitlah off. your attla or INO, aUgWAUU, WALLS; SELP EjJ- —RETIRED MAN rroHitK mn. uhi. .HH -j^ baiamlnt,—Olnton -Ntwton -a*, — ' "laWartlBiaadV "••• ' ' PLOVltD-lNBaREDf A/^APPDLWjT* 1 HOCR MA SON, EB a.i07l'« MU t-«47«, 0/4718 •ray and wnita ehrornt. ObMM eon- Hi. 9»44Ur. ^-r- V/J/ll iHUrlor * illtrloi'^-lniurid. > ^o Work Wcekenda dltltuitltui . WA^T=33S0r ' JCJC/3/1B «M CHESTNUT UNION -V/J/Ji CMloHar Holldaytidy,, As-A «/3/ll A.-«CBEUERMANN, ES 4-WU . .IVINO ItOOM, pranen provlneUl, 3 Q<«rr«rWlriM • liquor* fJUABTERINO -PATCHING Monitor. A VerjrSifflplVSi e Jfr •aria pl»«-lniuiradlim>-lniu>a . " ^VAtSBm MATTWISSKS, faetory r.|«U; l«m MU I• w«at»d by your Mad«;_Phone MU"«-7800, K« Cktatiut II.. C«l«» • ••• >t/4/ai - 4«**rittwk h»ur« »!JO !• Ii3«~«r SIM lMtl'WMkly DtwipsMr, W you »r# is ,«•»«. A)b«-Baddlnr UmufautdMinT- WEB Electric Servle* Btipi. «W»WalW,h M.l,.ta BlooumM •tflu, •«• M o*r- >••>* eld r aldir, yu an nn itd For An .Appolirtiwent 1S3 N, Park at., lait oransa; own o-S; (AI Wva IraUt Sbepflil CanU •' W. WINION — UtTC-SAtl aw *Air • alio: s*5T W. proat W., Plslntlald. LI0»|aE»iJHat>l • , • K/471S 686-7700^Aff«r 3:30 P.M. '-MEN ' Office FuHiitur*-For Sale Oallnrlti only otia day a wt»k. I ';—WOMEN PART TIME That* ara routaa atlll opan. AOADKMY DK«K COap. N.J.'K LAKOEST VSWD AND BEVINISIIErj OPttCC' .- tWI htUUII fullMf MrUMuOs. ModUtU ..... : -.-rrrrrr.- —— ~r- ^K. */» KtUhafl Cabluta, Aluminum Window., I* tour ntltbboiri la Bnlon. You miy UKNiTDB so Branforfo d i-ITa block frm 7 rrfi TjMJUthMotta, Wtathif-atrlpplng. ._ «uk«" y«r MBUWU mrllu.thiu or Hull Va-iUUa, (aipanaThta auj r*ry'^t PIANOS TUNED =r- REPAIRK0 .V ,. --»• ptnou, tvtriit. »13 to- tsf^wMklj, dlll(«al-ia>-«var>lrlaii anj InUr- UA 4-oeso. lionli . Prl.Pl , l:30.«l ; tut. B- _ MU ittyttMiy'tiw;- v/3/u uUfwark. Nal ifraM-at Manual • '. ; K/3/4. .. Ti7a/W: ADVERTISING ~laliar kit MUM luna aVIMI>. H.S. (••1. ynlortl. ktaar ka»tlU, POOL TABLES - aHUITLEBOAHO* SALESMEN BET. BntKrr.JMOM^MANOPAOTtHlKll TT {DUDLEY TERRACE. IRVTWOTBH- PIANO TUNING A REPAlR»Ct ia>ld -M.ilBHHtKl.—bwai aui p: : Monay to Lbctrt ialM aUH aaly,— At. yietory Prleil - r " ' T^~' . ' ' " ' , •. V/T/P Only-Oafiu|na~8olld ^f-ln, aad 1-ln. Prom aidawtlka to PiroplasaW ' thick ilau top (not lultstlon «r W-la. • • outtajn-4o Addittoni- SNOWED UNDER WITH BILUf- GERING PLASTICS HaaUslk Btaa, . W t-UIV .. . you're a HKAL JBKMf^OV UONSANTO HO,—•• •lata van«ar»1. somfl. profaulsa*]-4»S. ELECTRICAL" .Conaolldata with a-t»niumtr« Loan, saleaman and can • Jutt dial - - , CH 8-8406 — _ TEMPORARIES N. Ufa it., M.»raa-a». 4M.»», lilth««t qiiallly prnHi^n,- HUt M/ia - CpNTRACTOR -• prove It ... Xlnllw^rllZ OONaUMEMS PINANCE ti5.—-. _u«d_e It,. 714ift., and » ft. — ALTERATIONS.' _atU«, Sp*cl»llilnn In 100 amp. atrvlca It 135 Chcitnut St. ltaialla. Park Plumbing BONUS PLAN - NO PEE alttratlon »ork.-HP-«-B8t8. J/4/33 Tha company that has asrtud your truit. An Xqual-Opportunlty Imployar 5-oror DAILY'AJTO BAT. Tc/.e ru. porch", ' eablniti, "euttara, am »ft •ittan sas, J/» TU«B AND TOURS. TO » P.M. lawUra, -ahlnslu We.No.-7731-wmUm Parkina, UaMurl? ma* AHIJ getir, OHM,, Noa NATIONAL tUUPPLkftOAM)' At llsaaU. Pr*a-«.Uwatai. CaU Ml «-13fld. , , BttLJARO CO. _ Errrarialnmanl lo put fftrlh »vt.r» TAILOR . _, At Ntwatk city Una. Moving and Stt>rag* - bparlaneid only 31 Ualn-a*.— Bait Orinit. IUN * UAOI0 for Boy Beouti, birth- _ - K/3/ : f' AND' V ~ — fraa •itutStaT— ons dJllAlloa'w'sbo' n

Plata. Mollywoon-.ittmoirlal- O«w«t»>y STO|rXnE A, PiiUONd-

BEX»- FTOWWI LOOK SMARX1 BUY ALUED TAN' liDtM. _,_ wtMn mi-«riin^u«rmwirr PH. UfjEt,t TUrTT-ao-Round Kuala wny-sTORAoEi rurraoor VAULTS. ACT T1RBO. HAB'BOtl* PAOTOItY TTM ahop. UekawaHM PI., UlUburai 10-13: CkEBR* amuTMaal HoHU far Uw DRESSMAKER _ Bend resume to: UACRTrttS. ALSO PARVot.POII BALB. 3-4:30; cioitd uon.; Wad. , O/3/35 AD 9-44<4-t-f, AD 3.44JS. — Astd tBd RatlraT — hoWa-IHI at- Only BEST CALL WO l-SOtt. J/3/1S wmphtrti Btsta aSirovai 800 .chirry " Y/AILORINO Sox 44, CALL Cti 8-4MI "Bbara Spatial!" IITBIS.: »t 3-76i7.. J/3/A Mr Mtllbum Avt, UUlburn . , Union Leader PRICE aiNOEB aEWtNO IUCBINI Coal * Foal Oarag* Door* SAVCWAY VAN LINES, Staatlto, N.* J. V/3/ia ALL UOOEItri MDPlOOUl LTVINO Bliora Ofllco aw. 3-1341. , 1201 Stuyvesant Ave. ROOU: ' RCTRIOERATOR; DININO USED amentia sir. Uodtrn atorats Prat Imuranca Roofing <• Siding • Repairs I Union, N. J. ROOM; KrrCHBJrrnBj BTOVM; CALL ANT Hill, HtNID COAL AN typai of iirait doors Initalltdi ' J/4/S v :••••• GIRLS We'll arranf a aa appointment. HO 4-8833. . ' K/4/18 SAV ANY MUM M sartia tittnilotn, rtpalri U aarvloa, •ALARY. 11.W t» PANS, srrc._»i a-«03o> WA 3-OIB4. tlietrla optrstort A radlo-eoetroli. UO 9-1644 N BADOKR 371-4J1V H 1VT • - . K/4/1S iALi SYCAM TABLE atBVtNa OVERHEAD DOOR CO. DON'S ECONOMY MOVERS Ins. Mafuu • Outtt/« • Ltadrri • Rlpllii Pat Hour To Start ANTIQUUI Hna wtihiUndi aid, oot- OaNfTIiVE: Llvlns roem. dlnlns nen, Nut or Stove . . $23.00 OH HovlBf • Storage • Paeklnf •irjaiBllliilaUi . Iniuiad . lisa bumua 133. dry ilnki ICO. old bedroom, kltehan.. ndlor At TVa. ' 'T* work part tlma aftar aahoal; tvt- rOUMAN — DU CAWING CLOTHJNO),- uiad booki, alaetrloal appU- PEA $31.60 BITCKAV 118.00 .. MU 7-0085 M Orbtrlls St., UalllJHrood, H i. Su>*rlwud au with koawlidit of trsdlu an, wrouiht Iron aMncii IT pr. •O/J/4 atnu. Houri 4;M to-8:30, In mwly Round Ublt, drop'laof ublu, old ahcu, novtlty Itami. STOKER RICE f 11.00 • 0/4/1 SKSlUhad Muswal taptrtmaat, In lino It Aluminum au eutlns tpwaUon. fJOOBWILL MISSION STORB, SS-S7 OuHart X Uadara 5a«Urltld. . CALL . Will owildtr Au't fortmn *r ut-up ehilrt, tiotki, eanrtd woodin niuras, OCARANTEK COAL , 1 oapptr out hoda. Uaay oth«i.' Osan riaaa SI,. Nawark: N. J. Opin Dally BEST MOVES COST LESS ' WILUAM B. VH». - . • »-S:SO; *td.. 'til V ^^ T/P MA t-mx — MA i-im y Reoflns • Ltadiri • Outtin :'. - ,•-;,. tu-wu ,,. . ', nasty HJMTIO ' dally, noon to I Ml. Intludlni aan- • • ' B, NltUIM • Prat Insuranoa' Policy dua. rumlaya'a Antlquaa. Routa #1B, BV( AND SAVE »• IDEAL WAY —.NATIONAL Aluminum Wlndowi (Do own Work) ': ', M en, N. J. : j I' nlutlo injMtlon woMlns nuhlnu or modtli; rtpalr-agtclalliti; parti; ac- SIS-ITU •». 30 or a?M, 4H4-SS7S. Home Improvements TRUMPET INSTRUCTIONS tB 1-9138. Strvlni N. J,, SIHM IMS. ait wMlns «sohlni>. autdy dsy ir)lft urlti; 34 ytara In bualnau. Victory n T/T Bulnntrt * Adiancid. CARL 1PTOLITO. tlut ovaruma. Kantflti. leyola,—aJ6»-|-Uonla—Ayr.—Unlonr •!47e-Walk«r-ATi—Oi>l«n-Mtf-».TIT4r MU S-33S3. T/P COMPUTE HOME IMPBOVtMrNT nrv, B/J/4 PKCIAUITI IN LEADERS, OUTWII U ar-*r pulaooM, ttili to up>mia Utt irucki, Ajaa Ranlwara. IKS Uuril. Av,AvV. . KNITTED REIBTS SROBTENED uw tcalM it liglit pai>«r work. Ks- Union, N. J. W 2 la World Book Encyclopedia NTUDENTR -Unroll now lor tultar It BESIDENTIAL HOOFING SPICIALUTS, . ' WOMRN. axparlanoad, Oarman apaaklns llMt opporluully. POIl THIS ENTIHE PAXIILY REWEAVINQ DONE SMALL JOBS ACCEPTED accuniian ltifcom. Saturn Htcordlng Slalt, Uadtrt, lutttn, hot uphill ;,." only, wlihaa Ironlni or olaanlns, Slo JKKSKX fLASIlO BRAND NEW CRIB AND UATTRESS, K)K PRICEH AMD TEHMH CALL CLINTON TAKN * QIPTS CARPENTRY, UAHAOE DOOII.M, Btuillo, Inc., MU aiuyvtiant Avt., Union.. flat rooflns. ntw roof it suarsntea rt- ^*> ' .1. TMM. or Thura., t to J, on buiM WVMI at. lrvlml.» NEVEfl USED. NATURAL WOOD. AD l-SStl • TV S-4IIS - rL 7-3ISS HM CUnlon A?t, In. caolar. ES g-ssss SPIMLU CEIUNO8 EL ,1.11111 > . SIM08! pain. CROWN.KOOriNO CO. W 4-3003, ' la, MHabla, ua V-1MS. V/l/ls v/a/ia •15. S87-1U1. K/3/U 0/3/11 . ' . O/3/1S J/3/U • ,•/»/».'••. J

> * Thursday, Feb. 18, 1963 *


Emphasized By Charles W Berry warebouae building eurrtntly under comtructIon on Route 10 In Hanever-Toumahlnv-Theif. ,: ' J -Th« constant ~tictF«rf"ttlB Eastern Union_Courfa. •»S.O00-gpeii Ml.) BUBM and~%oBvtnttnt to. ihopplni. by Mr .and Mri. OhirlM HalMa Mr. and Mra. Jogeph C. so that someday (he degree of • Yiat been auditor for the Union Move into' the realm of I News briefs- ___-'Eekh*rt from Cleveland,. O. Sale ivn. through Anita. professional integrity that _w«' in Boyr LL" ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIlf - WJUta of Vortnau At Kriaburr. Healtor, or North Plalnf OH.-- associate-twiih the medical find R.-E.-PBRRY- Constructed Homes will be M)I>areinOi_-| In the Li©n> Club and. 1* 338 SOMKRBET tor *• 2S-—| NORTH PLAI . Drive out with your fam« unit ttrdm apttrlyneni atjSSS^ Apti. for Rent ours," he said. .» - " ' -i—th»s~seven-Uine pr«ldent of the .i i 1WT-JMS ily to Union VilJage' now. . Berry - pointed out- that with "" ..Orchard Park Civic Association. tll.-41M MMII1 637 Ny« aws.,\ Irvlngton, .hU'. the constant urging of the state'i He k also an elder at-GonnecU- Several—models—to choose b««n-awangtd by *e Vranklla MADISON.ARMS reel estate boards, a bill is now ~Hit'Jtera Church,' a member of kOBILLE from; your choice of lot. Cepltfil-Corp. oit Niewatfe. Tb« before ttfe leeislatvm requiring the-JiHxs, Gavel _Lodge of Free Take advantage of low.Jow 392-96 Stuyveaant Ave. educational courses for all real vlVtasons, -Second'vtee president TWO FAMILY brlclc v«ne«r building wfll in- -Immediate Occupancy m pncy estate brokers and talesmen be- of the Eastern JJnion"=Couoty Two yean young, uparatc heating UODaT, LOCATED ON -OATIS-. TKtt,, 4 fite , ilia. Laree family .tiled roomi. Two ONE BLOCK IN PROM'OALLOPINC Luxury Efficiency Aptn. , fof«-they—can Be ileensed. "~Boird~o.~ . • . . of the Union County Multiple church.. ••'...... t^d at -For-Effipient Persons. -.'• Por Information,- Call -•-:.- lul full Utchehl, dreiiing roomi. 7liteU«« S«vlee. "~ T and' 100 percent oit-- fossion and ultimately the pub- — $29,900 Price— Uodel, 380-8U1.—Kvil., UU y-349), : of clout ip«c«, wall-to-wall 5 3/18 V tinB and penonellied eervlce. lic, he said. _ '."T* - T\. native of Jamaica, L. I.,Rslzman_AKcy., CH S-303 AU DTIUTIEB SUPPLIED . Berry is a (fraduate of Dart- -tfealtar. Ill CtWtnul H., Haielle. UNION- : —- — Berry serves ' with six_oUien CHARLES V. BERRY, ; . EXCEPT ELECTRICITY in his locarrenl estate board on mouth CblleKC. He moved to J/3/18 - EXCEPTIONAL See these huge efficiency an Ethics and-Arbltration Com- Union in 1042 and began soiling Waihlnalta-Whool Colonial, 1 largi. ro«ter off »peii»rmlng 9 itory Colonial li ready for Hated below have hundreds. AND 3V. ROOMS Tavrrn vlth recreation area, -and "ell" type llvlng-dlnlng room. Dine In """ "choice of colon. Many Iiaturn »OB A MOvTNO utpaitaae* e* your choice oflriplaee^ipaclouf Mlon. Manyi Iiaturekitcheni WAtc8BN<»..:_ . •tperlenced uovera of protpeetlve buyer*, ready "PROM rcitaurant.. puulblllei. Main Street -loe* ROSEN ^ kttehin. facellent—excellenU-Baiemint" including a flriplaee^-ipacloui kitchen ; wdbaltl 4Jon—of—aggreulve—town*-ln—Httnterdon rea;—Oell-aitd-let-iu-tell _rour_bedroom-Brlo^Ca»a-codr -l»«ale4 -B7TKH1T= MONTH 8oui- and p«ritm»llna . urvlot. Sky Top Drive. .UD.BOO. ••-- CAtlMlBCUIi :< i> i Pnfeuloilal BOOMAND BOA»», plui eonpaltliw, 11 FAMILY • • • . - .. KKALTOKS $w;9o$; o •- WD OAN LIST HOME THAN wanud lor- eonvaliuint elderly NANCY F. REYNOLDS onace- en. Uowtaln. Ave,. In FROM $09$09: *t)Li>yitt*nraa> — a VXAM OLD - 48 Unr Street, W.illUld AD 1-llto TOKARZ REAL ESTATE field; modern profiiilonel bui —"35,000-FamiUes —^ WMLmMBDBDplwatp l woman—who iiwdi little tan. Call •14.0S8 oRoamcnqptn a Nlw PravMeuea Keal AD I-IIIM KXCIPT K.I50TRI MO (-5148. -••• •• . » T7T ASSOCIATES - _. ,. '— B/S/38 WI tilt., UDNKIXItN parkUgf taawSabtoilrMt.'J7 .KNOW TRICITY .Raaltori. • MODEL APARTilKNKNT "" OPINItD- DAH.V 18 MOON-TO ~F P. it. fOK- JM Hail Broad Street. Weitflald, N. J. • —j • 688-7J00 _ SVINO TBKH1UU FRENKJMAY.Realtori Phone! 331-atO 8COTCH PLAINS WMmieuAKKA - OlrrtCI 8PACI orrllght Jgduitr)', . See. .pur: .special comblnttloa war toe Wutfleld Ave., BHiabtlh, BI. 3-8131 WeiUUld UulUpIt Lilting Myitini YELLOW RANCH _ INTERESTED IN~- -floor, hiet.ATilielrle, furolihed] seeJr.__l rate, ad for g suburban newi- B»/ii Mualla-aad Oiiltw, parking fa«llWei. ~| $29,300 . .-" -WESTPIELD ;AflEA?: Avallible Utreh lit^Call «i l»f—' ' • papen at one low price. NJGJHLOMK___ Ovi a half acre located one, quiet We are llcenied by the State of~K. 1. rANWOOB ±_ - HCBUV tttlt circle of lovely-hoMel?—r~Colonlal ; Write or eall for *r« Jroehur* • Three bedroom Colonial, living room BRANCH Cell Our" Director—Kathleen Chrhlle fireplace, panelled wall bookihelvei affir VMON, -W. JMBKY at., 834—3!4-room .III. .BROOK PARK -TKNNIS COUltW — 470_Bre8luid«..PJace•'-•.. BB s-jTSf with fireplace. dlnUif MOM, kitchen oletura window grace the living room. PEARSALL& -"•• elaney apt,,. kit., aaparatg. bedmonv eranford, KJ. - and bath; Ideal mfdentlal location eiow Ptom the dining room PVeneh doora iiaa pey mo, _ • _ -• B/S/la to all eehooK and-ihop»lnl, CALIEORNIA^ lead to a glaued enicreened porch (13 ft. o. mediate. -FOREST HILL- by. IB ft.). The kluhiti li modern FRANKENBACH, ING. L. WBN, BBroker, . , JUt»t*d*g •:— M'-Yaaia-af-Servlee THE BOYLE CO. Furnished Apartment far Rent with electric range and dlibwaahcr. Tn" 19 Mm St., WelUllId — AD 3-47M TEBRACE E. PERRY J5QUND ^~; the elled pwtlott of the houie there are - •• • • B/a/u ' Seal fc«t*tatr«nMm«l JM^IU Ooty-UyJng iroom with flreplaeo, dining lndu»lrIol5SIU~ ... — " • . R/3Z1B room, klteheji_jglUi dining area,. large Chan. G.Meierdlerck Jr. family room. All tali and parch tool : Immediate oMupaney, trr.Mo. - IMMTBIt • NDIHTIUAL ilTK—UHION, N,—J—t -• ta Hie' aale-olTrour-l,-'!,•.*».•«" IBV1NOTON 4- * roomi, neat Mid-hat sr7r 314 K, Broad St.. Wlltlleld AD ]-«S3* Acrei. Prime Location sa Barlniflaid family houia. ' ' . "t«* .eupplled. AdulU. «J. Furnished Room! For Rent Read. Large frontage, Rallraed udlng, - We Have ImmadladL BUrthauri. - Room Apts. CAMWOOD- • ' ' - David K. Stratton. Realtor levee.:—Alice .UadSuihlln, AD. 3.68«3 Oontaoi owner direct.' ' - _._,..,..;....- • . *ya/lt •ROM " ONLY $22,900! I! -Berkeby-Belffci* »r-Kugh-D. Clark. AD B/3/lt . -MB, A. DIXBIOB:, ' THE BOYLE COMEAN ON ^- "LAIM1B ' ITORKIBRICD UO 1-8341. 3»rr!ymouth_Koad/ Onion, ^«OOU WITH PWVATal BATH AND -Una. Ut-tiiH Saal total*; Mruw 19WT ,.. WVINaTONrJ roam (urnltlud epart- ENTRANCE. CALL J.75-UB8 APTKR 2 FAMILY ..-•-—•; B/3/1I N. J. . • '• . 8/3/1^ 1; PUUN1UUE1)' Xt PESDIKD aooTOtf PLAIN* viconnr ..._ oateaitoiarvi i(W mettt. Hear-transportation. HeaioriT 5:00 PJ*. • K/a/ll . NEW —Ul-Uala »t,, .etiattiau:i « «3B-TU1 able. ,. ' i yealurlng all ne« rormlca. link to 3J5 Jeriey Ave^~ BUiabeth->-BL ita _ rtaldalre— refrigerator! and. new laun- "CHOICE LOGATION '~ BANCH londfor ikh - dry equipment; enlf~mlnut«i to dawn- ONION—Vuralihid rum it kltehm prly ., • ' $18,300 :•- town Newark via Pranklln ave. eubway UiiH.K dMlrtd. Youm man only. KNQtLMANN UCALTY CO. KDRItY — HURAYI — Ouitom built 1 AOKK at Induitrial Siona, DM Pt. nation and 30 Mlnutii to N.Y.0. Call mnlnc* aft>r I. KMltara • Ituuron ONION—Plve- Point- vUlnlt^'"» m » home with 3 large bedroomi. dining - «(oaU|»r aoHiult' A. WXMCK, MY roots Bungalow, bHck pVeierred,"fa UV «5 JO4 Oheatnut St_ao>eUt-Park ' Ixeallent Income will mult irom your rooiHr large- modern kltehM, tile bath. Plymouth ltd., Onion. IIU S-U41. ' S Graftoir Aye.,' Newark tm 1-J4O0 purchaae. of tbli vail cared for- B famrfy Hot water heatrnu-baaewetit.- 100 by '. 1/t/lS reildenee. Thera are' two B room apta,, • . B/a/JI UD '- " — HU 2-9392 UNION—nicely furnlihed room, mitrto efflclant oil hietlng.-rwmblnetlonTIlonh 100 lot? still time t». choou* your bathraonti'.Separat* Mtrariei, lentle- At aereana, aeparata meting low taui, pilnt colorirr^—_ • • - . -^BUSINESS : Lolt Wanl*d -maii-only, reference. T—• tCLaUK and low malntanance^—3B»U North' Tu«k*r-Bojuni, Inc.; Realtors SoUt, Ranlalt, Appralialf " MU I-M4I ' Plalnflald opportunity li worth while It* Material HI., Ne, Plfd., O**n »•» B/3/lt - LIKE RANCHES?. investigating. Priced at-lia.too. Ptalbflili I-7IS1 DIRECTORY: Well, take a peek at UiU t-'roeu WANTED! A. UCBXMAM SOMERVBLLE beauty., Threa bedrooni, M. batht- .PL'7-6900 _^ ^ t ;-:- '"»» Oirdea Apirtmmt or High Mile Sltei, Houia Per Rent all on tint door, ftiU knotty pint we. norman m. fcrlsburg, Realtor Xoned or notJSoned. Alia 1 wr J family room, rear patio. 111. loHIUIT IT., NO. PLAINTIHJ) Lotior any Acreage. Buyera waiting. . APPmAUAUl You get; MORE for It'i nady to aell U the — CONVENIENCE GALORE We alio buyTnTrlncloali, 0*11 or Wrlu BLOOMP1EID MID-TWENTY BANOV Open evening! and all day— mt, UptlnttUU , y bedroom houu w^th modern kitchen, - See thli one today: Saturday and Sunday See thli well kept 7-rocm houie with Dy OBILtO; - ~ PL' ».tSg« TuSlSE frd tile heth, i.nnwrt yoiir money at bathroom, oil Jieat, garage. Quiet atreet, BALIS - RENTALS -_KANAjrjjeMKNT . fHtllhed-recreation baiemint combine Somerset Real Estate Co. ••'-•«VW4-' convenient to_-buiee~ aiid ehosplng. VWRAHAI4 , , ,', ' with kltchin. EXTRA! mClUDEi Wall- Fenced rear yard la Ideal for children 4M wiaxruxD Avr. — ICt Kail P'enl ai. , Breker, HalafleM -• »/»/!» o-wall carpeting, alum, eonib. aaih, : B/J/4 Third floor=-eelf -Rmtdned -asactment— IL J-I1M deep lot with-tall-tmtr-In t now oceupl.ed (and will oonUnueto _be_ 1H. We-h»vr-lieyl cleaned occupied) by eldirly womaB~and "thli rWartfltffla>-l geralg-Realty North Star ihHtHwhiim anlit T.lTtt-linnn, ofTTBeareoratrl or 3 Murrli. An.,- Unle«, MT) yean old. 8 bedroom ^homc —" eaU..wir*3aJg; «)•»«! orjwaebeard heat. Your choice )ft porch. Hot water—bwe colon. Prom_ ai7,wo. Facellinr lii-W. atrongly recommend room, large Itvlnf - room with -name. -=^ bUr ' llt*h«.- 3 n—Ave., HiK U suggeited rent gloo —• -"On BLIaiaetli a-H17l »w«l«ri ClF'l-IItt ng room, large—aurar-Modem & • w^umiifj. •lldlng doom, u larg^e ^natlo, . - bathe —2 ear garaieM'gaf-ilrat. Uld JO'i. ^ rtjwtamour ONION J"D*LJO ICHOOL 29Merc8PStree _^ _,_ rAUILT TBACBOUtl ALL IlIBJECItS I la i. Houtei ForlSal* lit^iiioor'Sai Hying room, dining Bsoallent eondlUrm; Ideal location: » SOMERVIT^LE. N. J.— room, modern kitchen, bath, 1 .bed- giant roomi, \Vt bathi, garag', porch, DonaMTC. T^fortlTCb. CAXJD %ttS-lS4B AFTER » RM. roomi. Snd^lloor; living room, dining Inplaoe: 138,6001 REALTOR ;•••.' . • ~O/S/35 RA 5^958 RA-(h2909 Luxury Garden p BASEINO MDQI room, modern kluhen, bath, i bed- DELL-BAT AOENOT. . HV g-lltl CALL IM-8014 « ANTTIME „ COUNTRYSIDE rormi. Oti ataam heat, exeellent eon- B/3/18 B/3/18 lUWOft ifBHICi A TaOBLEMT B/3/ia dltlon. Lexington &Wm Bfvds. in Desirsbla CLARKr (it % Wr ujiirt h»lp in ntw rnttb, alCAbra, , SPLITXEVEL vvraRAN pmunuBnui ICOTOB PLAWt AND Y1CINTTT wmtitjlr or pnyilu, NO ucmrv DOWN n»mi NlW •,-veutlv* tn>* bomi on-ft tlopt CALL («7-4Ua raiNorreLD—« n»mi * bath,, juu '|th vitw. 3'fc Jbtthi, 3 bfdrftonu, 3>c»r Subject to VA approval ' r»mod»l»d, hut A hot watir wpiillid, gtrtt*< l*r(r« r»nil»d rtcrtatlon room back norch, parklni In nar, availabli plui dtn or 4lh badrttom; hattmint; Klumas & Gain, Realtor* $18,500 ,tia K. at. Oearie Ava., BaaiHe, $16,700 S ImmtdlaUly, aiulu only, DR C-36S3 or cmUr htll, •«;.; nipt 360x340 tticludi. . froih U|>hehi<*rv * "P Covart DR. 6-1SB3. Inqulr* at, Colanton* Shot Mver and watvr. Ptrftctly located, and ' CM S-UM ehop, 3U Morrli Ave.. Bprlnrfli'Id. prtcft d it 130.900. . Opea dally 0-8, Sat. 0-a, Bun. 1-4 VETS NO DOWN VETS NO DOWN c. S:TE PRIVATE SWOM POOL rk«B .atTUuna—sup coven, HUB* •135 par month. B/3/ia CARR B/a/ia NON VETS $700 DOWN " NON VETS $800 DOWN hnlitery repairing, loweVt prlcei. all ONION—3 room Apt., Btat luppllid, CARR & MOBBItTOWN . .home on' large Split level in quiet residential • area, Exclusively for • work guaranteed. Rothbtoom'a TJph. builntu eouplt praftrred; Afailabli 1 Church It. . ' Realtdn. fftlri h l fedid featuring large comfortable living room, UU S-7S34. , '. • J/3!3t Corner. N,Ji 847-4466. property, featuring epaeloui living room, March lit. [f no aniwer call: 647-145J or 7C6-1433. trlfht modtfrn kitchen, jnaiter-ilied formal dining room, ' blight modem FEATURES GALORCALORE IKCLHKINCLUDEs: MwlMM UU «-3G7l bedroame, full basement, front porch. kitchen, three ipaeloui bedrooma, fin- •Jroim KITCHEN ciiAiaa NCKD ca." •3/10 K/3/1B CIRGA Uhid rec. room,- full baiemint, large en. ft KELVINATOR KFRIfiERATORS • Alr-Condttroning- .Recovered from*' 81.50 up. 334 Kuex property. •»i. Lndl. N.J., off Route 17 I by VA1UBDRG—NKWABK—t room apart- CLABK vidual Apt. Heat Control • Master TV Outlets • 100% fi'sitft MSdelli). DI. 3-4607. K/4/l mint. Pint floor. Beat and hotBIQ HODSK LOW FUCB 1890 • parking plus parking for guests. / .• ater lupplled. Avallabli March lit. ST. AQNta SECTION IB 5-1118 , 4 bedroomi, l^i bathe Large Vlotortan town home vlth 4 Commjting'sswift and easy with direct acnttto 6ard«t State Watarproaflng K.3/18 OIL,heat • $17,500 $19,900 flreplacei. large senter hall, Immense O/3/ll Dlnlns room kitchen and butllr'a pantry. Living room Parkway (3 ^ochs away); N. J. Icrnpfte; Rt tt; Rt 22; Rt 1; *fct»|it rt( of wittr In »tll>rl only 11600 Down to qual. buyer with fireplace, dining room' with fire- VETS NO DOWN VETS NO DOWN nearby. Modern jjjjblic and parochial schools «re close at laid I CtU 0' i-'Ir'WATERPROOFINQ CO.. WATSON AVE—0',-«!i RUB.. .MOD- (Subject to PIIA approval) place, library, den and powder room. TV a-UBi. O» arur fu«r«nm and EON C1AHDEN APT.. ADJACENT TO There are 8 bedroomi.* 3 with fire- NON VETS $700 DOWN NON VETS $1,000 DOWN JU well as public and private recreational facilities .end golt rri* MllnntM. J/4/1 WAIUNANCO PARK; AVAIL. ' NOW. Pisano Realty Co. CH 1-0070 placei, 3 bathi, endoced porch, all atLovely ' horn* convenient to achooU, Lovely! horn* on beautiful landjCapad RIP. REQUIRED.. EL 4-00O4. R/3/10 II K. Weeltleld An., IXelle r«rk the unbelievable low price of 834.900. and^traniportatlon, bontlna all alumi- property, featurtng apaclau* living • courses - ... . • ••• room, large kluhen with dining area, B/3/ie PMone to Inipect: 76«-1400. num aldlnf, living room, dlntnc room, OlrKtlonti Catdui Stale Ptw, uutt or- north to Exit 135, Ctblftt Wdtor Softener Apurtment Wanted larft kitchen, 3 bedroom*; 3 full bathi, thrte twln-iiod bedroomi, rear en- CBANFOKD ABK ABOUT a porch**, full haifntnt, elated porch, atlachyd garage. ' Avt. Proceed shot) distinct to School St Left t»GifcM» Blvd. l»tl' AlT[|o1Fp^kUr Vou Nead A1U1LY of 4 wlihn «H-s roomi %lth HpjT B»t MOO Mr llo. — B»!M — BUTIM DUPLEX HOMES from 814.900 cenl m WMtflllrf Ave., turning rl|H H Dwst Avi, fitttM t* HtJLTa sorr WATER CO. hiat euppUed, In Union Area: REALTOR ,.s; —_...... la- 14041 ••- ••• - .•• anNQALOAK ... .lrom tie,JO0 CwtrtlAn;tndemtinuBtt-itovt/. •••---:.-.•••-•:.•• •..•,,..;-. W. M > COIXIIIION * MECHANIC*!, RRI-AIRi : slrlvl For Newark Central High Reunion- • • * * the Intlitlve If. » for • In Need Of Holpj • f , ,ominiMM „,,„. tnew , been LAYNE MOTORS t to Dear In Need: n v# Ml'union Avt, UNION, HU i-i',n Dca:' Aiii>: io lo waste cholorlcil|y apea |- I read vnur column and now T.iduatine class of Central amount of Ityterert ther« locate their fottner COMPLETE body * lender sen-let. Ch.i. ' Dear Ainy: I 'follower*' wear off (ind they does aL*^ This lady lives in our rent Iy tryinc to activate inler- be in holding a reunion. ^^^^^ 1 Some time at!" you niisn:excdi_wlll), a boy looka around to aee. Front end »)lijnmrnl UND&.K- AlHO . l)ear Amy: rr parcel checking service. In ommuiiiV .. and There fs no one est in a 2Svh reunion dinner for They" are hoping hh*l ffi»~ BOPV, 740 Ells. Avp , Wndrn. HU fi-1100 Did ihf fi,l!>>wnii; tile future, it's a cood Mr* to i'!-a-. c "': bnirr. e.'ioujjh . K> tell a letier about-the-gtrlAi+io liked 'what'i new.1 Then, If your tlm- H 1! lb nni; ever all clas! who cen bt newapan*r publicity which the* : \vp(-k we check your brlnntinct on the i-.eVari oi/vious truth abotH her- , the most popular boy in ischool. contacted. have begun will -attract th« n»»- rii-ht place at the rl*hl lime. | went s)HipijiiiS~t7i |><»i i i«irt for way In and pirk thrm up on M-- In !>.air. ««r*r-fihe smells You told her just to ijmore him The present commi't'toe is com- ticc of additional classmate ini THANK'S AUTO B()I)Y he'll notice YOU. Comprendei our auvwiiobijo. and -unfrjrui- the way out. No cmharrauilni uabitioui«, but in any field • "Uien he woujd pursue her to vouaT Mrs. Arthur "C hern in, nfl() I">x-fftill reunion eommltU*. #BODV"W0nK' » Dear Amy: she*, .she is shunned and find out. — • AUOXM'NT _y.-e could .not get ihifi ingUwi ran STfs. Donald^ Dol ] A~hyon> who wax a member Addreca all letter* to: •pan anywhere. We finally soon,dropped by her «-ould-be Aniy, I have « crush on • Giyrcio.—6flJ—Winohcftar- '"' than AI1AMS" -•fmwi'T. 'tnr*"aT-a. discount Tjh i-eiSTTTHj; yTTur <-olumn uT a.ssm-ia'es. " "." i»y a year oujer than I, ana ii and Mrs. Wallace Clarke, 101 uate of that yur ia requested «* Is there nn> way to let her • followed your sdvice. It doesn't I tie THIS j around nine at ninh',. SIII'J* II tilt newspaper, I noticed liie let- control on» rt Hu women 'o« th* j was dark .and the parking—lot ter sent in by a boj- who had kno.v thi.s sad fae! about—her—rwniW-He just thoucht—h*—hid-!-sTr«r—m- gerSon»T T*ply encloxr- StarU»E~w"Hh the claps listing pi~«s»rit ciMniTiitt**. i-wns erriM-ded, w5"'./>ik our flnxh- hair and was debating whe- self? I hope you have some sue- : enough follower* and . didn't atamptd, •elf-ad dreued envfl- Top -wonty for I.U mndH in the high school-year book, "Cflmplat* ]ln» of latt .model pan* "I>l». ; lil?ht trim the glove compart- , ""-r ur nor cut jr. PLEASE Eestiorjs. ~ r i ne*A m#i J •*'" Iilc* nlm"and'o|le' •- type parts, finders .ervlre l»H8 Pilt- , rnent tn light tile way to the. JJO-VT! I think. boys look (treat • ~ Irf A Dilemma iwr.iint A»t, Mil. H. 3-90IS. ,Jl 3 4 COAL •I* ION .store.-N«! finul not down to Dear Dilemma: . ,. Mail Your CLASSIFIED New On Thli Legal Notice here ei'.her,~vre"bought,, .some their sholders). Please pfTnT~thls By now this wonun k prob- NUT v W AUTOMATIC k'oonvenllonil trm»ml>- or Tiir. TowNinip-n.nK' slons. Kxehanged, rebuilt, bought At cough caiuTTi-s and a few other—lr maatlnr of trovi . *23 •old. All malctfl Ar morteli: PMi»enK»r small thmits and guess what hap- , that tome girls like~lonK hair on -Inr ahiuined and dropped.- The thr Pltnnlnr Board of tha 'Township c«r. A truck!. AUTOMATIC TttASiB- EASY WANT AD FORM of Bprtutftrld In tha County ,of Unlen- MIUHION, ««3 do. 12th St. Newark. "pened?^—~— ..' boys. Soa"Bea-ile," for my fake, rauie may nftt be her lack of hrld on fabruary 4. lSfiS.. thf-wprtllra- ~T1* 34.1-037.0. — ' - H,3-4 The rn.siiii-r waiilcd UJ> to pay. ... Jl««—aa BUbmltted by LouU H. ijonattl Hi Sona, n Block 108. Lot 31, .lurioan- _jJK!''"ir~ j for our own flaMhHgm_a.natteries and v/en-t, so far as waa elarfBlflriL and approved as a Ulnor to tuke ii away from us to chot-k^ I *Unienlaadar *lrvin()ton Harold 'Vaillbure; Ltodar KubdlvUlon._ Said application li on -111* In tha LL-JBNK-CARS-W ANTED atfainstTIK-Pr slock" "IrT the store? onic* of Uii Townihlp Clark and Is It y*«ra TOf DOLLAR CASH WAITING ~ *Sprinnfr»ld L«ad«r *Mountainild» Echo avallibl* for public Inipectlon and U *This wasn't - enough. She "still known as eal»ndar KB. 3>6SM. Cill BI 3-1365; Ev>. MO 3-9437 muxt have had her doubts about UJ j njLiiuti miiinn II ui tmminiiii jriiiiiiiin imuttmiiiimiin i' 111 ntnimnniuMntTuiitiiiiuiitjriiinMintnimT^ MjN0rur«woiiTjmi Capitol Fuel Co. ' • n a/i« *Und«nrUcid«)7 *Sirt>irrban Uadar *Th» Spectator it'.otter we paid for »s KOMIfcHH Uoiii HIM r#rrtun on Township Cltrk- Quality « larvlt* i:-on Morrti a\e.. Union Intrrmtnt •ptd. U«dtr—r»b. - ran YOVS CAB oa V our purchase, she called over n Sundky, fVb. 14, rtt>5, m* 73 ypan in Otaceltnd Mftnorlal Park. Kfi.ll- II, lies. WA Top DolUr Paid — Ptrta BofclilUU uf 'J27 Strlb' i>r. Union. «if» of ih* worth r» Ro'lrrtr di-vtilcj] Kl I.I.V- -On Thurnday, Feb. 11, 1968. Bl to get out be-fore a-nythinc eJse motlifr or Ifrnry" A., MM. Jojtl 1U>n- 'MftJHj-aret V (nonnryi ijf 1^61 Brnil Per 3 n l\ Mr» Tlionifcs M »nrt 1 could happen -• - 1 leu ., -Union, N, J Beloved w le of YOUR ARE INVITED TO OUR l-m A , »Uo lunlvrd by I- ufkric].' Hie late Jmin -fc— Ki»lly. D^voliN Why fir it, Amy, that In these rhildrm. Hrlauvei and fr(pinU_-acre . n.aUici_.ol..Dorothy E. Kelly and-Mn Renchinir SS.OOTnFSmHies Each Week in Union, Irvington, Aulomobilet for Sal* L'fiidly iml.ifd lo. attend iht funeral self-service •sU/ms ' everyoiie .' is : n<>!f A.—Hnnnln^, aUtrr cf Mri. An I: niii H .V iiarlli Col(p;iraT'__. tl,o:ityn NorlloN miidq .Prancl M B CanaPn-l Cana Vftilsburjr, Spriiifirficld,'Mountainside,-Linden, Kenilworthi UllTiy MTAirV I.I1T UODKL 1864, looked—»pun-- with' suspicion? L 11W Va mirvivfd'l.y 3 grandchildren. Roselle snd Roselle Park. OOIN'O INTO BgnVJCBl .Shouldn't—these check-out uirls ] J Wrflrjecday, FrttT Mineral »»» conducted from Uit-liic* 17. and tn st Mlchapl'i Chinch. Union rtackrn Puneral Hwnif." 1500 -UorrU ct( s-7476, CH i-enas. know the stock- well cnoujih toi '.ui M H:nn M»M of Krquiem irr^* a m u\£-~UaioiC Bnlcmn High Mui of Fivo (5) Wnrrl.*. O( AvcrnKe LeiiRth ^Vill Fit On On«~UneTTor- spare people thg^ embarrassment Interment Oai<- of Ileavrti Cenieu;ry, Iirquirni ai 8i M)cha>l'a ChurcTTT Extra long-Worrit. Allow-Two (J).Spnccs. (Be Sui-e To Count — On Monday. I'eb 15, 19*A, I Gale of Ileavfn Cemelrry, filra InMrrited ptrilei^ m tliat I sufferifl? id.. L'nioti. Name, Addres and Phone Number and print exutly »i j:ou want OPEN HOUSE-Feb. 22nd, 1906 tika ovir paymenta on ri*poiae«i»d -»—rjtf v»] i; K1U.HKI y y Ad •to-Appo:w\) Flcurg Your. Cost by-Multiplying the-Number_Of e»rit XA monfy neriird! Call now oved- : Dcar Almost: Y*ir—rt-, Mapleuood, brl WordadBy_liL Minimum Charge-=$2T8(J (20 Average Words).' for O.K.I Mr. -Pnnur—24a=7liOO, JJLA. M JSCC:IU»(- nuny piin-umerii are 4UJ* I,.n.i: rir- anrl l.ydla lltiko al•>!'• '•'» ott Iflth ftv**., (2)—" -(8) pnUMMd rart. No moiify nrrdrrl! Call Automobilei For Sale ROTHMAN. lrviuitLoo.-to fi*crrrt ilr»tl of Jr*g* d Church, where » KQIMHU High MIM or TONGUE now lor. O.K.I Hr.Joner, 243-7R00. NOTICE or RETTLKMKNT el Kdqmcin URI oflrtrd. Interment, - • .- . •••- J.3/4 Nollr* la hfrfby given tHat tha tc-- - Utfe~of HrkVf n Cenif Ifry. MIDGET SALAMIS BEST OFI'feR •(")"._- (10) .- cnr.V1tOI,ICT- — IMS, a-door si-dan, roUnu.of Ihr aubacrlber. Knecutor ot k"Vi;(,i:\ -On Mondfiy. Feb. 8. 196S, •—' (I.) I)K BOTO 11.15, 4 drnir, py.wrr Btfrr- -ihf- L«>t Will and Tf»l«mrnt 0/ MEI1- HiJKt) EFIIII, of Lonif Hill HI., Mfyrn- » ll II, auto, . ( Inif, paw^r br.k'i, a >od conrtltlonr ell MAN !. ROTHMAK. 'IPcpaiad, will ba .villc,.M.J., beloved liu».baiitl a/ Klln- —or BOLOGNAS MU 6-8299- KB M-0313 altfr 5 P.M. " -'" II T F aiKlurd and itatrd by Ihf -fturrojfiua brtri—(-lUK-hnrr); ilrvotrd futher of nn(i rrportrd (or apltkmpnt to lha Hfi m»n KoiicRrn und W[s. ntclurd (ID - (12) -(IS) (H) (15) B/3/l» f'OPD infil .— 6 pylintlfr aundarTT, K-M-X DJIIIIIJ' rourl. Prflintf DlvUum, Bchrutli. broihri of _Kl»r» HUnrlch; FREEZER IPICIALI all- nylon tlrr«^ A-l rnndltlon. on Turaday, thr 2nd day of MAItCH • lao sur\ivr'. on fiaturday. r*b"= 623-2700" lev. ll»r«ld—Jan. 38. - U. 1JI.5, Anna M. iSchoonovti i, qt II .' IB Kfb. 4, II- IB, SB, 191,5. !>'' Mth_ »vr.. StrltmclB Park,. N, J.. Addreii J % UltK'.r Aj|nO"l/ nXTTiivrly or Union, I-Tj^" brlovrd wlfr 10119 FOnn—4 door ardan. RA-11. tnlo- E.lali o[ JOflKPH J. WI1SS, .drefa*»d. ot real Mctirrw, ilfier of Mn. K<1T mftlir tram., powripr blur. In exrrl- naiii Mnlunr. Tii" funeral tervlce wai Phone Puriunnl to tha ordrr ot- JAMR8 £.. held At tlie "McCrarltrn Punrml Km condition. Call MU 7-2333 aMrr AnllAMS. Surrogate ot thi* county of 1 FRANtnGREENBERO S T.U. II 3 IB E»»rxi thli day .mad*—on-'thr -«ppllca-" —--Huin*.' 1500 MorrU iw, Union. In- lion or tliit unda'nlEned, Admlnlalfatrli —icHntvttt-in-Hollywood Mpmorial !P«rk, (If ndcHWonal wort!* are required, attach . KOSHER MEAT MARKEf~T Jeep \9!\n — romi. KNni.iaii T Union. of nld dK-rt»erl, nottrj Ii hrrrtiy Ktrrn_ Tngwrt Ad Time (K) (ff» . j*er Insertion - stnrtfnjr .: . . Date NBWI.V PAINTFD WHITE. lo» mllm to tho crrdttor. of aajd drc^aird to ax- HAV.Vi;—On Febr^4,' Joicnhffit, it 'Vj JS7S Morrii Kytir-V»\W" ' i|», •xtrllant condition; call Dn fi-747n hlnll to tha aub.crlhrr. .undrr o*th or . A. Linden. iajveTT^SprlngfrBlii^-' ~ -EncIoMdU *~ )"7Ca"iih".( ) Check ( ) Money Order - Free Delivery . . , MU ••8611 afflrniatlnti, t(uilr_^lalml_»nd daraanria BKn!N'Gi:n on ycb, 13, Carl A, U _ n a. m tuatnit thit mull of • aald drrftaed 1113 Forfiii dr., Linden. ~ Oatani M»H. - W. (Cliixl WtmJ«y O!,I)SMOhII,t!S Dailra Inl.rrilnd nulii within alx montha from thla date, or HllllXiKg -On Feb. 9, AJyct, of—Ill For Fatt Action -Call 686-7700^. — TRUCKS K STATION WAGONS o takR ovpr piym^nt" on . ri»-- thry will ba for*v»r barrfd from pro., ftftaiivl fara-1—No mon^y nrrdrd! Call fcu'llnir or rfcovering tha atma agslnit CIIRIKTIt. -On Wb. 13,. ptvld A., *T IRVINGTON 'Jeep' now for O.K.I Mr. Ilonfr, 3«-7tiOO b Pt.- rieaunt, formerly or Linden. CHtRV— On Feb. 11. Philip J.f of 41| UanU. JAUUAKT l», IW» ' aiiiridan a\f., IIOM-UP Park. Ol.npt— ipet "na" auto. Irani, iCiiH, MARY. MACK DATA On Prb. ]1. Stanley, of ISM • riefroatur, Ar P.M., »lr>Dondltlonad, HARjiT oaiPTtNOEn, Attornty Wcwd ti-u , I.lnriifn. -^ low mlleane: |J7!i.%, - r.o Park Plara Gl.t'CK -On YtU. ]]. pavld X., ut css-noo Newark 2, N ]. KenllvnrUi. Irv. Haiald—Jan. M, M, rt>Xi •- - - — • R/J.H _ !<• HenJamln «.. Fab. i, II, H. L1««. _tii zi» nnnide »Vf., flprinsfleld • OLDN — I0A4 Bur Plrf. eonvrrttblo, HAIJKHMKIFH— on frfb. 0, Joieph, *f into, trtni.,' R.AH . defrnftar, P.B. *i U-Ghathfttn pi, Linden P.n., air conditioned, buakat arata; noVMKUt -on yeb. 13, William A., 1 FOR THE BEST •3000. 633-3700'. R 3,'ID tn WuMiington avt,, Sprlnsfltl'd Izab NYI'LAKZY-On Krb. 13, Eunrne, of 1M PONTtAC—lTir.l IATAI.ISA, «uto. tran< .' Nrw Providence rd, Mountalnaltli.' PRICE ON A H.fcH., riafrnirtar, alr^eondltleHfd, low pHli-Mi^^-on Feb. 11, Arthur W %f mllaajj;. I3BD5. __ -Glassified - Neptune, formerly of BprlnrflUd. •33-37M ri.ACE—On Feb. 15, HarrlefE., of 40 salutes NEW OR USED U 3 in •fc- Wi-ufleld avc, Hoielle Park. "" RIN'DLER—GHi~ri>l». 14, Harry, of 103B At—p«lr« Interred partl«a to Advertising ~f _ Bertram- ter., Union. tftk* ovar paymanU_ on rf.pouaaaM KOTIIWACKR—On Pfb. 11, Ueytt W carat No monry npfdcill C%\\ nop OLDSMOBILE n>14r Bajihford »ve., Dnlon. — [or O.K.I Mr. Dontr, 342,7600.. J 3/4 Rates •AMTSON—On Ffb. 4, O«car, of H*w DAN ESPOSITO OLDS Vork city, formerly *X AOMIII UHMII — 1M4 "440"—Auta, trana. WT1TRKV—On Vtb. 10. Ua« F., il R.ilH., dMrMfr; 11395. ; Slnile Inaertlon TOo per line sn-Woodlawn eve.. Linden. -623=2:7-00, Rf HF.DER—On Feb. 13, JoMpK, W Ml 4 or more eonaeou- " 0> Summit' rd,, Mounitlnilded.. H73/II tiv« lnanrilttm «(« n«r Una CRndlda (Connla), *f ao Uar- FONT1AO—<1. fur chl>(. 13IW0 ml. 10 or more eqnaecu- Ibn BVt.. Springfield. — fllacV, -twwpr atffrlna. powpr brtksi. BTOOF—On Feb. 10. John;—W »M What's more Colonial than Wemer Moior Co. ftotory tlr*condlttonad. . EXC1O.L1WT tlva Inaertlona «6« »er Una M«rlln rcl . Unli>n__ . CONDITION, 13000. AB 3-7773. 3 l« ~5z ewrii w:UR2nunnj:B -rf)n Pab. 13, a. Walur, —of sav-Wr-riftii ava.; noitiir. GUAP2.NTEES VAUANT. "ll", Pow.r •i«Tini RAH, 47c per •tni~- •KKIM—On Ftb is, Jonph, of I Btrk- Geiger's famous apple ••IMIIHH wrmillon; ir,o.v . *)fy t«-r, JmnBlnn. XA^Bt'HHO—On J»b. 1» you can"! beat our- - —=TB 1-1077 llarrlton pi. frvmnton. r(URBti]r.-T>h rrbCtSrJamn J, W ^ 35 ClvlF~flijiiira W«l, Irvlngton. tf -' Nnmh.r *r In.rrllnnB f DEAL "«.V VOLKDWACiEN RII.IIPHMA.S 'Oil Tct IB, RiBt. of •< 1«IX) lUdin —lln»« ~ | Tim.-Tlm.VTlmft- I aii*-nili»n er.. Irvlnyton. 1KK> Variant pt.MlKRSON -On f'tb. B. CaUiarlna, of a'Jona 4"ITn»s llf.MI , on the a|i new 1965 HOO • B»dadan .. ._. .. J20BV \ :n7 Mynl» avc, Irvlnnlon i n lln.a j 1..10 I QEN'NAULA—On r»b. I, Calojaro, t! 1500 H Variant 1!imi f< lln*. I s tn | S.R4 7 urn AUTOMntivr. IMPORTS HB7 flluyvMant »v t.. Irvlnfton. • IMPERIALS "I llnra f 4.M.I < <• I MKUCK—On rn>. »,. RuUi, of 11 Unan 114 North Ava. , WrMlnH AD 3-3001 a line. I n.Kn i 5;is • . • • ' mi • CH1V1SLERS ' X Unas CIO I >.

*y, ", J, - T.iriiy«tM • L o. Sbyio

517 SPRINGFiclD AVE. _ r»rp. a.. HILVCRTII , Irvinrton. I MCT0HV WABRANIY ^xrrpptUn ay Ih* aATartlivr %rtarm WllNKFI.m Oti Feb. 13. Nldnwy, mt B«fora you buy I $!M,000 / 1,000.060 Tu..dar, n.aa «f WMk at pultllfla- I flftft Chancellor avt., Irrlnston. EtWtlMfyMwlhooetMioeaodneMIrittTdly AHboughtiw•Mfwmndliy tlfawtw tw ' • llABIUry INSURANCE llni NumV.ra war W «..d f.r r*c*lr- WILSON -On PVb 14 Jaiel*. ©f M3 fttwiMrffnayti^Oriew turn ogara lowly attituda«rf«l«jwBOii«by,th»kkch»«*tOri«il% a ear anywhere! Inr rfpll.a fnr • (a* .f KOe an4 I I.yont avt., Irvinslon. • $20,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE i tottoinoarttxlottklfaihlom good isMjuodHnutM(wm>w...iH)n((dMii< DRIVE f COLLISION flrd'. In n* ra.» will box haidrra AM«fc«i food, phi* home-style dependable n»to«l got for oooldiiB, heating Pir Month MAINTENANCE OPTIONAL ram* -». itUulcrd. listhiiaMB. andlwt water. > Spaclallslt In long-tarm aulo Hollywood Florist A MURPHY BROS. ,lusln( for over 20 yaaii. TO PLACE A ,1*81 STUYVESAMT AVI Srwciil ratei on fleet*. CLASSIFIED . ] ' UNION • IIVINOTON New or Guaranteed ! \V« apeclallia In Funeral ... Uaed Car ... AMERICAN AUIO LEASING CO. Call [ nrslrn and Sympathy O HIGHEST TRADE-IN 67 SANFORD ST., t. OUNCE, NJ. ' Arranjremrnta for thf bertivftd 686-7700 : famllr. Juit phone: e BANK FINANCING ; Mil 6-1831 ar Mil 1-1SSI Qetger's ' e IASY PAYMENTS Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice SPR'

PUBLIC SIlTICr, o TAKE JSOTICB that th* fir.lowlnu aprllcu'lon* (or 7-oii Inj Vnnanrfi Wfra hi-arii bv th» Board .of Adjunlmrnl •( AD 34260' tha Tnwnihlp of V'nlon on Monrtny. Jvhiuaiy IS. 1963, at BOO P «. In lha Municipal Iliflhltng, Frtpfrgar. Park. .Union, S J Qi*a IJ:30 ilM to 9.-00 PM—7


I • •••r * Thursday, FelxJ 8, 1965

WE HONOR THE FOUNDER OF OUR COUNTRY -^Psychiatrist Talks Tomorrow AND AlP'S KHJNIKB WltH BIO4AV4NCS . . . To Barents At YMCA School It's FOUNDERS WEEK! " Dr. Ttfi«i6Ias Guradsky will Psychia)xic Clinic. Mrs. H- £?invite. d anyone interested to speak to the parents of the Jack McElroy, chairman oj the Jack attend." and Jill Nursery of the'YMCA and Jill Nursery, . announced The jack and Jill Nursery of U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED—GRADE A YOUNG Program Center tomorrow at 8that anyone interested may at- the YMCA is a cooperative nur- pjn. on the tojrtb "NormaJ De- tend. The VMCA is located a; i scry for. preschool children. volopment .Stages". After theiC-|lEiJ/e-Eoints, Union, and services George W. Hoffman, execu- oddness by Dr. Guradsky there the area of~KenUworth, Roselle tive for extensions of. the YM~ "Super-Right" will be a question and answer Park and Union. CA, announced that registration period. "I fcej that Dr. Guardsky's is. now open for the YMCAT Quality -Guradsky 1» a rrhi "top will be ut iwl tu M~ pa^syarala- SSf ~BirK trtst from the Union County parenta and therefore we have nnd for boys. Boys and girls who are nine years old, or have completed third grade may reg- ister through—the—YM&A—Pro- ! Partners to Turkey! gram Center. First period is I «IP Whol. e. J,llI(d 18 to from June 27 to'July 10. Camp- • I Cranberry Sauce ers may register for one or 1 Jan» Poi. . t-Qrfy ts UU' 11 lbs. more of the four camp periods.' IStuHlng-Mlx j^Jft^? "Because capacity is lirnltnrl 220 boys and 85 girls each pe- riod, early registration • i* the. snrp WHY of bring primllfft OPEN ALL DAY M N for-the^-period: of r yoro—rhojee,'-'' _^ S«Mr.W«M!LQilIIIty — « W»l« Mini. — Fully Oapkti ,-.--—™ - WRTI0M — Hoffman noted. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd The Wawayanda Camps are separate ^ camps for boys and girls with a program developed SMOKED HAM 35 by~expqrjenc«i men _and wo- JMORRELL^—(t>ark Shouldari) . NONEHIQHEH! L'Supar-Rlcht" Quality | men. All camp cabins have their own hot watotv showers_ and 69 toilet facilities.."The girls ramp, A&P COFFEE SALE! CANNED PICNICS 3 I SPARE RIBS is backed by the rfthHraditions -BONELESS—LljM * dirk Mtil—41« I lbs. HONE HIBHERI-= , and camping knowhow of its Mild *»i Millew brother comp, Wawayanda for- Boys, which Is enjoying its 64th TURKEY ROASTS HX 79; TURKEY BREASTS „.-, ,K~ year of operation," Hoffman - Sup«r-R!ght Brand - - - IOMIMI-NONE HISHERI Front Cuk said. — ~ g Canadian Style Bacon c u -Campers must be able swim- Rlefa and FuH_lodlti ) Brisket Beef •• sF*w '*-M* mers and meet other necessary c requirements. "Wawayanda is > Sausage Meat *»P«L*i«i>«i«n1i -more than just a recreation cen- Red Circle e Sup i9MI : ter in tlve CatskilLi, said Hoff- > PolishSausa§»~ -"f n i LET US NOT DESTROY man. "Its program i«" designed to help each campej grow phys- foliar Veal Cubed Steaks ically, mentally, and spiritually. JHE FABRIC OF FREEDOM Each day In the campers life - - Naligntl Cgnltrmea «l Ctiriilltni & )m FINEST VALUES-THIS SIDE OF THE OVEN FOUNDER'S WEEK FRUIT & VEGETABLE BUYS I experiences, new friendships, and jew apprecfation of. God's JANE PARKER BAKED FOODS - 'WatM»KM*-St«tr=— ^reat-out-of doors. Through the DELICIOUS APPLES .FANCY-RED _ = crn -medla^~of—boatin£r' B^ ijfht5r- aroheryT-riflcry, horseback rid- llb.loi.- NEW CROP VALENGIAS! ~lny~wopsh1p^ -campcraft, swim- Cherry Pie FLORIDA ORANGES NONE HI6HEB! ~ ming, cookouts, dramatics, can- 12 s 59' oeing, saHinR, trap shooting, etc., SOLD tr MARBLE - _ NONE HIGHER! - F1MIJ»—NONS-HISHERI largi _ 2& Degree JanrBoldesl SinceJ%l; wb Seclc to encourage his or her I Ib. 3 »!.. C Fresh Broccoli e growth and provide each child Pound Cake 49 bunch 29 Seedless Grapefruit ure-fillcd experiehec." Onions _ N0NEHI6HSRI . Llrgt was 32 degrees on-29-of-the 31 C WASHID -|0«|Oe t-""^,»»'-35« Pr'ecipltotlon'-for January tot- Fresh Tomatoes - SI.. .2 ,f< 49 . Spinach: -oied—3.08— Inches as compared days' In January, and was 15. ^iillliliillllllllllllllllllllinimilllllllllMllhtmmiinfi Fruit & Nut Ring 45 NONE with an estimated normal-prccfcis" "dlcgrces*"6r~l(Swcr orr-ndne-daysr Fresh Lemons HIGHBI pltatloii at 3.04 Inches, Harold The maximum temperature ex- Piiflocef, meteorologist at theceeded 43 degrees on seven days NEW & USED Sweet Potatoes , Union Junior Collcgc,_Crttrtford, and 35 degrees on 21 days. Meteorological Station, reported The highest -daily average Tasty, Economical Combination I recently—to the U. S. Weather tempcratwo was 48 degrees and Automobile • Founrfer'i Week Grocery Buyt I • -Bureau In his .monthly report; JIN* »«rkir—PLAIN ut SEEDED This compares with -5.21 inch- the lowest daily average tem- a -•*—ot~precipitation .last year. perature ;was 11 degrees. Dealers' HERSHEY CHOCOLATE SYRUP 5. 99 1.32 in 1083, 1.68 In 1062, 2.87 Last month, .1,147 degree days JEWISH RYE In 1081 and 311 In 1080. pre- were recorded, bringing;-the tot- SuNHyllild Fluey CriiMtry—LlfMly WlUd or Unsnlltd cipitation occurred on Z days. _ al for the hoallng season which Guide HAWAIIAH PUNCH~J^k—l— 3W •>• «#»' * - The average temperature for the month was 28 dccress»_lhc began Sept^, .1084, to 3,015. FRESH BUTTER loni lr««t) V i-lb. i M. coldest, sinoe 1081 when the For 11 consecutive days from UIOED—Niluril DorniMI* . . SWEET GREEN PEAS LARGE SIZE O ciiu average was Z5 aeg"r*es. The Jan. 11 to Jan. 21, the average Maxon 6 rnaxlmiim temperature was 37 daily_lemperjiture remained be- A&P SWISS CHEESE tn S4yl( _ degrees on Jan. 0* anH the min- low .freezing, 33 degree*, Pontiac, imum temperature was one~3eT " There w«r««, IONA GOLDEN CORN 4 45« i:«. jfroo on Jan. IS and 18. The' ~12 partly cloudy, days and 10 Inc. (In Mut Dt|>4.) 9^e tm 11 overage -maximum temperature. cloudy days. Cense tec occur* SLICED BOILED HAM _ pk,T wmrtlM degrees, v«-Wltfc-ime > TumoM J^z^Z JttCtJUCAf CQNTKKCTOK- e Q-BiLHOALV ^ne^Beanr^^gi z mmm TOB? TOD!

nSIttff chiar^ully Puinlthfd • MOMM-MUVICT - ...... _ uniiiiiniiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiwiuiiuiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cinnamon CoHee Cake JulwV Electrical Service RIHer'sJToitiatihliriee m tlott U P«r. N*. S3 Kraft Corn Oil Margarine JOSWH jAcoiovin do-' •43 RAV AVK UNION. N. J. Welch's Junior Mints Kraft French Dressing Ajax Cleanser MUrdock 6-8479 Union Motors CkoeoUfe 10 (H. 9Ao Pope Tomatoes wTh°Pn+. I'I!"H AUTHORIZED 8 ox. AEO SERVICE. SALES DRIVEWAYS' - MASONRY DODGE-DART Buitoni Spaghetti 2 pi,,. W Sales A Service Blue Bonnet Margarine Bisquick "v-wyi.ui Colgate's Fab / far Hlg«t Quollly PHIl PASCALI . A lowul Pticai (GUARANTEED USED CARS] In '/, Ib. l-lfa.«A« * Al OENIS MarealTojIetTissue Witk 10c lib. I.M.ACI SHOP EHRHARDT 1604 Stuyveiant Ave., Union prinh " pifl:** ' • Ttltflilaa • tunt HI Ft Uuao Ji ctmtni Work Princess Pink Dial Soap 2 ,135* e »idU mat Hui Sill MU 6-4114 M W« oftu m««l tpyaiu'i yrlM Aiphlll Drlv»w«yi ronr Rose Lotion Vel Colgate's Ad •• til mirehinwn wr Mil. . Railed tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniK Jifoant Oven Gleaner " ALL SERVICE DONE •*•• KDIWAUtS Liquid I *•• * fl. ei. Mt brAutamitleWailuH •V JOHN ElltUABDT In Meo* Department! l5c»Hl.b.l pkg. °* UT KAY AVI., UNION, N. J. A EHRHARDT TV Froitn ib. Mi t'h»lnul St., Vnl(|n MU 6-1427 A MU 6-4813 White Shrimp MB S.I US (8prlm(l»U DH »-»HI Action Bleach Ajax Liquid Cleaner OtXt&MOBlUE Chowder Clams ^"49° WINDOW CIEANINO HEAVMEAVY DUTY l-lb. 7«« 2J. rfl.b.l lpt.U»i-*70 . bot. ^* UNION'S NIAMtl CHLORINE *oi. •' Shrimp Cocktail *•"•• 3 \: 95° Allot CompUt* MalnUnaflwk OlDSMOBIU TEAR OUT AND SA.VE MCTOIY-DEAlll - Flatr Waxing fl AND MIVICl Dow Handl-Wrap Ajax Cleaner — LISTING FOR A QUICK fc>n Induitry • Star*! Flounder Dinner ^t:X*5 ••.-.- t ,f|« ,__44|i.«|.o___ --. HANDY REFERENCE iH • Olflttl • InilllulKru . or SHRIMP DINNER -... ( 01. ECO w f ; ACE IM«. roll Csp'n Jehn't—Outek Froian pig. ^^ 14 Hr. * lntur*d OF RELIABLE CON- OlDSMOBILE, INC Prlcai affeetlva thru Sat., Fab. 20th In Super TRACTORS. - . OEM WINDOW CIEANINO 1239 Springfield Av«u Ajax Detergent Market* and Self-Servlc^ itorai only In Northern Florieni Aerosol Deodorant P.O. IOX 411 Camir lysm Av». Naw Jartay, Orange 4/nd Roekland Cauntlai. Irvlngton UNION MU 1-J14S Liundry pkg. ..!' ' Ail Tobicco Producdt Frcih Milk uid Alcoholio E5MX Bwtztga exempt {torn Plaid Sump oiler. ^ i s I